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Дата индексирования: Sat Apr 9 23:14:15 2016
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Most important latest publications
1997 Chmyrev V.M., Isaev N.V., Serebryakova O.N., Sorokin V.M., Sobolev Ya.P., 1997. Small-scale plasma inhomogeneities and correlated ELF emissions in the ionosphere over an earthquake region. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics. V.59. P.967-974. (pdf)
1998 Sorokin V.M., Chmyrev V.M., Isaev N.V., 1998. The generation model of small-scale geomagnetic field-aligned plasma inhomogeneities in the ionosphere. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics. V.60. P.1331 - 1342. (pdf)
  • Сорокин В.М., Чмырев В.М., 1999. О неустойчивости акустогравитационных волн в ионосфере под действием электрического поля. Геомагнетизм и аэрономия. Т.39. ?5. С.38 - 45.
  • Sorokin V.M., Cherny G.P., 1999. It is quite possible to monitor typhoons from outer space. Aerospace courier. ?3. P.84-87.
  • Сорокин В.М., Ященко А.К., 1999. Возмущение проводимости и электрического поля в слое Земля-ионосфера  над очагом готовящегося землетрясения. Геомагнетизм и аэрономия. Т.39. ?2. С.100 - 106.
  • Chmyrev V.M., Sorokin V.M., Pokhotelov O.A., 1999. Theory of small scale plasma density inhomogeneities and ULF/ELF magnetic field oscillations excited in the ionosphere prior to earthquakes. Atmospheric and Ionospheric Electromagnetic Phenomena Associated with Earthquakes. Ed. M. Hayakawa., Terra Scientific Publishing Company (TERRAPUB), Tokyo. P.759 - 776.
  • SorokinV.M., Chmyrev V.M., 1999. The Physical Model of Electromagnetic and Plasma Response of the Ionosphere on the Pre-earthquake Processes. Atmospheric and Ionospheric Electromagnetic Phenomena Associated with Earthquakes. Ed. M. Hayakawa., Terra Scientific Publishing Company (TERRAPUB), Tokyo. P.819 - 828.
  • Sorokin V.M., Chmyrev V.M., 1999. Modification of the Ionosphere by Seismic Related Electric Field. Atmospheric and Ionospheric Electromagnetic Phenomena Associated with Earthquakes. Ed. M. Hayakawa., Terra Scientific Publishing Company (TERRAPUB), Tokyo. P.805 - 818.
  • Sergeev I.Yu., Sorokin V.M., Yashchenko A.K., 2000. Low-frequency radiation from an axisymmetric current in an ionospheric plasma. Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics. V.43. P.619-625.
  • Sorokin V. M., Chmyrev V. M., Hayakawa M., 2000. The formation of ionosphere - magnetosphere ducts over the seismic zone. Planetary and Space Science. V.48. P.175-180. (pdf)
  • Sorokin V., Yaschenko A., 2000. Electric field disturbance in the Earth - ionosphere layer. Advances in Space Research. V.26. P.1219-1223. (pdf)
  • Sorokin V.M., Yaschenko A.K., 2000. Perturbation of a quasi-steady electric field in the atmosphere above seismically active areas. Chem. Phys. Reports. V.19. P.1189-1208.
  • Сорокин В.М., Чмырев В.М.,  Ященко А.К., 2001. Возмущение электрического поля в слое Земля - ионосфера при инжекции заряженных аэрозолей. Геомагнетизм и аэрономия. Т.41. ? 2. С.187-194.
  • Сорокин В.М., Чмырев В.М.,  Ященко А.К., 2001. Ультранизкочастотные колебания магнитного поля на поверхности Земли, генерируемые горизонтальными неоднородностями ионосферной проводимости. Геомагнетизм и аэрономия., Т.41, ? 3. С.327-331.
  • Sorokin V.M., Chmyrev V.M., Yaschenko A.K., 2001. Electrodynamic model of the lower atmosphere and the ionosphere coupling. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics. V.63, N.16, P.1681-1691. (pdf)
  • Исаев Н.В., Сорокин В.М., Чмырев В.М., Серебрякова О.Н., 2002. Электрические поля в ионосфере связанные с морскими штормами и тайфунами. Геомагнетизм и аэрономия. Т.42, ?5. С.670-675.
  • Исаев Н.В., Сорокин В.М., Чмырев В.М., Серебрякова О.Н., Ященко А.К., 2002.  Возмущение электрического поля в ионосфере морскими штормами и тайфунами. Космические исследования. Т.40, ?6. С.591-597.
  • Isaev N.V., Sorokin V.M., Chmyrev V.M., Serebryakova O.N.,  Ovcharenko O.Ya., 2002. Electric field enhancement in the ionosphere above tropical storm region. Seismo Electromagnetics. Lithosphere - Atmosphere - Ionosphere Coupling. Eds. M. Hayakawa and O.A. Molchanov. TERRAPUB. Tokyo. P.313-315.
  • Sorokin V.M., Chmyrev V.M., Yaschenko A.K., 2002. Ionospheric generation mechanism of seismic related ULF magnetic pulsations observed on the earth surface. Seismo Electromagnetics. Lithosphere - Atmosphere - Ionosphere Coupling. Eds. M. Hayakawa and O.A. Molchanov. TERRAPUB. Tokyo. P.209-214.
