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Последнее обновление 21 мая 2012

Число в квадратных скобках в конце заглавия означает инвентарный номер.

Ma X.
Functoriality of real analytic torsion form.Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 1999.-37 p.-bibl.: 28. (IHES/M/99/03) [9988]
Ma Z.-Q.
Yang-Baxter equation and quantum enveloping algebras.-Singapore: World Sci., 1993.-318 p. [11183]
Maass H.
Lectures on modular functions of one complex variable.-Berlin: Springer, 1983.-262 p. [11957]
Maass H.
Siegel's modular forms and Dirichlet series.Berlin: Springer, 1971.-328 p. (Lecture Notes in Math., N 216) [13388]
Mac Lane S.
Categories for the working mathematician.N.-Y.: Springer, 1971.-261 p.-bibl.: p.p. 249-252. [12566, 18079]
Mac Lane S.
Homology.-Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1963.421 p.-bibl.: p.p. 404-412. [16297]
Mac Lane S.
Homology.-N.-Y.: Acad. Press, 1963.-422 p. bibl.: p.p. 406-412. [6045]
Mac Lane S.
Mathematics form and function.-N.-Y.: Springer, 1986.- 476 p.-bibl.: p.p. 457-460. [3278]
Mac Lane S., Moerdijk I.
Sheaves in geometry and logic.-N.-Y.: Springer-Verlag, 1992.-630 p.-bibl.: p.p. 605-614. [16533]
Mackey G.W.
Unitary group representations in physics, probability, and number theory.-London: The Benjamin/Cunnings Publ. Co., 1978.-402 p. [6043]
MacMahon M.P.A.
Combinatorial analysis. Vol. 1, 2.-N.-Y.: Chelsea Publ. Co., 1960.-302+340 p. [16690]
MacPherson R.
Global questions in the topology of singular spaces. Отт.: Intern. Congress Math., Warsaw, 1983, p. 1-36.
MacPherson R., Vilonen K.
Construction elementaire des faisceaux pervers. Отт.: C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Serie 1, t. 299, N 10, p. 443-446.
MacPherson R., Vilonen K.
Elementary construction of perverse sheaves. Отт.: Invent. Math., 1986, v. 84, p. 403-435.
MacPherson R., Vilonen K.
Perverse sheaves with singularities along the y^n = x^m. Отт.: Math. Sci Res. Inst. Berkeley, 1985, MSRI 03508-85, p.1-17.
MacPherson R.D.
Chern classes for singular algebraic varieties. Отт.: p. 423-432.
MacWilliams F.J., Sloane N.J.A.
The theory of error-correcting codes.-Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ. Co., 1977.-762 p.-bibl.: p.p. 703-755. [16306]
Madden R.
Numerical black hole interiors and string cosmology initial conditions.-Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 2000.-35 p. (IHES/P/00/71) [11474]
Maddox I.J.
Elements of functional analysis. 2-nd ed.Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1988.-242 p. [8741]
Madelung E.
Die mathematischen Hilfsmittel des Physikers.-N.-Y.: Dover Publ., 1943.-384 S.-Bibl.: S.S. 367-371. [6048]
Madison symposium on complex analysis
The Madison symposium on complex analysis: Proceedings of the symposium on complex analysis, June 2-7, 1991 at the University of Wisconsin-Madison./A. Nagel, E.L.Stout, ed.-Rhode Island: Amer. Math. Soc., 1992.-478 p. (Contemp. Math., v. 137) [9722]
Madras N.
Lectures on Monte Carlo methods.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 2002.-104 p.-bibl.: 57. [18282]
Madsen I., Milgram R.J.
The classifying spaces for surgery and cobordism of manifolds.-Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1979.-279 p.-bibl.: 160. [6049]
Maergoiz L.S.
