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Laboratory of spectroscopy of defect structures ISSP RAS
en ru

Time of flight SIMS
Time of Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometr xyz-table control

Steinman Eduard Aleksandrovich

E-mail: steinman@issp.ac.ru

phone: 2-83-44

Working in:116 ГЛК

Position:leading senior scientist

Work in LSDS since: 1967-02-28

Scientific degree:Dr.S.

Steinman Eduard Aleksandrovich

Scientific Biography

Eduard Steinman born Yaroslavl, USSR Russian at June 20, 1941
September 1960- June 1966
Student of Moscow State University, (faculty of Physics)
Awarded Engineering degree (equivalent of Master degree) in
Physics (Diploma X No:458169, January 22 1966)
Diploma thesis: "The calculation of superfine correlation in
mu-meson H atom".
February 1967- October 1974
Institute of Solid State Physics of Academy of Sciences of the USSR.
November. 1974 Awarded the degree "Candidate of sciences" in physics
and mathematics (equivalent of Ph.D.) (Diploma MKD No:020065)
Thesis: "Investigation of optical properties of dislocations
in A2B6 semiconductors".
November 1974- September 1982
Scientific researcher in Institute of Solid State Physics
of Academy of Sciences of the USSR.
September 1982- till now
Leading Scientific Researcher in Institute of Solid State Physics
of Academy of Sciences of Russia.
May, 2002 Awarded the degree "Doctor of sciences" in physics
and mathematics, Thesis: 'Optical properties of dislocations in semiconductors'.
(Diploma DK No: 015577)

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1993 - 1999 Department of Solid State Physics of the University of Lund, Sweden, 12 months on the whole in several short visits
1998 - September, Retherford laboratory, Cambridge, UK, One month visit
2000 - September, UCL, UK, One month visit
2002 - February, Institute Physics and Astronomy University of Aarhus, Denmark, One month visit
2006 - May, UCL, UK, One month visit

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Selected publications


  1. E.A. Steinman, A.N. Tereshchenko, N.V. Abrosimov 'The Unusual Temperature Shift of Dislocation Related D1/D2 PL Bands in Donor Doped Silicon' Solid State Phenomena, Vols.131-133 (2008) pp.607-612 (2008)
  2. A.N. Tereshchenko, E.A.Steinman 'Pecularities of dislocation related D1/D2 bands behavior under copper contamination in silicon' Solid State Phenomena, Vols.131-133 (2008) pp.213-218 (2008)
  3. Steinman E.A., A.J. Kenyon, A.N. Tereshchenko 'Time-resolved measurements of dislocation-related photoluminescence bands in silicon' Semicond. Sci. Technol, 23, 025010 (2008)

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  1. Э.А.Штейнман, А.Н.Терещенко, В.Я.Резник 'Структура и излучательные свойства дислокаций, возникающих при росте кислородных преципитатов в кремнии' Поверхность. Рентгеновские, синхротронные и нейтронные исследования, ?6 с.1-6 (2007)
  2. E.A. Steinman, A.N.Tereshchenko, V.Ya.Reznik, R.J.Falster 'The radiative properties of dislocations generated around oxygen precipitates in Si' pss (a),, 204, No.7, 2238 (2007)
  3. E.A. Steinman, A.N.Tereshchenko 'Influence of Cu contamination on dislocation related luminescence' pss (c),, No.8, 3095 (2007)
  4. О.В. Феклисова, А.Н. Терещенко, Э.А. Штейнман, Е.Б. Якимов 'Исследования электрических и оптических свойств кремния, содержащего кислородные преципитаты' Повехность, Рентгеновские, синхротронные и нейтронные исследования,, ?7, с.38-41 (2007)
  5. E.A.Shteinman, A.N.Tereshchenko, V.Ya.Reznik 'Structure and radiation properties of dislocations arising during oxygen precipitates growth in silicon' J.of Surface Investigations. X-ray, Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 318-322 (2007)

