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Astronomy: IV General Meeting of EAAS, Report
Euro-Asian Astronomical Society
4th General Meeting of Euro-Asian Astronomical Society
Final Report:
                    Dear Members of EAAS!

Below you will find  Supplement to the Special Issue of Astrocourier,
Informational Bulletin of Euro-Asian Astronomical Society summarizing the
basic issues of the IVth  General Meeting (held in Moscow November

The Euro-Asian Astronomical Society wishes you all wherever you are a

M E R R Y  C H R I S T M A S and a H A P P Y  N E W  Y E A R  1998 !

                     With best regards,

                       On behalf of EAAS

                        Yours sincerely I.Pustylnik

                   A s t r o c o u r i e r

                   Nr.2 1997 (Special Issue).

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     1. IVth General Meeting of Euro-Asian Astronomical Society.

     2. Appendix I: The newly elected Council Board of EAAS.

     3. Appendix II: List of scientific conferences, sessions and invited

            1. IVth General Meeting of EAAS

The IVth General Meeting of the Euro-Asian Astronomical Society (EAAS) was
held in the premises of the Moscow University and Sternberg Astronomical
Institute between 19th and 29th of November 1997. According to the data of
mandatory commission nearly 280 members of EAAS representing 43
astronomical institutions from Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, Latvia,Estonia,
Uzbekistan, Kazahstan, Tadzhikistan attended the Meeting.

For the first time in the history of EAAS organizers of the Meeting
imitated the logistics of IAU General Assembly. In addition to the regular
sessions ( both in the plenary and separate parallel sittings)
encompassing practically all the spectrum of astrophysical research, the
hosts convened three accompanying scientific conferences:

i) Paleoastronomy: 'Sky and Mankind' (November 21st-24th),

ii) Towards the 40th anniversary from the start of space astronomy
(November 21st-22nd),

iii) Astronomy in the history of Moscow and Moscow region (dedicated to
the 850th anniversary of foundation of Moscow) (November 19th).

The list of acompanying conferences, the agenda of scientific sessions as
well as the titles of the invited lectures presented at the plenary
sessions are summarized below in Appendix II. The Board of EAAS prepared
issued by the time of the General Meeting a comprehensive account covering
all the basic aspects of its versatile activities. A full programme of the
IVth General Meeting (including the list of poster contributions)
and the Report of the Council were
published and distributed among the participants plus the booklet of
Abstracts 'Ancient astronomy: sky and mankind'. The Meeting has been
sponsored by the Russian Basic Research Foundation,
the Institute "Open Society" (Soros Foundation and INTAS).  Without the
supporting travel grants numerous participants, notably from Central Asia,
Siberia, Transcaucasian Republics and other regions and states could not
afford the trip to Moscow. A small sum was also donated by Sternberg
Astronomical Institute.
Cultural programme (organized by Dr.E.Karitskaya) included a
nice evening concert, the novelties of astronomical literature were on
display during the working days of the Meeting and found an interested
audience.  Lively discussions continued during the coffee breaks organized
due to heroic efforts of the secretariat of EAAS and the staff of Sternberg
Astronomical Institute.

Some plenary sessions dealt also with organizational matters of EAAS.  In
accordance with the by-law of the EAAS the General Meeting has elected
three Co-Chairmen of the Society, the Board of the EAAS consisting of 27
members and the mandatory commission. It approved some important
ammendments to the by-law. Among other things it lifted the limitation
precluding participance of the high rank authorities (directors of
astronomical institutions etc) in the membership of the Board of EAAS.
Dr.V.N.Obridko (Izmiran,Troitsk) and Dr.N.G.Bochkarev (Sternberg
Astronomical Institute, Moscow) retained their posts of the Co-chairmen of
EAAS. Prof.V.G.Gorbatsky (St.Petersburg University) resigned from his post
of the Co-Chairman of EAAS and became honorary member of the EAAS Council
Board. Prof.V.A.Varshalovitch (Physical Technical
Institute, St.Petersburg) has been unanimously elected as a new
Co-Chairman of the Society. In a special address the General Meeting
acknowledged the great merits of resigning Co-Chairman, Dr.V.G.Gorbatsky
who played a crucial role in various activites of the EAAS starting from
its very foundation in 1990.

