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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Thu May 10 12:30:57 2007
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Mon Oct 1 23:14:26 2012

Ïîèñêîâûå ñëîâà: http www.stecf.org conferences eslab2007

Books, Articles etc.
10. Christensen, L.L.: IAU's Communication Strateg y, Hands-on Science Communication & the Communication of the Planet Definition Discussion, in Proceedings from IAU General Assembly 2006 Special Session 2, ed. J. Pasachoff & R. M. Ros, IAU 2007 9. 8. 7. 6. Christensen, L.L.: The Hands-on Guide for Science Communicators, (Springer 2006) Christensen, L.L. & Fosbury, B.: Hubble ­ 15 Years of Discovery (Springer, 2006, also in Finnish, German, Portuguese) Robson, I. & Christensen, L.L., (Eds.), Proceedings from Communicating Astronomy with the Public 2005 Christensen, L.L.: Practical Popular Communication of Astronomy, pp. 105142 in Organizations and Strategies in Astronomy -- Vol. 4, ed. AndrÈ Heck, 2003 Translation of Burnham, R. et al., 1997, The Nature Company Guides ­ Advanced Skywatching (Gyldendals Store Himmelguide, Gyldendal 2000) + 2. edition 2002 Translation of Burroughs, W. J. et al. 1996, The Nature Company Guides ­ Weather (Gyldendals bog om Vejret, Gyldendal 1999), + 2. edition 2002 Translation of Cornelius, G., 1997, The Starlore Handbook (HÅndbog til Himlens Stjerner, HÜst & SÜn 1998) Christensen, L.L. et al., LysfÔnomener i Naturen ­ Om lys og farver nat og dag, HÜst & SÜn, 1998 Translation of Ford, H., 1998, The Young Astronomer (Stjernekigger, HÜst & SÜn 1998)


Cover of the web book "The Hands-on Guide for Science Communicators", 2006.

4. 3. 2. 1.

"Gyldendals Store Bog om Vejret", Gyldendal 2000+2002.

The book "LysfÔnomener i Naturen", 1998. The press wrote "Excellent book", og " This book should be available on every school".


"Gyldendals Store Himmelguide". The critics wrote "Now it is - to put credit where it is due - originally an English production which has been adapted to Danish, but it is bloody well done!", Politiken 02.12.2000.


3 8 . Hurt, R., Christensen, L.L., From astronomical data to art, Astronomy magazine, January 2007 3 7 . Christensen, L.L., Boganmeldelse af: Hawkings Uendelige Univers, Aktuel
Naturvidenskab, 2006 36. Christensen, L.L., PÅ billedjagt med egen computer, Aktuel Astronomi 012006 35. Christensen, L.L., Hubble fejrer fÜdselsdag, Aktuel Astronomi 02-2005 34. Christensen, L.L., Himlen Netop Nu, Illustreret Videnskab, 05-2005 33. Christensen, L.L., Supernova skabte Solsystemet, Illustreret Videnskab, 062005 32. Christensen, L.L., Himlen Netop Nu, Illustreret Videnskab, 01-2005 31. Christensen, L.L., Himlen Netop Nu, Illustreret Videnskab, 02-2005 30. Christensen, L.L., XMM opdager rÜntgenekko, Aktuel Naturvidenskab, 03/ 2004 29. Christensen, L.L., NÔrbillede af kometkerne, Aktuel Naturvidenskab, 02/ 2004 28. Christensen, L.L., Exoplaneter i vÔlten, Aktuel Naturvidenskab, 01/2004 27. Christensen, L.L., Voyager 2 mod Solsystemets afslutning, Morgenavisen Jyllandsposten, December 2003 26. Christensen, L.L., Mod Solsystemets Yderste Graense, Aktuel Naturvidenskab, 05/2003 25. Christensen, L.L., Fokus pÅ Solen, Morgenavisen Jyllandsposten, Sunday 4 May 2003 24. Christensen, L.L., Hidtil dybeste kig ud i Universet, Aktuel Naturvidenskab, 03/2003 23. Christensen, L.L., Danske Forskere med eksplosiv opdagelse, Aktuel Naturvidenskab, 03/2003 22. Christensen, L.L., FÜrste detaljerede billede af et solsystem under dannelse, Illustreret Videnskab, 2003 21. Christensen, L.L., Ringenes Herre, Illustreret Videnskab, 2003 20. Christensen, L.L., Sommerfugle i Rummet, Aktuel Astronomi, 01/2003 19. Christensen, L.L., åbenhed er en nÜdvendighed!, HovedomrÅdet, 01/2003 18. Christensen, L.L., Big Bang Kortlagt, Aktuel Naturvidenskab, 01/2003