Asymptotic characteristics of entire functions and their applications in mathematics and biophysics. 2-nd ed., rev. and enlarged.-Dordrecht: Kluwer Acad. Publ., 2003.-362 p.-bibl.: p.p. 348-360. [14089]
Magid A.R.
Lectures on differential Galois theory.Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 1994.106 p.-bibl.: 16. (Univ. Lect. Ser., v. 7) [8239]
Magneron B.
Involutions complexes et vecteurs spheriques associes pour les groupes de Lie nilpotents reels.-Paris: Soc. Math. France, 1999.-118 p.bibl.: 28. (Asterisque, N 253) [11333]
Magnus W.
Collected papers.-N.-Y.: Springer, 1984.726 p. [12314]
Magnus W., Karras A., Solitar D.
Combinatorial group theory. Presentations of groups in terms of generators and relations.-N.-Y.: Intersci. Publ., 1966.-444p.-bibl.: p.p. 421-435. [16689]
Magurn B.A.
An algebraic introduction to K-theory.-Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2002.-676 p.-bibl.: p.p. 661-669. [14035]
Mahler G.
Physikalische Aufgabensammlung.-Berlin: W. de Gruyter & Co., 1930.-136 S. [6050]
Maillot A.
Decompositions geometriques des varietes de dimension 3.-Strasbourg: IRMA, 2008.-25 p.-bibl.: p.p. 21-25. [18661]
Maisonneuve B.
Systemes regeneratifs.-Paris: Soc. Math. France, 1974.-124 p. (Asterisque, N 15) [9076]
Majda A.
Introduction to PDEs and waves for the atmosphere.-N.-Y.: Courant Inst. Math. Sci., 2003.234 p.-bibl.: 37. [18154]
Majda A.J., Abramov R.V., Grote M.J.
Information theory and stochastics for multiscale nonlinear systems.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 2005.-134 p.-bibl.: 47. [18283]
Majima H.
Asymptotic analysis for integrable connections with singular points.-Berlin:Springer, 1984.-159 p.-bibl.: 86. (Lect. Notes in Math., N 1075) [13446]
Makkai M., Pare R.
Accessible categories: the foundations of categorical theory.-Rhode Island: Amer. Math. Soc., 1989.-176 p. (Contemp. Math. v. 104) [2764]
Malek S.
Fuchsian system, with a reducible monodromy, is meromorphically equivalent to a reducible Fuchsian system.-Strasbourg: IRMA, 2000.-25 p. (Prepubl. IRMA, 2000/09) [12073]
Malek S.
Monodromie de l'equation hypergeometrique.Strasbour: IRMA, 1999.-15 p. (Prepubl. IRMA, N 29) [10426]
Malek S.
On Fuchsiian systems with decomposable mono dromy.-Strasbourg: IRMA, 2001.-14 p. (Prepubl. IRMA, N 06) [13708]
Malek S.
On the reducibility of Birkhoff standard forms. Strasbourg: IRMA, 2002.-14 p. (Prepubl. IRMA, N 10) [13725]
Malek S.
On the reducibility of the Schlesinger equations.-Strasbourg: IRMA, 2001.-22 p. (Prepubl. IRMA, N 37) [13718]
Malek S.
Sur la reductibilite des systemes fuchsiens.Strasbourg: IRMA, 2001.-70 p. (Prepubl. IRMA, N 15) [13711]
Malesic J., Reprovs D.
Continuity-like properties and continuous selections.-Ljubljana: Univ. Ljubljana, 1995. -14. (Preprint, 1995, v. 33, N 461) [8349]
Malgrange B.
Extension of holonomic D-modules. Отт.: Algebraic Analysis, 1988, v. 1, p. 403-411.
Malgrange B.
Modules microdifferentels et classes de Gevrey. Отт.: Math. Anal. Appl., P. B., 1981, p. 513-530.
Malgrange B.
Reduction d'un systeme microdifferentiel aux points generiques. I. Отт.: Compositio Math., 1981, v. 44, N 1-3, p. 133-143.
