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Дата изменения: Sun Apr 3 07:47:00 2016
Дата индексирования: Sun Apr 10 00:03:18 2016

Поисковые слова: agn
Z. Malkin's Acronym Collection  
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 Z. Malkin's Acronym Collection

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This collection contains about 7200 acronyms and abbreviations caught in books, newspapers, magazines, journals, technical documentation, and at Web pages I have read. No plagiarism! No made-up!

Some other acronym finders:
Acronym Geek
Acronym Attic
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NASA Astrophysics Data System (bibliographic codes and journal abbreviations)

*  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 


#           number
'           foot
'           minute
"           inch
"           arcsecond
º           degree
&           and
@           at
ΔVLBI       Differential VLBI
ΔDOR        Delta-Differenced One-way Range
+ve         positive
-ve         negative
1AXG        First ASCA X-Ray Gas Imaging Spectrometer sources
1D          One-Dimensional
1ES         EINSTEIN Slew Survey Source Catalogue
1WGA        First White+Giommi+Angelini ROSAT X-Ray sources list
2           to
2           too
21CMA       21 CentiMeter Array
24/7        24 hours / 7 days per week
2D          Two-Dimensional
2dF         2 Degree Field system
2dFGRS      2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey
2L8         Too Late
2MASS       Two-Micron All-Sky Survey
2MASSi      2 Micron All Sky Survey point sources - Incremental release
2MASX       2 Micron All Sky Survey eXtended
2MRS        2MASS Redshift Survey
2SLAQ       2dF-SDSS LRG and QSO
4MASS       4-meter All-Sky Survey (now VLSS)
3C          Third Cambridge Catalog of Radio Sources
3D          Three-Dimensional
3G          The Third Generation
3W          WWW
4           for
4C          Fourth Cambridge Survey of Radio Sources
4D          Four-Dimensional
4get        forget
4WD         Four-Wheel Drive
6C          Sixth Cambridge Survey of Radio Sources
6dF         6 degree Field survey
7C          Seventh Cambridge Survey of Radio Sources
87GB        1987 Green Bank Radio Survey
8C          Eighth Cambridge Survey of Radio Sources
ΛCDM        Lambda Cold Dark Matter
Ω           Ohm

A           Acting
a.          Adjective
A           Airbas (airplane)
A           Ampere
a           annual
A.          Answer
A           Apple
A           Assist (sport)
A.          Associate
a           year (Lat. annum)
AA          Assistant Administrator
A&A         Astronomy and Astrophysics (journal)
AAB         Automatic Answerback
AAAI        American Association of Artificial Intelligence
AAAS        American Association for the Advancement of Science
A&AS        Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series (journal)
AAC         Associate Analysis Center
AAGS        American Association of Geodetic Surveying
AAL         American AirLines
AAM         American Association of Mathematicians
AAM         Atmospheric Angular Momentum
AAO         Anglo-Australian Observatory, Epping, NSW, Australia
AAOUC       AAO Users' Committee
AAOEPP      Anglo-Australian Observatory, Epping, NSW, Australia
AAP         Academy of American Poets
AAPT        American Association of Physics Teachers
AAS         American Astronautical Society
AAS         American Astronomical Society
AAS         Austrian Academy of Sciences
AASTA       Alliance for the Advancement of Science Through Astronomy
AAT         Anglo-Australian Telescope, AAO, Australia
AATSR       Advanced Along Track Scanning Radiometer
AAUP        American Association of University Professors
AAVSO       American Association of Variable Star Observers
AAUW        American Association of University Women
ab.         about
AB          Astrometric Binary
ABAS        Aircraft Based Augmentation System
ABBA        Agnetha, Bjorn, Benny, Anni-Frid
ABC         Alphabet
ABC         American Broadcasting Company, USA
ABC         Astrometric Binary Catalog
ABCS        Advanced Business Communications via Satellite
ABEND       Abnormal End
Abp.        Archbishop
ABR         Available Bit Rate
abs.        absolute
abt.        about
a/c         Account
A.C.        After Christ
AC          Air Conditioning (Conditioner)
AC          Alternating Current
AC          Analysis Center
AC          Analysis Coordinator
AC          Application Center
A.C.        Assistant Commissioner
AC          Astrographic Catalog
AC          Astronomical Council, Moscow, Russia
AC          before Christ (Lat. ante Christum)
a.c.        before meals (Lat. ante cibum)
AC3         Audio Coding 3
ACA         Atacama Compact Array
ACA         Australian Communications Authority
acc.        accepted
ACC         IGS Analysis Center Coordinator
ACC         Antarctic Circumpolar Current (meteorology)
ACCU        Association of C and C++ Users
ACE         Active Computing Elements
ACE         Altimeter Corrected Elevations DEM
ACES        Advanced Computing in Environmental Science
ACES        Atomic Clock Ensemble in Space
ACF         Autocorrelation Function
ACFC        Astrophysics, Clocks and Fundamental Constants conference
ACFC        Atomic clocks and Fundamental Constants conference
ACHA        Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis (journal)
ACI         Airports Council International
ACIAAT      Advisory Committee for Instrumentation on the AAT
ACK         Acknowledgment
ACL         Association for Computer Linguistic, USA
ACLV        American Civil Liberties Union
ACM         Association for Computing Machinery, USA
ACP         Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (journal)
ACPI        Advanced Configuration and Power Interface
ACRIM       Active Cavity Radiometer Irradiance Monitor
ACRS        Astrographic Catalog Reference Stars
ACS         Active Control System
ACS         Advanced Camera for Surveys (HST)
ACSG        Association Canadienne des Sciences Géomatiques
ACSI        American Customer Satisfaction Index
ACSIS       DRAO Auto-Correlation Spectrometer and Imaging System
ACSnet      Australian Computer Science Network
ACT         Application Compatibility Toolkit
ACT         Atacama Cosmology Telescope
ACT         Australian Capital Territory
ACTA        Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement
ACTS        NIST Automated Computer Time Service, USA
ACU         Antenna Control Unit
ACU         Asian Currency Unit
ACV         Austria Center Vienna
AD          Advance Development
AD          Analogous-to-Digital
AD          Andorra (ISO code)
A.D.        of the Christian era (Lat. Anno Domini)
ADAHELI     ADvanced Astronomy for HELIophysics
ADASS       Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems
ADB         African Development Bank
ADC         Analogous-to-Digital Converter
ADC         NSSDC Astronomical Data Center
add.        addition, additional
ADDP        Antarctic Digital Database Project
ADeLA       Dynamical Astronomy in Latin America (Hisp. Astronomía Dinámica en Latino América)
ADEOS       ADvanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADvanced Earth Observation Satellite)
ADEV        Allan Deviation
ADF         Automatic Document Feed
ADHOC       Analyse et Depouillement Homogene des Observations Cigale
ADIL        Astronomy Digital Image Library
ADIS        Automated Data Interchange System
adj.        Adjective
ADO         ActiveX Data Objects
ADPS        Asiago Database on Photometric Systems
ADPS        Automatic Data Processing System
ADQL        Astronomical Data Query Language
ADRG        ARC (Arc-second Raster Chart/map) Digitized Raster Graphics
ADS         Aitken's Double Star catalog
ADS         NASA Astrophysics Data System
ADSC        Adobe Document Structuring Conventions
ADSL        Asynchronous Digital Subscriber Line (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line)
ADU         Analog/Digital Unit
Adv.        Advanced
Adv.        Advances
adv.        Adverb
AdvSR       Advances in Space Research (journal)
AE          United Arab Emirates (ISO code)
AEC         Automatic Exposure Control
AECL        Atomic Energy Canada Ltd.
AEI         Albert Einstein Institute, Hannover, Germany
AEOS        Advanced Electro Optical System
AEOS        Automated Empirical Optimization of Software
AER         Atmospheric and Environmental Research, USA
AES         Advanced Engineering Services Co., Ltd, Japan
AES         Artificial Earth Satellite
AEST        Australian East Standard Time (UTC + 10h)
a.e.t.      after extra time (sport)
AF          Afghanistan (ISO code)
AF          Ambiguity Function
AF          Audio Frequency
AFAIK       As Far As I Know
AFB         Air Force Base
AFC         Amplitude-Frequency Characteristic
AFCRL       Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories
AFGL        Air Force Geophysics Laboratory
AFIT        Air Force Institute of Technology, USA
AFL         Academic Free License
AFMC        U.S. Air Force Space and Missile Systems Center
AFPL        Aladdin Free Public License
AFREF       African Geodetic Reference Frame (African Continental Reference System)
AFRL        Air Force Research Laboratory, USA
AFSC        Alaska Fisheries Science Center, USA
AFSPC       U.S. Air Force Space Command
AFTN        Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunication Network
AFV         America's Funniest Video
AG          Antigua and Barbuda (ISO code)
AG          German Astronomical Society (Ger. Astronomischer Gesellschaft), Germany
AGB         Asymptotic Giant Branch
AGC         Automatic Gain Control
AGCM        Atmospheric General Circulation Model
AGCM        Atmospheric Global Circulation Model
AGD         Australian Geodetic Datum
AGGO        Argentinean-German Geodetic Observatory
AGILE       Astrorivelatore Gamma ad Immagini LEggero (ASI)
AGIS        Astrometric Global Iterative Solution (Gaia)
AGK         Astronomischer Gesellschaft Katalog
AGK2A       2 Astronomischer Gesellschaft Katalog, Anhaltsterne
AGK3R       2 Astronomischer Gesellschaft Katalog, Reference stars
AGL         Above Ground Level
AGN         Active Galactic Nuclei
AGNES       Automated GPS NEtwork of Switzerland
A-GNSS      Assisted GNSS
AGP         Accelerated Graphics Port
AGREES      African GPS Receivers for Equatorial Electrodynamics Studies
AGREF       Austrian GPS Reference network
AGS         African Geospace Society
AGTA        Adrian Gill Travel Award
AGU         American Geophysical Union
AGD         Australian Height Datum
AGSO        Australian Geological Survey Organization
AGW         Anthropogenic Global Warming
Ah          Ampere-hour
AHD         American Heritage Dictionary
AHSME       American High School Mathematics Examination
AHUVA       Advanced Hi-resolution Ultra Violet Astronomy satellite (TAUVEX project)
AI          Action Item
AI          Additional Information
AI          Anguilla (ISO code)
AIAA        American Institute  of Aeronautics and Astronautics
AIC         Akaike information criterion
AIDS        Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
AIfA        Argelander Institute for Astronomy (Ger. Argelander-Institut für Astronomie), Bonn University
AIG         American International Group, Inc.
AIGO        Australian International Gravitational Observatory, Gingin
AIM         NASA Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere spacecraft
AIME        American Invitational Mathematics Examination
AIN         Arab Institute of Navigation
AION        Australian Institute of Navigation
AIP         American Institute of Physics
AIP         Astrophysical Institute Potsdam (Ger. Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam)
AIPS        Astronomical Information (Image) Processing System
AIRES       AIRshower Extended Simulations
AIRS        Atmospheric InfraRed Sounder
AIRSAR      Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar
AIS         Automatic Identification System
AIST        NASA ESE Advanced Information Systems Technology
AIST        National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (formerly Agency of Industrial Science and Technology), Japan
AIUB        Astronomical Institute, University of Bern, Switzerland
AIV         All-In-View
AIV         Assembly, Integration and Verification (EGNOS)
AJ          Anti-Jamming
AJ          Astronomical Journal
AJHSME      American Junior High School Mathematics Examination (now AMC 8)
AK          Alaska
aka         also known as
AKDA        Alaska Deformation Array
AKDT        U.S. Alaska Daylight Time (UTC - 8h)
AKST        U.S. Alaska Standard Time (UTC - 9h)
AL          Alabama
AL          Albania (ISO code)
Ala.        Alabama
ALA         American Library Association
Alas.       Alaska
ALFA        Arecibo L-band Feed Array
ALFOSC      Andalucia Faint Object Spectrograph and Camera (NOT)
ALG         Application Layer Gateway
ALGOL       ALGOrithmic Language (ALGorithm-Oriented Language)
ALICE       A Large Ion Collider Experiment, LHC
ALICE       Connecting Latin America with Europe (Sp. America Latina Interconectada Con Europa)
ALMA        Atacama Large Millimeter Array, Chile
ALO         Astronomical Latitude Observatory, Poznan, Poland
ALOS        Advanced Land Observing Satellite
ALPO        Association of Lunar and Planetary Observers
ALSEP       Apollo Lunar Surface Experiment Package
AltBOC      Alternative BOC signal
Aly.        Alley
a.m.        before noon (Lat. ante meridiem)
Am.         American
AM          Armenia (ISO code)
AM          Amplitude Modulation
AMATYC      American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges, USA
AMC         USNO Alternate Master Clock
AMC         American Mathematics Competitions
AMCS        Antenna Multipath Calibration System
AMD         Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
Amer.       American
AMIBA       American Independent Business Alliance
AMiBA       Array for Microwave Background Anisotropy, Taiwan
AMIP        Atmospheric Model Inter-comparison Project
AMMA        African Monsoon and Multidisciplinary Analyses
AMO         Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation
AMOC        Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
AMOS        Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society
AMPLE       Adaptable Minor Planet Ephemerides
AMPS        Advanced Mobile Phone System
AMS         American Mathematical Society
AMS         American Meteorological Society
AMSA        Australian Maritime Safety Authority
AMSAT       Amateur Satellite
AMSL        Above Mean Sea Level
AMSR        Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer
AMT         Atmospheric Measurement Techniques (journal)
AMT         AudioMagnetoTelluric
AN          NASA Announcement
AN          Astronomische Nachrichten (journal)
AN          Netherlands Antilles (ISO code)
Anal.       Analysis
And         Andromeda (constellation)
ANDE        Atmospheric Neutral Density Experiment
ANDROMEDE   Association Nouvelle pour la Diffusion de la Recherche a l'Observatoire de Marseille Et le Development des Expositions, Marseille, France
ANFIS       Adaptive Network based Fuzzy Inference System
ANGEL       Airborne Navigation and Gravimetry Ensemble & Laboratory
ANGIS       Australian National Geoscientific Information System
ANITA       Antarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna
Ann.        Annual
ANN         Artificial Neural Networks
ANOVA       ANalysis Of VAriance
ANS         Australian National Spheroid
ANSI        American National Standards Institute
ANSS        Advanced National Seismic System, USA
ANT         Advanced Navigation Technology center, AFIT
Ant         Antlia (constellation)
ANU         Australian National University
ANUSat      ANna University microSatellite
ANZAC       Australian and New Zealand Army Corps
ANZAC       Australian - New Zealand - Antarctic VLBI Network
ANZLIC      Australia New Zealand Land Information Council
AO          Adaptive Optics
AO          Angola (ISO code)
AO          Announcement of Opportunity
AO          Arecibo Observatory
AOA         Allen Osborne Associates, Inc., USA
AOB         Any Other Business
AOC         NRAO VLBA Array Operations Center, Socorro, NM, USA
AOGS        Asia Oceania Geosciences Society
AOK         Absolutely OK (absolutely fine)
AOL         America OnLine
AOPC        Atmospheric Observation Panel for Climate
AOR-E       Atlantic Ocean Region-East INMARSAT satellite
AOS         Acquisition Of Signal
AOS         Astrogeodynamical Observatory of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Borowiec, Poland
AOSC        Attitude & Orbit Control Subsystem
AOV         Asia-Oceania VLBI Group for Geodesy and Astrometry
AP          Accumulation Period (correlator)
AP          Associated Press
Ap.         Astrophysics
APAN        Asia-Pacific Advanced Network
APANL       Asia-Pacific Arc Natural. Laboratory
APANPIRG    Asia-Pacific Air Navigation Planning and Implementation Regional Group
APASS       AAVSO Photometric All-Sky Survey
APC         American Power Conversion
APC         Angle Physical Contact
APC         Article Processing Charge
APD         Avalanche Photo Diode
APDB        IMCCE Astrometric Planetary data Base
APEX        Atacama Pathfinder Experiment
API         Application Program(ming) Interface
APIC        Absolute Position Interfero-Coronagraph
ApJ         Astrophysical Journal
ApJL        Astrophysical Journal Letters
ApJS        Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series
APKIM       Actual Plate KInematic Model
APL         A Programming Language
APL         Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Laurel, MD, USA
APM         Automated Photographic Measuring (Automatic Plate Measuring) machine, Cambridge, UK
APMUKS      Automated Plate Measurement United Kingdom Schmidt
APNIC       Asia Pacific Network Information Center, Australia
APOGEE      Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment
APOLLO      Apache Point Observatory Lunar Laser-ranging Operations, Sunspot, NM, USA
App         Application
ApPEC       Astroparticle Physics European Coordination
Appl.       Applied
APPS        Advanced Precise Positioning System, Japan
APR         Annual Percentage Rate
Apr         April
APREF       Asia Pacific Regional Reference Frame
APRGP       Asia-Pacific Regional Geodetic Project
APRIM       Asian-Pacific Regional IAU Meeting
APS         American Physical Society
Aps         Apus (constellation)
APSG        Asia-Pacific Space Geodynamics Program (formerly Project)
Ap&SS       Astrophysics and Space Science
Apt.        Airport
apt.        apartment
APT         Asia Pacific Telecommunity
APT         Asia Pacific Telescope
APT         Automatically Programmed Tool
APY         Annual Percentage Yield
AQ          Antarctica (ISO code)
Aql         Aquila (constellation)
Aqr         Aquarius (constellation)
AR          Annual Report
AR          Argentina (ISO code)
AR          Arkansas
AR          Autoregression
ARA         American Relief Administration
Ara         Ara (constellation)
ARC         NASA Ames Research Center, Moffet Field, CA, USA
ARC         Arc-second Raster Chart/map
ARC         Astrophysical Research Consortium, Inc., USA
ARC         Australian Research Council
ArcOD       Arctic Ocean Biodiversity
ARDF        Amateur Radio Direction Finding
ARELAS      Arequipa Laser Station, Peru
AREPS       Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences (journal)
ARFIMA      AutoRegressive Fractional Integrated Moving Average
ARG         Astrophysics Research Group, University of Antwerpen, Belgium
ARGB        Alpha-Red-Green-Blue
argc        argument count
ARGN        Australian Regional GPS Network
ARGO-YBJ    Astrophysical Radiation with Ground-based Observatory at YangBaJing, Tibet, China
argv        Argument Vector
ARI         Academic Research Infrastructure
Ari         Aries (constellation)
ARI         Astronomisches Rechen-Institut, Heidelberg, Germany
ARIES       Astronomical Radio Interferometric Earth Surveying program
ARIMA       AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average
ARISE       Advanced Radio Interferometry between Space and Earth (JPL)
Ariz.       Arizona
Ark.        Arkansas
ARL         Association of Research Libraries
ARM         NASA Asteroid Redirect Mission
ARMA        AutoRegressive Moving Average
ARNS        Aeronautical Radio Navigation Services
ARO         After Receipt of Order
ARO         Algonquin Radio Observatory, Canada
ARP         Address Resolution Protocol
ARP         Antenna Reference Point
ARPAnet     Advanced Research Projects Agency network
ARPL        ICTP Aeronomy and Radiopropagation Laboratory
ARS         American Rocket Society
ARTEMIS     ESA Advanced Relay and TEchnology MISsion
ARTK        Advanced Real Time Kinematics
ARTUS       Advanced Receiver Terminal for User Services
AS          American Samoa (ISO code)
AS          Anti-Spoofing
AsA         Astronomical Almanac
ASA         Astronomical Society of Australia
asap        as soon as possible
ASAR        Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar
ASAS        Advanced Solid-state Array Spectrometer
ASAS        All Sky Automated Survey
ASC         Amateur Star Catalog
ASC         LPI Astro Space Center, Moscow, Russia
ASCA        Advanced Satellite for Cosmology and Astrophysics
ASCII       American Standard Code for Information Interchange
ASKAP       Australian SKA Pathfinder
ASCL        Astrophysics Source Code Library
ASCR        Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
ASD         Aerospace & Defence Network
ASD         Allan Standard Deviation
ASDD        Australian Spatial Data Directory
ASDI        All-Sky Doppler Interferometer (Haystack observatory)
ASDI        Australian Spatial Data Infrastructure
ASDS        Astronomical Software & Documentation Service
ASEAN       Association of South-East Asian Nations (Brunei, Burma, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam)
ASF         Assignable Square Feet
ASI         Italian Space Agency (It. Agenzia Spaziale Italiana), Italy
ASIC        Application-Specific Integrated Circuits
ASIAA       Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy & Astrophysics, Taiwan
ASK         Amplitude Shift Key modulation
ASKAP       Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder
ASL         Albuquerque Seismological Laboratory
ASLO        American Society of Limnology and Oceanography
ASM         Astronomical Society of Melbourne
ASNSW       Astronomical Society of New South Wales
aso         and so on
ASP         Active Server Pages
ASP         Association of Shareware Professionals
ASP         Astronomical Society of the Pacific
ASPERA      AStroParticle ERAnet
ASPRS       American Society for Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing, Bethesda, MD, USA
ASQ         Airport Service Quality
ASR         Advances in Space Research (journal)
ASRS        NASA Aviation Safety Reporting System
ASS         Acta Seismologica Sinica (journal)
ASST        Average Sea Surface Temperature
AST         U.S. Atlantic Standard Time (UTC - 4h)
ASTE        Atacama Submillimeter Telescope Experiment
ASTEC       Australian Science and Technology Council
ASTER       Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer
ASTEX       ASTeroid EXplorer
ASTROD      Astrodynamical Space Test of Relativity using Optical Devices
AstL        Astronomy Letters (journal)
Astr.       Astronomical
ASTRA       ASTrometry and phase-Referencing Astronomy
ASTRA       Astrophysics and Space Sciences Transactions (journal)
ASTRO-H     the same as NeXT (JAXA/NASA)
Astron.     Astronomical
Astron.     Astronomy
Astrophys.  Astrophysical
Astrophys.  Astrophysics
ASU         Arizona State University, AZ, USA
ASV         Astronomical Society of Victoria
AT          Atomic Time
AT          Australia Telescope project
AT          Austria (ISO code)
AT          Automatic Transmission
AT20G       Australia Telescope 20 GHz Survey
ATA         Advanced Technology Attachment (the same as IDE)
ATA         Allen Telescope Array
ATATS       Allen Telescope Array Twenty-centimeter Survey
ATC         Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Center, Palo Alto, CA
ATCA        Australia Telescope Compact Array
ATD         Advanced Technical Development
ATEx        Advanced Tether Experiment
ATIC        Advanced Thin Ionization Calorimeter
ATL         ActiveX Template Library
ATLAS       originally: A Toroidal LHC ApparatuS
ATLAS       Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software
ATLASGAL    APEX Telescope Large Area Survey of the Galaxy
ATLAST      Advanced Technology Large-Aperture Space Telescope
AT-LBA      Australia Telescope - Long Baseline Array
ATM         Airborne Topography Mapper
ATM         Asynchronous Transfer Mode
ATM         Automatic Teller Machine
ATMS        Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder (NPOESS)
ATNF        Australia Telescope National Facility
ATNTS       Astronomically Tuned Neogene Time Scale
ATP         Association of Tennis Professionals
ATSC        AlliedSignal Technical Services Corporation, Lanham, MD, USA
ATST        Advanced Technology Solar Telescope (NSO)
Attn        Attention
ATV         Automated Transfer Vehicle
ATWS        Australian Tsunami Warning System
ATX         Advanced Technology eXtended
AU          Astronomical Unit
AU          Australia (ISO code)
Aug         August
AUI         Associated University, Inc., USA
Aur         Auriga
AURA        Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., Washington, DC, USA
AUS         Army of the United States
AUSAC       Arecibo Users and Scientific Advisory Committee
AUSLAS      Graz Laser Station, Austria
AUSLIG      Australian Surveying and Land Information Group (now GA)
Aust.       Australia
AUT         Auckland University of Technology, NZ
AUW         Agricultural University Wroclaw, Poland
aux.        auxiliary
Av.         Avenue
AVAR        Allan Variance
Ave.        Avenue
avg.        average
AVHRR       Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer
AVIRIS      Airborne Visible Infrared Imaging Spectrometer
AVISO       Archiving, Validation and Interpretation of Satellites Oceanographic Data
AVL         Automatic Vehicle Location
AVLS        Automatic Vehicle Location System
AVN         Adult Video News
AVN         African VLBI Network
AVNIR       Advanced Visible and Near Infrared Radiometer
AVOCADO     A Virtual Observatory Census to Address Dwarfs Origins
AW          Aruba (ISO code)
AWACS       Airborne Warning And Control System, USA
AWD         All-Wheel Drive
AWESOME     Atmospheric Weather Education System for Observation and Modeling of Effects
AWFT        Automatic Wide Field Telescope project (ROA, Spain)
AWG         Analysis Working Group
AWG         ESA SPC Astronomy Working Group
AWGN        Additive White Gaussian Noise
AWH         Astronomy and World Heritage
AWHI        Astronomy and World Heritage Initiative
AWI         Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Germany
awk         Aho-Kernighan-Weinberger (Unix)
AWM         Association for Women in Mathematics, USA
AWOL        Absence Without (Official) Leave
AWOL        Absent Without (Official) Leave
AWS         Automatic Weather Station(s)
A-WVR       Advanced Water Vapor Radiometer (JPL)
AXAF        NASA Advanced X-Ray Astrophysics Facility
AXP         Anomalous X-ray Pulsar
AXTAR       Advanced X-ray Timing Array
AYOK        Are You OK?
AZ          Arizona
AZ          Azerbaijan (ISO code)
Az          Azimuth
AZ-EL       Azimuth-Elevation

B.          Bachelor
B           Bandwidth
B           Besselian epoch
b           billion
B           Bishop (chess)
B           blue
B           Boing (airplane)
b.          born
B2          Second Bologna Catalog of radio sources
B2B         Business-to-Business
B2C         Business-to-Consumer
B2G         Business-to-Government
B3          Third Bologna Catalog of radio sources
B.A.        Bachelor of Arts
BA          Bosnia and Herzegowina (ISO code)
BA          British Airways
BAA         British Astronomical Association
BAARAG      British Astronomical Association Radio Astronomy Group
BAAVSS      British Astronomical Association Variable Star Section
BAdW        Bavarian Academy of Sciences (Ger. Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften), Munich, Germany
BAE         British Aerospace, Australia
BAKO        Bako Surtanal, Indonesia
BAL         Broad Absorption Line
B.A.N.Z.A.R.   British, Australian, New Zealand Antarctic Research Expedition
BAO         Baryon Acoustic Oscillations
BARD        Bay Area Regional Deformation GPS Network, USA
BARGN       Basin and Range GPS Network, USA
BARREL      Balloon Array for Radiation-belt Relativistic Electron Losses
BAS         Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
BASIC       Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
BAT         British American Tobacco Co.
BATC        Ball Aerospace and Technologies Corporation, Boulder, CO, USA
BATSE       Burst And Transient Source Experiment
BAW         British AirWays
BAYTAP-G    Bayesian Tidal Analysis Program - Grouping Model
BB          Barbados (ISO code)
BB          Big Bang
BB          Black Body
BBAO        Black Birch Astrometric Observatory, NZ
BBC         BaseBand Converter
BBC         British Broadcasting Corporation
bbl         barrel (of petrolium or oil)
BBO         Big-Bang Observer
BBRW        Balser-Bania-Rood-Wilson
BBS         Bulletin Board System (Bulletin Board Services)
BBXRT       Broad Band X-Ray Telescope
BC          Before Christ
BC          Blind Copy
BC          British Columbia (Canadian province)
BCC         Blind Carbon Copy (e-mail)
BCC         Business Computer Company
BCD         Binary-Coded Decimal
BCG         Bacillus Calmette-Guerin vaccine
BCI         Building Condition Index
BCIS        U.S. DHS Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services
BCP         Binary Control Protocol
BCRS        Barycentric Celestial Reference System
BCS         Binary Coded Symbols signal
BR          Bedroom
BD          Bangladesh (ISO code)
BD          Bonner Durchmusterung
Bd.         Boulevard
BDL         Bureau des Longitudes, Paris Observatory, France
BdRAO       Badary Radio Astronomical Observatory, Russia
BDS         BeiDou Navigation Satellite System
BDT         Barycentric Dynamical Time
BE          Belgium (ISO code)
BE-C        Beacon Explorer C satellite
BEC         Bose-Einstein Condensation
BEC         Business English Certificate
BEK         International Commission for Global Geodesy of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences (Ger. Bayerische Kommission für die Internationale Erdmessung), Germany
BEP         Basic Earth Parameters
BER         Bit Error Rate
BeSSeL      Bar and Spiral Structure Legacy survey
BEST        Bering Ecosystem STudy
BeV         billion electron volt
BEV         (Ger. Bundesamt für Eich- und Vermessungswesen), Vienna, Austria
BFEC        Bendix Field Engineering Corporation, USA
BF          Burkina Faso (ISO code)
BfL         Federal Office of Topography (Ger. Bundesamt für Landestopographie), Wabern, Switzerland (the same as FOT, LPT, L+T)
BG          Bulgaria (ISO code)
BGI         International Gravity Bureau (Fr. Bureau Gravimétrique International), CNES/CRGS, Toulouse, France
BGN         Brain Games Network Co., UK
BGU         Ben-Gurion University, Israel
BH          Bahrain (ISO code)
BH          Black Hole
BI          Burundi (ISO code)
BIBER       Bounded Influence By standardizEd Residuals
BIC         Bayesian information criterion
BIF         Binary Information Files
BIFROST     Baseline Inferences for Fennoscandian Rebound Observations, Sea Level, and Tectonics
BIGF        British Isles GPS archive Facility, University of Nottingham, UK
BIGS        Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics
BIH         Bureau International de l'Heure, Paris, France (now BIPM)
BIMA        Berkeley-Illinois-Maryland Association, USA
BIND        Berkeley Internet Name Domain
BINEX       BINinary EXchange (GNSS file format)
Bing        Bing Is Not Google (But It's Not Google)
biopic      biographical picture (cinema)
BIOS        Basic Input/Output System
BIOS        Built-in Operating System
BIPM        International Bureau for Weights and Measures (Fr. Bureau International des Poids et Mesures), Paris, France (formerly BIH)
BIQUE       Best Invariant Quadratic Unbiased Estimator
BISAM       Basic Indexed Sequential Access Method
BISNIS      Business Information Service for the Newly Independent States (U.S. Department of Commerce)
BiSON       Birmingham Solar-Oscillations Network
bit         BInary digiT
BITnet      Because It's Time Network
BJ          Benin (ISO code)
BKG         Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (Ger. Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie), Frankfurt, Germany (formerly IfAG)
B.L.        Bachelor of Low
BLAS        Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms
BLAST       Balloon-borne Large-Aperture Submillimeter Telescope
bldg.       building
BLITS       Ball Lens In The Space
BLM         Bureau of Land Management
bln         billion
BLRG        Broad-Line Radio Galaxy
BLUE        Best Linear Unbiased Estimator
Bl.         Boulevard
Blvd.       Boulevard
B.M.        Bachelor of Medicine
BM          Benchmark
BM          Bermuda (ISO code)
BM          Brownian Motion
BMC         Boston Micromachines Corporation
BMI         Body Mass Index
BMP         Windows Bitmap
BMW         Bayrische Motoren Werke
bn          billion
BN          Brunei Darussalam (ISO code)
BNC         Baker-Nunn Camera
BNC         BKG NTRIP Client
BNH         Basic Null Hypotesis
BNP         Banque Nationale de Paris
BNSC        British National Space Center
BO          Bolivia (ISO code)
BOC         Binary Offset Carriar signal
BOCcos      Cosine phased BOC modulation
BOCsin      Sine phased BOC modulation
BOF         Birds of a Feather (a kind of scientific meeting)
BOJ         Bank Of Japan
Boo         Bootes (constellation)
BOT         Beginning Of Tape
BP          Before Present
BP          Beyond Petroleum (formerly British Petroleum)
BP          British Petroleum (now Beyond Petroleum)
BPE         Bernese Processing Engine
BPF         Band Pass Filter
bpi         bits per inch
Bpi         bytes per inch
bps         bits per second
Bps         bytes per second
BPSK        Binary Phase (BiPhase) Shift Keying
Bq          becquerel
BR          Boot Record
BR          Brazil (ISO code)
BRD         Broadcast Ephemeris
BRI         Basic Rate Interface
BRIC        Brazil, Russia, India, China
BRICS       Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa
Bros.       Brothers
BRS         Barycentric Reference System
B.S.        Bachelor of Science
BS          Bahamas (ISO code)
BS          Bright Stars
BSAM        Basic Sequential Access Method
B.Sc.       Bachelor of Science
BSC         Binary Compatibility Specification
BSC         Bright Source Catalogue
BSD         Berkeley Software Distribution
BSG         Blue SuperGiant
bsh         bushel
BSL         Baltic Sea Level
BSM         Borehole StrainMeter
BSS         Broadcasting Satellite Services
BST         British Summer Time (UTC + 1h)
BSW         Bernese SoftWare
BT          Bhutan (ISO code)
BTS         BIH Terrestrial System
BTS         Bureau of Transportation Statistics, USA
BTU         British Thermal Unit
btw         between
BTW         by the way
BUDDA       BUlge/Disk Decomposition Analysis
Bull.       Bulletin
bu          bushel
BUTE        Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
BV          Bouvet Island (ISO code)
BVID        Bordeaux VLBI Image Database
BVSS        Bonn VLBI Software System
BW          Bandwidth
b/w         black and white
BW          Botswana (ISO code)
BWE         Becker-White-Edwards (catalog)
BWG         Beam WaveGuide (radio antenna)
BWS         BandWidth Synthesis
BY          Belarus (ISO code)
BYOD        Bring Your Own Device
BYORP       Binary YORP effect
BZ          Belize (ISO code)