Article in Politiken 18.8.1998

Article in Illustreret Videnskab, 1998

Article in Politiken 3.8.1998



17. Christensen, L.L., Rekordskarpe billeder af Solen, Aktuel Naturvidenskab, 01/2003 16. Benvenuti, P. & Christensen, L.L., The Hubble Space Telescope - 10 Years On, ESA Bulletin 104, November 2002 15. Christensen, L.L., Hubble: The Next Generation, Astronomy Now, Feb. 2002 14. Christensen, L.L., Nej, vi fandt ikke meteoritten, men ..., Politiken, 17.8.1998 13. Christensen, L.L., Flyttedag til ny isÜrken, Politiken, 10.8.1998 12. Christensen, L.L., HÜjt humÜr i snesumpen, Politiken, 3.8.1998 11. Christensen, L.L., Jagt pÅ meteorit i gang, Politiken, 28.7.1998 10. Christensen, L.L., Ekspedition skal finde rester af meteorit, Politiken, 21.7.1998 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Christensen, L.L., diverse "Nyheder", Aktuel Astronomi 1995-1998 Pedersen, E. & Christensen, L.L., 1998, Jagten pÅ Meteoret, Illustreret Videnskab #14, 1998 Christensen, L.L. & RÆgnvaldsson, æ. E., 1997, Universet i en Computer, Aktuel Astronomi, Vinter 1997 Om astronomi, i Studier pÅ Naturvidenskab, KU, 1997 + 1998. Christensen, L.L., Hermit, S., 1997, Hipparcos - En lille satellit med store ambitioner, Aktuel Astronomi, Vinter 1997 Christensen, L.L., 1996, Universets StÜrste Strukturer, Aktuel Astronomi, EfterÅr 1996 Christensen, L.L. & Linden, M.J.D., 1993, Sorte Huller - Teoretikernes fantasifostre?, Aktuel Astronomi, vinter 1993 Christensen, L.L. & Linden, M.J.D., 1993, Gravitationelle Linser kosmiske fatamorganaer, Aktuel Astronomi, forÅr 1993 Christensen, L.L. & Linden, M.J.D., 1993, CCD-revolutionen, Aktuel Astronomi, sommer 1993



