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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Tue Feb 19 19:07:17 2008
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Tue Oct 2 09:49:29 2012

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Fraunhofer Reference Architecture for use of web based technologies

Web based architecture Dr.-Ing. Manfred Mucha Head of Competence Center Business Integration Fraunhofer-Institut fÝr Arbeitswirtschaft und Organisation (IAO) Garching, 13th February 2008

What is web technology?


Web technology is more than web browsing and web frontends

© Fraunhofer IAO

Web technology = Internet technology = using the Internet Protocols

Web technologies used by companies
Forum Mail system Instant Messaging Chat Search Groupware (Web) Content Management Workflow Management Web server VoIP Video Conferencing Own web based applications Legacy Systems

Document Management Search File share Wiki


Media Asset Management

User authentification

© Fraunhofer IAO

Lots of different web technologies and web applications!

Mail / Personal Information Management Principle

Web access, e.g. MS Outlook Fat client, e.g. MS Outlook

Possible functionalities: ­ Mails ­ Contacts ­ ToDos ­ Calendar

Web based mail solutions, e.g. GMail
© Fraunhofer IAO

(Web) Content Management Principle
­ ­ ­ ­ ­ Administration, editing and provision of lower structured content (mainly page oriented) Segregation of content, logical structure and presentation (layout) Provision of specialised editor Support of editorial workflow processes and release mechanism Modularisation and reusage of content


Document Dokument Logical Structure Layout

Some commercial products: CoreMedia Vignette VIP RedDot xRed Imperia CONTENS Infopark Weblication CMS webEdition

© Fraunhofer IAO

Document / Media Asset Management Principle
­ ­ ­ ­ ­ Access Zentralised administration of documents and files Control Search support using meta data and full text Easily find of pictures and quality assurance Avoidance of multi location data filing Search and Transparency of existing digital media select assets as basis for corporate identity
Some products for digital media management Cumulus Portfolio p-dot Pixelboxx 4LeafClover Opix Media TIM-BDB FotoWare imagic ims m@rs Artesia Some products for document management EASY ENTERPRISE LiveLink DMS DOXiS iECM-Suite FileNet ImageManager Ceyoniq Archive Manager
Document structures / relations

Check-in / Check-out

Version / Revision Control

Office File Datei

CAD File Datei Digitale Pictures Bilder Video Audio


Status control

Description by meta data

Technical Description

© Fraunhofer IAO

Typical components of an web architecture
Basic Components Directory Services Single Sign On Roles- and Responsibilites Workflow Services File shares Databases Communication Components Chat VoIP Video Conferencing

Backend Components ERP CRM Various Customer Applications e.g. for Projektmanagement, etc.

Content Components (Web) Content Management Systems Document Management Systems Media Asset Management Systems Search Engines Collaboration Components Wiki Personal Information Management (PIM) Groupware Forum

© Fraunhofer IAO

Web based architecture
Portal Applications
- customer applications heavily integrated into portal architecture

Existing Web Applications
- customer applications using selected basic services -

Content Components
(Web) CMS Document Management Systems Media Asset Management Systems Search Engines

Comm./Coll. Components
- Wiki, PIM, Groupware, Forum - VoIP, Videoconferencing

Data Services
· Data Transformation

(Authentification, Access, Workflow, PPersistance,TTransformation) (Authentification, Access, Workflow, ersistance, ransformation)

Interface Layer Interface Layer

Directory Service





Basic Components

Backend Components

© Fraunhofer IAO

Workflow Management Principle
­ ­ ­ Implementation of workflows Including modelling, execution and monitoring of workflows Provision of standardised interface to applications
Tasks / Worklist
15.01. 10.30 MÝller, Walter Meeting Request 15.01. 11.50 Koller, Sabine Application for Leave 15.01. 11.55 Mustermann, Hans Application for Leave 15.01. 12.03 Mayer, Hans Expert Committee 11.01. 15.02 Marketing-Team Request for Pictures 11.01. 15.05 Maintenance Bug Report Mobile Phone 11.01. 17.02 HR Department Question Time Recording 15.01. 17.05 Hansen, Karin Room Booking 15.01. 17.08 Portal Team Access to Q1 Reports All Tasks / Worklist

Overview about To-Dos and delegated jobs out of groupware solution

© Fraunhofer IAO

User Authentification Principle
­ ­ ­ ­ Check of user identity and user data. Determining of corresponding authorization Provided within directory service Modelling of company and department structure

© Fraunhofer IAO

e.g. Reference Architecture for Portals
En Devices / Presenation UserdgerÄte/Darstellung
Web Browser Webbr owser WAP Browser WAP-Browser
Baarrierefreie B rri er-free Darstellunn Presentatio g

