Äîêóìåíò âçÿò èç êýøà ïîèñêîâîé ìàøèíû. Àäðåñ îðèãèíàëüíîãî äîêóìåíòà : http://www.iki.rssi.ru/kollibri/otch_e.htm
Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Sun Nov 10 17:20:42 2002
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Tue Oct 2 01:36:50 2012
Êîäèðîâêà: Windows-1251

Interregional Public Organisation


G.M. Tamkovich

Manager of Research and Educational Microsatellite Program,

IPO Microsputnik,
Chairman of Board,
Doctor of Science (Engineering)

on Results of the Russian/Australian Research and Educational Microsatellite Kolibri-2000 Mission






































Research and educational microsatellite Kolibri-2000, that separated from Progress M1-7 transport cargo vehicle in the night from the 19th into the 20th of March 2002, performed 711 revolutions around the earth, and early in the morning on the 4th of May 2002 made a destructive reentry over the Pacific Ocean area.

Many research and development, test, production and educational organizations were involved in the development, testing and operation of the Russian/Australian microsatelliteà Kolibri-2000 and its ground segment:

ž       IKI RAS (Moscow)

ž       SKB KP IKI RAS (Tarusa)

ž       S.P.Korolev RSC Energia (Korolev)

ž       NIIYaF MGU (Moscow)

ž       NILAKT ROSTO (Kaluga)

ž       NPO Machinostroenie (Reutov)

ž       KB Polet ( Îmsk)

ž       NPF Ìàg-sensor (St. Petersburg)

ž       ÀÊ Rigel (St. Petersburg)

ž       TsNIIMachinostroenie (Korolev)

ž       TsUP TsNIIMachinostroenie (Korolev)

ž       RG NIITsPK after Yu.À. Gagarin (Star City)

ž       GNTs IBMP (Moscow)

ž       IZMIRRAN (Troitsk)

ž       IATE (Obninsk)

ž       Obninsk satellite educational project incorporating the school of physics and technology and school of computer technologies Gelios,

ž       Sidney satellite educational project incorporating Knox Grammar School (for boys) and Ravenswood Girls School (for girls).

For arrangement and coordination of the project-related activities a new organization was established, i.e. the Interregional Public Organization 'Association of Specialists and Young People for Creative Research in Space Technologies, Microsputnik' (IPO Microsputnik).

Microsatellite Kolibri-2000 paves the way to a fundamentally new direction of spacecraft building, i.e. development of research and educational microsatellites in the interests of space science, and considerable improvement of aerospace education of the young people based on space and computer technologies. The microsatellite is the first model of a new family of microsatellites, it has been constructed in the frame of the Research and Educational Microsatellite Program (identified as Kolibri-1 Project) with support of the International Aeronautic Federation and Russian Cosmonautics Federation.

Basic Performance of Microsatellite Kolibri-2000:

1.      Mass - 20.5 kg, including

2.      Power capacity of solar arrays (0.5 m2) is 30-60 W;

3.      Single-axis attitude control system is no less that + 10î;

4.      Radio link of 145/435 ÌHz.

The injection of microsatellite Kolibri-2000 into orbit from Progress M1-7 transport cargo vehicle, that followed the Progress M1-7 operations of the transport and logistics support of the International Space Station, is a demonstrative example of new capabilities to inject relatively small satellites into orbit. Distinctive peculiarities of this method are specific utilization of the intravehicular activity of the crewmembers, as well as the use of the original transport and launch container developed in Special Design Space Instrument-Making Bureau of the Institute of Space Research (IKI) of RAS with the participation of specialists of S.P. Korolev RSC Energia.

During the microsatellite operation 256 radio communication sessions were conducted from the Lead Ground Control Station at NILAKT ROSTO (Kaluga), as well as more that 10 communication sessions with the data receiving and processing stations at SKB KP IKI (Òàrusa), two Australian schools (Sidney) and Obninsk schools.

New data on the Earth magnetic filed fluctuations and energy particle fluxes during strong geomagnetic disturbances occurred on the 17th and 23rd of April was acquired. Data on the impact of the disturbed Earth atmosphere on the character and rate of the microsatellite orbital change was reviewed.

In addition, the Colins joint program was on-line coordinated between participants of the Kolibri Project and NASA-sponsored INSPERE educational program. On the 1st and 2nd of May in the course of the joint Program, when the microsatellite was flying over the New Zealand, concurrent measurements of energy particles (PFA) and magnetic field (TFM) on the Kolibri microsatellite were made. They were coordinated with the D ionosphere (80-100 km) investigations based on the data of the unique magnetic antenna of the Physics Department of Otago University.

