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Participation in international symposiums and conferences
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Participation in international symposiums and conferences
2005 - 2006

  1. Depuev V., Pulinets S. Global morphology of F3 layer by INTERCOSMOS-19 topside sounding data. 36th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Beijing, China. July 16-23, 2006. Abstracts (C4.2-0047-06).
  2. Doda L. N., Pulinets S. A. Earthquake clouds and physical mechanism of their formation. / Осеннее годовое собрание АГС, 11-15 декабря
  3. Izhovkina N.I., Prutensky I.A., Pulinets S.A., Klos Z., Rothkaehl H. HF waves signatures in the topside main ionospheric trough in the vicinity of terminator / 36th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Beijing, China, 16 - 23 July 2006. COSPAR 2006 -A-02952
  4. Kovalevsky J.V. The Dst-AL scale cluster classification of the geomagnetospheric storms (GMSs) main phases (MPs) and content physical analysis. Book of Abstracts. International Conference on Problems of Geocosmos. May 23-27, 2006. St.Petersburg. Russia. 2006. P.220-222.
  5. Mikhailov A., Depueva A., Depuev V. Comparative study of equatorial F2-layer quiet time disturbances. 36th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Beijing, China. July 16-23, 2006. Abstracts (C4.2-0048-06).
  6. Ouzounov D., Pulinets S., Ciraolo L., Cervone G., Kafatos M., Taylor P., Parrot M., Li F., Hattori K., Analysis of GPS Total Electron Content (TEC) and Satellite Electromagnetic Data of Atmospheric Processes Related to the Northern Sumatra Earthquake Swarms of Dec 2004-Apr 2005 / Осеннее годовое собрание АГС, 11-15 декабря
  7. Ouzounov D., Pulintes S., J. Liu, Masashi Kamogawa, Katsumi Hattori, G. Cervone, M. Kafatos, P.Taylor, C. Dunson, Monitoring of earthquake activities by mutti parameter EM satellite and ground based sensing / International Symposium "Results of the DEMETER project and of the recent advances in the seismo-electromagnetic effects and the ionospheric physics", June 14-15, Toulouse, France, 2006
  8. Ouzounov D.; Pulinets S.; Cervone G.; Kafatos M.; Taylor P., New methodology for global earthquake monitoring using joint multi-parameter satellite and in-situ data / 36th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Beijing, China, 16 - 23 July 2006
  9. Pulinets S., Ciraolo L., Dmitriev A., Kotsarenko A., Vertical TEC variations as a result of positive Dst pulses / IRI-COSPAR International Reference Ionosphere Workshop 2006, October 16-20, 2006, Buenos Aires Argentina
  10. Pulinets S., Deminova G., Pustovalova L., Depuev V. Ionosphere topside sounding database. IRI 2006 Workshop. Buenos Aires, Argentina. October 16-20, 2006. Abstracts.
  11. Pulinets S. A., Landeros S., Bisiacchi G., Garcia J.-L., Brekhov O., De la Rosa S., Selivanov A.S., Mexico-Russia nanosatellite for earthquakes precursors monitoring / International Conference "University satellites and Space Science Education" Moscow State University, June 26-30, 2006
  12. Pulinets S. A., Ouzounov D. Recent progress in Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere (LAI) coupling model development (приглашенный) / International Symposium "Results of the DEMETER project and of the recent advances in the seismo-electromagnetic effects and the ionospheric physics", June 14-15, Toulouse, France, 2006
  13. Pulinets S. A., Ouzounov D., Doda L. N., Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere coupling. Main principles and practical validation (приглашенный) / Осеннее годовое собрание АГС, 11-15 декабря
  14. Pulinets S. A., Ouzounov D., Karelin A. V., Boyarchuk K. A., Recent progress in Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere (LAI) coupling model development (приглашенный) // International Workshop on Earthquake precursors, 6-7 March 2006, Jhongli, Taiwan
  15. Pulinets S. A., Parrot M., Ouzounov D., Conjugated near-equatorial effects registered by DEMETER satellite before Sumatra earthquake M8.7 of March 28, 2005 / International Symposium "Results of the DEMETER project and of the recent advances in the seismo-electromagnetic effects and the ionospheric physics", June 14-15, Toulouse, France, 2006
  1. Ковалевский И.В. Кластерный анализ в исследовании элементарных геомагнитных суббурь (ЭГСБ) / Всероссийская конференция "Экспериментальные и теоретические исследования основ прогнозирования гелиофизической активности" (10-15 октября 2005 г.) Тезисы научных докладов. Г. Троицк. ИЗМИРАН. 2005. сс. 34-35.
  2. Ковалевский И.В. Исследование элементарных геомагнитных суббурь, связанных с Bz-компонентой межпланетного магнитного поля (ММП) / Всероссийская конференция "Экспериментальные и теоретические исследования основ прогнозирования гелиофизической активности" (10-15 октября 2005 г.) Тезисы научных докладов. Г. Троицк. ИЗМИРАН. 2005. сс. 35-36.
  3. Bisiacchi G., Pulinets S., Landeros S., Garcia J.-L., Garcia-Garduno V., Esau V., de la Rosa S., Brekhov O., Panasyuk M., Selivanov, Stasiewicz K., Nanosatellite and Ground-Based Instrumentation Infrastructure for Early Earthquake Detection, a Mexican Initiative / EMSEV International Workshop "Frontiers of Seismo-Volcano Electromagnetics", Puerto Vallarta, noviembre 304, 2005, Mexico
  4. Depueva A.H., Depuev V.H. Wavelet analysis of F2 peak density variations over India. / International Reference Ionosphere Workshop. Tortosa, Spain. June 27-July 1, 2005. Abstracts booklet. P.19.
