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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Tue Feb 10 14:55:00 2009
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Tue Oct 2 12:57:12 2012

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Modelling the SN Ia Light Curve Diversity
Elena Sorokina
Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow

IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 1

SN Light Curves

IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 2

SN Ia LC Diversity

A set of SN Ia in BVI filters, the absolute magnitudes are given

IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 3

Peak luminosity ­ decline rate relation
Yu.P. Pskovskii, Astron. Zh. 54, 1188 (1977) M.M. Phillips, ApJL 413, L105 (1993) See the history in M.Phillips (Padua, 2004) -- PP-relation hereafter (an example is B - m15 correlation).

IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 4

More luminous are slower
B (m15 ), V (m15 )

IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 5

M.Phillips (1993)

IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 6

Phillips et al. (1999)
-20 -19 -18 -17 -20 -19 -18 -17 -20 -19 -18 -17





1.0 1.5 2.0





IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 7

Phillips (2005)

IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 8

Steps to understand PP-relation
Which stars or system of stars do explode?

IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 9

Steps to understand PP-relation
Which stars or system of stars do explode? -- Presupernova system

IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 9

Steps to understand PP-relation
Which stars or system of stars do explode? -- Presupernova system How does the explosion happen?

IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 9

Steps to understand PP-relation
Which stars or system of stars do explode? -- Presupernova system How does the explosion happen? -- Deflagration/detonation, central/off-cenral ignition, central density etc.

IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 9

Steps to understand PP-relation
Which stars or system of stars do explode? -- Presupernova system How does the explosion happen? -- Deflagration/detonation, central/off-cenral ignition, central density etc. How does light come through the ejecta?

IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 9

Steps to understand PP-relation
Which stars or system of stars do explode? -- Presupernova system How does the explosion happen? -- Deflagration/detonation, central/off-cenral ignition, central density etc. How does light come through the ejecta? -- Radiation transport light curve

IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 9

Steps to understand PP-relation
Which stars or system of stars do explode? -- Presupernova system How does the explosion happen? -- Deflagration/detonation, central/off-cenral ignition, central density etc. How does light come through the ejecta? -- Radiation transport light curve ANOTHER way to check an explosion model: hydrodynamical interaction with CSM X-ray spectrum of young SNR, with SN ejecta illuminated by reverse shock wave
IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 9

time-dependent equations for the angular moments of intensity (coupled to hydro equations) in fixed frequency bins are solved implicitly

IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 10

time-dependent equations for the angular moments of intensity (coupled to hydro equations) in fixed frequency bins are solved implicitly no need to ascribe any temperature to the radiation: the photon energy distribution may be quite arbitrary

IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 10

time-dependent equations for the angular moments of intensity (coupled to hydro equations) in fixed frequency bins are solved implicitly no need to ascribe any temperature to the radiation: the photon energy distribution may be quite arbitrary up to 400 zones for the Lagrangean coordinate and up to 200 frequency bins are used

IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 10

heating by decays of 56 Ni 56 Co 56 Fe with the -ray transfer in a one-group approximation following Swartz et al. 1995 (with purely absorptive opacity in the gamma-ray range)

IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 11

heating by decays of 56 Ni 56 Co 56 Fe with the -ray transfer in a one-group approximation following Swartz et al. 1995 (with purely absorptive opacity in the gamma-ray range) Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium (LTE) for ionization and atomic level populations is assumed (but radiation is nonequilibrium)

IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 11

heating by decays of 56 Ni 56 Co 56 Fe with the -ray transfer in a one-group approximation following Swartz et al. 1995 (with purely absorptive opacity in the gamma-ray range) Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium (LTE) for ionization and atomic level populations is assumed (but radiation is nonequilibrium) the effect of line opacity is treated as an expansion opacity according to Eastman & Pinto 1993 (and our new recipes).

IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 11










IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 12

= 10-14 g/cm3 , T = 15 · 103 K 155,000 lines 300,000 strong lines 26,000,000 lines

Different Kurucz line lists (1000 frequency bins)

IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 13

= 10-14 g/cm3 , T = 5 · 103 K 11,000,000 lines 26,000,000 lines 155,000 lines

Different Kurucz line lists (100 frequency bins)

IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 14

How to understand nature of SN Ia through their light curves
Light curves for hydrodynamical models: help us to select probable ways of explosion and decline unrealistic ones; Light curves for "toy" models: show the structure of SN ejecta which leads to realistic light curve (The way to obtain this structure may still remain unknown); allow to choose subsets of models which fit observational dependences, like PP-relation.

IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 15

Different SNe Ia models
W7 ­ deflagration, Chandrasekhar mass (Nomoto et al. 1984); DD4 ­ delayed detonation, Chandrasekhar mass (Woosley, Weaver 1994); WD065 ­ very low-mass sub-Chandrasekhar (Ruis-Lapuente et al. 1993) LA4 ­ off-center ignition, sub-Chandrasekhar (Livne, Arnett 1995); Model DD4 W7 LA4 WD065 MR0 M W D a 1 .3 8 6 1 1 .3 7 7 5 0 .8 6 7 8 0 .6 5 0 0 1 .4 M56 Ni a 0.63 0 .6 0 0 .4 7 0 .0 5 0 .4 2 E51 b 1 .2 3 1 .2 0 1 .1 5 0 .5 6 0 .4 6 a in M b in 1051 erg s-1
IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 16

SN Ia light curves for different models
W7 (solid), DD4 (dots), LA4 (dashes), WD065 (dash­dots)

IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 17

Good Ni tail for hundreds days
Kamiya et al. 2008
-20 -18 absolute magnitude -16 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 days since explosion
IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 18


U(W7) B(W7) V(W7)

Multi-D SN Ia simulations, MPA
Initial conditions

M.Reinecke, W.Hillebrandt, J.Niemeyer 2002
IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 19

t=0.6 s

IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 20

Composition W7 & DD4
While a delayed detonation one DD4 (Woosley, Weaver, 1994; above) and a classical 1D deflagration model W7 (Nomoto, Thielemann, Yokoi, 1984; below) like this:

IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 21

Composition MR0

This explo produced elements tributed t hi s ( l og abundance plotted):

sion dislike of is

IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 22

LCs for 1st generation model

IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 23

More recent simulations, MPA
Three-dimensional calculations by F.RÆpke, W.Hillebrandt, + nucleosynthesis C.Travaglio C.Travaglio et al. (2004) F.RÆpke et al. (2005)

IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 24

b30 lc1_2_2

IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 25

SN Ia 3D-explosion

An important way to check those models is to study young SNRs.
IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 26

M56Ni and model energetics
model 1_3_3 2_2_2 c3_3d b30 M (56 0.24 0.31 0.28 0.42


)[M ] Ekin , foe, init Ekin, foe, asympt 0 .3 5 7 0 .3 6 5 0 .4 4 1 0 .4 5 3 0 .4 3 1 0 .4 4 1 0 .6 6 3 0 .6 7 9

IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 27

OK in V

IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 28

Total Variations of the MPA set
Parameter effect on effect 56 Ni pro- on total duction energy X(12 C) [ 0 .3 0 ,0 .6 2 ] 2% 14% c [109 g/cm3 ] [ 1 .0 ,2 .6 ] 6% 17% [ 0 .5 ,3 .0 ] Z [Z ] 20% none range of variation

IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 29

Effect of "metalicity"

IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 30

seen also on the bolometric LC:

Mostly due to different 56 Ni production.
IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 31

Weak effect of C/O ratio

IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 32

Diversity set MPA LCs

IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 33

Scatter around PP relation

Weak, but slow models are promising in explanation of several pecular SNe Ia, like SN 2002cx and S N 2005hk
IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 34

