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Дата индексирования: Mon Oct 1 21:28:18 2012

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"Physics of Auroral Phenomena", Proc. XXX Annual Seminar, Apatity, pp. 64 - 68, 2007 © Kola Science Centre, Russian Academy of Science, 2007

Polar Geophysical Institute

L.I. Gromova1, J.A. Cumnock2,3, L.G. Blomberg2, S. Eriksson4, A.E. Levitin1, Y.I. Feldstein
1 2 3 4


Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation, Troitsk, Moscow Region, Russia Space and Plasma Physics, School of Electrical Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden Center for Space Sciences, University of Texas at Dallas Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics University of Colorado, Boulder

Abstract. The IZMEM model provides high-latitude ionospheric plasma convection patterns in both hemispheres as a function of the IMF orientation. Model electric potentials are compared with electric field measurements from the DE2, FAST and DMSP satellites along high-latitude passes of the Northern and Southern hemispheres during IMF Bz < 0 and By < 0 (By >0). It has been shown that the IZMEM model electric potentials are in good agreement with measurements along the satellite passes, which makes the IZMEM global spatial convection patterns for these plausible. For small IMF magnitude ionospheric convection patterns generally consist of two cells with a positive potential cell on the dawn-side and a negative potential cell on the dusk-side. For IMF By<0 (By>0) a positive (negative) potential cell becomes dominant in the northern hemisphere, and oppositely in the southern hemisphere. During Bz > 0 the convection pattern changes from the standard two-cell pattern to a more complicated one. IZMEM shows two additional convection cells in the dayside polar cap, positive (negative) potential cell is present duskward (dawnward) of the noon-midnight meridian, and may cause three-cell or four-cell convection pattern depending on By/Bz ratio. Introduction
The IZMIRAN Electrodynamic Model (IZMEM) has been developed using a regression analysis of geomagnetic variations caused by IMF at high latitudes of northern [Feldstein and Levitin, 1986] and southern [Papitashvili t al, 1994] hemispheres. Using IMF components By and Bz as input parameters IZMEM model represents spatialtemporal distribution of geomagnetic variations, ionospheric current, ionospheric electric field, field-aligned currents and Joule heating over both northern and southern polar regions above = 60° corrected geomagnetic latitudes. IZMEM model outputs have been compared with satellite observations and ground radar data [Dremukhina et al., 1998; Feldstein et al.,1994,1996,1998] and normalized by the experimental satellite data [Papitashvili et al., 1995].

Observation and IZMEM modelling
We consider the model convection patterns, the number of convection cells, and the possibility to verify them experimentally. Any description of the global high-latitude ionospheric convection is based on a certain hypothesis. Because of this and because of the complexity of the phenomenon, there is still no generally accepted description of the spatial configuration of the convection or the number of convection cells during northward IMF. As a result, components of complicated two-cells convection pattern may be interpreted as independent cells. Likewise, the ambiguity may result in the number of cells being underestimated. Fig. 1 demonstrates high-latitude ionospheric plasma convection patterns provided by IZMEM model (left-side) and IZMEM electric potential in comparison with the potential calculated from electric field data along DE2 and FAST tracks (right-side) for moderate northward IMF when |By| and Bz are less than 10 nT. Calculated potential from DE2 and FAST measurements are taken from Heelis et al. [1986] and Eriksson et al. [2002], respectively. For IMF By < 0 (By > 0) a positive (negative) potential cell becomes dominant in the polar region (see Fig.1c and Fig. 1a). During Bz > 0 the convection pattern changes from the standard two-cell pattern to a more complicated one (see Fig. 1b). However, IZMEM results in a two-cell convection pattern for a moderate Bz < 10 nT. Figure 1 illustrates a rather good agreement between IZMEM model and calculated potential variation along the satellite tracks, which makes plausible the global spatial convection patterns. They were interpreted in [Heelis et al. 1986] as four-cells with four components marked I ­ IV (Fig.1b). Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 show electrostatic potential patterns generated by the IZMEM model at the time of DMSP F13 and F14 northern (Fig. 2) and southern (Fig. 3) hemisphere passes on 8 Novenber 1998 as well as the comparison of modeled and measured potentials along the satellites tracks. Calculated potential from the DMSP F13 and F14 measurements are taken from Cumnock and Blomberg [2004] and Cumnock et al.[2006]. IZMEM potentials have been set to zero at the latitude 60є, and positive potentials along the some DMSP F14 tracks have been smoothed at the auroral latitudes. Polar plots in Fig. 2 demonstrate two-cell convection pattern derived by winter IZMEM model for northern hemisphere during different IMF conditions: By changes from -1.1 nT (on the left) to -17.3 nT (on the right) and Bz