35. Christensen, L.L., Communication of the "Pluto Affair", ST-ECF Newsletter 41, December 2006 34. Christensen, L.L., The International Year of Astronomy 2009, ST-ECF Newsletter 41, December 2006 33. Christensen, L.L., Crabtree, D.R. & Robson, I., Division XII Working Group on Communicating Astronomy with the Public in REPORTS ON ASTRONOMY 2002-2005, IAU Transactions XXVIA, O. Engvold (ed.), International Astronomical Union, 2005 32. Hurt, R., Christensen, L.L.,From astronomical data to art, Astronomy magazine, January 2007 31. Zoulias, M, Christensen, L.L., Kornmesser, M., The ESA Hubble 15th Anniversary Campaign, conference proceedings from the 7th Hellenic Astronomical Conference , 2006 30. Zoulias, M, Christensen, L.L., Kornmesser, M., Hubble's 15 years anniversary, poster at the 7th Hellenic Astronomical Conference , 2005 29. Christensen, L.L., Progress of the Virtual Repository, in Proceedings from the ESO/ESA/IAU Conference 14-17 June 2005, eds. I. Robson & L. L. Christensen 28. Christensen, L.L., Moving the pretty pictures into the 21st century, in Proceedings from the ESO/ESA/IAU Conference 14-17 June 2005, eds. I. Robson & L. L. Christensen 27. Christensen, L.L., Nielsen, L.H, Nielsen, K.K & Johansen, T., The ESA/ ESO/NASA Photoshop FITS Liberator Version 2, in Proceedings from the ESO/ ESA/IAU Conference 14-17 June 2005, eds. I. Robson & L. L. Christensen 26. Christensen, L.L & Kornmesser, M., The ESA Hubble 15th Anniversary Campaign in Proceedings from the ESO/ESA/IAU Conference 14-17 June 2005, eds. I. Robson & L. L. Christensen 25. Robson, I. & Christensen L.L., Report on the ESO-ESA-IAU Conference Communicating Astronomy with the public 2005, ESO Messenger 121, 2005 24. Hurt, R. & Christensen, L.L., FITS Liberator v.2 Users Guide, 2004 23. Christensen, L.L., Hubble's 15th Anniversary ­ Facts about the ESA Project, ST-ECF Newsletter 38, July 2005 22. Christensen, L.L., A framework for a Virtual repository of Outreach Products, ST-ECF Newsletter 37, October 2004 21. Christensen, L.L., The ESA/ESO/NASA Photoshop FITS Liberator, ST-ECF Newsletter 37, October 2004

A National Strateg y for Astronomy- og Space Communication

Selected Topics from Science Communication, poster

How to Get to Barcelona, poster



20. Christensen, L.L., Latest from ESA/Hubble outreach and education, proceedings from the GHOU Conference Skt. Petersburg, Russia, 2004 19. Christensen, L.L., A framework for a virtual repository of outreach products, proceedings from the GHOU Conference Skt. Petersburg, Russia, 2004 18. Christensen, L.L., A framework for a Virtual repository of Outreach Products poster at the JENAM conference, Grenada, 2004 17. Christensen, L.L., The IAU Working Group Communicating Astronomy with the Public, poster at the JENAM conference, Grenada, 2004 16. Christensen, L.L., The Third Communicating Astronomy Conference, poster at the JENAM conference, Grenada, 2004 15. Christensen, L.L., Selected Topics from Science Communication, poster at the JENAM conference, Grenada, 2004 14. Christensen, L.L. et al., "Simplicity" on Spacetelescope.org - User's Guide, 2004 13. Christensen, L.L. et al., "Simplicity" on Spacetelescope.org ­ an innovative web scheme for science communication, ST-ECF Newsletter 36, Spring 2004 12. En National Strategi for Astronomi- og Rumfartsformidling, Astronomisk Udvalgs Underudvalg for Formidling, 2004 11. Christensen, L.L., The Ideal Communication Office, in the proceedings from the "Stars of Paper" INAF workshop, Bologna, 2003 10. Christensen, L.L., Selected Topics from Science Communication, poster at the COMMUNICATING ASTRONOMY TO THE PUBLIC conference, Washington DC, 2003 9. 8. Christensen, L.L. et al., How to Get to Barcelona, poster at Dansk Astronomi MÜde, Nyborg, 2003 Christensen, L.L.: Communicating Science: A case study - the Hubble Space Telescope, in the Proceedings from the Global Hands on the Universe conference, 2002 Bacher, A, Christensen, L.L: Hands-on wotk with The ESA/ESO Astronomy Exercise Series, in the Proceedings from the Global Hands on the Universe conference, 2002 Bacher, A. & Christensen, L.L., SchÝler in den Fuústapfen der Wissenschaftler, poster at 52. Jahrestagung der æPG, Leoben, Austria, 2002 Christensen, L.L.: Science Communication ­ the case of the Hubble Space Telescope, ST-ECF Newsletter 31, Summer 2002 Christensen, L.L. & Bacher, A., The ESA/ESO Astronomy Exercise Series, in ST-ECF Newsletter 30, January 2002, 7 Christensen, L.L. & Bacher, A., In the Footsteps of Scientists - ESA/ESO Astronomy Exercise Series, in ESO Messenger No. 107, March 2002, 44f Bacher, A.; Christensen, L.L. : A Taste of Real Astronomy - The ESA/ESO 5 Astronomy Exercises, in The Universe in the Classroom No. 57, Spring 2002 Bacher, A. & Christensen, L.L., 2001, The ESA/ESO Astronomy Exercise