c.          approximately, about (Lat. circa)
C           Cambridge
C           Capacity
C           Capacitance
C           Celsius (Centigrade)
c           century
C.          Comment
C           Commission
C           coulomb
c           cycle
C2D         Click to Dial
C2D         Core 2 Duo
C2D         Cores to Disks (Spitzer program)
C4I         Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence
ca.         approximately, about (Lat. circa)
CA          California
CA          Canada (ISO code)
CA          Coarse Acquisition
C/A         Coarse Acquisition
CA          Component Architecture
CACS        Canadian Active Control System
CAD         Computer-Aided Design
CADC        Canadian Astronomy Data Center (HIA)
Cae         Caelum (constellation)
CAGS        Council of Astronomical and Geophysical Data Services (formerly FAGS)
Cal.        Calibration
Cal.        California
CALET       CALorimetric Electron Telescope (JEM-EF)
Calif.      California
CALIPSO     Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations
CALLISTO    Compound Astronomical Low-cost Low-frequency Instrument for Spectroscopy and Transportable Observatory
CALPAN      California Passive Network
CALS        Computer-aided Acquisition and Logistics Support (image file format)
CALTECH     California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA
CALTRANS    California Department of Transportation
Cam         Camelopardalis (constellation)
CAM         Computer-Aided Manufacturing
CAM         Core Angular Momentum
CAMAC       Computer Automated Measurement And Control
CAMC        Carlsberg Automatic Meridian Circle, La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain
CAMMAC      Comets, Asteroids, Meteors, Meteorites, Astroblems, Craters
CAN         NASA Cooperative Agreement Notice
CANGAROO    Collaboration of Australia and Nippon for a GAmma Ray Observatory in the Outback, Woomera, Australia
CAO         Central Aerological Observatory, Dolgoprudny, Russia
cap.        capacity
Cap.        Capital
CAP         Capitalized Phrase (Amazon)
Cap         Capricornus (constellation)
CAPTCHA     Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart
Car         Carina (constellation)
CARAVAN     Compact Antenna of Radio Astronomy for VLBI Adapted Network
Carb.       Carbohydrate
Cas         Cassiopeia (constellation)
CAS         Catalog Archive Server
CAS         Chinese Academy of Sciences
CAS         Column Address Strobe latency
CASB        STScI Catalogs and Surveys Branch
CASC        Canadian Active Control System
CASE        Computer-Aided Software Engineering
CASI        NASA Center for AeroSpace Information
CASIS       Center for the Advancement of Science in Space
CASLE       Commonwealth Association for Surveying and Land Economy
CASM        Chinese Academy of Surveying and Mapping
CAT         City Airport Train
CAT         Computer Assisted Translation
CAT         MRAO Cosmic Anisotropy Telescope
CATREF      Combination and Analysis of Terrestrial REference Frames
CATS        Astrophysical CATalogs support System (Special Astrophysical Observatory, Russia)
CATS        Central Asian Tectonic Sciences program
CAWSES      Climate and Weather of the Sun-Earth System
CAY         Centro Astronomico de Yebes, Spain
CB          Central Bureau
CBAT        Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
CBC         Canadian Broadcasting Corp.
CBCS        Composite Binary Coded Symbols
CBD         EVN Consortium Board of Directors
CBI         Cosmic Background Imager, Chile
CBIS        IGS Central Bureau Information System
CBK         Space Research Center PAN (Pol. Centrum Badan Kosmicznych Polskiej Akademii Nauk), Warsaw, Poland
CBN         Canadian Base Network
CBN         U.S. NGS Cooperative Base Network
CBP         U.S. Customs and Border Protection
CBR         Constant Bit Rate
CBR         Cosmic Background Radiation
CBT         Congress Business Travel Ltd.
CC          Carbon Copy
CC          Cocos (Keeling) Islands (ISO code)
CC          Compilation Catalog
CC          Christian Church
cc          cubic centimeter
CCAA        Chinese Center for Antarctic Astronomy
CCAFS       Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, FL, USA
CCAR        Colorado Center for Astrodynamics Research, Boulder, CO, USA
CCAUV       Consultative Committee for Acoustics, Ultrasound and Vibration (Fr. Comité Consultatif de l'Acoustique, des Ultrasons et des Vibrations)
CCB83       Condon-Condon-Broderick radio sources
CCC         Conformal Cyclic Cosmology
CCC         Correlator Control Computer
CCC         Cross Correlation in a Computer (software correlator), Kashima, Japan
CCCT        Computing, Communication and Control Technologies
CCD         Charged (Charge) Coupled Device
CCDM        Catalog of the Components of Double and Multiply Systems
CCDS        Comité Consultatif pour la Definition de la Seconde
CCE         Consultative Committee for Electricity (now CCEM)
CCEM        Consultative Committee for Electricity and Magnetism (Fr. Comité Consultatif d'Électricité et Magnetisme)
CCF         Cross Correlation Function
CCIR        International Radio Consultative Committee (Fr. Comité Consultatif International des Radiocommunications) (now ITU-R)
CCL         Consultative Committee for Length (Fr. Comité Consultatif des Longueurs)
CCLRC       Council for the Central Laboratory of the Research Councils, UK
CCM         Consultative Committee for Mass and Related Quantities (Fr. Comité Consultatif pour la Masse et les grandeurs apparentées)
CCNet       Cambridge Conference Network, UK
CCO         Cisco Connection Online
CCP         NASA Commercial Crew Program
CCP         Consultative Committee for Photometry (now CCPR)
CCPR        Consultative Committee for Photometry and Radiometry (Fr. Comité Consultatif de Photométrie et Radiométrie)
CCQM        Consultative Committee for Amount of Substance - Metrology in Chemistry (Fr. Comité Consultatif pour la Quantité de Matière - metrologie en chimie)
CCR         Corner Cube Reflector
CCRI        Consultative Committee for Ionizing Radiation (Fr. Comité Consultatif des Rayonnements Ionisants)
CCRS        Canada Center for Remote Sensing, NRCan, Canada
CCT         Computer Compatible Tape
CCT         Consultative Committee for Thermometry (Fr. Comité Consultatif de Thermométrie)
CCTF        Consultative Committee for Time and Frequency (Fr. Comité Consultatif du Temps et des Frequences)
ccTLD       Country Code Top-Level Domain
CCTV        China Central Television
CCTV        Closed Circuit Television
CCU         Consultative Committee for Units (Fr. Comité Consultatif des Unités)
CD          Change Directory
CD          Compact Disc
CD          Cordoba Durchmusterung
CDA         Compact Disc Audio
CDAS        Climate Data Assimilation System (Climate Data Analysis System)
CdC         Map of the Sky (Fr. Carte du Ciel)
CDC         Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, USA
CDC         NOAA Climate Diagnostic Center
CDC         Control Data Corp., USA
CDDIS       NASA/GSFC Crustal Dynamics Data Information System
CDE         Common Desktop Environment (HP)
CDF         Cumulative Density Function
CDF         Cumulative Distribution Function
CDM         Cold Dark Matter
CDMA        Code Division Multiple Access
CDP         NASA Crustal Dynamics Project
CD-R        Compact Disk Recordable
CD-RW       Compact Disk Re-Writable
CDR         Critical Design Review
CDS         Centre de Donnees Astronomiques de Strasbourg, France
CDSCC       Canberra Deep Space Communications Complex, Tidbinbilla, Australia
CDSLR       Crustal Dynamics Satellite Laser Ranging
CDSM        Chief Directorate Surveys and Mapping, South Africa
CDSWG       Cool Dwarf Science Working group
CDT         U.S. Central Daylight Time (UTC - 5h)
CDU         Control/Display Unit
C.E.        Christian Era
CEA         Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique
CEAM        Celestial Effective Angular Momentum
CeDAMar     Census of the Diversity Abyssal Marine Life
CEDAR       Coupling, Energetics and Dynamics of Atmospheric Regions (UCAR)
CEDAR       Center of Excellence for Document Analysis and Recognition (Buffalo Univ., USA)
CEDR        Center for Earth Dynamics Research, Czech Republic
CEE         Centro de Estudios Espaciales, University de Chile, Chile
CEGRN       Central European GPS Geodynamic Reference Network
CEI         Central European Initiative
CEI         Connected Element Interferometer
CEIP        Microsoft Customer Experience Improvement Program
CEJG        Central European Journal of Geosciences
CEJP        Central European Journal of Physics
Celes.      Celestial
Celest.     Celestial
CELT        California Extremely Large Telescope
Cen         Centaurus (constellation)
CENSORS     Combined EIS-NVSS Survey Of Radio Sources
CEO         Celestial Ephemeris Origin
CEO         Chief Executive Officer
CEO         European Center for Earth Observation
CEOS        Committee on Earth Observation Satellites
CEP         Celestial Ephemeris Pole
Cep         Cepheus (constellation)
CEPT        European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations
CEReS       Center for Environmental Remote Sensing, Chiba University, Japan
CERES       Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System
CERES       Consortium for European Research on Extragalactic Surveys
CERFACS     European Center for Research and Advanced Training in Scientific Computation (Fr. Centre Européen de Recherche et de Formation Avancée en Calcul Scientifique)
CERGA       Centre d'Études et de Recherches en Géodynamique et Astrométrie (Astronomigue), France
CERGOP      Central Europe (seldom European) Regional Geodynamics Project
CERN        European Organization for Nuclear Research, (originally Fr. Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire), Switzerland
CESJ        Central European Science Journals
CESR        Centre d'Étude Spatiale des Rayonnements, Toulouse, France
CESRA       Community of European Solar Radio Astronomers
CEST        Central European Summer Time (UTC + 2h)
CET         Central European Time (UTC + 1h)
Cet         Cetus (constellation)
CETC        China Electronics Technology Group Corporation
CETC        Community Education Training Center
CETCnn      nn-th (Research) Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation
CF          Center of Figure
CF          Central African Republic (ISO code)
cf.         compare (Lat. confer)
CF          Constant Factor
CFA         Common Factor Analysis
CFA         Confirmatory Factor Analysis
CfA         Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, MA, USA
CFD         Constant Fraction Discriminator
CFHT        Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Corporation
CFM         cubic feet per minute
CFO         Chief Financial Officer
CFP         Call for Papers
CFP         Call for Participation
CFRP        Carbon Fibre Reinforced Plastic
CFRS        Canada-France Redshift Survey
CG          Center of Gravity
CG          Congo (ISO code)
CGA         Color Graphics Adapter
CGCG        Catalogue of Galaxies and of Clusters of Galaxies
CGFF        Canadian Geodetic Fringe Fitting
CGGTTS      CCTF Group on GNSS Time Transfer Standards
CG-IC       China Geoinformatic Center of the Chinese Academy of Surveying and Mapping
CGI         Common Gateway Interface
CGLBI       Canadian Geodetic Long Baseline Interferometry
CGM         Computer Graphics Metafile
CGPA        Cumulative Grade Point Average
CGPM        General Conference on Weights and Measures (Fr. Conference Generale des Poids et Mesures)
CGPS        Canadian Galactic Plane Survey
CGPS        Continuous GPS
CGRO        Compton Gamma Ray Observatory
CGS         Centimeter-Gram-Second system
CGS         Chinese Geophysical Society
CGS         ASI Space Geodesy Center (It. Centro di Geodesia Spaziale), Matera, Italy, the same as CSG
CGSIC       Civil GPS Service Interface Committee
CGSN        Canadian Gravity Standardization Net
CGU         Canadian Geophysical Union
CH          Switzerland (ISO code)
Cha         Chameleon (constellation)
CHAIN       Canadian High Arctic Ionospheric Network
CHAIN       Continuous H-alpha Imaging Network
CHAMP       CHAllenging Mini-satellite Payload
CHARA       Center for High Angular Resolution Astronomy, Georgia State University
Chem.       Chemical
Chem.       Chemistry
ChEss       Biogeography of Chemosynthetic Ecosytems
Chin.       Chinese
CHIPS       Cosmic Hot Interstellar Plasma Spectrometer (University of California, Berkeley)
CHL         Continental Hockey League
CHORUS      Clearinghouse for the Open Research of the United States
CI          Color Index
CI          Confidence Interval
CI          Cote d'Ivoire (ISO code)
CI          Critical Infrastructure
CIA         U.S. Central Intelligence Agency
CIAO        Coronagraphic Imager with Adaptive Optics
CIB         Cosmic Infrared Background
CIC         CIGNET Information Center, Rockville, MD, USA
CICESE      Centro de Investigacion Cientifica y de Education Superior de Encenada, Mexico
CID         Card Identification Number
CID         Charged (Charge) Injection Device
CID         Criminal Investigation Department
CIDA        Canadian International Development Agency
CIDA        Centro de Investigaciones de Astronomia, Merida, Venezuela
CIDR        Coherent Ionospheric Doppler Radar
CIE         Commission Internationale d'Eclairage
CIF         Common Intermediate Format
CIG         Canadian Institute of Geomatics
CIGNET      Cooperative International GPS Network
CIIR        Center for Intelligent Information Retrieval
CINEOS      Campo Imperatore Near Earth Object Survey
CIO         Chief Information Officer
CIO         International Olympic Committee (Fr. Comite International Olympique (International Olympic Committee)
CIO         Commission Internationale d'Optique
CIO         Conventional International Origin
CIP         Celestial Intermediate Pole
CIPE        Central Institute for Physics of the Earth, Germany
CIPM        International Committee for Weights and Measures (Fr. Comité International des Poids et Mesures)
Cir         Circinus (constellation)
CIR         Corotating Interaction Region
CIRA        COSPAR International Reference Atmosphere
Circ.       Circular
CIRS        Celestial Intermediate Reference System
CIS         Commonwealth of Independent States
CIS         Contact Image Sensor
CIS         Conventional Inertial System
CISAS       Center of Studies and Activities for Space (It. Centro Interdipartimentale di Studi e Attivita' Spaziali) of the University of Padova
CiSE        Computing in Science and Engineering (journal)
CISTI       Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information, Ottawa, Canada
CIT         California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA
cit.        cited
CITES       Convention On International Trade In Endangered Species
CIZA        Clusters In the Zone of Avoidance
CIW         Carnegie Institute of Washington, Wasington, DC, USA
CJF         Caltech-Jodrell Bank Flat-spectrum
CJO         Cambridge Journals Online
CK          Cook Islands (ISO code)
CL          Chile (ISO code)
C-L         Civil-Long signal
CL          Confidence Level
CL          ConsumerLab.com (LLC)
C-LAR       Canadian Large Adaptive Reflector
CLASS       Cosmic Lens All-Sky Survey
CLASS       Cosmology Large Angular Scale Surveyor
CLCS        Checkout and Launch Control System, NASA
CLFST       MRAO Cambridge Low-Frequency Synthesis Telescope
CLG         Central Laboratory for Geodesy, Sofia, Bulgaria
CLIPS       Climate Information and Prediction Services
clk         clock
CLOUD       Cosmics Leaving OUtdoor Droplets (CERN)
CLPP        Central Laboratory for Parallel Processing, Bulgaria
CLS         CLear Screen
CLS         Collecte Localization Satellites, Ramonville Cedex, France
CLS         Common Language Specification
CLX         Component Library for Cross Platforms
CM          Cameroon (ISO code)
CM          Center of Mass
cm          centimeter
C-M         Civil-Moderate signal
CMa         Canis Major (constellation)
CMA         China  Meteorological Administration
CMA         Comparative Market Analysis
CMarZ       Census of Marine Zooplankton
CMASF       San Fernando Automatic Meridian Circle (Sp. Circulo Meridiano Automatico de San Fernando), CUC observatory, Argentina
CMB         Center-of-Mass Ballance
CMB         Core-Mantle Boundary
CMB         Cosmic Microwave Background
CMBR        Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation
CMC         Carlsberg Meridian Catalog
CMC         Common Massaging Calls
CMC         Core-Mantle Coupling
CMD         Constant Mid-Signal Detection
CME         Coronal Mass Ejection
CMG         Companion of the order of St. Michael & St. George
CMi         Canis Minor (constellation)
CMIP        Coupled Model Intercomparison Project
CML         Combined Membership List
CMMACS      CSIR Center for Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulation, Bangalore, India
CMMI        Capability Maturity Model Integration
CMONC       Crustal Movement Observation Network of China
CMONOC      Crustal Movement Observation Network of China
CMOS        Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society
CMOS        Chicago Manual of Style
CMOS        Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor
CMS         Chicago Manual of Style
CMT         Carlsberg Meridian Telescope
CMT         Centroid Moment Tensor
CMVA        Coordinated Millimeter VLBI Array
CMYK        Cyan-Magenta-Yellow-blacK
CN          Center of Network
CN          China (ISO code)
Cnc         Cancer (constellation)
CND         Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
CNES        French Space Agency (Centre National d'Études Spatiales), Toulouse, France
CNKI        China National Knowledge Infrastructure
CNN         Cable News Network, USA
CNR         Communication Network Riser (PC slot)
CNR         National Research Council (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche), Bologna, Italy
CNRS        Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (National Center for Scientific Research), France
CNS         Central Nervous System
CNS         Communication, Navigation and Surveillance (CNS Systems, Inc.), Severna Park, MD, USA
c/o         care of
CO          Central Office
CO          Colombia (ISO code)
CO          Colorado
Co.         Company
Co.         County
COA         Certificate of Authenticity
COAMPS      Coupled Ocean/Atmosphere Mesoscale Prediction System
COAST       MRAO Cambridge Optical Aperture Synthesis Telescope
COB         Close Of Business day
COB         Communication and Outreach Branch
COBOL       COmmon Business-Oriented Language
COBRAS      COsmic Background Radiation Anisotropy Satellite
COCOM       Coordinating Committee for Multilateral Export Controls
C.O.D.      Cash On Delivery
COD         Center for Orbit Determination
CODASYL     COnference on DAta SYstem Language, USA
CODATA      Committee on Data for Science and Technology
CODE        Center for Orbit Determination in Europe, AIUB, Bern, Switzerland
CODI        UN Committee on Development Information
CODMAC      ILRS Committee on Data Management, Archiving, and Computing
COEO        Coupled Opto-Electronic Oscillator
COGR        Continuously Operating GPS Receiver
COHIG       Core-O'Higgins VLBI experiments
COI         Co-Investigator
COKE        Connected between OLIVE and KSP network Experiment, Japan
Col.        Colonel
Col.        Colorado
Col.        College
Coll.       Colloquium
Colo.       Colorado
Col         Columba (constellation)
CoM         Center of Mass
Com         Coma Berenices (constellation)
COM         Component Object Model
Comd.       Commander
COMET       Centre for the Observation and Modelling of Earthquakes and Tectonics, UK
COMICS      Cooled Mid-Infrared Camera and Spectrograph (Subaru telescope)
CoML        Census of Marine Life
Comm.       Communication (technology)
Comm.       Communications (journal)
COMPTEL     Compton Telescope, Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory
CONAE       COmision Nacional de Actividades Espaciales, Argentina
Conf.       Conference
CONFOR      CONnection of Frames in Optical and Radio regions
CONICET     National Research Council of Argentina
Conn.       Connecticut
Cont.       Continued
Cont.       Contract
CONTOUR     COmet Nucleus Tour
CONUS       Continental United States
COO         Chief Operating Officer
Coop.       Cooperative
COP         Chief of Party (geodesy, geology)
COP         Code Predicted orbit
COPE        Committee on Publication Ethics
COPs        Control Operation Planning subsystem, Japan
COPUOS      UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space
C.O.R.      City of Redmond
CORDIS      EU Community Research & Development Information Service
CORE        Continuous Observations of the Rotation of the Earth
COrE        Cosmic Origins Explorer
CORF        Committee on Radio Frequencies, USA
COROT       COnvection, ROtation and planetary Transits space telescope (CNES, France)
Corp.       Corporation
CORS        Continuously Operating Reference Stations
COS         Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (Hubble Space Telescope)
COSIS       Copernicus Online Service and Information System
COSMIC      NASA COmputer Software Management and Information Center
COSMIC      Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere and Climate
COSMOGRAIL  COSmological MOnitoring of GRAvItational Lenses
COSPAR      Committee on Space Research
COSPAS-SARSAT   COsmicheskaya Systema Poiska Avariinyh Sudov - Search And Rescue SATellite, Russia
COSTAR      Corrective Optics Space Telescope Axial Replacement (HST)
COSTED      Committee on Science and Technology in Developing Countries
COSTEP      Comprehensive Suprathermal and Energetic Particle Analyzer (SOHO)
CoT         Car of Tomorrow (NASCAR)
COTES       Conventional Terrestrial Reference System
COTS        Commercial Off The Shelf
COTS        Commercial Orbital Transportation Services (NASA)
CoW         Council of Wise
COWAT       Coaxial Wave-guide Transformer
CP          Circular Polarization
CP          Collaborative Programs
CP          Command Processor
cp.         compare
CP          NASA STI Conference Publication
CPAN        Comprehensive Perl Archive Network
CPC         Cape Photographic Catalog
CPC         Communist Party of China
CPC         IERS Conventions Product Center
CPD         Cape Photographic Durchmusterung
cpd         cycles per day
CPF         SLR Consolidated Prediction Format
CPGS        Conventional Prompt Global Strike
CPIRSS      USNO Catalog of Positions of Infrared Stellar Sources
CPMN        Circum-pan Pacific Magnetometer Network
CPO         Celestial Pole Offset
CPO         Chief Petty Officer
CPP         Calling Party Pays
CPP         Combination Pilot Project (IERS)
CPS         Certification Practice Statement
cps         character per second
cpsd        cycles per sidereal day
Cpt.        Captain
CPTT        GPS Carrier Phase Time Transfer
CPU         Central Processing Unit
CQD         Come Quick, Danger (used before SOS)
CR          Carriage Return
c.q.        in which case, as the case may be, and/or, if that is the case (Lat. casu quo)
CR          Championship Record
CR          Choke Ring (antenna)
CR          Climate Research (journal)
CR          NASA STI Contractor Report
CR          Cosmic Rays
CR          Costa Rica (ISO code)
CrA         Corona Australis (constellation)
CRAAE       Center for Radio Astronomy and Space Applications (Pg. Centro de Radio Astronomia e Aplicacoes Espaciais), Brazil
CRAF        ESF Committee on Radio Astronomy Frequencies
CrAO        Crimean Astrophysical Observatory
CRAM        Card Random Access Memory
CRaTER      Cosmic Ray Telescope for the Effects of Radiation (LRO)
CRATES      Combined Radio All-Sky Targeted Eight GHz Survey
CrB         Corona Borealis (constellation)
CRC         Camera Ready Copy
CRC         IERS Combination Research Center
CRCM        IAG Commission on Recent Crustal Movement
CRD         Consolidated laser Ranging Data format
CRDF        Civilian R&D Foundation for the Independent States of the FSU, USA
CRDS        Celestial Reference Frame Deep South
CRESTech    Center for Research in Earth and Space Technology, Canada
CRF         Celestial Reference Frame
CRGS        Centre de Ressources - Génotypage et Séquençage
CrIS        Cross-track Infrared Sounder (NPOESS)
CRIS        Current Research Information Systems
CRL         Communications Research Laboratory (now NICT), Japan
CRLHI       CRL Hiraiso Solar Terrestrial Research Center, Ibaraki, Japan
CRM         Customer Relationship Management
CRMS        Clock RMS (IGS)
CRS         Celestial Reference System
CRSR        Centre for Radiophysics and Space Research, AUT, NZ
CRT         Cathode Ray Tube
Crt         Crater (constellation)
CRU         Climate Research Unit, University of East Anglia
Cru         Crux (constellation)
Crv         Corvus (constellation)
CRV         Current Replacement Value
CRVAD       Catalogue of Radial Velocities with Astrometric Data
CS          Communication Satellite
CS          CornerStoun mission (ESA)
C/S         Customer Sample
CSA         Canadian Space Agency
CSAC        Chip-Scale Atomic Clock
CSART       Constrained Simultaneous Algebraic Reconstruction Technique
CSB         China Seismological Bureau
CSBN        IAU Committee on Small Body Nomenclature
CSC         Computer Science Corp., Silver Spring, MD, USA
CSC         Computer Sciences Corp., Falls Church, VA, USA
CSCD        Chinese Science Citation Database
CSEM        Center for Space Environment Modeling, College of Engineering, University of Michigan
CSEM        Controlled Source ElectroMagnetics (Electromagnetic)
CSEP        Collaboratory for the Study of Earthquake Predictability
CSG         ASI Center of Spatial Feodesy (It. Centro di Geodesia Spaziale), Matera, Italy, the same as CGS
CSG         Chinese Society for Geodesy
CSI         Chinese Scientometric Indicators
CSI         Crime Scene Investigation
CSIC        Spanish Research Council (Sp. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas)
CSIR        Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Ghana
CSIR        Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, South Africa
CSIR        Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India
CSIRO       Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Australia
CSLR        Cell-Site Location Record
CSM         Chinese Society for Meteorology
CSM         circumstellar matter
CSM         NCAR Climate System Model
CSMPG       Chinese Society for Mineral Petrology and Geo-Chemistry
CSnet       Computer Science Network
CSO         California Institute of Technology 10.4-m Submillimeter Telescope, Mauna Kea, HI, USA
CSO         Chinese Society for Oceanology
CSO         Cryogenic Sapphire Oscillator
CSO         Compact Symmetric Object
CSOC        Consolidated Space Operations Contract, NASA, USA
CSOL        Chinese Society for Oceanology and Limnology
CSP         Cambridge Scientific Publishers
CSPAD       Compensated Single Photon (Photoelectron) Avalanche Diode
CSPI        College Student Precommissioning Initiative
CSR         Center for Space Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA
CSR         Center for Space Research, University of Texas, Austin, TX, USA
CSR         Concept Study Report
CSRC        California Spatial Reference Center, San Diego, CA, USA
CSRIFS      Combined Square Root Information Filter and Smoother
CSRS        Canadian Spatial Reference System
CSS         Cascading Style Sheets
CSS         Catalina Sky Survey
CSS         Compact Steep Spectrum radio source
CSS         Content Scrambling System
CSSAR       Center for Space Science and Applied Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences
CSSC        Corona Space Surveillance Centre, Oslo, Norway
CSSCI       Chinese Social Science Citation Index
CSSS        Chinese Society for Space Sciences
CST         U.S. Central Standard Time (UTC - 6h)
CST         China Standard Time (UTC + 8h)
CSTAR       Chinese Small Telescope ARray
CSTC        Air Force Sunnyvale Consolidated Space Test Center, USA
CSTG        IAG Commission VIII - International Coordination of Space Techniques for Geodesy and Geodynamics
CSTP        Council for Science and Technology Policy, Japan
CSTPC       China Scientific and Technical Papers and Citations
CSUF        California State University, Fullerton, CA, USA
CSWC        Chinese Society for Water Conservancy
CT          Connecticut
ct.         Cent
Ct.         Court
CTA         Cherenkov Telescope Array
CTAN        Comprehensive TeX Archive Network
CTE         Charge Transfer Efficiency (CCD)
CTE         Coefficient of Thermal Expansion
CTIO        Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory, La Serena, Chile
CTIOPI      Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory Parallax Investigation
CTIP        CSIRO Telecommunications & Industrial Physics
Ctl         Control
CTLRS       Chinese Transportable Laser Ranging System
CTO         Chief Technical Officer
CTO         Chief Technology Officer
CTP         Conventional Terrestrial Pole
CTRF        Conventional Terrestrial Reference Frame
Ctrl        Control
CTRS        Conventional Terrestrial Reference System
CTS         Canadian Technology Satellite
cts         Cents
CTS         Communication Technology Satellite
CTS         Conventional Terrestrial System
CTS         Copyright Transfer Statement
CTSM        Continuous Time Stochastic Modelling
CTU FNSPE   Czech Technical University Faculty of Nuclear Science and Physical Engineering
CTVA        Canadian Transportable VLBI Antenna
CTX         Context Imager (Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter)
CU          Cuba (ISO code)
cu.         Cubic
CU          see you
CU          University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA
CUC         Carlos U. Cesco observatory, Argentina
CUDA        Compute Unified Device Architecture
CUO         Copenhagen University Observatory
CUP         Cambridge University Press
CUPPA       Curtin University Parallel Processor for Astronomy
CUREA       Consortium for Undergraduate Research and Education in Astronomy, MWO, USA
CV          Cape Verde (ISO code)
CV          Common View
CV          Curriculum Vitae
CVF         Compaq Visual Fortran
CVn         Canes Venatici (constellation)
CVN         Chinese VLBI Network
CVO         Canadian Virtual Observatory
CVS         Concurrent Versions System
CVT         Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation
CVT         Continuously Variable Transmission
CW          Chandler Wobble
CWRU        Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA
CWT         Continuous Wavelet Transform
cwt         hundredweight (centum) weight
CWU         Central Washington University, Ellensburg, WA, USA
CX          Christmas Island (ISO code)
CXML        Compaq eXtended Math Library
CXO         Chandra X-ray Observatory
CY          Cyprus (ISO code)
Cyg         Cygnus (constellation)
CyTeG       Cyber Tech Group
CZ          Long March ( Chin. Chang Zheng) rocket, China
CZ          Czech Republic (ISO code)
CZIN        Czech Institute of Navigation

D           Defender (sport)
D.          Democrat (a member of the Democratic Party)
D.          Department
D           Division
D.          Doctor
D           Draws/Drawn (sport)
d.          died
d.          penny
DA          Diamond Aircraft
DA          Digital-to-Analog
DA          Direct Access
DA          District Attorney
DAAC        NASA/JPL Distributed Active Archive Center
DAAD        German Academic Exchange Service (Ger. German: Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst)
DAC         Data Analysis Center
DAC         Digital-to-Analog Convertor
DAL         Delta AirLines
DAM         Direct Access Method
DAMA        DArk MAtter project
DAME        DAta Mining & Exploration
DAMIAN      Digital Access to Metric Images Archives, ROB, Belgium
DAMIT       Database of Asteroid Models from Inversion Techniques (Astronomical Institute, Prague, Czech Republic)
DANOF       Departement d'Astronomie Fondamentale, Paris Observatory, France (now SYRTE)
DANTE       Delivery of Advanced Network Technology to Europe
DAO         Data Access Objects
DAO         NASA/GSFC Data Assimilation Office
DAO         Dominion Astrophysical Observatory, Victoria, BC, Canada
DARA        German Space Agency (Ger. Deutsche Agentur fur Raumfahrtangelegenheiten GmbH)
DARPA       Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, USA
DART        Dynamic Advertising Reporting Targeting
DAS         Data Acquisition System
DAS         Data Analysis System
DAS         Data Archive Server
DAS         Data Assimilation System
DASCH       Digital Access to a Sky Century @ Harvard
DASD        Direct Access Storage Device
DASOS       DAS Operating System
DASP        Dynamic Adaptive Speculative Preprocessor
DAT         Data Acquisition Terminal
DAVAR       Dynamic Allan Variance
DB          DataBase
dB          decibel
DB          Directing Board
DBA         Doctor of Business Administration
DBBC        Digital BaseBand Converter
DBC         DataBase Code
DBCS        Double-Byte Character Set
DBE         Digital Back-End
DBH         Data Base Handler (Mark-3 VLBI data format)
dble        Double
DBLP        Digital Bibliography & Library Project, University of Trier, Germany
DBMS        DataBase Management System
DBRN        Data-Based Referenced Navigation
DC          Data Center
DC          Device Context
DC          Direct Current
DC          District of Columbia
DC          Douglas Commercial (airplane)
DCB         Data Control Block
DCB         Device Control Block
DCB         Differential Code Bias
DCDFT       Date Compensated Discrete Fourier Transform
DCE         Data Communication Equipment
DCF         Discrete Correlation Function
DCL         Digital Command Language
DCS         Data Collecting System
DCT         Lowell's Discovery Channel Telescope
DD          NOAA FSL Demonstration Division
DD          Double Density
DD          Double Difference
DD          Dual-Depth (GPS antenna)
D-day       Designated day
DDA         Division on Dynamical Astronomy, American Astronomical Society
DDE         Dynamic Data Exchange
DDI         Device Driver Interface
DDK         Microsoft Driver Development Kits
DDN         Defense Data Network
DDNA        Divided Difference Noise Analysis
DDoS        Distributed Denial of Service
DDR         German Democratic Republic (Ger. Deutsche Demokratische Republik)
DDR SDRAM   Double Data Rate SDRAM
DDR2 SDRAM  Double Data Rate Two SDRAM
DDR3 SDRAM  Double Data Rate Three SDRAM
DDRG        Double-Double Radio Galaxy
DDS         Doctor of Dental Surgery
DDT         DichloroDiphenylTrichloroethane
DDV         Dialog Data Validation
DDX         Dialog Data Exchange
DE          Dark Energy
DE          Declination
DE          Delaware
DE          Development Ephemerides
DE          Differential Equation
DE          Germany (ISO code)
Dec         December
Dec         Declination
DEC         Digital Equipment Corp., USA
DECIGO      DECI-hertz Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory
DECnet      DEC networking product
def.        Defeat
Def.        Definition
deg         gegree
DEGRIAS     DElft Geodetic Radio Interferometry Adjustment System
Del.        Delaware
Del.        Delete
Del         Delphinus (constellation)
Dem         Democrat (a member of the Democratic Party)
DEM         Digital Elevation Model
DENIS       DEep Near Infrared Survey of the southern sky
DEOS        Delft Institute for Earth-Oriented Space Research, DUT, the Netherlands
DEP         Data Execution Prevention
dep.        Deputy
Dept.       Department
DESI        Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument
DEST        Department of Education, Science and Training, Australia
DET         Detachment
DEVOS       Deep Extragalactic VLBI-Optical Survey
DF          Defender (sport)
DFA         Detrended Fluctuation Analysis
DFAS        Defence Finance and Accounting Service
DFD         Data Flow Diagram
DFG         Deutsche ForschungsGemeinschaft
DF&P WG     ILRS Data Formats and Procedures Working Group
DFPWG       ILRS Data Formats and Procedures Working Group
DFN         Deutsches Forschungnetz, Germany
DFNK        German Research Network on Natural Disasters
DFRF        Dryden Flight Research Facility, Edwards, CA, USA
DFS         Duty Free Shop
DFT         Discrete Fourier Transformation
DFTNIC      NASA/GSFC Data Flow Technology Network Information Center
DG          Delay Generator
DGFI        German Geodetic Research Institute (Ger. Deutsches Geodätisches ForschungsInstitut), Munich, Germany
DGGA        Dense GPS Geodetic Array, USA
DGK         German Geodetic Commission (Ger. Deutsche Geodätische Kommission)
DGON        German Institute of Navigation (Ger. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ortung und Navigation)
DGPS        Differential GPS
DGRS        Dynamically nonrotating Geocentric Reference System
DHCP        Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DHS         U.S. Department of Homeland Security
DHS         IUHPS Division of History of Science
DHTML       Dynamic HyperText Markup Language
DIA         Detection, Identification, Adaptation
DIB         Device Independent Bitmap
DIF         DOMES Information Form
DiFX        Distributed FX software correlator
DIQ         Data and Information Quality
DIM         Data Input Module
DIMM        Differential Image Motion Monitor
DIMM        Dual In-line Memory Module
DIN         Deutsche Industrie Norm
DIOGENE     Determination Immediate d'Orbite par GPS Et Navigateur Embarque
Dipl.       Diploma
DIR         DIRectory
DIS         Data Information System
DITT        Department of Land, Noumea, New Caledonia
Div.        Division
DIVA        Double Interferometer for Visual Astrometry satellite (Deutsches Interferometer für Vielkanalphotometrie und Astrometrie)
DIXI        Deep Impact eXtended Investigation (of comets)
DJ          DeskJet printer
DJ          Disc Jockey
DJ          Djibouti (ISO code)
DK          Denmark (ISO code)
DKRZ        Deutsches KlimaRechenZentrum
DL          Dynamically Loaded
DLA         Defense Logistics Agency, USA
DLL         Delay Locked Loop
DLL         Dynamic Link Library
DLM         Dissemination Limiting Marker
DLR         German Aerospace Center (Ger. Deutsche Forshungsanstalt für Luft- and Raumfart e.V.), Neustrelitz, Germany
DLS         Distinguished Lecture Series
DM          Dark Matter
DM          Deutsche Mark
DM          Dominica (ISO code)
DM (D/M)    Dorne-Margolin (GPS antenna)
DMA         U.S. Defence Mapping Agency
DMA         Direct Memory Access
DMAHTC      DMA Hydrographic and Topographic Center
DMCA        Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998
DMCR        Dorne-Margolin Choke Ring (GPS antenna)
DMD         Doctor of Dental Medicine
DME         Distance Measuring Equipment
DMG         Daimler Motoren Gesellschaft, Germany
DMI         Danish Meteorological Institute
DMI         David Malin Images
DMI         Desktop Management Interface
DMS         Data Measurement System
DMSA        Double and Multiply Stars Annex (HIPPARCOS)
DMSP        DoD Defense Meteorological Satellite Program, USA
DMZ         DeMilitarized Zone
DN          Diffuse Nebula
DN          Dark Nebula
DNA         DeoxyriboNucleic Acid
DNe         Diffuse Nebulae
DNF         Did Not Finish (sport)
DNS         Did Not Start (sport)
DNS         Domain Name System (Domain Name Service)
DO          Dominican Republic (ISO code)
DOAJ        Directory of Open Access Journals
DOC         DOCument, DOCumentation
DoD         U.S. Department of Defense
DODG        Doris Orbit Determination Group
DoE         U.S. Department of Energy
dof         degree of freedom (statistics)
DOGS        DGFI Orbit and Geodetic parameter estimation Software (System)
DOGS-CS     DOGS-Combination and Solution
DoI         U.S. Department of the Interior
DOI         Digital Object Identifier
DOM         Data Output Module
DOM         Document Object Model
DOMES       Directory of Merit Sites
DOMEX       DOMEs EXtended
DOP         Dilution of Precision
Dor         Dorado (constellation)
DOR         Drop(ped) on Request (Discharge(d) On Request, Drop(ped) Own Request, ...)
DORIS       Doppler Orbitography and Radiopositioning Integrated by Satellite
DoS         Denial of Service
DOS         Department of Space, India
DOS         Disk Operating System
DOSE        Dynamics of the Solid Earth
DOSLI       Department of Survey and Land Information, Wellington, NZ
DOT         Data Observe Time (VSI)
DoT         U.S. Department of Transportation
DOT         Dynamic Ocean Topography
DOY         Day of Year
DP          Double Precision
DPAC        Data Processing and Analysis Consortium (Gaia)
D-PAF       Germany Processing and Analysis (Archiving) Facility, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany
dpi         dots per inch
DPL         Data Prefetch Logic
DPMI        DOS Protected Mode Interface
DPMS        Dahlgren Polar Monitoring Service
DPS         Data Processing System
DPS         Division for Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society
DPSSL       Diode Pumped Solid State Laser
DQA         Data Quality Analysis
DQE         Detective Quantum Efficiency
DR          Data Release
Dr.         Doctor
Dr.         Drive
Dra         Draco (constellation)
DRAO        HIA Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory, Penticton, BC, Canada
DRAM        Dynamic Random Access Memory
DRE         Doppler Ranging Equipment
DREM        Dynamic Reference Earth Model
DREN        Defense Research and Engineering Network
DRF         Delay Resolution Function
DRI         Desert Research Institute, NV, USA
DRM         Digital Rights Management
DRP         Driver Registration Packet
DRS         Drag Reductions System
DRTS        Data Relay Test Satellite, Japan
DS          Strassburg Center of Astronomical Data (Fr. Centre de Donnes Astronomiques de Strasburg), France
DS          Double Sided (disk)
DS          Double Stars
DSAC        Deep Space Atomic Clock
DSB         Defence Science Board, USA
DSB         Double Sideband
DSC         Digital Selective Calling
DSCC        Depp Space Communication Complex
DSCS        Defense Satellite Communication System
DSD         Defense Signal Directorate, Australia
DSGS        Densely Spaced Geodetic Systems
DSIR/PEL    Department of Scientific & Industrial Researches / Physics & Engineering Laboratory, Lauder, NZ
DSL         Digital Subscriber Line
DSLAM       Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer
DSLR        Digital Single-Lens Reflex camera
DSN         NASA/JPL Deep Space Network
D.S.O.      Distinguished Service Order (UK)
DSP         Delivery Service Partner
DSP         Digital Signal Processing
DSP         Digital Signal Processor
DSS         NASA/JPL Deep Space Station
DSS         STScI Digitized Sky Survey
DST         Daylight Savings Time
Dst         Disturbed Storm Time geomagnetic index
DSU         Data Service Unit
DTAG        Deutsche Telekom AG, Germany
DTD         Document Type Definition
DTIC        Defense Technical Information Center, USA
DTM         Digital Terrain Map
DTM         Digital Terrain Model
DTMF        Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency (Telephony)
DTOF        Differential Time of Flight (SLR)
DTR         Diurnal Temperature Range2
DTS         Data Transmission System
DTS         Digital Thermal Sensor
DTU         Technical University of Denmark
Du.         Dutch
DUACS       Developing Use of Altimetry for Climate Studies
DUI         Drive Under Influence
DUT         Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands
DUT/OSG     DUT Observatory for Space Geodesy, the Netherlands
DV          Daily Value
DVB         Digital Video Broadcast
DVB-H       Digital Video Broadcast Handheld terminal
DVB-S       Digital Video Broadcast over Satellite
DVB-T       Digital Video Broadcasting Terrestrial (TV standard)
DVC         Dynamic Vehicle Control
DVD         Digital Video (Versatile) Disk
DVI         DeVice Independent
DVI         Digital Visual Interface
DVLBI       Differential VLBI
D-VOR       Doppler VHF Omnidirectional Range
DVR         Digital Video Recorder
D.W.        Daily Worker (newspaper)
DWDM        Dense Wave Division Multiplexing
DWE         Doppler Wind Experiment (Cassini/Huygens mission)
DWT         Discrete Wavelet Transform
DX          Duplex
DXRBS       Deep X-ray Blazar Survey
DyMEG       Dynamic Model for Earth Rotation and Gravity
Dyn.        Dynamical
DZ          Algeria (ISO code)
dz.         dozen

