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Дата изменения: Fri Apr 8 08:13:15 2016
Дата индексирования: Sat Apr 9 22:43:26 2016
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Поисковые слова: earthquakes






Д.г.-м.н., профессор МГУ имени М.В.Ломоносова Н.В.Короновский

К.ф.н., заведующая кафедрой иностранных языков РГГУ нефти и газа имени
Губкина Е.Ю.


SECTION I. Natural Hazards.

Unit I. Geologic Hazards and Man

Unit II. Earthquakes

Unit III. Nature and causes of landslides

Unit IV. Avalanches

Unit V. Test Section

SECTION II. Amazing Earth.

Unit I. The Changing Earth

Unit II. Plate tectonics and man.

Unit III. The Deep-Earth-Gas Hypothesis.

Unit IV. Test Section

SECTION I. Natural Hazards.

Unit I. Geologic Hazards and Man

Focus on:

. общенаучная и терминологическая лексика
. образование и употребление видо-временных форм глагола
. усеченная структура придаточных предложений (if recognized.)
. построение дефиниций


. причастие I, II
. словосочетание/предложение
. слова заместители
. отрицательные аффиксы: in, un, ab, less

Text Study.
Geologic hazards are those geologic features and events that are
hazardous or harmful to the extent that they frequently result in
injuries or loss of life and property. Natural geologic processes which
have been going on for millions of years may become geologic hazards when
people get in the way. They include such adverse geologic phenomena as
earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, landslides, subsidence,
tsunamis, soil creep, and avalanches. If not recognized, clearly
understood, and accounted for in the activities of man, almost any
geologic processes or features can become a geologic hazard.

Throughout history, there are many examples of geologic hazards which
have resulted in disaster and have greatly affected the activities of
man. Volcanic eruptions, such as those of Vesuvius, Krakotoa, and
Mt.Pelee are just a few examples. Ten great earthquakes in China between
the 11th and 12th centuries resulting in landslides and collapse of
loessal cliffs, killed 1,5 million people. The list of disasters caused
by "naturally occurring geologic hazards", or those hazards over which
man has no apparent control would indeed be lengthy.

Another category of geologic hazards is that of "man-induced hazards".
Man's activity has helped to change the rate at place of occurrence of
certain natural phenomena, resulting in hazards to himself. Some examples
of man-induced hazards include: land subsidence caused by withdrawal of
ground water and petroleum resulting in damage to foundations and other
structures, and landslides resulting from highway construction which
modifies stable slopes.

Both naturally occurring and man-induced geologic hazards are merely
normal geologic processes or events until man gets in the way; then these
processes or events become hazards. Earthquake are hazards when man lives
too close to the active fault area, volcanic eruptions become so when man
lives in close proximity to the volcano, and floods become hazards when
man inhabits the flood plain.


What can the geologist do about geologic hazards? Working with adequate
knowledge he can conduct proper geologic investigations that can be used
to prevent a geologic hazard from becoming a disaster. Recognition or
identification of a geologic hazard at a certain locality must first be
made. Once clearly identified and defined, there are several approaches
to solving the problem, depending on the type of hazard. One solution is
to avoid the problem by changing the proposed location of a structure
such as a reservoir, nuclear power plant or highway.This solution is
often necessary in the case of naturally occurring hazards. Other
alternatives are to eliminate the hazard. Normally, the latter approaches
are more costly than avoiding the problem. The urgency to avoid or
prevent geologic hazards is a necessary outgrowth of a society
characterized by increasing population and urbanization.

What hope do we have for eliminating disasters caused by geologic
hazards? There is little hope that they can be eliminated completely, but
they could be greatly reduced with an understanding of the geologic
aspects of the environment. Hopefully, prediction and control of many
geologic hazards will become a reality in the near future.