  • Sorokin V.M., Chmyrev V.M., 2002. Electrodynamic model of ionospheric precursors of earthquakes and certain types of disasters. Geomagnetism and aeronomy. V.42. #6. P.784-792. (pdf)
  • Sorokin V.M., Chmyrev V.M., Yaschenko A.K., 2003. Ionospheric generation mechanism of geomagnetic pulsations observed on the Earth's surface before earthquake. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics. V.64. P.21-29. (pdf)
  • Сергеев И.Ю., Сорокин В.М., Ященко А.К., 2003.  Электромагнитное поле сферически симметричной ударной волны взрыва в ионосфере. Геомагнетизм и аэрономия. Т.43, ?6, С.1-9.
2004 Sorokin V.M., Fedorov E.N., Schekotov A.Yu., Molchanov O.A., Hayakawa M., 2004.    Depression of the ULF geomagnetic pulsation related to ionospheric irregularities. Annals of Geophysics. V.47. No1. P.191-198. (pdf)
  • Sorokin V.M., Isaev N.V., Yaschenko A.K, Chmyrev V.M., and Hayakawa M., 2005. Strong DC electric field formation in the low latitude ionosphere over typhoons. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 67, 1269-1279. (pdf)
  • Sorokin V.M., Chmyrev V.M., Yaschenko A.K., 2005. Theoretical model of DC electric field formation in the ionosphere stimulated by seismic activity. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 67, 1259-1268. (pdf)
  • Sorokin V.M., and Pokhotelov O.A., 2005. Gyrotropic waves in the mid-latitude ionosphere. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 67, 921-930. (pdf)
  • Sorokin V.M., Yaschenko A.K., Chmyrev V.M., and Hayakawa M., 2005. DC electric field amplification in the mid-latitude ionosphere over seismically active faults. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 5, 661-666. (pdf)
  • Сергеев И.Ю., Сорокин В.М., 2005. Механизм формирования узкополосного спектра низкочастотного электромагнитного возмущения, регистрируемого на поверхности Земли во время запусков космических аппаратов. Геомагнетизм и аэрономия. Т.45.  ?4. С.520-525.
  • Sorokin V.M., Chmyrev V.M., and Yaschenko A.K., 2006. Possible DC electric field in the ionosphere related to seismicity. Advances in Space Research. V.37. P.666-670.
  • Sorokin V.M., Yaschenko A.K., Chmyrev V.M., Hayakawa M., 2006. DC electric field formation in the mid-latitude ionosphere over typhoon and earthquake regions. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth. V.31. P.454-461.
  • Sorokin V.M., Yaschenko A.K., and Hayakawa M., 2006.  Formation mechanism of the lower ionosphere disturbances by the atmosphere electric current over a seismic region. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics. V.68. P.1260-1268.
  • Sorokin V.M.,  Sergeev I.Yu., Yaschenko A.K., 2006. Electromagnetic field generation by explosion in the ionosphere. Advances in Space Research. V.38. No.11. P.2511-2515.
  • Sorokin V.M., Yaschenko A.K., Chmyrev V.M., Hayakawa M., 2006. DC electric field amplification in the mid-latitude ionosphere over seismically active faults. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth. V.31. P.447-453.
  • Sorokin V.M., Yaschenko A.K., Hayakawa M., 2007. A perturbation of DC electric field caused by light ion adhesion to aerosols during the growth in seismic-related atmospheric radioactivity // Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences. V.7.  P.155-163. (pdf)
  • Sorokin V.M., 2007. Plasma and electromagnetic effects in the ionosphere related to the dynamic of charged aerosols in the lower atmosphere. Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry. V.1. No2. P.138-170. (PCHB138.pdf)
  • Sorokin V.M., Yaschenko A.K., Hayakawa M., 2007. Electric field perturbation caused by an increase in conductivity related to seismicity-induced atmospheric radioactivity growth. Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B. V.1. No6. P.644-648. (pdf)
  • Sorokin V.M., Chmyrev V.M., Yaschenko A.K., 2007. On the stress-strain state of film structures in space at electrodynamic deployment. Cosmic Research. V.45. No6. P.506-512. (pdf)
  • Сергеев И.Ю., Сорокин В.М., Ященко А.К., 2008. Электромагнитные и плазменные эффекты полета ракеты носителя. Геомагнетизм и аэрономия. Т.48. ?1. С.49-59.
  • Chmyrev V.M., Sorokin V.M., Shklyar D.R., 2008. VLF transmitter signals as a possible tool for detection of seismic effects on the ionosphere. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics. V.70. P.2053-2060. (pdf)
  • Сорокин В.М., Ященко А.К.,  Hayakawa M., 2008. On the generation of narrow-banded ULF/ELF pulsations in the lower ionospheric conducting layer. Journal of Geophysical Research. V.113. A06306. (pdf)
  • Sorokin V. M., Sergeev I. Yu., Pokhotelov O. A., 2009. Low latitude gyrotropic waves in a finite thickness ionospheric conducting layer. Journal of Atmosphere and Solar - Terrestrial Physics. V.71. P.175-179. (pdf)
  • Лаптухов А.И.,  Сорокин В.М.,  Ященко А.К., 2009. Возмущение D-области ионосферы электрическим током атмосферно - ионосферной электрической цепи. Геомагнетизм и аэрономия. Т.49. ?6. С.805-811.
  • Сорокин В.М. Гиротропные волны. Энциклопедия низкотемпературной плазмы. Гл.ред. В.Е. Фортов. Серия Б. Ионосферная плазма. Часть 1. С.318-323.