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Catalogue of double stars
Catalogue of double stars

The Pulkovo Visual Double Star Catalogue Based on the Relative Positions Derived from the Photographic Observations Made with 26-inch Refractor since 1960.

A.A.Kiselev, O.A.Kalinichenko, O.V.Kiyaeva, N.A.Shakht, L.G.Romanenko, I.S.Izmailov, O.P.Bykov, K.L.Maslennikov

    Into the present catalogue the seasonal mean relative positions (r and q2000) are included for 234 visual double stars observed at Pulkovo with 26-inch refractor from 1960 through 2001. This catalogue is a successor of the catalogue dated 1986 [1]. Epoch of equinox is 2000.0. The main aim of these observations is to create the data base for the double star orbit and mass determinations [2].The stars with the great orbital motion, having longer observation series, were measured in the first line.
  The photographic and CCD observations of visual double stars are being continued now. The results will be included into the future catalogue.Some stars are accompanied with notes. More full information about visual double stars investigations in the Pulkovo Observatory may be obtained from the articles, the list of references being enclosed.

The Format of the Catalogue.

  There is one file where stars are placed according to their right ascensions.The head line gives for each star the following information:
     3-5 positions - letters "ADS",if the star is taken from the Aitken catalog.
     8-12- the ADS number.
     13-27- any information about the pair. It may be indication that components are in the pair, or what kind of a measuring machine is used (exept the "Ascorecord"). If the star is not included into the Aitken catalog, then the positions 1-16 are empty. Any information may be contained in 17-27 positions.
     28- symbol N, if a star has the accompanying notes.
     29-38- coordinates related to the equinox of 2000.0. If the star is identified with the WDS star, the coordinates are taken from the WDS catalogue.
     39- the asterisk * for stars which are not identified with the WDS stars, e.g., a new star discovered at Pulkovo.
     42-61- magnitudes and spectral classes ( in a free format) which correspond to the WDS. If a star is not identified with the WDS star, the visual magnitudes are estimated in the system of the Aitken catalogue.
     66-68- n, number of seasonal means for this star.
     Further there are n information lines given, according to the Fortran format: f8.3,f8.3,f6.3,f9.3,f6.3,1x,3i3,f6.3,f6.3,2i3.
    1-8 - the mean time moment of observations;
    9-16- the separation r, arcsec;
    17-22- the error of r, arcsec;
    23-31- the position angle q referred to the equinox of 2000.0, degrees;
    32-37- the error of q, degrees;
    39-41- the number of plates used for computation of the seasonal means.
    42-44- the number of plates used for computation of r .
    45-47- the number of plates used for computation of q. The sift of bad plates is made in accordance with the 3s criterium if the number of plates is more than 4.
     48-53- the error of r for one plate, arcsec;
     54-59- the error of t for one plate, arcsec; Dt=(rDq)p/180
     62- the orientation indicator =1 - according to the diurnal trail; =4 - according to a pair of stars with the known coordinates; =9 - if the mean position is computed using the plates with the different orientation.
     64-65- the code of the observing/measuring person:
1 - A.A.Kiselev
2 - O.V.Kiyaeva
3 - O.A.Kalinichenko
4 - L.G.Romanenko
5 - N.A.Shakht
6 - T.P.Kiseleva
7 - O.P.Bykov
8 - K.L.Maslennikov
9 - probationer
If the observation series was completed before 1986, then the code 2 corresponds to Dr G.A.Plugin and the code 4 - to Dr B.A.Firago. With rare exceptions all plates for each star were measured by only one person. In these exceptional cases the code is equal to 11.
Further on the same data are given for the following star.


ADS 48 ABF and ADS 11632 - the measurements were made by Dr E. V. Polyakov making use of the automatic measuring complex "Fantazia" [3, 4].
ADS 497, 5436, 9696, 9173, 10044, 15600 - these series were measured using the Scanner. The Software was compiled by Dr I. S. Izmailov [5].
ADS 1090 - the measurements were made using the measuring machine "Parsek" [30].
ADS 1090, 9444, 9573, 10394, 12727, 15470, 16693 и WDS 21559+3141 - are the optical pairs [6,7,8,9].


