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Поисковые слова: aurora
Я. И. Фельдштейн, Ю. И. Гальперин , ч.6 Список литературы


Я. И. Фельдштейн, Ю. И. Гальперин



1. Winningham J.D., Yasukara F., Akasofu S.-i.. Heikkila W.J. The Latitlidinal Morphology of 10-ev to 10-kev Electron Fluxes during Magnetically Quiet and Disturbed Times in the 2100-0300 MLT Sector // J. Geophys. Res. 1975. V. 80. P. 3148-3171.

2. Feldsiein Ya.I., Galperin Yu.I. The Auroral Luminosity Structure in the High-Latitude Upper Atmosphere: Its Dynamics and Relationship to the Large-Scale Structure of the Earth's magnetosphere // Rev. Geophys. Space Phys. 1985. V. 23. ?3. P. 217-275.

3. Newell P.T., Feldstein Ya.I.. Galperin YuIl., Meng C.-I. The Morphology of Nightside Precipitation // J. Geophys. Res. 1995. V. 100.

4. Galperin Y.I.. Feldsiein Y.I. Mapping of the Precipitation Region to the Plasma Sheet// J. Geomag. Geoelectr. 1996.

5. Yamamoti T. .Kaneda E.. Hayakawu H. et al. Meridional Structures of Electric Potentials Relevant to Premidnight Discrete Auroras: A Case Study from Akebono measurements // J. Geophys. Res. 1993. V. 9S. P. 11135-11151.

6. Nishida A., Mukai T., Yamamolo T. et al. GEOTAIL Observation of Magnetospheric Convection in the Distant Tail at 200 Re in Quiet Times // Preprint. 1995. P. 1-47.

7. Nishida A., Mukai Т., Yamumolo T. el al. GEOTAIL Observations on the Reconnection Process in the Distant TailinGeoinagneticallyActiveTiines// Preprint. 1995. P. 1-13.

8. Вальчук Т.Е., Гальперин Ю.И., Кранье Дж. и др. Диффузная авроральная зона. Широтная картина высыпания авроральных частиц в ионосферу и структура плазменного слоя в хвосте магнитосферы // Космич. исслед. 1979. Т. 17. ? 4. С. 559-579.

9. Galperin Yu.I., Feldslein Ya.I. Auroral Luminosity and Its Relationship to Magnetospheric Plasma Domains // Auroral Physics / Ed. by Meng. C.-L, Ryeroft M.J. and Frank L.A. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1991. P. 207-222.

10. Frank L.A. Relationship of the Plasma Sheet, Ring Current, Trapping Boundary and Plasmapause near the Magnetic Equator at Local Midnight // J. Geophys. Res. 1971. V. 76. P. 2265-2275.

11. Fukunishi H., Takohashi Y., Nagatsuma T. et al. latitudinal Structures of Nightside Field-Aligned Currents and Their Relationships to the Plasma Sheet Regions // J. Geophys. Res. 1993. V. 98. P. 11235-1 1255.

12. Гальперин Ю. И., Фельдштейн Я.И. Диффузная авроральная зона X. Диффузная авроральная зона, овал дискретных форм полярных сияний и диффузное свечение к полюсу от овала в ночном секторе как проекции плазменных доменов в хвосте магнитосферы // Космич. исслед. 1989. Т. 27. .? 6. С. 890-901.

13. Galperin Yu.I., Gladyshev V.A., Jorjio N.V. e! al. Adiabatic Acceleration Induced by Convection in the Plasma Sheet // J. Geophys. Res. 1978. V. S3. P. 2567-2573.
14. Feldstein Ya.I., Starkov G.V. The Auroral Oval and the Boundary of Closed Field Lines of Geomagnetic Field // Planet. Space Sci. 1970. V, 18. P. 501-508.

15. Deehr C.S., Winningham J.D., Yasuhara F., Akasofu S.-I. . Simultaneous Observations of Discrete and Diffuse Auroras by the ISIS-2 Satellite and Airborne Instruments // J. Geophys. Res, 1976. V. 81. P. 5527-5535.

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17. Wlnningham I.D. PR/BPS/CPS/VA // First Intemat. Confer. Substorm 1. Kiruna, 1992. Oral presentation.

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22. Lyons L.R. Discrete Auroral and Magnetospheric Processes // Auroral Physics/ Eds. Meng C.-I. Rycrott M.J., and L.A. Frank.// Cambridge UP. Cambridge, 1991. P. 195-205.

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25. Lyons L.R., Nishida A. Description of Subsiorms in the Tail Incorporating Boundary Layer and Neutral Line Effects // Geophys. Res. Lett. 1988. V. 15. P. 1337-1340.

26. Goertz C.K., Smith R.A. The Thermal Catastrophe Model of Substorms // J. Geophys. Res. 1989. V. 94. P. 6581-6598.

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28. Feldstein Ya.I. Substorm Current Systems and Auroral Dynamics// Magnerospheric Substorms / Ed. by J.K. Kan, T.A. Potemra, S. Kokubun, T. lijima. Amer. Geophys. Union, 1991. P. 29-41 .

29. Elphinstone R.D., Hearn D.I. The Auroral Distribution and Its Relation to Magnetospheric Processes // Adv. Space Res. 1993. V. 13. ?4. P. 17-27.

30. Etphinstone R.D., Murphree J.S., Hearn DJ. et al. The Double Oval UV Auroral Distribution: 1. Implications for the Mapping of Auroral Arcs // J. Geophys. Res. 1995. V. 100. ?7. P. 12075-12092, 31. Takahashi K., Hones E.W., ISEE I and 2 0bservatюns of the Ion Distributions at the Plasma Sheet-Tail Lobe Boundary //J. Geophys. Res. 1988. V. 93. P. 8558-8582.

