Документ взят из кэша поисковой машины. Адрес оригинального документа : http://www.eso.org/projects/dfs/team/OT-test-report-V2-5-alpha1.html
Дата изменения: Fri Oct 25 13:33:34 2002
Дата индексирования: Sun Apr 13 22:57:38 2008

Поисковые слова: р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п
OT V2.5alpha1 Test Report TEST REPORT FOR OT V2.5alpha1
Test environment
Release number: V2.5alpha-release1. Jar file installed on 09 Oct 2002, then another jar delivered by Nick on 16 Oct 2002 at 15:19.
Tests performed from 09/10/2002 to 16/10/2002, on HP 11, machine 'wu0oh', account 'service', accessing 'TESTSRV'.
Goal: get familiar with the new MIPS features, run nominal situations and some simple error conditions. Please, notice that only about 30-40% of the standard testcases have been excuted here. The goal was indeed to concentrate on the MIPS features.

If a test case is not mentioned hereafter, it's means that it went fine: only, bugs and change requests are listed below.

On total:

Testing duration: about 15 hours.

Main test suites and test cases
See previous OT test reports.


1) Bug symptoms
OT DBB: the default period is 69, while it should be 70 (15 Oct 2002= phase II of P71)
How to reproduce
- simply run the DBB
Possible explanations
==> already solved by new alpha delivered by Nick

2) Bug symptoms
Can not append OBs to existing queues

How to reproduce
Try to append a VIMOS OB to queue: OB ID 115007 to queue 115025.
Queue 113620 is opened in parallel.
After clicking on the Append button (from the OT DBB), nothing happens (the OB is not added to the queue, no error message

reported to the user), instead there is an exception:
DEBUG - Counter 1
Exception occurred during event dispatching:
java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String
at org.eso.ohs.ot.gui.RepositoryBrowserView.getSelectedOBsId(RepositoryBrowserView.java:1322)
at org.eso.ohs.ot.gui.RepositoryBrowserView$QueueOBsAction.actionPerformed(RepositoryBrowserView.java:1430)
at javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed(AbstractButton.java:1066)
at javax.swing.AbstractButton$ForwardActionEvents.actionPerformed(AbstractButton.java:1101)
at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.fireActionPerformed(DefaultButtonModel.java:378)
at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.setPressed(DefaultButtonModel.java:250)
at javax.swing.AbstractButton.doClick(AbstractButton.java:226)
at com.sun.java.swing.plaf.motif.MotifMenuItemUI$MouseInputHandler.mouseReleased(MotifMenuItemUI.java:94)
at java.awt.Component.processMouseEvent(Component.java:2358)
at java.awt.Component.processEvent(Component.java:2203)
at java.awt.Container.processEvent(Container.java:901)
at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(Component.java:1812)
at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Container.java:946)
at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Component.java:1744)
at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.retargetMouseEvent(Container.java:1841)
at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.processMouseEvent(Container.java:1630)
at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.dispatchEvent(Container.java:1531)
at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Container.java:933)
at java.awt.Window.dispatchEventImpl(Window.java:509)
at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Component.java:1744)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.run(EventDispatchThread.java:82)

Possible explanations
Actually, same pb with any instrument: I can not append an existing OB to an existing queue.
==> already solved by new alpha delivered by Nick

3) Bug symptoms
OT hangs with Reports>missing Templates

How to reproduce
Open a queue ID=114965.
Select, from the QV, OB ID=114974
Reports>missing Templates on this OB: OT hangs with following exception

Exception occurred during event dispatching:


at org.eso.ohs.apps.actions.IncrementalActionAutomaton.run(IncrementalActionAutomaton.java:166)
at javax.swing.SystemEventQueueUtilities.processRunnableEvent(SystemEventQueueUtilities.java:332)
at javax.swing.SystemEventQueueUtilities.access$0(SystemEventQueueUtilities.java:328)
at javax.swing.SystemEventQueueUtilities$RunnableTarget.processEvent(SystemEventQueueUtilities.java:369)
at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(Component.java:1812)
at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Component.java:1744)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.run(EventDispatchThread.java:82)

Possible explanations
Anyway, I can quit OT
==> already solved by new alpha delivered by Nick

4) Bug symptoms
Wrong error message from OT debug about /diskd/service/config/

How to reproduce
When quitting OT, the debug says:
INFO - File: /diskd/service/config/ does not exist.
INFO - File: /diskd/service/config/ does not exist.