On November 29th, the closing date of the EAAS General Meeting
a representative of INTAS made a talk of INTAS activities and announced
the new Call for Proposals - INTAS-1997.
Situation at astronomical observatories and institutions, including
Special Astrophysical Observatory of RAN, Maidanak Observatory
(Uzbekistan), observatories of Russian universities, and others, was
discussed and several important decisions covering the various aspects
of the prospective activities of EAAS were adopted.
The Meeting approved the accounts of the treasury
and the auditing commission, nominated  Chief Editors of the main
publications of the Society: Astrocourier (Dr.M.I.Rjabov), Bulletin of
EAAS (Dr.N.N.Samus), Astronomical & Astrophysical Transcations
(Dr.N.G.Bochkarev), Solar Data (V.N.Obridko,V.I.Makarov),Universe and
Ourselves (Dr.E.V.Kononovich), Bulletin of the Association of Russian
Planetaria - affiliated to EAAS (V.V.Belov).

The Meeting has recommended to discuss at one of the forthcoming meetings
of the Council Board the question of convening EAS regular Meeting
(jointly with the EAAS Meeting) in the year 2000 in Russia and to pass
the relevant resolution on JENAM 2000.

The Meeting addressed the director of Sternberg Astronomical Institute,
Prof.A.M.Cherepashchuk with a formal request of allocating additional rooms
for the secretariat of the EAAS. The Meeting of EAAS liquidated several idle
Commissions of EAAS. Several resolutions aimed at improving astronomical
education, specifically stating the deplorable state of planetaria, have
been adopted. The Meeting expressed its gratitude to the authorities of
Moscow University for providing their facilities for the needs of the
General Meeting and thereby creating exemplary working conditions for the
Two Board Meetings, of the previous membership and of the newly elected
ones were held.

2. Appendix I

The newly elected Council Board of EAAS


Prof. Nikolai G. Bochkarev           Sternberg Astronomical Institute
Prof. Vladimir N. Obridko            Institute of Terrestrial
                                     Magnetism and Radiawaves Propagation
Prof. Dmitri A. Varshalovich         Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute

Council Board members:

Dr. Yuri V.Baranov                   Scientific-Technical Center "Astrophysics"
Dr. Grigori M.Beskin                 Special Astrophysical Obs. of RAS
Prof. Gennadi S.Bisnovaty-Kogan      Space Research Institutte of RAS
Prof.Tatiana V. Bordovitsina         Institute for Mathematics and Mechanics
                                     of Tomsk State University
Prof. Anatoli M.Cherepaschuk         Sternberg Astronomical Institute
Prof. Aleksandr E.Dudorov            Chelyabinsk State University
Prof. Yuri N. Efremov                Sternberg Astronomical Institute
Prof. Shuhrat A. Egamberdiev         Astronomical Institute of Acad.Sci.
                                     of Republic Uzbekistan
Prof. Vitalij G.Gorbatskij           St.Petersburg State University
Prof. Subhon I.Ibadov                Astrophysical Institute of Acad.Sci.
                                     of Republic Tajikistan
Dr. Edward V. Kononovich             Sternberg Astronomical Institute
Prof. Georgi V. Kuklin               Institute for Solar-Terrestrial Physic,
                                     Siberian Branch of RAS
Prof. Djumber G. Lominadze           Abastumani Astrophydical Observatory
Dr. Vladimir A. Minin                Russian Basic Research Foundation
Prof. Seid Muhamednazarov            Scientific-Technical Center "Asman"
                                     of Acad. Sci. of Republic Turkmenistan
Prof. Dmitri I.Nagirner              St.Petersburg State University
Prof.Yuri N. Parijskij               Russian Acad. Sci.
Dr. Izold. B. Pustylnik              Tartu Astronomical Observatory of
                                     Acad.Sci of Estonia
Dr. Lidia V. Rykhlova                Institute of Astronomy of Russian
Dr. Mikhail I.Ryabov                 Odessa Branch of Institute for
                                     Radioastronomy of Acad. Sci. of Ukraine
Dr. Igor S.Savanov                   Crimean Astropysical Observatory of
                                     Acad. Sci. of Ukraine
Dr. Ivar K.Shmeld                    Astronomical Institute of Latvijan
                                     State University
Dr. Sergej A. Silich                 Main Astronomical Observatory of
                                     Acad. Sci. of Ukraine
Prof. Kazimir S. Stankevich          N.Novgorod Istitute for Radiophysics
Prof. Emanuil Ya. Vilkoviski         Astrophysical Institute of Acad. Sci.
                                     of Republic Kazakhstan
Dr. Polina E.Zakharova               Astronomical Observatory of Ural State
Dr. Georgi V. Zhukov                 Kazan State University

