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Дата изменения: Sun Apr 3 07:47:00 2016
Дата индексирования: Sun Apr 10 00:03:18 2016

Поисковые слова: propulsion
Z. Malkin's Acronym Collection  
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 Z. Malkin's Acronym Collection

(English part)

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This collection contains about 7200 acronyms and abbreviations caught in books, newspapers, magazines, journals, technical documentation, and at Web pages I have read. No plagiarism! No made-up!

Some other acronym finders:
Acronym Geek
Acronym Attic
Free Online Dictionary
NASA Astrophysics Data System (bibliographic codes and journal abbreviations)

*  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 


#           number
'           foot
'           minute
"           inch
"           arcsecond
º           degree
&           and
@           at
ΔVLBI       Differential VLBI
ΔDOR        Delta-Differenced One-way Range
+ve         positive
-ve         negative
1AXG        First ASCA X-Ray Gas Imaging Spectrometer sources
1D          One-Dimensional
1ES         EINSTEIN Slew Survey Source Catalogue
1WGA        First White+Giommi+Angelini ROSAT X-Ray sources list
2           to
2           too
21CMA       21 CentiMeter Array
24/7        24 hours / 7 days per week
2D          Two-Dimensional
2dF         2 Degree Field system
2dFGRS      2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey
2L8         Too Late
2MASS       Two-Micron All-Sky Survey
2MASSi      2 Micron All Sky Survey point sources - Incremental release
2MASX       2 Micron All Sky Survey eXtended
2MRS        2MASS Redshift Survey
2SLAQ       2dF-SDSS LRG and QSO
4MASS       4-meter All-Sky Survey (now VLSS)
3C          Third Cambridge Catalog of Radio Sources
3D          Three-Dimensional
3G          The Third Generation
3W          WWW
4           for
4C          Fourth Cambridge Survey of Radio Sources
4D          Four-Dimensional
4get        forget
4WD         Four-Wheel Drive
6C          Sixth Cambridge Survey of Radio Sources
6dF         6 degree Field survey
7C          Seventh Cambridge Survey of Radio Sources
87GB        1987 Green Bank Radio Survey
8C          Eighth Cambridge Survey of Radio Sources
ΛCDM        Lambda Cold Dark Matter
Ω           Ohm

A           Acting
a.          Adjective
A           Airbas (airplane)
A           Ampere
a           annual
A.          Answer
A           Apple
A           Assist (sport)
A.          Associate
a           year (Lat. annum)
AA          Assistant Administrator
A&A         Astronomy and Astrophysics (journal)
AAB         Automatic Answerback
AAAI        American Association of Artificial Intelligence
AAAS        American Association for the Advancement of Science
A&AS        Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series (journal)
AAC         Associate Analysis Center
AAGS        American Association of Geodetic Surveying
AAL         American AirLines
AAM         American Association of Mathematicians
AAM         Atmospheric Angular Momentum
AAO         Anglo-Australian Observatory, Epping, NSW, Australia
AAOUC       AAO Users' Committee
AAOEPP      Anglo-Australian Observatory, Epping, NSW, Australia
AAP         Academy of American Poets
AAPT        American Association of Physics Teachers
AAS         American Astronautical Society
AAS         American Astronomical Society
AAS         Austrian Academy of Sciences
AASTA       Alliance for the Advancement of Science Through Astronomy
AAT         Anglo-Australian Telescope, AAO, Australia
AATSR       Advanced Along Track Scanning Radiometer
AAUP        American Association of University Professors
AAVSO       American Association of Variable Star Observers
AAUW        American Association of University Women
ab.         about
AB          Astrometric Binary
ABAS        Aircraft Based Augmentation System
ABBA        Agnetha, Bjorn, Benny, Anni-Frid
ABC         Alphabet
ABC         American Broadcasting Company, USA
ABC         Astrometric Binary Catalog
ABCS        Advanced Business Communications via Satellite
