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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Mon Apr 7 13:21:27 2008
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Mon Oct 1 23:01:11 2012

Barcelona, SPAIN 911 July, 2008

4th International Conference on Diffusion in Solids and Liquids
www.dsl2008-barcelona.com contact@ironix-conferences.com
GENERAL INFORMATION : Location Barcelona, Spain Venue: Hotel MeliÖ Barcelona (5*) Dates 9-11 July 2008 Language English is the official conference language Accommodation see Web page www.dsl2008-barcelona.com Contact: info@ironix-conferences.com contact@dsl2008-barcelona.com

MirÑ's works are mostly in the Joan MirÑ Foundation in Barcelona


Dear Colleagues, It is our great pleasure to invite you to participate in the 4th International Conference on Diffusion in Solids and Liquids, DSL-2008, which will be held in the exciting city of Barcelona, Spain, from 9-11 July, 2008. DSL-2008 will offer a high quality scientific programme with an exciting programme of invited speaker lectures featuring some of the world's leading experts in the field. Submitted abstracts will be selected for oral presentation, poster session or special sessions. Barcelona is well known for its creativity, vivacity and Mediterranean style! The city is one of the most exciting in the world and for sure Barcelona will attract many participants. The city offers many opportunities for sight-seeing, with architectural wonders, beautiful parks and inspirational museums and beaches. The organisers are preparing the DSL2008 to be unforgettable event for you...and full of surprises! We hope that you will be able to join us for what promises to be an exciting meeting, both scientifically and culturally, and we look forward to seeing you in Barcelona!

Andreas Oechsner

DSL2008 Honorary Chairman Professor Hideo NAKAJIMA Osaka University, Japan

DSL2008- Chairmen:
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Oechsner Technical University of Malaysia ­ MALAYSIA Prof. Dr. Graeme Murch The University of Newcastle - AUSTRALIA Prof. Dr. Ali Shokuhfar K.N. Toosi University of Technology - IRAN


Hotel MeliÀ Barcelona *****
HOTEL VENUE Special Rates for DSL2008 Participants! The MeliÀ Barcelona hotel is located in the financial and commercial heart of the city, alongside the most fashionable city sights and attractions. The new MeliÀ Barcelona features elegant new rooms, highly personalised service, excellent cuisine, the most relaxing Spa... Easy access in only around 20 minutes to Barcelona international airport. More info: www.dsl2008barcelona.com

Hotel MeliÖ Barcelona (5*)


We would like to encourage you to submit your abstract (s) till deadline. Two accepted abstracts (one oral and one poster or two posters) per FULL REGISTRATION. One accepted Abstract per Student (Student Registration). Please complete one single A4 page. You may include one diagram and references. A book of abstracts (CD format) will be distributed during the conference! Submission of abstract can be done on-line: www.dsl2008-barcelona.com or by e-mail: contact@ironix-onferences.com

Abstract Submission Deadline
ORAL contribuitions:

25 March, 2008

People from academia and those from industry or those doing industrial work will be given the opportunity to give short 20 minutes presentations on their most recent work.

There will be a Special Poster Session on day 9 (see preliminary Programme)

MUSIC MUSEUM Barcelona, Spain



Organised by:

Prof. Dr. Joao Delgado University of Porto, PORTUGAL jdelgado@fe.up.pt
Selected papers will be published in JOURNAL OF POROUS MEDIA (Impact Factor 2006: 0.493) or CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN (Impact Factor 2006: 0.747), during 2009

Please, send your Abstract (s) direct to the organiser of this Special Session

Will be announce soon! Magic Fountain (Barcelona) The coloured lights playing through the water seem to make it dance to the rhythm of the music which accompanies the show; the shapes and colours change constantly, and the entrancing effect tends to be very popular amongst children. The fountain stands in the middle of the Spain Square.



Organised by:

Prof. Dr. B. Bokstein Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys, RUSSIA bokst@misis.ru Prof. Dr. V. Popov Institute of Metal Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, RUSSIA vpopov@imp.uran.ru

Papers submitted to DSL2008 and accepted after review process will be published in the periodical "DEFECT AND DIFFUSION FORUM" (Special Issue) by Trans Tech. Publications: www.ttp.net/10120386.html

Please, send your Abstract (s) direct to the organisers of this Special Session

Agbar Tower by architect Jean Nouvel



Organised by:

Prof. Dr. A. æchsner Technical University of Malaysia, MALAYSIA andreas.oechsner@gmail.com Dr. Eusebio SolÑrzano University of Valladolid, SPAIN esolo@fmc.uva.es

Selected papers will be published in a special issue or topic of ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS, during 2009.

Please, send your Abstract (s) direct to the organiser of this Special Session

Gothic Quarter The world famous "Barri GÐtic", Barcelona's oldest area.


Organised by:

Prof. Dr. I. Belova The University of Newcastle AUSTRALIA irina.Belova@newcastle.edu.au Prof. Dr. Graeme Murch The University of Newcastle, AUSTRALIA graeme.Murch@newcastle.edu.au
Papers submitted to DSL2008 and accepted after review process will be published in the periodical "DEFECT AND DIFFUSION FORUM" (Special Issue) by Trans Tech. Publications: www.ttp.net/10120386.html or The "JOURNAL OF NANO RESEARCH": http://www.ttp.net/16619897.html) Please, send your Abstract (s) direct to the organiser of this Special Session

Formal title is Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada FamÌlia. The most ambitious work of Barcelona's favourite son, Antoni GaudÌ, the magnificent spires of the unfinished cathedral imprint themselves boldly against the sky with swelling outlines inspired by the holy Montserrat. The spires are encrusted with a tangle of sculptures that seem to breathe life into the stone. GaudÌ died in 1926 before his masterwork was completed and, since then, controversy has continually dogged the building programme.


