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Дата изменения: Tue Dec 4 17:12:15 2007
Дата индексирования: Fri Dec 21 22:02:20 2007

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Current and Future Activities in Solar System Exploration

D. A. Senske Jet Propulsion Laboratory/Ca lifornia Institute of T echnology Space Week 2007 Moscow, Russia 1-5 October 2007

Strategy for Solar System Exploration
· Foundations of planetary exploration rooted in the key themes of the NRC Solar System Decadal Survey: -The First Billion Years of Solar Syst em Hist ory -Volatiles and Organics, the Stuff of Life -The Origin and Evolution of Habitable Worlds -Processes, How Planets Work

Missions to Asteroids & Prim itive Bo dies
Scien ce Objectives:
Unde rstand solar sy stem building blocks by colle cting come tary mate rial

Deep Impact


Scien ce Objectives:
Tem ple 1

Extended Miss ion:
StardustNEX T, New Ex ploration of Tem ple 1; re turn to the Dee p Im pact Targe t

Scien ce Objectives:
Unde rstand the com position and structure of Come ts

Unde rstand structure and com position of the tw o large st aste roids, Ve sta & Ce re s

Extended Miss ion:
EPOX I, Ex plore Come t Boe thin and make

extra-solar planet observation s

Missions to the T errestrial Planets
Scien ce Objectives:
1. Why is Me rcur y so dense? 2. W hat is t he geologic histo r y of Me rcur y? 3. W hat is t he str uc t ure o f Merc ur y's co re? 4. W hat is t he na t ure o f Merc ur y's magne tic field? 5. W hat are t he unus ual materials a t Merc ur y's poles? 6. W hat vola tiles are importa nt at Me rcur y?


Moon Mineralogical Mapper
Scien ce Objectives:
Address questio ns abo ut t he Moon's origin a nd developme nt a nd t he e volution of te rrest rial p lane ts i n the early so lar s ys tem by generati ng the firs t map of t he entire lunar surface at hig h spatial and spectra l resolutio n


1. S tud y t he Lunar radiation environme nt 2. Pro vide t he first highly accura te 3D lunar car tographic maps 3. Map mine ralog y across t he who le moon 4. Searc h for po lar vo latiles (especially wa ter ice) 5. Pro vide sub -mete r resolution imaging 6. Pro vide an assessme nt of feat ures for la nding sites



Prospects for the Future
Gravity Reco very and Interior Laboratory Scien ce Objectives:
High resolution gravi ty Mapping to understand the lunar inter ior s tructure

V enus So under for Planetary Exploration Scien ce Objectives:
Study the chemistry and dynamics of Venus' atmosphere

Origins Spectral Interpretation, Re sour ce Identification, and Se curity Scien ce Objectives:
Survey an asteroid and attempt to re turn a sample from the asteroid to Earth

NASA/JPL Un iv. o f A rizo na

T he Outer Planets
Drivers For Outer Solar System Exploration · Study of Bodies of the outer solar system (from the asteroid belt to the Kuiper belt) provide a means to gain information about the early solar system and how it has evolved
--Origins: Presence of primitive materials an d dyna mic processes provide insight into how the solar system forme d --Volatiles: Bod ies rich in water ice and evidence for the presence of subsurface oceans --Organics: Ab undant organ ic materia ls wh ich whe n combine d with an enviro nme nt providing heat and contain ing liqu id water may be suitable for life to arise

Cassi ni-Huygens
Saturn: Unde rstand the com position and structure of the atm osphe re Rings: Unde rstand the com positional and dy nam ic prope rtie s; insight into accre tionary disks Icy Sate llite s: Ge ologic history , crustal prope rtie s & com position, e spe cially re late d to orgranic rich mate rials Magne tosphe re: Characte rize the structure of the m agne tosphe re and its inte rations w ith Saturn's m oons and rings


Cassi ni-Huygens
Titan: --De te rm ine the m ost abundant e leme nts and and m ost like ly sce narios for the form ation and ev olution of Titan and its atm osphe re --De te rm ine the physical state, topography and com position of Titan's surface; characte rize its inte rnal structure . --De te rm ine if liquids are pre se nt on the surface of Titan


