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Труды Международной конференции "Астероидно-кометная опасность-2009",
С.-Петербург, 21-25 сентября 2009г.
Издательство "Наука"

Proceeding of the International Conference "Asteroid-Comet Hazard-2009"
(St.-Petersburg, Russis, 21-25 September, 2009)

под ред. А. Финкельштейна, У. Хюбнера, В. Шора. - СПб.: Наука, 2010. - 427 с.
ISBN 978-5-02-025514-2
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В сборнике представлены материалы Международной конференции по проблеме астероидно-кометной опасности, проходившей с 21 по 25 сентября 2009 г. в Институте прикладной астрономии Российской академии наук в Санкт-Петербурге. На конференции обсуждался широкий круг проблем, связанных с происхождением и физическими свойствами малых тел Солнечной системы, способных сталкиваться с Землей, обнаружением и слежением за подобными телами, разрушительными последствиями их столкновений с планетами и их спутниками. Особое внимание в представленных на конференции работах уделялось динамике сближения тел с Землей, предвычислению опасных сближений и организации защиты Земли от столкновений с достаточно крупными небесными телами.
Сборник рассчитан на специалистов в области изучения малых тел Солнечной системы и организации защиты Земли от катастрофических столкновений с небесными телами.

Program and Local committees VIII 
Welcome speech by A. M. Finkelstein X 
Preface XII 
A. M. Finkelstein, Yu. D. Medvedev, V. A. Shor. Our View of Objects of ACH-2009 2 >>Abstract
G. V. Pechernikova, A. V. Vityazev. Origin of the Small Solar System Bodies 9 >>Abstract
D. F. Lupishko, Zh. A. Pozhalova Physical Properties and Internal Structure of Near-Earth Objects 19 >>Abstract
E. M. Drobyshevski. Electrolysis of Ices as a Key to Understanding of the Minor Bodies' Nature 29 >>Abstract
F. A. Novikov, V. A. Shor, T. G. Vega, O. M. Kochetova, Yu. D. Medvedev, I. N. Netsvetaev, G. A. Netsvetaeva, U. N. Tihonova, N. B. Zheleznov AMPLE 3 — Multi-purpose Software Package for Asteroids and Comets 32 >>Abstract
E. Yu. Aleshkina, V. V. Kouprianov, A. V. Devyatkin, I. A. Verestchagina, V. Slesarenko Analysis of Observations of Earth Impact Object 2008 TC3 37 >>Abstract
V. V. Busarev, V. V. Prokofjeva-Mikhajlovskaya, A. N. Rublevsky Spots on Asteroids as Evidence of Collisions 43 >>Abstract
Yu. A. Chernetenko, A. V. Ivantsov. Masses of Asteroids 10 Hygiea and 152 Atala Obtained by the Dynamical Method 46 >>Abstract
N. M. Gaftonyuk, Yu. N. Krugly, I. E. Molotov Results of Photometric Observations of Potentially Hazardous Asteroids 49 >>Abstract
P. Kankiewicz, I. Wlodarczyk Possible Origin of Asteroids on Retrograde Orbits 52 >>Abstract
K. V. Kholshevnikov Estimates for the Set-theoretic Distance between Orbits of Celestial Bodies 55 >>Abstract
Yu. N. Krugly, N. M. Gaftonyuk, J. Durech, D. Vokrouhlicky, M. Kaasalainen, V. G. Shevchenko, M. A. Ibrahimov, A. L. Marshalkina, V. V. Rumyantsev, I. E. Molotov, Z. Donchev, V. Ivanova, A. V. Sergeyev, N. Tungalag. Detection of the YORP Effect from Photometric Observations of Near-Earth Asteroids 58 >>Abstract
N. N. Gorkavyi, A. N. Rublevsky, V. V. Prokofjeva-Mihajlovskaya. The Sizes of Impact Craters and Ejecta Spots on Asteroids 62 >>Abstract
V. A. Shefer Method for High-accuracy Determinations of Orbits of Small Bodies from Three Observations 65 >>Abstract
V. A. Shefer Determination of an Intermediate Perturbed Orbit from Range and Range Rate Measurements at Three Time Instances 70 >>Abstract