[1]+ Done ot -debug

While this directory actually exists:
wu0oh service:~ 310 > mkdir /diskd/service/config/
mkdir: cannot create /diskd/service/config/: File exists

wu0oh service:~ 311 > ls -la /diskd/service/config/
total 6
drwxr-xr-x 2 service vlt 24 Oct 9 11:26 ./
drwxr-xr-x 25 service vlt 2048 Oct 9 12:37 ../

Possible explanations
extract from my .ot.cf:
wu0oh service:~ 312 > cat .ot.cf
## -*- ksh -*-
## $Id: site.cf,v 1.29 2002/09/16 12:37:43 nkornwei Exp $
## Site configuration file
## Blank lines and lines beginning with '#' or ';' are ignored. Valid
## lines contain name/value pairs, optionally terminated by a
## semicolon ';' character and a comment starting with the '#'
## character. Leading and trailing blanks in the value string are
## ignored.
## Keywords which are not recognized by the application reading the
## configuration file are simply ignored; i.e., no error or warning
## message is issued. This allows applications to share configuration
## files without conflicts.
## Relative pathnames (for instance ../instruments) will be resolved
## with respect to the installation's top-level directory.
## Note that keywords relative to P2PP and the OT can be overridden by
## redefining them in files $HOME/.p2pp.cf and $HOME/.ot.cf,
## respectively.
## In that case, though, relative pathnames (for instance
## ../instruments) will be resolved with respect to $HOME.

## The following configuration items are
## meaningful for P2PP *and* OT

## This keyword sets OHS applications into a single IP version mode, where
## the latest IP versions for each instrument are used.
## This mode should be set to "y" for OHS applications running at "the mountain".

## This keyword enables the automatic download of IPs as required, from the
## IP database.
## This is typically enabled for OT and AppServer when running at Garching.
## If enabled, the INSTRUMENTS.IPVERSIONING.IPCACHE.FOLDER must be configured.

## FOLDER config setting determining where IPs are installed when
## downloaded from the database by an application.
## If Automatic IP download is enabled, this keyword must be set.
INSTRUMENTS.IPVERSIONING.IPCACHE.FOLDER "/diskd/service/cache/instruments"

## Pathname of the directory where the Instrument Packages are
## installed; it defaults to instruments.
INSTRUMENTS.FOLDER "/diskd/instmgr/instruments-MIPS"

## Can be used to increase or decrease the font size used on
## the GUIs.
## Range: Integer values between -4 and 4

## Script interpreters to be loaded. All entries must be valid and at
## least one is required to initialize the scripting extensions.
## This keyword should *never* be changed!
SCRIPTING.DRIVER.1 "org.eso.ohs.scripting.JaclScriptInterpreter"

## Location of specific API setup scripts; they are not required for
## the scripting extensions themselves.
## This keyword should *never* be changed!
SCRIPTING.SETUP.1 "/diska/flowmgr/dfs/dataflowJava/lib/scriptAPIsetup.tcl"

## Python scripting is not available
## SCRIPTING.DRIVER.2 "org.eso.ohs.scripting.JPythonScriptInterpreter"
## SCRIPTING.SETUP.2 "lib/scriptAPIsetup.py"

## The following configuration items are only
## meaningful for P2PP

## Pathname of the directory/folder where cache files and
## directories can be created; it defaults to cache;

## Pathname of the directory where import/export files can be created
## (note that this pathname can be altered interactively at run time);
## it defaults to impex.

## Pathname of the directory where files in PAF (PArameter File)
## format are stored. When assigning a value to a parameter
## of type paramfile, this directory will be initially searched.
## It defaults to the user's home directory.

## If these keywords are defined, P2PP will try to connect to its
## Application Server via an HTTP proxy server as specified by those
## keywords..
## It is normally not necessary to uncomment the following lines.
## Only sites with strict firewall policies will need to use
## an HTTP proxy server; other sites may rely on the default RMI
## connection.
#APPSERVER.HTTPPROXYHOST "proposal.hq.eso.org"

## The following configuration items are only
## meaningful for P2PP Application Server
## installations

APPSERVER.LOG "logs/appserver.log"

## The following configuration items are only
## meaningful for OT

## Pathname of the directory where the MaskTracker module will store
## the reports it receives; it defaults to pafdata.

## Pathname of the directory where OBD files will be saved.
## It defaults to the user's home directory.

## CONFIGREPORT.<inst>.<key>
## For more information about these keywords, please see
## http://www.eso.org/~uss/ohs/docs/specs/configreports1.html

## Location of personal configuration and option selections.
## Note: The OPTIONS.FOLDER keyword and one of the following
## CONFIGMENU keywords must be designated to activate
## the Option menu in the toolbar.
OPTIONS.FOLDER "/diskd/service/config"

## File containing personal option selections for Repository Browser.

## File containing personal option selections for Queue View.

## Default option selection name for Queue View.

## It can be set to true or false (default). If the value is
## true, the Queues->Refresh menu item (main OT panel)
## is enabled.

