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Дата индексирования: Sun Apr 10 19:51:46 2016

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In this file:

* About CPL
* Prerequisites
* Required dependencies
* Optional dependencies
* Links
* Installation
* Installing CFITSIO
* Gasgano Support
* Third party libraries
* Installing CPL
* Installing CPL on Mac OSX
* Reporting Bugs

About CPL
This is version 6.3 of the ESO Common Pipeline libraries (CPL).

This package includes libraries that are central to the development and
execution of pipeline recipes as they are operated by ESO for all VLT
instruments, miscellaneous HTML documentation and regression tests.


For installing the CPL or to use it for your own software project you, at
least, need a C99 compliant compiler (gcc version 4.4 or newer).

In addition, a few third party libraries are used, which are listed below. If
the target system provides these dependencies they may be used, however the
system provided libraries must meet certain requirements which are given in
the Installation section. The recommended way of installing the third party
libraries for CPL is to re-compile them from source. The references for
obtaining the third party (source) packages are given in the Links section.

Required dependencies:

- CFITSIO v3.310 or newer

Optional dependencies:

- Gasgano 2.4.3
- Oracle Java JDK 6 or newer
- wcslib 4.16
- FFTW 3.3.3

Note that in order to build and install the CPL Gasgano interface both
dependencies, the Gasgano package and the Java Development Kit must be


CFITSIO: http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/fitsio
Gasgano: http://www.eso.org/sci/software/gasgano
Java JDK: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html
wcslib: http://www.atnf.csiro.au/people/mcalabre/WCS


This section gives an overview of the CPL installation process. Before the
CPL package itself can be installed, all required dependencies must be
installed, as well as all selected optional packages. Note that for the Gasgano
support, both the Gasgano package and the Java JDK must be installed. All
dependencies are independent of each other and may be installed in any order.

With the exception of the Gasgano package, and the Java JDK, it is recommended
that all dependencies are installed into a single, separate directory tree, i.e
a single, common directory should be given as '--prefix' option when running
the configure script of the different packages.

If the target directory of the installation is not a system directory like
'/usr' or '/usr/local' (which would require superuser privileges!) it is
recommended to setup the search path environment variable of the runtime
linker so that it includes the the directory where the third party libraries
will be located. The environment variable to be used is LD_LIBRARY_PATH on
Linux based systems. For other systems one may have to consult the system
documentation to find the equivalent environment variable.

The environment variable should then be set such that the library search path
contains the location of the libraries in the target directory structure, i.e
the directory '/lib' or '/lib64' depending on what is the
default name for library locations on the target system. The latter may be
used on 64 bit Linux systems, while the first one may be used on both, 32 bit
and 64 bit systems. Actually on 64 bit systems it is recommended to put both
in the library search path, however care should be taken that '/lib64'
comes first.

As an example, for a 64 bit Linux system the LD_LIBRARY_PATH may be set as
follows, assuming that is '$HOME/cpl', and a Bourne type shell is

$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/cpl/lib64:$HOME/cpl/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

Installing CFITSIO:

By default CPL is built as a thread safe library, and unless the thread
support is explicitly disabled, CPL relies on the presence of a thread safe
CFITSIO library. In order to build a thread safe version of the CFITSIO
library it has to be configured as outlined below (for detailed installation
instructions please refer to the CFITSIO documentation).

1. Unpack the CFITSIO tar-archive in a temporary place, where a directory
'cfitsio' will be created, and enter it.

2. Configure the package. For being used with CPL it should be configured with
the options shown here (build a shared object library, thread support
compiled in):

$ ./configure --prefix= --enable-shared --enable-reentrant

3. Build and install the package by running

$ make
$ make shared
$ make install

4. If the search path of the runtime loader does not yet include the location
of the CFITSIO libraries, it should be added, for instance by prepending it
to the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH or the appropriate equivalent
(see above).

Note that step 4 is essential if the system provides already a CFITSIO library
which is not properly configured for CPL.

After the installation is successfully completed, the CFITSIO sources are no
longer needed, and may be removed.

Gasgano support:

If the support library for ESO's Java based data organizing tool should
be built, both, the Gasgano tool itself, and the Java Development Kit (JDK)
must be present on the system. Please note that the Java Runtime Environment
(JRE), which whould be sufficient to run Gasgano, is not enough to build CPL's
Gasgano support library!

Both packages are installed by unpacking the respective tar-archives in a
suitable place, and adding the location of the executables to the PATH
environment variable.

In addition to that the JAVA_HOME environment variable should point to the
root directory of the JDK installation.