ABEND       Abnormal End
Abp.        Archbishop
ABR         Available Bit Rate
abs.        absolute
abt.        about
a/c         Account
A.C.        After Christ
AC          Air Conditioning (Conditioner)
AC          Alternating Current
AC          Analysis Center
AC          Analysis Coordinator
AC          Application Center
A.C.        Assistant Commissioner
AC          Astrographic Catalog
AC          Astronomical Council, Moscow, Russia
AC          before Christ (Lat. ante Christum)
a.c.        before meals (Lat. ante cibum)
AC3         Audio Coding 3
ACA         Atacama Compact Array
ACA         Australian Communications Authority
acc.        accepted
ACC         IGS Analysis Center Coordinator
ACC         Antarctic Circumpolar Current (meteorology)
ACCU        Association of C and C++ Users
ACE         Active Computing Elements
ACE         Altimeter Corrected Elevations DEM
ACES        Advanced Computing in Environmental Science
ACES        Atomic Clock Ensemble in Space
ACF         Autocorrelation Function
ACFC        Astrophysics, Clocks and Fundamental Constants conference
ACFC        Atomic clocks and Fundamental Constants conference
ACHA        Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis (journal)
ACI         Airports Council International
ACIAAT      Advisory Committee for Instrumentation on the AAT
ACK         Acknowledgment
ACL         Association for Computer Linguistic, USA
ACLV        American Civil Liberties Union
ACM         Association for Computing Machinery, USA
ACP         Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (journal)
ACPI        Advanced Configuration and Power Interface
ACRIM       Active Cavity Radiometer Irradiance Monitor
ACRS        Astrographic Catalog Reference Stars
ACS         Active Control System
ACS         Advanced Camera for Surveys (HST)
ACSG        Association Canadienne des Sciences Géomatiques
ACSI        American Customer Satisfaction Index
ACSIS       DRAO Auto-Correlation Spectrometer and Imaging System
ACSnet      Australian Computer Science Network
ACT         Application Compatibility Toolkit
ACT         Atacama Cosmology Telescope
ACT         Australian Capital Territory
ACTA        Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement
ACTS        NIST Automated Computer Time Service, USA
ACU         Antenna Control Unit
ACU         Asian Currency Unit
ACV         Austria Center Vienna
AD          Advance Development
AD          Analogous-to-Digital
AD          Andorra (ISO code)
A.D.        of the Christian era (Lat. Anno Domini)
ADAHELI     ADvanced Astronomy for HELIophysics
ADASS       Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems
ADB         African Development Bank
ADC         Analogous-to-Digital Converter
ADC         NSSDC Astronomical Data Center
add.        addition, additional
ADDP        Antarctic Digital Database Project
ADeLA       Dynamical Astronomy in Latin America (Hisp. Astronomía Dinámica en Latino América)
ADEOS       ADvanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADvanced Earth Observation Satellite)
ADEV        Allan Deviation
ADF         Automatic Document Feed
ADHOC       Analyse et Depouillement Homogene des Observations Cigale
ADIL        Astronomy Digital Image Library
ADIS        Automated Data Interchange System
adj.        Adjective
ADO         ActiveX Data Objects
ADPS        Asiago Database on Photometric Systems
ADPS        Automatic Data Processing System
ADQL        Astronomical Data Query Language
ADRG        ARC (Arc-second Raster Chart/map) Digitized Raster Graphics
ADS         Aitken's Double Star catalog
ADS         NASA Astrophysics Data System
ADSC        Adobe Document Structuring Conventions
ADSL        Asynchronous Digital Subscriber Line (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line)
ADU         Analog/Digital Unit
Adv.        Advanced
Adv.        Advances
adv.        Adverb
AdvSR       Advances in Space Research (journal)
AE          United Arab Emirates (ISO code)
AEC         Automatic Exposure Control
AECL        Atomic Energy Canada Ltd.