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36. Ковражкин Р.А, Боске Ю.М., Зеленьй Л.М. Обнаружение свидетельств пересоединения и ускорения плазмы на расстоянии 0.5 млн. км в хвосте магнитосферы Земли // Письма в ЖЭТФ. 1987. Т. 45. С. 377-340.

37. ZelenyiL. М., KovrazhkinR. A., Bosqued J.-M. Velocity-Dispersed Ion Beams in the Nightside Auroral Zone: AUREOL-3 Observations // J. Geophys. Res. 1990. V. 95. P. 12119-12139.<BR>
38. Bosqued J.M., Ashour-Abdalla М.. ElAlaoui М. e.t al. Dispersed Ion Structure at the Poleward Edge of the Aurora Oval: Low-Altitude Observations and Numerical Modeling // J. Gcophys. Res. 1993. V. 98, ? 11. p. 19181-19204.

39. Frank L.A., Craven J.D. Imaging Results from Dy- namics Explorel-l // Rev. Geophys. 1988. V. 26. P. 249-283.

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41. Reiff P.H., Collin H.L., Craven D. et al. Determination of Auroral Electrostatic Potentials using High- and Low- Altitude Distributions // J. Geophys. Res. 1988. V. 93, ? 7. P. 7441 -7465.

42. Feldsein Ya.I., Galperin Yu.I. An Alternative Interpretation of Auroral Precipitation and Luminosity Observations from the DE, DMSP, AUREOL, and Viking Satellites in Terms of Their Mapping io the Nighlside Magnefosphere // J. Atmos. Terr. Phys. 1993. V. 55. P. 105-121.

43. Newell P.T., Wing S., Meng C.-/., Sigillito S. The Auroral Oval Position, Structure and Intensity of Precipitation from 1984 Onwards: an Automated Online Data Base// J. Geophys. Res. 1991. V. 96. P. 5877-5882.

44. Sanchez E.R., Mauk B.H., Newell P.T. Meng C.I. Low- Allitlide Observations of the Evolution of Substorm Injection Boundaries //J. Geophys. Res. 1993. V. 98. ?4. P. 5815-583S.

45. Potemra T.A. Large-Scale Characlerisic of Field-Aligned Currents Determined from the TRIAD Magnetomer Experiment // Dynamical and Chemical Coupling between Neutral and Ionized Atmosphere / Eds. B. Grandal, LA. Holtel. Dordrecht-Boston, 1977. P. 337-352.

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48. Fujii К., Hoffman R.A., Anderson P.C. et al. Electrodynamic Parametersin the Nighttime Sector during Auroral Substorms //J. Geophys. Res. 1994, V. 99. ?4. P. 6093-6112.

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50. Feldstein Ya.I., Starkov G.V. Dynamics of Auroral Belt and Polar Geomagnetic Disturbances // Planet. Space Sci. 1967. V. 15. ? 2. P. 209-230.

51. Elphinstone R.D., Hearn D.J., Cogger L.L. et al. Double Oval UV Auroral Distribution: Implications for the Substorm Processes // Substorms 2. Proceedings Second Intern. Confer. Substorms / Ed. J.R. Kan. J.D. Craven, S.-l. Akasofu. 1994. P. 413-420.

52. Feldstein Ya.I., Neweil P.T., Sandahl I. el al. Structure of Auroral Precipitation during a Theta-Aurora from Multi- satellite Observations, // J. Geophys. Res. 1995. V. 100. P. 17429-17442.

53. Lyons L.R. Inferences Concerning the Magnetospheric Source Region for Auroral Breakup // SUBSTORMS-1 . Proceedings of the First International Conference on Substorms (ICS-l), ESASP-335/Ed B.Hultqvist, 1992. P. 257-261.

54. Samson I.C., Lуons L.R., Newell P.T. el al. Proton Aurora and Substorm Intensifications // Geophys. Res. Lett. 1992. V. 19. P. 2167-2170.

55. Bythrow P.F., Potemra T.A. Birkeland Currents and Energetic Particles Associated with Auroral Signatures of a Westward Traveling Surge // J. Geophys. Res. 1987. V. 92. P. 8691-8699.

56. Iijima Т.. Watanabe M., Potemra Т.H. et al. The Relationship between Ion and Electron Precipiration Patterns and Field-Aligned Current Systems during a Substorm //Magnetospheric Substorms, Ed. by J.R. Kan, T.A. Potemra. S.Kokubun, T. lijima. Amer. Geophys. Union, 1991. P. 97-110.

57. Ujima Т.. Potemra T.A.. Zanetti L.I. Large-Scale Characteristics of Magnetospheric Equatorial Currents // J. Geophys. Res. 1990. V. 95. P. 991-999.

58. Elphinstone R.D., HearnD., Murphree J.S.,Cogger L.L. Mapping using the Tsyganenko Long Magnetospheric Model and Its Relationship to Viking Auroral Images // 1. Geophys. Res. 1991, V. 96, P. 1467-1480.

59. Tsyganenko N. A. Global Quantitative Models of the Geomagnetic Field in the Cislunar Magtietosphere for Different Disturbance Levels // Planet. Space Sci. 1987. V. 35. P. 1347-1358.

60, Elphinstone R.D., Murphree I.S., Hearn D et al. The Auroral Distribution and its Mapping According to Substorm Phase // J. Atmos. Terr. Phys. 1993. V. 55. P. 1741-1762.

61. Ashour-Abdalla M.. Berchem J.P., Buchner ./., ZelenyiLM. Shaping of the Magnetotail from the Mantle: Global and Local Structuring // J. Geophys. Res. 1993. V. 98. P. 5651-5676,

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65. Feldstein Ya.I., Galperin Yu.I. Comments on the Paper "Low-Energy Particle Layer Outside t

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