Registration FEE includes: Access to all sessions, conference bag, program, Abstract Book in CD format, all printed material of the conference, invitation to the Get-Together Reception, coffee breaks and Banquet.
(*) Student Proof must be sent together with your Registration Form (student= enrolled in a Bachelor, Master or PhD program. Student fee does not apply for PostDoc programs)

REGISTRATION FEE: Full Delegate Student Accompanied Person Hard copy of the conference proceedings Additional Paper(s)

until 15th April 2008 450 EUR 270 EUR

from 15th April 2008 550 EUR 370 EUR

150 EUR (Welcome Reception, Banquet and Halfday city Tour) 100 EUR 150 EUR ( each additional Paper)

Abstract Submission Deadline Notifications of Acceptance Accommodations Reservation Early Bird Registration DSL2008

25 March 2008 05 April 2008 25 April 2008 25 April 2008 911 July 2008

For more information visit our WEB SITE: www.dsl2008barcelona.com

Barcelona Beach

Papers submitted to DSL2008 and accepted after revision will be published in the periodical "DEFECT AND DIFFUSION FORUM" by Trans Tech. Publications: www.ttp.net/10120386.html

Selected papers will be published in a special issue or topic of ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS, during 2009. The journal is published by WILEYVCH and cited on ISI Web of Science (Impact Factor 2006: 1.402).

Papers submitted and accepted after review process will be published (Special Issue) by Trans Tech. Publications in THE JOURNAL OF NANO RESEARCH http://www.ttp.net/1661-9897.html Special Topic Issue on "Diffusion in Nanomaterials"

Selected papers will be published in JOURNAL OF POROUS MEDIA (Impact Factor 2006: 0.493)

Selected papers will be published in CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN (Impact Factor 2006: 0.747), during 2009

BatllÑ House Antoni GaudÌ worked on Casa BatllÑ between 1904 and 1906 and showed here his fascination with the combination of ornamental and structural, form and contents


Mass Transfer
· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Basics of diffusion Carburisation and Nitridation Internal precipitation Alloy heat treatment Particle growth and coarsening Microstructural and crystallographic texture evolution Reactive diffusion Phase transformations Multiphase diffusion systems Microelectronic and nanoscale systems Interfaces Diffusion in crystalline and amorphous materials Diffusion in ultrafine grain and nanocrystalline materials Diffusion in porous media Surface oxidation Phase diagrams Ad- and ab-sorption Diffusion coefficients Solute trapping at solid liquid interfaces Mathematical modelling Numerical methods Experimental methods Industrial applications

Heat Transfer
· · · · Mathematical modelling Numerical methods Experimental methods Industrial applications

Microstructure & Properties
· · · · Mathematical modelling Numerical methods Experimental methods Industrial applications

Nanodiffusion and Nanostructured Materials
· Nanomaterials · Nanocomposites · Industrial applications

Modern art rusts on La Barceloneta beach

Day 1: (9th July) · 09:0009:30 Opening Ceremony by organisers · 09:3011:00 Plenary Opening Lecture by Prof. H. Nakajima, Japan · 10:1511:00 Invited Plenary Lecture by Prof. F. Coutelieris, Greece · 11:0011:20 Break · 11:2012:00 Invited Plenary Lecture by Prof. Marek Danielewski, Poland Lunch 12:0013:00 · 14:0016:00 Parallel Technical Sessions & Special Sessions · 16:0016:20 Break · 16:2018:30 Parallel Technical Sessions & Special Sessions 19:0021:30 Poster Sessions & Get Together Day 2: (10th July) · 09:00 · 11:00 · 11:20 · 13:30 · 14:30 · 16:30 · 17:00 20:0023:00

11:00 Parallel Technical 11:20 Break 13:20 Parallel Technical 14:20 Lunch 16:30 Parallel Technical 16:50 Break 19:00 Parallel Technical DSLBANQUET

Sessions & Special Sessions Sessions & Special Sessions Sessions & Special Sessions Sessions & Special Sessions

Day 2: (11th July ) · 09:0011:00 · 11:0011:20 · 11:2013:30 15:30­19:30 DSL

Parallel Technical Sessions & Special Sessions Break Parallel Technical Sessions & Special Sessions City Tour

Flamenco is a genuine Spanish art. Mass media may have brought Flamenco to the world stage but it is still an intimate and passionate art form that has to be experienced by anyone who visits Spain!

Barcelona is at the leading edge of fashion, architecture, cuisine and style. As well as providing the vibrant backdrop of a cosmopolitan city with historic buildings, Gaudi's famous architecture, museums (e.g. Picasso Museum) and numerous restaurants, Barcelona enjoys glorious beaches and easy access to coastal villages. The unique style of Barcelona, a city of contrasts, makes it one of the world's most popular conference destinations. More info about Barcelona: www.barcelonaturisme.com The city offers many opportunities for sight-seeing, with architectural wonders, beautiful parks and inspirational museums and beaches. Barcelona is the capital of Catalonia and the second largest city in Spain. It is located on the Mediterranean coast, between the mouths of the rivers Llobregat and BesÐs, and is limited to the west by the Serra de Collserola ridge (512 m). Barcelona is also a major tourist destination, with a rich cultural heritage. Particularly renowned are the architectural works of Antonio GaudÌ and LluÌs DomÕnech i Montaner , which are UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Travel / VISA:
All information about how to get there, wetter, transport, maps and visas you will find under our webpage: www.dsl2088barcelona.com

Museum Pablo Ruiz Picasso With important collection of the painter's work, in addition to temporary exhibitions.