Найдите в тексте и выпишите английские эквиваленты следующим словам и
. необдуманное вторжение и неправильное использование геологической
. до такой степени, что
. приносить вред, приводить к потерям жизни и собственности
. становиться преградой на пути чего-либо
. неблагоприятные и противоречивые геологические явления
. на протяжении истории
. приводить к разрушениям
. оказывать влияние на деятельность человека
. геологические катастрофы, являющиеся следствием природных процессов
. геологические катастрофы, являющиеся следствием деятельности человека
. район геологического сдвига (сброса)
. проводить геологические исследования
. предотвращать геологические катастрофы
. существует несколько подходов к решению данной проблемы
. преуменьшать угрозу геологической катастрофы
. исключить разрушения, вызванные катастрофой

Сгруппируйте слова в зависимости от их произношения:
flood; mood; foot; blood; good; wood

«третий лишний» (по значению)
stupid - unwise - abuse
careful - cautious - carefree
adverse - harmful - favourable

Подберите правильный вариант значения выделенного слова.
A неразумный
1. unwise
2. unwell
B неуместный, неподходящий
1. inert
2. inept
C неосторожный
1. careful
2. careless
D предотвращать
1. to prevent
2. to predict
E ущерб
1. danger
2. damage
F рана
1. injury
2. urgency
G объяснять
1. to account
2. to account for
H предсказывать
3. to prevent
4. to predict

Подберите пару.
|предсказывать опасность |to eliminate a hazard |
|предотвращать опасность |to predict a hazard |
|определять опасность |to prevent a hazard |
|уменьшать опасность |to avoid a hazard |
|избегать опасности |to identify a hazard |

|1 - |2 - |3 - |4 - |5 - |

Заполните пропуски соответствующими словами из рамки.
damage; hazard; danger; disaster; injury
1. Loss of attractiveness, value, etc is called ________
2. Physical ________ to a living being is called ________
3. Event that causes great ________ is called ________
4. Chance of suffering ________ or ________ is called ________
5. Thing or event that can cause ________ is called ________

Дайте определения следующим понятиям:
Hazard - .
Danger - .
Damage - .
Disarster - .
Injury - .

«Что есть что?»
|event that can cause danger |abuse |
|wrong or bad treatment of sth/sb |injury |
|conditions effecting people's life |hazard |
|physical harm to a living being |environment |
|event that causes great damage |disarster |

Какие из приведенных ниже высказываний являются предложениями, а какие
словосочетаниями? Трансформируйте словосочетания в предложения.
1. geologic processes going on for millions of years
2. any geologic process can become a geologic hazard
3. some geologic hazards having resulted in disaster
4. many geologic hazards have affected the activity of man
5. a lot of earthquakes resulting in landslides
6. some naturally occurring hazards
7. many disasters are caused by geologic hazards
8. some geologic hazards induced by man
9. several approaches to solving the problem
10. increasing population and urbanization

Выберите правильный вариант.
1. Geologic processes ______ for millions of years.
a. going on
b. went on
c. has gone on
d. have been going on
2. If geologic processes ______, they can become geologic hazards.
a. recognize
b. recognized
c. are not recognized
d. is not recognized
3. If ______, geological processes can become geologic hazards.
a. recognize
b. recognized
c. not recognized
d. are not recognized
4. Many disasters ______ by naturally occurring geologic hazards.
a. caused
b. have caused
c. are caused
d. causing
5. Prediction of many geological hazards ______ a reality in the near
a. becomes
b. has become
c. become
d. will become

Подготовьте текст для чтения вслух и устного перевода.

Передайте содержание русского текста о природных катастрофах на английском
Природные катастрофы чрезвычайно разнообразны. Некоторые катастрофы
возникают под земной поверхностью, другие - на ней, третьи - в водной
оболочке (гидросфере), а последние - в воздушной оболочке (атмосфере)

Какие процессы способствуют возникновению этих катастроф? Землетрясения и
вулканические извержения, воздействуя снизу на земную поверхность, приводят
к поверхностным катастрофам, таким, как оползни или цунами. Прочие
поверхностные катастрофы возникают под воздействием процессов в атмосфере,
где происходит выравнивание перепадов температур и давления, и энергия
передается в одной поверхности.

Как и между всеми природными процессами, между природными катастрофами
существует взаимная связь. Одна катастрофа оказывает влияние на другую,
бывает, первая катастрофа служит спусковым механизмом последующих.

Наиболее тесная зависимость существует между землетрясениями и цунами.
Землетрясения могут вызывать оползни. Между землетрясениями и
вулканическими извержениями связь взаимная: известны землетрясения,
вызванные вулканическими извержениями, и, наоборот, вулканические
извержения, обусловленные быстрым перемещением масс под поверхностью Земли.
Атмосферные возмущения и обильные дожди могут оказать влияние на оползание

Катастрофы принято условно делить на большие и малые. Однако, граница между
этими двумя группами не вполне определенная. О величине катастрофы зачастую
судят по числу жертв и размерам ущерба, нежели по размерам области, ею
пораженной. Следовательно, воздействие на людей является при определении
размера природных катастроф самым важным. Предпосылкой успешной защиты от
природных катастроф является познание причин возникновения и их механизма.
Зная сущность процессов, можно их предсказывать.

