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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Mon Mar 2 19:59:07 2009
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Sun Apr 5 19:09:37 2009

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ESA's Cosmic Vision Programme: Outer Planet Mission Studies
Jean-Pierre LEBRETON (ESA's EJSM and TSSM Study Scientist) Europa Lander workshop IKI, Moscow, 9-13 February 2009
ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, Pays-Bas Jean-Pierre.Lebreton@esa.int
ESA CV Programme: OPM Studies ELW2009, IKI, Moscow, 9-13 Feb 2009


Outer Planet On-Going Mission
· US-Europe (NASA-ESA-ASI) CassiniHuygens
­ Prime mission completed (-Jul `08) ­ Cassini Equinox Mission (- Sep `10) ­2nd Extension (-16/17 ?) under study
· Tour selected in late January · Senior Review at NASA/HQ this week

ESA CV Programme: OPM Studies ELW2009, IKI, Moscow, 9-13 Feb 2009


Missions on their way
· ESA's Rosetta: Comet RV in 2014
­ Philae lander ­ Orbiter

· NASA's New Horizons: Pluto (2014); Kuiper Belt and beyond · NASA's Dawn:
­ Vesta (Oct `11- May `12) ­ Ceres (Aug `15- Jan `16)
ESA CV Programme: OPM Studies ELW2009, IKI, Moscow, 9-13 Feb 2009


Missions in development
· NASA's JUNO (Jupiter Polar Orbiter)
­ Launch in Aug. 2011

ESA CV Programme: OPM Studies ELW2009, IKI, Moscow, 9-13 Feb 2009


Key Earth-based Observatories
· Hubble Space Telescope · Optical Telescopes (Keck, VLT, Gemini,...) · Herschel (2009· JSWT (2013· ALMA (2011?· SKA (2020­ Operational Capability for OPMs ?
ESA CV Programme: OPM Studies ELW2009, IKI, Moscow, 9-13 Feb 2009


Outer Planet Mission Studies
· NASA and ESA jointly studied two Outer Planet Missions (Merging of three NASA Flagship concepts and two ESA Cosmic Vision proposals) ­ Europa Jupiter System mission (EJSM) ­ Titan Saturn System Mission (TSSM) · 10-month intense effort in 2008 · Assessment reports completed on 15 Nov. · Parallel evaluation in NASA and ESA in Nov-Dec · Joint down-selection activities in Jan `09 · Decision expected to be announced on 12 ? Feb 09 · Programmatic launch date: 2020 (`18-'22 was explored)
ESA CV Programme: OPM Studies ELW2009, IKI, Moscow, 9-13 Feb 2009


Study Organization
· Studies conducted under JPL/APL and ESTEC leadership with JSDT support · International JSDT's
­ EJSM JSDT membership: US, EU and JPN Scientists; RU scientists associated ­ TSSM JSDT membership: US and EU Scientists

ESA CV Programme: OPM Studies ELW2009, IKI, Moscow, 9-13 Feb 2009


Joint Summary Reports

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QuickTimeTM and a decompressor are needed to see this picture.

ESA CV Programme: OPM Studies ELW2009, IKI, Moscow, 9-13 Feb 2009


EJSM Science Objectives (1)
· Characterize and determine the extent of sub-surface oceans and their relation to deeper interior · Characterize the ice shells and any subsurface water, including the heterogenity of the ice, and the nature of surface-ice-ocean exchange · Characterize the deep internal structure, differentiation history, and (for Ganymede) the intrinsic magnetic field
ESA CV Programme: OPM Studies ELW2009, IKI, Moscow, 9-13 Feb 2009


EJSM Science Objectives (2)
· Compare the exospheres, plasma environments, and magnetospheric interactions · Determine global surface composition and chemistry, especially as related to habitability · Understand the formation of subsurface features, including sites of recent or current activity, and identify and characterize candidate sites for future in situ exploration

ESA CV Programme: OPM Studies ELW2009, IKI, Moscow, 9-13 Feb 2009


Europa & Ganymede
potentially habitable worlds in the Jupiter system

ESA CV Programme: OPM Studies ELW2009, IKI, Moscow, 9-13 Feb 2009


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ESA CV Programme: OPM Studies ELW2009, IKI, Moscow, 9-13 Feb 2009