In general, it can be stated that the objectives of the Microsatellite Program concerning the development of the first microsatellite and its ground segment, as well as the flight tasks of microsatellite Kolibri-2000 were completely fulfilled. In so doing, regarding the scheduled Project-related activities the following results were obtained:

ž        Successful results of the pre-flight autonomous and integrated ground tests, as well as pre-launch preparation at the cosmodrome were realized

ž      Integration of the microsatellite in the transport and launch container according to the International legal standards of the International Space Station, including the safety certification, was implemented

ž        Space experiment to support the microsatellite launch was realized

ž        Control of the microsatellite autonomous flight was organized and successfully implemented

ž        Flight and design tests of the microsatellite were conducted

ž        The implementation of the educational program was started and its first results as applied to the first satellite mission were obtained

ž        Research Program Kolibri-2000 was fulfilled

ž        Major problems were revealed and their solutions were identified

ž        Near-term prospects of the Program development were determined.



The implementation of the Russian/Australian school space project pointed to the necessity from the very beginning to identify the main project objectives and tasks, features and contents of project components, which would meet up to date requirements in terms of relevance and available capabilities. It was concluded that the Russian/Australian school space project should be research and educational by its nature and should become not the only but the first one in the Research and Educational Microsatellite program.

The Research and Educational Microsatellite Program is a fundamentally new trend of space programs, the main emphasis of which is placed on the integrated conceptual development of research and technological creative work of high-school children and students. Cosmonautics is one of the rare area of activity, where each person can find a sphere to apply his own abilities. Through acquisition of knowledge and experience, specific work allows him to have a gradual improvement of his abilities and become a high-professional specialist in the chosen research area.

The state-of-the-art of the research and technological progress makes it possible to adapt the issues related to satellite development and operation, as well as its control and data acquisition processes to the educational programs. Therefore, the formation of the Research and Educational Microsatellite Program is not only reasonable, but rather relevant for the present day.

Cosmonautics is in intensive progress, and today it is hard to image the mankind evolution without using the space activity results. A great advance in the development of microelectronics, mass application of microprocessors, spread of space technologies, availability of space system elements gave rise to possible solution of a wide range of urgent tasks by using microsatellites. They are widely used in satellite communication, remote sensing, space physics and technology, education, etc. Microsatellites can be developed by small teams and within a short period of time.

The Research and Educational Microsatellite Program is very important and useful for the cosmonautics itself. Space exploration will be more efficient, if highly educated specialists interested in space science and technology are engaged in it. Education is a more effective way of brining this understanding home to a person, therefore, his initiation to space should start at school. The implementation of a long-term Research and Educational Microsatellite Program aimed at realization of space projects incorporating development and launch of microsatellites and deployment of ground control, data receiving and processing complexes, which will aid in efficient solution of a wide range of scientific, technological and educational tasks, should become a part of this initiation.

The Research and Educational Microsatellite Program offers a simple open access to scientific and telemetry information received from the satellite.

The Program incorporates the implementation of several projects and foresees a launch of five microsatellites within five-seven years. In so doing, the Russian/Australian research and educational Project Kolibri-2000 is the first project in the frame of the Program (Kolibri-1), and microsatellite Kolibri-2000 is a basic model in structure, service systems, way of launch and interaction with the ground control, data receiving and processing stations.

The satellite structure and service systems, as well as principle of its operation in general should have no sophisticated elements, but should meet high modern requirements for satellites of a similar class.

The ground control complex and school data receiving and processing stations should be built on a basis of transceivers widely used in radio amateur complexes, and universally used personal computers. Separate software fragments can be developed by schoolchildren and students involved in the program. At the same time the microsatellite program cannot be simplified, because one of its main objectives is to gradually extend abilities of schoolchildren.

A complex of microsatellite research hardware should be selected based on the same criteria. On the one hand, the hardware should be small-sized and simple, but on the other hand, it should make it possible to receive real relevant scientific data, process and interpret it.

In addition, the development and operational cost of the microsatellite and relevant ground station, as well as the launch cost should be minimized in order to be consistent with the cost for the educational programs.

The first mission under the microsatellite Kolibri-2000 Program was essentially aimed at verification of these conceptual program fundamentals in a real flight and performance of flight tests of the basic microsatellite model.

A complex of the research microsatellite Kolibri-2000 hardware generally meets the specified requirements, provides valuable scientific data compatible with the information of other satellites. Scientific equipment for subsequent satellites of this series can be built on a basis of the scientific instruments of microsatellite Kolibri-2000 complex.

The chosen technique of launching the satellite from the Progress transport cargo vehicle providing logistics support to the International Space Station not only allowed to solve the task in a reliable and low-price way, but laid the basis for the microsatellite integration according to the International legal standards. This factor is significant not just as a potential start for further satellites of this series, but also as a means of attraction of the partners participating in the Space Station development, assembly and operation, and, through them, of a wide world community to the Program activities.



