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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Mon Jul 21 00:40:04 2008
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Sun Apr 10 23:42:24 2016

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TeePee Thermal Control and Pressure Control Monitoring
M. Duchateau, G. Fischer, J.L. Lizon


· MUSE Vacuum Cryogenic and System (VCS) · JUMO Imago 500
­ Process Automation Controller

· TeePee
­ Temperature control and Pressure monitoring

· Telemetry · Status

MUSE Vacuum and Cryogenic System (VCS)

MUSE VCS Summary Summary
· 24 Detector Vessels (DV) ­ 24 Detector Heads (DH) ­ 24 Continuous Flow Cryostats (CFC) DH sensors and actuators ­ 2 detector sensors (main & spare) heater resistors CFC sensors and actuators ­ Cold Plate sensor (PT100) ld Pl LN2 valve ­ Exhaust Gas Sensor (PT100) heater resistor ­ Sorption Pump Sensor (PT100) heater resistor ­ Edwards Wide Range Gauge (WRG) Digital I/O (control inputs, alarm and status outputs)

· ·


VCS Block Diagram Block
RS-422 RS-4 2 2


Analog Inputs (6)

Imago 500 #1

Control Out (3)

Analog Inputs (6)

Imago 500 #n

Control Out (3)

Dig In(6)

Dig Out(6)

User Interface Hardware Interlocks Suppport Signals Commands/Status

CAS Warnings and Alarms

· Industrial Programmable Automation Controller
­ JUMO Imago 500
· Flexible hardware (select from various I/O modules) · Flexible setup via PC software via · 2 comm. ports with MODbus protocol

· TeePee
­ 19-inch 3HU rack
· · · · · 2 Imago 500 Power supplies Front panel switches Back panel connectors Opto-isolated solid-state relays

Imago 500 Frontpanel
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 Status line Color screen (configurable) Info/alarm symbol Current meaning of softkeys Keys Info/alarm display EXIT/manual key Operating mode/state Power LED . Status indicators for outputs (configurable)

Expansion slots slots

Imago 500 Features
· Modular hardware design · 4 flexible controllers in 1 unit
­ 2 parameter sets per controller; P, I, PD, PI, PID

· · · · ·

Auto tuning, sensor break detection to 16 limit comparators, logic variables, 4 timers Ramp up/ramp down Dynamic changeover of setpoints, parameters Recording
­ 4 analog, 3 binary values ­ Duration up to several weeks

· Large display, freely configurable freely configurable

Imago 500 Features
· Mathematical functions (for internal and external signals)
­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ +, - *, / sin(), cos(), tan() sqrt(), exp(), x**y log(), ln() max, min (any number of variables) fraction, integer ti

· Logic functions

Setup via PC PC
· JUMO Imago 500 Setup Program Program
­ Setup ­ Program editor (setpoint profiles) ­ Startup (simple visualisation) for optimization of control parameters ­ Down-/upload via RS232

PC Software

· · · · · · · Operates 2 MUSE DVs MUSE DVs 2 JUMO Imago 500 Power supplies (heaters, valves, WRGs) li (h WRG Solid state relays Communications ports (RS-422, MODbus) CAS Alarm outputs Alarm Digital I/O for Master Controller


TeePee Features
· 4 independent control loops for each DV · Cool-down/warm-up
­ Separate for each CCD ­ Slew rate set to 2°C/min.

· Automatic sequence for sorption pump regeneration · Interlocks for each DV (examples)
­ CCD too cold or too warm (-120..+50°C)
· Disable cooling or heating

­ Cold plate too cold or too warm -195..+50°C)
· Disable cooling or heating

­ Sensor break
· Switch to spare sensor

­ Pressure too high (>10-2 mbar)
· Disable cooling, warm up detector cooling warm up

Features cont.
· Edwards WRG pressure monitoring
­ Display linearization using built-in math functions

· Temperature Profile Generator (lab use only)
­ ­ ­ ­ Stress tests Aging Supports loops Setup via PC SW

Basic display display
· Basic screen display
­ ­ ­ ­ Process value Setpoints Output level Status

Custom display
· Customized screen display
­ 5 temperatures ­ 4 setpoints ­ 4 deviations from setpoint ­ 4 output level indicators di ­ vacuum pressure

Recording display display
· Recording screen display
­ ­ ­ ­ 4 analog values 3 binary values Zoom in/out Cursor to read values and time ti

Detector temp. Cold plate temp. WRG output Sorp. pump temp.

· Via PC (RS-422) PC (RS
­ JUMO Imago 500 setup program (rudimentary) ­ JUMO PCC and PCA3000
· Retrieval and analysis of recorded data (4 analog and 3 binary signals only)

­ LabView Virtual Instrument Virtual
· Virtually unlimited number of variables can be recorded and displayed

· Via Linux
­ See Claudio`s presentation

· TeePee Prototype in operation since in 2Q/2008
­ Initial tests of MUSE DV tests

· HW design finalized · Production of more units underway · Setput V1.0 completed
­ Supports standard CCD DHs and CFCs, modifications for other applications are possible.

· Excellent stability of CCD temperature · Excellent control loop settling · Excellent recovery after power failure
­ After power-up setpoint is set to process value ­ From here ramp up/down to last set value

· Simple user interface · Fail-safe design · Reference design:
­ MAD cooling controller for 3 Peltier cooled CCDs ­ In operation since 1Q/2007

More Information
· Imago 500 data sheets, operating sheets instructions and interface descriptions:
­ http://www3.jumo.de/pio/JUMO/en_UK/prd/70. UK/prd/70 3590/jumo-imago-500-universal-profilecontrollers-generators.html