E           East
E           Einstein Observatory (used in space object naming)
E (E-)      Electronic
E.          Engineer
ea.         each
EA          Exchange of Astronomers
EAA         Experimental Aircraft Association
EAAE        European Association for Astronomy Education
EAAM        Effective Atmospheric Angular Momentum
EAAS        Euro-Asian Astronomical Society
EAC         Earth Approaching Comet(s)
EACR        Estación Astronómica de Cerro El Roble, Chile
EAD         Employment Authorization Document
EADS        European Aeronautic Defense and Space company
EAGE        European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers
EAGO        EurAsian Geophysical Society
EAL         Echelle Atomique Libre (Fr. Free Atomic Scale)
EAM         Effective Angular Momentum
EAM         Federal Office of Metrology, Switzerland
EAMF        Effective Atmospheric angular Momentum Functions
EAN         European Article Numbering
EAPS        MIT Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences department, Cambridge, MA, USA
EARN        European Academic Research Network
EASCO       Earth-Affecting Solar Causes Observatory
EASI        Earth and Space Index
EAST        Earthshine and Asteroseismology Telescope
EAVN        East Asia VLBI Network
EBCDIC      Extended Binary-Coded Decimal Interchange Code
EBD         Electronic Brakeforce Distribution
EBFD        Electronic BrakeForce Distribution
EBRD        European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
EBRY        Eastern Basin Range Yellowstone, USA
EBS         Electron Bombarded Silicon
EBSCO       Elton Bryson Stephens COmpany
EC          Ecuador (ISO code)
EC          Environment Canada
EC          Erase Character
EC          European Commission
EC          European Community
EC          European Council
EC          European Cup (sport)
EC          Executive Committee
ECAC        European Conference on Applied Climatology
ECB         European Central Bank
ECC         CEPT Electronic Communications Committee
ECC         Error-Correcting Code memory
ECCC        European Champion Clubs Cup
ECCO        Estimating the Circulation and Climate of the Ocean
ECDIS       Electronic Chart Display and Information System
ECEF        Earth-Centered Earth-Fixed coordinate system
ECGN        European Combined Geodetic Network
ECGS        European Center for Geodynamics and Seismology, Luxembourg
ECHAM       European Centre Hamburg Model
ECI         Earth-Centered Inertial coordinate system
eCMAM       extended Canadian Middle Atmosphere Model
ECMWF       European Center for Medium-range Weather Forecasting
ECOM        Extended CODE Orbit Model
ECP         Enhanced Capability Port
ECRA        Eastern Center for Research in Astrophysics, IRE, India
ECRS        European Coordinate Reference System
ECSF        Earth-Centered Space-Fixed coordinate system
ECSL        European Centre for Space Law
ECSN        European Climate Support Network
ECTS        European Credit Transfer System
ECU         European Currency Unit
ECWC        European Cup Winners' Cup
Ed.         Edited
Ed.         Editor
ED          European Datum
EDA         European Distributed Access
EDA         Exploratory Data Analysis
EDC         EROS Data Center
EDC         EUROLAS Data Center, Munich, Germany
EDC DAAC    EROS/EOSDIS Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center
EDF         SLR Engineering Data File
EDGE        Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution
EDM         Electronic Distance Measuring (Measurement)
EDM         Electronic Distance Meter
EDMI        Electronic Distance Measuring Instrument
EDO         Extended Data Out (RAM)
EDP         Eau de Parfum
EDP         Fr. Édition Diffusion Presse
EDPS        EDP Sciences, Fr. Édition Diffusion Presse Siences
EDS         EBSCO Discovery Service
Eds.        Editors
EDT         U.S. Eastern Daylight Time (UTC - 4h)
EDT         Eau de Toilette
EE          Estonia (ISO code)
EEC         European Economic Community
EEE         Earthquake Environmental Effects
E-ELT       European Extremely Large Telescope
EELV        Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle (US Air Force)
EEMD        Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition
EEO         Equal Employment Opportunity
EEOF        Extended EOF analysis
EEOS        European Earth Observation System
EEP         Einstein Equivalence Principle (Principal)
EEPROM      Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
EES         Elsevier Editorial System
EEST        Eastern European Summer Time (UTC + 3h)
EET         Electronic Engineering Times (newspaper)
EF          Exposed Facility
EFI         Extensible Firmware Interface
EFL         English as a Foreign Language
EFOSC       ESO Faint Object Spectrograph and Camera
EFTA        European Free Trade Association
EG          Egypt (ISO code)
e.g.        for instance (Lat. exempli gratia)
EGA         Extended (Enhanced) Graphics Adapter
EGAE        Experiment-Guided Adaptive Endpoint
EGEE        Enabling Grids for E-science in Europe
EGI         Embedded GPS/INS
EGM         Earth Gravity Model
EGNOS       European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service
EGO         European Gravitational Observatory
EGRET       Energetic Gamma Ray Experiment Telescope
EGRS        ExtraGalactic Radio Source
EGS         European Geophysical Society (now EGU)
EGS         Experimental Geodetic Satellite
EGU         European Geosciences Union (former EGS + former EUG)
EGVAP       EUMETNET GPS water vapour programme
EH          Western Sahara (ISO code)
EHA         Ethernet Hardware Address
EHF         Extra High Frequency
EHT         Euro Hockey Tour
EHT         Event Horizon Telescope
EiC         Editor-in-Chief
EICAR       European Institute for Computer Anti-virus Research
EIDS        European Integrity Determination System (Galileo)
EIH         Einstein-Infeld-Hoffman (equations)
EIRP        Effective (Equivalent) Isotropically Radiated Power
EISA        Extended Industry Standard Architecture
EISSN       Electronic International Standard Serial Number
EJSM        Europa Jupiter System Mission
EKF         Extended Kalman Filter
EKBO        Edgeworth-Kuiper Belt Objects
El          Elevation
ELAIS       European Large Area ISO Survey
ELDP        European Lake Drilling Program
Elect.      Electrical
Electron.   Electronics
ELF         Extra (Extremely) Low Frequency
ELSA        European Leadership in Space Astrometry
ELT         European Laser Timing experiment
ELT         Extremely Large Telescope
ELV         Expendable Launch Vehicle
ELVIS       Expendable Launch Vehicle Integrated Support
EM          Eigenvector Method
EM          ElectroMagnetic
Emacs       Editor MACroS
EMB         Earth-Moon Barycenter
EMC         Enhanced Machine Controller
EMD         Empirical Mode Decomposition
EMEA        Europe, the Middle East and Africa
EMEP        European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme
EMFBI       Excuse Me For Butting In
EMI         ElectroMagnetic Interference
EMIR        European Microgravity Research Program
EMMA        European Multi-services Meteorological Awareness
EMP         EMR Predicted orbit
EMPV        Epoch of Minimal Position Variance
EMR         Now NRCan
EMS         European Macroseismic Scale
EMS         European Meteorological Society
EMS         Express Mail Service
EMU         Evolutionary Map of the Universe
EN          Emission Nebula
eNav        Electronic Navigation
ENC         Electronic Nautical Chart
ENE         East-Northeast
Eng.        Engineer(s)
Eng.        Engineering
ENIAC       Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer
ENSG        Ecole Nationale des Sciences Géographiques, Marne la Vallée, France
ENSO        El Nino/Southern Oscillation
ENVISAT     ENVIronmental SATellite
EO          Equation of Origin
EOAM        Effective Oceanic Angular Momentum
EOB         End Of Block
EOC         NASDA Earth Observation Center
EOF         Empirical Orthogonal Functions
EOF         End Of File
EOL         End Of Life
EOM         End Of Month
EOP         Earth Orientation Parameters
EOPAP       NASA Earth and Ocean Physics Application Program
EOR         End Of Record
EOS         Earth Observing System
EOS         Electro Optic Systems PTY Ltd., Australia
EOS         End Of Support
EOS         European Optical Society
EOSDIS      NASA Earth Observing System Data and Information System
EOT         End Of Tape
EOV         End Of Volume
EOY         End Of Year
EPA         Environmental Protection Agency
EPIC        Electronic Privacy Information Center, Washington, DC, USA
EPIC        Explicitly Parallel Instruction set Computing
EPIGGOS     European Partners for IGGOS
EPIRB       Emergency Position Indicating Radiobeacon
EPJC        European Physical Journal C
EPL         Excess Path Length
EPM         Ephemerides of Planets and the Moon
EPN         EUREF Permanent GNSS Network (earlier EUREF Permanent GPS Network)
EPO         Education and Public Outreach
EPOCh       Extrasolar Planet Observations and Characterization
EPOS        European Plate Observing System
EPP         Enhanced Parallel Port
EPROM       Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
EPS         Earth, Planets, and Space (journal)
EPS         Encapsulated PostScript
EPSRC       Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, UK
EPT         European Poker Tour
EPUSP-PTR   Escola Politecnica da USP-PTR
EQ          EarthQuake
eq.         equal
eq.         equation
eq.         equivalent
EQC         Earthquake Commission, NZ
EQC         Environmental Quality Control
EQE         External Quantum Efficiency
Eqpt.       Equipment
eqs.        equations
Equ         Equuleus (constellation)
ER          Eritrea (ISO code)
ER          European Record
ERA         Earth Rotation Angle
ERA         Environments of Radio-loud AGN
ERA         Ephemeris (for) Research in Astronomy
ERA         European Research Area
ERCOFTAC    European Research Community on Flow, Turbulence and Combustion
ERDE        VLBI Extended Research and Development Experiment
EREI        Elliptically symmetric, Rotating, Elastic, Isotropic (Earth model)
ERI         Earthquake Research Institute, Tokio University, Japan
ERI         Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokio, Japan
Eri         Eridanus (constellation)
ERIC        European Research Infrastructure Consortium
ERIDOC      European Radio Interferometry and Doppler Observational Campaign
ERLcat      USNO Extragalactic Reference Link Catalog
ERO         European Radiocommunications Office
EROLD       Earth Rotation from Lunar Distances (LLR project)
EROS        NASA/USGS Earth Resources Observation Systems (Earth Resources Observing Satellite)
EROS        Expérience pour la Recherche d'Objets Sombres
ERP         Earth Rotation Parameters
ERP         Enterprise Resource Planning
ERS         Earth Resources Satellite
ERS         Energy Recovery System
ERS         Environmental Research Satellite
ERS         European Remote Sensing satellite
ERS         Extragalactic Radio Source
ERTRC       European Radio Telescope Review Committee
ERTS        NASA Earth Resources Technology Satellite
ERVA        Estaciones de Referencia GPS/GNSS de Valencia, Spain
Er:YAG      Erbium-Yttrium-Aluminum-Garnet
E/S         Engineer Sample
ES          Spain (ISO code)
ESA         European Space Agency
ESATT       European Science and Technology Transfer Network
ESC         ESCape
ESC         European Seismological Commission
ESCAP       UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
ESD         ElectroStatic Discharge
ESDCD       NASA/GSFC Earth and Space Data Computing Division
ESE         NASA Earth Science Enterprise
ESE         East-Southeast
ESE         Extreme Scattering Event
ESEAS       European Sea Level Service
ESEAS-RI    European Sea Level Service Research Infrastructure
ESF         European Science Foundation
ESG         European Society of Geodesy
ESI         Edge Side Includes (HTML extension)
ESL         English as a Second Language
ESLRS       NASA/GSFC Experimental Satellite Laser Ranging System
ESMD        NASA Exploration Systems Mission Directorate
ESMF        NASA/UCAR Earth System Modeling Framework project
ESN         Electronic Serial Number
ESNL        Earth Science Natural Laboratory
ESO         European Southern Observatory, Chile
ESOC        European Space Operations Center, Darmstadt, Germany
esp.        especially
ESP         Early Science Program
ESP         ESA Predicted orbit
ESPaCE      European Satellite Partnership for Computing Ephemerides
ESPERE      Environmental Science Published for Everybody Round the Earth
ESPP        Employee Stock Purchase Plan
Esq.        Esquire
Esqr.       Esquire
ESRIN       European Space Research Institute
ESSAS       Ecosystem Studies of Sub-Arctic Seas
ESSP        Earth System Science Pathfinder
ES SRIPRM   East-Siberian Scientific Research Institute for Physics-technical and Radio-technical Measurements (VS NIIFTRI)
Est.        Established
EST         U.S. Eastern Standard Time (UTC - 5h)
ESTA        Electronic System for Travel Authorization
ESTB        EGNOS System Test Bed
ESTEC       ESA European Space Research and Technology Center, Noordwijk, the Netherlands
ESTEDI      European Spatio-Temporal Data Infrastructure for High-Performance Computing
ESTO        NASA Earth Science Technology Office
ET          Ephemeris Time
ET          Ethiopia (ISO code)
ET          Event Timer
ETA         Earth Trojan Asteroids
ETA         Electronic Travel Authority (Australia)
ETA         Expected Time of Arrival
et al.      and others (Lat. et alia)
etc.        and others, and so on (Lat. et cetera)
ETC         IAG Earth Tide Commission
ETD         Expected Time of Departure
ETG         Early-Type Galaxy
ETH         Eidgenossiche Technische Hochschule, Zurich, Switzerland
ETM+        Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus
ETRS        European Terrestrial Reference System
ETS         Engineering Test Satellite
ETS         Episodic Tremor and Slip
ETSI        European Telecommunications Standards Institute
EU          European Union
EUCOS       EUMETNET Composite Observing System
EUG         European Union of Geosciences (now EGU)
EUGIN       European Group of Institutes of Navigation
EULA        End User License Agreement
EUMETNET    European Meteorological Network (Network of European Meteorological Services)
EUMETSAT    European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites
EUN         Expanded Use Number
EUPOS       European Position Determination System
EUR         Europe
EURD        Experiment for the Detection of the UV Background Radiation (LAEFF, Spain)
EUREF       Reference Frame Subcommission for Europe of the IAG
EUREF       European Reference Frame
EUMETSAT    European Organisation for the Exploitation of METeorological SATellites
EUROLAS     European Laser Consortium
EURONEAR    EUROpean Near Earth Asteroid Research
Euro-SPAN   European Space Physics Analysis Network
EUSO        Extreme Universe Space Observatory (ESA)
EUV         Extreme Ultraviolet
EUVN        European Vertical GPS Reference Network
eV          electron volt
EVA         ESMF VAlidation
EVA         ExtraVehicular Activity
EVGA        European VLBI Group for Geodesy and Astrometry
EVLA        Expanded Very Large Array
e-VLBI      Electronic transfer VLBI
EVM         EigenVector Method
EVN         European VLBI Network
EVRF        European Vertical Reference Frame
EVRS        European Vertical Reference System
EW          East-West
EW          Equivalent Width (spectral line)
EWASS       European Week of Astronomy and Space Science
ex.         example
ex.         except
exc.        except
EXCEED      EXtreme ultraviolet spectrosCope for ExosphEric Dynamics satellite (Japan)
ExCom       PNT Executive Committee, USA
Exec.       Executive
EXPReS      Express Production Real-time e-VLBI Service
Ext.        Extension

F           Fahrenheit
F           farad
F           Female
F           Fortran
F           Forward (sport)
F.          French
F           Friday
F2F         Face to Face
FAA         U.S. Federal Aviation Administration
FAA         Foundation for the Advancement of Astronomy, Australia
FABRIC      Future Array of Broadband Radio-telescopes on Internet Computing
FACA        Federal Advisory Committee Act, USA
FAG         Frequently Asked Questions
FAGS        Federation of Astronomical and Geophysical Data Analysis Services (now CAGS)
FAME        Full-sky Astrometric Mapping Explorer, NASA/USNO
FAMOUS      Frequency Analysis Mapping On Unusual Samplings
FAMT        Fully Automatic Machine Translation
FANS        Future Air Navigation Systems
FAO         UN Food and Agriculture Organization
FARIMA      Fractional AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average
FAS         Federation of American Scientists
FAST        Facilitated Access to the Space Environment for Technology Development and Training, NASA
FAST        Fast Auroral SnapshoT explorer, NASA
FAST        Five-hundred-metre Aperture Spherical Telescope
FAST        Fly-Away Satellite Terminal
FAT         File Access Table (File Allocation Table)
Favicon     Favorite Icon
FAX         Facsimile System
FB          FictionBook (file format)
FBI         U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation
FBL         Fairhead-Bretagnon-Lestrade
FBM         Fractional Brownian Motion
FBN         U.S. NGS Federal Base Network
FBQS        FIRST Bright QSO Survey
FC          Football Club
FCC         U.S. Federal Communications Commission
FCFS        First Come First Served
FCI         Facility Condition Index
FCN         Free Core Nutation
FDA         Fisher Discriminant Analysis
FDA         U.S. Food and Drug Administration
FDB         File Description Block
FDC         France Development Council
FDD         Floppy Disk Drive
FDDI        Fiber Distibuted Data Interface
FDMA        Frequency Division Multiple Access
FDR         Foundation for Research Development, South Africa
FDX         Full DupleX
Feb         February
FedEx       Federal Express
FEM         Finite Element Method (mathematics)
FEMA        U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency
FERPA       Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
FESG        Detlef Angermann Research Facility for Space Geodesy (Ger. Forschungseinrichtung Satellitengeodäsie), Technical University Munich, Germany
FET         Field Effect Transistor
FF          French Frank
FFDP        Far Field Diffraction Pattern
FFI         Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (Norw. Forsvarets ForskningsInstitutt), Norway
FFRDC       Federally Funded Research and Development Centers, USA
FFT         Fast Fourier Transformation
FGCC        Federal Geodetic Control Committee, USA
FGDC        Federal Geographic Data Committee, USA
FGCS        Federal Geodetic Control Subcommittee, USA
FGI         Finnish Geodetic Institute, Helsinki, Finland
FGLR        Flux-weighted Gravity-Luminosity Relationship
FGN         Fractional Gaussian Noise
FGNP        Field Generated Normal Points
FGS         Fine Guidance Sensor (HST)
FGS         Research Group for Satellite Geodesy (Ger. Forschungsgruppe Satellitengeodäsie), Germany (BKG, FESG, DGFI, GIUB)
FHA         U.S. Federal Highway Administration
FHWA        U.S. Federal Highway Administration
FI          Finland (ISO code)
FIA         Federation Internationale de l'Automobile
FIAT        Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino
FIB         File Identification Block
FICN        Free Inner Core Nutation
FIDE        International Chess Federation (Fr. Fédération Internationale de Echecs)
FIF         Fractal Image Format
FIFA        International Federation of Football Associations (Fr. Fédération Internationale de Football Associations)
FIFE        First ISLSCP Field Experiment
FIFO        First-In, First-Out
Fig.        Figure
FIG         International Federation of Surveyors (Fr. Fédération Internationale des Geometres)
FINLAS      Metsahovi Laser Station, Finland
FIR         Finite Impulse Response
FIRST       Faint Images of the Radio Sky at Twenty-cm
FIS         FIFE Information System
FITS        Flexible Image Transport System
FIU         Florida International University, FL, USA
FIVB        International Volleyball Federation (Fr. Fédération Internationale de Volleyball)
FJ          Fiji (ISO code)
FK          Falkland Islands (Malvinas) (ISO code)
FK          Fundamental Catalog (Ger. Fundamental Katalog)
FL          Fixed Laser System
FL          Florida
f.l.        focal length
Fla.        Florida
FLI         Finger Lakes Instrumentation, Lima, NY, USA
FLINN       Fiducial Laboratories for an International Natural science Network
FLOP        FLoating-point OPeration
FLOPS       FLoating-point Operations Per Second
FM          Federated States of Micronesia (ISO code)
FM          Frequency Modulation
FMOS        Fiber Multi Object Spectrograph (Subaru telescope)
FNRS        Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique, Belgium
FNW         Free Network Analysis
FO          Faroe Islands (ISO code)
FO          Fiber Optic
FOB         Free On Board
FOC         Faint Object Camera (HST)
FOC         Fluid Outer Core
FOC         Fully Operational Capability
FOLDOC      Free On-Line Dictionary of Computing
FOM         Formula One Management
FOMI        Institute of Geodesy, Cartography and Remote Sensing, Hungary
For         Fornax (constellation)
FOREX       FOReign EXchange market
FORS        FOcal Reducer and low dispersion Spectrograph, VLT, ESO, Chile
FORTRAN     FORmula TRANslator
FOT         Federal Office of Topography (Ger. Bundesamt für Landestopographie), Wabern, Switzerland (the same as BfL, LPT, L+T)
FOT         Flight Operations Team
FOTA        Firmware On-The-Air
FOTA        Formula One Teams Association
FOUO        For Official Use Only
FOV         Field of View
FP6         Sixth Framework Programm
FP7         Seventh Framework Programm
FPAG        ESA SPC Fundamental Physics Working Group
FPGA        Field-Programmable Gate Array
FPN         FootPrint Network
fps         Frames Per Second
FQTV        Frequent Traveler
FR          Fanaroff-Riley (radio source classification)
FR          Faraday Rotation
FR          France (ISO code)
Fr.         French
Fr.         Friday
FR          Front Row
FR          Full-Rate
FRA         U.S. Federal Railroad Administration
FRCN        IUGG Fundamental Reference and Calibration Network
FRD         Foundation for Research and Development, South Africa
FREDNET     Friuli Regional Deformation Network, Italy
FRG         Federal Republic of Germany
Fri.        Friday
FRI         Fanaroff-Riley type I radio source
FRII        Fanaroff-Riley type II radio source
FRM         Focus/Rotation Mount (VLBA antenna)
Frm.        Former
FRP         Federal Radionavigation Plan, USA
FRP         Fiber-Reinforced Plastic
FRS         Federal Radionavigation Systems, USA
F.R.S.      Fellow of the Royal Society
FRT         Fringe Reference Time
FRW         Friedmann-Robertson-Walker
FRWY        Free Way
fs          femtosecond
FS          Field System
FSA         UK Financial Services Authority
FSC         Faint Source Catalogue
FSD         File System Driver
FCE         First Certificate in English
FSF         Free Software Foundation
FSG         Forschungsgruppe Satellitengeodäsie, TU Munich, Germany
FSK         Frequency Shift Key modulation
FSL         NOAA Forecast Systems Laboratory
FSL/DD      NOAA Forecast Systems Laboratory Demonstration Division
FSRQ        Flat Spectrum Radio Quasar
FSS         Fixed Satellite Services
FSS         Frequency Selective Surface
FSSR        Frequency Selective Sub-Reflector
FSU         Former Soviet Union
FSW         Fundamental Station Wettzell
ft          Foot
Ft.         Fort
FT          Fourier Transform
FTBPF       Fourier Transform Band Pass Filter
FTE         Full Time Equivalent
FTLRS       French Transportable Laser Ranging System
FTP         File Transfer Protocol
FTS         Fourier Transform Spectroscopy
FTSE        Financial Times and the London Stock Exchange
FUSE        NASA Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer
FUV         Far Ultraviolet
FV          Fixed VLBI System
FW          Fire Wall
FW          Forward (sport)
FWD         Four-Wheel Drive
FWHM        Full Width at Half Maximum
FWIW        For What It's Worth
Fwy         Freeway
FX          France, metropolitan (ISO code)
FXO         Foreign eXchange Office
FXS         Foreign eXchange Station
FY          Wind and Cloud (Chin. Feng Yun) satellite, China
FY          Fiscal Year
FYI         For Your Information
FYSP        Faint Young Sun Paradox

G           galaxy
G           gauss
g           gram
G3          Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems (journal}
G-7         Group of Seven
G-8         Group of Eight
GA          Gabon (ISO code)
GA          General Assembly
GA          Georgia
GA          Geoscience Australia (formerly AUSLIG)
Ga          gigayear
GA          Goals Against (sport)
GA          Göttingen Aktinometry
GA          Great Attractor (Cosmology)
GAA         Goals Against Average (sport)
GaAsP       Gallium Arsenide Photo diode
GAC         Geological Association of Canada
GAGAN       GPS and GEO Augmented Navigation system, India
GAGER       Geodesy, Astrometry, Geodynamics, Earth Rotation software
GAGOS       Geodetic And Geohazard Observing System
GAIA        Global Astrometric Interferometer for Astrophysics
GAIA        Graphical Astronomy and Image Analysis tool
GAINR       GPS-aided Inertial Navigation Reference system
gal.        gallon
GAL         General Astrodynamics Library
GALAXY      Giga-bit Astronomical Large Array with cross connect, Japan
GALEX       NASA GALaxy Evolution EXplorer
GAMA        Galaxy And Mass Assembly survey
GAMA        GPS Array for Mid-America, USA
GAMER       GPU-accelerated Adaptive-MEsh-Refinement code
GAMIT       Gps At MIT
GAO         Central Astronomical Observatory at Pulkovo (Rus. Glavnaya (Pulkovskaya) Astronomicheskaya Observatoriya) of the Russian Academy of Sciences
GAO         U.S. Government Accountability Office
GAO         Main Astronomical Observatory (Ukr. Golovna Astronomichna Observatoriya) of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
GAOUA       Main Astronomical Observatory (Ukr. Golovna Astronomichna Observatoriya) of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
GAPE        Great Alaska and Pacific VLBI Experiment
GAPS        GPS Analysis and Positioning Software (UNB)
G.A.R       Great American Revolution (the War of Independence)
GARMA       Generalized AutoRegressive Moving Average
GARNET      GSI Advanced Radiotelescope Network, Japan
GARP        Global Atmospheric Research Program
GARS        German Antarctic Receiving Station O'Higgins, Antarctica
GARS        German Antarctic Receiving Station
GAS         GPS Analysis Software
GASP        GPS Atmosphere Sounding Project, Germany
GASS        Galactic All-Sky Survey
GAST        Greenwich Apparent Sidereal Time
GATS        General Agreement on Trade in Services
GAVO        German Astrophysical Virtual Observatory
GAVRT       Goldstone Apple Valley Radio Telescope
GAW         Global Atmosphere Watch
Gb          Gigabit
GB          Gigabyte
GB          Good Bye
GB          Governing Board
GB          Green Bank
GB          Great Britain
GB          United Kingdom (ISO code)
GB6         Green Bank 6cm Radio Survey
GBAS        Ground-Based Augmentation Systems
GbE         gigabit Ethernet
GBI         NRAO Green Bank Interferometer
GBM         GLAST Burst Monitor
GBOG        Ground-Based Observations for Gaia
GBP         Great Britain Pound
Gbps        Gigabits per second
GBps        Gigabytes per second
GBR         GigaBit data Recorder
GBS         Galactic Bulge Survey
GBSS        Geodetic Base Station Software
GBT         NRAO Green Bank Telescope, WV, USA
GBVOC       Galactic Bulge Valinhos Observatory Catalog
GC          General Catalog
GC          Globular Cluster
GCC         Global Climate Coalition
GCDC        NASA/GSFC Global Change Data Center
GCGO        Gilmore Creek Geophysical Observatory, Fairbanks, AK, USA
GCM         General Circulation Model
GCM         Global Circulation Model
GCOM-C      Global Change Observation Mission-Climate satellite
GCOS        Global Climate Observing System
GCPS        Galactic Center P-band Survey
GCRF        Gaia Celestial Reference Frame
GCRS        Geocentric Celestial Reference System
GCS         Global Citation Score
GCS         Ground Control System (Galileo)
GCV         Green Card Visa Organization, USA
GCVS        General Catalog of Variable Stars
GD          Geodetic Datum
GD          Grenada (ISO code)
GDA         Geocentric Datum of Australia
GDA         Guideline Daily Amount
GDAS        Global Data Assimilation System
GDC         Global Data Center
GDGPS       Global Differential GPS
GDI         Graphical Device Interface
GDI+        Graphics Device Interface
GDL         GNU Data Language
gdn         Geo Domain Network
GDOP        Geometric Dilution of Precision
GDP         Gross Domestic Product
GDR         Geophysical Data Record
GDR         German Democratic Republic
GDRF        Galactic Dynamical Reference Frame
GDSCC       Goldstone Deep Space Communication Complex, Mojave Desert, CA, USA
GDSN        Global Digital Seismograph Network
GD&T        Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing
GE          General Electric Co., USA
GE          Georgia (ISO code)
GEA         Grup d'Estudis Astronomics
GÉANT       Development of the Network Infrastructure for pan-European Research
GEDEX       GEodetic Demonstration EXperiment (HALCA mission)
GELL        Geodesy Experiments for Lunar Landers
Gem         Gemini (constellation)
GEMD        Geospatial and Earth Monitoring Division, Geoscience Australia
GEMS        NASA Goddard Earth Modeling System
GEMSTONE    GEodetic Measurements by the collocation of Space Techniques ON Earth
Gen.        General
GENESIS     Global Environmental & Earth Science Information System
GENI        Global Energy Network Institute, San Diego, CA, USA
GENJI       Gamma-ray Emitting Notable AGN Monitoring by Japanese VLBI
GEO         Geostationary Earth Orbit
GEO         Geosynchronous Earth Orbit
GEO         Group on Earth Observations
Geod.       Geodesy
GeoDAF      Geodetical Data Archive Facility, Matera, Italy
GeodIS      Geodetic Information System, Germany
GEODSS      Ground-based Electro-Optical Deep-Space Surveillance, USA
Geodyn.     Geodynamics
GEOIDE      GEOmatics for Informed DEcisions, Canada
GEONET      GEOdynamic GPS NETworks, NZ
GEONET      GPS Earth Observation NETwork, Japan
Geoph.      Geophysical
Geophys.    Geophysical
GEOS        Geodetic and Earth Orbiting Satellite
GEOSS       Gene Expression Open Source System
GEOSS       Global Earth Observation System of Systems
GEOSAT      GEOdesy SATellite
Geosci.     Geoscience(s)
Ger.        German
GES         NASA GSFC Earth Sciences
GESS        JPL Global Earthquake Satellite System
GEST        Goddard Earth Sciences and Technology Center (GSFC)
GETEMME     Gravity Experiment with TimE Metrology on Mars satEllites
GeTT        Geodetic Time Transfer
GeV         giga-electron volt
GEWEX       Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment
GEX         Gigabit EXperiment (VLBI, Japan)
GF          French Guiana (ISO code)
GF          Goals For (sport)
GFE         Government Furnished Equipment
GFO         GEOSAT Follow-On program
GFP         GFZ Predicted orbit
GFZ         GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam, Germany
GG          Gravity Gradient
GGAO        Goddard Geophysical and Astronomical Observatory, Greenbelt, MD, USA
GGF         Global Geophysical Fluids
GGFC        IERS Global Geophysical Fluids Center
GGK         Get Genuine Kit
GGM         Global Gravitational Model
GGM         GRACE Gravity Model
GGN         Global GPS network
GGOS        Global Geodetic Observing System
GGP         Global Geodynamics Project (Gravity)
GGRF        Global Geodetic Reference Frame
GGSP        Galileo Geodetic Service Provider
GGSS        Geodetic and Geophysical Sites Subcommission
GGT         Journal of Gökova Geometry/Topology
GGWA        Get Genuine Windows Agreement
GH          Ghana (ISO code)
GHA         Greenwich Hour Angle
GHMA        Greek Hellenic Mapping Agency
GHYRAF      Gravity and HYdRology in AFrica
GHz         gigahertz
GI          Geological Institute, Russia
GI          Geophysical Institute,University of Alaska, AK, USA
GI          Gibraltar (ISO code)
GIA         Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska, AK, USA
GIA         Glacial Isostatic Adjustment
GIAC        GPS Interagency Advisory Council
GiB         Gibibyte (2^30 bytes = 1024 mebibytes)
GIBN        Global Interoperability of Broadband Networks
GIBS        GPS Information and Observation System (Ger. GPS-Informations- und BeobachtungsSystem), Germany
GIC         GPS Integrity Channel
GICO        Giga-bit Correlator
GIF         Graphic Image (Interchange) Format (CompuServe)
GIFS        Global Interactive Forecasting System
GIFT        Geophysical Information for Teachers
GIFT        Gifu University Telescope, Japan
GIG         GPS IERS and Geodynamics Experiment
GIGGOS      Global Integrated Geodetic and Geodynamic Observing System
GIGO        Garbage-In, Garbage-Out
GIGOLO      Global Information on Gravity Over Land & Ocean
GILDAS      Grenoble Image and Line Data Analysis Software
GIM         Global Ionosphere Map (Model)
GIMP        GNU Image Manipulation Program
GIMPS       Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search
GINS        Géodésie par Intégrations Numériques Simultanées
GIOVE       Galileo In-Orbit Validation Element
GIPSY       GPS-Inferred Positioning SYstem
GIQC        Gaia Initial Quasar Catalog
GIS         Geographic Information System (GeoInformation System)
GISS        Goddard Institute for Space Studies, New York, NY, USA
GIUA        Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, AK, USA
GIUB        Geodetic Institute of the University of Bonn, Germany (now IGGB)
GJRO        German-Japanese Earth Rotation Observations VLBI campaign
GJU         Galileo Joint Undertaking
GK          GoalKeeper (sport)
GL          Geosciences Laboratory
GL          Greenland (ISO code)
GLAS        Geoscience Laser Altimeter System
GLAST       Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope, has been renamed Fermi Gamma Ray Telescope
GLDAS       NASA Global Land Data Assimilation System
GLESP       Gauss--Legendre Sky Pixelization
GLI         Global Imager
GLIMPSE     Galactic Legacy Infrared Mid-Plane Survey Extraordinaire, Spitzer Space Telescope, JPL-CALTECH
GLOBE       Global Land One-km Base Elevation Project
GLOBEC      Global Ocean Ecosystem Dynamics
GLOF        Glacier Lake Outburst Flood
GLONASS     GLObal NAvigation Satellite System, Russia
GLORIA      GLObal Radio Interferometry Analysis
GLOSS       Global Sea Level Observing System
GLOSS       Global Level Of the Sea Surface
GLOUP       GLObal Undersea Pressure
GLRS        Geodynamics Laser Ranging System
GLRS        Geophysical Laser Ranging System
GLS         GNSS Landing System
GLTN        Goddard Laser Tracking Network, USA
GLU         Générateur de Liens Uniformes
GLUT        OpenGL Utility Toolkit
Gly         gigalight-year
GM          Gambia (ISO code)
GM          General Motors
GM          Grand Master (chess)
GM          Gravity Model
GMA         Geodetic Model of Australia
GMC         General Motors Corporation
GMDN        Global Muon Detector Network
GMDSS       Global Maritime Distress & Safety System
GMEM        Generalized Maximum Entropy Method
GMF         Galactic Magnetic Field
GMF         GeoMagnetic Field
GMF         Global Mapping Function
GMM         Geometric Mean Method
GMO         Genetically Modified Organism
GMOS        Gemini Multi-Object Spectrograph (UKATC/ROE)
GMRT        Giant Meter-wave Radio Telescope, India
GMST        Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time
GMT         Generic Mapping Tools
GMT         Giant Magellan Telescope
GMT         Greenwich Mean Time
GMVA        Global Millimeter VLBI Array (Global mm-VLBI Array)
GN          Guinea (ISO code)
GNAAC       IGS Global Network Associate Analysis Center
GN&C        Guidance, Navigation and Control
GN IGS      Global Net International Geodinamic Service
GNO         NASA/JPL GPS Networks and Operations Group
GNOG        NASA/JPL GPS Networks and Operations Group
GNOS        NASA/JPL GPS Network Operating System
GNRT        NASA/JPL Generalized Near-Real Time
GNS         Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences, NZ
GNSS        Global Navigation Satellite System(s)
GNU         GNU's Not Unix
GNZ         Galaxies North field Z
GOCE        Global Ocean Circulation Explorer (Gravity field and Ocean Circulation Explorer)
GO          General Observer programs (SIRTF)
GODAE       Global Ocean Data Assimilation Experiment
GODC        NOAA Geosciences Laboratory Operational Data Center
GOES        Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite
GOF         Goodness Of Fit
GO-ITS      Government of Ontario Information & Technology Standards
GoMA        Gulf of Maine Area program
GOME        Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment
GOMOS       Global Ozone Monitoring by Occultation of Stars
GONG        Global Oscillation Network Group, Tuscon, AZ, USA
GOODS       Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey
GOOS        Global Ocean Observing System
GOP         Grand Old Party (US Republican Party)
GOPE        Geodetic Observatory, Pecny, Ondrejov, Czech Republic
GORF        Goddard Optical Research Facility, Greenbelt, MD, USA
GOSAT       Greenhouse gases Observing SATellite (JAXA)
GOT         General Observing Time (VSOP)
GOT         Goddard Ocean Tide model
GOTEX       Global Orbit Tracking Experiment
GP          Galactic Plane
GP          Games Played
GP          Grand Prix
GP          Guadeloupe (ISO code)
GPA         Grade Point Average
GPA         Green Point Average
GP-B        Gravity Probe B satellite
gpf         gallon per flush
GPF         General Protection Fault
GPIB        General-Purpose Interface Bus
GPL         GNU General Public License
GPM         Global Precipitation Measurement
GPR         Ground Penetrating Radar
GPRS        General Packet Radio Service
GPS         Gigahertz Peaked Spectrum radio source
GPS         Global Positioning System
GPSDR       GPS Demonstration Receiver
GPSIC       GPS Industry Council
GPSMET      GPS METeorology mission
GPST        GPS Time
GPT         Global Preesure and Temperature model
GPT         GUID Partition Table
GPU         Graphics Processing Unit
GQ          Equatorial Guinea (ISO code)
GR          General Relativity
gr          gram
GR          Greece (ISO code)
GRA         Geophysical Research Abstracts
GRACE       Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment
GRAIL       Gravity Recovery And Interior Laboratory
GRAPE       GPS Range And Phase Data Processing for the Earth Sciences (software, IAA)
GRAPES      GPS Regional Array for Precise Surveying/Physical Earth Science
GRAS        George R. Agassiz VLBI Station, Ft. Davis, TX, USA (the same as HRAS)
GRASP       Gamma-Ray Astronomy with Spectroscopy and Positioning (ESA)
GRASP       Geodetic Reference Antenna in Space (JPL)
GRB         Gamma-Ray Burst
GRBR        Gamma-Ray Burst Remnant
GRC         NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, USA
GREAT       Gaia Research for European Astronomy Training
GREAT       German Receiver for Astronomy at Terahertz Frequencies (SOFIA)
GREF        German Geodetic Reference Network
GRELAS      Dionysos Laser Station, Greece
GREM        Gaia RElativistic Model
GRDL        NOAA Geosciences Research and Development Laboratory, Silver Spring, MD, USA
GRGS        Groupe de Recherches de Géodésie Spatiale, France
GRIB2       WMO Gridded Binary Edition 2 data format
GRID        Gamma-Ray Imaging Detector
GRIL        GPS Receiver Interface Language
GRIM        GPS Receiver Interface Module
GriPhyN     Grid Physics Network
GRIPS       Gamma-Ray Imaging, Polarimetry and Spectroscopy
GRL         Geophysical Research Letters (journal)
GRMS        Global Red Meat Standard
GROB        HP-48sx Graphic Object
GROSS       Geodynamics, Rotation of the Earth, Orbit determination Study Software
GRS         Geocentric Reference System
GRS         Geodetic Reference System
GRSS        Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society
GRT         General Relativity Theory
GRT         Ground Radio Telescope
Gru         Grus (constellation)
GS          General Secretary
GS          Geochemical Society
GS          General Schedule (U.S. Federal Wage System)
GS          South Georgia and the South Sandwich Island (ISO code)
GSA         European GNSS Agency (formerly European GNSS Supervisory Authority)
GSA         Geological Society of America
GSAC        GPS Seamless Archive Center
GSC         Geological Survey of Canada
GSC         Guide Star Catalog
GSD         NRCan Geodetic Survey Division
GSET        Global Scale of English Test
GSF         Gross Square Feet
GSFC        NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, USA
GSI         Geographical Survey Institute, Tsukuba, Japan
GSI         GeoSpatial Information Authority of Japan, Tsukuba, Japan
GSJ         Geological Survey of Japan
GSL         Global Sea Level
GSL         GNU Scientific Library
GSM         Global System for Mobile communications (initially Group System Mobile)
GSM         Google Scholar Metrics
GSN         GCOS Surface Network
GSN         Global Seismographic Network
GSO         GeoStationary Orbit
GSOC        German Space Operations Center, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany
GSS         Geodetic Survey Squadron
GSSF        Galileo System Simulation Facility
GST         Gaia Science Team
GST         Galileo System Time
GST         Greenwich Sidereal Time
GST         Goods and Services Tax
GSTB        Galileo System Test Bed
GSTS        Global Space telescope Schedule
GT          Gabor Transform
Gt          gigaton
GT          Guatemala (ISO code)
GTC         Gran Telescopio Canarias
GTE         General Telephone and Electric, USA
GTO         Geostationary Transfer Orbit
GTO         Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit
GTO         Guaranteed Time Observations
GTOS        Global Terrestrial Observing System
GTRF        Galileo Terrestrial Reference Frame
GTRI        Georgia Tech Research Institute, Atlanta, GA, USA
GTS         Geologic Time Scale
GTSN        Global Telemetered Seismograph Network
GU          Guam (ISO code)
GUAN        GCOS Upper-Air Network
GUI         Graphical User Interface
GUID        Globally Unique IDentifier
GUM         Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurements
GUT         Grand Unified Theory
GUTS        Global and high accUracy Trajectory determination System (NASDA)
GVH         Geo-VLBI Handler
GVRF        Global Vertical Reference Frame
GVRS        Global Vertical Reference System
GVWG        Global VLBI Working Group (URSI Commission J)
GVWGTWG     GVWG Technical Working Group
GW          George Washington
GW          Gravitational Waves
GW          Guinea-Bissau (ISO code)
GWE         Gravitational Wave Experiment (Cassini mission)
GWEN        Ground Wave Emergency Network
GWS         Great White Spot
Gy          gray
GY          Guyana (ISO code)
Gyr         gigayears
GZ          GEOZUP Company, Moscow, Russia
GZK         Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin limit