The microsatellite admission to flight as part of the transport cargo vehicle and the International Space Station was preceded by a large scope of activities. The microsatellite passed an expertise and certification as a separate spacecraft and component of the Russian Segment of the International Space Station. The prelaunch preparation and preflight autonomous and integrated tests were performed at the cosmodrome.

The technical expertise of the Kolibri Project had to solve the following tasks:

ž        Outline analysis of design solutions for the microsatellite as a separate spacecraft;

ž        Analysis of mechanical, electrical and thermal interfaces of the microsatellite and the cargo vehicle;

ž        Analysis of the design and ergonomic solutions taken in development of the transport and launch container and microsatellite, and used materials;

ž        Investigation of interference between the transport and launch container with the microsatellite and the cargo vehicle;

ž        Integration of the microsatellite into the Russian Segment of the International Space Station;

ž        Determination of feasibility of the Kolibri microsatellite launch as per the proposed concept;

ž        Determination of the main areas of the scientific and engineering studies to support the development of the Research and Educational Program of microsatellites developed on a basis of microsatellite  Kolibri-2000.

In so doing, the microsatellite and Progress M1-7 safety-related solutions were subjected to a more thorough expertise.

The expertise was conducted in the course of:

ž        Analysis of the design, engineering and operational documentation for the transport cargo vehicle and Kolibri microsatellite;

ž        Technical consultations with the documentation developers;

ž        Meetings with the Project developers (IKI RAS, SKB ÊP IKI RAS, NILAKT RÎSÒÎ);

ž        Joint participation in ground tests of the Kolibri microsatellite equipment on dedicated stands provided by SKB ÊP IKI RAS and on the integrated stand of the checkout and test facility;

ž        Mock-up design of the flight transport and launch container in Progress M1-7 vehicle at the checkout and test facility;

ž        Development test of integration of the transport and launch container with the microsatellite on the docking assembly of the cargo vehicle during training sessions of the prime and backup crews (ISS-4) at Yu.A. Gagarin RGNII TsPK  with participation of specialists from SKB ÊP IKI RAN.

To verify the results of the technical expertise of the Kolibri Project, S.P. Korolev RSC Energia departments issued dedicated certificates on:

ž        Ballistics-related safety of the Kolibri Project

ž        Systems extending and separating the Kolibri microsatellite;

ž        Loads on the Kolibri microsatellite;

ž        Design solutions made for the transport and launch container with the Kolibri microsatellite with regard to their functionality, safety and reliability;

ž        Results of Kolibri microsatellite thermal control analysis;

ž        Safety of the materials used in the transport and launch container and microsatellite;

ž        Power supply system of the Kolibri microsatellite;

ž        Ergonomics;

ž        Scientific hardware;

ž        Installation of the transport and launch container with the microsatellite on the cargo vehicle docking assembly ring.

The analysis of conclusions made in the dedicated project expertise certificates allowed to state that:

ž        There are no radical problems, which could impede the experiment performance, and the vehicle systems parameters as a whole satisfy the experiment conditions;

ž        In terms of the functionality, safety and reliability assurance, the solutions made in development of the design, systems and mechanisms of the transport and launch container and microsatellite are optimal;

ž        Proposed trajectory plan for the experiment performance assures safety of the International Space Station, cargo vehicle and microsatellite in all mission phases in nominal and off-nominal situations;

ž        The scope of studies and their results confirm the expediency of developing the Research and Educational Microsatellite Program based on the Kolibri Project.

For the microsatellite certification the following certificates were issued:

- Certificates for admission to full-scale tests concerning:

         Sanitary-hygienic expertise;

         Fire safety;

         Radiation safety;

         Electromagnetic compatibility with equipment of the cargo vehicle and International Space Station;

- 'Certificate of flight experiment safety on the International Space Station;

As a result of the activities:

ž        Specific experience was acquired in development of ground technical documentation for all kinds of tests, flight control documentation for the International Space Station and transport cargo vehicle, ways of further updating of the microsatellite space experiments documentation were identified;

ž        Stand-alone tests of the onboard systems and microsatellite as a whole, including joint tests with the transport and launch container, and as part of Progress M1-7 cargo vehicle were performed;

ž        Mounting procedures for installation of the transport and launch container with microsatellite on the transport cargo vehicle docking ring were tested, the crew procedures describing appropriate actions of the International Space Station crew were released, and training of ISS-4 crew on the full-scale mockup of the transport and launch container was conducted;

ž        Necessary prelaunch preparation operations were performed at the cosmodrome, including charging of chemical current sources, integration of the transport and launch container in the cargo compartment, check of fasteners.



