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Measuring the future

International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry


Proceedings of the Fifth IVS General Meeting

Andrey Finkelstein and Dirk Behrend, Editors

Saint Petersburg


"Measuring the Future", Proceedings of the Fifth IVS General Meeting, A. Finkelstein, D. Behrend (Eds.).

This volume contains the Proceedings of the fifth General Meeting of the International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry (IVS) held in St. Peters- burg, Russia, March 3-6, 2008. The fifth General Meeting was held at the Institute of Applied Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The keynote of the 5th General Meeting was the vital contribution of VLBI to the future of global observing systems under the theme of "Measuring the Future". VLBI is a key technique for realizing the global reference frames and studying global change by monitoring the full set of Earth orientation parameters (polar motion, dUT1, celestial pole). Required accuracy levels and long-term stability can only be guaranteed with a rejuvenated VLBI system. The content of the meeting is of interest to the broad spectrum of IVS members as well as to the wider VLBI and Earth science community who have interests in the various applications and research fields of VLBI such as geodesy, astrometry, Earth sciences, and related fields.

Order right nowISBN 978-5-02-025332-2© Institute of applied astronomy RAS, 2008
© Publishers "Nauka", 2008


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Welcome Address of Professor Alexander Viktorov, the Minister of Science and Education of Saint Petersburg GovernmentXIII
Welcome Address of Professor Andrey Finkelstein, the Director of the Institute of Applied Astronomy XIV
Welcome Address of Professor Harald Schuh, the IVS ChairXV
Part 1. VLBI - A Vital Player in Global Observing Systems 1
Harald Schuh, Dirk Behrend. IVS Plans and Perspectives3
Daniela Thaller, Volker Tesmer, Rolf Dach, Manuela Kru'gel, Markus Rothacher, Peter Steigenberger. Combining VLBI Intensive with GPS Rapid Solutions for Deriving a Stable UT Time Series 8
Johannes Boehm, Paulo Jorge Mendes Cerveira, Sigrid Englich, Har- ald Schuh. Atmosphere Angular Momentum Time Series for CONT05 14
Paulo Jorge Mendes Cerveira, Sigrid Englich, Harald Schuh, Thomas Klu'gel, Aleksander Velikoseltsev, Ulrich Schreiber. How Can the Wettzell "G" Ring Laser Improve VLBI Measurements of Subdiurnal Earth Rotation Variations? 19
Geraldme Bourda, Patrick Charlot, Richard Porcas, Simon Garrington. Multi-Step VLBI Observations of Weak Extragalactic Radio Sources to Align the ICRF and the Future GAIA Frame 25
Igor Molotov, Maria Nechaeva, Igor Falkovich, Alexander Konovalenko, Vladimir Agapov, Gino Tuccari, Giuseppe Pupillo, Stelio Montebugnoli, Gennadiy Kharlamov, Lance Benner, Viacheslav Fateev, Yuriy Burtsev, Alexander Volvach, Xiang Liu, Vasiliy Oreshko, Ivars Shmelds, Pietro Bolli, Alexander Dementiev, Alexander Antipenko, Nikolay Dugin, Vladimir Jazykov, Dmitriy Bezrukov. Astrometry of the Solar System Bodies with VLBI Radar 30
Part 2. Network Stations, Operation Centers, Correlators 37
Andrey Finkelstein, Alexander Ipatov, Sergey Smolentsev. The Network "Quasar": 2008-2011 (invited)39
Kerry Kingham, David Hall. Equipment Failures, Chronic Station Problems, and RFI: Their Effects on Geodetic VLBI Data47