AEI         Albert Einstein Institute, Hannover, Germany
AEOS        Advanced Electro Optical System
AEOS        Automated Empirical Optimization of Software
AER         Atmospheric and Environmental Research, USA
AES         Advanced Engineering Services Co., Ltd, Japan
AES         Artificial Earth Satellite
AEST        Australian East Standard Time (UTC + 10h)
a.e.t.      after extra time (sport)
AF          Afghanistan (ISO code)
AF          Ambiguity Function
AF          Audio Frequency
AFAIK       As Far As I Know
AFB         Air Force Base
AFC         Amplitude-Frequency Characteristic
AFCRL       Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories
AFGL        Air Force Geophysics Laboratory
AFIT        Air Force Institute of Technology, USA
AFL         Academic Free License
AFMC        U.S. Air Force Space and Missile Systems Center
AFPL        Aladdin Free Public License
AFREF       African Geodetic Reference Frame (African Continental Reference System)
AFRL        Air Force Research Laboratory, USA
AFSC        Alaska Fisheries Science Center, USA
AFSPC       U.S. Air Force Space Command
AFTN        Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunication Network
AFV         America's Funniest Video
AG          Antigua and Barbuda (ISO code)
AG          German Astronomical Society (Ger. Astronomischer Gesellschaft), Germany
AGB         Asymptotic Giant Branch
AGC         Automatic Gain Control
AGCM        Atmospheric General Circulation Model
AGCM        Atmospheric Global Circulation Model
AGD         Australian Geodetic Datum
AGGO        Argentinean-German Geodetic Observatory
AGILE       Astrorivelatore Gamma ad Immagini LEggero (ASI)
AGIS        Astrometric Global Iterative Solution (Gaia)
AGK         Astronomischer Gesellschaft Katalog
AGK2A       2 Astronomischer Gesellschaft Katalog, Anhaltsterne
AGK3R       2 Astronomischer Gesellschaft Katalog, Reference stars
AGL         Above Ground Level
AGN         Active Galactic Nuclei
AGNES       Automated GPS NEtwork of Switzerland
A-GNSS      Assisted GNSS
AGP         Accelerated Graphics Port
AGREES      African GPS Receivers for Equatorial Electrodynamics Studies
AGREF       Austrian GPS Reference network
AGS         African Geospace Society
AGTA        Adrian Gill Travel Award
AGU         American Geophysical Union
AGD         Australian Height Datum
AGSO        Australian Geological Survey Organization
AGW         Anthropogenic Global Warming
Ah          Ampere-hour
AHD         American Heritage Dictionary
AHSME       American High School Mathematics Examination
AHUVA       Advanced Hi-resolution Ultra Violet Astronomy satellite (TAUVEX project)
AI          Action Item
AI          Additional Information
AI          Anguilla (ISO code)
AIAA        American Institute  of Aeronautics and Astronautics
AIC         Akaike information criterion
AIDS        Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
AIfA        Argelander Institute for Astronomy (Ger. Argelander-Institut für Astronomie), Bonn University
AIG         American International Group, Inc.
AIGO        Australian International Gravitational Observatory, Gingin
AIM         NASA Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere spacecraft
AIME        American Invitational Mathematics Examination
AIN         Arab Institute of Navigation
AION        Australian Institute of Navigation
AIP         American Institute of Physics
AIP         Astrophysical Institute Potsdam (Ger. Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam)
AIPS        Astronomical Information (Image) Processing System
AIRES       AIRshower Extended Simulations
AIRS        Atmospheric InfraRed Sounder
AIRSAR      Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar
AIS         Automatic Identification System
AIST        NASA ESE Advanced Information Systems Technology
AIST        National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (formerly Agency of Industrial Science and Technology), Japan
AIUB        Astronomical Institute, University of Bern, Switzerland
AIV         All-In-View
AIV         Assembly, Integration and Verification (EGNOS)
AJ          Anti-Jamming
AJ          Astronomical Journal
AJHSME      American Junior High School Mathematics Examination (now AMC 8)
AK          Alaska
aka         also known as
AKDA        Alaska Deformation Array
