Personal data questionnaire
and the order of their presenting
All teams have to inform the Olympic Advisory Committee (OAC) and the Local
Organizing Committee (LOC) about their participation not later than the deadlines.
For the IX APAO the procedure of the informing is the following:
1. Leaders of official teams of states have to present to
the Olympic Advisory Committee the applying
documents including necessary personal information about every
participant: team leader, contestant and observer (if any).
The necessary for the OAC and LOC of the IX APAO points are:
1. Family name(s)
2. First name(s)
3. Date of birth (in format: DD.MM.YYYY.)
4. Place of birth: Province (city/town), state, country
5. Sex (male, female)
6. Citizenship, visits:
6.1. Current citizenship
6.2. Former and additional citizenships (if any), in what years
6.3. -
6.4. Previous visits to Indonesia (if any),
if more than 4 visits: note the first visit and last three visits, in what months/years
7. Images:
7.1. Name of [Photo-Participant].jpg file of colour photo
(in accordance with the
rules of ICAO, minimum 480x720 pixels),
the *.jpg file should be enclosed with the application
8.(*) Passport data:
8.1.(*) Passport no
8.2.(*) Date of issue of the passport (in format: DD.MM.YYYY.)
8.3.(*) Date of expiry of the passport (in format: DD.MM.YYYY.)
Passport must be valid at list 6 months after
the last day of proposed visa
8.4.(*) Passport issued by (as written in the passport)
8.5.(*) City/town and country of the consulate where you plan to get Indonesian visa
8.6.(*) Name of [Pas-Participant].jpg file of scan (photocopy) of two main pages of the passport
(double-page scan, resolution 150 dpi at least),
the *.jpg file should be enclosed with the application
9. Position at the organization of work or study (student, teacher, professor, etc.)
10. Data about the organization of work or study (school, institute, etc.):
10.1. Full official name of the organization of work/study
10.2. Location of the place of work (study): Town (city, village), province, state
10.3.(*) Address (incl. zip code) of the organization of work/study
10.4.(*) Fax, telephone Nr., e-mail of the organization of work/study
10.5.(for students) Month, year of proposed (i.e. in future time) graduating from the school
10.6.(for students) In what previous IAOs or APAOs participated (write years and Diploma, like: IAO-2003, 2nd Diploma)
11. Home where the applicant lives:
11.1. Location of the home: Town (city, village), province, state
11.2. Permanent home address (incl. zip code)
11.3. Home telephone Nr. (if any), e-mail (if any)
11.4. Mobile telephone Nr. (if any)
12. Languages:
12.1. What official language (Russian or English) he/she
will use while translate text at the olympiad and during the cultural
12.2. For what languages he/she may translate tasks from
the language mentioned at p.12.1.
12.1. What official language (Russian or English) he/she will
prefer for the originals of texts on the rounds and during the cultural
12.2. What native language he/she will use at the Olympiad's
13. Food requirements. Choose one of three diet alternatives:
- Standard
- Vegetarian
- Avoid pork
14. Size for T-shirt. Choose one of the alternatives: S, M, L, XL, XXL
See below an example of the form filling.
2. On arrival to the Olympiad the delegation head of each
participating team should in any case (i.e. once more) hand over to
the organizers a list containing all personal data on the leaders,
participants and observers.
Notes how to answer the questions
A. One have use usual case of letters: capital letters should
be used only in the adequate places. TO USE ONLY CAPITAL LETTERS
IS WRONG. See an example below. One may use only
26 symbols of English alphabet.
B. Write only answers (do not copy questions).
C. There should not be filled answers for "#." if the "#.#." question exists.
For example, one has to fill "6.1." and "6.2." lines but there should be not "6." line in answers.
D. Please, do not write "as last year" instead of actual data.
E. All points (both bold and unbold) must be filled in any case.
Nevertheless for the teams do not ask invitations for visa the points marked
by "(*)" (unbold: 8, 10.3-4) may be sent additionally (not later the
"deadline for for sending additional documents").
F. Notes for actual points:
1. To write all family names (as in passport).
2. To write all first names (as in passport).
7.1. Colored image (photo) of participant (in accordance with the
rules of ICAO, in *.jpg format,
minimum 480x720 pixels, i.e. for 40x60 mm photo its resolution is 300 dpi at least) should be enclosed,
one should point the name of file here,
please, use the name of the file as "Photo-Family_of_Participant.jpg".
8.4. Organization and city/town of issuing the passport.
8.6. Colored scan (photocopy) of the main two pages of the passport, i.e. with photo,
signature, personal data and issuing data (in *.jpg format, at least 150 dpi resolution)
should be enclosed, one should point the name of file here,
please, use the name of the file as "Pas-Family_of_Participant.jpg".
12. Languages:
12.1. Local organizers will try to prepare in the mentioned language
the official documents of the Olympiad for this team leader / observer / contestant.
12.2. Leaders of the team are responsible to translate tasks from Russian or English
to native languages of participants.
Please, do not send large-size files and raw format files like *.bmp, *.tif, etc.
Missing or uncorrect filling the point of food will lead to "standard" food.
"Vegetarian" and "Avoid pork" diets will be served on separate tables.
Choosing/changing diet is possible in advance only (not on arrival).
I. If some information appears wrong and you have to change it,
please, do the both procedures:
1. Write where the uncorrect data (what was written) should be replaced
by correct data (write coorrect data)
2. Resend all the list with the personal data.
Example of the form filling:
1. Svanidze
2. Sidor Vassiljevich
3. 29.01.1959
4. town Montargis, Loiret department, Centre region, France
5. Male
6.1. Argentina (since 1996)
6.2. French (1959-1982), Spain (1982-1996)
6.3. -
6.4. July 1989, ..., January 2000, March 2004, May 2006
7.1. Photo-Svanidze.jpg
8.1. 45 N 596827
8.2. 07.03.1998
8.3. 07.03.2008
8.4. Police office EFS 528, town Rawson, Chubut province, Argentina
8.5. Buenos Aires, Argentina
8.6. Pas-Svanidze.jpg
9. Associate professor
10.1. Rawson Pedagogical University, Physical Faculty
10.2. Rawson, Chubut province, Argentina
10.3. Gagarin avenue 15, AR-85001 town Rawson, Chubut province, Argentina
10.4. Fax: +54-85-22-34-55, Tel: +54-85-22-34-99, e-mail: ssv@phys.rpu.ar
10.5. This point only for students, in the case Mr.Svanidze
is a student this line should be, for example, "June 2009"
10.6. This point only for students, in the case Mr.Svanidze
is a student this line should be, for example, "IAO-2006, Diploma of participating"
11.1. village Pervomajskoye, Chubut province, Argentina
11.2. O.Bender street, 24-18, AR-85334 village Pervomajskoye, Chubut province, Argentina
11.3. Tel: +54-85-64-11-90
11.4. E-mail: svsvanidze@mail.ru
11.5. Mob.tel. +54-99-44-01-79
12.1. Russian
12.2. Georgian, Spanish
13. Standard
14. XL