PrÄsentation Presentation

Other Andere

Application Server BerProvisionngsdienste eitstellu Services HTTP
Portal Softwa Portalsoftwarere



Portal Application Visualization Portalanwendungsvisualisierung PropririetÄre Techologies WSRP Prop etary Techn nologien Portal Basic enste PortalbasisdiServices

Indi id. Porta Appl cations Indivvid.Portallanweindungen

Individ. Anwendung ndivid. Application Individ. Anwendung ndivid. Application

Layout Management Layout Management St ucture Manag ment Strrukturmanageement Content Management Content Management


Shop Shop Community Community Collaboratioi Collaboratnon Groupware Groupware Workflkflow Mgnt. Wor ow Management DokumentenDocument Mgnt. management

Rechte- und BenutzerRights and User verwaltung Management Suche Search Prozesssteuerung Process Control Personalisierung Personalization Single Sign On Single Sign On
Fraunhofer PADEM Portalsoftware Referenzarchitektur 2.0 www.padem.de

Transaktio sdienste TransactionnServices

Integ ati ionsd enst Integrraton Serivicese

Enterprise portals as integration plattforms (Presentation, processes, data) of existing applications Reference Architecture for Portals for transparent structuring of components und functionalities Layer modell differentiating between Presentation (z.B. homogeneous visibility) Applications to be integrated (Document Management, Groupware, Workflow Management, etc.) Basic Services (Authentification / Single Sign On, Rights and role management, Search, Personalisation etc.) Legacy Integration (Middleware, EAI) of ERP, CRM, Databases, external Databases etc.

Anwendungsilogik c Applicat on Logi

Backend Backend

BackendBackend system System

Externe Exte nal Datenqueces Data Sour lle


Exte Benurnal tzer User Mgnt.


Andere Other

© Fraunhofer IAO

e.g. Reference Architecture for Portals (example)
Application Server

Middleware / Integration Layer Components of Portal Software New Applications Existing technologies Existing vs. new applications Individual web based applications

Portal Software
JSR-168 Portal Application Visualisation WSRP Proprietary Technologies Portal Basic Services Layout Management Structur Management Workflow Management

Individ. Potal Applications Project Management Mgnt. Reports Portalanwendungsmodule Catalog / Shop Content Management Workdesk Groupware Online Marketing DMS


Rights and User verwaltung Search Process Control Personalization LDAP


Integration Services EAI

! !

Co-existence of existing and new web based applications, legacy systems! Visual Integration as well as common basic services usable by all applications!

Middleware Backend

© Fraunhofer IAO

Visual Integration by Web Based Portals



Visual integration of different backend applications and solutions Usage of portles for presentation and data access

Existing Web Applications

© Fraunhofer IAO

Portlet Concept Individualisation and Personalisation with Portlets
­ Individualisation by usage of Portles (SAP iView, MS WebPart, IBM Portlet). ­ Portlet as window to an application or data source. ­ Location, visibility and content parameter to be configured completely free or by presettings. ­ Content could be personalised. ­ Portlets uncouple application logic and presentation.
Portlet-API Expert Group (JSR 168) Apache Software Foundation, Art Technology Group Inc., BEA Systems, Boeing, Borland Software Corporation, Broadvision Inc., Citrix Systems, EDS, Epicentric, Fujitsu Limited, Hitachi Ltd., IBM, IONA Technologies, Novell Networks, Oracle, SAP AG, SAS Institute, Sun Microsystems, Sybase, TIBCO Software

© Fraunhofer IAO

Example: Internal company portal
Messages News
Employee Information Service Information Press Releases Branch News Reports for Managers Press Review

My Workplace Forum




Overview about To-Dos and delegated jobs out of groupware solution
Tasks / Worklist
15.01. 10.30 MÝller, Walter Meeting Request 15.01. 11.50 Koller, Sabine Application for Leave 15.01. 11.55 Mustermann, Hans Application for Leave 15.01. 12.03 Mayer, Hans Expert Committee 11.01. 15.02 Marketing-Team Request for Pictures 11.01. 15.05 Maintenance Bug Report Mobile Phone 11.01. 17.02 HR Department Question Time Recording 15.01. 17.05 Hansen, Karin Room Booking 15.01. 17.08 Portal Team Access to Q1 Reports All Tasks / Worklist

