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Поисковые слова: annular solar eclipse
Journées 2003 Second Announcement

Journées 2003

September 22-25, 2003, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Astrometry, Geodynamics and Solar System Dynamics:

from milliarcseconds to microarcseconds


Contact address
Institute of Applied Astronomy of Russian Academy of Sciences
10 Kutuzov Quay, 191187, St.Petersburg,
Russian Federation
phone: +7-(812)-275-11-18
fax: +7-(812)-275-11-19
email: gubanov@quasar.ipa.nw.ru
 WEB Site:
The SOC is thankful to all those who expressed interest to the Journeés 2003. More than one hundred applications to participate in the conference have been received and the number of proposed papers largely exceeded the number of presentations that can be included in the scientific programme in order that time can be available for discussion. In selecting the papers the SOC has retained the presentations that were expected to be the most in agreement with the topics of the meeting and present new results.
The provisional scientific programme prepared by the SOC is appended.
We allocate 20 minutes (15 minutes for the talk and 5 minutes for questions) for each invited presentation and 15 minutes (10 minutes for the talk and 5 minutes for questions) for each oral presentation. Below you can find preliminary schedule of the conference.
The SOC asks to send by e-mail to the address of the SOC secretary (nap@quasar.ipa.nw.ru) an EXTENDED abstract of the proposed paper (written in English as a LATeX file) before August 1, 2003. The length of abstract should be no more than 1 page and no less than 3/4 pages. Below the abstract form is given (to be found also at the IAA web-site together with this announcement). The extended abstracts of all invited, oral and poster papers will be published in a special volume that will be provided to participants before the opening of the conference. These abstracts will be used for finalizing the scientific programme.
Note that the SOC will not consider the applications received after AUGUST 1, 2003.

LATeX form of the abstract

The form may be downloaded from here The abstracts of one page length should be submitted to the SOC of Journees-2003 by e-mail (nap@quasar.ipa.nw.ru) or online not later than 1 August 2003. Please, don't change the sizes of the page and fonts. Please, don't use any personal macros and definitions.


September, 22:
Registration   8.00 —   9.00
Opening   9.00 —   9.10
Session I (invited presentations)   9.10 — 10.30
  Coffee-break 10.30 — 11.00
Session I cont. (oral presentations) 11.00 — 13.30
  Lunch 13.30 — 15.00
Session VI 15.00 — 17.00
Open reception 17.00 — 19.00
September, 23:
Session II (invited presentations+4 oral presentations)   9.00 — 11.20
  Coffee-break 11.20 — 11.45
Session II cont. (7 oral presentations) 11.45 — 13.30
  Lunch 13.30 — 15.00
Session II cont. (5 oral presentations) 15.00 — 16.15
  Coffee-break 16.15 — 16.40
Session III (invited presentations+2 oral presentations) 16.40 — 18.00
September, 24:
Visit of the Svetloe Observatory
(by special invitations)
Departure from the IAA RAS   9.00
Trip to Svetloe Observatory by bus   9.00 — 11.00
Excursion 11.00 — 12.30
Report of A.Finkelstein (IAA Director) 12.30 — 13.00
  Lunch 13.00 — 15.00
Trip back to Saint-Petersburg 15.00 — 17.00
September, 25:
Session IV (invited presentations+6 oral presentations)   9.00 — 10.50
  Coffee-break 10.50 — 11.15
Session V (invited presentations+3 oral presentations) 11.15 — 13.00
  Lunch 13.00 — 14.30
Poster session 14.30 — 16.30
Closing session 16.30 — 17.00



Invited papers
V.Gubanov Project: Global Analysis of 1979-2003 VLBI Data
D.D.McCarthy IERS Conventions 2000
N.Capitaine Microarsecond models for the celestial motions of the CIP and CEO
Z.Malkin Comparison of IAU2000 precession-nutation model with observations
Oral communications
A.Finkelstein, A.Ipatov, C.Smolentsev, V.Grachev, I.Rahimov, Z.Malkin, E.Skurikhina The first results of VLBI observations at the Svetloe observatory in the framework of the IVS programs
Y.Yatskiv Consistency check of ICRF-Ext.1 by comparing it with catalogues of GAO UA type
O.Titov Comparison of the individual ICRF solutions
G.I.Pinigin About Progress of Link Optical-Radio Reference Frames using of CCD Ground-based Telescopes
A.Rodin, Yu.Ilyasov Pulsar astrometry: status and prospects
G.Gontcharov Statistics of double stars for ICRS optic realizations
P.Fedorov The Kharkov catalogue of positions and proper motions of faint stars around ICRF source of northern hemisphere
Y.Kolesnik A new approach to representation of the catalogue systematic differences as applied to modern high precision catalogues
V.Vityazev Does Precession derived from FK5-HIPPARCOS agree with the VLBI ?
S.Bolotin Estimation of the Celestial Intermediate Pole motion in the Terrestrial and Celestial reference frames from VLBI observations on the interval 1979-2003


