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ESO - OPSWorkshop


Windows Media Player files of the 4 sessions

Presentations are available to download

"Video-streams" are available for the 4 days


Goal of this workshop

Thanks to the rapid technological advances made by astronomical instrumentation,planetaryscience activities aimed at searching for, and characterizing extra-solar systemshavesteadily increased over the last decade. By bringing together both communitiesof solarsystem and extra-planetary systems scientists, this workshop will focus on discussing,mostly from an observational standpoint, our understanding of the formation ofour solarsystem and its early chemistry, and how it fits with recent observations andcurrentknowledge of the formation of planetary systems at large.

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Workshop format

We are planning to hold a moderate-size meeting (~80 people) stretching over4 days. The meeting will be made of 4 sessions (one per day), each being approachedfrom the solar system (SS) and extra-solar system (ESS) perspectives. Each sessionwill start with invited talks SS+ESS (45min each + discussion),followed by some shorter (20 min + discussion) contributed presentations. A spacewill be available for displaying posters. Advanced astronomy graduate studentswill be welcome to attend the workshop. We would like to limit the total numberof participants (speakers or not) to about 80 people maximum. Limited amountof funding support might be available upon request.

We have identified the following sessions and questions to address during the4-day workshop:
  • Session 1: Disks: "Detection, nature and composition of circumstellardisks" versus "Oort cloud, Kuiper belt, Meteorites and Planetesimals"
  • Session 2: Search for planets: "Radial-velocity, adaptiveoptics, transit, micro-lensing results" versus "Search for Dwarf Planets, Trans-NeptunianObjects and Small Outer Solar System Bodies"
  • Session 3: Planet's chemistry: "Composition/chemistry of extra-solar planets" versus "Composition of giant planets and their satellites, comets, TNOs"
  • Session 4: Finding other Earths: "Ground-based planet finders and future space missions" versus "Astrobiology/Biomarkers"
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Place and Date(s)

This 4-day meeting will be held in Chile, at the ESO-Chile headquarters in Santiago on March 5-8, 2007. Our newly remodelled conference room will be able to hold a capacity of about 90-100 people.

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Science Organizing Committee

  • Christophe Dumas (co-Chair), ESO
  • Michael Sterzik (co-Chair), ESO
  • Isabelle Baraffe, ENS Lyon, France
  • Antonella Barucci, Observatoire Paris-Meudon, France
  • Hermann Boehnhardt, MPI for Solar System Research Katlenburg-Lindau, Germany
  • Dale Cruikshank, NASA-AMES, USA
  • Wolfgang Gieren, Universidad de Concepciö¨n, Chile
  • Anne-Marie Lagrange, CNRS, France
  • Dante Minniti, Universidad Catö¨lica de Chile, Chile
  • Andreas Quirrenbach, ZAH, Landessternwarte Heidelberg-Kö¶nigstuhl, Germany
  • Stö©phane Udry, Observatoire de Genö¨ve, Switzerland
  • Benjamin Zuckerman, University of California in Los Angeles, USA

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Invited Speakers

  • Disks:
    - Franö§ois Mö©nard, Observatoire de Grenoble, France
    Observations and Models of Circumstellar Disks
    - Charles Telesco, University of Florida, USA
    Observing Planetesimal Collisions in Disks
    - Alessandro Morbidelli, Observatoire de Nice, France
    Dynamical Processes in the Early Solar System
  • Search for planets:
    - Didier Queloz, Observatoire de Genö¨ve, Switzerland
    Status and Prospect of Radial Velocity Searches
    - Olivier Hainaut, ESO
    Finding the Big Outer Solar System Bodies
    - David Mouillet, Observatoire Midi-Pyrö©nö©es, France
    Direct detection of exoplanets: current results and future planet finders
  • Planet chemistry:
    - David Charbonneau, Center for Astronomy, USA
    Probing the Atmospheres of Transiting Planets
    - Inga Kamp, STScI, USA
    Astrochemistry: from Disks to Protoplanets
    - Michael Mumma, NASA Goddard, USA
    Comets as Messengers from the Early Solar System
  • Finding other Earths:
    - Peter Lawson, JPL-Caltech, USA
    Roadmap to Other Earths
    - Lisa Kaltenegger, CfA, USA
    Biomarkers of Other Earths
    - Malcolm Fridlund, ESA, The Netherlands
    Expected results from COROT and Darwin in the search for rocky planets


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Local Organizing Committee

  • Christophe Dumas (co-Chair)
  • Michael Sterzik (co-Chair)
  • Stö©phane Brillant
  • Gaö«l Chauvin
  • Olivier Hainaut
  • Markus Hartung
  • Valentin Ivanov
  • Emmanuö«l Jehin
  • Daniel Kubas
  • Claudio Melo
  • Dominique Naef
  • Oliver Schuetz
  • Martin Vannier
  • Marö­a Eugenia Gö¨mez (logistic)

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Registration and Fees

  • Registration fee: Á‚¬ 80.00 / US$100.00 / CLP$55.000. It includes morning and afternoon coffee breaks, refreshments, welcome cocktail, registration package, end of conference cocktail.

    Accepted participants who wish to pay the registration fee via credit card can fill in this form.
    Otherwise, you can pay it in cash at the registration desk.

    March is a holiday season in Chile. We recommend you book your flight soon

Contact us


This workshop is sponsored by ESO and Pontificia Universidad Catö¨lica de Chile

Paranal/VLT visit

We have organized a trip to Cerro Paranal to visit the VLT facilities. The approximate cost of the air ticket and one meal at Paranal should be Á‚¬ 350.00
Participants would leave on Friday, March 9 and return to Santiago in the evening of the same day. ESO will provide logistics support.

Social event

We plan to hold the conference banquet at a place reflecting typical Chilean life style and cuisine.

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