. : http://www.eso.org/public/usa/announcements/ann1057/
: Unknown
: Wed Apr 13 03:14:01 2016
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Nanoantofagasta: How Big is the Universe? | ESO United States

ann1057 — Announcement

Nanoantofagasta: How Big is the Universe?

7 September 2010

People living in the region of Antofagasta, in Chile, can now submit their own answers to the fundamental question How big is the Universe? The most original as well as scientifically rigorous answer will win an overnight stay at Cerro Paranal, home of the VLT, the worlds most advanced optical-infrared observatory.

Nanoantofagasta is an innovative video competition organised by the Astronomy Outreach Centre Paranal Universidad Catlica de Norte, in collaboration with ExploraConicyt, the Antofagasta Railroad and the European Southern Observatory.

Participants must send in a creative movie clip explaining how big the Universe is and lasting no more than two minutes. All video formats are accepted, including webcams and cell phone cameras. Only residents of the Antofagasta Region in Chile are eligible to win the prize.


  • Website: www.nanoantofagasta.cl


Gonzalo Argandoa
ESO Education and Public Outreach Department
Santiago, Chile
Tel: +56 2 463 3000
Cell: +56 9 9 233 6137
Email: gargando@eso.org

Eduardo Unda-Sanzana
Astronomy Outreach Centre Paranal Universidad Catlica de Norte
Antofagasta, Chile
Tel: +56 55 355480
Email: eundas@almagesto.org

About the Announcement



Poster for the Nanoantofagasta competition
Poster for the Nanoantofagasta competition


Trailer for the Nanoantofagasta competition
Trailer for the Nanoantofagasta competition