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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Wed Jan 7 16:51:55 2009
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Tue Oct 2 00:32:13 2012

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Antonova Tatiana Evgenievna


1. Phase diagram of cerium at pressures to 85 kbar

T.E.Antonova, I.T.Belash, E.G.Ponyatovskii

Fiz.Metallov i Metallovedenie 51 [1] 131–136 (1981) {in Russian}

2. Quasihydrostatic high-pressure cell with small temperature gradients

T.E.Antonova, I.T.Belash, S.A.Ivakhnenko

Fiz.Tekhn.Vysok.Davlenii 5 85–88 (1981) {in Russian}

3 . Synthesis of gold hydride under high hydrogen pressure

V.E.Antonov, T.E.Antonova, I.T.Belash, A.E.Gorodetskii, E.G.Ponyatovskii

Dokl.Akad.Nauk SSSR 266 [2] 376–380 (1982) {in Russian}

4 . The Pd-Ni-H system at high pressure

V.E.Antonov, T.E.Antonova, I.T.Belash, E.G.Ponyatovskii, V.I.Rashupkin, V.G.Thiessen

Phys.Stat.Sol.(a) 77 [1] 71–79 (1983)

5. Superconductivity of Pd-Au-H solid solutions

V.E.Antonov, T.E.Antonova, I.T.Belash, E.G.Ponyatovskii, V.I.Rashupkin

Phys.Stat.Sol.(a) 77 [1] K23–K27 (1983)

6. The Pd-Pt-H system: Phase transformations at high pressure and superconductivity

V.E.Antonov, T.E.Antonova, I.T.Belash, E.G.Ponyatovskii, V.I.Rashupkin

Phys.Stat.Sol.(a) 78 [1] 137–146 (1983)

7. Structure and electric properties of alloys of the Pd-Ag-H system synthesized at high hydrogen pressures

V.E.Antonov, T.E.Antonova, I.T.Belash, E.G.Ponyatovskii

Fiz.Metallov i Metallovedenie 57 [4] 671–679 (1984) {in Russian}

8. Phase diagram and magnetic properties of the Ni95Cr5-H system

V.E.Antonov, T.E.Antonova, I.T.Belash, V.G.Tissen

Fiz.Metallov i Metallovedenie 58 [3] 467–472 (1984) {in Russian}

9. Superconductivity and atomic ordering of Pd-Cu-H solid solutions

V.E.Antonov, T.E.Antonova, I.T.Belash, V.Yu.Malyshev, V.I.Rashupkin

Phys.Stat.Sol.(a) 81 [2] K185–K190 (1984)

10. Superconductivity and crystal structure of high pressure phases in the Ta-Ru-H system

V.E.Antonov, T.E.Antonova, I.T.Belash, V.Yu.Malyshev, E.G.Ponyatovskii, V.I.Rashupkin

Fiz.Tverd.Tela ( Leningrad ) 28 [8] 2352–2357 (1986)

{Engl.Transl.: Sov.Phys.Solid State 28 [8] 1316–1319 (1986)}

11. Superconductivity and crystal structure of high pressure phases in the Nb-Ru-H system

V.E.Antonov, T.E.Antonova, I.T.Belash, E.G.Ponyatovskii, V.I.Rashupkin

Fiz.Tverd.Tela ( Leningrad ) 29 [4] 1017–1025 (1987)

{Engl.Transl.: Sov.Phys.Solid State 29 [4] 582–587 (1987)}

12. Superconducting phases Nb-Rh-H with hydrogen concentrations up to H/Me = 2

V.E.Antonov, T.E.Antonova, I.T.Belash, O.V.Zharikov, A.V.Palnichenko, E.G.Ponyatovskii, V.I.Raschupkin

Fiz.Tverd.Tela ( Leningrad ) 30 [7] 2152–2158 (1988)

{Engl.Transl.: Sov.Phys.Solid State 30 [7] 1240–1243 (1988)}

13. Superconductivities of high pressure phases in the metal-hydrogen systems

V.E.Antonov, T.E.Antonova, I.T.Belash, V.I.Raschupkin

High Pressure Research 1 , 315–320 (1989)

14. Superconductivity of solid solutions of hydrogen in Nb 3 Me compounds (Me = Au, Pt, Ir, Os) with the A15 structure

V.E.Antonov, T.E.Antonova, I.T.Belash, O.V.Zharikov, A.I.Latynin, A.V.Pal'nichenko, V.I.Rashchupkin

Fiz.Tverd.Tela ( Leningrad ) 31 [10] 12–20 (1989)

{Engl.Transl.: Sov.Phys.Solid State 31 [10] 1659–1663 (1989)}

15. The influence of hydrogen on the plasticity and strain resistance of the VT6 titanium alloy at temperatures to 930 ° ÿ

I.O.Bashkin, V.Tu.Malyshev, Ya.A.Aksenov, T.E.Antonova, E.G.Ponyatovskii, V.L.Kolmogorov, V.K.Kataya, I.V.Levin, Yu.I.Potapenko,

A.N.Trubin, G.G.Taluts, S.A.Nikitin

Fiz.Metallov i Metallovedenie 69 [5] 168–174 (1990)

{Engl.Transl.: Phys. Met. Metall . 69 [ 5] 158–164 (1990) }

16. 57Fe Mossbauer study of the hydrides of Ni-Cu alloys

B.Zhang, H.J.Bauer, M.Baier, F.E.Wagner, V.E.Antonov, T.E.Antonova

J.Less-Common Metals 172–174, 343–350 (1991)

17. 197Au Mossbauer study of the hydrides of Ni-Au alloys

B.Zhang, H.J.Bauer, M.Baier, F.E.Wagner, V.E.Antonov, T.E.Antonova

J.Less-Common Metals 172–174, 351–357 (1991)

