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Дата изменения: Fri Aug 23 23:31:35 2013
Дата индексирования: Thu Feb 27 22:38:23 2014

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CV of Steffen Mieske (August 2013)

Curriculum Vitae of Steffen Mieske
Personal dates:
Nationality: Date of Birth: Place of birth: Civil status: German 12 January 1976 Neuwied, Germany Married, three children

University education:
Octob er 1996 ­ August 2001 Septemb er 2000 ­ August 2001 Study of Physics at Bonn University Master thesis in physics, thesis title: Towards the understanding of ultra compact objects in Fornax 10 month stay at the astronomical institute of the Pontifґcia Universidad Catolica de Chile (PUC) i ґ

August 2001

Master degree in Physics at Bonn University
Mark "with distinction"

March 2002 ­ May 2005

March 2002 ­ January 2004 January 2004 ­ April 2005

PhD student in Astronomy at Sternwarte Bonn Thesis title: Surface brightness fluctuation measurements of dwarf el liptical galaxies in nearby galaxy clusters Sup ervisors: Prof. Dr. L. Infante, Dr. M. Hilker, Prof. Dr. K. S. de Boer Stay at the astronomical institute of the PUC (with DAAD grant) Research assistant at Sternwarte Bonn

May 2005

PhD degree in Astronomy at Bonn University
Mark "magna cum laude"

Professional career:
August 2005 - July 2008

ESO fellow in Garching
- USD supp ort for VIMOS, WFI, and FEROS - Taking minutes at STC meetings - Organiser of the Wine & Cheese seminars

Since August 2008

ESO staff in Vitacura
- Coordinator of the Star Cluster Research Group (2009-) - Memb er of Fellow- and Studentship Selection Committee (2009-) - Memb er of Workshop Selection Committee (2012) Coordinator of the General Op erations Group (2009-) 2nd Instrument Scientist of VIMOS, VIRCAM (2009-) Instrument Scientist of OmegaCAM (2011-) Memb er of International Staff Committee Chile (2013-)

Scientific work

- 40 refereed articles (22 as 1st author); h-index = 20 - Referee for A&A, MNRAS, ApJ, AJ - Sup ervised three ESO PhD students - Chief organiser, 2011 ESO 'Dynamics' workshop - Reviewer and Reference for Chilean Fondecyt Postdoc applications See Annex (next two pages) for more details

CV of Steffen Mieske (August 2013)