Invited papers
A.Brzezinski Free core nutation: stochastic modelling versus predictability
G.Krasinsky Body tides in the Earth-Moon system and the Earth's rotation
D.Gambis State of the art in the Earth Rotation monitoring
T.Fukushima New formulation of Precession and GST-UT1 relation
Oral communications
A.Korsun' The History of the Orlov's sessions
M.Soma, K.Tanikawa, K.Kawabata Earth's rate of rotation between 700 BC and 1000 AD derived from ancient solar eclipses
S.Débarbat, M. -P. Lerner The rotation of the Moon from Antiquity to Cassini.
G.Eroshkin, V.Pashkevich High-precision numerical analysis of the rigid Earth rotation problem using a high performance computer
J. Getino not yet defined
C.Ron, J.Vondrak Earth Orientation Parameters in 1899-1992 based on the new Earth Orientation Catalogue
B.Kolaczek, J.Nastula Impact of the addition of the ocean to the atmospheric excitation of polar motion on variability of spectra and correlation with polar motion
A.Escapa, Getino, Ferrandiz Influence of the redistribution tidal potential on the rotation of the non-rigid Earth
C.Bizouard Interactive Earth rotation parameters through the Web (preliminary title)
W.Wooden Near Real-time IERS Products
W.Kosek, McCarthy D.D., Johnson T.J. and Kalarus M. Comparison of polar motion prediction results supplied by the IERS Sub-bureau for Rapid Service and Predictions and results of other prediction methods
Yu.Rusinov Averaging of individual EOP series by least-squares collocation
S.Pasynok IAU2000: Comparison with the VLBI observations and other nutation theories
N.Shuygina Determination of EOP from combination of SLR and VLBI data at the observational level
S.Tatevian On the use of DORIS data for determination of the EOP and geocenter motion
I.Gayazov Variation of C21, S21 geopotential coefficients from SLR data of Lageos satellites


Invited papers
H.Schuh, G.Estermann Atmospheric, non-tidal oceanic and hydrological loading investigated by VLBI
N.Sidorenkov Influence of the Atmospheric and Oceanic Circulation on the Plate Tectonics
Oral communications
O.Titov Post-seismic motion of the Gilcreek VLBI site after the 03-Nov-2003 earthquake by VLBI
V.Zharov New models for reduction of the VLBI data


Invited papers
E.Pitjeva Numerical ephemerides of planets and the Moon — EPM and improvement of some astronomical constants
Oral communications
S.Kudryavtsev Improved Harmonic Development of the Earth Tide Generating Potential
M.Stavinschi Stability of equatorial satellite orbits
A.Fienga Future of the IMCCE planetary ephemerides
J.Souchay Characteristics of the rotation of asteroid EROS 433
I.Izmailov, M.Khovritchev, E.Khrutskaya, T.Kiseleva CCD-observations of Galilean satellites of Jupiter during their munual occultations eclipses in 2003 at Pulkovo Observatory
J.-E.Arlot, G.K.Gorel, L.A.Gudkova, A.V.Ivantsov, E.S.Kozyrev Photometric observations of the mutual events of the Galilean satellites of Jupiter made at Nikolaev Astronomical Observatory in 2002-2003


Invited papers
M.Soffel The BCRS and the large scale structure of the universe
V.Brumberg and J. L.Simon Relativistic indirect third–body perturbations in the SMART Earth's rotation theory and their effect on the ITRS/GCRS relationship
G.Petit A new realization of Terrestrial Time
Oral communications
M.Sekido Relativistic VLBI model for Finite distance Radio Source
P.Teyssandier, C.Le Poncin-Lafitte Relativistic theory of light deflection and time transfer up to the order G2/c4 using the world function
M.Soffel The BCRS, GCRS and the classical astronomical reference system



Participation of: N. Capitaine, T. Fukushima, D.D. McCarthy, G. Petit, K. Seidelmann

LIST OF POSTERS (last update: 23 June 2003)