ž        A plan of organizational and engineering actions on integration of the microsatellite into the Russian Segment of the International Space Station was verified in actual practice.

ž        The microsatellite structure, scientific hardware and service equipment (onboard systems, radio equipment, electric power supplies) were certified.

ž        Thorough investigations showed the adequacy of actions taken to assure the required safety of the International Space Station and its crew, as well as the consistency of the microsatellite performance with the requirements for cargoes to be accommodated on the Station.

ž        By the results of joint activities with the International Space Station partners the Flight Safety Certificate for the satellite as a whole and its separation from Progress M1-7 transport cargo vehicle mutually agreed with the Partners was produced.



The implementation of the space experiment incorporated the following major activities related to the microsatellite flight as part of the Progress M1-7 transport cargo vehicle and International Space Station:

- Launch of the microsatellite in the cargo compartment of the transport cargo vehicle into orbit by the Soyuz rocket and space complex and its delivery to the International Space Station;

- De-installation of the transport and launch container with microsatellite from the cargo compartment of the Progress M1-7 cargo transport vehicle;

- Accommodation and storage of the transport and launch container with microsatellite aboard the Russian Segment of the International Space Station;

- Installation of the transport and launch container with microsatellite on the Progress M1-7 docking assembly ring;

- Launch of the microsatellite to an independent orbit through separation from the transport and launch container.

By the results of performed activities the following conclusions can be made:

ž        In the course of the International Space Station operation an independent spacecraft was first accommodated, stored and operated on the station as an equipped and ready for operation microsatellite presenting a sophisticated scientific-engineering instrument with a large number of potential hazards requiring a dedicated analysis.

ž        The concept of separation of the transport cargo vehicle with the depressurized cargo compartment from the International Space Station was first tested on the station.

ž        Visual tracking of the microsatellite operations, both regarding the support activities inside the International Space Station, and during the vehicle separation from the station, and then the microsatellite separation from the vehicle was successfully provided.

ž        A high tech effectiveness of the microsatellite design in terms of its prelaunch preparation, and a high quality of the crew procedures were verified. In combination with a high professionalism of ISS-4 crew they allowed to perform all activities with a good quality and within a specified time.

ž        A particular emphasis should be laid on the efficient and professional work of the ISS-4 crew commander, cosmonaut Yuri Onufrienko, who personally provided a qualitative and reliable installation of the transport and launch container on the Progress M1-7 transport cargo vehicle docking assembly ring.

All of the proceeding is intended to illustrate the prospects of further activities on development of microsatellites of this type and their full reliability, as well as the absence of future obstacles put by the International Space Station partners.



The microsatellite autonomous flight was controlled by the Lead Command Station established at NILAKT ROSTO base in Kaluga. In the injection phase and during the first communication sessions it was duplicated at SKB KP IKI (Tarusa) and in the Lead Spacecraft Control Center at ÊÂ ÌÎ (Krasnoznamensk).

During the mission of microsatellite Kolibri-2000 the following operations were performed:

ž        Full-scale actual tests of the onboard and ground control complex were performed. All systems and equipment of the ground control complex including hardware and software operated normally.

ž        After the telemetry information analysis no failures and malfunctions of the onboard avionics systems were detected.

ž        Scheduled interaction with the microsatellite data receiving stations, including school stations in Russia and aboard was established.

ž        Procedure of data transmission to the recipients and users according to preliminary requests was tested.

ž        The experience of preliminary daily and detailed session-by-session planning of the microsatellite flight control activity was verified.

ž        Taking into account the environmental changes (increase of solar activity and respective increase of atmosphere density in microsatellite flight altitudes), real-time decisions were taken to intensify the service systems operations (attitude control, satellite thermal control, power system operation adjustment).

ž        School receiving stations, including stations located in Australia, passed a complete required cycle of thorough testing, they were essentially prepared for information reception and processing, and participated in reception of the scientific and housekeeping information from the microsatellite.

ž        By the results of the microsatellite operation daily reports were generated and distributed. The received scientific and telemetry information was preliminary processed and distributed.

ž        Development tests for pilot operation of the mobile microsatellite control complex were successfully performed with a ride of the control team to field conditions to the suburbs of Kaluga.

ž        The ground services:

         worked for 46 days of direct interaction with the microsatellite;

         performed 256 communication sessions;

         received 1495 files of scientific information;

         received 2076 files of long-term telemetry information;

         received 2072 files of telemetry express information;

         received 534 files of additional telemetry information;

         received 1200 files of microsatellite attitude information;

ž        In interaction with the Australian ground stations they:

        received 128 letters from Australian schools

        sent 168 letters to Australian schools with the directives, instructions, diagrams, programs, data, and explanations.