Подготовьте сообщение/презентацию на тему: «Роль человека в возникновении
природных катастроф».

Unit II. Earthquakes.

Focus on:

. общенаучная и терминологическая лексика
. видо-временные формы глагола и их употребление
. построение дефиниций

. some/any/no
. most/a most/the most
. little/few/a few
. because/because of
. until/unless
. though/although/through

Text Study.


Seismic phenomena, or earthquakes, are the most terrible catastrophes
occurring in nature. A strong earthquake may destroy whole towns in the
course of several minutes and even seconds.

The typical large earthquake starts with fracturing within the earth
where rocks are subjected to increasing strain until they break. The
sudden fracturing is violent enough to vibrate the surrounding solid
rocks. These vibrations, called seismic waves, pass through the earth
like waves through water: they compress and expand materials in their
path or shift it from side to side. Seismic waves travel over the whole
surface of the earth and penetrate to its very center.

Although heavy losses may be due directly to fault movement, most of the
property damage and loss of life in earthquakes are caused by seismic
waves shaking the ground. The waves originate at the fault but spread out
from it with such intensity that serious damages result one or two
hundred miles away.

While the degree of shaking tends off with distance from the center of
disturbance, it varies greatly depending on the solidity of the ground on
which structures stand, other circumstances being equal, the intensity of
shaking, and, consequently, the destructive effects are much greater on
unconsolidated foundation than they are on firm rocks.


It has been scientifically proved that the majority of earthquakes are
directly connected with mountain-making processes and generally occur in
young mountains which have not yet ceased growing.

However, in some cases earthquakes may occur in older mountains, in which
the mountain-making processes have been revived. Almost all the
destructive earthquakes which have occurred within living memory belong
to this class of the so-called tectonic earthquakes.

However, there are other seismic phenomena which are not directly
connected with mountain-making processes. These are known as volcanic
earthquakes. Volcanic earthquakes are due to the explosion of volcanic
gases, when the free escape of magma from the vent of the volcanic crater
to the earth's surface is in some way obstructed. Such shocks usually
take place during periods of violent volcanic eruptions and may be the
cause of terrible catastrophes and destructions. But they do not spread
over areas as large as those involved in tectonic earthquakes.

Besides the above mentioned earthquakes there are others known as
collapse earthquakes. These ossur mostly in the regions where readily
soluble rocks are widely distributed. Some regions contain underground
caves which are sometimes very large. It is clear that if the roofs of
such caves are not sufficiently strong, they may give way under the
weight of overlying strata and fall down into the cave. This latter type
of earthquake has a very limited range of action.

Найдите в тексте и выпишите английские эквиваленты следующим словам и
. в течение нескольких минут
. растрескивание; внезапное растрескивание
. подвергаться возрастающему напряжению
. проходить через землю подобно морским волнам
. сжимать и расширять материалы
. передвигать из стороны в сторону
. проникать в центр земли
. тяжелые потери
. затухать с расстоянием от центра нарушения
. изменяться в зависимости от прочности почвы
. при прочих равных условиях
. следовательно
. разрушительное влияние
. тем не менее, однако
. быть непосредственно связанными с .
. свободное извержение магмы из жерла вулкана
. кроме вышеупомянутых .
. легко растворимые породы
. понятно, что .
. иметь ограниченный диапазон действия
. было научно доказано, что.