Alessandra Bertarini, Walter Alef, Brian Corey, Axel Nothnagel, Craig Walker. Effects on the Geodetic-VLBI Observables Due to Polarization Leakage in the Receivers (invited) 53
Axel Nothnagel, Alessandra Bertarini, Christian Dulfer, Thomas Artz, Jan Wagner, Guifre Molera, Jouko Ritakari. Comparisons of Correlations Using Disk-Transfer and e VLBI-Transfer63
Shigeru Matsuzaka, Hiromi Shigematsu, Shinobu Kurihara, Morito Machida, Kensuke Kokado, Daisuke Tanimoto. Ultra Rapid UT1 Experiment with e-VLBI68
Mikhail Kharinov, Andrey Mikhailov. Single Dish Radiometric Observations of Geodetic Sources on Radio Telescopes of the QUASAR Network72
Dmitriy Ivanov, Aleksandr Vytnov. Automatic System for Monitor- ing Hydrogen Masers in QUASAR VLBI Network77
Iskander Gayazov, Elena Skurikhina. Local Ties between Co-located Space Geodetic Instruments at QUASAR Network Observatories82
Roberto Lanotte, Mauro Pirri, Giuseppe Bianco. Matera Site Survey and VLBI Invariant Point Determination87
Susana Garcia-Espada, Rudiger Haas, Francisco Colomer. Space Geodesy at Yebes: Station Motion from VLBI and GPS93
Shigeru Matsuzaka, Kojin Wada, Etsuro Iwata, Hiromi Shigematsu, Shi- nobu Kurihara, Machida Morito, Kensuke Kokado, Daisuke Tanimoto, Kentaro Nozawa. VLBI Activities of Tsukuba 32-m Station and Tsukuba Correlator98
Shigeru Matsuzaka, Kozin Wada, Etsurou Iwata, Hiromi Shigematsu, Shi- nobu Kurihara, Morito Machida, Kensuke Kokado, Daisuke Tanimoto. The Past Decade of Tsukuba 32-m VLBI Station 104
Hayo Hase, Reiner Dassing, Gerhard Kronschnabl, Wolfgang Schluter, Walter Schwarz, Richard Kilger, Pierre Lauber, Alexander Neidhardt, Konrad Pausch, Willi Gbldi. Twin Telescope Wettzell - a VLBI2010 Radio Telescope Project 109
Oleg Titov, Sergei Gulyaev, Jim Lovell, John Dickey. Australian - New Zealand Geodetic VLBI Network Project 114
Robert Campbell, Arpad Szomoru. The EVN Mark IV Data Processor at JIVE and e VLBI Developments in the EVN 119
Igor Surkis, Vladimir Zimovsky, Alexey Melnikov, Violetta Shantyr, Artemiy Fateev, Andrey Bogdanov. The IAA RAS 6-station VLBI Correlator 124
Zheng Weimin, Luo Wuchao. CVN Software Correlator Development and Applications in Chinese Lunar Exploration Mission. 129
Part 3. VLBI Data Structure, Analysis Strategies and Software 137
Yuri Gnedin. VLBI as a Tool to Connect Astrometry and Astrophysics (invited) 139
John Gipson. IVS Working Group 4 on VLBI Data Structures143
Thomas Hobiger, Yasuhiro Koyama, Tetsuro Kondo. MK3TOOLS - Seamless Interfaces for the Creation of VLBI Databases from Post-Correlation Output 153
John Gipson, Daniel MacMillan, Leonid Petrov. Improved Estimation in VLBI through Better Modeling and Analysis 157
Volkmar Thorandt, Gerald Engelhardt, Dieter Ullrich. Data Analysis at BKG in the Frame of IVS 163
Ichikawa Ryuichi, Thomas Hobiger, Yasuhiro Koyama, Tetsuro Kondo. Real-Time Ray-Tracing through Numerical Weather Models for Space Geodesy 168
Kamil Teke, Robert Heinkelmann, Johannes Boehm, Harald Schuh. VLBI Baseline Length Repeatability Tests of IVS-R1 and -R4 Session Types 173
Zinovy Malkin. Influence of Elevation-Dependent Weighting on Parameter Estimates: A Case of CONT05 178
Zinovy Malkin, Oleg Titov. Optical Characteristics of Astrometric Radio Sources 183
Robert Heinkelmann, Johannes Bohm, Harald Schuh. Effects of Surface Pressure and Temperature on the VLBI Reference Frames188