The use of the remote satellite servicing system developed by NILAKT ROSTO within the Project Kolibri-2000 ensured a real-time and flexible command control of the microsatellite, in-depth and qualitative monitoring of its onboard systems, efficient operation of the onboard and ground automatic equipment, as well as a wide acquisition, downlink and presentation of the onboard instrumentation information. The remote satellite servicing system can be recommended as a basic system for subsequent projects to be implemented in this area.

ž        For Ballistic Support of Microsatellite Flight:

Ballistic tracking of the Kolibri microsatellite (radio amateur call-sign RS-21) was provided by the ground control complex of NILAKT ROSTO based on NORAD trajectory data received via Internet at regular intervals (from 20.03.02 to 04.05.02).

By processing the trajectory data the initial conditions were identified for ballistic calculations and support of the ground control complex operation and Navigator program.

Upon reception of new initial conditions, ephemerid tables were calculated for a four-day interval to plan the satellite activities and generate the onboard time programs.

1)      For the Lead Control Station in Kaluga the following data was calculated:

ž  schedule and parameters of ÇÐÂ AES RS-21 for Kaluga, Moscow standard time;

ž  schedule and parameters of ÇÐÂ AES RS-21 for Sidney, Moscow standard time;

ž  schedule and parameters of ÇÐÂ AES RS-21 for Sidney, Sidney time;

ž  data of shadow parts of the orbit of AES RS-21, Moscow standard time;

ž  data of ascending nodes of orbit of AES RS-21, Moscow standard time.

2)      For school receiving stations in Sidney the following data was calculated:

ž  schedule and parameters of ÇÐÂ AES RS-21, Sidney time;

ž  schedule and parameters of ÇÐÂ AES RS-12/13, Sidney time
(Satellite RS-12/13 was used as a signal sensor debug the ground complex);

ž  antenna target designation tables for AES RS-21, Sidney time;

ž  antenna target designation tables for AES RS-12/13, Sidney time;

ž  radio link frequency tables for Sidney-AES RS-21 (145 ÌHz), Sidney time;

ž  radio link frequency tables for Sidney-AES RS-12/13 (145 ÌHz), Sidney time;

ž  initial conditions in AMSAT form;

ž  initial conditions for Navigator program in Sidney.

3)      For operation monitoring in Moscow the following data was calculated:

ž  schedule and parameters of ÇÐÂ AES RS-21 for Kaluga, Moscow standard time;

ž  schedule and parameters of ÇÐÂ AES RS-21 for Sidney, Sidney time.

4)      For regional Tarusa station the following data was calculated:

ž  schedule and parameters of ÇÐÂ AES RS-21 for Tarusa, Moscow standard time;

ž  antenna target designation tables for AES RS-21, Moscow standard time;

ž  radio link frequency tables for Òàrusa-EAS RS-21 (145 ÌHz), Moscow standard time;

ž  radio link frequency tables for Òàrusa-EAS RS-12/13 (145 ÌHz), Moscow standard time.

Moreover, if needed, the route of subsatellite point of AES RS-21 to plan the satellite devices activation/deactivation time when producing onboard time programs was calculated.

For specified time intervals the route of the subsatellite point was calculated in order to track the data of scientific measurements for NIIYaF MGU.

ž        For Specific Communication Sessions:

In the first microsatellite entry into the communication coverage of the Kaluga ground control complex its signal was promptly detected, measured and evaluated for the purpose of utilization. In the next communication session with the satellite a stable two-way radio communication was established, commands passed and were executed, telemetry information was received.

In further sessions the functionality of the following onboard systems and functions were checked:

ž        Three-component flux-gate magnetometer

ž        Operation of the control unit of the attitude and stabilization system (ÁÓ ÑÎÑ-1), in different modes

ž        Operation and parameters of 145 MHz radio transmitter,

ž        Operation of radio transmitter and 435 MHz command system

ž        Generation and transmission of various types of information

ž        Operation of telemetry systems in different modes

ž        Operation of the electric power system

ž        Generation, accumulation and transmission of the attitude information in different modes

ž        Operation of the particle and filed analyzer

ž        Generation, accumulation and transmission of the scientific information in different modes

ž        Generation, accumulation and transmission of the digital information of the particle and field analyzer

ž        Operation of the control unit of the attitude and stabilization system (ÁÓ ÑÎÑ-2) in different modes

ž        Operation of communications in simplex modes in 145 MHz and 435 ÌHz ranges

ž        Operation of radio systems at increased and decreased radiation power

ž        Operation of communications at different information exchange rates (uplink and downlink).

ž        Operation of the onboard time service, its setting and correction.