AKDT        U.S. Alaska Daylight Time (UTC - 8h)
AKST        U.S. Alaska Standard Time (UTC - 9h)
AL          Alabama
AL          Albania (ISO code)
Ala.        Alabama
ALA         American Library Association
Alas.       Alaska
ALFA        Arecibo L-band Feed Array
ALFOSC      Andalucia Faint Object Spectrograph and Camera (NOT)
ALG         Application Layer Gateway
ALGOL       ALGOrithmic Language (ALGorithm-Oriented Language)
ALICE       A Large Ion Collider Experiment, LHC
ALICE       Connecting Latin America with Europe (Sp. America Latina Interconectada Con Europa)
ALMA        Atacama Large Millimeter Array, Chile
ALO         Astronomical Latitude Observatory, Poznan, Poland
ALOS        Advanced Land Observing Satellite
ALPO        Association of Lunar and Planetary Observers
ALSEP       Apollo Lunar Surface Experiment Package
AltBOC      Alternative BOC signal
Aly.        Alley
a.m.        before noon (Lat. ante meridiem)
Am.         American
AM          Armenia (ISO code)
AM          Amplitude Modulation
AMATYC      American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges, USA
AMC         USNO Alternate Master Clock
AMC         American Mathematics Competitions
AMCS        Antenna Multipath Calibration System
AMD         Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
Amer.       American
AMIBA       American Independent Business Alliance
AMiBA       Array for Microwave Background Anisotropy, Taiwan
AMIP        Atmospheric Model Inter-comparison Project
AMMA        African Monsoon and Multidisciplinary Analyses
AMO         Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation
AMOC        Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
AMOS        Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society
AMPLE       Adaptable Minor Planet Ephemerides
AMPS        Advanced Mobile Phone System
AMS         American Mathematical Society
AMS         American Meteorological Society
AMSA        Australian Maritime Safety Authority
AMSAT       Amateur Satellite
AMSL        Above Mean Sea Level
AMSR        Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer
AMT         Atmospheric Measurement Techniques (journal)
AMT         AudioMagnetoTelluric
AN          NASA Announcement
AN          Astronomische Nachrichten (journal)
AN          Netherlands Antilles (ISO code)
Anal.       Analysis
And         Andromeda (constellation)
ANDE        Atmospheric Neutral Density Experiment
ANDROMEDE   Association Nouvelle pour la Diffusion de la Recherche a l'Observatoire de Marseille Et le Development des Expositions, Marseille, France
ANFIS       Adaptive Network based Fuzzy Inference System
ANGEL       Airborne Navigation and Gravimetry Ensemble & Laboratory
ANGIS       Australian National Geoscientific Information System
ANITA       Antarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna
Ann.        Annual
ANN         Artificial Neural Networks
ANOVA       ANalysis Of VAriance
ANS         Australian National Spheroid
ANSI        American National Standards Institute
ANSS        Advanced National Seismic System, USA
ANT         Advanced Navigation Technology center, AFIT
Ant         Antlia (constellation)
ANU         Australian National University
ANUSat      ANna University microSatellite
ANZAC       Australian and New Zealand Army Corps
ANZAC       Australian - New Zealand - Antarctic VLBI Network
ANZLIC      Australia New Zealand Land Information Council
AO          Adaptive Optics
AO          Angola (ISO code)
AO          Announcement of Opportunity
AO          Arecibo Observatory
AOA         Allen Osborne Associates, Inc., USA
AOB         Any Other Business
AOC         NRAO VLBA Array Operations Center, Socorro, NM, USA
AOGS        Asia Oceania Geosciences Society
AOK         Absolutely OK (absolutely fine)
AOL         America OnLine
AOPC        Atmospheric Observation Panel for Climate
AOR-E       Atlantic Ocean Region-East INMARSAT satellite
AOS         Acquisition Of Signal
AOS         Astrogeodynamical Observatory of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Borowiec, Poland
AOSC        Attitude & Orbit Control Subsystem
AOV         Asia-Oceania VLBI Group for Geodesy and Astrometry
AP          Accumulation Period (correlator)
AP          Associated Press
Ap.         Astrophysics
APAN        Asia-Pacific Advanced Network
