Multiwavelength Views of the ISM in High-Redshift Galaxies
ESO Chile, June 27-30, 2011
- Theoretical predictions of the physical properties of gas in high-z galaxies
- Outflows and inflows at high-redshift
- Effects of star-formation and AGN activity
- Census of molecular gas masses and excitation at high-z
- Interplay between mass, metallicity and SFR in galaxies
- ALMA and FIR line emission in high-z studies
- Synergy between ALMA, EVLA and ELTs
Carlos De Breuck (co-Chair), Diego Garcia, Maria Eugenia Gomez, Paulina Jiron, Alison Peck, Sergio Martin, Jeff Wagg (Chair)
Andrew Baker, Chris Carilli, Carlos De Breuck (co-Chair), Leopoldo Infante, Rob Ivison, Roberto Maiolino, Alison Peck, Dominik Riechers, Linda Tacconi, Jeff Wagg (Chair), Fabian Walter, Tommy Wiklind, Min Yun
For a limited number of interested participants, there will be an opportunity to tour the ALMA or APEX site at the end of the meeting. Santiago offers an excellent variety of restaurants and night life, while the area surrounding the city has many wineries to visit and world class skiing.