ž        Operation of the onboard command line, various methods of installation of command programs, status check, correction and complement.

ž        Operation of the onboard audible processor and transmission of voice messages in 145 MHz and 435 ÌHz ranges.

ž        Operation of the general-access telemetry system sending information by Morse telegraph code signals.



By results of the flight-design tests of microsatellite Kolibri-2000 the following conclusions can be made:

ž        Validity of the fundamental technical solutions concerning the microsatellite design and major onboard systems was verified.

ž        All organizational and technical interfaces between participants involved in the microsatellite development and operation were identified and agreed.

ž        The microsatellite structure with the transport and launch container withstood all mechanical loads in the launch phase, four-month storage conditions on the International Space Station and during separation of the microsatellite from the transport and launch container integrated in Progress M1-7 transport cargo vehicle.

ž        The feasibility of the technical concept of a safe and reliable separation of the microsatellite from the transport cargo vehicle was verified, options of actions in various off-nominal situations were studied, probability of ONS occurrence was determined. All mechanical nodes of the transport and launch container and deployment mechanisms of the antenna-feeder devices, solar arrays, microsatellite gravitational beam operated normally.

ž        The magneto-gravitational attitude system performed its functions both in microsatellite in-orbit attitude, and in investigation of dynamic characteristics of the magneto-gravitational attitude system and microsatellite behavior in low orbits under disturbed atmosphere and magnetosphere conditions during solar flares on the 17th and 23rd of April 2002 in various attitude modes (gravitational, aerodynamic and spin-up around the Z axis).

ž        The electric power supply system (solar arrays, unit of chemical batteries and automatic equipment for optimization of charge-discharge processes) kept its functionality after a four-month storage on the International Space Station (without recharging of chemical batteries onboard the station) and during a 46-day autonomous microsatellite flight ensured a required level of power supply for all onboard systems. When performing dynamic operations of the magneto-gravitational attitude system related to the attitude changes a slight shortfall of electric power was observed. This can be explained by an off-nominal position of solar arrays relative to the Sun.

ž        New data obtained on the microsatellite in-flight thermal control displayed (for implemented altitudes and microsatellite orbit lighting) a definite thermal insulation redundancy. This point will be taken into consideration in development of further microsatellites of this series.

ž        The full-scale space experiment on the microsatellite verified the feasibility of the onboard avionics located in a depressurized container in open space conditions. This approach significantly improves the mass-dimensional characteristics of the satellite.

ž        The functionality of the satellite scientific hardware and service equipment on the upper boundary of the allowable operating temperatures was virtually verified. The passive thermal control system provided a thermal mode of the instruments operation in a range of 55÷65œÑ, that is slightly higher as compared to the estimated upper limit (by 5÷15œÑ). However, the qualitative ground testing of the avionics and chemical batteries defined their safe operation in all flight phases.

ž        The attitude accuracy definition system consisting of the flux-gate magnetometer and sun tracker operated normally.

ž        The service remote maintenance equipment ÊÀ-DOKAÁ along with the radio complex provided an efficient interaction of all onboard instruments throughout the microsatellite mission. The command and telemetry radio links had a stable operation for data reception and transmission with Kaluga and Sidney ground control complex and Tarusa telemetry information receiving station in two high frequency ranges of 145 ÌHz and 435 ÌHz.

ž        The audible processor operated normally with a good quality of voice messages.

ž        Full-scale actual tests of the electric power supplies were performed. They demonstrated a correct choice of the lifetime of chemical current sources and power of solar arrays. Cases of implementing threshold values of electric current were identified, in which the microsatellite hardware is completely off.

ž        Possibilities to significantly increase the in-flight lifetime of the systems and the duration of the microsatellite flight were revealed (for example, due to the launch from a higher orbit). This will provide an additional capability to make measurements by using a set of scientific hardware.

ž        The microsatellite development test base was developed and tested based on the horizontal and vertical hanging stands. This base is partially used for residual magnetization tests.



The basic institutions of the educational program are school of computer technologies Gelios and school of physics and technology in Obninsk, which are functionally connected with the Institute of Nuclear Power, as well as Sidney satellite project combining Knox Grammar School (for boys) and Ravenswood Girls School (for girls).

During preparation for satellite in-orbit operation the schoolchildren acquired necessary knowledge about the near-earth space, magnetic field of the Earth, Van Allen belts, microsatellite design and development process. For processing of data received from microsatellite Kolibri-2000 schoolchildren developed the Decoder program, which allows to decode the data and present it in a format suitable for further analysis, i.e. in the format of tables and charts. For analysis of the satellite in-orbit operation schoolchildren developed a program, presenting a 3D microsatellite model, rotating around the magnetic field vector in accordance with the results of measurements of the field density vector projections in the satellite coordinate system.

