Авдеев Д.Б. в 1984 году окончил механико-математический
факультет МГУ им. М.В.Ломоносова. В 1989 г. защитил диссертацию на соискание
степени кандидата физ.-мат. наук в Институте земного магнетизма, ионосферы и
распространения радиоволн. В 1990 перешел в Институт Физики Земли РАН, в 2002
г. защитил докторскую диссертацию. В 2005 г. вернулся в ИЗМИРАН, где в
настоящее время работает в должности ведущего научного сотрудника.
Область научных интересов Д.Б.Авдеева – разработка методов, алгоритмов и программ моделирования и
инверсии электромагнитных данных в моделях Земли с трехмерным распределением
Список избранных работ
Avdeev, D.B., Avdeeva, 2009, 3D magnetotelluric inversion using a
limited-memory quasi-Newton optimization, Geophysics, 74 (3).
Avdeev, D.B., 2007, EM modelling, forward, In Encyclopedia of
Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism, Eds. D. Gubbins & E. Herrero-Bervera,
Springer, The Netherlands, 1054pp.
Avdeeva, A. D., D.B. Avdeev, 2007, Three-dimensional magnetotelluric
inversion using quasi-Newton minimization, In The proceedings of the 4th
International Symposium on Three-Dimensional Electromagnetics, Freiberg,
Germany, September 27-30, 2007
Avdeev, D.B., 2006, 3-D EM forward modeling using integral equations, In
Electromagnetic sounding of the Earth's Interior, Elsevier Science
B.V., the Netherlands
Avdeeva, A. D., D.B. Avdeev, 2006, A limited memory quasi-Newton
inversion for 1D magnitotellurics, Geophysics, 71 (5).
Avdeev, D.B., A.D. Avdeeva, 2006, A Rigorous Three-Dimensional
Magnetotelluric Inversion, Progress in Electromagnetics Research , PIER
62, 41-48.
Avdeev, D.B., 2005, Three-dimensional electromagnetic modelling and
inversion from theory to application, Surveys in Geophysics, 26,
Kuvshinov, A. V., H. Utada, D.B. Avdeev, T. Koyama, 2005, 3-D modelling
and analysis of Dst C-responses in the North Pacific Ocean region, revisited, Geophys.
J. Int., 160, 505-526.
Pankratov, O. V., Kuvshinov, A. V., Avdeev, D. B., Schneyer, V.S.,
Trofimov, I. L., 2004, Ez-response as a monitor of a Baikal rift fault
electrical resistivity: 3D modelling studies, Annals of Geophysics, 47,
Avdeev, D.B., A.V. Kuvshinov, O.V. Pankratov, and G. A. Newman, 2002,
Three-dimensional induction logging problems, Part I: An integral equation
solution and model comparisons, Geophysics, 67, 413-426.
Avdeev, D.B., A.V. Kuvshinov, and K. A. Epova, 2002, Three-dimensional
modeling of electromagnetic logs from inclined-horizontal wells, Izvestiya.
Physics of the Solid Earth, 38, 975-980.
Avdeev, D.B., A. V. Kuvshinov, O. V. Pankratov, G. A. Newman, B. V.
Rudyak, 2002, Modelling induction log responses in 3D geometries using a fast
integral equation approach, in Three-dimensional electromagnetics, Eds.
Zhdanov M., Wannamaker P., Elsevier, 55-63.
Kuvshinov, A. V., Avdeev, D.B., O. V. Pankratov, S. A. Golyshev, 2002,
Modelling electromagnetic fields in 3-D spherical earth using fast integral
equation approach, in Three-dimensional electromagnetics, Eds. Zhdanov M.,
Wannamaker P., Elsevier, 43-54.
Kuvshinov, A. V., Olsen, N., Avdeev, D.B., O.V., Pankratov, 2002, Ocean
as a major contributor to the anomalous behaviour of coastal C-responses in the
Dst period range up to 20 days, Geophys. Res. Letters, 29, 36-1-4.