Third party libraries:

Please follow the installation instructions shipped with the respective source

Installing CPL

Package configuration:

After all dependencies were successfully installed, the system is ready to
install the CPL itself. To do so, unpack the CPL tar-archive in a directory
of your choice (if you are reading this file you probably managed to do so
already) and change directory into the top-level directory of the CPL source

The CPL source tree is setup for the target system by running the configure
script found in the top-level directory of the source tree. In general, i.e.
if the third party libraries were installed into non-standard directories, the
configure script must be told where these libraries can be found. This can be
done by either setting environment variables, which may be convenient if it
is planned to install CPL more than once, or one can use command line options
(if both, environment variables and command line options are used, the
command line options take precedence).

The following table shows for each of the third party libraries the command
line option, and the equivalent environment variable which can be used to
specify their location.

library option environment
------- ------ -----------
libwcs --with-wcs WCSDIR
fftw --with-fftw FFTWDIR

Both, the command line option and the environment variable expect as an
argument or value respectively the path to the root directory of the library
installation, i.e. if, for instance, '$HOME/cpl' is given as location of one
of the third party libraries, it is expected that the header files are found
in '$HOME/cpl/include' and the libraries in '$HOME/cpl/lib', or

In case a more fine grained control is needed when specifying third party
library locations, there are also command line options which allow to give the
location of headers and libraries directly. Run 'configure --h' for details.
These (expert) command line options have no environment variable counterpart.

If the Gasgano support library should be built and installed, the configure
script has to find the JDK and the Gasgano installation. The configure script
tries to find both in a few default places, but in case this does not succeed,
the location of both packages can be given similar to the third party library

The root directory of the Gasgano installation my be given on the command line
of the configure script using the option '--with-gasgano', or setting the
environment variable 'GASGANODIR'. An expert option '--with-gasgano-classpath'
allows to directly specify the location of the Gasgano jar files, if using the
standard option '--with-gasgano' does not succeed. Usually they can be found in
the subdirectory 'share' of the Gasgano installation.

By default, the JDK installation is searched at the location given by the
JAVA_HOME environment variable. However the root directory of the JDK
installation may also be passed to 'configure' using the command line option
'--with-java'. Using this option 'configure' assumes that the required C header
files are found in the subdirectories 'includes' and 'includes/' of
the JDK installation. Here, is usually the name of your operating
system, for instance 'linux' on a Linux system, but this may not be true in
all cases.

If running configure using '--with-java' does not succeed, you may want to try
the expert options '--with-java-includes' and '--with-java-includes-md' to set
the include directories explicitly to the subdirectories of the JDK containing
the files 'jni.h' and 'jni_md.h' respectively.

The target directory of the CPL installation is specified by either setting
the environment variable CPLDIR to the desired path, or by using the configure
command line option `--prefix'. If the target directory does not yet exist it
will be created.
If nothing is specified the CPL will be installed into `/usr/local' by default.
Note that in this case you must have superuser privileges to install CPL!

Building and Installing CPL:

The following shows the necessary steps to build and install a minimal
CPL. For that, it is assumed that CFITSIO was installed in $HOME/cpl/lib and
$HOME/cpl/include and CPL should be installed in $HOME/cpl.

To configure, build and install CPL one needs to execute the following commands
in the top-level directory of the source tree:

$ ./configure --prefix=$HOME/cpl --with-cfitsio=$HOME/cpl
$ make
$ make install

Optionally, the HTML reference manual can be installed executing also the

$ make install-doxygen

By default this installs the HTML reference manual into the subdirectory
'share/doc/cpl/html' of the installation tree.

Finally, if the CPL was not installed in one of the standard system
directories, the location of the CPL libraries has to be added to the
runtime loader's search path by properly setting the LD_LIBRARY_PATH
variable (or the target system's equivalent).

Installing CPL on Mac OSX

Although the Mac OSX platform is not a CPL target platform, it is known that
CPL can be successfully built, installed and used on this platform. To build
CPL on Mac OSX, the following has to be taken into account:

- On Mac OSX 10.8 or newer a gcc installation is recommended to build CPL.
The Mac OSX 10.8 default compiler (clang) is not supported by CPL versions
prior to and including CPL 6.1.1!

- The symbol for the runtime loader search path is DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH and it
has to replace LD_LIBRARY_PATH in the installation instructions.

- When specifying the location of the JDK by setting the JAVA_HOME
variable, it should be set as follows:

$ export JAVA_HOME=/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/CurrentJDK/Home

in order to avoid compilation errors due to not finding the appropriate
'javah' executable.

Please note that support for CPL on Mac OSX can only be provided on a best
effort basis.

Reporting Bugs

Please report any bugs to