M. D. Zamarashkina Improving the Orbital Parameters of Phobos and Deimos by Using the Universal Programming Complex ERA 75 >>Abstract
E. I. Yagudina Databases for Observations and Orbit Elements for Asteroids and Comets in ERA System 79 >>Abstract
A. L. García Automatic Detection of NEOs in CCD Frames 84 >>Abstract
A. A. Golubov, Yu. N. Krugly YORP: Influence on Rotation Rate 90 >>Abstract
Yu. V. Batrakov, V. V. Prokofjeva-Mikhajlovskaya, L. G. Karachkina The Small Libration of the Satellite in the System of the Asteroid 39 Laetitia 95 >>Abstract
A. F. Zausaev, A. A. Zausaev, V. V. Abramov, S. S. Denisov. Database Development for Solar System Small Bodies' Orbital Evolution Based on Modern Mathematical Models and Methods 102 >>Abstract
A. A. Berezhnoy. Analysis of the Systematic Errors of CCD-observations of Asteroids Performed in 2007 — 2008 107 >>Abstract
M. S. Chubey, L. I. Yagudin, V. N. L'vov, S. D. Tsekmejster, V. V. Kouprianov, G. I. Eroshkin, E. A. Smirnov, A. V. Petrov Solving of the ACH Problem in the Project "Interplanetary Solar Stereoscopic Observatory" 110 >>Abstract
M. Kocer, M. Honkova, J. Ticha, M. Tichy KLENOT Project — Contribution to Follow-up Astrometry of PHAs and VIs 115 >>Abstract
V. V. Emel'yanenko Short-Period Comets: Origin and Terrestrial Impact Hazard 120 >>Abstract
Yu. S. Bondarenko, Yu. D. Medvedev Method of Calculating Cometary Orbits 129 >>Abstract
M. D. Zamarashkina, O. F. Ogneva Nongravitational Effects on Cometary Motion due to Jupiter 134 >>Abstract
M. G. Ishmukhametova, E. D. Kondrat'eva, V. S. Usanin. Variation of Nongravitational Parameters for Comet Encke as a Result of its Decay 139 >>Abstract
N. I. Perov, D. V. Kolesnikov On the Problem of Searching for Undiscovered Cometary Families Colliding with Terrestrial Type Planets 146 >>Abstract
Yu. S. Bondarenko. Electronic Catalogue of Comets "Halley" 152 >>Abstract
O. G. Gladysheva From the Tunguska Space Body to the Evolution of the Protoplanetary Nebula 157 >>Abstract
N. V. Kulikova, V. I. Tischenko Origin and Dynamic Evolution of Meteor Complexes in the Problem of Asteroid-Comet Hazard 164 >>Abstract
E. N. Tikhomirova Meteor Streams: the Relation to Hazardous Celestial Bodies 168 >>Abstract
M. I. Gritsevich. Modern Dynamic Methods of Determination of Parameters of Meteor Bodies 174 >>Abstract
G. A. Nikolsky, Yu. D. Medvedev, E. O. Schultz he Tunguska Catastrophe is the Consequence of a Series of Explosions of Comet Nucleus Fragments 179 >>Abstract
O. G. Gladysheva Atmospheric Discharge in the Tunguska Disaster 184 >>Abstract
T. Yu. Galushina, E. M. Drobyshevski, M. E. Drobyshevski. In Searching for Comet P/Tunguska-1908 189 >>Abstract
V. A. Alekseev, N. G. Alekseeva, I. G. Golovnev, S. Yu. Zheltov, A. I. Morgachev, E. Ya. Fal'kov Likely Impact Sites of Large Fragments of the Tunguska Cosmic Body 196 >>Abstract
V. V. Svetsov Consequences of Impacts of Cosmic Objects in Circumstances of Changing Climate 200 >>Abstract
An. G. Marchuk, K. V. Simonov, S. A. Peretokin. Detection of Possible Impact Structures at the Bottom of the Ocean by Gravimetric and Magnetometric Data Processing 206 >>Abstract
V. L. Masaitis. Prospective Zones of Damage Caused by the Popigai Impact Event 211 >>Abstract
N. A. Makhutov, Yu. G. Matvienko, M. A. Bubnov Hydrocode Modeling of a High-velocity Impact of an Asteroid Particle on a Steel Surface 216 >>Abstract