In the active microsatellite flight phase regular duty shifts were arranged at Obninsk school of physics and technology on Wednesdays and Saturdays. The data received by e-mail was processed by means of the developed programs.

The basic results of the onset of the educational program implementation are as follows:

ž  Methods of microsatellite-related work organization for high-school children and students were validated. The university and school data receiving stations were established in Russia and Australia, at which students and schoolchildren received information from the satellite, processed and interpreted scientific and telemetry data, analyzed the microsatellite orbit change process under the effect of the earth atmosphere.

ž  A possibility of implementation and coordination of space educational programs by using the world radio amateur community was proved.

ž  The efficiency of transmission of scientific and telemetry information from the microsatellite by using hardware operating in the radio amateur frequency band was practically verified. Taking into account a high degree of radio amateur hardware utilization, the advisability of expanding an excess to information by receiving data in the radio amateur frequency range directly at school receiving stations was demonstrated.

ž  The ways of significant increase of schoolchildren audience, involved in the microsatellite activities, through using the Internet computer network were revealed. In particular, by using this approach a real-time information reception from the Lead Ground Control Station (Kaluga) was arranged before establishing the school data receiving station at school of computer technologies Gelios and school of physics and technology at the Institute of Nuclear Power (Obninsk).

ž  The key conceptual provisions for improvement of compact and mobile stations for receiving scientific and housekeeping information from the microsatellite at educational institutions were developed.

ž  A possibility of on-line establishment of a remote information receiving station was demonstrated. A communication session from such a mobile station brought to the suburbs of Kaluga was conducted. Thus, it opens up the way for access to participation in the space educational program from any place.



The magnetic and electrical fields of the Earth at altitudes of 200-400 km have not been virtually investigated during the last few tens of years. Thus, the Kolibri microsatellite mission made a fresh start in the area of geomagnetic observations in the new millennium. The measurements made during the microsatellite flight are unique in that the flight time coincided with the period of high solar activity and increased atmosphere density, respectively.

The research program has been implemented by using scientific hardware including the following instruments:

1.    Three-component flux-gate magnetometer measuring the magnetic intensity by three orthogonal components in a range of +/- 64000 nT and its fluctuations caused by magnetic storms, as well as spectral fluctuation density in a frequency band of 50-60 Hz in one component. The three-component flux-gate magnetometer is also used by the onboard attitude system providing compensation of the microsatellite oscillations;

2.    Particle and filed analyzer measuring:

à) Particles:

- electrons with energies of more than 100 KeV (in two directions, i.e. zenith and nadir);
more than 300 KeV; >600 KeV;

- protons with energy of more than 50ÌeV;

- neutrons of 0.1 eV - 1.0 ÌeV;

- Gamma radiation with energies >300 KeV and >2 ÌeV.

á) Electric field:

- induced quasi-static field in a range of +/- 2560 ìV/ì;

- spectral fluctuation density in a frequency band of 50-60 Hz in one component.

When activated, instruments of the scientific hardware as a whole, hardware detector and electronic units (mainly built of home-manufactured components) operated normally in open space (without a pressurized container) and temperature conditions close to the limit allowable in operation.

The in-flight data preprocessing and physical interpretation demonstrated the following:

ž       Measures to provide a high electromagnetic cleanness, which were taken during the microsatellite development and testing, were fully verified in flight, that allowed to measure magnetic and electric fields in respective ranges of the scientific hardware with a sensitivity exceeding the levels reached in some specialized International projects, e.g. INTERBAL (Russia).

ž       New data on fluctuations of the magnetic field and fluxes of energy particles coming from the Sun and deep space was obtained. A positive correlation of the fluctuation level of the magnetic and electric fields with the solar activity was determined, specifically during very high geomagnetic disturbances observed on the 17th and 23rd of April 2002.

ž       Orbit portions were identified, in which the fluctuation intensity of the magnetic and electric fields in a range of 50-60 Hz is above the level of 3s, that can indicate that power transmission lines radiation penetrates through the ionosphere.

ž       Radiations similar in nature to geomagnetic pulsations generated in the ionosphere during magnetic storms and related to dropout of energy particles recorded by the particle and filed analyzer stand out in spectra of magnetic field fluctuations with a high frequency resolution in a range of 0.05-15 Hz.

ž       Data obtained on the magnetic field intensity vector, specifically when the microsatellite attitude and stabilization system was in an active mode, are unique to a great extent, as it allows to investigate, with a high time resolution, the dynamics of the attitude and oscillations of the microsatellite, having a small mass and relatively large surface area.

ž       Possibility to transmit a volume flow of scientific and telemetry information in radio amateur frequency ranges was verified in practice.