H           Height
H           henry
h           hour
HA          Hour Angle
HAARP       High frequency Active Auroral Research Program
HAe         Herbig Ae stars
HAeBe       Herbig Ae/Be stars
HALCA       Highly Advanced Laboratory for Communications and Astronomy satellite, Japan
HAM         Hydrological Angular Momentum
HAMK        Hispano-Argentinean Meridian Catalogue
HAMT        Human Aided Machine Translation
HAND        Nave A Nice Day
HA-NDGPS    High Accuracy - Nationwide Differential GPS, USA
HAO         NCAR High Altitude Observatory, Boulder, CO, USA
HARN        High Accuracy Reference Network
HARPS       High Accuracy Radial velocity Planetary Search (ESO)
HartRAO     Hartebeesthoek Radio Astronomy Observatory, South Africa
HAST        U.S. Hawaiian Standard Time (UTC - 10h)
HAVAGO      Horizontal and Vertical Adjustment of Geodetic Observations
HB          Hewitt - Burbidge
HBe         Herbig Be stars
HBO         "Home Box Office"
HBR         High Bit Rate
h.c.        by reason of honor (Lat. honoris causa)
HC          Hard Copy
HC          High Cube container
HC          House of Commons
HCDN        USGS Hydro-Climatic Data Network
HCG         Hickson Compact Group
HCI         Human-Computer Interaction
HCL         Windows Hardware Compatibility List
HCRF        HIPPARCOS Celestial Reference Frame
HD          Hard Disk
HD          Henry Draper catalog
HD          High Definition
HD          High Density
HDAM        Hierarchical Direct Access Method
HDD         Hard Disk Drive
HDF         Hierarchical Data Format
HDF         Hubble Deep Field
HDF-S       Hubble Deep Field - South
HDJ         Hydrographic Department, Japan
HDL         Hardware Description Language
HDLC        High-level Data Link Control
HDOP        Horizontal Dilution of Precision
HDR         High-data-rate
HDS         High Dispersion Spectrograph (Subaru telescope)
HDSL        High bit-rate Digital Subscriber Line
HDT         U.S. Hawaiian Daylight Time (UTC - 9h)
HDT         High Density Tape
HDTV        High-Definition TeleVision
HDW         Hofner - Delgado - Whitney
HDXM        Hydrological Discharge eXtended Model
HE          His/Her Eminence
HE          His/Her Excellency
HEALPix     Hierarchical Equal Area isoLatitude Pixelisation of the sphere
HEASARC     GSFC High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center
HEFC        Higher Education Funding Council
HEI         Higher Education Institute
HEMT        High Electron Mobility Transistor
HENP        High-Energy Nuclear Physics
HEO         High-Earth Orbit
HEO         Highly Elliptical Orbit
HEP         High Energy Physics
HEPnet      High Energy Physics Network
Her         Hercules (constellation)
HES         Herbig Emission (Emission-line) stars
HESS        High Energy Stereoscopic System
HESS        Hydrology and Earth System Sciences
HESS-D      Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions (journal)
HESSI       NASA High-Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager spacecraft (now RHESSI)
HET         Hobby Eberly Telescope, McDonald Observatory, TX, USA
HETDEX      Hobby-Eberly Telescope Dark Energy Experiment
HETE        NASA High Energy Transient Experiment
HETE        NASA High Energy Transient Explorer
HF          High Frequency
HFET        Heterostructure Field Effect Transistor
HFP         High Frequency Peaker
HFS         Hierarchical File System
HFS         HTTP File Server
HFS         HyperFine Structure
hgt.        height
HGW         Hayward - Grasdalen - Woodward
HHT         Heinrich Hertz Telescope, AZ, USA
HHT         Hilbert-Huang Transform
HI          Hawaii
HI          Heat Index
HIA         Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics, Canada
HiCIAO      High Contrast Instrument for the Subaru next generation Adaptive Optics
HIDAM       Hierarchical Indexed Direct Access Method
HIPASS      HI Parkes All-Sky Survey
HiPEP       High Power Electric Propulsion engine
HIPPARCOS   HIgh Precision PARallax COllecting Satellite
HIRAN       High Rate Navigation
HiRISE      High-Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter)
HIRLAM      High Resolution Limited Area Modelling
HISAM       Hierarchical Indexed Sequential Access Method
HIV         Human Immunodeficiency Virus
HK          Hong kong (ISO code)
HKMetS      Hong Kong Meteorological Society
HKT         Hong Kong Time (UTC + 8h)
HL          House of Lords
HLS         High Luminosity Stars
HM          Heard and MC Donald Islands (ISO code)
HM          His/Her Majesty
HMC         Hydrogen Maser Clock
HMNAO       Her Majesty's Nautical Almanac Office, UK
HMF         Haystack Mapping Function
HMI         Human-Machine Interface
HMQ         Half Million Quasars catalog
HN          Honduras (ISO code)
HO          MIT Haystack Observatory, Westford, MA, USA
HOGC        Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography (GUGiK), Warsaw, Poland
HOLLAS      Haleakala Laser Station, Maui, HI, USA
HOPLAS      Mount Hopkins Laser Station, Mt. Hopkins, AZ, USA
HOPS        Haystack Observatory Postprocessing System
Hor         Horologium (constellation)
HOU         Hands-On Universe
HOW         Hand Over World
HP          Helicobacter Pylori
HP          Hewlett Packard
HP          Home Page
hp          horsepower
hPa         hectopascal
HPBW        Half-Power BeamWidth
H/PC        Handheld PC
HPC         High Performance Computing
HPF         High Pass Filter
HPNA        Home Phone Network Adapter
HQ          Headquarters
HR          Revised Harvard Photometry, the same as RHP
HR          Croatia (local name: Hrvatska) (ISO code)
hr          hour
HR          House of Representatives
HR          Human Resources
HRAO        Hartebeesthoek Radio Astronomy Observatory, South Africa
HRAS        Harvard Radio Astronomy Station, Ft. Davis, TX, USA (the same as GRAS)
HRCC        Human Resources Canada Center
HREE        Heavy Rare Earth Elements
HREF        Hypertext Reference
HRF         Hitachi Raster Format
hrs         hours
HRT         Healey - Romani - Taylor
HS          High School
HSA         Hilbert Spectral Analysis
HSA         NRAO High Sensitivity Array
HSAM        Hierarchical Sequential Access Method
HSCSD       High-Speed Circuit Switched Data
HSF         Human SpaceFlight
HSI         Handmade Software, Inc., Fremont, CA, USA
HSPD        Homeland Security Presidental Directive, USA
HST         U.S. Hawaiian Standard Time (UTC - 10h)
HST         Hubble Space Telescope
HSTCP       High-Speed TCP
HSTDN       Hawaii Spaceflight Tracking and Data Network
HT          Haiti (ISO code)
HT          HalfTime (sport)
HT          Hilbert Transform
HTC         HTC Corporation, formerly High Tech Computer Corporation
HTC         Hydrographic and Topographic Center
HTDP        Horizontal Time Dependent Positioning
HTH         Hope This Helps
HTM         Hierarchical Triangular Mesh
HTML        HyperText Markup Language
HTRP        High Time Resolution Processor (NRAO, VLA)
HTS         High-Temperature Superconductor
HTSI        Honeywell Technology Solutions, Inc., USA
HTTP        Hypertext Transfer Protocol
HU          Hungary (ISO code)
HUDF        Hubble Ultra Deep Field
HUT         Helsinki University of Technology
HUT         Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope
HVS         Hyper-Velocity Star
H/W         Hardware
HW          Hartmann and Wenzel tidal potential catalogue
HWHM        Half Width at Half Maximum
HWT         Harmonic Wavelet Transform
Hwy         Highway
Hya         Hydra (constellation)
Hyi         Hydrus (constellation)
Hz          hertz

I           Infrared
I           Island
i.a.        in absentia
IA          Institute of Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
IA          Iowa
IAA         Institut d'Astronomie et d'Astrophysique, ULB, Bruxelles, Belgique
IAA         Institute of Applied Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St.Petersburg, Russia
IAA         Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucí, Granada, Spain
IAA         International Academy of Astronautics
IAAC        IGS Ionosphere Associate Analysis Center
IAAF        International Amateur Athletic Federation
IAC         Information-Analytical Center, Korolyov, Russia (former MCC)
IAC         Instituto de Astrofisika de Canarias, Spain
IAC         International Astronautical Congress
IACC        International Advanced Correlator Consortium
IACC        IGS Ionosphere Associate Combination Center
IACT        Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescope
IACG        Inter Agency Committee on Geomatics, Canada
IADA        Intelligent Assistant for Data Analysis in VLBI
IAEA        International Atomic Energy Agency
IAF         International Astronautical Federation
IAG         International Association of Geodesy
IAGA        International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy
IAGBN       International Absolute Gravity Base-station Network
IAGC        International Association of Geophysical Contractors
IAHS        International Association of Hydrological Sciences
IAI         Independent Administrative Institute, Japan
IAIN        International Association of Institutes of Navigation
IALA        International Association of [Marine Aids to Navigation and] Lighthouse Authorities
IAMAS       International Association of Meteorological and Atmospheric Sciences
IAMG        International Association for Mathematical Geology
IANA        Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
IAO         International Astronomy Olympiad
IAP         Institut Astrophysique de Paris
IAPCO       International Association of Professional Congress Organizers
IAPG        Institut für Astronomische und Physikalische Geodäsie, TUM, Munich, Germany
IAPS        International Association of Planetary Sciences
IAPSO       International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Ocean
IARAS       Institute of Astronomy, Moscow, Russia
IARC        International Arctic Research Center, University of Alaska, AK, USA
IARU        International Amateur Radio Union
IAS         Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale, Paris, France
IAS         Institute of Aerospace Science, USA
IAS         International Altimetry Service
IASF        Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica Cosmica, INAF, Milan, Italy
IASOM       Institute for Advanced Searches in Orbital Mechanics, University of Texas, Austin, TX, USA
IASPEI      International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior
IAT         International Atomic Time (Fr. Temps Atomique International), the same as TAI
IATA        International Air Transport Association
IAU         International Association of Universities
IAU         International Astronomical Union
IAVC        IGS Ionosphere Associate Validation Center
IAVCEI      International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior
IB          Information Bulletin
IB          Inverted Barometer (geophysics)
IBEX        Interstellar Boundary Explorer or IBEX
ibid.       in the same book, journal, etc. (Lat. ibidem)
IBGE        Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia de Estatistica, Brazil
IBM         International Business Machines Corp., USA
IBO         Inverted Barometric Ocean
iBOB        Interconnect Break-Out Board
IBRD        International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
IBS         International Bibliographic Service
IBS         IAG Bibliographic Service
IBTA        International Basement Tectonics Association
IBVS        Information Bulletin on Variable Stars
IC          Index Copernicus
IC          Inner Core
ICA         Independent Component Analysis
ICA         International Cartographic Association
ICAG        International Comparison of Absolute Gravimeters campaign
ICANN       Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
ICAO        International Civil Aviation Organization
ICARE       Interactions Clouds Aerosols Radiations Etc
ICB         Inner Core Boundary
ICBM        InterContinental Ballistic Missile
ICC         Institut Cartografic de Catalunya, Barselona, Spain
ICC         InterCommission Committee
ICC         International Criminal Court
ICCD        Intensified Charged Coupled Device
ICCG        Interagency Coordinating Committee for Geodynamics
ICCG        Interagency Coordinating Committee on Groundwater
ICCG        International Conference on Computer Graphics
ICCT        InterCommission Committee on Theory (IAG)
ICDP        International Continental Scientific Drilling Program
ICE         Image Correction and Enhancement
ICES        International Council for the Exploration of the Sea
ICESat      Ice, Cloud, & land Elevation Satellite
ICET        International Center for Earth Tides, ROB, Brussels, Belgium
ICF         Integrity Control Facility (Galileo)
ICFTU       International Confederation of Free Trade Unions
ICG         International Committee on Global Navigation Satellite Systems
ICG         Inter-Union Commission of Geodynamics
ICGEM       International Center for Global Earth Models, GFZ, Potsdam, Germany
ICH         I/O Controller Hub
ICHA        Inter-Union Commission for History of Astronomy
ICIAM       International Council of Industrial and Applied Mathematics
ICL         International Computers Ltd., UK
ICL         IntraCluster Light
ICM         International Congress of Mathematicians
ICM         Intra-Cluster Medium
ICME        Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejection
ICMP        Internet Control Message Protocol
ICO         Intermediate Circular Orbit
ICoMM       International Census of Marine Microbes
ICOS        IC Optical Systems
ICQ         I seek you
ICR         Invoice Cum Receipt
ICRAR       International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research, Australia
ICRC        International Committee of the Red Cross
ICRF        International (IERS) Celestial Reference Frame
ICRF        Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequency
ICRF        Israel Cancer Research Fund
ICRS        International (IERS) Celestial Reference System
ICS         International Commission on Stratigraphy
ICST        International Conference of Space Technology
ICSTI       International Council for Scientific and Technical Information
ICSU        International Council for Science (formerly the International Council of Scientific Unions)
ICT         Information & Communication Technologies
ICTP        International Center for Theoretical Physics
ICTYC       International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia
ICV         Index Copernicus Value
ICW         Inner Core Wobble
ICYW        In Case You're Wondering
ID          Idaho
id.         idem
ID          Identification
ID          Indonesia (ISO code)
IDA         International Dark-sky Association
IDA         IRIS/SIO International Deployment of Accelerometers
IDEOS       Infrared Database of Extragalactic Observables from Spitzer
IDDN        Integrity Data Dissemination Network (Galileo)
IDE         Integrated Drive Electronics (the same as ATA)
IDE         Integrated Development Environment
IDEAL       International Digital Electronic Access Library
IDEAL       Investigation of the Dynamics of the Euro-Asian Litosphere
IDEMS       Integration & Development of Environmental Management, Italy
IDEMS       International DEM Service, Montfort University, UK
IDEOS       Infrared Database of Extragalactic Observables from Spitzer
IDEX        Leica Independent Data Exchange Format
IDFT        Inverse Discrete Fourier Transformation
IDIQ        Indefinite Delivery / Indefinite Quantity
IDL         Interactive Data Language
IDM         PNT Interference detection and Mitigation plan, USA
IDP         Interplanetary Dust Particle
IDS         Index Catalogue of Visual Double Stars
IDS         International DORIS Service
IDSF        International Dance Sport Federation
IDU         In-Door-Unit
IDV         IntraDay Variability
IE          Ireland (ISO code)
IE          Microsoft Internet Explorer
i.e.        that is (Lat. id est)
IEC         International Electrotechnical Commission
IEEC        Institut d'Estudis Espacials de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain
IEE         Institute of Electrical Engineers
IEEE        Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IELTS       International English Language Testing System
IEN         Istituto Elettrotecnico Nazionale Galileo Ferraris, Torino, Italy
IEPT        International Institute for Earthquake Prediction Theory and Mathematical Geophysics
IERS        International Earth Rotation Service (till 2003)
IERS        International Earth rotation and Reference systems Service (since 2003)
IESAS       Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
IESG        Internet Engineering Steering Group
IESSG       Institute of Engineering Surveying and Space Geodesy, University of Nottingham, UK
IETF        Internet Engineering Task Force
IF          Impact Factor
IF          Intermediate Frequency
IfA         Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii, HI, USA
IfAG        Institut für Angewandte Geodäsie, Frankfurt, Germany (now BKG)
IFB         Interruptible FeedBack (FoldBack)
IFB         Invitation For Bid
IFC         Intel Fortran Compiler
IFC         Intensive Field Campaign
IfE         Institut für Erdmessung, Hannover, Germany
IfEN        Institut für Erdmessung und Navigation, Munich, Germany
IFF         Interchange File Format (Amiga)
IFFHS       International Federation of Football History & Statistics
IFFT        Inverse Fast Fourier Transformation
IFIP        International Federation for Information Processing
IFL         Intra-Facility Link
IFMP        NASA Integrated Financial Management Program
IFN         French Institute of Navigation (Fr. Institut Francais de Navigation)
IFOV        Instantaneous Field-of-View
IFRB        International Frequency Registration Board, ITU
IFREMER     Institut Francais de Recherche et d'Exploitation de la MER
IFRTP       Institut Francais pour la Recherche et la Technologie Polaire
IFS         Installable File System Manager
IFU         Integral Field Unit
IG          Institut de Geomatica, Castelldefels, Spain
IG          Institute of Geological Sciences, Vietnam National Center for Natural Science and Technology
IGARSS      International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium
IGBP        International Geosphere-Biosphere Program
IGBS        International Bibliographic Service for Geodesy
IGC         International Gravity Commission
IGEB        Interagency GPS Executive Board
IGeS        International Geoid Services, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy
IGEX        International GLONASS EXperiment
IGFS        International Gravity Field Service
IGFN        Italian GPS Fiducial Network
IGG         Institute of Geodesy and Geophysics, VUT, Vienna, Austria
IGGA        Institute of Geodesy and Geodetical Astronomy, WUT, Poland
IGGB        Institute for Geodesy and Geoinformation of the University of Bonn, Germany (formerly GIUB)
IGGC        International Gravity and Geoid Commission
IGGOS       Integrated Global Geodetic Observing System
IGiK        Institute of Geodesy and Cartography, Poland
IGLOS       International GLONASS Service
IGM         Instituto Geografico Militar, Chile
IGM         Instituto Geografico Militare, Italy
IGM         Intergalactic Medium
IGMASS      International Global Monitoring AeroSpace System
IGN         National Geographical Institute (Fr. Institut Geographique National), Paris, France
IGN         National Geographical Institute (Sp. Instituto Geografico Nacional), Spain
IGNE        National Geographical Institute of Spain (Sp. Instituto Geográfico Nacional de España), Spain
IGNS        Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences, NZ
IGOS        Integrated Global Observing Strategy
IGOS-P      Integrated Global Observing Strategy Partnership
IGP         IGS predicted (orbit, ERP)
IGPP        Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, La Jolla, CA, USA
IGR         IGS rapid (orbit, ERP)
IGRF        International Geomagnetic Reference Frame
IGS         International GPS Service for Geodynamics (before January 1999)
IGS         International GPS Service (since January 1999, before March 2005)
IGS         International GNSS Service (since March 2005)
IGSCB       IGS Central Bureau
IGSO        International Geodetic Students Organization
IGU         International Geographical Union
IGY         International Geophysical Year
IHO         International Hydrographic Organization
IHT         International Herald Tribune
IHU         I Hear U
IHY         International Heliophysical Year
i.i.d.      independent and identically distributed
IID         Interface Identifier
IIEPTMG     International Institute for Earthquake Prediction Theory and Mathematical Geophysics
IIIS        International Institute of Informatics and Systemics
IIN         Italian Institute of Navigation (It. Instituto Italiano di Navigazione)
IIR         Infinite Impulse Response
IIRC        If I Recall (Remember, Recollect) Correctly
IIS         Internet Information Service
IISC        Indian Institute of Science, Center for Mathematical Modeling and Computer Simulation, Bangalore, India
IISC        CGSIC International Information Sub-Committee
IISGEO      International Institute for Space Geodesy and Earth Observation
IISL        International Institute of Space Law
IIT         Image-Intensifier Tube
IJGA        International Journal of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy
IL          Illinois
IL          Intermediate Language
IL          Israel (ISO code)
ILA         International Loran Association
ILBM        InterLeaved BitMap
ILC         International Linear Collider
Ill.        Illinois
ILMT        International Liquid Mirror Telescope
ILOM        International Latitude Observatory Mizusawa, Japan (now NAOMZ)
ILOM        In-situ Lunar Orientation Measurement (SELENE2)
ILP         International Lithosphere Program
ILRS        International Laser Ranging Service
ILS         Instrument Landing System
ILS         International Latitude Service
ILWS        International Living With a Star
IMAGE       Imager for Magnetopause-to-Aurora Global Exploration satellite
IMAGE       Integrated Model to Assess the Global Environment
IMC         Instrument Meteorological Conditions
IMCCE       Institut de Mecanique Celeste et de Calcul des Ephemerides, OPA, France
IMDb        Internet Movie Database
IME         In My Experience
IME         Input Method Editor
IMEI        International Mobile Equipment Identity
IMF         Initial Mass Function
IMF         International Monetary Fund
IMF         Interplanetary Magnetic Field
IMF         Intrinsic Mode Functions
IMF         Isobaric Mapping Function
IMFh        Isobaric Mapping Function, hydrostatic component
IMFw        Isobaric Mapping Function, wet component
IMHO        In My Humble Opinion
IMHO        Internet Media HOuse Russia
IMO         In My Opinion
IMO         International Maritime Organization
IMO         International Mathematical Olympiad
IMPRS       International Max Planck Research School
IMRAD       Introduction, Methods, Results, And Discussion
IMS         Information Management System
IMS         Institute of Mathematical Statistics
IMS         Integrity Monitoring Station (Galileo)
IMSL        International Mathematical and Statistical Libraries, Inc., Huston, USA
IMT         International Mobile Telecommunications
IMU         Inertial Measurement Unit
IMU         International Mathematical Union
IMVP        Institute of Metrology for Time and Space, Moscow, Russia
in          inch
IN          India (ISO code)
IN          Indiana
INAF        National Institute of Astrophysics (It. Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica), Milan, Italy
INASAN      Institute of Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
INASP       International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications
Inc.        Incorporated
INKSNA      Iran, North Korea and Syria Nonproliferation Act
Ind.        Indiana
Ind         Indus (constellation)
IND         JPL Interplanetary Network Directorate
INDIGO      INter-service Data Integration for Geodetic Operations
INDIS       Information Dissemination in European RTD
INE         Spain Institute of Navigation (Sp. Instituto de Navegation de Espana)
INEGI       Instituto Nacional de Estadistica Geografia e Informatica, Mexico
Inf.        Information
INFN        National Institute of Nuclear Physics (It. Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare), Roma, Italy
Ing.        Engineer (Germ. Ingenieur)
InGaAs      Indium-Gallium-Arsenide
INGEOMINAS  National Institute in Geosciences, Mining and Chemistry, Colombia
INGM        National Institute in Geosciences, Mining and Chemistry, Colombia
INGV        National Institute for Geophysics and Volcanology (It. Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia), Roma, Italy
INI         Isaac Newton Institute
INMARSAT    INternational MARitime SATellite organization
I-NMF       Integrity Network Management Facility (Galileo)
INN         InterNetNews package
INPE        National Institute of Space Research (Pg. Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais), Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil
INPOP       Planetary Numerical Integration of Paris Observatory (Fr. Intégrateur Numérique Planétaire de l'Observatoire de Paris)
INQUA       International Union for Quaternary Research, University of London, UK
INRiM       Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica, Torino, Italy
IRNSS       Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System
INS         U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service (now part of DHS)
INS         Inertial Navigation System
Ins.        Inspector
INSA        Institut National des Sciences Appliquees, Toulouse, France
INSAR       Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar
Insp.       Inspector
INSPIRE     INfrastructure for SPatial InfoRmation in Europe
Inst.       Institute
INSTICC     Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication, Portugal
INSU        Institut National des Sciences de l'Univers, Paris, France
Int.        International
INT         Isaac Newton Telescope
INTA        National Institute for Aerospace Technology (Sp. Instituto Nacional de Technica Aeroespacial), Spain
INTAS       International Association for the Promotion of Cooperation with Scientists from the New Independent States of the Former Soviet Union
INTEGRAL    INTErnational Gamma Ray Astrophysical Laboratory
INTELSAT    INternational TELecommunication SATellite
INTERMAGNET INTErnational Real-time MAGnetic observatory NETwork
Intern.     International
Intl.       International
INTOR       INternational TOkamak Reactor
IO          British Indian Ocean Territory (ISO code)
I/O         Input/Output
IOC         Initial Operational Capability
IOC         Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (UNESCO)
IOC         International Olympic Committee
IODP        Integrated Ocean Drilling Program
IOM         Institute of Medicine, USA
ION         Institute of Navigation, USA
ION-CH      Swiss Institute of Navigation
IONEX       IONospheric map EXchange format
IONMON      ESOC Ionosphere Monitoring Facility software
IoP         Institute of Physics
IOPS        Input-Outputs Per Second
IOR         Indian Ocean Region INMARSAT satellite
IORA        Indian Ocean Rim Association
IOR-ARC     Indian Ocean Rim Association for Regional Co-operation
IOS         I/O Supervisor
IoT         Internet of Things
IOTA        Infrared Optical Telescope Array
IOTA        International Occultation Timing Association
IOV         In-Orbit Validation (Galileo)
IP          Intellectual Property
IP          Internet Protocol
IP          Internet Provider
IPA         International Phonetic Alphabet
IPA         International Police Academy
IPAC        NASA Infrared Processing and Analysis Center
IPACES      International Professionals for Advancement of Chinese Earth Sciences
IPAD        Internet Personal Access Device
IPC         International Paralympic Committee
IPCC        Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
IPCS        Image Proton Counting System
IPDA        International Planetary Data Alliance
IPF         Integrity Processing Facility (Galileo)
IPGP        Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, France
IPHAS       INT Photometric H-Alpha Survey
IPIE        Institute for Precision Instrument Engineering, Moscow, Russia
IPMS        International Polar Motion Service
IPN         InterPlanetary Network
I-PNNI      Integrated Private Network-to-Network Interface
IPO         Initial Public Offering
IPO         Integrated Program Office
IPO         Intellectual Property Owner
IPP         Innovative Partnership Program, NASA
IPPO        Innovative Partnership Program Office, NASA
IPR         Instantaneous Pole of Rotation
IPRG        Institute for Petroleum Research and Geophysics, Israel
IPS         In-Plane Switching
IPS         InterPlanetary Superhighway
IPS         InterPlanetary Scintillation
IPv4/6      Internet Protocol version 4/6
IPWV        Integrated Precipitable Water Vapor
IPY         International Polar Year
I/Q         Inphase and Quadrature
IQ          Intelligence quotient
IQ          Iraq (ISO code)
i.q.        the same as (Lat. idem quod)
IR          Infra-Red
IR          Islamic Republic of Iran (ISO code)
IRA         Institute of Radio Astronomy (It. Istituto di Radioastronomia), Bologna, Italy
IRA         Irish Republican Army
IRAC        Infrared Array Camera (SIRTF)
IRAF        Image Reduction and Analysis Facility
IRAIT       International Robotic Antarctic Infrared Telescope
IRAM        Instituto de RadioAstronomia Milimetrica, Spain
IRAO        International Radioastronomical Observatory "Suffa", Uzbekistan
IRAS        IPAC Infrared Astronomical Satellite
IRC         International Research Council (later ICSU, ICS)
IRC         Internet Relay Chat
IRCS        Infrared Camera and Spectrograph (Subaru telescope)
IRE         Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics, India
IRFC        IGS Reference Frame Coordinator
IRI         International Reference Ionosphere
IRI         International Resource Identifier
IRIS        Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology, USA
IRIS        International Radio Interferometric Surveying
IRIS-A      International Radio Interferometric Surveying - Atlantic
IRIS-P      International Radio Interferometric Surveying - Pacific
IRIS-S      International Radio Interferometric Surveying - Southern hemisphere
IRM         IERS Reference Meridian
IRP         IERS Reference Pole
IRQ         Interrupt Request
IRS         Indian Remote Sensing Satellite
IRS         Inertial Reference System
IRS         InfraRed Spectrograph (SIRTF)
IRS         U.S. Internal Revenue Service
IRS         International Reference Stars
IRSA        IPAC Infrared Science Archives
IRSR        AUT Institute for Radiophysics and Space Research, Auckland, NZ
IRTF        Infrared Telescope Facility, IfA, HI, USA
IRTS        Infrared Telescope in Space
IRV         Inter-Range Vector (SLR)
IS          Iceland (ISO code)
IS          Interface Specification
ISA         Industry Standard Architecture
ISA         Instruction Set Architecture
ISAAC       Infrared Spectrometer And Array Camera, VLT, Paranal Observatory, Chile
ISAM        Indexed Sequential Access Method
ISAPI       Internet Server API
ISAR        Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar
ISAS        Institute for Space and Astronautical Science, Sagamihara, Japan (now JAXA)
ISBN        International Standard Book Number
ISC         Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
ISCCP       International Cloud Satellite Climatology Project
ISCEA       Institute of Seismology, China Earthquake Administration
ISDN        Integrated Services Digital Network (Integrated Synchronous Digital Network)
ISEE        International Sun-Earth Explorer
ISES        International Space Environment Service
ISGI        International Service of Geomagnetic Indices
ISGN        International Space Geodetic and Gravimetric Network
ISGN        International Space Geodetic Network
ISI         Institute for Scientific Information
ISIC        International Standard Industrial Classification
ISIC        International Student Identity Card
ISIL        Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant
ISIR        International Space Industry Report
ISIS        Integrated System for Imagers and Spectrometers (NASA PDS software)
ISIS        Islamic State of Iraq and Syria
ISIT        Institute of Systems & Information Technologies, Japan
ISIT        Intensified SIT
ISL         Initial System Loader
ISLSCP      International Satellite Land Surface Climatology Project
ISM         InterStellar Medium
ISMB        Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology
ISN         International relations and Security Network
ISO         IPAC Infrared Space Observatory
ISO         International Standards Organization
ISON        International Scientific Optical Network
ISP         Internet Service Provider
ISR         Institute for Space Research, Austria
ISRA        Image Space Reconstruction Algorithm
ISRO        Indian Space Research Organization, Bangalore, India
ISRO        Institute for Space Research Observatory, Graz, Austria
ISS         International Space Station
ISS         InterStellar Scintillation
ISSI        International Space Sience Institute, Bern, Switzerland
ISSN        International Standard Serial Number
ISSO        Interplanetary Solar Stereoscopic Observatory project
ISTC        International Science and Technology Center, Moscow, Russia
ISTP        Index to Scientific & Technical Proceedings
ISTP        International Solar-Terrestrial Physics program
ISTRAC      ISRO Telemetry tracking and Command Network
ISTS        Institute of Space and Terrestrial Sciences, Canada
ISU         International Skating Union
ISU         International System of Units
ISW         Integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect
ISWI        International Space Weather Initiative
ISWMCP      International Space Weather Meridian Circle Project
ISYA        International School for Young Astronomers
IT          Income Tax
IT          Information Technology
It.         Italian
IT          Italy (ISO code)
ITA         Institut für Theoretische Astrophysik, Heidelberg, Germany, part of ZAH
ITA         Institute of Theoretical Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St.Petersburg, Russia
ITAR        International Traffic in Arms Regulations, USA
ITER        International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor
ITERA       IDL Tool for Emission-line Ratio Analysis
ITIC        International Teacher Identity Card
ITIL        IT Infrastructure Library
ITIN        Individual Taxpayer Identification Number
ITIS        Institute of Information and Technology for Space (It. Istituto di Tecnologia Informatica Spaziale), Matera, Italy
ITM         International Mobile Telecommunication
ITO         International Trade Organization
ITR         Information Technology Research
ITRF        International (IERS) Terrestrial Reference Frame
ITRS        International (IERS) Terrestrial Reference System
ITS         Incompatible Timesharing System
ITS         Intelligent Transportation System program, USA
ITSA        Intelligent Transportation System of America, USA
ITSM        IT Service Management
ITSS        Raytheon Information Technology and Scientific Services, USA
ITT         Invitation-to-Tender
ITU         International Telecommunication Union
ITU-R       International Telecommunication Union Radiocommunication Bureau
IUCAA       Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Pune, India
IUCAF       Scientific Committee on Frequency Allocations for Radio Astronomy and Space Science (formerly ICSU Inter-Union Commission on the Allocation of Frequencies)
IUE         International Ultraviolet Explorer
IUGG        International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
IUGS        International Union of Geological Sciences
IUHPS       International Union for History and Philosophy of Science
IULS        Integrity Uplink Station (Galileo)
IUPAP       International Union of Pure and Applied Physics
IUSM        International Union for Surveys and Mapping
IVA         Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (Sw. IngenjorsVetenskapsAkademien)
IVN         International VLBI Network
IVOA        International Virtual Observatory Alliance
IVP         InVariant point
IVR         Interactive Voice Response
IVS         International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry
IVS         International Voluntary Service
IV&V        Independent Verification and Validation
IVTAN       Institute for High Temperature of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Rus. Institut Vysokikh Temperatur Akademii Nauk)
IWV         Integrated (amount of) Water Vapor
IXE         IP to X.25 Encapsulation
IXO         International X-ray Observatory
IYA         International Year of Astronomy
IYIC        International Youth Identity Card

J.          Japanese
J           Java (programming)
J           Julian epoch
J           joule
J.          Journal
J.          Jupiter
J2ME        Java-2 Micro Edition
JAA         Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy
JAAVSO      Journal of the AAVSO
JAC         Joint Astronomy Center, Hawaii
JACARA      Joint Australian Center for Astrophysical Research in Antartica
JACH        Joint Astronomy Center Hilo, HI, USA
JADE        Japanese Dynamic Earth observation by VLBI
JAL         Japan AirLines
JAMSTEC     Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
Jan         January
JAnet       Joint Academic Network, UK
JARE        Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition
JAROS       Japan Resources Observation System Organization
JAS         Japan Air System
JASMINE     Japan Astrometry Satellite Mission for INfrared Exploration
JATP        Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics
JAXA        Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (former ISAS+NAL+NASDA)
JBAA        Journal of British Astronomical Association
JBB         Jackson - Battye - Browne
JBO         Jodrell Bank Observatory, UK
JCSDA       Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation, Camp Springs, MD, USA
JCAP        Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
JCET        NASA/GSFC Joint Center for Earth System Technology
JCGS        Journal of Computational Graphics and Statistics
JCL         Job Control Language
JCMT        James Clerk Maxwell Telescope, Mauna Kea, HI, USA
JCR         BIPM/IAU Join Committee on Relativity
JCR         Journal Citation Reports
JCR         Journal of Coastal Research
JD          Joint Discussion
JD          Julian Day (Date)
JDK         Java Development Kits
JEA         Environmental Agency of Japan
JEF         the same as JEM-EF
JEG         Jananeese Experiments for Geodesy
JEM         Japanese Experiment Module (JAXA, ISS)
JEM-EF      Japanese Experiment Module Exposed Facility (JAXA, ISS)
JENAM       Joint European and National Astronomy Meeting
JENAO       Joint European and Natioanl Astronomy Olympiad
JEO         Joint Executive Officer
JEO         Jupiter Europa Orbiter
JERS        Japanese Earth Resources Satellite
JETPh       Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics
JFAA        Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications
JFI         Just For Information
JFIF        JPEG File Interchange Format
JGD         Japan Geodetic Datum
JGM         Joint Gravity Model
JGN         Japan Gigabit Network
JGO         Jupiter Ganymede Orbiter
JGPS        Journal of Global Positioning Systems
JGR         Journal of Geophysical Research
JHD         Japan Hydrographic Department
JHU         Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA
JIC         Just In Case
JIF         Joint Infrastructure Fund, UK
JIF         Journal Impact Factor
JIGR        Journal of Indian Geophysical Research
JILA        Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics, USA
JIMO        Jupiter Icy Moons Orbiter mission, NASA
JIN         Japan Institute of Navigation
JINR        Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia
JIPE        Joint Institute of Physics of the Earth, Moscow, Russia
JISC        Joint Information Systems Committee, UK
JISTEC      Japan International Science and Technology Exchange Center
JIT         Just-In-Time
JIVE        Joint Institute for VLBI in Europe, the Netherlands
JKAS        Journal of Korean Astronomical Society
JKT         Jacobus Kapteyn Telescope, La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain
JM          Jamaica (ISO code)
JMA         Japan Meteorological Agency
J-MAPS      Joint Milli-Arcsecond Pathfinder Survey
JMMC        Jean-Marie Mariotti Center
JMU         Liverpool John Moores University, UK
JNC         Joint Navidation Conference
JNET        Japanese Domestic Astronomical VLBI Network
JNI         Java Native Interface
Jnr.        Junior
JNS         Javad Navigation Systems
Jnt.        Joint
JHU APL     John Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA
JHU APL     JHU Applied Physics Laboratory, USA
JOS         Japanese Oceanographic Society
JO          Jordan (ISO code)
JOTA        Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications
Jour.       Journal
JP          Japan (ISO code)
JP2         JPEG2000
JPEG        Joint Photographic Experts Group's graphics file format
JPG         Joint Photographic Experts Group's graphics file format
JPL         Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA, USA
JPL/SSD     JPL Solar System Dynamics group
JPO         GPS Joint Program Office
JPP         NASA/JPL predicted orbit
JPS         Javad Positioning Systems
Jr.         Junior
JRAS        Journal of Royal Astronomical Society of Canada
JRTF        NASA Infrared Telescope Facility, Mauna Kea, HI, USA
JSC         NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX, USA
JSC         Joint Scientific Committee
JSC         Joint Stock Company
JSCC        Joint SuperComputer Center, Moscow, Russia
JSP         Joint Seismic Program, USA
JSPS        Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
JST         Japan Standard Time (UTC + 9h)
JSTOR       Journal Storage
jt.         joint
JTK         Java Tool Kit
JTRA        Jodrell Bank Training Site for Radio Astronomy
JUICE       JUpiter ICy moon Explorer
Jul         July
Jun         June
JUnet       Japanese University Network
JVAS        Jodrell Bank-VLA Astrometric Survey
JVO         Japanese Virtual Observatory
JWST        James Webb Space Telescope
Jy          Jansky