5. 4. 3. 2.





3. 2. 1.

Olesen, A.V. et al., 2000, De himmelske buer, Aktuel Naturvidenskab #1 2000 Christensen, L.L. et al., 1998, Nordlys, Kvant #4 1998 van der Poel, M. et al., 1998, BrydningsfÔnomener i Jordens AtmosfÔre, Kvant #4 1998

The cover of Kvant #4, 1998

6. 5. 4. Fosbury, R & Christensen, L.L., Hubble's Bequest to Astronomy, ST-ECF Newsletter 41, December 2006 Christensen, L.L., What's New, HST, poster at Dansk Astronomi MÜde, Nyborg, 2002 RÆgnvaldsson, æ. E., et al., 2001, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 322, s. 131-140, Depletion of background galaxies owing to the cluster lens CL0024+1654: U- and R-band observations Christensen, L.L., 1996, Compound Redshift Catalogues and their Application to Redshift Distortions of the Two-Point Correlation Function, Thesis, University of Copenhagen Christensen, L.L., 1996, Mapping the Universe through 3D Visualization of Galaxy Redshifts in the conference proceedings from "Mapping, Measuring and Modeling the Universe" p. 177-182 Christensen, L.L., Nevalainen, J., 1995, Correlations between Gamma Ray Burst Positions and Multi-wavelength Observations of Various Object Types, proceedings fra Nordic Research Course 10: Observational Methods and Techniques in Space Astrophysics p. 97-130

What's New, HST, poster




The book"Mapping, Measuring and Modeling the Universe" with cover image made by LLC.


The thesis "Compound Redshift Catalogues and their Application to Redshift Distortions of the Two-Point Corr elation Function".


Note: a significant part of the publications below has been produced in collaboration with others. My role has often been project manager, but also work as contributor is included.

10. The ESA/ESO/NASA Photoshop FITS Liberator v.2.1, plug-in for Photoshop, 2006 9.

Hubble - 15 Years of Discovery: Full-length documentary (83 minutes + 60 minutes Bonus), 2005 Hubble Planetarium Production Package (distributed by SkySkan), 2005
The ESA/ESO/NASA Photoshop FITS Liberator v.2, plug-in for Photoshop, 2005 The ESA/ESO/NASA Photoshop FITS Liberator, plug-in for Photoshop, 2004 Simplicity, an innovative system for producing web sites, 2004 Hubbles Pletskud, CD-ROM & Poster for Illustreret Videnskab, Scandinavia, 2004 The ESA/ESO Astronomy Exercise Series, 2002 The Hubble Image Collection v. 3.0, 2002 Introduction to the Second Guide Star Catalog (partnership), 2002



6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1.

Cover of the CD-ROM'"The ESA/ESO Astronomy Exercise Series".

Next Generation Space Telescope exhibition wall 2000.

See also: http://www.spacetelescope.org/goodies and http:// www.spacetelescope.org/projects

13. Wissenschaftssommer, Munich centre, 2006 12. Science Tunnel, MPG, 2006 11. ESA Gallery, Armagh Planetarium permanent exhibition, 2006 10. Einstein Party, Munich centre, 2005 9. 8. TUMlab, Deutsche Museum, 2005 Science Tunnel, MPG, 2005



6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1.