3. Appendix II

I. International Scientific Conference:"Paleoastronomy: sky and mankind".
Scientific sessions:

1) SETI and ancient civilizations

2) Archeoastronomy

3) An ancient Sun and man

4) Etnoastronomy

5) History of astronomy in the history of culture

6) Round-table discussion: problems of paleoastronomy.

II. International Scientific Conference: "40th anniversary
of the start of space astronomy: its history, the first victories and
disillusions:  shaping a new picture of the world and creating new
relationships between the nations".

Scientific sessions:

1) First launches of the artificial celestial objects

2) New technologies for satellite astronomy

3) Stages of research performed with the aid of the artificial satellites.

4) Astronomy from satellites

5) Investigations with the aid of interplanetary probes

6) Biological objects beyond the Earth atmosphere

7) Contemporary problems and prospects of cosmic research

III. International scientific conference: "Astronomy in the history of
Moscow and the Moscow region" (dedicated to the 850th anniversary of the
foundation of Moscow).

Scientific sessions:

1) The role of astronomy in an early history of Moscow

2) At the beginning of astronomical education in Moscow

3) Astronomy in Moscow University

4) Astronomical problems in scientific institutions of Moscow
   in  the post revolution epoch.

5) Astronomical bases in the Moscow region: their history, problems,

6) Popular astronomy in Moscow and Moscow region.

Parallel Scientific Sessions:

1. Sun

2. Solar System

3. Astrometry

4. Stars (The permanent Working Group on Stellar Atmospheres held its
   scientific meeting in the frame of the section Stars program)

5. Interstellar Medium

6. Extragalactic Astronomy


8. Round-table discussion on the problems of astronomical

The list of invited discourses presented at the plenary sessions:

V.N.Lukash (FIAN, Moscow)  Anisotropy of inhomogeneities of relict radiation
and cosmological model.

L.I.Matveenko: 35 years of VLBI.

D.A.Varshalovich (St. Petersburg) Cosmological variations of fundamental
physical constants: new theoretical and observational results.

B.Flek (ESTEC, NASA) SOHO- A new view at the Sun.

R.A.Sunyaev (IKI, RAN - MPE) News and prospects of the X-ray astronomy.

A.V.Loktin  (Ural University). Open stellar clusters of our Galaxy.

V.I.Slysh (FIAN) Cosmic masers.

G.I.Pinigin (Nikolaev observatory, Ukraine) Astrometry - new opportunities
and prospects.

L.V.Ksanfomaliti (IKI, Moscow) In search of life on Mars and other planets.

I.D.Karachentsev (SAO RAN) Local Universe: population and velocity field.

V.V.Shevchenko (Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow ) On the global
migration of matter in solar system.

V.V.Bondarenko (IPM, Moscow) On the tidally induced evolutionary processes
in the solar system.