Äîêóìåíò âçÿò èç êýøà ïîèñêîâîé ìàøèíû. Àäðåñ îðèãèíàëüíîãî äîêóìåíòà : http://www.mccme.ru/dfc/2012/Program2/Przhijalkowski_publications.pdf
Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Tue Oct 16 10:40:06 2012
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Mon Feb 4 20:05:32 2013

Ïîèñêîâûå ñëîâà: ultraviolet
Victor V. Przyjalkowski LIST OF PUBLICATIONS
"Modularity of Fano threefolds" (with C. Doran, L. Katzarkov, and J. Lewis), in preparation. "Pro jecting Fanos in the mirror" (with I. Cheltsov and L. Katzarkov), in preparation. "Birational geometry via moduli spaces" (with I. Cheltsov and L. Katzarkov), to appear in "Birational geometry, rational curves, and arithmetic -- Simons symposium 2012". "Landau­Ginzburg models -- old and new" (with L. Katzarkov), Proceedings of the 18th Gokova geometry­topology conference, Gokova, Turkey. Cambridge, MA: International Press. 97­124 (2011). "Toric Degenerations of Fano Threefolds Giving Weak Landau­Ginzburg Models" (with N. Ilten and J. Lewis), accepted to Journal of Algebra, arXiv:1102.4664. "Double solids, categories and non-rationality" (with A. Iliev and L. Katzarkov), accepted to Proceedings of the EMS, Shokurov volume, arXiv:1102.2130. "Hori­Vafa mirror models for complete intersections in weighted pro jective spaces and weak LandauGinzburg models", Cent. Eur. J. Math., 2011, 9(5), 972­977, arXiv:1003.5200. "Weak Landau­Ginzburg models for smooth Fano threefolds", accepted to Izv. Math., Shafarevich volume. Parts of the paper see in "Hodge numbers of Fano threefolds via Landau­Ginzburg models", arXiv:0911.5428, and "Weak Landau­Ginzburg models for smooth Fano threefolds", arXiv:0902.4668. "Generalized Homological Mirror Symmetry and cubics", Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., vol. 264, 87­95 (with L. Katzarkov). "Mirror symmetry for Fano threefolds of rank 1", Theses of international algebraic conference Kurosh­100, MSU, Moscow, 2008. Thesis "Gromov­Witten invariants of Fano varieties" (in Russian). "Minimal Gromov­Witten ring", Izv. arXiv:0710.4084. Math., 2008, 72:6, 1253­1272,

"On Landau­Ginzburg models for Fano varieties", Comm. Num. Th. Phys., Vol. 1, No. 4, 713­728, 2008, arXiv:0707.3758. "Quantum cohomology of smooth complete intersections in weighted pro jective spaces and singular toric varieties", Math. Sb., 198 (9), 107­122, arXiv:math/0507232. "Gromov­Witten invariants of Fano threefolds of genera 6 and 8", Math. Sb., 198 (3), 145­158, 2007, arXiv:math/0410327.

"Hyperelliptic and trigonal Fano threefolds" Izv. Math., 2005, 69 (2), 365­421, arXiv:math/0406143 (with I. Cheltsov and K. Shramov). "Gromov­Witten invariants of smooth Fano threefolds" (Theses of young researcher's conference "Lomonosov­2004", Meth. Math. MSU, Moscow, 2004, 94­95). "Gromov-Witten invariants of some Fano threefolds" (Proceedings of young researcher's conference "Lomonosov­2004", Meth. Math. MSU, Moscow, 2004, (2) 185­ 189).