On combined processing of different space geodetic observations
I. Gayazov, O. Bratseva
Institute of Applied Astronomy of RAS, St. Petersburg, Russia
A software for combined processing of different space geodetic observations
is developed along with the work on the co-location of various observational
techniques at the observatories of «Quasar» VLBI network.
The software realizes the combination of standardized SINEX-files and works
in the following two modes: 1) a combined solution within one observational
technique on the appointed time interval; 2) an inter-technique combination
of SINEX files. A special task-forming language has been constructed on
the basis of the same formalism used in the description of SINEX-files format.
The main features of developed software are presented. Various aspects of
the combined processing of different types of space geodetic observations
are also discussed.
Key words:
space geodetic observations, combined processing, normal equations, software package, SINEX-format.