Malgrange B.
Sur les images directes de D-modules. Отт.: Manuscripta Math., 1985, v. 50, p. 49-71.
Mallios A.
Topological algebras. Selected topics.Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1986.-536 p.-bibl.: p.p. 503-526. (N.-Holl. Math. Stud., v. 124) [9583]
Maltsiniotis G.
La theorie de l'homotopie de Grothendieck.Paris: Soc. Math. France, 2005.-140 p. (Asterisque, N 301) [16709]
Maltsiniotis G.
Privilege numerique uniforme.-Paris: Soc. Math. France, 1991.-368 p.-bibl.: 56. (Asterisque, N 194-195) [5630]
Mane R.
Ergodic theory and differentiable dynamics.Berlin: Springer, 1987.-317 p.-bibl.: p.p. 305-308. (Ergeb. Math. und Grenzgeb., 3. Folge, Bd. 8) [8783]
Manifolds - Amsterdam 1970. Proc. Nuffic Summer School on Manifolds. Amsterdam, August 17-29, 1970. /N.H.Kuiper, ed.-Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1971.232 p. (Lect. Notes in Math. N 197) [18092]
Manin Y.I.
Frobenius manifolds, quantum cohomology, and moduli spaces.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 1999.-303 p.-bibl.: p.p. 285-297. (AMS Colloq. Publ., v. 47) [10465]
Manin Y.I.
Mathematics as metaphor. Selected essays.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 2007.-232 p. [19030]
Manin Y.I.
Topics in noncommutative geometry.-Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1991.-163 p.bibl.: p.p. 157-163. [3305]
Manin Yu.I.
A course in mathematical logic. Transl. from Russian.-N.-Y.: Springer, 1987.-286 p. [67]
Manin Yu.I.
Gauge field theory and complex geometry. Transl. from the Russian.-Berlin: Springer, 1988.-295 p.bibl.: p.p. 287-295. (Grundl. math. Wiss., Bd. 289) [68]
Manly B.F.J.
Multivariate statistical methods: A primer.London: Chahman & Hall, 1986.-159 p. [8746]
Mann E.
Cohomologie quantique orbifolde des espaces projectifs a poids.-Strasbourg: IRMA, 2005.-132 p. (Prepubl. IRMA 2005/17) [17362]
Manna Z.
Mathematical theory of computation.-N.-Y.: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1974.-448 p. [16307]
Manuilov V.M., Mishchenko A.S.
Relations between asymptotic and Fredholm representations.-Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 1997.18 p. (IHES/M/97/74) [9876]
Manuilov V.M., Troitsky E.V.
Hilbert C*-modules.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 2005.-202 p.-bibl.: 137. [18284]
Many-particle hamiltonians: spectra and scattering
Many-particle hamiltonians: spectra and scattering /R.A.Minlos, ed.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 1991.-194 p. (Adv. Sov. Math., v. 5) [2796, 11359]
Mao L.
Smarandache multi-space theory.-Beijing: HEXIS Phoenix, AZ., 2006.-264 p.-bibl.: 110. [18285]
Marchenko V.A.
Nonlinear equations and operator algebras.Dordrecht: Kluwer Acad. Publ., 1988.-157 p.bibl.: 33. (Math. & its Appl) [8429]
Marchuk G.I., Shaidurov V.V.
Difference methods and their extrapolations.N.-Y.: Springer, 1983.-334 p.-bibl.: 146. [11958]
Marcolli M.
Arithmetic noncommutative geometry.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 2005.-136 p.-bibl.: 115. [18286]
Marcus M.
Finite dimensional multilinear algebra. Part 1.N.-Y.: M.Dekker, 1973.-292 p.-bibl.: 46. [16645]
Marcus M.
Finite dimensional multilinear algebra. Part II.N.-Y.: M.Dekker, 1975.-718 p.-bibl.: 309. [16623]
Marcus M., Minc H.
