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Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Sun Apr 10 07:37:49 2016
Êîäèðîâêà: IBM-866

Ïîèñêîâûå ñëîâà: topography
CONTENT 1à(3)à2010
ISSN: 2071-9388

CONTENT 1à(3)à2010

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Georgy I.àRychagov, Vladislav N.àKorotaev

Faculty of Geography, Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory, 119991, Moscow, Russia
Phone: +7-495-9395469
Fax: +7-495-9395044
E-mail: river@river.geogr.msu.su

Aleksey V.àChernov

Moscow State Pedagogical University, M. Pirogovskaya, 119991, Moscow, Russia
Phone: +7-499-2450310
Fax: +7-499-2480162
E-mail: rector.mpgu@ru.net
The palaeo-Volga River valley existed within the present-day Lower Volga region during the last 600Ö700àka. Its lower parts periodically transformed into a long and deep ingressional estuary with the apex location controlled by the amplitude of the Caspian Sea level rise. Between the Early Khvalinian highstand of +50àm and the Early Holocene Mangyshlak lowstand at -100àm, the apex of the Volga Delta has wandered 700àkm alongstream. The estuarine-marine and alluvial environments in the ingressional estuary in the area between the present-day cities of Volgograd and Astrakhan, were changing throughout the entire Late Pleistocene and Holocene. The associated succession reflects a complex history of the Caspian Sea level oscillations. Only over the last 16àka, there have been six marine (estuarine) phases within the Volga-Akhtuba valley correspondent to the Late Khvalinian and Novocaspian transgressions. The transgressions alternated with regressive phases associated with the dominance of alluvial environments in the Lower Volga valley. There are pronounced traces of three transgressive-regressive phase alternations of the Late Khvalinian and Novocaspian ages in the modern Volga-Akhtuba floodplain topography, that correlate with four generations of ancient floodplain and delta surfaces distinguished in this study. Surfaces of different age generations differ in absolute and relative heights, morphological types of floodplain topography, and present-day vegetation.
Key words: Volga-Akhtuba valley, palaeodelta, ancient floodplain, bay-head delta
Giovanni Grandoni, Maria Cristina Mammarella

Enea, Italian National Agency for New Technologies Energy and the Environment, Italy

Maurizio Favaron

Servizi Territorio, Milan, Italy
E-mail: mafavaron@mac.com
In this paper we investigate the spatial and temporal variability of N over the city of Milan, using the historical record of soundings in the period 1991Ö2007, using 00GMT and 12GMT soundings and performing evaluations at intervals 300Ö700àm, 800Ö1800àm, 1500Ö2500àm, 2500Ö3500àm, 3000Ö4000àm, 4000Ö5000àm and 7000Ö8000àm.
The values obtained reveal that the Brunt-Vaisala frequency is subject to a moderate change with height over the entire observation period, and once the height is fixed shows only weak seasonal changes. At the height interval 800Ö1800àm, the maximal values of N are observed between December and January, whereas from April to September smaller values of N represent a flat plateau. These variations generally decrease with increasing height. They are still recognizable in the interval 2500Ö3500àm, and fully diminish at 7000Ö8000àm.
Key words: Brunt-Vaisala frequency, free atmosphere, static stability
Institute of Geography RAS, 29 Staromonetny, Moscow 119017, Russia
Phone: +7-495-1290474
Fax: +7-495-9590033
E-mail: NinaKononova@yandex.ru
The long-term series of fluctuation of monthly and annual Northern Hemisphere atmospheric circulation in non-tropical latitudes from 1899 to 2008 according to Dzerdzeevskii classification have been discussed. The differences in atmospheric circulation between circulation epochs have been identified. The circulation and climatic characteristics of extreme decades of circulation epochs in the Northern Hemisphere and its six sectors×Atlantic, European, Siberian, Far East, Pacific, and American×have been given. The recent, the 1981Ö2007 period, is characterized by the increase in frequency (number of cases) and duration (number of days) of the southern meridional circulation group.
Oleg Golubchikov

Research fellow, School of Geography and the Environment, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK. Christ Church, St Aldates, Oxford, OX 1 1DP
Phone: +44-0-1865285070
E-mail: oleg.golubchikov@chch.oxon.org
Corresponding author

Nicholas A.àPhelps

Professor, Bartlett School of Planning, University College London, London, UK, 22 Gordon Street, London WC1H0QB
Phone: +44-0-2076797594
E-mail: n.phelps@ucl.ac.uk

Alla Makhrova

Senior research fellow, Faculty of Geography, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119899
Phone: +7-495-9394263
E-mail: almah@mail.ru
To what extent do the ideas of Óedge cityÔ, Ópost-suburbiaÔ and associated models of urban growth apply in the transition economy case? The paper considers urban development and place-making on the periphery of Moscow, based on the case of Khimki, a former off-limits Ósatellite cityÔ and more recently a fast-growing area. The forces and ideologies driving the growth on the edge of Moscow and the relationship between different actors are considered. The paper argues that while the Russian case shares some commonalities with the Western models of Óedge cityÔ and Ógrowth machineÔ, growth in Khimki is fuelled by opportunistic profit-making initiatives that are disconnected from ÓlocalÔ city. It is yet to be seen whether a growing demand for new infrastructure, as well as emerging residentsÒ movements will restructure the modes of governing urban growth more in line with proactive place-focused post-suburban politics.
Key words: suburbanization, satellite city, Khimki, Moscow city-region