K           Kelvin
K           Kilobyte
K           King (chess)
K           one thousand dollars
ka          kiloyear, thousand years
KACST       King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
KAIST       Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
KAIT        Katzman Automatic Imaging Telescope, Lick Observatory, CA, USA
Kans.       Kansas
KAO         Korea Astronomy Observatory, Taejon, Korea
KAO         NASA Kuiper Airborne Observatory
KAO         Kunming Astronomical Observatory CAS, China
KAPIS       Kluwer Academic Publishers Information Service
KARAT       KAshima RAy-tracing Tools
KARATS      KAshima RAy-Tracing Service
KAREN       Kiwi Advanced Research and Education Network, NZ
KASC        Kepler Asteroseismic Science Consortium, Aarhus University, Denmark
KASI        Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute
KAT         Karoo Array Telescope, HartRAO, South Africa
Kb          Kilobit
KB          Kilobyte
KB          Knowledge Base
KBD         Keyboard
KBE         Knight Commander of the British Empire
KBO         Kuiper Belt Object
Kbps        Kilobits per second
KBps        Kilobytes per second
KBS         Knowledge-Based System (VLBI sowtware, DGFI)
K.C.        King's Counsel (UK)
KCRV        Key Comparison Reference Value
KDD         Kokusai Denshin Denwa Co., Japan
KDE         K Desktop Enviornment
KDIR        Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
KDP         Key Decision Point
KE          Kenya (ISO code)
Ken.        Kentucky
KEOPS       Kiloparse Explorer for Optical Planet Search
KERS        Kinetic Energy Recovery System
keV         kiloelectron volt
KF          Kalman Filter
KFNT        Kinematics and Physics of Celestial Bodies (Rus. Kinematika i Fizika Nebesnykh Tel) (journal)
KFOR        Kosovo Force
kG          kilpgauss
kg          kilogram
KG          Kyrgyzstan (ISO code)
KGB         USSR Committee of State Security (Rus. Komitet Gosudarstvennoi Bezopasnosti)
KGN         Korea GPS Network
KGRS        Kinematically nonrotating Geocentric Reference System
KH          Cambodia (ISO code)
KH          Key Hole (camera)
KH          Key Hole (satellite)
KHF         Know How Fund, UK
kHz         kilohertz
KI          Kiribati (ISO code)
KiB         kibibyte (2^10 bytes = 1024 bytes)
KIDS        VST KIlo-Degree Survey
KIN         Korean Institute of Navigation
KISS        Keep It Simple, Stupid principle
KIT         Keep In Touch
KKK         Ku Klux Klan
KLENOT      KLEt' observatory Near earth and Other unusual objects observations Team (and Telescope) ( Czech Republic)
kly         kilolight-year (~1013 km)
KM          Comoros (ISO code)
km          kilometer
kmh         kilometers per hour
KML         Keyhole Markup Language
kmph        kilometers per hour
KMS         National Survey and Cadastre (Dan. Kort & Matriklstyrelsen), Copenhagen, Denmark
kn.         knot (nautical)
KN          Saint Kitts and Nevis (ISO code)
KNMI        Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (Du. Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut)
KNoWS       K-band Northern Wide Survey
KOF         Kinematic On the Fly (surveying)
KOI         Kepler Object of Interest 
KOOLAS      Kootwijk Laser Station, the Netherlands
KOSEF       Korea Science and Engineering Foundation
KOSMA       Kölner Observatorium für SubMillimeter Astronomie, Gornergrat/Zermatt, Switzerland
KP          Democratic People's Republic of Korea (ISO code)
KPGO        Kokee Park Geophysical Observatory, Island of Kauai, HI, USA
KPNO        Kitt Peak National Observatory, Tucson, AZ, USA
kpc         kiloparsec
KPCT        Kinematics and Physics of Celestial Bodies (journal, English translaton of KFNT)
KPI         Key Performance Indicators
KPTA        Kalyazin Pulsar Timing Array
K&R         B. Kernighan and D. Ritchie, The C Programming Language (book)
KR          Republic of Korea (ISO code)
KRAO        Kalyazin Radio Astronomy Observatory, Russia
KRTA        Keith Runcorn Travel Award for Americans
KS          Kansas
ks          Kilosecond
KSAM        Keyed Sequential Access Method
KSC         NASA Kennedy Space Center, FL, USA
KSGSoft     Kinematic/Static GPS Software (GFZ)
KSLOC       thousand source lines of code
KSP         Keystone Project, Japan
KSRC        CRL Kashima Space Research Center, Kashima, Japan
kt          kiloton
kt.         knot (nautical)
KTDMS       KnowledgeTree Document Management System
KTDMS       KnowledgeTree Document Management Software
KYFC        Keep Your Fingers Crossed
KVA         Kilovolt-Amper
KVG         Korea VLBI system for Geodesy
KVN         Korean VLBI Network
kW          Kilowatt
KW          Kuwait (ISO code)
KWP         Kuhr - Witzel - Pauliny-Toth
KY          Cayman Islands (ISO code)
KY          Kentucky
KZ          Kazakhstan (ISO code)

L           Large
L.          Latin
L           Length
l           liter
L           Losses/Lost (sport)
L1C         L1 Civil signal
L2C         L2 Civil signal
L2C-L       L2 Civil-Long signal
L2C-M       L2 Civil-Moderate signal
L2P         L2 Precise signal
LA          Lao People's Democratic Republic (ISO code)
LA          Long Arc
LA          Louisiana
LA          Los Angeles
LAAS        Local Area Augmentation System
Lab         Laboratory
LAB         Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Bordeaux, University of Bordeaux, France
LAB         Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary
LABOCA      Large APEX Bolometer Camera
Lac         Lacerta (constellation)
LAC         Local Advisory Committee
LAC         Local Analysis Center (IGS/EPN)
LADEE       Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer
LAEFF       Laboratory for Space Astrophysics and Theoretical Physics, Spain (now LAEX)
LAEX        Laboratorio de Astrofisica Estelar y Exoplanetas (Laboratory for Stellar Astrophysics and Exoplanets) (former LAEFF)
LAGEOS      LAser GEOdynamics Satellite
LAGOS       Laser Gravitational-wave Observatory in Space
LAMA        Department of Mathematics of the Savoie University (Fr. Laboratoire de mathématiques de l'université de Savoie)
LAMOST      Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope, China
LAMP        Linux; Apache; MySQL; PHP, Perl or Python
LAN         Local Area Network
LANE        LAN Emulator
LANL        Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, USA
LAP         Link Access Procedure
LAPACK      Linear Algebra PACKage
LAPB        Link Access Procedure Balanced
LAPCAT6     Large Antarctic Plateau Clear Aperture Telescope
LAPD        Los Angeles Police Department
LAPE        Laser Altimeter for Planetary Exploration
LAPR        Lawfully Admitted for Permanent Residence
LARC        Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA, USA
LAREG       IGN LAboratoire de REcherches en Geodesie, Paris, France
LARES       LAser RElativity Satellite
LARIM       Latin American Regional IAU Meeting
LAS         UKIDSS Large Area Survey
laser       Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
LASSO       Laser Synchronization from Stationary Orbit
LAST        Local Aparent Sidereal Time
LAT         Large Area Telescope (GLAST)
Lat.        Latin
Lat.        Latitude
LB          Lebanon (ISO code)
lb.         pound (Lat. libra)
LBA         Long Baseline Array, Australia
LBG         Low Brightness Galaxy
LBG         Lyman Break Galaxy
LBNL        Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab), UC Berkeley, CA, USA
LBQS        Large Bright QSO Survey
LBS         Location-Based Service
LBT         Large Binocular Telescope
LBV         Luminous Blue Variable star
LC          Saint Lucia (ISO code)
LCD         Liquid-Crystal Diode
LCD         Liquid-Crystal Display
LCDM        Lambda Cold Dark Matter
LCLG        Las Campanas Loose Groups
LCOGT       Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope Network
LCP         Left Circular Polarization
LCROSS      Lunar CRater Observation and Sensing Satellite
LCRS        Las Campanas Redshift Survey
LCS         LBA Calibrator Survey
LCS         Local Citation Score
LCV         Light Commercial Vehicle
LD          Laser Diode
Ld.         Limited (company)
LDC         Local Data Center (IGS/EPN)
LDEO        Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Palisades, NY, USA
LDM         Local Data Manager
LDS         Ladd - Deane - Snaders
LE          Language Editor
LE          Lunar Ephemerides
LED         Laser Earth Dynamics experiment
LED         Light Emitting Diode
LEDA        Lyon Extragalactic DAtabase
LEGOS       Laboratoire d'Études en Géophysique et Océanographie Spatiales, France
LEGRI       Low Energy Gamma Ray Imager (LAEFF, Spain)
LEM         Lunar Excursion Module
LENA        Low Energy Neutrino Astronomy
LEND        Lunar Exploration Neutron Detector
Leo         Leo (constellation)
LEO         Low Earth Orbit
LEO         Low-Earth Orbiter
Lep         Lepus (constellation)
LEPOR       Longterm and Expanded Program of Oceanic exploration and Research
LERA        Local Earth Rotation Angle
LeRC        NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA
LERMA       Laboratory for Studies of Radiation and Matter in Astrophysics and Atmospheres (Fr. Laboratoire d'Etudes du Rayonnement et de la Matière en Astrophysique et Atmosphères), Paris Observatory
Lett.       Letters
LF          Line Feed
LF          Low Frequency
LF          Luminosity Function
LfA         Linux for Astronomy
LFI         Low Frequency Instrument (ESA, Plank mission))
LFU         Least Frequency Used
LFVN        Low Frequency VLBI Network
LGB         Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual
LGBT        Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender
LGBTQ       Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer
LGDO        Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory, Palisades, NY, USA
LGGS        Local Group Galaxies Survey
LGM         Last Glacial Maximum
LGN         Local Geodetic Network
LGPL        GNU Lesser General Public License
LH          Luft Hansa
LHA         Local Hour Angle
LHC         Large Hadron Collider
LHC         Left-Hand Circular polarization
LHCP        Left-Hand Circular Polarization
LHREI       Laterally Heterohenious, Rotating, Elastic, Isotropic (Earth model)
LHRVI       Laterally Heterohenious, Rotating, Visco-elastic, Isotropic (Earth model)
LHS         Left Hand Side
LHS         Luyten Half-Second catalog
LI          Liechtenstein (ISO code)
LIADA       Liga IberoAmericana De Astronomia
Lib         Liberal
Lib         Libra (constellation)
LIBOR       London InterBank Offered Rate
LIDAR       Light Detection and Ranging
LIFO        Last-In, First-Out
LIG         Last InterGlacial
LIGO        Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory, USA
LILO        Last-In, Last-Out
LINEAR      Lincoln (Laboratory) Near-Earth Asteroid Research (MIT)
LINX        London INternet eXchange
LINZ        Land Information of New Zealand, Wellington, NZ
LIRG        Luminous InfraRed Galaxy
LIS         Land Information System
LISA        Laser Interferometer Space Antenna
LISA        Library and Information Services in Astronomy
LISP        LISt Processing
LIT         Linear Ion Trap
LitPOS      Lithuanian Positioning System
LITE        Linear Ion Trap Extended
LITS        Linear Ion Trap frequency Standard
LK          Lake
LK          Sri Lanka (ISO code)
LKF         Linearized Kalman Filter
LJ          LaserJet printer
LLK         Lee - Lobanov - Krichbaum
LLC         Limited Liability Company
LLC         Logical Link Control
LLF         Local Level Frame, the same as NED frame
LLN         Load Love Number
LLR         Lunar Laser Ranging
LLS         Linear Least Squares
LLSM        Linear Least Squares Method
LLSM        Logarithmic Least Squares Method
lm          Lumen
LM          Lunar Module
LMC         Large Magellanic Cloud
LMi         Leo Minor (constellation)
LMS         Least Mean Square
LMSA        Large Millimeter and Sub-millimeter Array, Japan
LMSAL       Lockheed Martin ATC's Solar and Astrophysics Laboratory
LMST        Local Mean Sidereal Time
LMT         Local Mean Time
LMU         Ludwig Maximilian Universität, Munich, Germany
LN          Local Network
LNA         Low Noise Amplifier
LNAAC       Local Network Associate Analysis Center
LNB         Low Noise Block (the same as LNC)
LNC         Low Noise Converter (the same as LNB)
LNF         Low Noise Factory, Sweden
LNSD        Large-N/Small-D
LO          Local Oscillator
LOC         Lines of Code
LOC         Local Organizing Committee
LOD         Length of Day
LODR        Length of Day Regularized
LOFAR       Low Frequency Array
LOFT        Large Observatory For X-ray Timing
LOI         Letter of Intent
LOLA        Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter (LRO)
Lon.        Longitude
Long.       Longitude
LONEOS      Lowell Observatory Near-Earth Object Search
LOP         Line Of Position
LOPES       LOFAR PrototypE Station, Karlsruhe, Germany
LOR         linux.org.ru
LORAN       LOng Range Aid to Navigation
LOS         Line Of Sight
LOS         Loss Of Signal
LOSSAM      LAGEOS Spin Axis Model
LOTE        Language Other Than English
LP          Linear Polarization
LP          Lunar Prospector mission, Japan
LPAC        Astronomical Council of USSR
LPD         Low Probabilty of Detection
lpf         liter per flush
LPI         Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
lpi         lines per inch
LPI         Low Probabilty of Intercept
LPOD        Laser Precise (Precision) Orbit Determination
LPPL        LaTeX Project Public License
LPR         Large Pulkovo Radio Telescope
LPSC        Lunar and Planetary Science Conference
LPT         Line Print Terminal
LPT         Federal Office of Topography (Ger. Bundesamt für Landestopographie), Wabern, Switzerland (the same as BfL, FOT, L+T)
LQAC        Large Quasar Astrometric Catalog
LQG         Linear Quadratic Gaussian
LQRF        Large Quasar Reference Frame
LR          Laser Ranging
LR          Laser Reflector
LR          Liberia (ISO code)
LRA         Laser Ranging Array
LRA         Laser Retroreflector Array
LRD         Long-Range Dependence
LRDS        Low-Resolution DRAO Survey of HI Emission from the Galactic Plane (DRAO)
LRE         Laser Ranging Equipment
LREE        Light Rare Earth Elements
LRG         Luminous Red Galaxy
LRLF        Local Radio Luminosity Function
LRO         Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter
LRRA        Lunar RetroReflector Array
LRSO        Laser Ranging Safety Officer
LRW         Loiseau+Reich+Wielebinski
LS          Least Squares
LS          Lesotho (ISO code)
LSAS        Least Squares Ambiguity Search
LSB         Lower SideBand
LSC         Least Square Collocation
LSDM        Land Surface Discharge Model
LSE         London Stock Exchange
LSI         Large Scale Integration
LSIR        Least Square Instantaneous Resolution filter
LSM         Land Surface Model
LSM         Laser StrainMeter
LSM         Least Squares Method
LSPM        Lépine Shara Proper Motion catalog
LSR         Local Standard of Rest
LSST        Large-Scale Structure Survey
LSST        Large Synoptic Survey Telescope
LST         Local Sidereal Time
LS-VCE      Least-Squares Variance Component Estimation
LSW         Landessternwarte Königstuhl, Heidelberg, Germany, part of ZAH
LSXM        Land Surface eXtended Model
Lt.         Lieutenant
LT          Lithuania (ISO code)
LT          Local Time
L+T         Federal Office of Topography (Ger. Bundesamt für Landestopographie), Switzerland (the same as BfL, FOT, LPT)
Ltd.        Limited (company)
LTE         Local Thermodynamical Equilibrium
LTF         Labita - Treves - Falomo
LTO         Linear Tape-Open
LTP         NASA/GSFC Laboratory for Terrestrial Physics
LTR         Long Term Relationship
LU          Luxembourg (ISO code)
LUN         Logical Unit Number
Lup         Lupus (constellation)
LURE        LUnar Ranging Experiment
LURR        Load-Unload Response Ratio
LUT         Lunar-based Ultraviolet Telescope
LV          Latvia (ISO code)
LV          Launch Vehicle
LWA         Long Wavelength Array, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, USA
LWC         Liquid Water Content
LVDS        Low-Voltage Differential Signal
lx          lux
LY          Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (ISO code)
ly          light-year
Lyn         Lynx (constellation)
Lyr         Lyra (constellation)
LZ          Lempel-Ziv
LZW         Lempel-Ziv-Welch

M           Mach number
M           Male
M.          Mars
M.          Magister
M.          Master
M           Messier catalog
M           Megabyte
m           meter
m           metric
M           Midfield (sport)
m           mile
M           million
m           minute
M           Monday
M1          Primary Mirror
M2          Secondary Mirror
M2A         Métrologie de l'espace, Astrodynamique, Astrophysique group, Bordeaux Observatory, France
M2M         Machine to Machine
M3          Moon Mineralogy Mapper
Ma          Million Years
MA          Morocco (ISO code)
MA          Massachusetts
MA          Master of Arts (Lat. Magister Artium)
MAA         Mathematical Association of America, USA
Mac         Macintosh
MAC         Master Astrometric Catalog
MAC         Media Access Control
Ma          megayear, million years
MAC         Mineralogical Association of Canada
MAC         Meridian Axial Circle
MACHO       MAssive Compact Halo Objects
MACLAS      McDonald Laser Station
MAD         Mean Absolute Deviation
MAE         Mean Absolute Error
mag.        magnitude
MAG         Millimeter Astronomy Group (HIA)
MAGDAS      MAGnetic Data Acquisition System
MAGIC       Major Atmospheric Gamma-ray Imaging Cherenkov telescope, La Palma, Canary islands, Spain
MAHLI       Mars Hand Lens Imager
MAHT        Machine Aided Human Translation
Maj.        Major
MAM         Mantle Angular Momentum
MAMBO       Max-Planck-Millimeter-Bolometer
MANIAC      Mathematical Analyzer, Numerator, Integrator, and Computer
MANOVA      Multiple ANalysis Of VAriance
MAO         Main Astronomical Observatory of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine
MAP         Microwave Anisotropy Probe satellite
MAPI        Messaging API
Mar         March
MARAD       U.S. Maritime Administration
MARBLE      Multiple Antenna Radio-interferometry of Baseline Length Evaluation
MARC        MAchine-Readable Cataloging
MARC        Multitechnology Automated Reader Card
MARCI       Mars Color Imager
MARDI       Mars Descent Imager
MARED       MARitime EDucation
MARGO       Multiproxy Approach for the Reconstruction of the Glacial Ocean Surface
MARSIS      Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionosphere Sounding
MARVEL      Machine-Assisted Realization of the Virtual Electronic Library
MAS         Microbeam Analysis Society
mas         milliarcseconds
MAS         MODIS Airborne Simulator
mascon      mass concentration
maser       Microwave Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
MASIV       Micro-Arcsecond Scintillation-Induced Variability
Mass.       Massachusetts
MASTER      MODIS/ASTER Airborne Simulator
Math.       Mathematical
Math.       Mathematics
MathML      Mathematical Markup Language
MATLAB      MATrix LABoratory
MATLAS      Matera Laser Station, Italy
MATRAG      Measurement of Alpine Tropospheric delay by Radiometer And GPS
MAU         Media Attachment Unit
MAVAR       Modified Allan Variance
MAVEN       Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN
MAXIM       Micro-Arcsecond X-ray Imaging Mission
Mb          Megabit
MB          Megabyte
mb          millibar
MB          Motherboard
MBA         Main Belt Asteroid(s)
MBA         Master of Business Administration
mbar        millibar
MBC         Middle-east Broadcasting Center
MBCS        Multi-Byte Character Set
MBD         MultiBand Delay
MBDC        Minority Business Development Council, Dallas, TX, USA
MBO         Main Belt Objects
Mbps        Megabits per second
MBps        Megabytes per second
MBR         Master Boot Record
mbsf        meters below sea floor
MC          Master Clock
Mc          Megacycle
MC          Midnight Commander
MC          Monaco (ISO code)
MCA         Micro Channel Architecture
MCC         Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corp., Austin, TX, USA
MCC         Mission Control Center, Korolyov, Russia (now IAC)
MCDA        Microsoft Certified Database Administrator
MCEP        Mean Celestial Ephemeris Pole
MCFC        Manchester City Football Club
MCH         Memory Controller Hub
MCI         Media Control Interface
MCP         MicroChannel Plate
MCP         Microsoft Certified Professional
MCPC        Multiple Channel Per Carrier
MCS         GPS Master Control Station, Schriever Air Force Base, CO, USA
MCS         Mercalli-Cancani-Sieberg earthquake intensity scale
MCS         Monte Carlo Simulation
MCSA        Microsoft Certified System Administrator
MCSD        Microsoft Certified Solution Developer
MCSE        Microsoft Certified System Engineer
MCT         Microsoft Certified Trainer
MCV         Magnetic Cataclysmic Variable
MD          Doctor of Medicine
MD          Make Directory
MD          Maryland
M.D.        Medicine Doctor
MD          Mini Disk
MD          Moldova, Republic of (ISO code)
MDA         MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates Ltd., Canada
MDA         Monochrome Display Adapter
MDB         Minimal Detectable Bias
MDCE        Maritime Development Center of Europe
MDEV        Modified Allan Deviation
MDF         Medium Density Fibreboard
MDGPS       Maritime Differential GPS Service
MDI         McDonnell Douglas, Inc., USA
MDI         Michelson Doppler Imager
MDI         Multiply Document Interface
MDS         Pan-STARRS Medium Deep Survey
MDSCC       Madrid Deep Space Communication Complex, Spain
MDT         Mountain Daylight Time (UTC - 6h)
ME          Maine
Me.         Mercury
ME          Multi Edit (text editor)
Mech.       Mechanics
MEDLAS      Mediterranean Laser Campaign
MEDOC       Motion of the Earth by Doppler Observing Campaign
MEIPS       Mind Enterprise IP System
MEM         Maximum Entropy Method
MEMS        Micro-Electro-Mechanical System
Men         Mensa (constellation)
MEO         Medium-Earth Orbit
MeO         Metrology and Optics program, Côte d'Azur Observatory, France
MEOLUT      MEO Local User Terminal (Galileo)
MEP         Member of the European Parliament
MEPAG       Mars Exploration Program Analysis Group
MER         NASA Mars Exploration Rover mission
MERIS       MEdium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer
MERIT       Monitor Earth Rotation and Intercompare Techniques (Monitoring of Earth Rotation and Intercomparison of Techniques)
MERLIN      JBO Multi-Element Radio Linked Interferometer Network, UK
MES         Manufacturing Execution System
MESA        Manufacturing Enterprise Solutions Association
MESSENGER   MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging
MET         Middle-European Time (UTC + 1h)
MET         Mission Elapsed Time
METDST      Middle-European Daylight Time (UTC + 2h)
Meteor.     Meteorology
Meteorol.   Meteorology
METI        Messaging to ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence
MeV         mega electron volt
MEX         Mars EXpress
MEXART      Mexican Array Radio Telescope
MEZ         Middle-European Time (Ger. Mitteleuropäische Zeit) (UTC + 1h)
MF          MainFrame
MF          Medium Frequency
MF          MicroFishe
MF          MidField (sport)
MFA         Ministry of Foreign Affairs
MFC         Microsoft Foundation Classes
MFD         Magneto-Fluid Dynamics
mfd.        Manufactured
MFEnet      Magnetic Fusion Energy Network
MFG         Manufacturing
MFN         Marecki - Falcke - Niezgoda
MFP         MultiFunction Peripheral (Printer)
MFS         Multi-Frequency Synthesis
MFV         Multi-Frequency VLBI
MG          Madagascar (ISO code)
mg          milligram
MG1         First MIT-Green Bank 5 GHz Survey
MG2         Second MIT-Green Bank 5 GHz Survey
MG3         Third MIT-Green Bank 5 GHz Survey
MG4         Fourth MIT-Green Bank 5 GHz Survey
MGB         MIT-Green Bank survey
MGGF        Monitoring Global Geophysical Fluids
MGN         Mediterranean GPS Network
MGS         Mars Global Surveyor mission, USA
Mgr         Manager
MH          Marshall islands (ISO code)
MHD         Magneto-Hydro Dynamic, Magneto-Hydro Dynamics
MHPCC       Maui High Performance Computing Center, HI, USA
MHz         megahertz
mHz         millihertz
MI          Michigan
mi          mile
MiB         Mebibyte (2^20 bytes = 1024 kibibytes = 1,048,576 bytes)
Mic         Microscopium (constellation)
MICA        USNO Multiyear Interactive Computer Almanac
Mich.       Michigan
MICOM       Miami Isopycnal Coordinate Ocean Model
Micro-PNT   Microtechnology for Positioning, Navigation, and Timing
MIDAS       MIcrowave Detection of Air Showers
MIDAS       Munich Image Data Analysis System
MIDEX       NASA Medium-Class Explorer program
MIDI        Musical Instrument Digital Interface
MILnet      Defense data network
MIME        Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
min         minute
MIN         Mobile Identification Number
MINQE       Minimum Invariant Quadratic Estimate
Minn.       Minnesota
MINQUE      Minimum Norm Quadratic Unbiased Estimator
MIPAS       Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding
MIPS        Million Instructions Per Second
MIPS        Multiband Imaging Photometer for SIRTF
MIRI        Mid InfraRed Instrument (JWST)
MISAO       Multitudinous Image-based Sky-survey and Accumulative Observations
MISL        Major Indoor Soccer League
MISS        Mars Interior Structure by Seismology
Miss.       Mississippi
MIT         Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA
MITES       Miniature Interferometer Terminals for Earth Survey
MITI        Ministry of International Trade and Industry, Japan
MITNRC      MIT Near Real Time Correlator
MJD         Modified Julian Date
MJL         Master Journal List
mJy         millijansky
MK          Macedonia (ISO code)
mk          mark
mK          millikelvin
MKL         Math Kernel Library
ML          Mali (ISO code)
ML          Mobile Laser system
ML          Maximum Likelihood
ml          milliliter
MLA         Mars Laser Altimeter
MLA         MESSENGER Laser Altimeter
MLAS        Max Launch Abort System
MLE         Maximum Likelihood Estimate
MLM         Maximum Likelihood Method
mln         million
MLRO        Matera Laser Ranging Observatory, Italy
MLP         MultiLayer Perceptron neural network
MLRS        McDonald Laser Ranging System, Ft. Davis, TX, USA
MLS         Major League Soccer
MLS         Microwave Landing System
MLSS        Mt. Lemmon Survey
MLTI        Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere/Ionosphere
Mly         megalight-year
M-M         Marini-Murray model (SLR)
Mm          megameter
MM          Mesoscale Model (meteorology)
mm          millimeter
MM          Modified Mercalli earthquake intensity scale
MM          MultiMedia
MM          Myanmar (ISO code)
MMA         Mixed Martial Arts
MMF         MIT Mapping Function
MMIC        Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit
MMS         Multimedia Messages Service
MMT         Multiply Mirror Telescope, AZ, USA
MMX         MultiMedia eXtensions
MN          Minnesota
MN          Mongolia (ISO code)
MNRAS       Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (journal)
MNRASL      Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters (journal)
MNRF        Major National Research Facilities program, Australia
MNS         Metal-Nitride-Semiconductor
MO          Macau (ISO code)
MO          Magneto-Optics
MO          Manila Observatory, Philippines
MO          Medical Officer
MO          Missouri
m.o.        modus operandi
MO          Money Order
m/o         money order
mo.         month
MOA         Memorandum Of Agreement
MOA         Mount Observer Automation
MOAAL       Mother Of All Acronym Lists
MOAB        Massive Ordnance Air Blast bomb
MOBLAS      NASA MOBile LAser ranging System
MOC         Mars Orbiter Camera (Mars Global Surveyor)
MOC         Microsoft Official Curriculum
MoD         Ministry of Defense
MODEST      MODel and ESTimate
MODEST      MOdeling DEnse STellar systems
MODIS       Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
MODWT       Maximal Overlap Discrete Wavelet Transform
MOE         Medium precision Orbit Ephemerides
MoGGIE      Moho Geometry Gravity Inversion Experiment
MOI         Memorandum Of Information
MOID        Minimum Orbital Intersection Distance
MOIRCS      Multi-Object Infrared Camera and Spectrograph (Subaru telescope)
MOJAVE      Monitoring Of Jets in Active galaxies with VLBA Experiments, NRAO, USA
MOLA        Mars Orbiter Lander Altimeter (MGS mission)
MOM         Mobile Optical Mount
MOM         Modular Ocean Model
Mon.        Monday
Mon         Monoceros (constellation)
Mon.        Monthly
MOND        MOdified Newtonian Dynamics
Mont.       Montana
MoonLIGHT   Moon Laser Instrumentation for General relativity High-accuracy Tests
MOPS        Moving Object Processing System
MOS         Metal-Oxide Semiconductor
MOSAIC      MObile System for Accurate ICBM Control (radionavigation system), USA
MOST        Korea Ministry Of Science and Technology
MOTS        Mostly Off The Shelf
MOU         Memorandum Of Understanding
MOUS        Microsoft Office User Specialist
M/P         Mass Production
MP          Member of Parliament
MP          Military Police
MP          Northern Mariana Islands (ISO code)
MP3/4       MPEG level 3/4
MPA         Max-Planck Institute for Astrophysics (Ger. Max-Planck-Institut für Astrophysik)
Mpc         Megaparsec
MPC         IAU Minor Planet Center
MPC         Minor Planet Circular
MPCAC       IAU Minor Planet Center Advisory Committee
MPCV        Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle
MPE         Maximum Permissible Exposure
MPE         Max-Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics (Ger. Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik)
MPEC        Minor Planet Electronic Circular
MPEG        Motion Pictures Experts Group
mpg         miles per gallon
mph         miles per hour
MPI         Max-Planck Institute (Ger. Max-Planck-Institut), Germany
MPI         Message Passing Interface
MPI         Mobile Productivity, Inc.
MPI         Multi-Point Injection
MPIfR       Max-Planck Institute for Radioastronomy (Ger. Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie), Bonn, Germany
MPIK        Ger. Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik, Germany
MPIR        Max-Planck Institute
MPQ         Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, Garching, Germany
MPS         Minor Planet Circular Supplement
MQ          Martinique (ISO code)
MR          Mauritania (ISO code)
Mr.         Mister
MRAM        Magnetoresistive Random Access Memory
MRAO        Mullard Radio Astronomy Observatory, Lord's Bridge, Cambridge, UK
MRC         Molonglo Reference Catalogue of radio sources
MRF         Medium-range Forecast (meteorology)
MRI         Meteorological Research Institute, Japan
Mrk         Markarian galaxy
MRO         Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter
MRO         Metsahovi Radio astronomy Observatory
MRR         Modulated Retro-Reflector
Mrs.        Mistress
MRSS        Media RSS
MRU         Most Recently Used
MS          Main Sequence
MS          Manuscript
M.S.        Master (Magister) of Science
Ms          Megasample
Ms          Megasecond
MS          Michael Schumacher
MS          MicroSoft
MS          MicroStar International
ms          millisecond
Ms.         Miss or Mistress
MS          Mississippi
MS          Montserrat (ISO code)
M.S.        Morning Star (newspaper)
MSA         Mineralogical Society of America
MSAS        MTSAT-based Satellite Augmentation System, Japan
M.Sc.       Master (Magister) of Science
MSD         Moscow Daylight Time (UTC + 4h)
MSDE        MicroSoft Data (Desktop, Database) Engine
MSDN        MicroSoft Developers Network
MSE         Mean Square(d) Error
MSEE        Master of Science in Electrical Engineering
MSF         Microsoft Solutions Framework
MSFC        Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, AL, USA
MSFN        Manned SpaceFlight Network, NASA
msg.        message
MSG         Meteosat Second Generation
MSI         MicroSoft Installer
MSI         Micro-Star International
MSI         Minority Serving Institutions
MSIE        MicroSoft Internet Explorer
MSK         Medvedev-Sponheuer-Karnik earthquake intensity scale, also MSK-64
MSK         Moscow Time (UTC + 3h)
MSL         Mars Science Laboratory
MSL         Mean Sea Level
MSM         MethylSulfonylMethane
MSN         Manned Spaceflight Network
MSN         MicroSoft Network
MSO         Mount Stromlo and Siding Spring Observatory, Canberra, NSW, Australia
MSODP       Multi-Satellite Orbit Determination Program
MSOI        Modified Southern Oscillation Index (meteorology)
MSP         MicroSoft Paint
MSRE        Monitor Station Receiver Element
MSRI        Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, Berkeley, CA, USA
MSRP        Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price
MSS         Mean Sea Surface
MSS         Mobile Satellite Services
MSSA        Multichannel Singular Spectrum Analysis
MSSL        Mullard Space Science Laboratory, UCL, London, UK
MSSS        Malin Space Science Systems
MSSS        Maui Space Surveillance System, HI, USA
MSSSO       Mount Stromlo and Siding Spring Observatory, Canberra, NSW, Australia
MST         Mean Solar Time
MST         Moscow Standart Time (UTC + 3h)
MST         U.S. Mountain Standard Time (UTC - 7h)
MSTI        Miniature Seeker Technology Integration
MSU         Moscow State University, Russia
MSX         IPAC Midcourse Space Experimen
MT          Machine Translation
MT          MagnetoTelluric
MT          Malta (ISO code)
MT          Manual Transmission
Mt          megaton
mt          metric ton
mT          millitesla
MT          Montana
Mt.         Mount (Mountain)
MTA         Message Transfer Agent (Mail Transfer Agent, Mail Transport Agent)
MTB         Mountain Bike
MTBF        Mean Time Between Failures
MTF         Modulation Transfer Function
MTIE        Maximum Time Interval Error
MTL         Montreal
MTLRS       Modular Transportable Laser Ranging System (IfAG, TUD)
MTM         MultiTaper Method (spectral analysis)
MTP         Masters Training Package
MTP         Microwave Temperature Profiler
MTPE        Mission to Planet Earth, USA
MTSAT       Multi-functional Transport Satellite, Japan
MTU         Maximum Transmission Unit
MU          Manchester United football club
MU          Mauritius (ISO code)
MUI         Windows XP Multilingual User Interface Pack
Mus         Musca (constellation)
MUT         Military University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland
MV          Maldives (ISO code)
MV          Mobile VLBI system
MVAR        Modified Allan Variance
MVL         Multi-media Virtual Laboratory
MVP         Most Valuable Player
MVP         Most Valuable Professional
MW          Malawi (ISO code)
MW          MicroWave
MW          megawatt
mW          milliwatt
MWA         Murchison Wide-field Array, Australia
MWG         ILRS Mission Working Group
MWN         Mercalli-Wood-Neuman earthquake intensity scale
MWO         Maunt Wilson Observatory, CA, USA
MWR         MicroWave Radiometer
Mx          maxwell
MX          Mexico (ISO code)
MY          Malaysia (ISO code)
Myr         megayear
MZ          Mozambique (ISO code)