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  1. R.B.G. Kramer, V.S. Egorov, V.A. Gasparov, A.G.M. Jansen, and W. Joss 'Direct observation of Condon domains in silver by Hall probes' Physical Review Letters, 95, 267209 (2005)
  2. E.A. Steinman, A.N. Tereshchenko, V.I. Orlov, and F. Kirscht 'Fine Structure of Dislocation Related PL Bands D1 and D2 in Silicon' Solid State Phenomena, Vols. 108-109 pp. 767-772 (2005)
  3. V. Kveder, M. Badylevich, W.Schr?ter, M. Seibt, E. Steinman, A. Izotov 'Silicon light-emitting diodes based on dislocation-related luminescence' Phys.St.Sol. (a), 202, No5, 901-910 (2005)
  4. Э.А. Штейнман 'Модификация центров дислокационной люминесценции в кремнии под влиянием кислорода' ФТТ, 47 в.1 , 9 (2005)
  5. E.A. Steinman, A.N. Tereshchenko, V.I. Vdovin, A.Misiuk 'DISLOCATION RELATED PL OF MULTI-STEP ANNEALED CZ-SI SAMPLES' Solid State Phenomena, v. 108-109, pp.773-778 (2005)
  6. E.A.Steinman 'of oxygen on the dislocation related centers in silicon' Phys.St.Sol. (c), 2, No 6, 1837 (2005)
  7. E.A.Steinman 'Oxygen-Induced Modification of Dislocation Luminescence Centers in Silicon' Physics of the solid state, Vol.47, No 1 pp 5-8 (2005)
  8. V. Kveder, M. Badylevich, W.Schr?ter, M. Seibt, E. Steinman, A. Izotov 'Silicon light-emitting diodes based on dislocation-related luminescence' phys. stat. sol. (a), 202, No. 5, 901-910 (2005)

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  1. M. Acciarri, S. Binetti, O.V.Feklisova, E.A.Steinman and E.B.Yakimov 'Electrical and optical properties of dislocations generated under pure conditions' Solid State Phenomena, 95-96 p.453 (2004)
  2. V.Kveder, V.Badylevich, E.Steinman, A.Izotov, M.Seibt, W.Schr?ter 'Silicon light emitting diodes based on dislocation luminescemce' Appl.Phys.Lett, 84 (12) 2106 (2004)
  3. Э.А. Штейнман, В.И. Вдовин, А.Н.Изотов, Ю.Н Пархоменко, А.Ф.Борун 'Фотолюминесценция и структурные дефекты слоев кремния, имплантированных ионами железа' ФТТ, 46 в.1 26 (2004)
  4. В.С.Аврутин, Ю.А.Агафонов, А.Ф.Вяткин, В.И.Зиненко, Н.Ф.Изюмская, Д.В.Иржак, Д.В.Рощупкин, Э.А.Штейнман, В.И.Вдовин, Т.Г.Югова 'Низкотемпературная релаксация упругих напряжений в SiGe/Si- гетероструктурах, облученных ионами Ge+' ФТП, том 38, вып.3 (2004)

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  1. A.J. Kenyon, E.A. Steinman, C.W. Pitt, D.E. Hole, and V.I. Vdovin 'The Origin Of The 0.78 eV Luminescence Band In Dislocated Silicon' J.Phys.: Condensed Matter, v.15 No 39. p.S2843 (2003)
  2. P.I.Gaiduk, J.Lundsgaard Hansen, A.Nylandsted Larsen, E.Steinman 'in MBE-grown SiGe alloys implanted in situ with Ge+ ions' Phys.Rev.B, 67 235310 (2003)
  3. V.B.Efimov, A.N.Izotov, E.A.Steinman 'Preparation and study physical proper- ties of 1-D avd 2-D polymerised C60 monocrystals' J. of fullerens, nanotubes and carbon nanostructures, vol. 12 (2003)

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  1. V.S.Avrutin, N.F.Izyumskaya A.F.Vyatkin, V.I.Zinenko, Yu.A.Agafonov, D.V.Irzhak, D.V.Roshchupkin,E.A.Steinman, V.I.Vdovin, and T.G.Yugova 'Low-Temperature Strain relaxation in ion-irradiate Pseudomorphic SiGe/Si Structures' Materials Science and Engineering, B89 350-354 (2002)