Introduction to linear algebra.-N.-Y.: MacMillan Co., 1965.-261 p. [12014]
Margolis H.R.
Spectra and the Steenrod algebra. Modules over the Steenrod algebra and the stable homotopy category.-Amsterdam: N.-Holl., 1983.489 p.-bibl.: 139 [3014, 12044]
Marinescu G.M.
Espaces vectoriels pseudotopologiques et theorie des distributions.-Berlin: VEB Deutscher Verlag, 1963.-232 p.-bibl.: p.p. 214-229. [18116]
Markarian N.
Poincare-Birkhoff-Witt isomorphism and Riemann-Roch theorem. Отт.: 19 p.
Markl M., Shnider S., Stasheff J.
Operads in algebra, topology and physics.Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 2002.-350 p.bibl.: p.p. 329-338. [18287]
Marklof J.
Spectral from factors of rectangle billiards. -Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 1998.-42 p.-bibl.: 66. (IHES/M/98/14) [9912]
Marklof J.
The n-point correlations between values of a linear form.-Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 1998.-24 p. (IHES/M/98/66) [9963]
Marklof J., Rudnick Z.
Quantum unique ergodicity for parabolic maps.Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 1999.-29 p. (IHES/M/99/01) [9986]
Marsden J.E., Tromba A.J.
Vector calculus.-San Francisco: W.H.Freeman & Co., 1976.-449 p. [6051]
Marshall C.W.
Applied graph theory.-N.-Y.: Wiley-Intersci., 1971.-322 p.-bibl.: 118. [16585]
Marshall M.
Positive polynomials and sums of squares.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 2008.-188 p. (Math. Surv. & Monogr., v. 146) [18977]
Martens M.
The periodic points of renormalization.-N.-Y.: SUNY Stony Brook Inst. Math. Sci., 1996.-40 p. (SUNY Stony Brook Inst. Math. Sci. Preprint 1996/3) [10503]
Martens M., Melo W. de.
The multipliers of periodic points in one-dimensional dynamics.-N.-Y.: SUNY Stony Brook Inst. Math. Sci., 1997.-14 p. (SUNY Stony Brook Inst. Math. Sci. Preprint N 12) [10459]
Martens M., Melo W. de.
Universal models for Lorenz maps.-N.-Y.: SUNY Stony Brook Inst. Math. Sci., 1996.-28 p. (SUNY Stony Brook Inst. Math. Sci. Preprint 1996/12) [10494]
Martens M., Nowicki T.
Invaiant measures for typical quadratic maps.N.-Y.: SUNY Stony Brook Inst. Math. Sci., 1996.14 p.-bibl.: 27. (SUNY Stony Brook Inst. Math. Sci. Preprint 1996/6) [10500]
Marti J.T.
Introduction to the theory of bases.-N.-Y.: Springer-Verlag, 1969.-149 p.-bibl.: p.p. 130-145. [13656]
Martin R.H.
Ordinary differential equations.-N.-Y.: McGraw-Hill Co., 1983.-474 p. [17521]
Martin-Deschamps M., Perrin D.
Construction de courbes lisses: un theoreme a la Bertini.-Paris: LMENS, 1992.-68 p. (LMENS - 92 - 22) [9369]
Martin-Deschamps M., Perrin D.
Courbes gauches et modules de Rao. Отт.: J. reine angew. Math., 1993, Bd. 439, S. 103-145.
Martin-Deschamps M., Perrin D.
Le schema de Hilbert des courbes gauches localement Cohen-Macaulay n'est (presque) jamais reduit. Отт.: Ann. Scient. Ecole Norm. Super., Serie 4, 1996, t. 29, p. 757-785.
Martin-Deschamps M., Perrin D.
Le schema de Hilbert des courbes localement Cohen-Macaulay n'est (presque) jamais coonnexe ni reduit.-Paris: LMENS, 1994.-26 p.-bibl.: 15. (LMENS - 94 - 14) [9392]
Martin-Deschamps M., Perrin D.