Missi ons--New Hori zons
· A scie nce pay load of seve n instrume nts w ill: ­ Characte rize the global ge ology and m orphology of Pluto and Charon ­ Map surface com position of Pluto and Charon ­ Characte rize the ne utral atm osphe re of Pluto and its e scape rate · "NASA desires, if at all possible, ...to have a reasonable plan for visiting one or more Kuiper Belt Objects...during and extended mission." ­ This is curre ntly part of the New Horizons Mission plan · The m ission time line: ­ Launch January 2006 ­ Jupite r fly by March 2007 ­ Pluto-Charon fly by July 2015 ­ Kuipe r Be lt Obje ct fly by s 2016-2020

Missi ons--Juno
Juno: Jupiter Polar Orbiter -- Mission goa l to understand the origin and Evolution of Jupiter -- Collect data to produce global maps of the gravity & magnetic fields and atmosph eric co mpos ition --Instrume nts: Radiometers, magn etometers, gravity science system -- Jupiter arrival, October 2016; Plan ned mission of 32 Jupiter orbits; Perijove ~5000 km

Opportuni ti es for the Future
· NASA Science M ission Directorate chart ered four outer planet flagship mission studies
-- Establish Goals, Objectives, Investig ations and Measure ments to drive a coherent outer planets exporations -- Scien ce targets of high priority - Europa, Oceans, Organics & Habitability - Jupiter System, Co mprehe nsiv e study of the system; probing the foundations of planetary systems - Titan, Exploration of the surface & atmosphere of a earth-like world - Enceladu s, a uniqu e world of cryovolc anic activ ity

Europa Ex pl orer
· Highest Priority Flag ship class miss ion identified by the Decadal S urvey Goal: Explore Europa and Inve stigate its habitability · Science Objectiv es:
-Characterize the Ocean and Deep inte rior -Characterize the Ice shell & any subsurface wate r and the nature of surface -ice -oce an ex change -De te rm ine global surface com position and chem istry e spe cially as re late d to habitability -Unde rstand the form ation of surface fe ature s including site s of re ce nt or curre nt activ ity and ide ntify and characte rize candidate site s for future in situ ex ploration -Characterize the magnetic environment and m oon-particle inte ractions -De te rm ine how the com pone nts of the Jov ian sy stem ope rate and inte ract, le ading to pote ntially habitable e nv ironme nts in icy m oons


Jupiter System Observer
Satelli tes
- - De term ine the inter ior s tr uct ures and processes oper at ing in t he Galile an Sate llites in re lat ion t o t he f orm at ion and his tor y of the Jupiter s ystem and pote nt ial habit abilit y of t he moons .


- - Unders t and t he me chanisms res pons ible f or form at ion of s ur f ace fe atures and implicat ions f or ge ological his t or y, e volut ion, and le ve ls of curre nt act ivit y - - De term ine the surf ace compos it ions and implicat ions f or t he or igin, e volut ion and tr ans port of s urf ace m ate r ials - - De term ine the com pos it ions , or igins , and e volut ion of t he at mos phere , including tr ans por t of m at er ial throughout t he Jovian system - - Determ ine how the com ponents of t he Jovian system oper ate & int er act

-- Un derstand the magnetospheric environments of Jupiter, its mo ons and their i nteractions

Jupiter Atmosphere
-- Un derstand the processes that maintain the compositio n, structure and dynamics of t he Jovian atmosphere as a type example of a gas giant planet

Ti tan Expl orer
Exploration using orbiter, aerial platform and lander Scien ce Objectives:
-Titans origin and Ev olution (Origininal com position of surface rocks & ice s) -Titan as a sy stem (ge ology , hy drology , atm osphe ric scie nce ) -Organics and Life 's Origins (Titans com plex organic chem istry )


Encel adus Expl orer
· A Un ique cryovo lcan ica lly active world · Scie nce Questions: -Unde rstand the source of tidal he ating -What is the inte rnal structure ? -What is the com position of the inte rior? -What drive s the ex te nsive te ctonic activ ity ? -Why doe s the inte nsity of te ctonic activ ity v ary so w ide ly across the surface ? -Cryovolcanism: -What is the nature of the plume source ? -What are the re surfacing rate s? -What are the e scape rate s? -Unde rstand Surface Proce sse s -What is the Biological pote ntial