· Reference Mission
­ NASA Jupiter Europa Orbiter ­ ESA Jupiter Ganymede Orbiter

· Potential addition
­ JAXA Jupiter Magnetospheric orbiter ­ Follow-up RSA Europa Lander ­ (UK penetrator ?)
ESA CV Programme: OPM Studies ELW2009, IKI, Moscow, 9-13 Feb 2009


JGO ­ Configuration/Structure
Propulsion tanks MON oxidizer MMH Fuel Pressurant Tanks (2x)

Key figures · S/C total dry mass: 1275 kg (payload: 87 kg*, shielding: 80 kg) · Launch mass: 3493 kg (capacity 4362 kg) · Delta-V: 2990 m/s · Propellant: 2027 kg

500 N Engine Engine Frame

JGO: exploded view JGO: solar panels and HGA

· EOL: 539W (410 W max. power in Jupiter orbit mode + PCDU inefficiencies + margins) · Solar cell array: GaAs LILT; 28% efficiency BOL; ~20% degradation in 9 years; Solar arrays: 51m2, ~253 kg, 4 panels per wing · Batteries: Sizing case: eclipse mode (270 min); EOL requirement 1534 Wh Li-Ion battery of 26 kg
Note: Masses including margins * Instruments 73kg w/o14 margin

ESA CV Programme: OPM Studies ELW2009, IKI, Moscow, 9-13 Feb 2009

EJSM Synergistic Science

Jupiter Magnetosphere Studies

Io Volcanism & Io Torus Dynamics

Satellite/Jupiter Monitoring

Ganymede Magnetosphere Studies

ESA CV Programme: OPM Studies ELW2009, IKI, Moscow, 9-13 Feb 2009


TSSM Science Goals
· Goal A: How does Titan function as a system; to what extent are there similarities and differences with Earth and other solar system bodies? · Goal B: To what level of complexity has prebiotic chemistry evolved in the Titan system? Goal C: What could be learned from Enceladus and Saturn's magnetosphere about the origin and evolution of Titan?
ESA CV Programme: OPM Studies ELW2009, IKI, Moscow, 9-13 Feb 2009


Titan as an object is of keen interest for virtually all areas of planetary science

ESA CV Programme: OPM Studies ELW2009, IKI, Moscow, 9-13 Feb 2009


ESA CV Programme: OPM Studies ELW2009, IKI, Moscow, 9-13 Feb 2009


Titan as an object is of keen interest for all areas of planetary science

ESA CV Programme: OPM Studies ELW2009, IKI, Moscow, 9-13 Feb 2009


Titan as an object is of keen interest for all areas of planetary science

ESA CV Programme: OPM Studies ELW2009, IKI, Moscow, 9-13 Feb 2009


TM Road from Goals to Instruments

ESA CV Programme: OPM Studies ELW2009, IKI, Moscow, 9-13 Feb 2009


Montgolfiere Science Traceability Matrix flows from the three goals to measurements

Pre-decisional ­ For Planning and Discussion Purposes Only


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ESA CV Programme: OPM Studies ELW2009, IKI, Moscow, 9-13 Feb 2009


TSSM Baseline Overview
· NASA Orbiter with ESA in situ elements
­ Orbiter ­ ASRG power (also MMRTG compatible ­ Solar Electric Propulsion (SEP) ­ Lake Lander ­ battery powered ­ MontgolfiÕre Balloon ­ MMRTG powered ­ NASA provided Launch Vehicle and RPS

· Mission Design
­ ­ ­ ­ 2020 Gravity Assist SEP trajectory 9 years to Saturn arrival SEP stage released ~5 yrs after launch Balloon released on 1st Titan flyby, Lander on 2nd Titan flyby ­ ~4 year prime mission: 2 year Saturn tour, 2 mo Titan aerosampling; 20 mo Titan orbit