ž       Methods of real-time reception and processing of scientific information flows from the Lead Command Station through the Internet computer network were implemented.

ž       Techniques of interaction with Obninsk school of physics and technology team for joint processing of the received scientific information were tested.

ž             Under the physical science experimental program on the Russian Segment of the International Space Station concurrent measurements were made on similar equipment in the frame of Scorpio experiment.

ž       Preliminary results of the research and research and educational programs were presented in the reports on the Third Inter-branch Scientific and Technical Microsatellite Conference at TsNIIMachinostroinie (Korolev) and VII International Exhibition-Congress 'High Technologies. Innovations. Investments', that was held in the frame of high tech week in Saint-Petersburg.

ž             The basic results of implementing the research and educational microsatellite concept, results of the design and development of microsatellite models, which first fulfilled tasks of system (integrated) nature in space were reported at symposiums, International conferences and seminars more than 20 times (complete list of publications and reports will be presented in the final report in the third quarter of 2002).



ž        Research and educational microsatellite Kolibri-2000 fulfilled the entire mission program despite a relatively short active lifetime restricted by the required strict performance of nominal separation of the Progress cargo vehicle and unexpectedly high warming-up of upper atmosphere layers within this time. The housekeeping telemetry data received from Kolibri-2000, that was fully processed and analyzed by specialists, will allow to make necessary updates aimed at improvement of operational characteristics of Kolibri microsatellites for research-and-technical and educational programs.

ž        Major microsatellite utilization-related problems were revealed. They are first of all related to a short lifetime of this satellite (46 days), that is not quite enough to arrange a coordinated large-scale educational program covering schoolchildren from various regions of the country and several foreign countries.

ž        Major difficulties in the satellite service systems operation were caused by an increased solar activity and earth atmosphere conditions, respectively. Thus, the nature made the flight test tougher. High loads produced by the atmospheric drag in real orbit on the satellite in different attitudes became an additional verification of the preliminary studies of the microsatellite geometric characteristics, estimated definition of acting forces and moments, flight control procedures.

ž        Regarding the ground control complex operation, it is necessary to coordinate the interaction of the data receiving stations, provide mutually agreed planning of activities with regard to real situation, as well as improve them in terms of reliability and cost.

ž        In the context of the educational program optimization it is reasonable to consider options of principal increase of duration of the microsatellite lifetime (increase the initial altitude at the beginning of operation, provide possibilities to perform one or periodic reboots of the microsatellite, improve the aerodynamic shape in order to reduce the atmospheric drag).

ž        Economic estimation of the satellite development and operation cost, real admissible financial and economic parameters to be introduced into the feasibility study of further Program-related activities and adequate selection of sources of funds and sponsors, as well as state support approved all over the world for such programs will have to be additionally studied.



Regarding the information received within the microsatellite Kolibri-2000 mission the following conclusions about near-term prospects can be made:

ž        Development and improvement of the near-earth space investigation programs and solution of the research and educational tasks by using microsatellites of this class are reasonable from the scientific and technological point for view, economically beneficial and useful for education of the younger generation, formation of their scientific and technical view of the world, strengthening of practical interaction among the peoples of the world. Thus, the primary need for urgent development of this area of activities has been demonstrated.

ž        The microsatellite operation verified the possibility of expanding the educational program, including data transmission through fixed and mobile school and university scientific information receiving stations. This shall be used in further activities.

ž        The satellite structure and onboard systems had a successful operation in more severe in-flight test conditions. They were aggravated by a long-duration storage of the microsatellite onboard the Station and increased solar activity during the satellite autonomous flight. The microsatellite structure and onboard systems can serve the basis for development of other satellites of this series.

ž        The principle concept of building the ground control complex for research-and-educational satellites based on the radio amateur hardware can be considered as validated. The ground complex is suitable for control of further microsatellites of this series with the assumption that it will be upgraded, and further activities will be needed to modify separate elements.

ž        The service systems and scientific hardware for the next microsatellite Kolibri-2 under the Research and Educational Program will have to be developed proceeding from the requirements for possible guaranteed work with the educational program users all the year round.

ž        The scientific hardware of microsatellite Kolibri-2 will have to be developed proceeding from maximum simple interpretation of data received from the microsatellite. In particular, consideration should be given to transmission of the large-scale earth surface images, which can be recognized.

ž        Based on the above brief recommendations microsatellite Kolibri-2 can be developed and launched by the end of 2003 with the involvement of the same cooperation and potential participation of the countries having experience in similar activities, e.g. the USA, Great Britain, Germany, Canada, France, etc.

ž        The financing of this activity shall be based on parity contributions of the project participants and state support.