15. January 2008, Employee Information Adjustment of travelling allowance Zum 1. Januar 2008 werden die FahrtkostenzuschÝsse entsprechend den gesetzlichen änderungen angepasst. FÝr dienstlich veranlasste Fahrten mit dem Privat-PKW gilt nun eine erhÆhte Fahrtkostenpauschale von x Cent pro Kilometer. ...more 15. January 2008, Press Release Head start extended over competitors Auch im letzten Jahr haben wir den Vorsprung bei Absatz und Umsatz deutlich gegenÝber dem Wettbewerb ausgebaut. Insgesamt konnten mehr als 200.000 Neukunden fÝr die innovativen Produkte gewonnen werden ... more 11. January 2008, Press Release Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Morbi pulvinar, arcu quis fringilla ullamcorper, justo odio placerat orci, ac accumsan felis tellus id diam. Quisque felis. Nullam sem arcu, volutpat viverra, consequat sit amet, congue in, diam..... more

Reports provided finance Januar department using10.rem ipsum0dolor sit amet,ase nsectetuer adipiscing an y 2 08, Press Rele co Lo Lorem ipsum Business Intelligence Solution dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.

Company news provided by corporate communication department using an CMS

Morbi pulvinar, arcu quis fringilla ullamcorper, justo odio placerat orci, ac accumsan felis tellus id diam. Quisque felis. Nullam sem arcu, volutpat viverra, consequat sit amet, congue in, diam..... more

News for Managers
15. January 2008 Manager News Employee-Voting approves importance of appraisal interview Das Mitarbeiter-Voting im Dezember 2007 bestÄtigt die Rolle des MitarbeitergesprÄchs aus Sicht der Mitarbeiter. Die detaillierten Ergebnisse finden Sie ... more View all Manager News Die Inhalte dieser Seite werden von verschiedenen Autoren erstellt. Technischer und inhaltlicher Ansprechpartner fÝr die Bereiche FÝhrungskrÄfte Info ist Heribert Moll

Concern Kalendar Planning Personell Expenses Manager Info

Company news provided by HR department using an CMS

Personalised favorits, short links

Menu Today: Penne in Gogonzola-soúe, HirschrÝcken mit Preisselbeeren Details Overview of the week

Example: Internal company portal
Messages Service Area
Personnel Time Management Office Management Meeting Management General Procedures Travel Management Facility Management Information Mangement / IT-Systems Company Benefits Appraisal Interview

My Workplace A-Z Overview




VSG Attendance Dr. Wilhelm GrÝn OSA 20 h


January 08

Name: Org. Unit:

Overtime preview months: Change Data D ay 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 " Total Overtime in January
Save Changes

Begin 8:00 8:00

End 18:00 17:00

Break Begin 12:00 12:15

Break End 12:45 13:15

Hours/Day 9,25 h 8,0 h

Timekeeping as employee self service integrated with HR backend solution

17.25 h

Implementation of web based applications
Approach Application Server Portalsoftware Portlets
Approach 1
Presentation Application

Approach 2
Presentation Darstellung

Approach 3

Approach 4

Approach 5

Application Server Application

Application Server

Application Server Service

Presentation Application

Presentation Application

Presentation Application


Application logic and presentation within portlet

Application logic executed by external application server. Presentation generated by portlet.

Application logic and presentation executed / generated by external application server. User presentation generated by portlet.

Application logic and presentation executed / generated by external web based application.

Application logic and presentation executed / generated by external application server. Presentation provided by web services based on WSRP (web services for remote portals)

Fraunhofer IAO

© Fraunhofer IAO

Comonent based and service oriented architecture
­ Component orientation

­ Usage of standards, z.B. J2EE, .NET ­ Usage of standarised interface protocols ­ Possibility to source of software components
­ Service orientation

JavaBeans JavaBeans ActiveX / /.NET Forms ActiveX .NET Forms Client Server

Fat-Clients Fat-Clients

TThinClients hin- -Clients
HTML HTML Skriptcode Skriptcode


JSP / /Servlets / /ASP.NET / /PHP JSP Servlets ASP.NET PHP

Server oriented Serverseitige Presentation PrÄsentation

­ Definition of an service oriented layer architecture ­ Service provision e.g. by web service technology

EJBs / /.NET Services / /CORBA Components EJBs .NET Services CORBA Components JDBC / ODBC Konnektoren

Application Logic Anwendungslogik

Database ung Datenhalt Legacy Systems Fremdsysteme
z.B. ERP z.B. ERP

© Fraunhofer IAO

Contact and further informations
Fraunhofer-Institut fÝr Arbeitswirtschaft und Organisation IAO Nobelstraúe 12 70569 Stuttgart www.iao.fraunhofer.de Contact:
Further Informations: www.ebi.iao.fraunhofer.de

Dr.-Ing. Manfred Mucha Head of Competence Center Business Integration Tel: +49 (0) 711 / 970-2450 Fax: +49 (0) 711 / 970-5111 Mobile: +49 (0) 1 79 / 4 93 50 02 Email: Manfred.Mucha@iao.fraunhofer.de

© Fraunhofer IAO