ANNEX 1: Conference organisation, students, recent prop osals
· Conference organisation ­ Chief organizer of E tiago, April 2011 ­ SOC/LOC memb er ­ Memb er of scientific history" at JENAM · Student sup ervision ­ Sup ervisor of Master student Jeremy Fensch (Ecole Polytechnique, France) ­ 04-08/2013 ­ External evaluator for Master thesis of Andres Almeida (Universidad Andres Bello, Santiago) ­ 04/2013 ­ ESO sup ervisor of PhD thesis by Christoph Saulder (Vienna University; ESO Chile PhD studentship) ­ 11/2011 - 10/2013 ­ ESO sup ervisor of PhD thesis by Stefan Lieder (Heidelb erg University; ESO Chile PhD studentship) ­ 03/2011 - 02/2013 ­ ESO sup ervisor of PhD thesis by Andreas Kuepp er (Bonn University; ESO Chile PhD studentship) ­ 03-09/2010. Andreas is now Hubble fellow at Columbia University. ­ Co-sup ervision of PhD thesis by Matthias Frank (Heidelb erg University; ESO Garching PhD studentship) ­ 12/2008 - 11/2010. Matthias' PhD thesis, which is based on our group's sp ectroscopic data of individual UCDs (FLAMES 078.B-0496 PI Infante; ISAAC 081.B-0282 PI Mieske), is receiving this year's PhD prize of the German Astronomical So ciety. ­ Co-sup ervision of PhD thesis by Ingo Misgeld (Bonn University; ESO Garching PhD studentship) ­ 11/2007 - 10/2009 ­ Co-sup ervision of master thesis by Ingo Misgeld (Bonn University) ­ 10/2006 - 10/2007 · Ongoing and Accepted Observing Programs: ­ 091.B-0397 VIRCAM: The Next Generation Virgo Cluster Survey ­ Infrared, PI Puzia ­ 091.B-0143 VIMOS: Here be Dragons - using VIMOS to probe galaxy kinematics and stel lar populations where no instrument has gone before, PI Foster ­ 091.B-0417 OmegaCAM: Ornaments on a Hat - A Panoramic Imaging Survey of Sombrero's Outer Halo, its Dwarf Satel lite Population and its Globular Cluster System, PI Puzia ­ 092.B-0759 HAWKI: Compact stel lar systems as probes for the violent past in the core of the Hydra galaxy cluster, PI Georgiev ­ 092.B-0476 HAWKI: Compact Stel lar Systems in Hickson Compact Groups: A MultiBand Photometric Search for their Origins, PI Taylor ­ 092.B-0622 VIRCAM & OmegaCAM: The Next Generation Fornax Survey ­ Pilot Project (NGFS-PP): Deep NUV-NIR Imaging of the Baryonic Substructures in the Fornax Cluster Core Region, PI Munoz ­ 092.B-0744 OmegaCAM: FOCUS: the FOrnax Cluster Ultradeep Survey, PI Peletier ­ CN2013B-95 DECAM@CTIO, five nights 23-27/11/2013: The Next Generation Fornax Survey (NGFS) with Blanco/DECam, PI Munoz SO Chile Workshop 'Dynamics of Low-Mass Stellar Systems', Sanof inner-Chile star cluster workshop held in Santiago, March 2009 advisory b oard for Symp osium "Star clusters ­ witnesses of cosmic 2008, Vienna

CV of Steffen Mieske (August 2013)

ANNEX 2: conference contributions since joining ESO
09/2005 12/2005 12/2005 03/2006 08/2006 12/2006 01/2007 06/2007 09/2007 10/2007 12/2007 02/2008 09/2008 11/2008 03/2009 05/2009 01/2010 08/2010 10/2010 04/2011 08/2012 10/2012 10/2012 06/2013 11/2013 06/2014 2005Talk at annual meeting of Astronomische Gesellschaft, Cologne Talk at ESO workshop "Groups of Galaxies", Santiago de Chile Poster contribution to Latin American Regional IAU meeting LARIM 2005, Pucon, Chile Talk at FONDAP/ESO conference "Globular clusters, guides to galaxies", Concep ciґn, Chile o Poster contribution to IAU General Assembly, Prague Talk at E-ELT conference, Marseilles Poster contribution to ESO instrument calibration workshop 2007, Garching Talk at IAU symp osium 244 "Dark galaxies and lost baryons", Cardiff Poster contribution to IAU symp osium 246 "Dynamics of dense stellar systems", Capri Talk at ESO workshop "Science with the VLT in the ELT era", Garching Invited talk at MODEST8 meeting, Bonn Talk at Nuclear Star Clusters conference, MPIA Heidelb erg Talk at JENAM 2008, Vienna Invited talk at Universidad Andres Bello, Santiago Talk at inner-Chile Star Cluster workshop, Santiago Invited talk at TDG09 conference, Bonn Talk at SOCHIAS annual meeting, Concep cion Invited highlight talk at MODEST 10 meeting, Beijing (declined) Poster contribution to conference 'Low-Mass Star Formation', Tenerife Chair discussion session at ESO workshop "Dynamics of Low-Mass Stellar Systems", Santiago Talk at IAU GA Sp ecial Session 1 "Origin and Complexity of Massive Star Clusters", Beijing Invited review talk on extragalactic globular clusters at SOCHIAS annual meeting, Valparaiso Poster contribution ESO-GAR workshop "Next Generation Imaging and Sp ectroscopic Surveys" Talk at workshop "Small Stellar Systems in Tuscany", Prato, Italy Talk (requested; program not yet published) at LARIM 2013, Florianop olis, Brasil Invited talk at MODEST14 meeting, Bonn Regular Outreach Activities at ESO Garching, Vitacura, Paranal