N           Knight (chess)
N.          Neptune
N           newton
N           North
N.          Notes
n.          Noun
NA          Namibia (ISO code)
N/A         Not Applicable
N/A         Not Assigned
N/A         Not Available
NAC         UWS Nepean Astronomy Center, Australia
NAD         North American Datum
NAE         National Academy of Engineering, USA
NAFF        Numerical Analysis of Fundamental Frequencies
NAFTA       North American Free-Trade Agreement
NAG         Naval Astronautics Group, Point Mugu, CA, USA
NAG         Numerical Algorithms Group
NaGISA      Natural Geography In Shore Areas
NAGU        Notice Advisory to GLONASS Users
NAID        Non-steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug
NAIF        NASA Navigation Ancillary Information Facility
NAIS        NASA Acquisition Internet Service
NAL         National Aerospace Laboratory, Japan (now JAXA)
NaN         Not-a-Number
NANU        Notice Advisory to NAVSTAR Users
NAO         National Astronomical Observatories, China
NAO         National Astronomical Observatory, Japan
NAO         National Astronomical Observatory, Spain
NAO         Nautical Almanac Office
NAO         North Atlantic Oscillation
NAOC        National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences
NAOCO       NAO New Advanced One unit COrrelator, Japan
NAOJ        National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, Tokyo, Japan
NAOMZ       National Astronomical Observatory, Mizusawa Branch, Japan (formerly ILOM)
NAPS        North American Plate Stability project
NARCCAP     North American Regional Climate Change Assessment Program
NAREF       North America Reference Frame
NARIT       National Astronomical Research Institute of Thailand
NAS         NASA Advanced Supercomputing
NAS         National Academy of Sciences, USA
NAS         Network Attached Storage
NAS         Newcastle Astronomical Society, Australia
NASA        U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NASCAR      National Association of Stock Car Auto Racing
NASCOM      NASA COMmunications Network
NASDA       NAtional Space Development Agency, Japan (now JAXA)
NASDAQ      National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation system
NASM        National Air and Space Museum, Washington, DC, USA
NASRDA      National Space Research and Development Agency, Nigeria
NASSMC      National Alliance of State Science and Mathematics Coalitions, USA
NAT         Network Address Translation
natl.       national
NATO        North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NATS        National Activity to Test Software
NAV         Norton AntiVirus
NAVCEN      USCG Navigation Center
NAVEX       NAVNET Experiment (Navy VLBI Experiments)
NAVD        North American Vertical Datum
NAVINT      Navy Intensives (VLBI program)
NAVNET      U.S. Navy VLBI Network
NAVSTAR     NAVigation Satellite Timing And Ranging (Navigation System Timing and Ranging, Navigation System with Time and Ranging)
NB          take notice (Lat. nota bene)
NB          New Brunswick (Canadian province)
NBA         National Basketball Association, USA
NBA         National Boxing Association, USA
NBC         National Broadcasting Company, USA
NBM         National Broadband Map, USA
NBMG        Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, NV, USA
NBS         National Bureau of Standards, USA (now NIST)
NBSM        National Bureau of Surveying and Mapping, China
NC          New Caledonia (ISO code)
NC          North Carolina
NC          Norton Commander
NCA         National Committee for Astronomy, Australia
NCAA        National Collegiate Athletic Association, USA
NCAR        National Center for Atmospheric Research, USA
NCBB        Networking and Communications Building Blocks
NCC         National Cartographic Center, Iran
NCC         GFZ Network Control Center, Potsdam, Germany
NCDC        National Climatic Data Center, USA
NCEDC       Northern California Earthquake Data Center, CA, USA
NCEP        U.S. National Center for Environmental Prediction (formerly NMC)
NCL         University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
NCMN        NGS National Crustal Motion Network, USA
NCO         PNT National Coordination Office, USA
NCPS        VA National Center for Patient Safety, USA
NCRA        National Center for Radio Astrophysics, India
NCRIS       National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy, Australia
NCSA        National Center for Supercomputing Applications, UIUC, IL, USA
NCSI        Network Connectivity Status Indicator
NCST        Naval Center for Space Technology, USA
ND          Near Diurnal
ND          North Dakota
ND          Nuclear Disarmament
N.Dak.      North Dakota
NDBC        NOAA National Data Buoy Center
NDC         National Drug Code, USA
NDFW        Nearly Diurnal Free Wobble
NDGPS       Nationwide Differential Global Positioning System, USA
NDGW        Near Diurnal Free Wobble
NDIS        Network Driver (Device) Interface Specification
NDP         Numerical Data Processor
NDVI        Normalized Differential Vegetation Index
NDW         Naval District Washington
NDWFS       NOAO Deep Wide-Field Survey
Nd:YAG      Neodymium-Yttrium-Aluminum-Garnet
NE          Nebraska
NE          ILRS Networks and Engineering working group
NE          Niger (ISO code)
NE          Northeast
NEA         Near-Earth Asteroid(s)
NEAP        Near-Earth Asteroid Prospector
NEAR        Near-Earth Asteroid Rendezvous
NEAT        Near-Earth Asteroid Tracking
NEAT        Nearby Earth Astrometric Telescope
Nebr.       Nebraska
NEC         Near Earth Comet(s)
NEC         Nippon Electric Company, Japan
NED         National Elevation Dataset, USA
NED         NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database
NED         North-East-Down frame
NEDA        RUSEG Northern Eurasia Deformation Array
NEEMO       NASA Extreme Environment Mission Operations
NEESPI      Northern Eurasia Earth Science Partnership Initiative
NEFCO       Nordic Environment Finance Corporation
NEIC        National Earthquake Information Center, CO, USA
NEIDS       Non-European Integrity Determination System (Galileo)
NELG        Narrow Emission Line Galaxy
NELS        Northwest European Loran-C System
NEO         Near-Earth Objects
NEO         Near-Earth Orbit
NEON        National Ecological Observatory Network, USA
NEON        Network of European Observatories in the North
NEOO        Near-Earth Object Observations program
NEOS        U.S. National Earth Orientation Service
NEOWISE     NASA Near-Earth Object Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer
NEP         Noise Equivalent Power
NEP         Nuclear Electric Propulsion
NEQ         Normal EQuation
NERC        Natural Environment Research Council, UK
NEROC       North-East Radio Observatory Corporation, USA
NESC        NASA Engineering Safety Center
NESDIS      NOAA National Environmental Satellite Data Information Service, USA
NESSAS      Norwegian Ecosystem Studies of Sub-Arctic Seas
NESTA       National Earth Science Teachers Association, Washington, DC, USA
NetBEUI     NetBIOS Extended User Interface
NetBIOS     Network Basic Input/Output System
NEXIS       Nuclear Electric Xenon Ion System engine
Nev.        Nevada
NEWG        ILRS Networks and Engineering Working Group
NEWPS       NEW extragalactic Point Source catalogue
NEX         NASA Earth Exchange
NExT        New Exploration of Tempel 1
NeXT        New X-ray Telescope, now ASTRO-H (JAXA/NASA)
NF          Norfolk Island (ISO code)
NFA         Nomenclature for Fundamental Astronomy
NFC         Near Field Communication
NFK         Neue FundamentalKatalog
NFRA        the Netherlands Foundation for Research in Astronomy
NFS         Network File System
NFS         Networked File System
NFSS        New Font Selection Scheme
ng          nanogram
NG          Nigeria (ISO code)
NGA         U.S. National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (formerly NIMA)
NGC         New General Catalog
NGDC        NOAA National Geophysical Data Center, USA
NGI         National Geography Institute, South Korea
NGI         Next Generation Internet
NGII        National Geographic Information Institute, Korea
NGMN        Nepal Geodetic Monitoring Network
NGO         Non-Government Organization
NGOS        Nordic Geodetic Observing System
NGP         North Galactic Pole
NGBPS       Non-GPS Based Positioning System
NGRI        National Geophysical Research Institute, Hyderabad, India
NGRS        National Geodetic Reference System
NGS         U.S. National Geodetic Survey
NGSLR       Next Generation SLR
NGST        Next Generation Space Telescope
NGVD        National Geodetic Vertical Datum (USA)
NH          New Hampshire
NH          Northern Hemisphere
NHC         Non-Holonomic Constraint
NHESS       Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences (journal)
NHL         National Hockey League, USA
NHM         Non-Hydrostatic numerical weather prediction Model
NHTSA       National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, USA
NI          Nicaragua (ISO code)
NIAC        NASA Institute for Advanced Concepts
NIB         Non-Inverted Barometer (meteorology)
NIBO        Non-Inverted Barometric Ocean
NIC         Network Information Center
NIC         Network Interface Card
NICMOS      Near Infrared camera and Multi-Object Spectrometer (HST)
NICT        National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (former CRL+TAO), Japan
NIES        National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan
NIGGG       National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography, Bulgaria
NIH         National Institutes of Health, USA
NIMA        U.S. National Imagery and Mapping Agency (now NGA)
NIN         Netherlands Institute of Navigation (Dat. Nederlands Instituut voor Navigatie)
NIOZ        Netherlands Institute for Sea Research
NIPR        National Institute of Polar Research, Japan
NIPRNET     Non-Classified IP Router Network
NIR         Near Infrared
NIRBE       Near Infrared Background Experiment
NIRS        Northern International Reference Stars
NIS         Navigation Information Service
NIS         Navigation Infotainment System(s)
NIS         New Independent States (of FSU)
NISN        NASA Integrated Services Network
NIST        National Institute of Standards & Technology, Gaithersburg, MD, USA
NJ          New Jersey
NKG         Nordic Geodetic Commission
NKS         New Kind of Science
NL          Netherlands (ISO code)
NL          New Latin
NLES        Navigation Local EGNOS Station
NLH         Agricultural University of Norway
NLK         Nord-Lazio-Kassim
NLLS        Non-Linear Least Squares
NLOM        NRL Ocean Model
NLRG        Narrow-Line Radio Galaxy
NLRS        Natmap Laser Ranging System, Orroral, Australia
NLS         NASA Launch Services
NLS         National Land Survey of Sweden
NLST        National Large Solar Telescope, India
NLT         Not Later Than
NLTE        Non-Local Thermodynamical Equilibrium
NLTT        New Luyten Two-Tenths catalog
nm          nanometer
n.m.        nautical mile
NM          New Mexico
NMA         Nobeyama Millimeter Array, Japan
NMA         Norwegian Mapping Authority
NMC         U.S.National Meteorological Center, now NCEP
NMD         National Mapping Division, Australia
NMEA        National Marine Electronics Association, USA
N.Mex.      New Mexico
NMF         Niell Mapping Function
NMFh        Niell Mapping Function, hydrostatic component
NMFw        Niell Mapping Function, wet component
NMI         National Metrology Institute
NMI         Nobeyama Millimeter Interferometer, Japan
NMOC        Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command, USA
NMP         North Magnetic Pole
NMR         Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
NMS         NetWare Management System (Novell)
NMS         NGST Mission Stimulator
NNE         North-Northeast
NNF         Nordic Institute of Navigation (Norw. Nordisk Navigasjonsforum), Drammen, Norway
NNI         Network-to-Network Interface
NNR         No-Net-Rotation
NNSS        U.S. Navy Navigation Satellite System (TRANSIT)
NNT         No-Net-Translation
NNTP        Network News Transfer Protocol
NNW         North-Northwest
NO          Norway (ISO code)
No.         Number
NOAA        U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Silver Spring, MD, USA
NOAO        National Optical Astronomy Observatory, Tucson, AZ, USA
NOC         National Olympic Committee
NOC         National Organizing Committee
NOFS        U.S. Naval Observatory Flagstaff Station, AZ, USA
NOGAPS      U.S. Navy Operational Global Atmospheric Prediction System
NOI         Notice of Intent
NOMAD       Naval Observatory Merged Astrometric Dataset
NOPP        U.S. National Ocean Partnership Program
Nor         Norma (constellation)
NORAD       North American Aerospace Defense Command, USA
Norw.       Norwegian
NOS         Network Operating System
NOS         U.S. National Ocean Survey
NOT         Nordic Optical Telescope, La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain
Not.        Notes
Nov         November
NOVAS       Naval Observatory Vector Astrometry Subroutines
NP          Nepal (ISO code)
NP          Network Provider
NP          Normal Point
NPACI       National Partnership for Advanced Computational Infrastructure, USA
NPL         National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, UK
NPL         National Physical Laboratory, India
NPM         Northern Proper Motion program (Lick observatory)
NPM1G       Northern Proper Motion program, 1st list of Galaxies (Lick observatory)
NPOESS      National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System, USA
NPOI        Navy Prototype Optical Interferometer
NPOI        Kenneth J. Johnston Navy Precision Optical Interferometer
NPO-PM      Reshetnev Applied Mechanics Research and Production Association, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
NPP         NPOESS Preparatory Project spacecraft.
NPRB        North Pacific Research Board
NPS         North Polar Sequence
NPTC        Nationwide Personal Transportation Survey, USA
NR          National Record
NR          Nauru (ISO code)
NR          Numerical Recipes
NRA         NASA Research Announcement
NRAL        Nuffield Radio Astronomy Laboratories, UK
NRAO        National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Charlottesville, VA, USA
NRC         National Research Council, Canada
NRC         National Research Council, USA
NRCan       Natural Resources Canada, Ottawa, Canada (formerly EMR)
NRD         Normalized Residual Delay
NREN        National Research and Education Network
NRF         National Research Foundation, South Africa
NRIAG       National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics, Egypt
NRL         Naval Research Laboratory, USA
NRO         U.S. National Reconnaissance Office
NRO         Nobeyama Radio Observatory, Japan
NRO         Non-Rotating Origin
NRSM        Nobeyama Radio Seeing Monitor, Japan
NRT         Near Real Time
ns          nanosecond
NS          Nervous System
NS          NetScape
NS          Neutron Star
NS          North-South
N/S         Not Specified
NSA         U.S. National Security Agency
NSAID       Non-Steriodal Anti-Inflammatory Drug
NSAS        Northern Sydney Astronomical Society, Australia
NSBE        National Society of Black Engineers, USA
NSBRI       NASA Human Research Program and the National Space Biomedical Research Institute
NSCC        Navigation System Control Center (Galileo)
NSD         National Space Development Agency, Japan
NSDC        IAU/BDL Natural Satellites Data Center
NSDB        Network State Data Base
NSDB        NSDC Natural Satellites Data Base
NSERC       Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, Canada
NSF         National Science Foundation, USA
NSF         National Science Fund, Bulgaria
NSFnet      NSF Network
NSGF        NERC Space Geodesy Facility, UK
NSI         NASA (Network) Science Internet
NSI         National Statistical Institute, Bulgaria
NSIC        National Storage Industry Consortium, USA
NSI-DECnet  NSI DECnet Protocol
NSIPP       NASA Seasonal-to-Interannual Prediction Project
NSN         NASA Science Network
NSO         National Solar Observatory, USA
NSO         Netherlands Space Office
NSO/KP      National Solar Observatory / Kitt Peak, AZ, USA
NSO/SP      National Solar Observatory / Sacramento Peak, NM, USA
NSP         Navigation Signal Processor (Galileo)
NSPD        National Security Policy Directive (USA)
NSRO        Nobeyama Solar Radio Observatory, Japan
NSRS        National Spatial Reference System, USA
NSS         National Security Space, USA
NSSA        National Security Space Architect, USA
NSSA        National Space Society of Australia
NSSC        NASA Shared Services Center
NSSDC       NASA/GSFC National Space Science Data Center
NSSO        National Security Space Office, USA
NSSRM       National Security Space Road Map, USA
NSSTC       National Space Science and Technology Center, Huntsville, AL, USA
NStED       NASA Star and Exoplanet Database, Pasadena, California
NSW         New South Wales, Australia
NSWC        U.S. Naval Surface Warfare Center
nT          nanotesla
NT          Network Termination
NT          Northern Territory, Australia
NTC         National Textbook Company, USA
NTF         National Tidal Facility, Australia
NTFS        New Technology File System
NTIA        National Telecommunications and Information Administration, USA
NTIS        National Technical Information Service, USA
NTN         National Test Network, Canada (communication network)
NTOL        Non-Tidal Ocean Loading
NTP         Network Time Protocol
NTRIP       Networked Transport of RTCM via Internet Protocol
NTS         Navigation Technology Satellite, USA
NTSB        National Transportation Safety Board, USA
NTRS        NASA Technical Report Server
NTSC        U.S. National Television Standard Committee
NTT         New Technology Telescope, Chile
NTT         Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corp., Tokio, Japan
NTT Com     NTT Communications Corp., Japan
NTU         Nanyang Technical University, Singapore
NTUA        National Technical University of Athens, Greece
NTVDM       NT Virtual DOS Machine (the same as WOW)
NU          Niue (ISO code)
NUGA        NUclei of GAlaxies
Numer.      Numerical
NuSTAR      Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array
NUVEL       Northwestern University Velocity Model
NUVEL-NNR   Northwestern University Velocity Model, No-Net-Rotation
NV          Nevada
NVO         National Virtual Observatory, USA
NVP         National Vacation Promotions, USA
NVRAM       Non-Volatile Random Access Memory
NVSS        NRAO VLA Sky Survey
NW          Northwest
NWA         NorthWest Airlines
NWM         Numerical Weather Model
NWP         Numerical Weather Prediction
NWRA        NorthWest Research Associates, Inc., USA
NWS         U.S. National Weather Service
NY          New York
NYC         New York City
NYPD        New York City Police Department
NYSE        New York Stock Exchange
NYT         "New York Times"
NYU         New York University
NZ          New Zealand
NZ          New Zealand (ISO code)
NZGD        New Zealand Geodetic Datum

O.          Ohio
OA          Open Access
OA          Optical Astrometry
OA          Osteoarthritis
OAB         Bologna Astronomical Observatory (It. Osservatorio Astronomico di Bologna), Italy
OAC         Cagliari Astronomical Observatory (It. Osservatorio Astronomico di Cagliary), Italy
OACT        Osservatorio Astronomico di Collurania - Teramo, Teramo, Italy
OAD         Office for Astronomy Development (IAU)
OADEV       Overlapping Allan Deviation
OAFA        Observatorio Astronómico Félix Aguilar, Argentina
OAI         Open Archives Initiative
OAM         Ocean Angular Momentum
OAN         National Astronomical Observatory (Sp. Observatorio Astronomico Nacional), Spain
OANB        Observatorio Astronomico Nacional de Bolivia
OAO         Orbiting Astronomical Observatory
OAR         Astronomical Observatory of Rome, Italy
OAR         NOAA Office of Atmospheric Research
OARE        Online Access to Research in the Environment
OAS         Organization of American States
OASIS       Orbit Analysis and SImulation Software
OASIS       Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards
OAT         Astronomical Observatory of Trieste (It. L'Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste)
O.B.E.      Order of the British Empire
OBIS        Ocean Biogeographic Information System
OBP         Ocean Bottom Pressure
OBSPM       Observatory Paris-Medon (Fr. Observatoire de Paris-Meudon), France
OBSS        Origins Billion Star Survey
Obs.        Observatory
O-C         Observed minus Computed
OC          Open Cluster
OC          Outer Core
OCA         Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur, France
OCARS       Optical Characteristics of Astrometric Radio Sources
OCLC        Online Computer Library Center
OCO-2       Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2
OCR         Optical Character Recognition
OCS         Officer Candidate School
OCS         Operational Control System
Oct         Octans (constellation)
Oct         October
OCTAVE      Optiically ConnecTed Array for VLBI Exploration, Japan
OCW         OpenCourseWare
o.d.        on demand
ODBC        Open Database Connectivity
ODC         IGS Operational Data Center
OD          OpenDocument
ODF         OpenDocument Format
ODI         Open Datalink Interface
ODS         OpenDocument Spreadsheet
ODU         Out-Door-Unit
Oe          oersted
OE          Outlook Express
OECD        Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
OEI         Original Equipment Installer
OEM         Original Equipment Manufacturer
OEO         Opto-Electronic Oscillator
OES         NASA Office of Earth Science
OFI         Optical Flux Index
OGCM        Ocean General Circulation Model
OGCM        Ocean Global Circulation Model
OGLE        Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment
OGT         Observatoire Geodesique de Tahiti, French Polynesia
OH          Ohio
OH          Ohio State University Radio Survey Catalog
OHB         Orbitale Hochtechnologie Bremen, Germany
OHP         Ocean Hemisphere Project, Japan
OICETS      Optical Inter-orbit Communications Engineering Test Satellite
OIML        International Organization of Legal Metrology (Fr. Organisation Internationale de Métrologie Légale)
OJSC        Open Joint Stock Company
OK          Oklahoma
Okla.       Oklahoma
OL          Ocean Loading
OLE         Object Linking and Embedding
OLED        Organic Light Emitting Diode
OLG         Observatory Lustbuehel Graz, Austria
OLIVE       Optically LInked VLBI Experiment
OLP         Open License Program
OLPC        One Laptop Per Child
OLR         Outgoing Longwave Radiation (meteorology)
OM          Oman (ISO code)
OMB         U.S. President's Office of Management and Budget
OMC         Observed Minus Computed
OMG         Object Management Group
OMTI        Optical Mesosphere Thermosphere Imager
ONP         On-site Normal Point
ONR         Office of Naval Research, Arlington, VA, USA
OO          Object-Oriented (programming)
OO          Open Office
OOA         Object-Oriented Analysis (programming)
OOD         Object-Oriented Design (programming)
OOK         On/Off Key modulation
OOo         OpenOffice.org
OOO         Out Of Office
OOPC        Ocean Observations Panel for Climate
OOSA        UN Office for Outer Space Affairs
OPA         Overseas Publishers Association
OPA         Paris Observatory (Fr. Observatoire de Paris), France
OPAR        Paris Observatory (Fr. Observatoire de Paris), France
OPC         IVS Observing Program Committee
OPC         OLE for Process Control
OPD         Observatorio do Pico dos Dias, Brazil
OPEC        Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
OpenMP      Open Multi Processing
OPERA       Operational Programme for the Exchange of weather RAdar information
Oph         Ophiuchus (constellation)
OPI         Option Programming Interface
OPM         U.S. Office of Personnel Management
OPML        Outline Processor Markup Language
Opt.        Optics
OPUS        NGS/NOAA Online Positioning User Service, USA
OR          Olympic Record
OR          Oregon
ORCID       Open Researcher and Contributor
ORD         GPS Operational Requirements Document
Ore.        Oregon
OREGIN      Organization of European GNSS equipment and service Industries
ORFEUS      Observatories and Research Facilities for European Seismology
ORFEUS      Orbiting and Retrievable Far and Extreme Ultraviolet Spectrometer
ORI         Ocean Research Institute, Tokio University, Japan
Ori         Orion (constellation)
ORNL        Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
ORRLAS      Orroral Laser Station, Australia
ORSA        Orbit Reconstruction, Simulation and Analysis
ORT         Ooty Radio Telescope, India
ORT         Optical Ranging Telescope
OS          Galileo Open Service
OS          Operating System
OSACA       Orion Spiral Arm CAtalog
OSC         Orbital Sciences Corporation, USA
OSCE        Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
OSF         Open Software Foundation
OSGB        Ordinance Survey of Great Britain
OSHA        U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration
OSI         Open Source Initiative
OSI         Open Systems Interconnection
OSIRIS      Origins Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification and Security
OSIRIS-REx  Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, Security, Regolith Explorer
OSL         Open Software License
OSM         On-Screen Manager
OSO         Onsala Space Observatory, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
OSPF        Orbitography and Synchronization Processing Facility (Galileo)
OSRT        Ooty Synthesis Radio telescope, India
OSS         Orbitography and Synchronization Station (Galileo)
OST         U.S. Office of the Secretary of Transportation
OSTA        Office of Space and Terrestrial Applications
OSTC        Federal office for Scientific, Technical and Cultural Affairs, Belgium
OSTM        Ocean Surface Topography Mission
OSTP        Office of Science and Technology Policy, USA
OSTST       Ocean Surface Topography Science Team
OSU         Ohio State University, OH, USA
OT          Officer Trainee
OT          Overtime (sport)
OTAGO       University of Otago, Dunedin, NZ
OTAM        Oceanic Tidal Angular Momentum
OTF         On-The-Fly
OTF         Optical Transfer Function
OTI         Obligations To Income
OTL         Ocean Tide Loading
OTN2004     Ojha-Tamura-Nakajima 2004
OTOH        On The Other Hand
OTT         Onsala Twin-Telescope, Sweden
OTTER       NASA Oregon, Transect Ecosystem Research Project
OUAT        Olsztyn University of Agriculture and Technology, Poland
OUP         Oxford University Press
OUS         Oregon University System, OR, USA
OVLBI       Orbiting VLBI, Green Bank, WV, USA
OVN         Austrian Institute of Navigation (Ger. Osterreichischer Verein für Navigation)
OVRO        Owens Valley Radio Observatory, CA, USA
OVV         Optically Violent (Violently) Variable (quasar)
OWI         Open World Interface
OWK2005     Oey-Watson-Kern 2005
OWL         Object Windows Library
OWL         OverWhelmingly Large telescope
oz          ounce

p.          page
p.          part
p.          participle
p.          past
P           Pawn (chess)
P           Penalty (sport)
P           Pluto
P           poise
P.          President
P2P         Peer-to-Peer
P3P         Platform for Privacy Preference
P4P         Perspective 4 Point problem
PA          Panama (ISO code)
Pa          pascal
PA          Pennsylvania
p.a.        per year (Lat. per annum)
PA          Photoelectric Astrolabe
PA          Points Against (sport)
PA          Power Amplifier
P.A.        Power of Attorney
PAA         Phase Array Antenna
PACS        Physics and Astronomy Classification Scheme
PA&E        NASA Program Analysis and Evaluation Office
PAD         Packet Assembler-Disassembler
PAD         Photon Avalanche Diode
PAF         Phased Array Feed
PAFB        Patrick Air Force Base, USA
PAGEOS      PAssive Geodetic Earth Orbiting Satellite
PAH         Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon
PAK         Product Authorization Key
PAL         Phase Alternation Line (TV)
PAL-V       Personal Air and Land Vehicle
PALSAR      Phased Array L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (Japan)
PAMELA      Payload for Antimatter Matter Exploration and Light-nuclei Astrophysics
PAN         Personal Area Network
PAN         Polish Academy of Sciences (Pol. Polska Akademia Nauk)
PANDORA     Programs for AstroNomical Data Organization Reduction and Analysis (IASF, Italy)
PANGA       Pacific Northwest Geodetic Array, USA
Pan-STARRS  Panoramic Survey Telescope And Rapid Response System, University of Hawaii
PAR         Precision Approach Radar
PARASOL     Polarization & Anisotropy of Reflectances for Atmospheric Sciences coupled with Observations from a Lidar
PARCS       Primary Atomic Reference Clock in Space
Paribas     Banque de Paris et des Pays-Bas
PARNASSUS   Processing Application in Reference to NICT's Advanced Set of Softwares Usuable for Synchronization
PARSEC      Programmable Automatic Radial-Scanner Coordinatometer
PAS         Polish Academy of Sciences
PASA        Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia
PAS         Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan
PASP        Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific
PASSCAL     Program for Array Seismic Studies of the Continental Lithosphere, USA
PATA        Parallel ATA
PATWAS      Pilots' Automatic Telephone Weather Answering System
PAU         Physics of the Accelerating Universe survey
Pav         Pavo (constellation)
PB          Palomar-Berger Faint Blue Stars Catalog
PB          Personal Best (sport)
PB          Petabyte
PBC         Playback Control
PBL         Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving), the Netherlands
PBMR        Push-Broom Microwave Radiometer
PBO         Plate Boundary Observatory
PBW         Petabytes Written
PBX         Private Branch eXchange
P.C.        Page charge
pc          parsec
PC          IERS Product Center
PC          Personal Computer
PC          Physical Contact (connector)
PC          Principal Component
P.C.        Privy Council
PC          Program Committee
PCA         Principal Component Analysis
PCal        Phase Calibration
PCCIP       President's Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection, USA
PCE         Physics and Chemistry of the Earth (journal)
PCF         Process Control File
PCFS        PC Field System
PCGIAP      UN Permanent Committee for Geographic Information systems Infrastructure for Asia and the Pacific
PCI         Peripheral Component Interconnect (Personal Computer Interconnect)
PCL         HP Printer Command Language
PCM         Phase-Change Memory
PCM         Pulse-Code-Modulated
PCMCIA      Personal Computer Memory Card International (Interface) Association
PCMDI       Program for Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison
PCS         Personal Communication Services
PCS         Portable Calibration Standard
pct.        percent
PCU         Power Control Unit
PCV         Phase Center Variation
PCX         PC Paintbrush
PD          Path Delay
PD          Photodiode
PD          Photometrische (Potsdam) Durchmusterung
PD          Police Department
PDA         Personal Digital Assistant (hand-held computer)
PDC         Primary Domain Controller
PDE         Partial Differential Equation
PDF         Portable Document Format
PDF         Probability Density Function
PDF         Probability Distribution Function
PDL         Perl Data Language
PDL         Program Design Language
PDM         Phase Dispersion Minimization
PDO         Pacific Decadal Oscillation
PDOP        Position Dilution of Precision
PDP         Photometrische (Potsdam) Durchmusterung Polar
PDP         Programable Data Processor
PDR         Photon Dominated Region
PDR         Preliminary Design Review
PDS         NASA Planetary Data System
PDT         U.S. Pacific Daylight Time (UTC - 7h)
PE          Peru (ISO code)
PE          Photo-electron
P.E.        Physical Education
PE          Polyethylene
P.E.        Probable Error
P.E.        Professional Engineer
PECASE      Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers, USA
PEF         Project Estimates Form
Peg         Pegasus (constellation)
PEG         Project Executive Group
PÉGASE      Projet d'Étude des GAlaxies par Synthese Evolutive
PEKA        Tide gauges and Caucasus (Ger. PEgel and KAukasus)
Penn.       Pennsylvania
Penna.      Pennsylvania
PEP         Planetary Ephemeris Program
PEPI        Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors (journal)
Per         Perseus (constellation)
PERANSO     PERiod ANalysis SOftware
PersAY      Personal Astronomical Yearbook
PERT        Program Evaluation and Review Technique
PET         Pico Event Timer
PET         Polyethylene Terephthalate
PET         Positron Emission Tomography
PETF        Polyethylene Terephthalate Film
PeV         peta electron volt
PF          French Polynesia (ISO code)
PF          Photo finish (sport)
PF          Points For (sport)
PF          Processing Factor (VLBI)
PFA         Principal Factor Analysis
PFB         Filter Bank Mode (VLBI)
PFCN        Prograde Free Core Nutation
PFORT       Portable FORTran
PFS         Primary Frequency Standard
PFSG        ILRS Prediction Format Study Group
PG          Papua New Guinea (ISO code)
PG          Parental Guidance
PG          Palomar-Green survey
Pg.         Portuguese
PG          Program Group
PGA         Professional Golfers' Association
PGA         Professional Graphics Adapter
PGC         NRCan Pacific Geoscience Center, Canada
PGC         Preliminary General Catalog
PGE         Platinum Group Elements
PGF         Pacific GPS Facility, Hawaii
PGF         Peter Gruber Foundation
PGGA        Permanent GPS Geodetic Array, Southern California, CA, USA
PGR         PostGlacial Rebound
PGS         Prompt Global Strike
PH          Philippines (ISO code)
ph          phot
pH          potential of Hydrogen
PHA         Potentially Hazardous Asteroids
PHASE       PHotometry Assisted Spectral Extraction
PHASES      Planet Hunting and Asteroseismology Explorer Spectrophotometer
Ph.D.       Doctor of Philosophy (Lat. Philosophiae Doctor)
Phe         Phoenix (constellation)
Phil.       Philosophy
PHP         PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor
Phys.       Physical
Phys.       Physics
PI          Principal Investigator
PI          Private Investigator
PiB         pebibyte (2^50 bytes = 1024 tebibytes)
Pic         Pictor (constellation)
PIC         Picture Image Compression
PIC         Pilot-In-Command
PICES       North Pacific Marine Science Organisation (north Pacific ICES)
PID         Process ID
PIF         Program Information File
PII         Personally (Personal) Identifiable (Identifying) Information
PII         Publisher (Publication) Item Identifier
PILOT       Pathfinder for an International Optical Telescope
PIM         Parametrized Ionospheric Model
PIN         Personal Identification Number
PIVEX       Platform Independent VLBI Exchange format
PJSC        Public Joint Stock Company 
PK          Pakistan (ISO code)
PKC         Product Key Card
PKCS        Public-Key Cryptography System
PKI         Public Key Infrastructure (cryptography)
PKK         Kurdistan Workers' Party (Kurdish Partiya Karkerên Kurdistanê)
PKS         Parks Radio Sources Catalog
pkwy        Parkway
pky         Parkway
PL          Phillips Laboratory, USA
Pl.         Place
pl.         Plurar
PL          Poland (ISO code)
P/L         Proprietary Limited company (Australia)
PL/1        Programming Language 1
PLA         Programmable Logic Array
PLANET      Probing Lensing Anomalies NETwork
PLC         Power Line Communication
p.l.c.      Public Limited Company
Pld         Matches played (sport)
PLDS        Pilot Land Data System
PLFV        Possible Low Frequency Variable
PLIA        Planetary Laboratory for Image Analysis
PLL         Phase Locked Loop
PLM         Payload Module
PL/M        Programming Language for Microprocessors
PLO         Palestine Liberation Organization
PLR         Planetary Laser Ranging
PLP         Packet Layer Protocol
PLS         Partial Least Squares
Pls         Please
Plz         Please
PM          Phase Modulation
PM          Polar Motion
p.m.        after noon (Lat. post meridiem)
PM          Program Manager
PM          Prime Minister
PM          Proper Motion
PM          St. Pierre and Miquelon (ISO code)
PMC         Photoelectric Meridian Circle
PMC         Polar Mesospheric Cloud
PMFS        Proper Motions of Fundamental Stars catalog
PMID        PubMed Identifier PubMed Unique Identifier)
PMM         Precision Measuring Machine (USNO)
PMN         Parkes-MIT-NRAO radio survey
PMNM        Parkes-MIT-NRAO Map radio catalogue
PMO         Purple Mountain Observatory, China
PMRF        Pacific Missile Range Facility
PMS         Pre Main Sequence
PMSL        Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level
PMT         Photo-Multiplier Tube
PMT         Pulkovo Meridian Telescope
PM-X        X-coordinate of Polar Motion
PM-Y        Y-coordinate of Polar Motion
PN          Pitcairn (ISO code)
PN          Planetary Nebula (Nebulae)
PN          Post-Newtonian
PN          Pseudo Noise
PNA         Personal Navigation Assistant
PNA         Post-Newtonian Approximation
PND         Personal Navigation Device
PND         Portable Navigation Device
PNe         Planetary Nebulae
PNG         Portable Network Graphics
PNNI        Private Network-to-Network Interface
PnP         Plug aNd Play
PnP         Perspective n-Point Problem
PNR         Personal Name Record
PNS         Peripheral Nervous System
PNS         (also PN.S) Planetary Nebula Spectrograph
PNT         Positioning, Navigation, and Timing
P.O.        Post Office
POC         Point Of Contact
POCM        Parallel Ocean Climate Model
p.o.d.      pay on delivery
POD         Precise (Precision) Orbit Determination
PoE         Power over Internet
POE         Precise Orbit Ephemerides
POES        NOAA Polar-Orbiting Environmental System (Satellite)
POINTS      Precision Optical INTerferometer in Space
Pol.        Polish
POL         Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, Liverpool, UK
POLAC       Paris Observatory Lunar Analysis Center
POLARIS     POLar motion Analysis by Radio Interferometric Surveying
POLDER      POLarization and Directionality of the Earth's Reflectances
POLSA       Polish Space Agency
POLSSM      Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory Storm Surge Model
POMME       POtsdam Magnetic Model of the Earth
POP         Package-Oriented Programming
pop.        Population
POP         Post Office Protocol
Port.       Portuguese
POS         Portable Operating System
POSIX       Portable Operating System Interface for UNIX
POSS        Palomar Observatory Sky Survey
POST        Pacific Ocean Shelf Tracking project
POTS        Plain Old Telephone System (Service)
pp.         pages
pp.         past participle
p.p.        per person
PP          Pilot Project
PP          PolyPropylene
PP          Power Play (ice hockey)
ppb         parts-per-billion, 10-9
PPC         Pocket PC
PPET        Portable Pico-second Event Timer
PPGN        Primary Precise Geodetic Network, Japan
PPM         Pacific Plate Motion program
ppm         parts-per-million, 10-6
PPM         Positions and Proper Motions catalog
PPME        Pacific Plate Motion Experiment
PPN         Post-Post-Newtonian
PPN         Parametrized Post-Newtonian
PPOSS       Physical Parameters of Solar System Objects
PPP         Point-to-Point Protocol
PPP         Public Private Partnership
PPRA        Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment
PPS.        additional postscript (Lat. Post postscriptum)
PPS         Paper Processing System
PPS         Power Point Show
PPS         Precise Positioning Service
pps         pulse per second
ppt         parts-per-thousand, 10-3
PPTA        Parkes Pulsar Timing Array
PR          PseudoRange
PR          Public Relations
PR          Puerto Rico (ISO code)
PRAIA       Platform for Reduction of Astronomical Images Automatically
PRAM        Phase-change Random Access Memory
PRAMM       Planning Research Analysis Marketing and Management firm, USA
PRAO        Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory, Russia
PPARC       Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council, UK
PRARE       Precise Range And Range-rate Equipment
PRC         People's Republic of China
PRC         Public Relation Center
PREM        Preliminary Reference Earth Model
PRF         Personal Resources Form
PRF         Pulse Repetition Frequency
PRI         Primary Rate Interface
PRIC        Polar Research Institute of China
PRIDE       Planetary Radio Interferometry and Doppler Experiment
PRIMA       Phase Referenced Imaging and Micro-arcsecond Astrometry (VLTI)
PRIMUS      PRIsm MUlti-object Survey
PRISM       Panchromatic Remote-sensing Instrument for Stereo Mapping (Japan)
PRL         Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, India
PRM         Persons with Reduced Mobility
PRN         Pseudo Random Noise
PRN         Pseudo Random Number
PRND        Park, Reverse, Neutral, Drive
PRO         Parkes Radio Observatory, Australia
Proc.       Proceedings
Prof.       Professor
PROM        Programmable Read-Only Memory
PRR         Print Request Router
PRS         Galileo Public Regulated Service
PRT         Processing Reference Time (VLBI correlation)
ps          Picosecond
PS          Polystyrene
PS          PostScript
PS.         Postscript (Lat. Postscriptum)
PS          Power Supply
Ps.         Psalm
PS          Pulkovo Stars
PsA         Piscis Austrlinus (constellation)
PSA         Prostate-Specific Antigen
Psc         Pisces (constellation)
PSC         IRAS Point Source Catalog
PSD         Post-Seismic Deformation
PSD         Power Spectral Density
PSF         Point Spread Function
PSG         Paris Saint Germain football club
PSI         Packetnet Systems Interface
psi         pound per square inch
PSI         Principia Scientific International
PSK         Phase Shift Keying
PSLR        Portable Satellite Laser Ranging System, Latvia
PSMSL       POL Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level, Liverpool, UK
PSN         Piano Spazial Nazionale, Italy
PSO         Penalty Shoot-Out (sport)
PSP         PlayStation Portable
PSP         Poisson Series Processor
PSR         Pulsar
PSRS        Patient Safety Reporting System, USA
PST         U.S. Pacific Standard Time (UTC - 8h)
PSTN        Public Switched Telephone Network
pt.         part
PT          Partition Table
PT          "Physics Today"
PT          Playback Terminal
PT          Portugal (ISO code)
PTA         Pulsar Timing Array
PTB         Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Braunschgweig, Germany
PTC         Pacific Telecommunications Council
PTC         Positive Train Control program, USA
PT&F        Precise Time and Frequency
PTI         Parkes-Tidbinbilla real-time Interferometer, Australia
PTI         Payment To Income
PTI         Photoelectric Transit Instrument
PTP         Picture Transfer Protocol
PTRF        Probability Theory and Related Fields (journal)
Pts         Points (sport)
PTS         Precision Timing Station (Galileo)
PTTI        Precise Time and Time Interval
Pty.        Proprietary
Publ.       Publication(s)
PUK         Personal Unblocking Key
PUMA        Portable University Model of the Atmosphere, Meteorological Institute, University of Hamburg, Germany
Pup         Puppis (constellation)
PURL        Persistent Uniform Resource Locator
PVC         PolyVinyl Chloride
PVLAS       Polarizzazione del Vuoto con LASer
PVM         Parallel Virtual Machine
PVO         Pioneer Venus Orbiter
PW          Palau (ISO code)
PWN         Pulsar Wind Nebula
PWNe        Pulsar Wind Nebulae
PWR         Power
PWS         Personal Web Server
PWS         Present Weather System (EUMETNET program)
PWV         Precipitable Water Vapor
PY          Paraguay (ISO code)
Pyx         Pyxis (constellation)
PZT         Photographic Zenith Tube

Q           Qualified for next round (sport)
Q           Quarter
Q           Queen (chess)
Q.          Question
QA          Qatar (ISO code)
QA          Quality Assurance
Q&A         Questions and Answers
QASP        Quality Assurance Program (EVN/JIVE)
QBO         Quasi-Biennial Oscillation
QBSA        Quarterly Bulletin of Solar Activity
QC          Quality Control (Quality Check)
QCD         Quantum ChromoDynamics
QDSS        Quick Daily Sky Survey
QE          Quantum Efficiency
Q.E.D.      which was to be demonstrated/shown/proved (Lat. quod erat demonstrandum)
Q.E.F.      which was to have been done (Lat. quod erat faciendum)
QEM         Quality Education for Minorities program, USA
QEMM        Quarterdeck Expanded Memory Manager
QFC         Quality Food Centers
QFO         Quasi-Featureless Objects
QG          Quasi-Geostrophic
QIF         Quasi Ionosphere Free
QISAM       Queued Indexed Sequential Access Method
QL          Quick-Look
QLDAC       DUT Quick-Look Data Analysis Center
QLNP        Quick-Look Normal Point (SLR)
QMCP        Quadrant MicroChannel Plate
QoS         Quality of Service
QPO         Quasi-Periodic Oscillation
QR          Quick Response (code)
QRT         Quasi-Real Time
QSAM        Queued Sequential Access Method
QSO         QuasiStellar Object (quasar)
qty.        quantity
QUAKES      Queensland University Advanced Centre for Earthquake Studies, University of Queensland, Australia.
QUASAR      QUantitative Analysis and Series Adjustment in Radioastrometry
QuASAR      Quantum-Assisted Sensing and Readout
QUIET       Q/U Imaging ExperimenT
q.v.        which see (Lat. Quod vide)
QVADIS      Quantum Vacuum Astrometric Detection In Solar system
QZSS        Quasi-Zenith Satellite System, Japan

