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ESO - chemev98

ESO Conference on Chemical Evolution from Zero to High Redshift

ESO Headquarters, D-85748 Garching near Munich, Germany

October 14-16, 1998

Final Announcement


M42 - ESO NTT Deep Field

[HST image of M42 from Space Telescope Science Institute, operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under NASA contract NAS5-26555]


A 3-day conference on determination and interpretation of chemical abundances and evolution from stars, inter-stellar medium and local group galaxies at zero redshift to distant galaxies, clusters of galaxies and inter-galactic medium at high redshift is being organized. Whilst problems undoubtedly remain in the determination of stellar and nebular abundances in the nearby Milky Way, abundance determinations are beginning to converge. The observational and interpretive tools are beginning to be mature enough that they can be applied with some confidence to extra-galactic systems and integrated populations at increasingly high redshift. Ultimately the tools should be applicable to determination of the chemistry and enrichment of young galaxies at large look-back times.

The broad aim of the conference is to assess the interplay between methods of measuring chemical abundances with the astrophysical models of galaxy evolution. About half of the conference will be devoted to consideration of abundances and the factors that regulate them in nearby well-studied systems of the Milky Way and Local Group Galaxies. The remainder will concentrate on more distant systems where the abundance data is more slender and the tools under refinement. In addition there will be sessions on forthcoming and future instrumentation applicable to abundance determinations across the whole electromagnetic spectrum. The format for the meeting is invited talks, with contributed papers as talks or posters and some discussion sessions.

The proceedings will be published in the ESO-Springer conference series and edited by M. Rosa and J. R. Walsh.

Scientific Organising Committee (SOC)

The Scientific Organising Committee is composed of the following:

  • Francoise Combes (Obs. de Paris, Meudon. bottaro@obspm.fr)
  • Don Garnett (Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis. garnett@astro.spa.umn.edu)
  • Guinevere Kauffmann (MPA, Garching. gamk@mpa-garching.mpg.de)
  • Claus Leitherer (STScI, Baltimore. leitherer@stsci.edu)
  • Danny Lennon (Univ. Sternwarte, Munich. djl@usm.uni-muenchen.de)
  • John Mathis[Chair] (Univ. Wisconsin, Madison. mathis@madraf.astro.wisc.edu)
  • Max Pettini (RGO, Cambridge. pettini@ast.cam.ac.uk)
  • Michael Rosa (ST-ECF, Garching. mrosa@eso.org)
  • Peter Shaver (ESO, Garching. pshaver@eso.org)
  • Elena Terlevich (RGO, Cambridge. et@ast.cam.ac.uk)
  • David Tytler (Univ. California, San Diego. dtytler@ucsd.edu)


Local Organising Committee (LOC)

The members of the Local Organising Committee are:

  • Gertrud Contardo (gcontard@eso.org)
  • Christina Stoffer (cstoffer@eso.org)
  • Jeremy Walsh (jwalsh@eso.org)


Oral Programme

The preliminary programme is available. The final programme will be distributed at the workshop. Overhead projectors and a slide projector are available; speakers who require other equipment should discuss their needs with the LOC well in advance of the workshop.

Poster Programme

Due to the large number of invited speakers, only a limited number of contributed papers could be scheduled as talks. All the remaining contributions have been scheduled as poster papers. A preliminary list of posters is available.

The maximum poster size is 1x1 meter. The posters will be displayed in the ESO conference room 114 where we will have coffee breaks.
On the afternoon of the second day of the conference there will be a Poster Paper Review and Discussion session. Presenters of posters are requested to supply one transparency summarising their results for use by the Chair of this session.

Abstract Booklet

An abstract booklet is being prepared and will be available during registration. The preliminary version is available. If you still have not sent your abstract yet, please do so immediately!

Workshop proceedings

ESO now publishes its workshop proceedings in a Springer series with a format similar to "Lecture Notes in Physics".

Detailed instructions for authors can be found here.

The ABSOLUTE DEADLINE for submission of papers is DECEMBER 15, 1998.

Registration Fee

The registration fee is DM 150, which includes the welcome reception, transport and refreshments provided during the meeting, and a copy of the Workshop Proceedings for each participant. Please bring this amount in German currency only (cash preferred, traveller's cheques and Eurocheques accepted) with you for registration on Tuesday afternoon 15:00-17:00 or Wednesday morning 8:45-9:30. We regret that credit cards cannot be accepted. Note that the registration fee does not include the cost of lunch, which will be available at the nearby Max Planck canteen for approximately DM 10 per meal.


Confirmation of hotel reservation has been sent out. If you have not received a confirmation but do still require a hotel room, please let us know without delay.

Local Information


The conference will be held at ESO Headquarters in Garching in the Auditorium. The capacity is 110.


The weather during October is difficult to predict but can be warm (16-20 C) or quite cool. To get a feel for this, you might like to check the weather conditions around Munich during the week before the workshop. In any case, it would be prudent to come prepared for a range of temperatures, and for the possibility of rainy weather.


In the mornings/evenings on the days of the workshop, transportation will be provided between the centre of Garching (Maibaum) and ESO. The bus will leave from the bus stop Maibaum , in front of the Hotel Am Park. Travel time is about 5 min (by bus), and approximately 20-25 min for those wishing to walk. The bus will leave from the Maibaum as follows: at 08:30 on October 14, at 08:45 on October 15 and 16.

Return in the evenings is planned for 19:30 on Oct. 14, 18:45 on Oct. 15 and 17:30 on Oct. 16, respectively. A detailed bus schedule will be provided at the workshop.

Welcome reception

On Wednesday Oct. 14 there will be a welcome reception offered at ESO for participants between 18:00 and 19:30.

Bank service

The opening hours of the banks in Garching are: Mon-Fri: 08:30-15:45 (until 17:30 on Thursday). There are several 24-hr cash-points in Garching, e.g. at the Reuschel Bank (BУМrgerplatz 7). All the main credit cards are acceptable (with PIN Code).

Travel agent

The Carlson-Wagonlit Travel Office in the ESO building (office 203) is open on weekdays between 09:00-12:00 and 13:00-16.30 hours.

For further information on local arrangements and instructions on how to get to Garching and the hotels Travel and Local Information details are available.

Announcements and Deadlines

The schedule for the conference deadlines is given. Further details will appear in subsequent updates.

  • August 1, 1998 Deadline for registration, booking of accommodation and submission of abstracts.
  • Late September Confirmation of hotel reservations will be sent out.
  • October 14-16, 1998 Conference at ESO.
  • December 15, 1998 Final date for submission of Latex files to editors for publication in the proceedings.

For further information, please contact: chemev98@eso.org.