Interacting electrons in metals
I.V. Bobkova
One-particle Green’s function (Non interacting fermions)
- Verbal definition of retarded one-particle Green’s function.
- An example for Green’s function diagram expansion.
- Advanced Green’s function
One-particle Green’s function (Interacting fermions)
- Formal definition of one-particle Green’s function.
- Hamiltonian and graphic representation of the interaction between fermions.
- Quasi particles in Hartree-Fock approximation.
- Back to quasi particles.
- Diagrams topology.
Dyson equation.
- Derivation of the Dyson equation.
- Ladder approximation
- Quasi particles in random phase approximation.
- Polarization operator in common case.
Justification of Fermi liquid.
- Self consistent perturbation theory.
- Quasi particles and one-particle Green’s function.
- Dressed vertex.
Ground state energy in random phase approximation.
- Vacuum amplitude
- Calculation of the ground state energy.
Two particle propagator.
- Definition of two particle propagator
- Plasmons.
- Vertex function and scattering of quasi particles.
- Excitons.
Green’s functions at finite temperature.
- Formulation of the problem.
- Perturbation theory for the Matsubara Green;s function.
- Matsubara Green’s function foe free particles.
Green's functions in the theory of superconductivity.
- Hamiltonian of interacting electrons and phonons.
- Ground state energy, quasiparticles (based on the BCS method).
- Nonapplicability of the standard perturbation diagram expansion.
- Formalism Nambu.
Main references
- Mattuck R., A guide to Feynman diagrams in the many body problem, McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, 1967.
- L.S. Levitov and A.V. Shytov, Green's functions. Theory and practice, FizMatLit-Nauka, Moscow, 2003 (in russian).
Further reading
- A.A. Abrikosov, L.P. Gor'kov, and I.Ye. Dzyaloshinskii, Quantum field theoretical methods in statistical physics, Pergamon Press, 1965
- V.M. Galitskii, ZhETF, 34, 151 (1958).