Sur la classification des courbes gauches.Paris: Soc. Math. France, 1990.-208 p. (Asterisque, N 184-185) [11286, 11287, 11288]
Martin-Deschamps M., Piene R.
Arithmetically Cohen-Macaulay curves in P^4 of degree 4 anf genus 0. Отт.: Manuscripta Math., 1997, v. 93, p.391-408.
Martinez Alfaro J., Chiralt C.
InvRInt rotational curves in Sitnikov's problem. Отт.: Celestial Mech, & Denam. Astronomy, 1993, v. 55, p. 351-367.
Martinez P.
Stabilisation de systemes distribues semilineaires: domaines presque etoiles et inegalites integrales generalisees.-Strasbourg: IRMA, 1998.-218 p.-bibl.: 79. (Prepubl. IRMA, N 44) [9142]
Maruyama G.
Gisiro Maruyama selected papers /N.Ikeda, H.Tanaka, ed.-Tokyo: Kaigai Publ., 1988.-431 p. [2923]
Masbaum G., Vaintrob A.
A new matrix-tree theorem.-Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 2001.-28 p. (IHES/M/01/43) [12174]
Mascart H., Stoka M.
Algebre lineaire et applications. t. 1: Exercises et corriges.-Paris: Press Univ. France, 1984.-196 p. [8742]
Mascart H., Stoka M.
Algebre lineaire et applications. t. 2: Exercises et corriges.-Paris: Press Univ. France, 1985.-254 p. [8743]
Mascart H., Stoka M.
Fonctions d'une variable reelle. t. 2: Exercices et corriges.-Paris: Pree. Univ. de France, 1986.-197 p. [11959]
Mascart H., Stoka M.
Fonctions d'une variable reelle. t. 4: Exercices et corriges.-Paris: Press. Univ. de France, 1988.-254 p. [11961]
Mascart H., Stoka M.
Fonctions d'une variable reelle. t. 5: Exercices et corriges.-Paris: Press. Univ. de France, 1988.-174 p. [11962]
Mascart H., Stoka M.
Fonctions d'une variable reelle: (equations differentielles). t. 3: Exercices et corriges.Paris: Press. Univ. de France, 1987.-209 p. [11960]
Maskit B.
Kleinian groups.-Berlin: Springer, 1988.326 p.-bibl.: 104. (Grundlehr. math. Wiss., Bd. 287) [3237]
Maslen D.K.
The efficient computation of Fourier transforms on the symmetric group.-Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 1996.-24 p. (IHES/M/96/52) [9464]
Maslov V.P.
Operational methods. Transl. from the Russian.-M.: Mir Publ., 1973.-559 p. [3189]
Mason R.C.
Diophantine equations over function fields.Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1969.-125 p.bibl.: 47. (London Math. Soc. Lect. Note Ser., V. 96) [69]
MASS Selecta.
MASS selecta: teaching and learning advanced undergraduate mathematics. /S.Katok, A.Sossinsky, S.Tabachnikov, ed.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 2003.-313p. [14390, 16500]
Masser D.
Elliptic functions and transcendence.-Berlin: Springer, 1975.-143 p. (Lect. Notes in Math., v. 437) [15375]
Massey W.S.
Algebraic topology: an introduction.-N.-Y.: Harcourt, Brace & World, 1967.-261 p. [6052]
Masson G., Shapiro B.
On polynomial eigenfunctions of d^k/dx^k Q(x).Bures-sur-Yvette: IHES, 2001.-13 p. (IHES/M/01/04) [11487]
Masur H., Minsky Y.