1. Kisselev A.A., Kalinichenko O.A. et al. The catalogue of relative positions and motions for 200 visual double stars observed with 26-inch refractor at Pulkovo in 1960-1986. // Leningrad, Nauka, 1988.
2.A.A.Kiselev, O.V.Kiyaeva. The apparent motion parameters (AMP) method for determination the orbit of a binary star on the basis short arc observations. //Аstron. J.,1980,v.57, ?.6, p.1227-1241.
3.O.V.Kiyaeva, A.A.Kiselev, E.V.Polyakov, V.B.Rafal'sky. An astrometric study of the triple star ADS 48. //Astron. Letters,2001, т.27, N6, с.391-397.
4. N.A.Shakht, A.A.Kiselev, E.V.Polyakov, E.A.Grosheva, V.B.Rafal'sky. Comparison of automatic and visual measurements of visual double star ADS 11632. // Preprint 16, GAO RAN, SPb, p.1-17.
5. I.S.Izmailov. Applying of ordinary scanner for positional measurement of astronegatives. //Izvestia GAO at Pulkovo, 2000, ?214, p.533-547.
6. A.A.Tokovinin. Spectroscopic components in multiple systems. Two optical pairs. // Astron. letters, 1994, т.20, ?3, p.314-317
7. A.A.Tokovinin. Radial velocities of the components of wide visual double stars. // Astron.Rep.,1994,v.38, ?2,p.258-261.
8. A.A.Tokovinin. New spectroscopic components in 8 multiple systems. //Astron.Astroph.Suppl.,1999,v.136,?2,p.373-378.
9. A.A.Tokovinin, M.G.Smekhov. Ststistics of spectroscopic sub-systems in visual multiple stars. //Astron.Astroph.,2002,v.382,p.118-123.
10. A.N.Deutsch, A.A.Kiselev, G.A.Plugin, V.A.Sokolova. Measurements of double stara on plates obtained with the Pulkovo 26" refractor. // Izvestia GAO at Pulkovo, 1965, ?176,p.124-137.
11. N.K.Sumzina. The results of measurements of double stars on the photographs taken with the 26" refractor. // Izvestia GAO at Pulkovo,1971, ?189/190,p.194-205.
12. Kiselev A.A.., Bykov O.P., Kalinichenko O.A., Kiyaeva O.V., Romanenko L.G., Shakht N.A. The Pulkovo programme for the study of visual-double stars. // Proceedings of the 141-st IAU symposium. Leningrad, 1989.
13. Kiselev A.A., Kiyaeva O.V. New orbits of four visual double stars by the method of apparent motion parameters. // Astrophysics and Space Science, 1988, v.142, p.181-183.
14.A.A.Kiselev, O.V.Kiyaeva, N.A.Shakht. Astrometry with long focus telescope at Pulkovo.//in "Universe investigation problems",1992,v.13,p.142-164.
15. Kiyaeva O.V. The interseasonal trend in photographic double star observations. // Astronomical and Astrophysical transactions, 1995,v.9,p. 77-83.
16. Kiselev A.A., Kiyaeva O.V., Romanenko L.G. Visual double stars orbits obtained by apparent motion parameters method at Pulkovo. // in Visual double stars: formation, dinamics and evolutionary tracks (eds. J.A.Docobo). Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997, p. 377-382.
17. O.V.Kiyaeva, A.A.Tokovinin, O.A.Kalinichenko. The triple system ADS 9167. // Astron. letters, 1998, v.24, N6, p.753-757.
18. A.A.Kiselev, O.V.Kiyaeva. Determining the minimum sum of the component masses for a binary with a known parallax from observation of a short arc of its apparent motion. //Astron.letters,2003, v.29, N1, p.37-40.
19.O.V.Kiyaeva, I.S.Izmailov. Astrometric study of the triple star ADS 15600 ( x Cephei) on the observations by the Pulkovo 26-inch refractor in 1981-2000. //Izvestia GAO at Pulkovo, ?216, 2002,p.191-201.
20. L.G.Romanenko. The New Orbits of Visual Double Stars ADS 7251 and ADS 12169. // "Astronomical and geodetic investigations : Nearby binary and multiple stars", Sverdlovsk, 1990, p.92-96.
21.L.G.Romanenko. . Determination of Orbital Elements of Wide Double Stars ADS 10759 (Psi Dra) and ADS 12815 (16 Cyg) with the Method of Apparent Motion Parameters. // Astron. Zh., 1994, v.71, N 6, p.875-881; Astron.Reports, 1994, v.38, N6, p.779-785.
22. A.A.Kiselev, L.G.Romanenko. Dynamical Stadies of Nine Wide Visual Binaries in the Solar Neighbourhood. // Astron.Reports, 1996, v.40, N 6, p.795-801.
23. A.A.Kiselev, L.G.Romanenko, I.S.Izmailov, E.A.Grosheva. New Orbit of 9 Visual Binary Stars obtained by the Apparent Motion Parameters method. // Izvestia GAO at Pulkovo,2000, N 214, p.239-254.
24. A.A.Kiselev, L.G.Romanenko. Orientation of AMP-orbits of Pulkovo binary stars programme in the Galaxy coordinate frame. // Izv.GAO at Pulkovo, 2002, N 216, p.269-273.
25. N.A.Shakht. A study of the motion and a determination of kinematic parameters of the stars with invisible setellites using observations at Pulkovo. I. The results of photographic observations of d Gem. //Izvestia GAO at Pulkovo, ?205, 1988,p.5-14.
26. N.A.Shakht, O.V.Kiyaeva. The study of d Gem motion. //Proc. Coll. 135 IAU, Atlanta USA, p.449-451.
27. N.A.Shakht. . The study of the star d Gem on the observations at Pulkovo. //Izvestia GAO at Pulkovo, 2000,?214,p.77-90.
28. N.A.Shakht. Photographic observations of the star ADS 11632 with possible unseen companion. //Pis'ma in astron.zh.,1984,v.10,?10,p.765-770.
29. N.A.Shakht. The results of photographic observations of ADS 7251 at Pulkovo. //Izvestia GAO at Pulkovo, 1976, ?194, p.130-137.
30. A.V.Sergeev, G.I.Chuvina, O.E.Shornikov. A device for automatic measurements of astronomical negative IPHO-461. //in."Problems of astrometry. XXII astrometric conference of USSR, Moskow, 1-6 june 1981.", М.,1984,178-183.

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