18. Mossbauer study of the hydrides of Nb3Me with A15 structure

M.Baier, R.Wordel, F.E.Wagner, V.E.Antonov, T.E.Antonova

J.Less-Common Metals 172–174, 358–365 (1991)

19. 57Fe Mossbauer study of hydrides and deuterides of manganese

G.Schneider, M.Baier, F.E.Wagner, V.E.Antonov, T.E.Antonova, Yu.Kopilovskii, E.Makarov

Hyperfine Interactions 69 [1–4] 467–470 (1991)

20. Investigation of the hydrides of Ni0.70Cu0.30 by 57Fe Mossbauer spectroscopy and magnetization measurements

B.Zhang, I.Dugandzic, H.J.Bauer, M.Baier, F.E.Wagner, V.E.Antonov, T.E.Antonova, S.M.Filipek

Hyperfine Interactions 69 [1–4] 471–474 (1991)

21. Effect of heating under pressure on the structure and superconducting properties of ceramic YBa2Cu3O6.95

V.E.Antonov, T.E.Antonova, O.I.Barkalov, V.S.Bobrov, A.M.Gromov, E.V.Kisterev, E.V.Konopleva, V.P.Korzhov, I.N.Kremenskaya, V.I.Kulakov, N.S.Sidorov

Sverkhprovodimost' (KIAE) 5 [4] 683–692 (1992)

{Engl.Transl.: Superconductivity 5 [4] 682–691 (1992)}

22. 57Fe Mossbauer study of nickel hydride under high pressure

G.Schneider, M.Baier, F.E.Wagner, I.Dugandzic, H.J.Bauer, V.E.Antonov, T.E.Antonova, S.M.Filipek

Z.Phys.Chem.N.F. 179 [pt1–2] 301–308 (1993)

23. Hydrogen uptake of palladium-gold alloys studied by 197Au Mossbauer spectroscopy

M.Baier, M.Karger, R.Ostermayer, F.E.Wagner, I.Dugandzic, H.J.Bauer, V.E.Antonov, T.E.Antonova, V.I.Rashupkin, S.M.Filipek, A.Stroka

Z.Phys.Chem.N.F. 179 [pt1–2] 309–316 (1993)

24. Magnetic structure of hexagonal manganese hydride studied by 119Sn Mossbauer spectroscopy

G.Grosse, M.Baier, G.Schneider, F.E.Wagner, V.E.Antonov, T.E.Antonova

Proc. Intern. Conf.on the Applications of the Mossbauer Effect ICAME-95, Rimini , Italy , Sept.10–16, 1995. Ed. I.Ortall,

Bologna , SIF, 1996, v.50, pp.215–218.

25. On the isomorphous phase transformation in the solid f.c.c. solutions Co-H at high pressures

V.E.Antonov, T.E.Antonova, M.Baier, G.Grosse, F.E.Wagner

J.Alloys Compds 239 [2] 198–202 (1996)

26. T-P phase diagram of the Mn-H system at pressures to 4.4 GPa and temperatures to 1000 ° C

V.E.Antonov, T.E.Antonova, N.A.Chirin, E.G.Ponyatovsky, M.Baier, F.E.Wagner

Scripta Mater. 34 [8] 1331–1336 (1996)

27. 119Sn Mossbauer study of Mn3SnHx

G.Grosse, F.E.Wagner, V.E.Antonov, T.E.Antonova

J.Alloys Compds 253–254, 339–342 (1997)

28. Mossbauer experiments with 57Fe and 57Co in palladium hydride: Diffusional relaxation and high hydrogen concentrations

M.Baier, G.F.Schneider, F.E.Wagner, I.Dugandzic, H.J.Bauer, V.E.Antonov, T.E.Antonova

J.Alloys Compds 253–254 , 353–355 (1997)

29. The inelastic neutron scattering spectrum of dhcp iron hydride

K.Cornell, H.Wipf, V.E.Antonov, T.E.Antonova, A.I.Kolesnikov, E.G.Ponyatovsky, B.Dorner

Polish J.Chem. 71 [12] 1792–1796 (1997)

30. Influence of dissolved hydrogen on the Neel temperature of α-Mn(Sn) solid solution

G.Grosse, F.E.Wagner, V.E.Antonov, T.E.Antonova

Hyperfine Interactions C 3 , 221–224 (1998)

31. Site distribution and hyperfine parameters of tin impurities in a manganese

G.Grosse, F.E.Wagner, V.E.Antonov, T.E.Antonova

J.Alloys Compds, 288 , 25–31 (1999)

32. Atomic ordering in the hcp cobalt hydrides and deuterides

V.K.Fedotov, V.E.Antonov, T.E.Antonova, E.L.Bokhenkov, B.Dorner, G.Grosse, F.E.Wagner

J.Alloys Compds 291 , 1–7 (1999)

33. Proton NMR study of a-MnH0.06

A.V.Soloninin, A.V.Skripov, A.L.Buzlukov, V.E.Antonov, T.E.Antonova

Solid State Commun. 131 [2] 115–119 (2004)

34. Neutron scattering studies of γ-CoH

V.E.Antonov, T.E.Antonova, V.K.Fedotov, T.Hansen, A.S.Ivanov, A.I.Kolesnikov

J.Alloys Compounds 404–406, 73–76 (2005)

35. Anharmonicity of optical hydrogen vibrations in RhH

V.E.Antonov, T.E.Antonova, V.K.Fedotov, B.A.Gnesin, A.S.Ivanov, A.I.Kolesnikov

J.Alloys Compounds 446–447, 508–511 (2007)