R           Are
R           Reaumur
R           Red
R.          Republican (a member of the Republic Party)
R           Resistance
R.          Road
R           Rook (chess)
R.          Royal
R2          Robonaut
RA          Radar Altimeter
RA          RadioAstron
RA          Right Ascension
RAA         Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics (journal)
rad         Radian
RADAR       Radio Detection and Ranging
RAEGE       Red Atlántica de Estaciones Geodinámicas y Espaciales
RAFCAP      Radio Astronomy Frequency Committee in the Asia Pacific region
RAID        Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disk
RAIDS       Remote Atmospheric and Ionospheric Detection System
RAIM        Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring
RAL         Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK
RAM         Random Access Memory
RAMAC       Random-Access Memory Automatic Computer
RAMOD       Relativistic Astrometric MODel
RAO         Radio Astronomy Observatory
RAoE        Royal Academy of Engineering, UK
RARP        Reverse Address Resolution Protocol
RARR        Range And RangeRate
RAS         Remote Access Services
RAS         Royal Astronomical Society, UK
RAS         Russian Academy of Sciences
RASA        Russian American Scientists Association
RASA        Russian-speaking Academic Science Association
RASCAL      RASter Scanning Airborne Lidar
RASNZ       Royal Astronomical Society of New Zealand
RASS        ROSAT All-Sky Survey
RASS-FSC    ROSAT All-Sky Survey Faint Source Catalogue
RATAN       Radio Telescope of Academy of Sciences (Rus. RAdioTelescop Akademii Nauk)
RAVE        RAdial Velocity Experiment
RBC         Revised Bologna Catalog
RBR         Red Bull Racing (Formula 1)
RBS         ROSAT Bright Survey
RC          Red Clump
R/C         Replacement Civil (GPS code)
RC          Release Candidate
RC          Resistance-Capacitance
RCFC&WCD    Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, USA
RCMA        IAU WG on Relativity for Celestial Mechanics and Astrometry
RCMAM       IAU WG on Relativity for Celestial Mechanics and Metrology
RCP         Right Circular Polarization
RCT         Robotically Controlled Telescope
R&D         Research and Development
Rd.         Road
RDAAC       Regional GPS Data Acquisition and Analysis Center on northern Eurasia, Moscow
RDAN        Roosbeek Dehant Analytical Nutation
RDBE        ROACH Digital Backend
RDBMS       Relational Data Base Management System
RDC         Regional Data Center
RDF         Radioastron Data Format
RDF         Resource Description Framework
RDML        Rear Admiral (Lower Half)
RDNN        Roosbeek Dehant Numerical Nutation
RDO         Remote Data Objects
RDR         Radioastron Data Recorder
RDS         Remote Data Service
R&E         Research and Education
RE          Reunion (ISO code)
REASoN      NASA Earth Science Research, Education and Applications Solutions Network program
REE         Rare Earth Elements
REGAL       Regional GPS Network Across Western Alps
REM         Reference Earth Model
Rem.        Remote
REML        Restricted Maximum Likelihood Estimator
REN         REName
RENOIR      Remote Equatorial Nighttime Observatory for Ionospheric Regions
Rep.        Reports
Rep.        Republican (a member of the Republic Party)
Reqd.       Required
Res.        Research
resp.       Respectively
RESURS      Earth Remote Sensing Satellite
Ret         Reticulum (constellation)
ret.        retired
REU         Research Experiences for Undergraduates program (NSF, USA)
Rev.        Reverend
Rev.        Review
RF          Radio Frequency
R.F.        Russian Federation
RFBR        Russian Foundation for Basic Research
RFC         Request for Comments
RFC         Remote Flow Control
RFCN        Retrograde Free Core Nutation
RFE         Radio Free Europe
RFI         Radio Frequency Interference
RFI         Request For Information
RFID        Radio Frequency IDentification
RFP         Request For Proposal
RFQ         Request For Quote
RFS         Remote File Sharing (UNIX file system)
RFWG        IGS Reference Frame Working Group
RG          Red Giant
RGB         Red Giant Branch
RGB         Red-Green-Blue
RGC         Russian Guild of Cinematographers
RGNA        Red Geodesica Nacional Activa, Mexico
RGO         Royal Greenwich Observatory, UK
RGOLAS      RGO Laser System, Herstmonso, UK
RHC         Right-Hand Circular polarization
RHCP        Right-Hand Circular Polarization
RHESSI      NASA Reuven Ramaty High-Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager spacecraft (formerly HESSI)
RHP         Revised Harvard Photometry, the same as HR
RHS         Right Hand Side
RI          Rhode Island
RICE        Regional Information CEnter
RIG         Research Institute of Geodesy, Geodetic Observatory Pecny, Ondrejov, Czech Republic
RIGTC       Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography, and Cartography
RIKEN       Institute for Chemistry and Physics, Wako, Saitama, Japan
RIM         Regional Ionosphere Map (Model)
RIMPAC      Rim of the Pacific exercise
RIMS        Ranging and Integrity Monitoring Stations (EGNOS)
RIN         Royal Institute of Navigation, UK
RINEX       Receiver INdependent EXchange format
RIP         Lat. requiescat in pace (rest in peace)
RIP         Routing Information Protocol
RIS         Retroreflector in Space
RIS         Raytheon Information Systems, Upper Marlboro, MD, USA
RISAT       Radar Imaging Satellite
RISC        RadioAstron International Science Council
RISC        Reduced Instruction-Set Computer
RISDE       Russian Institute of Space Device Engineering
RISE        Radio Interferometry for SElenodesy project, Japan
RISM        Research Institute of Surveying and Mapping, China
RITSS       Raytheon Information Technology and Scientific Services, USA
RJES        Russian Journal of Earth Sciences
RJGC        Royal Jordanian Geographic Center, Jordan
RJW2007     Ruch-Jones-Woodward 2007
RL          Radio Liberty
RL          Radio-Loud
RLA         Richardson-Lucy Algorithm
RLE         Run Length Encoding
RLQ         Radio-Loud Quasar
RLR         Revised Local Reference
RLV         Reusable Launch Vehicle
RM          Reference Monument
RME         Relay Mirror Experiment
RMS         Root Mean Square(d)
RMSD        Root Mean Square(d) Deviation
RMSE        Root Mean Square(d) Error
RMT         Reference Monument
RNA         Remote Network Access
RNAAC       IGS Regional Network Associate Analysis Center
RNSS        Radio Navigation Satellite Service
RO          Romania (ISO code)
ROA         Real Instituto y Observatorio de la Armada, San Fernando, Spain
ROACH       Reconfigurable Open Architecture Computing Hardware
ROAS        Radio Optical Astrometric Sources
ROB         Royal Observatory of Belgium (Fr. Observatoire Royal de Belgium), Brussels, Belgium
ROC         Republic of China (Taiwan)
R.O.C.S.    Reminerazing Oral Care Systems
ROE         Royal Observatory, Edinburgh, UK
ROEN        Radio-Observatorio Espacial do Nordeste, Brazil
RoHS        Restrictions on the use of Hazardous Material (European Community directive)
ROLSS       Radio Observatory on the Lunar Surface for Solar studies
ROM         Read-Only Memory
RORF        Radio Optical Reference Frame
RORS        Radio Optical Reference System
ROS         Rain-On-Snow
ROSA        Radio Occultation for Sounding the Atmosphere
ROSA        Rapid Oscillations in the Solar Atmosphere
ROSAT       X-ray satellite (Ger. RÖntgenSATellit)
ROSES       NASA Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences
ROT         Requested Observe Time (VSI)
ROTSE       Robotic Optical Transient Search Experiment
RP          Recurrence Plot
RPA         Rapid Prototype Array (ATA)
RPC         Remote Procedure Call
RPG         Report Program Generator
RPI         Real Property Inventory
RPIN        Russian Public Institute of Navigation
RPM         Research Performance Measurement
rpm         revolutions per minute
rps         revolutions per second
RQ          Radio-Quiet 
RQA         Recurrence Quantification Analysis
RQE         Responsive Quantum Efficiency
RQQ         Radio-Quiet Quasar
RR          Rear Row
RR          Rolls-Royce
RRA         RetroReflector Array
RRE         Royal Radar Establishment, Malvern, UK
RRF         Radio Reference Frame
RRFID       USNO Radio Reference Frame Image Database
RRL         Radio Research Laboratories, Japan (now CRL)
RRS         Radio Reference Stars
RRS         Roy-Rao-Subrahmanyan
RRV         Reid-Readhead-Vermeulen VLBA Radio source
RS          Radio Source
RS          Reference System
RS          Serbia (ISO code)
RSA         Russian Space Agency
RSAT        Relay Satellite Transponder (SELENE)
RSC         Radio Source Coordinates
RSCI        Russian Science Citation Index
RSE         Reference System Effect
RSEM        Remote Scanning Electron Microscopy
RSG         Red SuperGiant
RSMAS       Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science
RSN         Real Soon Now
RSP         Research and Sponsored Program(s)
RSRE        Royal Signals and Radar Establishment, UK
RSS         Really Simple Syndication (RDF Site Summary, Rich Site Summary)
RSSA        Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics, MSSSO, Australia
RSU         Rivers State University of Science and Technology, Nigeria
RSVP        Please Reply (Fr. Répondez S'il Vous Plaît)
RSVP        Resource ReserVation Protocol
RSX         Resource Sharing Executive (operating system)
RT          Radio Telescope
RT          "Russia Today"
RT          Real Time
RT          Recording Terminal
RT          MRAO Ryle Telescope
RTAI        Real Time Application Interface
RTC         Real Time Clock
RTCA        Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics
RTCM        Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services, USA
RTCP        Real-Time Control Protocol
RTD         Research and Technological Development
RTK         Real Time Kinematics
RTL         HP Raster Transfer Language
RTL         Right-To-Left
RTM         Release To Manufactures
RTML        Remote Telescope Markup Language
RTN         Research Training Network (European Commission)
RTP         Real-Time Protocol
RTP         Registered Traveller Program
RTT         Round-Trip Time
RTW         RadioTelescope Wettzell
RTWG        IGS Real Time Working Group
RU          Russian Federation (ISO code)
RuGBC       Russian Green Building Council
RUNNet      Russian UNiversity Network
Rus.        Russian
RUSEG       Russia/US Experiment on Geodynamics by GPS Technology
RV          Radial Velocity
RV          Recrational Vehicle
RVO         Russian Virtual Observatory
RW          Rwanda (ISO code)
RWC         Reduced Width Correlator
RX          Receiver
RXTE        Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer

S           Saturday
S.          Saturn
s           Second
S           Siemens
S           South
S           Sunday
SA          Selective Availability
sa          semiannual
SA          Saudi Arabia (ISO code)
SA          South Africa
SA          South America
SAA         South Atlantic Anomaly
SAAO        South African Astronomical Observatory
SABER       Sounding of the Atmosphere using Broadband Emission Radiometry
SAC         Astronomical Station of Cagliari (It. Stazione Astronomica di Cagliari, Italy
SAC         Service Access Controller (UNIX)
SAC         Satelite de Aplicaciones Cientificas
SAF         Service Access Facility (UNIX)
SAFE        San Andreas Fault Experiment
SAFRD       South African Foundation for Research Development
SAGACE      Spectroscopic Active Galaxies And Clusters Explorer
SAGE        Small Advanced Geodetic E-VLBI system
SAGE        Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment
SAI         Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow, Russia
SAIC        Science Applications International Corporation, Beltsville, MD, USA
SAIP        South Africa Institute of Physics
S.A.It.     Italian Astronomical Society (It. Società Astronomica Italiana)
SALP        Altimetry and Precise Positionning Service (Fr. Service d'Altimetrie et Localisation Precise)
SALRO       Saudi Arabian Laser Ranging Observatory, Riyahd, Saudi Arabia
SALSA       Such A Lovely Small Antenna, Onsala, Sweden
SALT        Southern African Large Telescope
SAM         Sequential Access Method
SAMBA       SAtellite to Measure Background Anisotropies
SAO         Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, China
SAO         Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA, USA
SAO         Special Astrophysical Observatory, N. Arkhys, Russia
SAPI        Speech API
SAPOS       SAtellite POsitioning Service, Germany
SAR         Search And Rescue
SAR         Specific Absorption Rate
SAR         Synthetic Aperture Radar
SAREX       Shuttle Amateur Radio Experiment
SARS        Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
SAS         Safety Access Service (Galileo)
SAS         Scandinavian Airlines System
SAS         Serial Attached SCSI
SAS         Statistical Analysis System
Sat.        Saturday
SAT         Semi-Automatic Transmission
SAT         Site Acceptance Test
SAT         Stepped Atomic Time
SATA        Serial ATA
SATA        Student Avia Travel Association
SATAN       SATellite ANalysis (RGO)
SATAN       Satellite Automatic Tracking Antenna
SATIRE      Spectral And Total Irradiance REconstruction
SATIRE-S    Spectral And Total Irradiance REconstruction-Satellite era
SATRE       SAtellite Time and Range Equipment
SATS        NASA Small Aircraft Transportation System
SAVNET      South America VLF Network
SAW         Surface Acoustic Wave
S.B.        Bachelor of Science (Lat. Scientiae Baccalaureus)
SB          Season Best (sport)
SB          Solomon Islands (ISO code)
SB          Sound Blaster
SB          Special Bureau
SB          Spectral Binary
SB          Spectroscopic Binary star
sb          Stilb
SB          SubBureau
SB1         Single-Lined Spectroscopic Binary star
SB2         Double-Lined Spectroscopic Binary star
SBA         IERS/GGFC Special Bureau for Atmosphere
SBAAM       IERS SubBureau for Atmospheric Angular Momentum
SBAS        Satellite-Based Augmentation System(s)
SBC         IERS/GGFC Special Bureau for Core
SBCS        Single-Byte Character Set
SBD         SingleBand Delay
SBG         Satelliten Beobachtung Gerät (atsronomical camera)
SBGG        IERS/GGFC Special Bureau for Geocenter/Gravity
SBH         IERS/GGFC Special Bureau for Hydrology
SBI         Same Beam Interferometry
SBI         Short Baseline Interferometer
SBIG        Santa Barbara Instrument Group, Santa Barbara, CA, USA
SBL         IERS/GGFC Special Bureau for Loading
SBM         IERS/GGFC Special Bureau for Mantle
SBNC        Small Bodies Names Committee
SBO         IERS/GGFC Special Bureau for Oceans
SB RAS      Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
SBS         Satellite Business Systems satellites
SBT         IERS/GGFC Special Bureau for Tides
sc.         Science
SC          Seychelles (ISO code)
SC          Solar Cycle
SC          South Carolina
S/C         Spacecraft
SC          Spacial Committee
SC          Subcommission
SCAP        NASA Strategic Capabilities Assets Program
SCAR        Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research
SCAR        Shanghai Center for Astro-geodynamics Research, China
SCARIe      Software Correlator Architecture Research and Implementation for e-VLBI
SCCS        Source Code Control System (UNIX)
SCCF        Satellite Constellation Control Facility (Galileo)
SCEC        Southern California Earthquake Center, USC, Los Angeles, CA, USA
SCEG        School of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, UK
SCF         Signal Control Facility (Galileo)
SCFCS       ICSU Standing Committee on the Freedom in the Conduct of Science
SCG         SuperConducting Gravimeter
sci.        science
SCI         Science Citation Index
SCI         Systematic, Cybernetics and Informatics
SCIAMACHY   SCanning Imaging Absorbtion spectrometer for AtMospheric CartograpHY
SCIE        Science Citation Index Expanded
SciELO      Scientific Electronic Library Online
SciEP       Science and Education Publishing
SCIGN       Southern California Integrated GPS Network
SCINDA      Scintillation Network Decision Aid
Scl         Sculptor (constellation)
SCLERA      Santa Catalina Laboratory for Experimental Relativity by Astrometry
SCM         Software Configuration Management
SCO         Santa Cruz Operation
Sco         Scorpius (constellation)
SCOR        Scientific Committee on Ocean Researches
SCORE       Systemic COronary Risk Evaluation
SCORPIO     Spectral Camera with Optical Reducer for Photometric and Interferometric Observations
SCOSTEP     Scientific Committee on Solar-Terrestrial Physics
SCP         Supernova Cosmology Project
SCPC        Single Channel Per Carrier
SCSI        Small Computer System Interface
SCT         Scotland
Sct         Scutum (constellation)
SCUBA       Submillimetre Common-User Bolometer Array, JCMT
SCup        UEFA Super Cup
SCUSS       South Galactic Cap u-band Sky Survey
SD          Single Density
SD          Single-Depth (GPS antenna)
SD          Single Difference
SD          South Dakota
SD          Standard Definition
SD          Standard Deviation
SD          Sudan (ISO code)
SD          Sullivan - Downes
SDA         Secure Digital Association
SDA         Seventh-Day Adventist
S.Dak.      South Dakota
sdB         Subdwarf B star
SDCE        Software Development Capability Evaluations
SDHC        Secure Digital High Capacity
SDIO        Strategic Defence Initiative Organization, USA
SDK         Software Development Kit
SDLC        Synchronous Data Link Communication
SDO         Solar Dynamics Observatory
SDR         Standard Dimension Ratio
SDRAM       Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory
SDSC        San Diego Supercomputer Center
SDSS        Sloan Digital Sky Survey
SDU         Departement des Sciences de l'Univers, INSU
SE          Search Engine
SE          Southeast
SE          Stock Exchange
SE          Sweden (ISO code)
SEAC        European Society for Astronomy in Culture (Fr. Société Européenne pour l'Astronomie dans la Culture)
SEAP        U.S. Civilian Employee Assistance Program
SEARCH      Study of Earth-Atmosphere Rapid Changes
SEATO       South-East Asia Treaty Organization
sec         Second
SEC         Secondary Electron Conductivity
Sec.        Secretary
SEC         NOAA Space Environment Center, Boulder, CO, USA
SECAM       Systeme Electronique Couleur Avec Memoire
SED         Spectral Energy Distribution
sed         stream editor (Unix)
SEEDS       Strategy for the Evolution of ESE Data Systems, NASA
SeeMe       Space Enabled Effects for Military Engagements
SEFD        System Equivalent Flux Density
SEG         Society of Exploration Geophysicists
SEGUE       Sloan Extension for Galactic Understanding and Exploration
SEI         Software Engineering Institute, Pittsburgh, PA , USA
SEL         Software Engineering Laboratory, GSFC, CSC, UM, USA
SELENE      SELenological and ENgineering Explorer project, Japan
SELF        SEa Level Fluctuations (in the Medterranean)
SELV        Safely Extra-Low Voltage
Sen.        Senator
SENH        NASA Solid Earth and Natural Hazards program
Sens.       Sensing
SENTO       CENtral Treaty Organization
SEO         Search Engine Optimization
Sep         September
SEP         Strong Equivalence Principle
SEPS        European Secretariat for Scientific Publications (It. Segretariato Europeo per le Pubblicazioni Scientifiche), Italy
Ser.        Series
Ser         Serpens (constellation)
SERC        Smithsonian Environmental Research Center, Edgewater, MD, USA
SERIES      Satellite Emission Radio Interferometric Earth Surveying (Satellite Emission Range Inferred Earth Surveying)
SESAM       SEmiconductor Saturable Absorber Mirrors
SEST        Swedish-ESO Submillimeter Telescope
SESWG       NASA Solid Earth Science Working Group
SETI        Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence
SEVAN       Space Environment Viewing and Analysis Network
SEWP        Scientific and Engineering Workstation Procurement
Sex         Sextans (constellation)
SF          Scale Factor
SF          Science Fiction
SF          Semi-Final (sport)
SF          Square Feet (Foot)
SF2A        French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics (Fr. Société Française d'Astronomie et d'Astrophysique)
SFA         San Fernando Monument Information
SFCSIC      Coordinational Scientific Information Center of the Russian Ministry of Defence
SFF         Small Form Factor
SFG         Star-Forming Galaxy
SFI         Solar Flux Index
SFR         Star Formation (Forming) Rate
SFR         Star Formation (Forming) Region
SFSA        French Society of Professional Astronomers (Fr. Société Française des Spécialistes d'Astronomie)
SFX         SelF-eXtracting (file archive)
SG          Secretary General
SG          Signal Generator
SG          Singapore (ISO code)
SG          Superconducting Gravimeter
SGAPO       Space Geodesy and Altimetry Projects Office
SGB         Sub-Giant Branch
Sge         Sagitta (constellation)
SGF         Space Geodesy Facility, UK
SGGS        NASA/JPL Satellite Geodesy and Geodynamics Systems Group
SGI         Silicon Graphics Image
SGI         Silicon Graphics, Inc., Mountain View, CA, USA
SGL         CRESTech Space Geodynamics Laboratory, Canada
SGML        Standard Generalized Markup Language
SGMS        Space Geodetic Measurement Sites
SGP         Space Geodesy Project
Sgr         Sagittarius (constellation)
SGR         Soft Gamma-ray Repeater
SGRN        Slovak Geodynamic Reference Network
Sgt.        Sergeant
S&H         Shipping & Handling
SH          Southern Hemisphere
SH          St. Helena (ISO code)
SHAGAP      SHAnghai observatory GPS Analysis Program
SHAR        Shell Archiver
SHAO        SHanghai Astronomical Observatory, China
SHARC       SHarc Acquires Receiver Contents (GPS software)
SHARC       Super Harvard Architecture Computer
SHeGs       Superfluid Helium Gyroscope
SHELS       Smithsonian Hectospec Lensing Survey
SHEVE       Southern Hemisphere VLBI Experiment
SHI         Software House International
SHO         Simosato Hydrographic Observatory, Japan
SHOLAS      Simosato Laser Station, Japan
SHORD       SHanghai observatory ORbit Determination
SHS         SuperCOSMOS H-alpha Survey, ROE, UK
SI          International System of Units (Fr. Systeme International)
SI          Slovenia (ISO code)
SI          Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, USA
SI          Special Issue
SI          Spectral Index
SI          Structure Index
SIAM        Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, USA
SBIRS       Space Based Infrared System
SIC         Solid Inner Core
SIC         Standard Industrial Code
SIDC        Solar Influences Data analysis Center, ROB, Belgium
SIDC        Sunspot Index Data Centre
SIF         Site Information Form (IGS)
SigSpec     Significance Spectrum
SIM         NASA/JPL Space Interferometry Mission
SIM         Subscriber Identity Module
SIMB        Service d'Installation et de Maintenance des Balises DORIS, CNES, Toulouse, France
SIMBAD      Set of Identifications, Measurements Bibliography for Astronomical Data
SIMD        Single Instruction Multiply Data
SIMFOV      SIMulation Field Of View software
SIMM        Single In-Line Memory Module
SINET       Science Information NETwork, Japan
SINEX       Solution (Software/technique) INdependent EXchange format
SINGS       Spitzer Infrared Nearby Galaxies Survey
SINS        Strapdown Inertial Navigation System
SIO         Scripps Institution of Oceanography, San Diego, CA, USA
SIP         SIO Predicted orbit
SIP         Statistically Improbable Phrase (Amazon)
SIR         SCImago Institutions Rankings
SIRAL       SAR/Interferometric Radar Altimeter (CryoSat mission)
SIRIUS      Spiiras Interface for Recognition and Integral Understanding of Speech
SIRGAS      (till 2001) South American Geocentric Reference System (Pg. Sistema de Referencia Geocéntrico para América del Sur)
SIRGAS      (since 2001) Geocentric Reference System for the Americas (Pg. Sistema de Referencia Geocéntrico para Las Américas)
SIRS        Southern International Reference Stars
SIRTF       NASA Space InfraRed Telescope Facility (Shuttle InfraRed Telescope Facility)
SIS         Scanning Imaging Spectroradiometer
SIS         Signal-In-Space (EGNOS)
SIS         Software Interface Specification
SISA        Signal-In-Space Accuracy (EGNOS)
SISRE       Signal-In-Space Range Errors
SISRE       Swiss Institute of Science, Research and Engineering
SIT         Silicon Intensified Target
SITA        Société Internationale de Télécommunications Aéronautiques
SIU         Smart Internet Usage
SJ          Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands (ISO code)
SJR         Scimago Journal Rank
SK          Norwegian Mapping Authority (Norw. Statens Kartwerk), Norway
SK          Slovakia (Slovak Republic) (ISO code)
SKA         Square Kilometer Array (radio telescope project)
SL          Sierra Leone (ISO code)
SL          Sport und Leicht (Mercedes car class)
SLA         Sea Level Anomalies
SLA         Service Level Agreement
SLACS       Sloan Lens ACS survey.
SLA         Shuttle Laser Altimeter
SLC         Space Launch Complex
SLF         Shuttle Landing Facility
SLI         NASA Space Launch Initiative
SLICER      Scanning Lidar Imager of Canopies by Echo Recovery
SLIP        Serial Line Interface Protocol
SLOC        Source Lines Of Code
SLR         Satellite Laser Ranging
SLR         Single-Lens Reflex camera
SLS         Space Launch System
SLS         Softlanding Linux System
SM          San Marino (ISO code)
SMA         SubMillimeter Array (SAO, ASIAA)
SMART       Stretched Mesh Attached to Rope Trusses (radio telescope back-up structure)
SMART       Sub-Millimeter ARray of Taiwan (ASIAA)
SMB         Server Message Block
SMB         Small and Media Business
SMBH        Super Massive Black Hole
SMC         Small Magellanic Cloud
SMCDS       NASA Space Mission Communications and Data Services
SMD         NASA's Science Mission Directorate
SMEX        NASA SMall EXplorer satellite program
SMBH        SuperMassive Black Hole
SMIL        Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language
SMP         South Magnetic Pole
SMP         Symmetric Multi-Processor
SMS         Satellite Media (Message) Services
SMS         Short Messaging System
SMS         Systems Management Server
SMTP        Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
SMVA        Space Millimeter VLBI Array
SN          Senegal (ISO code)
S/N         Serial Number
SN          SuperNova
SNAP        Satellite Navigation & Positioning Laboratory, Australia
SNAP        Standard Notation for Astronomical Procedures (FS command language)
SNAP        SuperNova / Acceleration Probe
SNARF       Stable North American Reference Frame
SNG         SuomiNet Geodetic
SNHT        Standard Normal Homogeneity Test
SNI         Type I SuperNova
SNII        Type II SuperNova
SNIP        Source Normalized Impact per Paper
SNLS        SuperNova Legacy Survey
SNMP        Simple Network Management Protocol
SNNS        Stuttgart Neural Network Simulator
SNR         Signal-to-Noise Ratio
SNR         SuperNova Remnant
SNREI       Spherically symmetric, Non-Rotating, Elastic, Isotropic (Earth model)
SNRVI       Spherically symmetric, Non-Rotating, Visco-elastic, Isotropic (Earth model)
SNTP        Simple Network Time Protocol
SO          Somalia (ISO code)
SO          Southern Oscillation (meteorology)
SOAP        Single Operator Automation System
SOC         Scientific Organizing Committee
Soc.        Society
SOD         CNES Service d'Orbitographie DORIS
SOD         Site Occupation Designator
SODIMM      Small Outline DIMM
SOEST       School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, University of Hawaii, USA
SOFA        Standards Of Fundamental Astronomy
SOFIA       NASA Stratospheric Observatory For Infrared Astronomy
SOHO        ESA/NASA SOlar and Heliospheric Observatory mission
SOI         Solar Oscillations Investigation
SOI         Southern Oscillation Index (meteorology)
SOI         Survey of Israel
SOLAS       Surface Ocean - Lower Atmosphere Study project
SOLIS       Synoptic Optical Long-term Investigations of the Sun (NSO)
SOLSTICE    Solar Stellar Irradiance Comparison Experiment
SONEL       Système d'Observation du Niveau des Eaux Littorales
SONET       Synchronous Optical NETwork, USA
SOOS        Stacked Oscars on Scout (TRANSIT)
SOPAC       SIO Scripps Orbit and Permanent Array Center, San Diego, CA, USA
SOPS        Space Operations Squadron
SOR         Starfire Optical Range, USA
SORBDT      Satellite ORBit DeTerminator
SORCE       SOlar Radiation and Climate Experiment, NASA
SORT        Solar Orbit Relativity Test
SOS         Sasao-Okuba-Saito theory
SOS         Save Our Souls (Save Our Ship, Stop Other Signals)
SOS-W       Satellite Observing System Wettzell, Germany
SP          Shore Patrol
SP          Signal Processing
Sp.         Space
Sp.         Spanish
SP          NASA STI Special Publication
sp          spoon
SP          Super Power (TM)
SPA         Lat. Sanus per Aquam (health by water)
SPA         Secure Password Authentication
SPAD        Single Photon (Photoelectron) Avalanche Diode
SPADATS     Space Detection And Tracking System
SPADES      Stellar PArameters DEtermination Software
SPAM        "Shoulder of Pork And Ham"
SPAN        Space Physics Analysis Network
Span.       Spanish
SPARC       Scalable Processor ARChitecture
SPARC       Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition
SPb         St.Petersburg, Russia
SPBU        St.Petersburg State University, Russia
SPC         ESA Science Program Committee
SPC         Super Physical Contact (connector)
SPD         Ger. Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschland
SPD         Spectral Power Density
SPE         Single Photo Electron
SPE         Squared Prediction Error
SPF         Sun Protection Factor
SPGN        Secondary Precise Geodetic Network, Japan
SPGS        Slovak Permanent GNSS Service
SPIE        Society of Photographic Instrumentation Engineers, then Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, then International Society for Optical Engineering, then just SPIE
SPIEF       St. Petersburg International Economic Forum
SPIN        Service Provider Identification Number
SPK         Spacecraft and Planet Kernel (file format)
SPM         Southern Proper Motion program
SPNLAS      San Fernando Laser Station, Spain
SPO         Secondary Public Offering
SPOT        Satellite Probatoire d'Observation de la Terre
SPOT        Système pour l'Observation de la Terre
SPOTS       Search for Planets Orbiting Two Stars
SPOTL       Some Programs for Ocean-Tide Loading
SPP         Solar Principal Plane
SPP         Standard Parallel Port
SPRINT      Standardized Platform for Radio Interferometry using Networked Telescopes
SPRINTmail  SPRINT Mail (formerly TELEMAIL)
SPS         Scientific Publishing Services Pvt. Limited, India
SPS         Sharepoint Portal Server
SPS         Sigma Pi Sigma
SPS         Solar Powered Satellite
SPS         Sony Play Station
SPS         Standard Positioning Service
SPT         Satellite Positioning Technology
SPWG        ILRS Signal Processing Working Group
sq.         square
SQL         Structured Query Language
Sr.         Senior
SR          Special Relativity
SR          State Road
SR          Suriname (ISO code)
SRAM        Static Random Access Memory
SRC-PAS     Space Research Center of the Astrodynamical Observatory of the PAS
SRDC        Shanghai Regional Data Center
SRG         Special Rapporteur Group
SRG         Special Research Group
SRI         Space Research Institute, Moscow, Russia
SRIF        Square Root Information Filter
SRIFS       Square Root Information Filter and Smoother
SRM         Sowards-Emmerd - Romani - Michelson
SRNWP       Short Range Numerical Weather Prediction
SRP         Solar Radiation Pressure
SRP         System Reference Point
SRP         Suggested Retail Price
SRS         Satellite Reference System
SRS         Southern Reference Stars
SRS         Stanford Research Systems, Sunnyvale, CA, USA
SRT         Haystack Small Radio Telescope
SRT         Sardinia Radio Telescope, Cagliari, Italy
SRT         Space Radio Telescope
SRT         Space Research Today (COSPAR bulletin)
SRT         Special Relativity Theory
SRTM        Shuttle Radar Topography Mission
SS          Single Sided (disk)
SS          Solar System
SSA         Seismological Society of America
SSA         Singular Spectrum Analysis
SSAC        ESA SPC Space Science Advisory Committee
SSAI        Science Systems and Applications, Inc., Lanham, MD, USA
SSALTO      Segment Sol multi-mission d'ALTimetrie, d'Orbitographie et de localisation precise
SSB         Single Sideband
SSB         Solar System Barycenter
SSBM        Single SideBand Mixer
SSC         Seismology Society of China
SSC         Set of Station Coordinates
SSC         SIRTF Science Center
SSC         Spitzer Science Center
SSC         Stennis Space Center, MS, USA
SSC         Swedish Space Corporation (Sw. Svenska rymdaktiebolaget)
SSD         Solar System Dynamics group, JPL, USA
SSD         Solid State Drive
SSDP        Doris/Poseidon ground segment (Fr. Segment Sol Doris/Poseidon)
SSDS        NASA Space Science Data System
SSE         Slow Slip Event
SSE         South-Southeast
SSE         SQL Server Express Edition
SSF         Spatial Structure Function
SSF         Spectral Space Fluctuations
SSFPO       Space Station Freedom Project Office
SSG         Special Study Group
SSH         Sea Surface Height
SSHA        Sea Surface Height Anomalies
SSI         Server Side Includes
SSI         Spectral Solar Irradiance
SSJ         Seismological Society of Japan
SSJ         Sukhoi SuperJet (airplane)
SSL         Berkeley Space Sciences Laboratory of the University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA
SSL         Secure Socket Level
SSL         Seismological Software Library
SSL         MSFC Space Science Laboratory
SSMOC       SOFIA Science and Mission Operation Center
SSM/I       Special Sensor Microwave/Imager
SSN         Social Security Number
SSN         Space Surveillance Network, USA
SSP         Scientific Subroutines Package
SSPC        Site specific phase corrections
SSRT        Siberian Solar Radio Telescope
SSS         Siding Springs Survey
SSS         Simplified Spelling Society
SSS         SOS for a Submarine Attack
SSS         SuperCOSMOS Sky Surveys, ROE, UK
SST         Satellite-to-Satellite Tracking
SST         Sea Surface Temperature
SST         Spitzer Space Telescope
SSTD        Space Science and Technology Department, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK
SSTL        Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd, GB
SSV         Set of Station Velocities
SSW         South-Southwest
SSWG        ESA SPC Solar System Working Group
ST          Sao Tome and Principe (ISO code)
St.         Saint
ST          Sidereal Time
S&T         Science and Technology
S&T         Sky and Telescope (journal)
ST          Standard Time
St          stokes
st.         stone (weight measure)
st.         street
ST5         NASA's Space Technology 5 spacecraft
STA         Science and Technology Agency, Japan
sta.        station
STALAS      NASA/GSFC Stationary Laser Station (System)
STAR        Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports
S.T.A.R.    Simultaneous Track And Record (CCD software)
STD         Sexually Transmitted Disease
STD         Standard Deviation
STDN        NASA Satellite Tracking Data Network
STEC        Slant Total Electron Content
ST-ECF      Space Telescope European Coordinating Facility
STEL        Solar-Terrestrial Environment laboratory, Nagoya University, Japan
STELLA      STELLar Activity, Izaña observatory, Tenerife, Spain
STELLA      System To Estimate Latitude and Longitude Astronomically
STEM        Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
STEP        Space Test of the Equivalent Principle (LAEFF, Spain)
STEREO      NASA Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory
STFC        Science and Technology Facilities Council, UK
STFT        Short Time (Term) Fourier Transform
STI         NASA Scientific and Technical Information
STIS        Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (HST)
STJ         Superconducting Tunnel Junction (imaging detector)
STM         Science, Technology, Medicine
STOIC       Spatial, Temporal and Orientation Information in Contested Environments
STR         Saikia-Thomasson-Roy
STR         Scientific Technical Report
str.        street
STRaND      Surrey Training, Research and Nanosatellite Demonstrator
STRF        Science and Technology of Russian Federation
STS         Space Transportation System (Space Shuttle), USA
STScI       Space Telescope Science Institute
STSDAS      Space Telescope Science Data Analysis System
STSP        ESA Solar-Terrestrial Science Program
STWA        Short Thin Wire Antenna
SU          Seismic Unix software
SubG        SubGiant
SUGAR       Sumatran GPS Array
SUMSS       Sydney University Molonglo Sky Survey
Sun.        Sunday
SUNSAT      Stellenbosch University Satellite, South Africa
SUNY        State University of New York
Sup'Aero    Ecole Nationale Superieure de l'Aeronautique et de l'Espace, Toulouse, France
Suppl.      Supplement
Supt.       Superintendent
SUS         Microsoft Software Update Services
S.u.S.E.    Software and system development (Ger. Software- und System-Entwicklung, Germany (now SUSE Linux)
SUSI        Sydney University Stellar Interferometer
SUSIM       Solar Ultraviolet Spectral Irradiance Monitor
SUSY        supersymmetry
SUT         Slovak University of Technology
SV          El Salvador (ISO code)
SV          Space Vehicle
SvA         Soviet Astronomy (journal)
SvAL        Soviet Astronomy Letters (journal)
SVC         Sky View Cafe
SVD         Singular Value Decomposition
SVG         Scalable Vector Graphics
SVGA        Super Video Graphics Adapter
SVID        System V Interface Definition (UNIX)
SVLBI       Space VLBI
SVN         Subversion
SVO         Spanish Virtual Observatory
SVOM        Space-based multi-band astronomical Variable Object Monitor
SvRAO       Svetloe Radio Astronomical Observatory, Russia
S/W         Software
SW          Southwest
SWD         Slant Wet Delay
SWEPOS      Swedish Permanent GPS Network
SWIFT       Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication
SWIRE       NASA/IPAC SIRTF Wide-area InfraRed Extragalactic Survey
SWITCH      Spline and Wavelet Inverse Tikhonov regularized CHamp data
SWPC        NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center (formerly SEC), Boulder, CO, USA
SWT         Science Working Team
SWT         Statonary Wavelet Transform
SXAO        Shaanxi Astronomical Observatory, China
SY          Sincerely Yours
SY          Syrian Arab Republic (ISO code)
Symp.       Symposium
SYRIUS      IAA System Radio Interferometric Universal for Satellite observations
SYRTE       SYstemes de Reference Temps Espace, Paris Observatory, France (formerly DANOF)
SZ          Sunyaev-Zel'dovich
SZ          Swaziland (ISO code)