ESA CV Programme: OPM Studies ELW2009, IKI, Moscow, 9-13 Feb 2009


ESA CV Programme: OPM Studies ELW2009, IKI, Moscow, 9-13 Feb 2009

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Titan seasonal cycle: exploration coverage

ESA CV Programme: OPM Studies ELW2009, IKI, Moscow, 9-13 Feb 2009


2 Year Saturn Tour

Two 1,000 km Flybys at 20º N

Four polar flybys at 100 km 300 km flyby at 40º S

7 Close Enceladus Flybys
ESA CV Programme: OPM Studies ELW2009, IKI, Moscow, 9-13 Feb 2009


TSSM In Situ Element Delivery
· Lake Lander would be released at 2nd Titan flyby and targeted to land in a northern polar lake ­ Kraken Mare

· MontgolfiÕre would be released at 1st Titan flyby and targeted to ~20 deg N. The balloon would circumnavigate Titan.

ESA CV Programme: OPM Studies ELW2009, IKI, Moscow, 9-13 Feb 2009


TSSM ~ 2 Year Titan Orbit
2 Months Aerobarking and Aerosampling
View from orbit normal

20 Months in Circular Polar Orbit
rbit first o

View from Earth

In situ sampling of Titan's entire southern hemisphere below 1,000 km.

2.5 hr. Variation in LST time of orbit and radio occultations at wide range of latitudes.


Altitude [km.]


Saturn's Gravity Rotates Orbit Plane
500 90S 60S 30S

Latitude [deg]





06 Nov 2008

ESA CV Programme: OPM Studies ELW2009, IKI, Moscow, 9-13 Feb 2009


TSSM with SEP Stage Configuration
Flight Configuration

2 ­ 7.5 kW Ultraflex Solar Arrays

Stage includes SEP integrated into LV adapter

Integrated Stage fits around Orbiter Engine

SEP Option Stowed Configuration in Atlas V Fairing

ESA CV Programme: OPM Studies ELW2009, IKI, Moscow, 9-13 Feb 2009


Conceptual design of the MontgolfiÕre

montgolfiÕre floating over the equatorial region of Titan
ESA CV Programme: OPM Studies ELW2009, IKI, Moscow, 9-13 Feb 2009


Lake lander

Conceptual design of the lander in floating configuration Lander in deployed configuration as it would be floating in Kraken Mare
ESA CV Programme: OPM Studies ELW2009, IKI, Moscow, 9-13 Feb 2009


Around Titan in 80 days

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ESA CV Programme: OPM Studies ELW2009, IKI, Moscow, 9-13 Feb 2009



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ESA CV Programme: OPM Studies ELW2009, IKI, Moscow, 9-13 Feb 2009


ESA CV L-Class Mission ­ schedule
Date \ Time frame
January 2009 1st quarter 2009

Joint ESA/NASA down-selection; confirmation of down-selection by the ESA Science Programme Committee (SPC) on 4 Feb. 2009 - Preparation for Invitation to Tender (ITT) for 2 parallel industrial studies. - Call for instrument studies (Declaration of Interest for national funded studies) for the down-selected mission Issue of ITT 2 Competitive industrial studies; nationally funded instrument studies in parallel Due date for L-Class assessment report Selection of 2 of the remaining 3 L-class missions for launch in 2020: Candidates: Outer Planet Mission, IXO (Xeus), LISA Industrial studies (start of phase B1) ­ Definition Phase Selection of 1 L-class mission for launch in 2020 B2 (12 months) Phase C (30 months) Phase D (36 months) Launch
ESA CV Programme: OPM Studies ELW2009, IKI, Moscow, 9-13 Feb 2009

Spring 2009 June 2009 ­ June 2010 September 2010 Late 2010 1st quarter 2011 to mid 2012 End 2012 May 2015 ­ Nov. 2016 Nov. 2016 ­ Nov. 2019 2020

mission moves into phase


Selection process Feb 09 Q4 `11 Q4 `12






OPM/IXO Joint Mission or NASA-only option


JMO Europa Lander
ESA CV Programme: OPM Studies ELW2009, IKI, Moscow, 9-13 Feb 2009