Geometry of the complex of curves. I: Hyperbolicity.-N.-Y.: SUNY Stony Brook Inst. Math. Sci., 1996.-39 p.-bibl.: 39. (SUNY Stony Brook Inst. Math. Sci.Preprint 1996/11) [10495]
Math. en Jeans"
Math. en Jeans": Les actes du congres de Strasbourg, 20-21 avril, 1991.-120 p. [3034]
Math. en Jeans" au Palais de decouverte
Math. en Jeans" au Palais de decouverte: 11-14 avril, Congres, 1992.-190 p. [3033]
Mathematical analysis, wavelets, and signal
Mathematical analysis, wavelets, and signal processing: an international conference on mathematical analysis and signal processing January 3-9, 1994, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt /M.E.H.Ismail et al., ed.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 1995.-354 p. (Contemp. Math., v. 190) [9477]
Mathematical analysis...
Mathematical analysis and applications. Essays dedicated to Laurent Schwartz on the occasion of his 65th birthday. Part A. /L.Nachbin, ed.-N.-Y.: Acad. Press, 1981.-416 p. [12015]
Mathematical analysis...
Mathematical analysis and applications. Essays dedicated to Laurent Schwartz on the occation of his 65th birthday. Part B. /L.Nachbin, ed.-N.-Y.: Acad. Press, 1981.-791 p. [12016]
Mathematical analysis...
Mathematical analysis in questions and problems. Tranls. from Russian.-Moscow: Mir Publ., 1984.-271 p. [2316]
Mathematical aspects of classical field theory
Mathematical aspects of classical field theory: Proceedings of the AMS-IMS-SIAM joint summer research conference, July 20-26, 1991. /M.J. Gotay, J.E. Marsden, ed.-Rhode Island: Amer. Math. Soc., 1992.-644 p.(Contemp. Math., v. 132) [9717]
Mathematical aspects of conformal and topological
Mathematical aspects of conformal and topological field theories and quantum groups:FMS-IMS-SIAM summer research conference, June 13-19,1992, Mount Holyoke College /P.J.Sally et al...ed.-Rhode Island: Amer. Math. Soc., 1994. -268 p. (Contemp. Math., v. 175) [7643]
Mathematical aspects...
Mathematical aspects od superspace. /H.-J.Seifert, C.J.S.Clarke, A.Rosenblum, ed.-Dordrecht: D.Reidel Publ. Co., 1984.-214 p. [11963]
Mathematical biology.
Mathematical biology. /M.A.Lewis, M.A.J.Chaplain, et al., ed.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 2009.-398 p. [19002]
Mathematical developments arising from linear program
Mathematical developments arising from linear programming: Proc. research conf.,Bowdoin College, June 25-July 1, 1988 / J.C.Lagarias, M.J.Todd, ed.-Rhode Island: Amer. Math. Soc., 1990.-341 p. (Contemp. Math., v. 114) [2773]
Mathematical developments...
Mathematical developments arising from Hilbert problems.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 1976.-310 p. (Proc. Symp. Pure Math., v. 28, p. 1) [6450, 13589]
Mathematical developments...
Mathematical developments arising from Hilbert problems.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 1976.-311-628 p. (Proc. Symp. Pure Math. v. 28, p. 2) [6451, 13343]
Mathematical economics...
Mathematical economics: Lect. given 2nd 1986 Sess., Montecatini Terme, June 25 - July 3, 1986. /A.Ambrosetti et al..., ed.-Berlin: Springer, 1988.-137 p. (Lect. Notes in Math., v. 1330) [6355]
Mathematical heritage...
The mathematical heritage of Henri Poincare.Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 1983.-435 p. (Proc. Symp. Pure Math., v. 39, p. 1) [12299]
Mathematical heritage...
The mathematical heritage of Henri Poincare.Providence: Amer. Math. Soc., 1983.-470 p. (Proc. Symp. Pure Math., v. 39, p. 2) [12300]
Mathematical legacy of Wilhelm Magnus
The mathematical legacy of Wilhelm Magnus. Groups, geometry and special functions: Conference, May 1-3, 1992, Polytechnic University, Brooklin, New York /W.Abikoff, J.S.Birman,K.Kuiken, ed.-Rhode Island: Amer. Math. Soc., 1994. -500. (Contemp. Math., v. 169) [5758]
Mathematical logic...