T.          Tablespoon
t.          Teaspoon
T           tesla
t           ton (tonne)
T           Tuesday
T           Thursday
T           T-shirt
T2L2        Time Transfer by Laser Link (Fr. Transfert de Temps Lien Laser)
Tabl.       Table
TAC         Technical Assistance Center
TAC         Topcon America Corporation
TAC         Totally Accurate Clock
TAC         USNO Twin Astrographic Catalog
TACAN       TACtical Air Navigation system
TACC        Tracking and Control Center, Japan
TACS        Tracking and Control Stations, Japan
TACSAT      TActical Communications SATellite
TAD         Teaching for Astronomy Development
TAI         International Atomic Time (Fr. Temps Atomique International)
TAM         Tidal Angular Momentum
TANAMI      Tracking Active Galactic Nuclei with Austral Milliarcsecond Interferometry
TanDEM      TerraSAR-X Add-oN for Digital Elevation Measurements
TANJ        There Ain't No Justice
TAO         University of Tokyo Atacama Observatory
TAO         Tropical Atmosphere Ocean
TAOS        Taiwan-America Occultation Survey (Taiwanese-American Occultation Survey)
TAP         Table Access Protocol
TAPI        Telephony API
TAR         Tape ARchiver
TAROT       Rapid Action Telescopes for Transient Objects (Fr. Télescopes à Action Rapide pour les Objets Transitoires)
TASS        Analytical Theory of the Satellites of Saturn (Fr. Théorie Analytique des Satellites de Saturne)
TAU         Tel Aviv University
Tau         Taurus (constellation)
TAUVEX      Tel Aviv University UV Experiment
Tb          Terabit
TB          Terabyte
TBA         To Be Announced
TBA         To Be Approved
TBA         To Be Arranged
TBA         To Be Assigned
TBC         To Be Confirmed
TBD         To Be Determined
TBN         The Banner Network
tbs.        table spoon
TBS         To Be Specified
tbsp.       table spoon
Tbps        Terabits per second
TBW         Terabyte Written
TBW         To Be Written
TC          IERS Technical Center
TC          Turks and Caicos Islands (ISO code)
TCA         Total Cost of Acquisition
TCAS        Traffic alert and Collision Avoidance System
TCB         Task Control Block
TCB         Barycentric Coordinate Time (Fr. Temps-Coordonnee Barycentrique)
TCC         Technical Coordinate Center
TCG         Geocentric Coordinate Time (Fr. Temps-Coordonnee Geocentrique)
TCO         Total Cost of Ownership
TCP         Transmission Control Protocol
TCS         Telescope Control System
TCU         Timing Control Unit
TCUP        TLRS Upgrade Project
TCXO        Temperature-Compensated Crystal Oscillator
TD          Chad (ISO code)
TD          Time Delay
TD          Triple Difference
TDA         Time Domain Astronomy
TDA         U.S. Trade and Development Agency
TDAF        ESOC GPS Tracking Data and Analysis Facility
TDB         Barycentric Dynamical Time (Fr. Temps Dynamique Barycenter)
TDC         Technology Development Center
TDEV        Time Deviation
TDF         Travel Demand Forecasting
TDI         Time Delay Integration (CCD)
TDI         Turbocharged Direct Injection
TDMA        Time Division Multiple Access
TDOP        Time Dilution of Precision
TDP         Thermal Design Power (Point)
TDRS        NASA Tracking and Data Relay Satellite
TDRSS       Time-Domain Reflectrometry
TDRSS       Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System
TDT         Terrestrial Dynamical Time (now TT)
TDX         TanDEM-X satellite
TEC         Total Electron Content
TECU        TEC Unit
TEFRATRACE  Towards a European Framework for correlating Records of AbrupT enviRonmentAl ChangE
Tel         Telescopium (constellation)
TELENET     GTE public packet switching network
TELNET      Remote Login
TEMPO       Time and Earth Motion Precision Observations
TEMS        Tsunami Early Warning System
TEN         Trans-European Network
Tenn.       Tennessee
TEO         Terrestrial Ephemeris Origin
T-EOF       Temporal Empirical Orthogonal Function analysis
TEQC        Translate/Edit/Quality Check
TERENA      Trans-European Research and Education Networking Association
TERMS       Transit Ephemeris Refinement and Monitoring Survey
TES         Transition Edge Sensor
TeV         tera electron volt
Tex.        Texas
TEXnet      Texas Network
TF          Task Force
TF          French Southern Territories (ISO code)
T&F         Time and Frequency
TFD         TheFreeDictionary.com
TFO         TOPEX/Poseidon Follow-On
TFT         Thin-Film Transistor
TFTP        Trivial FTP
TG          Tide Gauge
TG          Togo (ISO code)
TGC         Tieftrunk - Gaume - Claussen
TGP         Tide-Generating Potential
TH          Thailand (ISO code)
THEMIS      THermal EMission Imaging System
THEMIS      Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms
THEnet      Texas Higher Education Network
THORPEX     THe Observing System Research and Predictability EXperiment
Th.         Thursday
Thu.        Thursday
Thurs.      Thursday
Thwy        Throughway
THz         terahertz
TI          International Time (Fr. Temps International)
TIA         Total Information Awareness program, USA
TiB         Tebibyte (2^40 bytes = 1024 gibibytes)
TIC         Time Interval Counter
TID         Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances
TIE         Time Interval Error
TIF         Tagged Image (Interchange) File
TIFA        Trucks Involved in Fatal Accidents
TIFF        Tagged Image (Interchange) File Format
TIFR        Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India
TIGA        Tide Gauge Benchmark Monitoring (IGS project)
TIGGE       THORPEX) Interactive Grand Global Ensemble
TIGO        Transportable Integrated Geodetic Observatory (Transportables Integriertes Geodätisches Observatorium), Germany
TII         Tokyo Instruments Inc.
TIM         Telescope Imaging Model
TIM         Total Irradiance Monitor
TIMED       Thermosphere Ionosphere Mesosphere Energetics and Dynamics mission
TIN         Triangulated Irregular Network
TIO         Terrestrial Intermediate Origin
TIPS        Tether Physics and Survivability Experiment
TIR         Total Internal Reflection (optics)
TIRS        Terrestrial Intermediate Reference System
TIRV        Tuned Inter-Range Vector
TISC        CGSIC Timing Information Subcommittee
TIU         Time Interval Unit
TIUS        Truck Inventory and Use Study
TIV         Tuned Inter-range Vector (SLR)
TIVAGAM     Time-variable gravity and surface mass processes: validation, processing and first application of new satellite gravity data
Tix         Tk Interface eXtension
TJ          Tajikistan (ISO code)
TK          Tokelau (ISO code)
TKSC        Tsukuba Space Center, Japan
TLD         Top-Level Domain (Internet)
TLI         Transport Layer Interface (UNIX)
TLM         Telemetry
TLRS        Transportable Laser Ranging System
TLS         Total Least Squares
TM          NASA STI Technical Memorandum
TM          Trade Mark
TM          Turkmenistan (ISO code)
TMGO        Table Mountain Gravity Observatory, CO, USA
TMO         Table Mountain Observatory, CA, USA
TMR         EU Training and Mobility of Researchers program
TMT         Thirty Meter Telescope
TN          Technical Note
TN          Tennessee
TN          Tunisia (ISO code)
TN          Twisted Nematic
TNO         Trans-Neptunian Objects
TNT         Teramo-Normale Telescope, OACT, Italy
TNT         TriNitroToluene
TNV         Telephone Network Voltage
TNW         Tactical Nuclear Weapons
TO          Tonga (ISO code)
TOA         Time of Arrival
TOC         Table Of Contents
TOCAMM      TOrino CAgliari Measuring Machine
TOEFL       Test Of English as a Foreign Language
TOF         Time Of Flight (SLR)
TOG         EVN Technical and Operations Group
TOGA        Tropical Ocean - Global Atmosphere project
TOMS        Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer
TOPEX       Ocean TOPography EXperiment
TOR         Terms Of Reference
TOS         TIGA Observing Stations
TOW         Technical Operations Workshop
toz         troy ounce
TP          East Timor (ISO code)
T/P         TOPEX/Poseidon
TP          NASA STI Technical Publication
TP          Transport Protocol
TP          Twisted Pair
TPD         Technisch Physische Dienst, the Netherlands
TPF         NASA Terrestrial Planet Finder
tpi         tracks per inch
TPI         Transport Programming Interface
T-PIN       Telephone Personal Identification Number
TPS         Temporary Protected Status
TPS         Topcon Positioning Systems
TR          Tabulae Regiomontanae (Bessel's catalog)
TR          Technical Report
tr.         Troy
TR          Turkey (ISO code)
TrA         Triangulum Australe (constellation)
TRACE       NASA Transition Region and Coronal Explorer
TRADES      TRAnsits and Dynamics of Exoplanetary Systems software 
Trans.      Transactions
TRANSIT     Time Ranging and Sequential ...
TRAO        Taeduk Radio Astronomy Observatory
TRAPPIST    TRAnsiting Planets and PlanetesImals Small Telescope
TRC         Tycho Reference Catalog
TREND       Tianshan Radio Experiment for Neutrino Detection
TRF         Terrestrial Reference Frame
TRGB        Tip of the Red Giant Branch
Tri         Triangulum (constellation)
TRIZ        Theory of Inventive Problems Solving (Rus. Teoriya Resheniya Izobretatelskih Zadach)
TRMM        Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission
TROS        Transportable Ranging Observation System, China
TRS         Terrestrial Reference System
TRSR        Turbo Rogue Space Receiver
TS          TeamSpeak
TS          Test Squadron
TS          Telescope Simulator
TS          Tracking Station
TSA         US Transportation Security Administration
TSGC        Texas Space Grant Consortium, Austin, TX, USA
TSI         Total Solar Irradiance
TSI         Turbo Stratified Injection
tsp.        teaspoon
TSPI        Telephony Service Provider Interface
TSS         Timing Synchronize Signal
T-storm     Thunderstorm
TSX         TerraSAR-X satellite
TT          NASA STI Technical Translation
TT          Terrestrial Time (formerly TDT)
TT          Trinidad and Tobago (ISO code)
TTandC      Tracking Telemetry/Control
TTC         Telemetry, Tracking, and Command
TTFF        Time-To-First-Fix
TTS         Time Transfer System
TTS         Triple Threshold Screening
TTW         Twin-Telescope Wettzell, Germany
TU          Technical University
TUBITAK     Marmara Research Center, Scientific and Technical Research Council, Turkey
TUC         Tecnical Universiy of Crete, Chania, Grete, Greece
Tuc         Tucana (constellation)
TUD         Delft University of Technology, Delft, the Netherlands
Tu.         Tuesday
Tue.        Tuesday
Tues.       Tuesday
TUG         Technical University of Graz, Austria
TUG         TeX Users Group
TUJJB       Turkish Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (Türkiye Ulusal Jeodezi Jeofizik Birliği)
TUM         Technical University of Munich (Ger. Technische Universität München), Germany
TV          TeleVision
TV          Test Vector (VSI)
TV          Tuvalu (ISO code)
TVAR        Time Variance
TVG         Test Vector Generator (VSI)
TVR         Test Vector Receiver (VSI)
TVDS        Transportable VLBI Data System
TW          Taiwan (ISO code)
TWA         Trans World Airlines
TWAA        Technical Workshop for APT and APSG
TWAIN       Technology Without An Interesting Name
TWAN        The World At Night
TWAS        Academy of Sciences for the Developing World
TWG         Technical Working Group
TWG         Technique Working Group
TWOV        Transit WithOut Visa
TWS         Translation Workflow System
TWSTT       Two-Way Satellite Time Transfer
TWSTFT      Two-Way Satellite Time and Frequency Transfer
TX          Texas
TX          Transiver
TXT         Text
TZ          Tanzania, United Republic of (ISO code)
TZD         Tropospheric Zenith Delay

U           Ultraviolet
U.          University
U.          Uranus
U           You
UA          Ukraine (ISO code)
UAC         User Acount Control
U.A.E.      United Arab Emirates
UAE         Unrecoverable Application Error
UAF         University of Alaska Fairbanks, AK, USA
UAL         United AirLines
UAO         Urumqi Astronomical Observatory, China
UAProf      User Agent Profile (WAP)
U.A.R.      United Arab Republic
UARS        Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite
UART        Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter
UAS         Unmanned Aircraft System (Systems)
UAS         USB Attached SCSI
UAV         Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
UB          University of Bonn, Germany
UBAI        Ulugh Beg Astronomical Institute
UBR         Unspecified Bit Rate
UBV         Ultraviolet-Blue-Visible (star photometry)
UBVRI       Ultraviolet-Blue-Visible-Red-Infrared (star photometry)
UC          University of California
UCAC        USNO CCD Astrograph Catalog
UCAC-S      USNO CCD Astrograph Catalog - South
UCAR        University Consortium of Atmospheric Research, USA
UCB         University of California, Berkeley
UCCSN       University and Community College System of Nevada, NV, USA
UCD         Unified Content Descriptor
UCE         Unsolicited Commercial E-mail
UCI         University of California, Irvine, CA, USA
UCL         University College London, UK
UCLA        University of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA
UCSB        University of California, Santa Barbara, CA, USA
UCSC        Universidad Catolica de la Santisima Concepcion, Chile
UCSC        University of California, Santa Cruz, CA, USA
UCSD        University of California, San Diego, CA, USA
UCup        UEFA Cup
UDA         Universal Data Access
UDB         Uniqueness DataBase
UDC         UpDown Converter (VLBI)
UDDI        Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration
UdeC        University of Concepcion (Sp. Universidad de Concepción), Chile
UDF         Universal Disk Format
UDMA        Ultra Direct Memory Access
UDP         User Datagram Protocol
UDRE        User Differential Ranging Error
UDSC        Usuda Deep Space Center, Japan
UDT         Uniform Data Transfer
UEFA        Union of European Football Associations
UELN        United European Levelling Network
UEN         Up-East-North coordinate system
UERE        User Equivalent Range Error
UFC         Ultimate Fighting Championship
UFO         Unidentified Flying Object
UFP         University of French Polynesia
UFPR        University Federal de Parana, Brazil
UG          Uganda (ISO code)
UH          University of Hawaii, HI, USA
UHC         Ultra High Contrast
UHE         Ultra High Energy
UHECR       Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays
UHF         Ultra High Frequency
UIC         UEFA Intertoto Cup (football)
UICC        Universal Integrated Circuit Card
UID         Universal IDentifier
UID         User Interface Document
UIN         Universal Internet Number
UIPE        United Institute of Physics of the Earth, Moscow, Russia
UIT         Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope
UIUC        University of Illinois at Urbana-Champain, IL, USA
UK          United Kingdom
UKATC       UK Astronomy Technology Center, Edinburgh, UK
UKERNA      United Kingdom Education and Research Networking Association
UKF         Unscented Kalman Filter
UKIDSS      UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey
UKIRT       United Kingdom InfraRed Telescope, Mauna Kea, HI, USA
UKMO        UK Meteorological Office
UKS         UK Schmidt Telescope, AAO, Australia
UKST        UK Schmidt Telescope, AAO, Australia
ULA         United Launch Alliance
ULB         Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
ULG         Ultraluminous Galaxy
ULF         Ultra Low Frequency
ULIRG       UltraLuminous InfraRed Galaxy
ULO         University of London Observatory
ULX         Ultraluminous X-ray source
UM          United States minor outlying islands (ISO code)
UM          University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA
UM          University of Michigan Emission Line Objects
UMa         Ursa Major (constellation)
UMBC        University of Maryland Baltimore County, MD, USA
UMi         Ursa Minor (constellation)
UML         Unified (Universal) Modelling Language
UMPC        Ultra-Mobile PC
UMR         Mixed Research Unit (Fr. Unité Mixte de Recherche)
UMTS        Universal Mobile Telecommunications System
UN          United Nations
UN          University of Nottingham, UK
UNAM        Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
UNAVCO      University NAVSTAR Consortium, Boulder, CO, USA
UNB         University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB, Canada
UNBSSI      UN Basic Space Science Initiative
UNC         Universal Naming Convention
UNCOSA      UN Coordination of Outer Space Activities
UNECA       UN Economic Commission for Africa
UNEP        UN Environment Program
UNESCO      UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization
UNFCCC      UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
UN-GGIM     UN Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management
UNI         User-to-Network Interface
UNIAN       Ukrainian Independent Information Agency
UNICANT     University of Canterbury, Christchurch, NZ
UNISA       University of South Africa
UNITeS      Unified NASA Information Technology Services
Univ.       University
UNIVAC      UNIVersal Automatic Computer
UNLV        University of Nevada, Las Vegas, NV, USA
UNO         United Nations Organization
UNOOSA      UN Office for Outer Space Affairs
UNR         University of Nevada, Reno, NV, USA
UNSA        Universidad Nacional de San Augustin, Arequipa, Peru
UNSC        UN Security Council
UNSW        University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
UoN         University of Nottingham, UK
UOSATS      University of Surrey Satellite, UK
UPAD        University of Padova (It. Universita di Padova and Telespazio S.P.A.), Italy
UPI         United Press International
UPC         Technical University of Catalonia (Sp. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya), Barcelona, Spain
UPC         Ultra Physical Contact (connector)
UPF         Universite de la Polynesie Francaise, French Polynesia
UPS         Uninterruptible Power Supply
UPS         Universal Parsel Service
UR          Your
URAT        USNO Robotic Astrometric Telescope
URI         Uniform Resource Identifier
URL         Uniform Resource Locator
URN         Uniform Resource Name
URSI        International Union of Radio Science (Fr. Union Radio-Scientifique Internationale)
U.S.        United States of America
US          United States of America (ISO code)
USA         United States of America
USACM       U.S. Public Policy Committee of the Association for Computing Machinery
USACOE      U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
USAF        U.S. Air Force
USAID       U.S. Agency for International Development
USAMO       U.S. America Mathematical Olympiad
USB         Universal Serial Bus
USB         Upper SideBand
USC         University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA
U.S.C.      U.S. Code
USC&GS      U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey
USCG        U.S. Coast Guard
USCIS       U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
USD         U.S. Dollar
USET        Uccle Solar Equatorial Table
USFF        U.S. Fleet Forces
USGS        U.S. Geological Survey
USIA        U.S. Information Agency
USIM        Unversal Subscriber Identity Module
USL         United Soccer Leagues
USL         UNIX System Laboratories (formerly Bell Labs)
USN         Universal Space Network, Inc., USA
USN         U.S. Navy
USNA        U.S. Naval Academy
USNG        U.S. National Grid
USNO        U.S. Naval Observatory
USO         Ultra Stable Oscillator
USP         University of South Pacific
USPS        U.S. Postal Service
USRA        Universities Space Research Association, USA
USS         UltraSteep Spectrum
USSD        Unstructured Supplementary Service Data
USSLS       U.S. States and Localities Subcommittee
USSR        Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
UST         University of Science and Technology, Ghana
usu.        usually
USYD        University of Sydney, Australia
UT          Universal Time
UT          Utah
UT          University of Technology
UT          University of Texas, Austin, TX, USA
UT1R        Universal Time Regularized
UTAS        University of Tasmania, Australia
UTC         Coordinated Universal Time
UTCSR       University of Texas Center for Space Research, Austin, TX, USA
UTF         Unicode Transformation Format
UTIG        University of Texas Institute for Geophysics, Austin, TX, USA
UTM         Universal Transverse Mercator projection
UTINAM      Univers, Transport, Interfaces, Nanostructures, Atmosphere et environnement, Molecules (CNRS)
UTOPIA      University of Texas Orbit Processor
UTP         Unshielded Twisted Pair
UTPM        Universal Time and Polar Motion
UTX         University of Texas, Austin, TX, USA
UTXMO       Department of Astronomy, University of Texas, Austin, TX, USA
UUCP        Unix to Unix Copy
UV          Ultraviolet
UVa         University of Virginia, USA
UVS         Unmanned Vehicle System
UVOT        UltraViolet/Optical Telescope
UW          University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA
UW          University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
UWA         University of Western Australia
UWB         Ultra Wide Band (Ultra-WideBand)
UWBC        Ultra Wide Band Correlator
UWE         Unit-Weight Error
UWM         University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
UWOELST     University of Washington Online English Language Self-placement Test
UWS         University of Western Sydney, Australia
UY          Uruguay (ISO code)
UZ          Uzbekistan (ISO code)

V.          Venus
v.          Verb
v.          Version
V.          Village
V           Visible
v.          Volume
V           volt
V2V         Vehicle-to-Vehicle
VA          Department of Veterans Affairs, USA
VA          Vatican (ISO code)
VA          Virginia
VAFB        Vandenberg Air Force Base, CA, USA
Val.        Validation
VAO         Virtual Astronomical Observatory
VAPoR       Volatile Analysis by Pyrolysis of Regolith
VAS         Voice Activated System
VASOMI      VAriable Step and Order Method of Integration
VAT         Value Added Tax
VAX         Virtual Address eXtension
VB          Virus Bulletin
VB          Visual Basic
VBA         Visual Basic for Application
vBNS        very high speed Backbone Network Services
VBR         Variable Bit Rate
VBS         Visual Basic Script
VC          Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (ISO code)
VC          Video Converter
VC          Visual C
VCA         Voltage-Controlled Amplifier
VCD         Visual Compact Disc
VCF         Voltage-Controlled Filter
VCL         Vegetation Canopy Lidar
VCL         Visual Component Library
VCLT        Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties
VCM         Visual Component Manager
VCO         Voltage-Controlled Oscillator
VCR         Video Cassette Recorder
VCS         VLBA Calibrator Survey
VCTCXO      Voltage-Controlled Temperature-Compensated Crystal Oscillator
VCXO        Voltage-Controlled Cristall Oscillator
VDOP        Vertical Dilution of Precision
VCV         Veron-Cetty - Veron Catalogue of Quasars and Active Nuclei
VDIF        Video Display Information Format
VDIF        VLBI Data Interchange Format
VDS         Visual Double Star
VE          Venezuela (ISO code)
VE          Viner - Erickson
VEGA        Visible spEctroGraph and polArimeter (CHARA)
Vel         Vela (constellation)
VEN         Vertical-East-North coordinate system
VENGA       VIRUS-P Exploration of Nearby Galaxies
VEP         Vehicle Evaluation Payload satellite, Japan
VER         VERsion
VERA        VLBI Exploration for Radio Astrometry, Japan
VERITAS     Very Energetic Radiation Imaging Telescope Array System, AZ, USA
VESA        Video Electronic Standards Association
VEX         Venus EXpress
VEX         VLBI Experiment Format
VEXAG       Venus Exploration Analysis Group
VF          Video Frequency
VG          Virgin Islands (british) (ISO code)
VGA         Video Graphics Array adapter
VGOS        VLBI2010 Global Observing System
VGTU        Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania
VHDL        VHSIC Hardware Description Language
VHE         Very High Energy
VHF         Very High Frequency
VHRR        Very High Resolution Radiometer
VHS         Vertical Helix Scan
VHS         VISTA Hemisphere Survey
VHSIC       Very High Speed Integrated Circuits
v.i.        intransitive verb
v.i.        see below (Lat. vide infra)
VI          Virgin Islands
VI          Virgin Islands (ISO code)
VI          Virtual Impactor
VIC         Vienna International Centre
VIDEO       VISTA Deep Extragalactic Observations Survey
VIIRS       Visible-Infrared Imager Radiometer (NPOESS)
VIKING      VISTA Kilo-Degree Infrared Galaxy Survey
VILSPA      Villafranca Satellite Tracking Station, Spain
VIMOS       VIsible Multi-Object Spectrograph
VIMS        Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer
VIP         Very Important Person
VIPS        VLBA Imaging and Polarimetry Survey
Vir         Virgo (constellation)
VIRA        Venus International Reference Atmosphere
VIRAC       Ventspils International Radio Astronomy Center, Latvia
VIRTIS      Visible and Infrared Thermal Imaging Spectrometer, ESA Venus Express mission
VIRUS       Visible Integral-field Replicable Unit Spectrograph
VIRUS-P     VIRUS Prototype
VISAR       Video Image Stabilization and Registration system
VISC        VSOP International Science Council
VISTA       Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy
VieVS       Vienna VLBI Software
viz.        that is, namely (Lat. videlicet)
VJ          Video (Visual) Jockey
VLA         NRAO Very Large Array, Socorro, NM, USA
VLAN        Virtual LAN
VLANEP      Very Large Array North Ecliptic Pole radio sources
VLB         Very Long Baseline
VLB         VESA (Video) Local Bus
VLBA        Very Long Baseline Array
VLBAg       Gedetic VLBA DAS
VLBI        Very Long Baseline Interferometry
VLF         Very Low Frequency
VLSS        VLA Low-frequency Sky Survey (formerly 4MASS)
VLT         Very Large Telescope, ESO, Chile
VLTI        Very Large Telescope Interferometer, ESO, Chile
VM          Virtual Machine
VMC         VISTA Magellanic Clouds Survey
VMC         Visual Meteorological Conditions
VMF         Vienna Mapping Function
VMS         Virtual Memory (Machine) System
VMS         Visual Monitoring System
VN          Viet Nam (ISO code)
VNC         Virtual Network Computing
VNIIFTRI    National Research Institute for Physical-Technical and Radio Engineering Measurements
V.O.        Very Old (4-year cognac)
VO          Virtual Observatory
VOA         Voice of America
VoIP        Voice over IP
VOL         Variations of Latitude
Vol         Volans (constellation)
Vol.        Volume
VOR         VHF Omnidirectional Range
VP          Vice President
VPAD        Vehicle Pedestrian Access System
VPC         Voltage Per Cell
VPHG        Volume Phase Holographic Grating
VPN         Virtual Private Network
VRAD        VLBI Radio Source (SELENE)
VRI         Virtual Radio Interferometer
VRO         Vermillion Radio Observatory survey
VRS         Virtual Reference Station
vs.         versus
V.S.        Very Special (2.5-year cognac)
VS NIIFTRI  East-Siberian Scientific Research Institute for Physical-Technical and Radiotechnical Measurements (= ES SRIPRM)
VSA         MRAO Very Small Array
VSAM        Virtual Storage Access Method
VSAT        Very Small Antenna Terminal (Very Small Aperture Terminal)
VSC         VISTA Science Committee
VSI         VLBI Standard Interface
VSI-E       VLBI Standard Interface - Electronic
VSI-H       VLBI Standard Interface - Hardware
VSI-S       VLBI Standard Interface - Software
VSL         NMi Van Swinden Laboratorium, the Netherlands
VSOG        VSOP Science Operations Group
VSOP        Variations Séculaires des Orbites Planétaires
V.S.O.P.    Very Superior Old Pale (4-year cognac)
VSOP        VLBI Space Observatory Program
VSR         VLBI Science Recorder (JPL)
VSS         Microsoft Visual SourceSafe
VSSP        Versatile Scientific Sampling Processor
VST         VLT Survey Telescope
VSWR        Voltage Standing Wave Ratio
v.t.        transitive verb
VT          Vermont
VT          Virtual Terminal
VTEC        Vertical Total Electron Content
VTP         VLBI Transport Protocol
VTRF        VLBI Terrestrial Reference Frame
VTS         Vessel Trafic System
VTT         Vacuum Tower Telescope
VU          Vanuatu (ISO code)
Vul         Vulpecula (constellation)
VUT         Vienna University of Technology, Austria
v.v.        vice versa
VVEJGA      Venus-Venus-Earth-Jupiter Gravity Assist trajectory (Cassini/Huygens mission)
V.V.S.O.P.  Very-Very Superior Old Pale (5-year cognac)
VVV         VISTA Variables in the Via Lactea
VW          VolksWagen
VWP         Visa Waiver Program
VxD         Virtual Driver
VZT         Visual Zenith Telescope

W           watt
W           Weight
W           Wednesday
W           West
W           Width
W           Wins/Won (sport)
w           with
w/          with
W3          World Wide Web
W3C         World Wide Web Consortium
W3W         what3words
W           Wynn-Williams
WA          Washington
WA          Western Australia
WA          Webster - Altenhoff
WAAS        Wide Area Augmentation System
WABI        Windows Application Binary Interface
WACO        WAshington COrrelator, USNO
WADA        World Anti-Doping Agency
WAGN        West Antarctic GPS Network
WAILI       Wavelets with Integer Lifting
WAIS        Wide Area Information Server
WAN         Wide Area Network
WAP         Wireless Application Protocol
Wash.       Washington
WASP        White Anglo-Saxon Protestant
WAV         Waveform Audio Data
Wb          weber
WB          White - Becker
WBEM        Web-Based Enterprise Management
WBN         Wynn-Williams - Becklin-Neugebauer
WBR         With best regards
WC          Water Closet
WC          Wheelchair
WCCD        Washington Comprehensive Catalog Database
WCDA        Western Canada Deformation Array
WCDMP       World Climate Data and Monitoring Program
WCPT        West Coast Precision Traverse
WCRP        World Climate Research Program
WCT         Windchill Temperature
WDC         World Data Centers
WDG         Web Design Group
WDM         Wavelength Division Multiplexing
WDS         Washington (Visual) Double Star catalog
WDS         Wide Double Star
WDS         World Data System (FAGS+WDC)
WEBT        Whole Earth Blazar Telescope
Wed.        Wednesday
WEGENER     Working group of European Geoscientists for the Establishment of Networks for Earthquake Research (1980 - ~1995)
WEGENER     Working group of European Geoscientists for the Establishment of Networks for Earth science Research (~1995 - ~2009)
WEGENER     World Earthquake GEodesy Network for Environmental Hazard Research (since ~2009)
WENSS       Westerbork Northern Sky Survey
WEP         Weak Equivalence Principle
WEST        Western European Summer Time (UTC + 2h)
WESTPAC     Western Pacific Laser Tracking Network Satellite
WET         Western European Time (UTC)
WET         Whole Earth Telescope
WETDST      Western European Daylight Saving Time (UTC + 1h)
WETLAS      Wettzell Laser Station, Germany
WF          Wallis and Futuna Islands (ISO code)
WFAU        Wide-Field Astronomy Unit, ROE, UK
WFC         Wave-Front Clock
WFC         Wide Field Camera (HST)
WFF         NASA Wallops Flight Facility, Wallops Island, VA, USA
WFPDB       Wide-Field Plate DataBase
WFPC        Width Field and Planetary Camera (HST)
WESTPAC     Western Pacific
WFTA        Winograd Fourier Transform Algorithm
WFW         Windows For Workgroups
WG          Working Group
WGA         White-Giommi-Angelini ROSAT X-Ray sources list
WGA         Windows Genuine Advantage
WGAS        IAU Working Group on Astronomy Standards
WGC         World Golf Championship
WGDAA       IAU Working Group for Encouraging the International Development of Antarctic Astronomy
WGESP       IAU Working Group on Extra-Solar Planets
WGGGI       SCAR Working Group on Geodesy and Geographic Information
WGGMVS      IVS Working group for Geophysical Models in VLBI Software
WGH         NGK Working Group for Height determination
WGHM        WaterGAP Global Hydrology Model
WGMS        World Glacier Monitoring Service
WGNEO       IAU Working Group on Near-Earth Objects
WGPSN       IAU Working Group on Planetary System Nomenclature
WGRF        IAU Working Group on Reference Frames
WGS         World Geodetic System
WGWIP       IUPAP Working Group on Women in Physics
WGWWDA      IAU Working Group for the World Wide Development of Astronomy
WH          White House
WHAT A CAT  West Hellenic Arc Tectonics And Calabrian Arc Tectonics
WHO         World Health Organization
WHS         World Height System
WI          Wisconsin
WIA         Windows Images Acquisition
WIDAR       Wideband Interferometric Digital ARchitecture
WIMP        Weakly Interacting Massive Particle
WINDS       Wideband InterNetworking engineering test and Demonstration Satellite project, Japan
WINERED     Warm INfra-red Echelle spectrograph to Realize Extreme Dispersion, Japan
WING        Western Pacific Integrated Network of GPS
WIP         Work In Progress
WIPO        World Intellectual Property Organization
WIRE        NASA Wide Field Infrared Explorer
Wis.        Wisconsin
WISE        Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer
WITS        Web Infrared Tool Shed
WIYN        Wisconsin, Indiana, Yale, NOAO telescope/consortium
wk          Week
WKSH        Windowing Korn Shell (UNIX)
WLAN        Wireless Local Area Network
WLRG        Weak-Line Radio Galaxy
WLRS        Wettzell Laser Ranging System, Germany
WLS         Weighted Least Squares
WM          Wild Magnavox
WMA         Windows Media Audio (file format)
WMAP        Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe
WMC         World Meteorological Center
WMF         Windows MetaFile
WMM         World Magnetic Model
WMO         World Meteorological Organization
WN          Weight Noise
WN          WENSS North radio survey
WNT         WAAS Network Time
WNW         West-Northwest
WNY         Washington Navy Yard
w/o         without
w/o         walkover
WOCE        World Ocean Circulation Experiment
WODAN       Westerbork Observations of the Deep Apertif Northern sky survey
WoK         Web of Knowledge
WOL         Wake-On-LAN (Intel networked remote control)
WoS         Web of Science
WOS-CC      Web of Science Core Collection
WOSA        Windows Open Services Architecture
WOVLBI      Wide-band Optical VLBI
WOW         Windows On Windows (the same as NTVDM)
WP          Word Processing
WP          Word Processor
WP          Work Package
WP          Working Party
WPA         Windows Product Activation
WPC         Watts Per Cell
WPG         WordPerfect Graphic File
WPGM        Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting
WPLW        Wavelet Packet Laboratory for Windows
WPLS        Western Pacific Laser Satellite
WPLTN       Western Pacific Laser Tracking Network
WPVN        Western Pacific VLBI Network
WR          Wolf-Rayet star
WR          World Record
WRAM        Window Random Access Memory
WRC         World Radio Conference
WRMS        Weighted RMS
w.r.t.      with respect to
WS          Samoa (ISO code)
WS          WorkStation
WSAAG       Western Sydney Amateur Astronomy Group
WSDL        Web Services Description Language
WSEAS       World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society
WSJ         "Wall Street Journal"
WSMR        White Sands Missile Range, NM, USA
WSO         World Space Observatory
WSPC        World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore
WSRP        Web Services for Remote Portlets
WSRT        Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope, the Netherlands
WSUS        Windows Server Update Services
WSW         West-Northwest
WT          Wavelet Transform
wt.         weight
WTA         Womens' Tennis Association
WTLS        Weighted Total Least Squares
WTO         World Tourism Organization
WTO         World Trade Organization
WTU         Wuhan Technical University, China
WTZ         Scientific and Technological Co-operation (Wissenschaftlich-Technische Zusammenarbeit)
WUPPE       Wisconsin Ultraviolet Photo-polarimeter Experiment
WUSB        Wireless Universal Serial Bus
WUT         Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland
WV          West Virginia
W.Va.       West Virginia
WVR         Water Vapor Radiometer
WW          World War
WW2         the 2nd World War
WWA         Weighted Wavelet Amplitude
WWAS        World Warning Agency for Satellites
WWF         World Wildlife Fund
WWT         WorldWide Telescope
w/wo        with or without
WWW         World Weather Watch
WWW         World Wide Web
WWW         Wynn-Williams - Werner-Wilson
WWZ         Weighted Wavelet Z-transform
WX          Weather
WY          Way
WY          Wyoming
Wyo.        Wyoming
WYSIWYG     What You See Is What You Get
WZ          Universal Time (Ger. WeltZeit)

X           Cross
X.25        Communication Protocol for Packet
XAPI        eXtensive API
XBEL        XML Bookmark Exchange Language
XBM         X-Window Bitmap
XCP         Extensible Communications Platform
XEUS        X-ray Early Universe Spectroscopy Mission (ESA)
XFI         X-ray Flux Index
XHTML       eXtensible HyperText Markup Language
XK          Kosovo (temporay country code)
XL          Extra Large
XML         eXtensible Markup Language
XMM         X-Ray Multi-Mirror Mission (ESA)
XNS         Xerox Network Systems
XO          Crystal Oscillator
X.O.        eXtra Old (6-year cognac)
XOR         eXclusive OR
XPM         XP Mode
XPS         XML Paper Specification
XRF         X-Ray Fluoresecence
XRI         Extensible Resource Identifier

Y           why
y.          year
Y!          Yahoo!
Y2K         Year 2000
YA          Yerkes Aktinometry
YACC        Yet Another Compiler-Compiler
YAG         Yttrium-Aluminum-Garnet
YAHOO       Yet Another Hierarchically Organized Oracle
YAO         Yunnan Astronomical Observatory, China
YAODL       Yet Another Object Description Language
YAST        Yet Another Setup Tool (SUSE Linux)
YE          Yemen (ISO code)
YERAC       Young European Radio Astronomers' Conference
YNAO        Yunnan Astronomical Observatory, China
y/o         years old
YO MAMA     Yale Observatory iMAge Manipulation Application
YORP        Yarkovsky-O'Keefe-Radzievskii-Paddack effect
yr          year
YSG         Yellow SuperGiant
YSI         Yellow Springs Instruments, USA
YSO         Young Stellar Object
YSOPP       Young Scientists' Outstanding Poster Paper
YSTA        Young Scientist's Travel Award for Europeans
YT          Mayotte (ISO code)
YU          Yugoslavia (ISO code)

Z           Zulu time (the same as UTC)
ZA          South Africa (ISO code)
ZAH         Zentrum  für Astronomie der Universität Heidelberg, Germany, =ARI+ITA+LSW
ZAW         Microsoft Zero Administration for Windows
ZB          zetabytes
ZcRAO       Zelenchukskaya Radio Astronomical Observatory, Russia
ZERO-G      Zero Garvity Corp.
ZeV         zetta electron volt
ZfV         Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen (journal)
ZHD         Zenith Hydrostatic Delay
ZHR         Zenithal Hourly Rate (meteors observations)
ZIMLAS      Zimmerwald Laser Station, Switzerland
ZIP         Zone Improvement Program (U.S. mail system code)
ZIPE        Zentralinstitut für Physik der Erde, Germany
ZL          Zodiacal Light
ZM          Zambia (ISO code)
ZMOA        Zhu, Mathews, Ocean, Anelasticity (nutation model)
ZND         Zenith Neutral Delay
ZPD         Zenith Path Delay
ZR          Zaire (ISO code)
ZS          Zodiacal Stars
ZT          Zonal Time
ZTD         Zenith Total Delay
ZW          Zimbabwe (ISO code)
ZWD         Zenith Wet Delay

Originated on 31 Jan 2001
Maintained by Zinovy Malkin, malkin@gao.spb.ru
Last updated on 03 Apr 2016
Feedback is welcome!