Avdeev, D.B., 2002, Development and application of the method of
integral equations for the solution of three-dimensional problems in
electromagnetic prospection. Dissertation. Doct. Sci. of Physics and
Mathematics, Moscow State Geological Prospecting Academy (MSGPA), Moscow,
Russia, 122 pp (in Russian
Kuvshinov, A. V., Avdeev, D.B., O. V. Pankratov, 1999, Global induction
by Sq and Dst sources in the presence of oceans: bimodal solutions for
non-uniform spherical surface shells above radially symmetric Earth models in
comparison to observations, Geophys. J. Int., 137, 630-650.
Avdeev, D.B., A.V. Kuvshinov, O.V. Pankratov, and G. A. Newman, 1998,
Three-dimensional frequency-domain modelling of airborne electromagnetic
responses, Exploration Geophysics, 29, 111-119
Pankratov, O.V., D.B. Avdeev, A.V. Kuvshinov, V.S.Shneyer, I.L.Trofimov,
1998, Numerically modelling the ratio of cross-strait voltage to water
transport for the Bering Strait, Earth Planets Space, 50, 165-169.
Avdeev, D.B., A.V. Kuvshinov, and O.V. Pankratov, 1998, An imaging of
buried anomalies, using multi-sheet inversion, Earth Planets Space, 50,
Kuvshinov, A.V., D.B.Avdeev, O.V. Pankratov, 1998, On deep sounding of a
nonhomogeneous earth using satellite magnetic measurements, Izvestiya,
Physics of the Solid Earth, 34, 326-331.
Avdeev, D.B., A.V. Kuvshinov, O.V. Pankratov, and G. A. Newman, 1997,
High-performance three-dimensional electromagnetic modelling using modified
Neumann series. Wide-band numerical solution and examples, J. Geomagn.
Geoelectr., 49, 1519-1539.
Pankratov, O.V., A.V. Kuvshinov, D.B. Avdeev, 1997, High-performance
three-dimensional electromagnetic modeling using modified Neumann series.
Anisotropic case, J. Geomagn. Geoelectr., 49, 1541-1548
Avdeev, D.B., A.V. Kuvshinov, O.V. Pankratov, 1997, Tectonic process
monitoring by variations of the geomagnetic field absolute intensity, Annali
di Geofisica, 40, 281-285.
Avdeev, D.B., Y. Ogawa, A.V. Kuvshinov, O.V. Pankratov, 1995, An
interpretation of magnetovariational data in the Northern Tohoku District,
Japan, using multi sheet modelling, J. Geomag. Geoelectr., 47, 405-410.
Pankratov O.V., D.B. Avdeev, A.V. Kuvshinov, 1995, Electromagnetic field
scattering in a heterogeneous earth: A solution to the forward problem, Izvestiya,
Physics of the Solid Earth, 31, 201-209.
Avdeev, D.B., A.V. Kuvshinov, O.V. Pankratov, 1994, On a module
magnetovariational profiling, Fizika Zemli, 3, 75-80 (in Russian).
Avdeev, D.B., V.G. Dubrovsky, E.B. Fainberg, O.V. Pankratov,
B.Sh.Singer, 1994, Deep electromagnetic sounding in Turkmenia, Geophys.J.Int.,
118, 467-484.
Avdeev, D.B., Iu.M. Abramov, A. Pascual, X. Ouvinia, O. Delgado, 1993,
Electromagnetic soundings near Matansas (Cuba), Geomagnetizm i Aeronomiya,
33, 151-159 (in Russian).
Avdeev, D.B., G.S. Godneva, B.Sh.Singer, E.B. Fainberg, 1990, Spatial
filtering of local magnetotelluric field distortions, Izvestiya, Physics of
the Solid Earth, 26, 813-818Avdeev, D.B., V.G. Dubrovsky, B.Sh.Singer, O.V.
Pankratov, E.B. Fainberg, 1990, Film interpretation of deep electromagnetic
soundings in Central Turkmenia, Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth,
26, 819-825
Avdeev, D.B.,B.Sh.Singer, E.B.Fainberg, et al., 1989, Two-dimensional
film interpretation of South Tien Shan geomagnetic field anomaly, Izvestiya,
Physics of the Solid Earth, 25, 227-234.
Avdeev, D.B.,E.B. Fainberg, B.Sh. Singer, 1989, On applicability of
Tikhonov-Cagniard magnetotelluric model for sounding of a non-uniform medium, Phys.Earth
Planet.Int., 53, 343-349.