Jinling Li. The Contribution of CVN to the CE-1 Mission 193
Christian Bizouard, Oliver Becker. WEB Tools and WEB Service of the IERS Earth Orientation Centre 199
Sebastien Lambert, Florent Deleflie, Anne-Marie Gontier, Philippe Berio, Christopher Barache. The Astronomical Virtual Observatory and Application to Earth's Sciences 203
Part 4. Interpretation of VLBI Results in Geodesy, Astrometry and Geophysics 209
George Krasinsky. Secular Decrease of the Earth's Ellipticity from the Analysis of VLBI Data of 1984 2006, and the Long-term Systematic Errors of the Precession-Nutation Models IAU 2000 and IAU 2006 (invited) 211
Nicole Capitaine, Prakash Mathews, Veronique Dehant, Patrick Wallace, Sebastien Lambert. Comparisons of Precession-Nutation Models (invited).221
Vadim Gubanov. The Phase Variations of Retrograde Free Core Nutation 231
Sergey Pasynok. Comparison of the Prediction Force of the Nutation Theories IAU2000 and ERA-2005236
Maria Kudryashova, Kristyna Snajdrovd, Robert Weber, Robert Heinkel-mann, Harald Schuh. Combination of Nutation Time Series Derived from VLBI and GNSS240
Severme Rosat, Sebastien Lambert. Earth's Interior from VLBI and Superconducting Gravimeter Data246
Chopo Ma, David Gordon, Daniel MacMillan, Leonid Petrov. Some Challenges in Developing the Second ICRF251
Zinovy Malkin. On Construction of ICRF-2256
David Gordon, Chopo Ma, John Gipson, Leonid Petrov, Daniel MacMillan. On Selection of "Defining" Sources for ICRF-2 261
Oleg Titov. Systematic Effects in Apparent Proper Motion of Radio Sources265
Sergei Bolotin, Svitlana Lytvyn. Comparison of Radio Source Positions from Individual Solutions270
Julia Sokolova, Zinovy Malkin. Comparison and Combination of CRF Catalogs275
Sergey Kurdubov, Elena Skurikhina. Source Selection for NNR Constraints from Source Position Time Series279
Christopher Jacobs, Ojars Sovers. Extending the ICRF above S/X- band: X/Ka-band Global Astrometric Results284
Gabor Lanyi, David Boboltz, Patrick Charlot, Alan Fey, Ed Fomalont, Barry Geldzahler, David Gordon, Christopher Jacobs, Chopo Ma, Charles Naudet, Jonathan Romney, Ojars Sovers, Liwei Zhang. Astrometry from VLBA Observations at 24 and 43 GHz289
Takaaki Jike, Seiji Manabe, Yoshiaki Tamura. Result from K-band Geodetic VLBI Using VERA 293
Jean Souchay, Alexandre Andrei, Christophe Barache, Sebastien Bouquil- lon, Anne-Marie Gontier, Sebastien Lambert, Christophe Le Poncin- Lafitte, Frangois Taris, Elisa Felicitas Arias, Daniel Suchet, Mathieu Baudin. The Large Quasar Astrometric Catalog and the Radio- Optical Link297
Natalia Miller, Zinovy Malkin. Using Singular Spectrum Analysis for the Investigation of Troposphere Parameters 302
Volker Tesmer, Johannes Boehm, Barbara Meisel, Markus Rothacher, Peter Steigenberger. Atmospheric Loading Coefficients Determined from Homogeneously Reprocessed GPS and VLBI Height Time Series307
Sigrid Englich, Robert Heinkelmann, Harald Schuh. Reassessment of Ocean Tidal Terms in High-Frequency Earth Rotation Variations Observed by VLBI314
Andrey Finkelstein, Elena Skurikhina, Igor Surkis, Alexander Ipatov, Is- mail Rahimov, Sergey Smolentsev. QUASAR National Programs of EOP Determinations319
Thomas Artz, Sarah Bockmann, Axel Nothnagel, Volker Tesmer. Comparison and Validation of VLBI Derived Polar Motion Estimates 324