L. A. Egorova, V. V. Lokhin Destruction Models for Bodies Entering a Planetary Atmosphere 222 >>Abstract
V. K. Gusiakov, Z. A. Lyapidevskaya Expert Database on the Earth Impact Structures 228 >>Abstract
V. A. Alekseev, V. V. Kopeikin, N. G. Alekseeva, L. Pelekhan Georadar and Hydrogen Studies of the Tunguska Meteorite Craters 233 >>Abstract
E. V. Pitjeva Influence of Asteroids and Trans-Neptunian Objects on the Motion of Major Planets and Masses of the Asteroid Main Belt and the TNO Ring 237 >>Abstract
D. K. Yeomans, S. R. Chesley, P. W. Chodas NASA's Near-Earth Object Program Office 244 >>Abstract
L. K. Kristensen Demands on Observation Campaigns for Accurate Predictions 255 >>Abstract
Yu. D. Medvedev, A. S. Zabotin. Determination of Orbits and Dispersion Ellipsoids of Asteroids Potentially Hazardous for the Earth 262 >>Abstract
P. Kankiewicz, I . Wlodarczyk The Orbital Evolution of 2007 VA85, an Amor-type Asteroid on a Retrograde Orbit. 268 >>Abstract
V. A. Shor, Yu. A. Chernetenko, O. M. Kochetova. How Precise is the Orbit of (99942) Apophis and how Probable is its Collision with the Earth in 2036? 272 >>Abstract
L. L. Sokolov, N. P. Pitjev, V. Sh. Shaidulin About Zones of Resonant Returns of Asteroid Apophis 279 >>Abstract
I. Wlodarczyk. Methods of Computing Impact Orbit 284 >>Abstract
Yu. A. Chernetenko.The Yarkovsky Effect in the Motion of NEAs 289 >>Abstract
J. Desmars, J.- E. Arlot, A. VienneEstimating the Accuracy of Asteroid Ephemerides Using the Bootstrap Method 294 >>Abstract
I. Wlodarczyk Paths of Risk of Selected Dangerous Asteroids 299 >>Abstract
I. WlodarczykImpact Solutions for Asteroid (101955) 1999RQ36 302 >>Abstract
N. B. Zheleznov.The Study of the Probability of an Asteroid Collision with a Planet by Monte Carlo Method 305 >>Abstract
A. W. Harris. Estimating the NEO Population and Impact Risk: Past, Present and Future312 >>Abstract
M. F. A'Hearn. Deep Impact and Deflection of NEOs327 >>Abstract
W. F. Huebner, D. C. Boice, P. Bradley, S. Chocron, R. Clement, A. Ghosh, P. T. Giguere, R. Goldstein, J. A. Guzik, L. N. Johnson, J. J. Keady, J. Mukherjee, W. Patrick, C. Plesko, M. Tapley, J. D. Walker, R. P. Weaver, K. Wohletz. The Engagement Space for Countermeasures Against Potentially Hazardous Objects (PHOs) 337 >>Abstract
C. Maccone. Description of a NASA Study to Deflect Hazardous Asteroids347 >>Abstract
A. V. Zaitsev, A. Koroteev, B. Liaschuk, S. Popov. The Level of Rapid Response Reaction of the Planetary Defense System 362 >>Abstract
V. A. Emelyanov, Yu. K. Merkushev. Design Parameters and Efficiency of a Space System for Warning about Small Celestial Bodies Approaching the Earth along Collision Trajectories 369 >>Abstract
N. A. Makhutov, V. A. Puchkov, D. Reznikov, A. Taranov, A. V. Zaitsev. About Measures on Minimization of Damage from Collisions with Asteroids and Nuclei of Comets 376 >>Abstract
Z. M. Ilitz. Rotational Mass Driver - an Efficient NEO Deflection Concept 381 >>Abstract
J. J. Smulsky, Ya. J. Smulsky. Evolution of Apophis Orbit for 1000 Years and New Space Targets 390 >>Abstract
A. V. Zaitsev, A. A. Klapovsky. On the Approach to Form Internati- onal-Legal Foundations to Ensure Planetary Defense 396 >>Abstract
B. I. Semyonov, S. N. Torgovkin, V. V. Treckin, A. V. Zaitsev. About the Interaction of the "Citadel" Planetary Defense System with the Missi- le-Space Defense Systems 402 >>Abstract
The Resolution of the ACH-2009 Conference 407 >>More

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