APANL       Asia-Pacific Arc Natural. Laboratory
APANPIRG    Asia-Pacific Air Navigation Planning and Implementation Regional Group
APASS       AAVSO Photometric All-Sky Survey
APC         American Power Conversion
APC         Angle Physical Contact
APC         Article Processing Charge
APD         Avalanche Photo Diode
APDB        IMCCE Astrometric Planetary data Base
APEX        Atacama Pathfinder Experiment
API         Application Program(ming) Interface
APIC        Absolute Position Interfero-Coronagraph
ApJ         Astrophysical Journal
ApJL        Astrophysical Journal Letters
ApJS        Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series
APKIM       Actual Plate KInematic Model
APL         A Programming Language
APL         Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Laurel, MD, USA
APM         Automated Photographic Measuring (Automatic Plate Measuring) machine, Cambridge, UK
APMUKS      Automated Plate Measurement United Kingdom Schmidt
APNIC       Asia Pacific Network Information Center, Australia
APOGEE      Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment
APOLLO      Apache Point Observatory Lunar Laser-ranging Operations, Sunspot, NM, USA
App         Application
ApPEC       Astroparticle Physics European Coordination
Appl.       Applied
APPS        Advanced Precise Positioning System, Japan
APR         Annual Percentage Rate
Apr         April
APREF       Asia Pacific Regional Reference Frame
APRGP       Asia-Pacific Regional Geodetic Project
APRIM       Asian-Pacific Regional IAU Meeting
APS         American Physical Society
Aps         Apus (constellation)
APSG        Asia-Pacific Space Geodynamics Program (formerly Project)
Ap&SS       Astrophysics and Space Science
Apt.        Airport
apt.        apartment
APT         Asia Pacific Telecommunity
APT         Asia Pacific Telescope
APT         Automatically Programmed Tool
APY         Annual Percentage Yield
AQ          Antarctica (ISO code)
Aql         Aquila (constellation)
Aqr         Aquarius (constellation)
AR          Annual Report
AR          Argentina (ISO code)
AR          Arkansas
AR          Autoregression
ARA         American Relief Administration
Ara         Ara (constellation)
ARC         NASA Ames Research Center, Moffet Field, CA, USA
ARC         Arc-second Raster Chart/map
ARC         Astrophysical Research Consortium, Inc., USA
ARC         Australian Research Council
ArcOD       Arctic Ocean Biodiversity
ARDF        Amateur Radio Direction Finding
ARELAS      Arequipa Laser Station, Peru
AREPS       Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences (journal)
ARFIMA      AutoRegressive Fractional Integrated Moving Average
ARG         Astrophysics Research Group, University of Antwerpen, Belgium
ARGB        Alpha-Red-Green-Blue
argc        argument count
ARGN        Australian Regional GPS Network
ARGO-YBJ    Astrophysical Radiation with Ground-based Observatory at YangBaJing, Tibet, China
argv        Argument Vector
ARI         Academic Research Infrastructure
Ari         Aries (constellation)
ARI         Astronomisches Rechen-Institut, Heidelberg, Germany
ARIES       Astronomical Radio Interferometric Earth Surveying program
ARIMA       AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average
ARISE       Advanced Radio Interferometry between Space and Earth (JPL)
Ariz.       Arizona
Ark.        Arkansas
ARL         Association of Research Libraries
ARM         NASA Asteroid Redirect Mission
ARMA        AutoRegressive Moving Average
ARNS        Aeronautical Radio Navigation Services
ARO         After Receipt of Order
ARO         Algonquin Radio Observatory, Canada
ARP         Address Resolution Protocol
ARP         Antenna Reference Point
ARPAnet     Advanced Research Projects Agency network
ARPL        ICTP Aeronomy and Radiopropagation Laboratory
ARS         American Rocket Society
ARTEMIS     ESA Advanced Relay and TEchnology MISsion
ARTK        Advanced Real Time Kinematics
ARTUS       Advanced Receiver Terminal for User Services
AS          American Samoa (ISO code)
AS          Anti-Spoofing
AsA         Astronomical Almanac
ASA         Astronomical Society of Australia
asap        as soon as possible
ASAR        Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar
ASAS        Advanced Solid-state Array Spectrometer