Raumfahrt - Traumfahrt, Volkswagen Forum, Berlin, 2004 The Hubble Deep Field in 3D, International Astronomical Union General Assembly, Manchester, UK, 2000 Next Generation Space Telescope, SPIE Meeting, MÝnchen 2000 Kontrolcentret ­ fremtidens klassevÔrelse, Tycho Brahe Planetarium, 19981999 Skagen Odde Naturcenter, (consultancy), 1998 Mars Panorama, Tycho Brahe Planetarium, 1998 Det EuropÔiske Sydobservatorium, Tycho Brahe Planetarium, 1996

18. Hubble - 15 Years of Discovery: An opportunity too good to miss, 2004 17. The ESA/ESO/NASA Photoshop FITS Liberator, 2004 16. International Virtual Observatory Alliance press kit, 2003 15. The ESO/ST-ECF Science Archive Facility v. 2, 2003 14. The Hubble Space Telescope ­ Our European Eye in Space, 2003 13. ST-ECF ­ Connecting Ground- and Space-based Astronomy, 2001 12. The Infrared Revolution, 2001 11. The ESO/ST-ECF Science Archive Facility, 2000 10. Next Generation Space Telescope, 2000 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Hubble European Space Agency Information Centre, 2000 10 Years that Changed our Vision, 2000 (English) 10 Ans d'observations ... une vision nouvelle de l`univers , 2000 (French) 10 Jahre die unser weltbild verÄndert haben, 2000 (German) Hubble Servicing Mission 3A, ESA Newspaper, 1999 ürsted - Danmarks fÜrste satellit, 1999 FÜrste Lys til VLT, 1998 Tycho Brahe Planetarium årsrapport, 1997 Beat the Visions, 1993

Cover of the brochure "The Hubble Space Telescope - Our European Eye in Space", 2002.

Cover of the brochure "The Infrared Revolution", 2001.



12. ESA/ESO Astronomy Exercise 7: The Distance to M100 as Determined by photometry of Cepheid Variable Stars performed with the EU-HOU SalsaJ software + teacher's guide, 2006 11. ESA/ESO Astronomy Exercise 6: The Mass of the black hole at the centre of our Milky Way + teacher's guide, 2006 10. ESA/ESO Astronomy Exercise 5: Exploding stars and the expansion of our Universe+ teacher's guide, 2006 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Hubble - 15 Years of Discovery: educational material, 2005 Fits for education, (http://www.spacetelescope.org/projects/fits_liberator/ fitsforeducation.html) General Introduction to ESA/ESO Astronomy Exercise Series (see also http:/ www.astroex.org) ESA/ESO Astronomy Exercise Toolkits ESA/ESO Astronomy Exercise 1: Measuring the Distance to SN 1987A Supernova 1987A+ teacher's guide ESA/ESO Astronomy Exercise 2: The Distance to M100 as Determined by Cepheid Variable Stars + teacher's guide ESA/ESO Astronomy Exercise 3: Measurement of the Distance to the Cat's Eye Nebula + teacher's guide ESA/ESO Astronomy Exercise 4: Measuring a Globular Cluster's Distance and Age + teacher's guide German, Spanish, Dutch, Swedish, French and Italian translations of the the above.

Cover of Exercise 1 in the series of "ESA/ESO Astronomy Exercises", 2002.

23. ST-ECF new web site: http://www.stecf.org/ 22. ESLAB 2007: http://www.stecf.org/conferences/ESLAB2007/ 21. The Virtual Observatory in action: new science, new technolog y, and next generation facilities, IAU XXVI General Assembly, Special Session 3: http:/ /www.ivoa.net/pub/VOScienceIAUPrague/ 20. Innovation in Teaching/Learning Astronomy (SpS2), A Special Session on IAU Support for Astronomy Education, GA 2006: http:// www.communicatingastronomy.org/innovation2006/index.html 19. Hubble Shop: http://www.spacetelescope.org/hubbleshop 18. The ESO/ESA/IAU Conference Communicating Astronomy with the Public 2005, http://www.communicatingastronomy.org/cap2005

Web site for " The ESA/ESO A stronomy Exercise Series", 2002.