Nikolay M.àDronin

Faculty of Geography, Moscow State University, Leninskie gory, 119991, Moscow, Russia
Phone: +7-495-9393842
Fax: +7-495-9328836
E-mail: ndronin@gmail.com

John M.àFrancis

JMF Associates, Pennsylvania
Phone: +1-202-2804937
E-mail: john.m.francis@post.harvard.edu
Many global environmental issues being subject of ambitious international environmental politics could look very different in terms of scientific justification. This was revealed during interviews made by the author with some leading American environmental scientists. All interviewed American scientists granted minor confidence to three environmental issues×deforestation, desertification and biodiversity loss, while two issues×the ozone depletion and climate change×were deserved high degree of confidence. The striking difference in evaluation of the global concepts of environmental issues is discussed in the context of the classical epistemological problem of coexistence of ÓstrongÔ and ÓweakÔ theories in modern science. The normative character of epistemology suggests that some ways of raising scientific credibility of the backward environmental concepts can be proposed. Better justification of these global environmental issues can help to move forward the environmental politics which have shown mere stagnation during the last years.
Key words: global environmental issues, precautionary principle, demarcation, scientific credibility, epistemology, environmental policy
Department of European Culture, Geography Unit, Hellenic Open University, 13a Aedonon street, Athens 11475, Greece
Phone: +0030-210-6445825, +0030-210-8045265
E-mail: geotopia@yahoo.fr
Assessing the complexity of landscapes is one of the top research priorities for Physical Geography and Ecology.
This paper aims at a methodological evaluation of the discrete and analytical mathematical models hitherto available for quantitative assessments of spatial ecological complex systems.
These models are derived from cellular automata and nonlinear dynamics. They describe complex features and processes in landscapes, such as spatial ecological nonlinear interactions, unpredictability and chaos, self-organization and pattern formation.
Beginning with a distinction between two basic types of spatial ecological complexity (structural, functional), and after reviewing the quantitative methods so far available to assess it, the areas where the major challenges (and hence, difficulties) for future research arise are identified. These are: a) to develop measures of structural spatial-ecological complexity, b) to find Lyapunov functions for dynamical systems describing spatial interactions on the landscape (and related attractors), and c) to combine discrete time and continuous spatial data and models.
Key words: geographical modelling, nonlinear dynamical systems, complex geo-systems, Lyapunov functions, cellular automata


President, Sustainable Development Technology Corporation. 796 Fox Pl., Corvallis, OR 97330, USA.
Phone: +1-541-7532221
E-mail: kolchut@gmail.com
Although the overall rate of population growth has recently decreased in developed countries, population in their cities continues to grow. Urban and suburban sprawl may threaten the environment necessary to sustain livable communities. Farm and forest land and open space are important components of human life. However, they may be lost to residential and commercial development. It has become important to develop land-use regulation mechanisms that accommodate economic growth and preservation of the environment. In the United States, land-use planning systems have been employed for a long period of time. Many US States have enacted laws that protect land from uncontrolled urban sprawl. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are used to facilitate the process of land-use regulation. The goal of this paper is to discuss how technology-aided sustainable land-use policies are utilized in the USA at a county and city wide scale.
Key words: sustainable development, land-use planning, zoning, UGB, Oregon, Benton County, GIS

News and Reviews

A Special Congress of the Russian Geographic Society (RGS) was held on 17Ö18 November 2009, in Moscow, in the building of Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS). The Congress was held to address urgent organizational issues, specifically, changes in the Charter of the RGS that bring the Charter into compliance with the Russian Federation Law ÓOn Non-Governmental OrganizationsÔ and other applicable legal standards, development of new activities, and the election of the RGS President.
Alexander N.àKrajukhin, Vladimir S.àTikunov
In 2009, the National Atlas of Russia has been released. The National Atlas of Russia (NAR) is a fundamental integrated cartographical product, designed to provide a comprehensive representation of nature, population, economy, ecology, history and culture of Russia; it is the national collection of scientifically processed and reconciled spatial-temporal information, applicable to all branches of the economy, management, education, science, and defense of the country. It is a special kind of cartographical product where the state, in all its aspects and spheres of its existence and development, represents the subject of mapping. The NAR consists of the following volumes: Volumeà1×ÓGeneral Characteristics of the TerritoryÔ; Volumeà2×ÓNature. EcologyÔ; Volumeà3×ÓPopulation. EconomyÔ; and Volumeà4×ÓHistory. CultureÔ. Being an integral part of the NAR, each volume also stands on its own as independent map work.