ASAS        All Sky Automated Survey
ASC         Amateur Star Catalog
ASC         LPI Astro Space Center, Moscow, Russia
ASCA        Advanced Satellite for Cosmology and Astrophysics
ASCII       American Standard Code for Information Interchange
ASKAP       Australian SKA Pathfinder
ASCL        Astrophysics Source Code Library
ASCR        Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
ASD         Aerospace & Defence Network
ASD         Allan Standard Deviation
ASDD        Australian Spatial Data Directory
ASDI        All-Sky Doppler Interferometer (Haystack observatory)
ASDI        Australian Spatial Data Infrastructure
ASDS        Astronomical Software & Documentation Service
ASEAN       Association of South-East Asian Nations (Brunei, Burma, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam)
ASF         Assignable Square Feet
ASI         Italian Space Agency (It. Agenzia Spaziale Italiana), Italy
ASIC        Application-Specific Integrated Circuits
ASIAA       Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy & Astrophysics, Taiwan
ASK         Amplitude Shift Key modulation
ASKAP       Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder
ASL         Albuquerque Seismological Laboratory
ASLO        American Society of Limnology and Oceanography
ASM         Astronomical Society of Melbourne
ASNSW       Astronomical Society of New South Wales
aso         and so on
ASP         Active Server Pages
ASP         Association of Shareware Professionals
ASP         Astronomical Society of the Pacific
ASPERA      AStroParticle ERAnet
ASPRS       American Society for Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing, Bethesda, MD, USA
ASQ         Airport Service Quality
ASR         Advances in Space Research (journal)
ASRS        NASA Aviation Safety Reporting System
ASS         Acta Seismologica Sinica (journal)
ASST        Average Sea Surface Temperature
AST         U.S. Atlantic Standard Time (UTC - 4h)
ASTE        Atacama Submillimeter Telescope Experiment
ASTEC       Australian Science and Technology Council
ASTER       Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer
ASTEX       ASTeroid EXplorer
ASTROD      Astrodynamical Space Test of Relativity using Optical Devices
AstL        Astronomy Letters (journal)
Astr.       Astronomical
ASTRA       ASTrometry and phase-Referencing Astronomy
ASTRA       Astrophysics and Space Sciences Transactions (journal)
ASTRO-H     the same as NeXT (JAXA/NASA)
Astron.     Astronomical
Astron.     Astronomy
Astrophys.  Astrophysical
Astrophys.  Astrophysics
ASU         Arizona State University, AZ, USA
ASV         Astronomical Society of Victoria
AT          Atomic Time
AT          Australia Telescope project
AT          Austria (ISO code)
AT          Automatic Transmission
AT20G       Australia Telescope 20 GHz Survey
ATA         Advanced Technology Attachment (the same as IDE)
ATA         Allen Telescope Array
ATATS       Allen Telescope Array Twenty-centimeter Survey
ATC         Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Center, Palo Alto, CA
ATCA        Australia Telescope Compact Array
ATD         Advanced Technical Development
ATEx        Advanced Tether Experiment
ATIC        Advanced Thin Ionization Calorimeter
ATL         ActiveX Template Library
ATLAS       originally: A Toroidal LHC ApparatuS
ATLAS       Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software
ATLASGAL    APEX Telescope Large Area Survey of the Galaxy
ATLAST      Advanced Technology Large-Aperture Space Telescope
AT-LBA      Australia Telescope - Long Baseline Array
ATM         Airborne Topography Mapper
ATM         Asynchronous Transfer Mode
ATM         Automatic Teller Machine
ATMS        Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder (NPOESS)
ATNF        Australia Telescope National Facility
ATNTS       Astronomically Tuned Neogene Time Scale
ATP         Association of Tennis Professionals
ATSC        AlliedSignal Technical Services Corporation, Lanham, MD, USA
ATST        Advanced Technology Solar Telescope (NSO)
Attn        Attention
ATV         Automated Transfer Vehicle
ATWS        Australian Tsunami Warning System
ATX         Advanced Technology eXtended
AU          Astronomical Unit
AU          Australia (ISO code)
Aug         August
AUI         Associated University, Inc., USA
Aur         Auriga
