May 11-13, 1993
Figure 1 (68 KB). The modified Nobeyama
radio heliograms of May 11-13, 1993 at 17 GHz showing a transequatorial
microwave chain coinciding partly with the boundary of the soft X-ray coronal
hole observed with the Yohkoh/SXT.
Figure 2 (62 KB). The modified Nobeyama
radio heliograms of May 11-12, 1993 illustrating the transient large-scale
chain activity following the C2.1 LDE event being a proxy of a CME.
Movie: This movie shows development of the transient microwave large-scale
chain activity as observed with the Nobeyama Radioheliograph at 17 GHz
on May 11-12, 1993 following the C2.1 LDE event (see Figure 2). During
several hours the additional transient chains developed and spanned a large
area of the disk between the CH-associated chain (Figure 1) and the W limb.
movie (337 KB), NRH, 17 GHz
movie (141 KB), NRH, 17 GHz
November 1-2, 1993
Figure 3 (71 KB). An example of a
long-living transequatorial microwave chain coinciding with the SW boundary
of a large CH observed with the Nobeyama Radioheliograph and Yohkoh/SXT,
respectively, on November 11-13, 1993.
Figure 4 (77 KB). The modified Nobeyama
radio heliograms of November 1-2, 1993 illustrating the transient
large-scale chain activity following the C3.2 LDE event indicative of a
Movie: This movie shows development of the CH-associated chain
and transient microwave large-scale chain activity as observed with the
Nobeyama Radioheliograph at 17 GHz on November 11-12, 1993 following the
C3.2 LDE event (see Figure 4). During several hours the additional transient
chains developed, especially around the LDE course.
movie (250 KB), NRH, 17 GHz
movie (115 KB), NRH, 17 GHz
December 16-17, 1997
Figure 5 (87 KB). The non-CH-associated
large-scale chains visible on the SOHO/EIT images at three wavelengths
of 171, 195 and 284 Å as well as on the MLSO/HAO He I 10830 Å
spectroheliogram of December 16, 1997.
Movies: These movies show evolution of the large-scale chain 1-2-3-4
indicated in Figure 5. This and some other chains are visible during several
hours on the modified 195 Å SOHO/EIT movie, as well as on the modified
and original He I 10830 Å MLSO/HAO movies.
movie (665 KB), SOHO/EIT, 195 Å
movie (300 KB), MLSO/HAO, He I 10830 Å (modified)
movie (320 KB), MLSO/HAO, He I 10830 Å (original)
movie (151 KB), SOHO/EIT, 195 Å
movie (88 KB), MLSO/HAO, He I 10830 Å (modified)
June 1-3, 1998
Figure 6. Coinciding system of the
large-scale transequatorial chains of June 1, 1998 on two pairs of images:
(1) the SOHO/EIT 171 and 195 Å images at about of 07:15 UT; (2) the
EUV 195 Å image and He I 10830 Å spectroheliogram at
16-18 UT.
Movies: These movies illustrate a transient character and evolution
of the chain system indicated in Figure 6. The SOHO/EIT movies at 171 and
195 Å show the chain dynamics on June 1-3, 1998. The evening chains
of June 1, 1998 are visible also on the the modified and original
He I 10830 Å MLSO/HAO movies.
movie (230 KB), SOHO/EIT, 171 Å
movie (571 KB), SOHO/EIT, 195 Å
movie (252 KB), MLSO/HAO, He I 10830 Å (modified)
movie (306 KB), MLSO/HAO, He I 10830 Å (original)
movie (78 KB), SOHO/EIT, 171 Å
movie (164 KB), SOHO/EIT, 195 Å
movie (85 KB), MLSO/HAO, He I 10830 Å (modified)
March 1-3, 1999
Figure 7 (81 KB). The SOHO/EIT 171 Å
pronounced transequatorial inverted V-shaped chain which appears to outline
the large soft X-ray CH observed with the Yohkoh/SXT on March 1-2, 1999.
The BBSO H-alpha and MLSO/HAO He I 10830 Å heliograms are shown
to demonstrate relation of this and some other EUV chains to other large-scale
structures such as H-alpha filaments and He I 10830 Å features.
Figure 8 (76 KB). Four modified SOHO/EIT
171 Å images of March 1-2, 1999 illustrating persistence and development
of the CH-associated and other EUV chains indicated in Figure 7.
Movie: This SOHO/EIT 171 Å movie shows a transient character
of the CH-associated and other EUV chains indicated in Figures 7, 8 on
March 1-3, 1999.
movie (470 KB), SOHO/EIT, 171 Å
movie (131 KB), SOHO/EIT, 171 Å
July 8-9, 1999
Figure 9 (76 KB). The identical EUV large-scale
chains at 171 Å in the SE-sector of the disk registered on July 8-9,
1999 with SOHO/EIT and TRACE including the chain, coinciding with a CH
boundary on the Yohkoh/SXT image, and the chain crossing the CH and some
filaments on the Paris H-alpha heliogram.
Movie: This SOHO/EIT 171 Å movie of July 8-9, 1999 illustrates
dynamics of the CH-associated and crossing EUV chains in the SE sector
of the disk indicated in Figures 9.
movie (192 KB), SOHO/EIT, 171 Å
movie (69 KB), SOHO/EIT, 171 Å
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