A.Bagrov, Y.Kolesnik Scientific objectives of a small size catalogue based on the space-born optical interferometric mission
V.Bobylev Kinematical test of the ICRS inertiality
O.Danil'tsev New version of the Kiev Photographic Catalogue of reference stars in the vicinity of extragalatic radio sources
E.Drobitko HIPPARCOS: 2-D study of the Parenago's discontinuity
A.Kharin All-wave Astrometry. Basic Problems
M.Khovritchev, E.Khrutskaya, N.Bronnikova The positions and proper motions of 58483 stars in the Pulkovo fields with galaxies on the Tycho-2 system (Pul-3)
M.Khovritchev, E.Khrutskaya Comparisons USNO-B1.0 catalogue with Pul-3 and UCAC1 in selected fields
I.Kumkova Transformation between ICRS and ITRS under IAU(2000) resolutions
K.Kurzynska Optical realization of ICRF with Liquid Mirror Telescope
J.A.Lopez Orti A numerical method for the analysis of the systematic errors in reference systems from non regular samples
F.J.Marco Castillo Compatibility among dynamical and kinematical correction models
V.Ogrizovic A motorized system for rapid defection of vertical determiation
A.Shlyapnikova, V.Vityazev FK5-HIPPARCOS: Systematic Differences without Assumption of Rigid Mutual Rotation
E.Skurikhina, N.Panafidina Comparison station position time series from VLBI and GPS
J.Sokolova The distribution of post-fit residuals from the VLBI observational data
A.Tsvetkov, A.Popov Tycho-2 and Hipparcos: intercomparison of the catalogues
I.Verestchagina Processing of VLBI-data: application of different estimation methods
E.Yagudina Problems of the dynamical reference frames construction at the modern stage
Shuhua Ye not yet defined
Z.Zhu NPM2 and Hipparcos Proper Motions


Yu.Barkin, J.M.Ferrandiz New approach to development of Moon rotation theory
Yu.Barkin, J.M.Ferrandiz Mercury resonant translatory-rotary motion as "core-mantle" system
G.Bourda not yet defined
R.Dasaev, Ju.Chumin Linear stochastic model of the Earth Pole in view of the Moon disturbances
M.Folgueira, J.Souchay A new formulation of the damping effect in the Earth's and Mars' free polar motion
V.Gubanov, C.Shabun Three-angle parametrisation of the Earth's orientation in VLBI data analysis
T.Ivanova, N.Shuygina Geopotential Coefficient J2 from the analysis of the Etalon 1 & 2 SLR Observations
S.Kumakshev Motion of the Earth's Pole
S.Lambert Coupling effects between nutation and zonal variations in Earth's rotation
M.Lubkov The definition of the forced nutations of rotating elastic Earth by finite element method
I.Sinitsyn, Ju.Markov The development of spectral-correlation and kinetic models of the Earth rotation
V.Perepelkin, B.V.Beloysov Nonlinear stochastic correlation model of the Earth pole
L.Zotov High frequency variations in the Earth rotation


A.Gozhy On the expediency of creation of the network of the same type points of joint astronomical, geodetic and geophysical determinations of their position changes in Eurasia
C.Huang Seasonal vertical crustal motions in China detected by GPS and their geophysical explanation
O.Kudlay Irregularity analysis of plate motion in EOP series
N.Shcherbakova, N.Miller, E.Prudnikova, V.Gorshkov Earth tidal variations from local astrometric EOP sets (1904-2002) recomputed in IERS Convention 2000


N.Bronnikova, T.Vasil'eva Astrometric Observations of the Uran in 2002 with Normal Astrograph
Z.Hong Internal structure models of Mars
A.Ivantsov Comparison Analysis of Measured Coordinates at CCD
L.Kazantseva, V.Kislyuk Comparative Analysis of Kyiv Database of Lunar Occultations
K.Kholshevnikov, E.Kuznetsov Evolution of a Two-Planetary regular System on a cosmogonic time scale
T.Kiseleva, O.Kalinitchenko, M.Mozhaev The determination of coordinates of Saturn by the observations of their satellites with 26-inch Refractor at Pulkovo Observatory
M.Kocer KLENOT — Practical use of solar system dynamics in follow-up astrometry observations of small solar system bodies
V.Protitch-Benishek Transits of Mercury:observations and analysis from Belgrade Astronomical Observatory
V.Protitch-Benishek Newcomb's data on ancient eclipses revisited:conclusions
M.Soma, T.Hayamizu, T.Setoguchi, T.Hirose Precise position of Saturn obtained from a stellar occultation by Tethys
M.Vashkov'yak Some peculiarities of the evolution of distant satellite orbits in the ystems of Neptune, Saturn and Jupiter


B.Coll A Galactic Positionning System

Cultural program

During the week of the conference it is supposed to visit Mariinskiy and Musorgskiy opera and ballet theatres. In details information will be given in the 3rd Announcement after obtaining the definite repertoire of the theatres.

The excursions in Saint-Petersburg suburbs are supposed too (Pushkin, Petergoff, ...). The definite program will be done in the 3rd Announcement.


Usually the weather in September in Saint-Petersburg is not cold (daily temperature is about 7-15 degrees C), but rain is quite possible: raincoat, umbrella and sweater are very desirable. More definite information will be given in the 3rd Announcement.


We remind all foreign participants that copies of their passports must be sent (by fax or jpg-file) as soon as possible. We oblige to inform foreign participants that in case their documents are not sent in time (not later than middle of July) the problems with obtaining visa are possible.
All maps of the city (places of meeting, Institute, necessary information on traffic) will be placed in the 3rd Announcement.

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