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is strongly positive. As can be seen, during IMF Bz >>0 positive potential cell (solid line) dominates in the polar cap. In additional a negative potential cell (dotted line) is located on the dawnside of the polar cap. The positive cell grows in strength whereas the negative cell withdraws from the high-latitude region as By gets more negative. Maximum (minimum) potentials are 54.49 kV(-46.06 kV) for =-1.1nT and 62.20 kV (-38.62 kV ) for By = 17.3 nT. For By =-17.3 nT we have a counter-clockwise single lobe cell as expected for strongly negative IMF By with a strong Svaalgard-Mansurov eastward flow at noon. Line plots of Fig.2b,c show satisfactory agreement between IZMEM and the calculated potential variation along DMSP tracks, but there is deviation of the model potentials from calculated ones. IZMEM derived from hourly mean values of the IMF and ground-based geomagnetic data using a regression analyses and therefore it does not take into account short-period variation of the IMF and geomagnetic fields. The height-integrated ionospheric conductivity model made for Kp < 3 and Kp >3+ [Wallis, D.D., and Budzinski,E.E, 1981] have been applied for both hemispheres for quiet and disturbed IMF conditions respectively. It makes the conductivity model rough and deficient to describe large-scale and small-scale variations of the ionospheric conductivity. Polar plots of Fig. 3 present ionospheric plasma convection patterns provided by summer IZMEM model for southern hemisphere as two-cell patterns for Bz > 0: positive cell on the dusk-side of the polar cap and negative cell on the dawn-side. The right dial shows that during small negative By the line dividing the two reverse convection cells is aligned along the noon-midnight meridian. When By changes to -16.2 nT the dividing line moves towards the dusk-side from the noon-midnight meridian (see the left dial) that is caused by dominating Bydependent cell with different direction of convection in the northern and southern hemispheres for the same sign of By. The discrepancy of the model potentials from those calculated from satellite measurements is more appreciable than for the northern hemisphere. The model amplitude is ~1.5 times larger than calculated one that may be caused by the transpolar potential saturation in the ionosphere during strong electric field in the solar wind [Ober et al., 2003 and references therein].

Discussion and conclusions
IZMEM model provides some independent elementary IMF-related high-latitude ionospheric plasma convection patterns. IMF-independent two-cell convection pattern 0 represents "background" potential which, exists in the ionosphere permanently and is controlled by quasi-viscous interaction of the solar wind with the magnetosphere. The other patterns are caused by IMF azimuthal (y), northern(z+) and southern (z-) components. For any given IMF conditions the final pattern is a superposition of the elementary patterns. During northward IMF when |By| and Bz are less than 10 nT vortices of 0 pattern is more intensive than vortices of y and z+ patterns and the final convection pattern remains two-cell with positive (negative) potential cell dawnward (duskward) of the noonmidnight meridian, but it may be distorted (see Fig1a,b,c,). The By-dependent potential vortex of y-pattern causes the asymmetry of convection in morning and evening cells only. This has been described in [Eriksson et al., 2002] when studying large-scale field-aligned currents. Vortices of z+ pattern distort potential cells (see Fig1b). During Bz >> 0 vortices of z+ pattern became dominating and exceed vortices of 0 and y patterns. As a result the standard two-cell convection pattern changes to a more complicated one with positive(negative) potential cell duskward (dawnward) of the noon-midnight meridian. Thus, the IZMEM model shows that two-cell large-scale convection patterns during IMF Bz < 10 nT and Bz > 20 nT are different from each other and four-cell or three ­cell convection patterns are possible depending on By/Bz ratio.

Acknowledgments. This study is supported by RFBR grant 05-05-65196. The collaboration between IZMIRAN and the Royal Institute of Technology was supported by a grant from the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. References
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High-latitude ionospheric convection patterns dependent on the IMF orientation

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c) Figure 1. On the left: Modeled electrostatic potential patterns generated by the IZMEM model for the FAST and DE-2 satellites passes. The satellite tracks are also shown. FAST is flying from dawn to dusk, the DE-2 passes are from dusk to dawn. Polar plots are in the corrected geomagnetic latitude ­ magnetic local time coordinates. Positive (negative) potentials are shown by solid (dotted) lines. The dash-dot line denotes zero potential. Dates, IMF conditions, contour intervals are shown at each panel. On the right: Comparison of the measured (solid line) and calculated (dotted line) electrostatic potentials along the FAST and DE-2 satellites tracks.


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c) Figure 2. Electrostatic potential patterns (5 kV contour separation) generated by IZMEM model for DMSP F13 and F14 passes over Northern Hemisphere (a) and comparison of the electrostatic potentials along the satellite track calculated from satellite measurements (solid line) with those obtained from the model (dotted line). Polar plots are the same as in Figure 1. IMF conditions are shown at each panel.


High-latitude ionospheric convection patterns dependent on the IMF orientation



Figure 3. The same as Figure 2, but for satellite passes over Southern Hemisphere.