SN 2002cx vs lc1_3_3
with m - M = 35.09

IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 35

Influense of parameters on PP
Roepke, Hillebrandt, Blinnikov:astro-ph/0609631

-18.2 Mmax ( B) -18.1

vary Z vary C/O -18.0 vary


1.5 m15 ( B)



IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 36

SN Ia toy models
We have more than 200 different Chandrasekhar mass SN Ia models with plausible distribution of initial composition (Woosley, Kasen, Blinnikov, Sorokina 2007) and kinetic energy consistent with this composition. 2 light curve codes: SEDONA ­ MC, no hydro, huge line list (Kasen); STELLA ­ direct radiation transport PLUS hydro, shorter line list (Blinnikov, Sorokina)

IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 37

All in B

Only a small subset follows the PP-relation. Theoretical models may go opposite to PP-relation ­ dangerous for cosmological applications!
IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 38

Samples of composition

IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 39

Density m060303 vs W7

W7 ­ red
IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 40


Ni bubble growth

IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 41

Peak magnitude vs. Ni mass

IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 42

Comparison with observations in V-band
Rather good agreement for some models

IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 43

Comparison with UBVRI observations:

IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 44

sedona vs. UBVRI observations

M080202 and M010309

IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 45

LCs M070103 & M040303

sedona ­ solid, stella ­ dashed
IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 46

A DD4-like subset
(Ni+Fe) + (Si+S) = 1.3

IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 47

Si+S=0.7, Ni+Fe=0.6
Ni=0.3; 0.4; 0.5; 0.6

IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 48

Si+S=0.3, Ni+Fe=0.9, unmixed

IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 49

Si+S=0.3, Ni+Fe=0.9, mixed

IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 50

The full set of mixed models calculated by stella

IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 51

Total burnt mass variation




= 0.5M is fixed
IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 52

M56Ni variation, sedona






= 0.8M is fixed
IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 53

M56Ni variation, stella
m080003 m070103 m060203 m050303




+ MFe = 0.8M is fixed poorer Ni and Co list
IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 54

K a se n 2 0 0 6
IR light curves for different line lists

IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 55

= 10-14 g/cm3 , T = 15 · 103 K 155,000 lines 300,000 strong lines 26,000,000 lines

Different Kurucz line lists (1000 frequency bins)

IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 56

= 10-14 g/cm3 , T = 5 · 103 K 11,000,000 lines 26,000,000 lines 155,000 lines

Different Kurucz line lists (100 frequency bins)

IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 57

Light curves with different line lists
11M lines ­ red, 155k lines ­ black (opacities are not yet limited here)

IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 58

K a se n 2 0 0 6
CaII trick: let us make it scattering

IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 59

CaII triplet (absorptive or scattering)
Model m040303, old line list (155k lines)

IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 60

Improvements needed for STELLA
Enhance number of lines in the opacity calculations (Sorokina); enhance radial resolution and frequency grid (Kamiya)

IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 61

Improvements needed for STELLA
Enhance number of lines in the opacity calculations (Sorokina); enhance radial resolution and frequency grid (Kamiya) Include NLTE effects (Baklanov, Potashov in Moscow; colaboration with Maeda and Tanaka would be appreciated)

IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 61

Improvements needed for STELLA
Enhance number of lines in the opacity calculations (Sorokina); enhance radial resolution and frequency grid (Kamiya) Include NLTE effects (Baklanov, Potashov in Moscow; colaboration with Maeda and Tanaka would be appreciated) 3D transport

IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 61

SN light curves are a good tool to understand physics of explosion We analyse a toy model set to constrict the wide range of explosion parameters: many physically plausible models are not realised. There are many subsets among toy models which can reproduce light curves for real SN Ia and PP relation. For example, a set of models with total burned mass M(Ni+Fe)+M(Si+S)=1.1M A little diversity is obtained for 3D MPA models, but peak magnitude­decline rate relation looks promising. MPA models can be also used to explain some pecular SN Ia light curves
IKI ­ December 25, 2008 ­ p. 62