Выберите правильный вариант из предложенных ниже.
1) The whole towns may be destroyed ______ several minutes.
a. because of
b. of course
c. in the course of
2) Rocks are subjected to increasing strain ______ they break.
a. unless
b. until
c. till
3) Seismic waves pass ______ the earth like waves pass ______ water.
a. though
b. through
c. although
4) ______ heavy losses may be due to fault movements most are caused by
seismic waves.
a. though
b. although
c. through

Замените выделенные слова/словосочетания словами из текста.
1. The sudden fracturing is strong enough to shake the surrounding rocks.
2. In spite of the fact that heavy losses may be caused directly by fault
movement, the majority of losses results from seismic waves.
3. The degree of shaking decreases with distance from the center of

Выберите правильный вариант перевода выделенных слов.
1) There are regions where readily soluable rocks are widely distributed.
a. хорошо растворимые
b. плохо растворимые
2) The roofs of some caves may give way under the weight of overlying
a. уступить
b. сопротивляться

Выберите вариант, эквивалентный по значению русскому слову, предложенному в
1) (Любой) geological process can become a geologic hazard.
a. any
b. some
2) Only (некоторые) geological hazards have resulted in disarster.
a. few
b. a few
3) (Большинство) terrible catastrophes occurred in nature are
a. the most
b. most
4) In (некоторых) cases earthquakes may occur in older mountains.
a. same
b. some
5) A strong earthquake may destroy the whole town (в течение) of several
a. in the course
b. in the case

Ex.6. Заполните пропуски, выбрав слова из рамки.
|The degree of shaking tends ______ with distance |Off |
|from the center of disturbance. |Through |
|The typical earthquakes starts with fracturing |Within |
|______ the earth. |Like |
|Seismic waves pass ______ the earth. |Although |
|______ heavy losses may be due to fault movements|Unlike |
|most damages are caused by seismic waves. | |

Найдите и исправьте лексико-грамматические и/или смысловые ошибки там, где
они есть.
1) Heavy losses may cause fault movements.
2) The destructive effect is more greater on unconsolidated foundations.
3) Seismic phenomena is one of the most terrible geologic catastrophes.
4) Except the tectonic and volcanic earthquakes there are other known as
collapse earthquakes.
5) Many geological hazards result from disasters.
6) Man-induced hazards result in man's activity.
7) Withdrawal of ground water is caused by land subsidence.
8) Prediction of all geologic hazards has already become a reality.

Раскройте скобки, выбрав правильный вариант.
1) (Except/besides) the above mentioned earthquakes (there/they) are
(other/others) known as collapse earthquakes.
2) Collapse earthquakes occur (most/mostly) in the regions where
(ready/readily) soluable rocks are (wide/widely) distributed.
3) The roofs of (some/same) caves are not (sufficient/sufficiently)
strong and may (fall/fell) down into the cave. This (latter/later)
type has a very limited range of action.
4) (Throughout/though) history there are (many/much) severe earthquakes
which (result/have resulted) in disasters.
5) (However/nowhere), there (is/are) other seismic phenomena which
(are/is) not directly connected with mountain-making processes.
6) Although heavy (loses/losses) may be (caused/coursed) by fault
movements, (many/most) damage is due to seismic waves.

Трансформируйте следующие словосочетания в предложения:
. catastrophes occurring in nature
. rocks subjected to increasing strain
. seismic waves shaking the ground
. the degree of shaking depending on the solidity of the ground
. mountain-making processes
. earthquakes connected with mountain-making processes

Дополните предложения, использую информацию из текста.
1) The majority of earthquakes generally occur in young mountains which
(nonstop growing).
2) Some earthquakes may occur in older mountains in which mountain-making
process (to revive).
3) It (to prove) that most earthquakes are directly connected with
mountain-making processes.

Дайте определения понятиям из левой колонки, выбрав соответствующую
информацию из правой.
|Aseismic ridge is ... |a fracture in rock along which displacement |
| |has occurred |
|Body waves are ... |a series of quakes that follow a large quake |
|Fault is ... |aseismic region bounded by moving segments |
|Fold is ... |a bend in rock |
|Foreshock is ... |a submarine mountain chain with little or no |
| |seismic activity |
|Aftershock is ... |a measure of the effects of an earthquake at a|
| |particular place on buildings and people |
|Seismic gap is ... |seismic waves that travel through the interior|
| |of the Earth |
|Intensity of an earthquake|a small earthquake that precedes a large quake|
|is ... | |

|1 - |3 - |5 - |7 - |
|2 - |4 - |6 - |8 - |

Найдите и исправьте лексические и/или грамматические ошибки в следующем
тексте, приведите свой вариант текста.
What we can do about geologic hazards?
Both naturally occurred and man-induced hazards are normal geologically
processes or events unless man gets in the way. Earthquakes are hazards
when man live to close to the active fold area. There is several approaches
to solving the problem. Some solution is too avoid the problem, another
alternatives are too eliminate the hazard. The later approaches are more

Подготовьте текст для чтения вслух и устного перевода.