Sarah Bockmann, Axel Nothnagel. The Variance Component Approach in the IVS Combination329
Robert Heinkelmann, Jeffrey Freymueller, Harald Schuh. A Postseismic Relaxation Model for the 2002 Denali Earthquake from GPS Deformation Analysis Applied to VLBI Data335
Sebastien Lambert, Christophe Le Poncin-Lafitte. Measuring the Relativistic Parameter ? Using the Current Geodetic VLBI Data Set341
Patrick Charlot. Astrophysical Stability of Radio Sources and Implication for the Realization of the Next ICRF (invited)345
Part 5. Progress in Technology Development and the Next Generation VLBI System 359
Tobias Nilsson, Rudiger Haas. Modeling Tropospheric Delays with Atmospheric Turbulence Models (invited)361
Dean Chalmers, Gordon Lacy, Peter Dewdney, William Petrachenko, Gary Hovey. Composite Applications for Radio Telescopes371
Gino Tuccari, Walter Alef, Alessandra Bertarini, Salvatore Buttaccio, Dave Graham, Gaetano Nicotra, Alan Roy, Michael Wunderlich. DBBC Development Status376
Xiuzhong Zhang, Wenren Wei, Ying Xiang, Bin Li, Fengchun Shu, Renjie Zhu, Zhijun Xu, Zhong Chen, Weihua Wang, Weimin Zheng, Zhuhe Xue, Q. Ling, R. Zhao, Jingling Wang, Qingyuan Fan, Yusufu Aili, Huihua Li, Y. Wu, L. Chen, J. Luo. Progress of Wideband VLBI Digital System Development at SHAO381
Dan Smythe. Mark 5 Disk Drive Performance and Reliability386
Alan Whitney. The Mark 5C VLBI Data System390
Chester Ruszczyk. Mark 5C Software Development Program395
Ichikawa Ryuichi, Ishii Atsutoshi, Takiguchi Hiroshi, Kuboki Hiromitsu, Kimura Moritaka, Nakajima Junichi, Koyama Yasuhiro, Kondo Tetsuro, Machida Morito, Kurihara Shinobu, Kokado Kensuke, Matsuzaka Shigeru. Development of a Compact VLBI System for Providing over 10-km Baseline Calibration400
Yasuhiro Koyama, Mamoru Sekido, Thomas Hobiger, Hiroshi Takiguchi, Tetsuro Kondo. Developments of Automated Data Processing System for Ultra Rapid dUT1 e VLBI Sessions405
Bill Petrachenko, Johannes Boehm, Daniel MacMillan, Arthur Niell, An- drea Pany, Anthony Searle, Joerg Wresnik. VLBI2010 Antenna Slew Rate Study 410
Daniel MacMillan. Simulation Analysis of the Geodetic Performance of Networks of VLBI2010 Stations416
Joerg Wresnik, Johannes Boehm, Andrea Pany, Harald Schuh. VLBI2010 Simulations at IGG Vienna421
Andrea Pany, Jorg Wresnik, Johannes Bohm, Harald Schuh. Vienna VLBI2010 PPP Simulations427
Arnaud Collioud, Patrick Charlot. Imaging Capabilities of the Next Generation VLBI System 433
Vincenza Tornatore, Gino Tuccari, Erhu Wei. First Considerations on the Feasibility of GNSS Observations by the VLBI Technique .439
Hideo Hanada, Takahiro Iwata, Nobuyuki Kawano, Noriyuki Namiki, Kazuyoshi Asari, Yoshiaki Ishihara, Toshiaki Ishikawa, Fuyuhiko Kikuchi, Qinghui Liu, Koji Matsumoto, Hirotomo Noda, Seiitsu Tsuruta, Sander Goossens, Natalia Petrova, Sho Sasaki, Kenzaburo Iwadate, Takaaki Jike, Osamu Kameya, Katsunori Shibata, Yoshiaki Tamura, Xiaoyu Hong, Jinsong Ping, Yusufu Aili, Simon Ellingsen, Wolfgang Schlüter. VLBI Observation of SELENE (KAGUYA) by VERA and an International Network 445
Vladimir Zharov, Leonid Matveenko. VLBI and Precise Space Navigation 450
Erhu Wei, Jingnan Liu, Vincenza Tornatore, Chuang Shi, Wei Yan. On the Space VLBI Mathematical Model with Nutation Parameters 455
Splinter Meeting Report 463
Axel Nothnagel. Notes of the 9th IVS Analysis Workshop.465

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