AURA        Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., Washington, DC, USA
AUS         Army of the United States
AUSAC       Arecibo Users and Scientific Advisory Committee
AUSLAS      Graz Laser Station, Austria
AUSLIG      Australian Surveying and Land Information Group (now GA)
Aust.       Australia
AUT         Auckland University of Technology, NZ
AUW         Agricultural University Wroclaw, Poland
aux.        auxiliary
Av.         Avenue
AVAR        Allan Variance
Ave.        Avenue
avg.        average
AVHRR       Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer
AVIRIS      Airborne Visible Infrared Imaging Spectrometer
AVISO       Archiving, Validation and Interpretation of Satellites Oceanographic Data
AVL         Automatic Vehicle Location
AVLS        Automatic Vehicle Location System
AVN         Adult Video News
AVN         African VLBI Network
AVNIR       Advanced Visible and Near Infrared Radiometer
AVOCADO     A Virtual Observatory Census to Address Dwarfs Origins
AW          Aruba (ISO code)
AWACS       Airborne Warning And Control System, USA
AWD         All-Wheel Drive
AWESOME     Atmospheric Weather Education System for Observation and Modeling of Effects
AWFT        Automatic Wide Field Telescope project (ROA, Spain)
AWG         Analysis Working Group
AWG         ESA SPC Astronomy Working Group
AWGN        Additive White Gaussian Noise
AWH         Astronomy and World Heritage
AWHI        Astronomy and World Heritage Initiative
AWI         Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Germany
awk         Aho-Kernighan-Weinberger (Unix)
AWM         Association for Women in Mathematics, USA
AWOL        Absence Without (Official) Leave
AWOL        Absent Without (Official) Leave
AWS         Automatic Weather Station(s)
A-WVR       Advanced Water Vapor Radiometer (JPL)
AXAF        NASA Advanced X-Ray Astrophysics Facility
AXP         Anomalous X-ray Pulsar
AXTAR       Advanced X-ray Timing Array
AYOK        Are You OK?
AZ          Arizona
AZ          Azerbaijan (ISO code)
Az          Azimuth
AZ-EL       Azimuth-Elevation

B.          Bachelor
B           Bandwidth
B           Besselian epoch
b           billion
B           Bishop (chess)
B           blue
B           Boing (airplane)
b.          born
B2          Second Bologna Catalog of radio sources
B2B         Business-to-Business
B2C         Business-to-Consumer
B2G         Business-to-Government
B3          Third Bologna Catalog of radio sources
B.A.        Bachelor of Arts
BA          Bosnia and Herzegowina (ISO code)
BA          British Airways
BAA         British Astronomical Association
BAARAG      British Astronomical Association Radio Astronomy Group
BAAVSS      British Astronomical Association Variable Star Section
BAdW        Bavarian Academy of Sciences (Ger. Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften), Munich, Germany
BAE         British Aerospace, Australia
BAKO        Bako Surtanal, Indonesia
BAL         Broad Absorption Line
B.A.N.Z.A.R.   British, Australian, New Zealand Antarctic Research Expedition
BAO         Baryon Acoustic Oscillations
BARD        Bay Area Regional Deformation GPS Network, USA
BARGN       Basin and Range GPS Network, USA
BARREL      Balloon Array for Radiation-belt Relativistic Electron Losses
BAS         Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
BASIC       Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
BAT         British American Tobacco Co.
BATC        Ball Aerospace and Technologies Corporation, Boulder, CO, USA
BATSE       Burst And Transient Source Experiment
BAW         British AirWays
BAYTAP-G    Bayesian Tidal Analysis Program - Grouping Model
BB          Barbados (ISO code)
BB          Big Bang
BB          Black Body
BBAO        Black Birch Astrometric Observatory, NZ
BBC         BaseBand Converter
BBC         British Broadcasting Corporation
bbl         barrel (of petrolium or oil)
BBO         Big-Bang Observer
BBRW        Balser-Bania-Rood-Wilson
BBS         Bulletin Board System (Bulletin Board Services)
BBXRT       Broad Band X-Ray Telescope
BC          Before Christ
BC          Blind Copy
BC          British Columbia (Canadian province)
BCC         Blind Carbon Copy (e-mail)
BCC         Business Computer Company
BCD         Binary-Coded Decimal
BCG         Bacillus Calmette-Guerin vaccine