Mathematical logic and applications: Proc. Log. Meet., Kyoto, 1987. /J.Shinoda et al..., ed.-Berlin: Springer, 1989.-222 p. (Lect. Notes in Math., v. 1388) [6396]
Mathematical modeling...
Mathematical modeling in combustion and related topics. /C.M.Brauner, C.Schmidt-Laine, ed.-Dordrecht: M.Nijhoff Publ., 1988.-592 p. [7895]
Mathematical modelling.
Mathematical modelling. A case studies approach. /R.Illner, C.S.Bohun et all., ed.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 2005 p.196 p. [18288]
Mathematical morphology...
Mathematical morphology and its applications to image processing. /J.Serra, P.Soille, ed.Dordreche: Kluwer Acad. Publ., 1994.-383 p. [7898]
Mathematical problems in the theory of water waves
Mathematical problems in the theory of water waves: Workshop, May 15-19, 1995, Luminy, France /F.Dias et al..., ed.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 1996.-235 p. (Contemp. Math., v. 200) [3227]
Mathematical problems of statistical mechanics
Mathematical problems of statistical mechanics and dynamics. A collection of surveys /R.L.Dobrushin, ed.- Dordrecht: D.Reidel Pulb. Co., 1986.-262 p. (Math. and its Appl.) [5821]
Mathematical problems of statistical mechanics
Mathematical problems of statistical mechanics. Collection of papers /Ya.G.Sinai, ed.Singapore: World Scient., 1991.-353 p. [3100]
Mathematical quantum theory I
Mathematical quantum theory I: field theory and many-body theory /J.Feldman, R.Froese, L.M.Rosen, ed.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 1994.-234 p. (CRM Proc.& Lect. Notes, v.7.) [7626]
Mathematical quantum theory II
Mathematical quantum theory II: Schrodinger operators /J.Feldman,R.Froese,L.M.Rosen, ed.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 1995. -304 p. (CRM Proc.& Lect. Notes, v. 8) [8653, 9054]
Mathematics 1
Mathematics 1. Japanese grade 10 /K.Kodaira, ed.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 1996.-247 p. (Math. World, v. 8) [2924, 2925]
Mathematics 2
Mathematics 2. Japanese grade 11 /K.Kodaira, ed.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 1997.-262 p. (Math. World, v. 9) [3192]
Mathematics and culture.
Mathematics and culture IV. /M.Emmer, ed.Berlin: Springer, 2007. [18289]
Mathematics and its general relativity
Mathematics and its general relativity: Proc. AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Res. Conf., June 22-28, 1986 /J.A.Isenberg, ed.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 1988.-367 p. (Contemp. Math., v. 71) [3283]
Mathematics and social utopias...
Mathematics and social utopias in France. Olinde Rodrigues and his times. /S.Altman, E.L.Ortiz, ed.-Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 2005.-168 p. [18290]
Mathematics Colloquium.
Mathematics Colloquium of the University of Cape Town. v. IX.-Cape Town: Univ. Cape Town, 1974.-190 p. [6053]
Mathematics Colloquium.
Mathematics Colloquium of the University of Cape Town. v. X. 1975-1976.-Cape Town: Univ. Cape Town, 1976.-129 p. [6054]
Mathematics Colloquium.
Mathematics Colloquium of the University of Cape Town. v. XI.-Cape Town: Univ. Cape Town, 1977.-192 p. [6055]
Mathematics education...
Mathematics education in Japan.-Tokyo: Jap. Soc. Math, Educ., 2000.-400 p. [11192]
Mathematics of computation 1943-1993
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Rambler's Top100