  5. Depuev V. H., Pulinets, S. A. Testing the Accuracy of Topside Profile Fittings with the Intercosmos-19 Database (постер) / "IRI 2055 Workshop "New satellite and ground data for IRI and comparison with regional models", 27 de junio-1 de Julio de 2005, Observatorio de Ebre, Espana
  6. Dunajecka M, Pulinets S. Atmospheric and thermal anomalies observed around the time of strong earthquakes in Mexico / EMSEV International Workshop "Frontiers of Seismo-Volcano Electromagnetics", Puerto Vallarta, noviembre 304, 2005, Mexico
  7. Ouzounov D., Pulinets S. A. Methodology and techniques for monitoring the short term ionospheric and near infrared precursory activities prior to main earthquake, (part II) (приглашенный) / International Workshop "Early Warning Systems for Earthquake Monitoring by Using Space Technology", Feb. 1-2, 2005, Istanbul, Turkey
  8. Ouzounov D., Pulinets S., Cervone G., Ciraolo L., Singh R., Kafatos M., Taylor P. Atmospheric processes in reaction of Northern Sumatra Earthquake sequence Dec 2004-Apr 2005 / The 2005 Joint Assembly between AGU, SEG, NABS and SPD/AAS, 23-27 May 2005, Nueva Orleans, Estados UnidosAGU,86(18), Jt. Assem.Supl., Abstract U53B-01 (poster)
  9. Ouzounov D., Pulinets S., Cervone G., Kafatos M., Parrot M., Taylor P. Progress in Understanding the EM Phenomena Related to Major Earthquakes by Analyzing Multisensor Satellite and Ground Data, (приглашенный) / EMSEV International Workshop "Frontiers of Seismo-Volcano Electromagnetics", Puerto Vallarta, noviembre 304, 2005, Mexico
  10. Ouzounov D., Pulinets S., Parrot M., Taylor P., Liu J., Kamogawa M., Hattori K. First results of the multi parameter analysis of EM emission during the major earthquakes by using joint near-space satellite and ground based measurements Space Observation of EM Phenomena Associated with the Main Earthquakes / DEMETER Guest Investigators Workshop, Paris, May 2-4, 2005
  11. Ouzounov D., Taylor P., Bryant N., Pulinets S., Parrot M., Liu J., Yang K. Near Space Tracking of EM Phenomena Associated with the Main Earthquakes (приглашенный) / International Workshop on Seismo Electromagnetics IWSE-2005, 15-17 March 2005, Tokio, Japan
  12. Pulinets S.A. Ionospheric precursors of earthquakes and their practical application (приглашенный) / International Workshop "Early Warning Systems for Earthquake Monitoring by Using Space Technology", Feb. 1-2, 2005, Istanbul, Turkey
  13. Pulinets S. A. Proposal of the satellite project for continuous monitoring of earthquake activity in Turkey (приглашенный) / International Workshop "Early Warning Systems for Earthquake Monitoring by Using Space Technology", Feb. 1-2, 2005, Istanbul, Turkey
  14. Pulinets S. A. Physics of the Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere Coupling (приглашенный) / International Workshop on Seismo Electromagnetics IWSE-2005, 15-17 March 2005, Tokio, Japan
  15. Pulinets S. Are we ready for prediction? From experiments to theory, from theory to practical application (приглашенный) / EMSEV International Workshop "Frontiers of Seismo-Volcano Electromagnetics", Puerto Vallarta, noviembre 304, 2005, Mexico
  16. Pulinets S. A., Depuev V. H. Topside ionosphere Modeling with Intecosmos-19 Data, (приглашенный) / "IRI 2055 Workshop "New satellite and ground data for IRI and comparison with regional models", 27 de junio-1 de Julio de 2005, Observatorio de Ebre, Espana. Abstracts booklet. P.28.
  17. S. A. Pulinets, Dunajecka M. Ground thermal anomalies around the time of Michoacan earthquake M8.1 Setp. 19, 1985 as possible indicator of interaction between the Cocos and Rivera plates / EMSEV International Workshop "Frontiers of Seismo-Volcano Electromagnetics", Puerto Vallarta, noviembre 304, 2005, Mexico
  18. Pulinets S. A., Karelin A. V., Boyarchuk K. A., Pokhmelnykh L. A. The physical nature of thermal anomalies observed before strong earthquakes (постер) / International Workshop on Seismo Electromagnetics IWSE-2005, 15-17 March 2005, Tokio, Japan
  19. Pulinets S. A., Ouzounov D. Ionospheric Variability and near Ground Thermal anomalies Associated with Seismic Activity (заказной доклад) / "IRI 2055 Workshop "New satellite and ground data for IRI and comparison with regional models", 27 de junio-1 de Julio de 2005, Observatorio de Ebre, Espana
  20. Pulinets S. A., Pokhmelnykh L. A., Dominguez M., Bisiacchi G. Active Experiments on Artificial Air Ionization to Check the Physical Mechanism of Air Electrification by Radon in Seismically Active Area, (приглашенный) / The 2005 Joint Assembly between AGU, SEG, NABS and SPD/AAS, 23-27 May 2005, Nueva Orleans, Estados Unidos
  21. Pulinets Sergey A. Theory and Validation of Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere Coupling Processes During the Major Earthquakes, (приглашенный) / Reunion Anual de Otono de la AGU, 5-9 de diciembre 2005