Передайте содержание русского текста о землетрясениях на английском языке.
Землетрясения являются наиболее грозными природными катастрофами по числу
жертв, размерам ущерба, по величине охваченных ими территорий и по
трудности защиты от них.

Половина человечества живет в сейсмически активных областях, т.е. в
районах, где могут происходить разрушительные землетрясения. Поверхность
нашей планеты пересекают сейсмически активные зоны, они проходят через все
континенты и океаны.

Землетрясения не распределяются по земной поверхности равномерно,
напротив, они сосредоточены в отдельных узких зонах. Некоторые эпицентры
приурочены к материкам, другие - к их окраинам, а третьи - ко дну океанов.

Упомянутые зоны являются границами литосферных плит. Плиты перемещаются по
пластичной подстилающей прослойке, именуемой астеносферой. Каждая
внезапная подвижка плит может привести к землетрясению.

Все землетрясения, причиной которых является движение или смещение плит,
называются тектоническими. Вблизи вулканов происходят вулканические
землетрясения, вызванные вулканической деятельностью, в связи с прорывом
лавы из глубин к поверхности. Такие землетрясения называются
вулканическими. Известны также землетрясения, связанные с обрушением
пород, но они случаются сравнительно редко.

Большинство землетрясений возникает в результате внезапных перемещений
горных масс по нарушениям в земной коре либо в мантии. Перемещения
вызываются огромными напряжениями.

Известно, что землетрясениям подвержена 1/10 поверхности континентов.
Многие области с наиболее высокой плотностью населения относят к
территориям с наибольшим сейсмическим риском.

Чем больше сейсмическая опасность и чем страна в хозяйственном и
политическом отношении более развита, тем больше принимается мер для
защиты населения от сейсмических катастроф.

Подготовьте сообщение/презентацию на тему: Землетрясения, Причины, Типы,
Условия возникновения.

Unit III. Nature and causes of landslides.

Focus on:

. терминологическая лексика
. видо-временные формы глагола и их употребление

. «any» в повествовательном предложении
. значения «as»
. either . or/ neither . nor
. like/unlike
. later/latter

Text Study.

Landslides take place in widely differing rock types and are of most
conceivable size and shape. They are found at elevations ranging from lofty
mountain peaks to the sea floor, and occur in every climate from frigid
arctic to humid tropic and arid desert. The resulting wide range of
variables produces many different kinds or types of landslides.

A complex landslide consists of any combination of the three basic types.

Falls are limited to the free falling of earth material of any size. The
name "fall" is modified depending upon the principal material involved:
rock fall, debris fall, and soil fall.

Slides (rock slides, debris slides, and soil slides) occur where movement
takes place on one or more shear or slip surfaces and the affected mass
consists of single to numerous segments bounded by slip surfaces.

Flows, the third general type of landslide movement, occur where the
displaced mass is deformed and moves like a viscous fluid.


Landsliding is an important agent shaping the earth's surface and it has
been active as long as there have been natural slopes. As canyons are cut
by running water, or as mountains are thrust upward, the force of gravity
periodically pulls down masses of earth materials from exposed slopes. This
process produces much of the debris that is later carried away by streams
and rivers to be deposited as sediments in intermountain basis and on the
ocean floor.

Technically, landslides are part of a more general category of erosional
processes called mass-wasting - the term applied by geologists to the
process of downslope movement of earth's materials, primarily by gravity.
This movement, either slow or rapid, occurs when the strength of the
material is exceeded by the force of gravity. Creep is that part of mass-
wasting in which earth materials with poorly defined bounds move at
imperceptibly slow rates. When a discrete unit (or units) of earth
materials moves perceptibly, it is termed a landslide.


The causes of landsliding can be traced to the inherent properties of the
rocks, and to external factors related to the geologic setting.

The inherent properties of a rock unit which may lead to a "slide-prone"
conduction include low strength minerals possessing perfect cleavage rocks
that swell. External conditions that cause landslides range from gravity,
which is always present, through erosion and rainfall, which are commonly
or periodically present, to earthquakes, which are infrequent. Commonly a
landslide results from inherent properties plus external conditions.

The activities of man must be considered an external cause contributing to
the triggering of some spectacular landslides.

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