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  1. В.В.Кведер, Э.А.Штейнман, Р.Н.Любовская, С.А.Омельченко, Ю.А.Осипьян 'Магнитные свойства кристаллов молекулярного комплекса фуллерена C60 с органическим донором 9,9'-транс-бис теллуроксантинил (BTX)' Письма ЖЭТФ, т.74, в.8,стр.422 (2001)
  2. С.В.Авдеев, А.В.Баженов, Р.А.Диланян, А.И.Иванов, А.Н.Изотов, А.В.Калмыков, В.В.Кведер, Е.В.Марков, В.П.Никитский, Р.К.Николаев, Ю.А.Осипьян, Г.И.Падалко, Н.С.Сидоров, Э.А.Штейнман 'Оптические измерения на монокристаллах С60 выращенных в условиях микрогравитации' Поверхность, ?9, с73 (2001)
  3. V.V.Kveder, E.A.Steinman, R.N.Lyubovskaya, S.A.Omel'chenko, Yu.A.Osipyan 'Magnetic Properties of Crystals of the Molecular Complex between Fulleren C60 and an Organic Donor 9'9-trans-bis(telluraxanthenil)' JETP Letters, 74(8), 422-424 (2001)

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  1. D.V.Dyachenko-Decov, Yu.L.Iunin, A.N.Izotov, V.V.Kveder, R.K.Nikolaev, V.I.Orlov, Yu.A.Ossipyan, N.S.Sidorov, E.A.Steinman 'Possible Polimerisation at Dislocations in C60 Crystals' Phys.Stat.Sol.(b), 222, 111-119 (2000)
  2. E.A.Steinman , V.V.Kveder, D.V.Konarev, Wang Qin, and H.G.Grimmeiss 'Charge transfer state of novel molecular complex C26H18Te2 / C60 / CS2 detected in Single Crystals by photoluminescence and ESR' Chem.Phys. Lett, (2000)
  3. E.A.Steinman, S.V.Avdeev, V.B.Efimov, A.I.Ivanov, A.N.Izotov, A.V.Kalmykov, V.V.Kveder, E.V.Markov, V.P.Nikitskii, R.K.Nikolaev, Yu.A.Ossipyan, G.I.Padalko, N.S.Sidorov, A.V.Baxhenov, R.A.Dilanyan, an 'Optical Characteristics of C60 Single Crystals Grown in Microgravity Conditions' J.of Low Temp.Phys, (2000)

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  1. E.A.Steinman, V.V.Kveder, V.I.Vdovin, and H.G.Grimmeiss 'he origin and efficiency of dislocation luminescence in Si and its possible application in optoelectronics' Solid State Phenomena, vols.69-70, p.23 (1999)
  2. E.A.Steinman, V.I.Vdovin, T.G.Yugova, V.S.Avrutin, and N.F.Izyumskaya 'Dislocation structure and photoluminescence of partially relaxed SiGe layers on Si(001) substrates' Semicond.Sci.Technol, 14, N 6 pp582-586 (1999)

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  1. A.N.Izotov, V.V.Kveder, Yu.A.Osipyan, E.A.Steinman, R.K.Nikolaev, N.S.Sidorov 'Features of the optical absorption of crystals of the fullerene C60 in the region of the orientational phase transition' JETP, 87(6), 1205-1213 (1998)
  2. V.V. Kveder, V.D. Negrii, E.A. Steinman, A.N. Izotov, Yu.A. Osipyan, R.K. Nikolaev 'Long-lived excited states and photoluminescence excitation spectra in single crystals of fullerene C60' JETP, 86(2), 405-411 (1998)
  3. V. V.Kveder, V.Negrii, E.Steinman, A.Izotov, Yu.Ossipyan, and R. Nikolaev 'Долгоживущие возбужденные состояния и спектры возбуждения фотолюминесценци в монокристаллах фуллерена С60' JETP, 86, 405 (1998)
  4. E.A.Steinman, H.G.Grimmeiss 'Magnesium-Related Luminescence in Silicon' Semicond. Sci.Technol, 13 p.1-5 (1998)
  5. E.A.Steinman, H.G.Grimmeiss 'Dislocation related luminescence properties of silicon' Semicond. Sci.Technol, 13 p.124-129 (1998)
  6. I.O.Bashkin, A.I.Izotov, A.P.Moravsky, V.D.Negrii, R.K.Nikolaev, Yu.A.Ossipyan, E.G.Ponyatovsky, and E.A.Steinman 'Photoluminescence of C60 crystals polymerized under high pressure' Mol.Mat, v.10, pp.119-124 (1998)