## The following configuration items are only
## meaningful for PanelTool

## Text files will be sent to this printer.

==> should be fixed by next alpha/beta (note: solves problem 1906)

VisiPlots not generated, OT hangs with following Java exception.
Very similar to the "old famous" bug we had in April then again in July. But still, notice that the exception is different
(before it was complaining about the libvplib.sl)

Exception occurred during event dispatching:
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: jnislaGmsta
at org.eso.ohs.phase2.visiplot.SiderealTime.getST(SiderealTime.java:36)
at org.eso.ohs.phase2.visiplot.VisiPlot.getLST(VisiPlot.java:586)
at org.eso.ohs.phase2.visiplot.VisiPlot.calcSelectedPCF(VisiPlot.java:361)
at org.eso.ohs.phase2.visiplot.VisiPlot.<init>(VisiPlot.java:110)
at org.eso.ohs.phase2.visiplot.ChartFrame.doStep(ChartFrame.java:721)
at org.eso.ohs.phase2.visiplot.ChartFrame.access$6(ChartFrame.java:716)
at org.eso.ohs.phase2.visiplot.ChartFrame$IncrementalCalculate.performStep(ChartFrame.java:696)
at org.eso.ohs.apps.actions.IncrementalActionAutomaton.run(IncrementalActionAutomaton.java:166)
at javax.swing.SystemEventQueueUtilities.processRunnableEvent(SystemEventQueueUtilities.java:332)

==> verified with Nick: required library will not be available until an HP-UX development platform is made available at USS. If wish to test the visiplot functions, do so on SOLARIS

OT does not start if the INSTRUMENTS.IPVERSIONING.IPCACHE.FOLDER refers to a non-existent dir
error message:
at org.eso.ohs.instruments.InstrumentList.setupInstrumentList(InstrumentList.java:213)
at org.eso.ohs.instruments.InstrumentList.setupInstrumentList(InstrumentList.java:135)
at org.eso.ohs.phase2.apps.ot.gui.OT.<init>(OT.java:150)
at org.eso.ohs.phase2.apps.ot.gui.OT.main(OT.java:587)

==> should be fixed by next alpha/beta

Now, just to report about an important test which works fine (if I trust the debug messages given below):
Running in "mountain mode" (single=Y, autoDownload=N).
In that case, my current instruments-MIPS/ directory contains 2 IPS for FORS2: FORS2-11.07 and FORS2-11.08
When trying to load a FORS2 OB, OT reads the TSF from the FORS2-11.08 (highest version):
DEBUG - MIPS GetTemplate: FORS2 v: 11.08 Template: FORS2_mxu_acq
DEBUG - MIPS GetTemplateMetaData file: /diskd/instmgr/instruments-MIPS/FORS2-11.08/FORS2_mxu_acq.tsf
DEBUG - GetTemplate: Meta Data Found
DEBUG - CLASS TemplateSignature - initParamList:
DEBUG - CLASS TemplateSignature - initParamList: loop: i =16
DEBUG - @@@@ Actual value length 8413
DEBUG - @@@@ Actual value length 2337
DEBUG - @@@@ Actual value length 11982

Now if I move away the FORS2-11.08/ dir, and start again OT, it reads the TSF from the FORS2-11.07:
DEBUG - MIPS GetTemplate: FORS2 v: 11.07 Template: FORS2_mxu_acq
DEBUG - MIPS GetTemplateMetaData file: /diskd/instmgr/instruments-MIPS/FORS2-11.07/FORS2_mxu_acq.tsf
DEBUG - GetTemplate: Meta Data Found
DEBUG - CLASS TemplateSignature - initParamList:
DEBUG - CLASS TemplateSignature - initParamList: loop: i =16
DEBUG - @@@@ Actual value length 8413
DEBUG - @@@@ Actual value length 2337
DEBUG - @@@@ Actual value length 11982