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  1. V.V.Kveder, E.A.Steinman, B.J.Narymbetov, L.P.Rozenberg, S.S.Khasanov, R.P.Shibaeva, A.V.Bazhenov, A.V.Gorbunov, M.Yu.Maksimuk, D.V.Konarev, R.N.Lubovskaya, and Yu.A.Osipyan 'Crystal Structure and Photoluminescence of Single Crystals of Fullerene - 9,9'-trans-bis(telluraxanthenyl) Molecular Complex C26H18Te2*C60*CS2' Chem.Physics, 216, 407-415 (1997)
  2. Kveder, V.V., E.A. Steinman, B.Zh. Narymbetov, S.S. Khasanov, L.P. Rozenberg, R.P. Shibaeva, A.V. Bazhenov, A.V. Gorbunov, M.Yu. Maksimuk, D.V. Konarev, R.N. Lyubovskaya and Yu.A. Ossipyan 'Crystal structure and photoluminescence of single crystals of fullerene--9,9_'_-{\it trans}-bis (telluraxanthenyl) molecular complex: C26H18Te2\C60\CS2' CHEMICAL PHYSICS, Volume 216, No.~3,p.407, published March 20 (1997)
  3. Bashkin I.O., Izotov A.N., Moravsky A.P., Negrii V.D., Nikolaev R.K., Ossipian Yu.A., Ponyatovsky E.G., and Steinman E.A. 'Photoluminescence of solid C60 polymerized under high pressure' Chem.Phys.Lett, v272 p.32 (1997)
  4. E.A. Steinman Kveder, V.V., A.V. Bazhenov , R.N. Lyubovskaya Yu.A. Ossipyan, and H.G.Grimmeiss 'Photoluminescence of single crystals of fullerene--9,9_'_-{\it trans}-bis (telluraxanthenyl) molecular complex: C26H18Te2\C60\CS2' Proceedings of ECS, v.4 pp.1200-1205 (1997)
  5. V.V.Kveder, A.I.Shalynin, E.A.Steinman, A.N.Izotov 'The Effect of Dislocation on the g-Tenzor of Holes in Dislocation Related 1D Energy Band in Si' Solid State Phenomena, 57-58, 299-304 (1997)

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  1. E.A.Steinman, V.V.Kveder, H.G.Grimmeiss 'The Mechanisms and Application of Dislocation Related Radiation for Silicon Based Light Sources' Solid State Phenomena, 47-48 pp.217-222 (1996)
  2. V.V.Kveder, A.I.Shalynin, E.A.Shteinman, and A.N.Izotov 'Influence of the splitting of dislocations on the g factor of holes in one-dimensional dislocation band' JETP, 83 (4), 829 (1996)
  3. V.V.Kveder, E.A.Steinman, H.G.Grimmeiss 'Dislocation related Electroluminescence at Room Temperature in Plastically Deformed Silicon' Solid State Phenomena, 47-48 pp. 419-424 (1996)

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  1. V.V.Kveder, E.A.Steinman, H.G.Grimmeiss 'The investigation of relaxation in strained Si1-xGex /Si epilayers using photoluminescence' J.Appl.Phys, 78 (1), 446 (1995)
  2. V.V.Kveder, E.A.Steinman, S.A.Shevchenko, H.G.Grimmeiss 'Dislocation related electroluminescence at room temperature in plastically deformed silicon' Phys.Rev. B, 51(16), 10520-10526 (1995)
  3. V.V.Kveder, E.A.Steinman, H.G.Grimmeiss 'Photoluminescence studies of relaxation processes in strained Si1-xGex/Si epilayers' J.Appl.Phys, 78 No1, 446 (1995)
  4. И.М.Шмытько.А.Н.Изотов.Э.А.Штейнман.Н.С.Афоникова 'Деформационно стимулированные фазовые переходы в монокристаллах кремния' ЖЭТФ, 61 в.11. стр.906-910 (1995)

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  1. S.A.Shevchenko, Yu.A.Ossipyan T.R.Mchedlidze E.A.Steinman, R.A.Batto 'Defect states in Si containing dislocation nets' Physica Status Solidi (a), v.146, 745 (1994)

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  1. V.V.Kveder, E.A.Steinman 'Influence of Microwave Heating on Dislocation Photoluminescence in Plastically Deformed Germanium' Phys.Stat.Sol.(a), 138, 625-630 (1993)

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