Web-site for the company Spacevision, 2002.



17. IAU Division XII - Union-Wide Activities, http://www.iaudivisionxii.org/ 16. The International Astronomical Union Working Group on Communicating Astronomy with the Public, http://www.communicatingastronomy.org, 2004 15. The Hubble European Space Agency Information Centre, http:// www.spacetelescope.org, 2004 14. The Hubble European Space Agency Information Centre, http:// hubble.esa.int, 2003 13. NetvÔrk for Naturvidenskabelige Forskningsformidlere, http:// www.spacetelescope.org/nvff/, 2003 12. Workshop om naturvidenskabelig forskningsformidling, http://www.eso.org/ ~lchriste/workshop/index.html, 2003 11. The ESA/ESO Astronomy Exercise Series, http://www.astroex.org, 2002 10. Spacevision, http://www.spacevision.org, 2002 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Astrophysical Virtual Observatory, http://www.eso.org/avo, 2001 ASTROVIRTEL, http://www.stecf.org/astrovirtel, 2001 Space Telescope European Coordinating Facility, http://www.stecf.org, 1999 & 2001 The Hubble European Space Agency Information Centre, http:// hubble.esa.int, 1999 Skolernes Online-observation af SolformÜrkelsen, SOS '99, http:// www.sos99.dk, 1999 LysfÔnomener i Naturen, http://www.astro.ku.dk/lys, 1998 The International Astronomical Union, http://www.iau.org, 1997 Tycho Brahe Ekspeditionen '98, http://www.tycho.dk/tbe98, 1998 Tycho Brahe Planetarium, http://www.tycho.dk, 1995



See examples at http://www.spacetelescope.org/videos 31. New Hubble Servicing Mission to upgrade instruments, 2006 (Video News Release) 30. Hubble Planetarium Production Package (distributed by Sky-Skan), 2005 29. Contributions for Planetarium Hamburg's Hubble Planetarium Show, 2005 28. Hubble - 15 Years of Discovery: Full-length documentary (83 minutes + 60 minutes Bonus), 2005 27. Part of: Mission Saturn ­ Reise zum Herrn der Ringe, planetarium show, Forum am Deutschen Museum, 2004 26. Part of: Hubble's Heritage, (Spitz Immersavision). Louisville Planetarium. 48 seconds 25. Part of: PÅ vej til Mars (the first Danish IMAX-film). Tycho Brahe Planetarium. 80 seconds. 24. Hubble's deepest view ever of the Universe unveils earliest galaxies, 2004 (Video News Release) 23. Mega starbirth cluster is biggest, brightest and hottest ever seen, 2003 (Video News Release) 22. Hubble tracks down a galaxy cluster's dark matter, 2003 (Video News Release) 21. Finding the ashes of the first stars, 2003 (Video News Release) 20. European astronomers observe first evaporating planet, 2003 (Video News Release) 19. Missing Link found between supernovae and black holes, 2002 (Video News Release) 18. Servicing Mission 3B, 2002 (Video News Release) 17. Astrophysical Virtual Observatior y, 2002 (13 min. documentary) 16. Hubble unveils a galaxy in living colour, 2001 (Video News Release) 15. Hubble spies huge clusters of stars formed by ancient encounter, 2001 (Video News Release) 14. At the final exams at Danmarks Designskole 1997, slide show 13. Ambient Laser Trance in The Dome, laser show, 1995 12. Laserpyramide over KÜbenhavn, FN summit Copenhagen, laser sculpture, 1995

Still from a Video News Release on the Hubble Space Telescope .


Press clipping from "Liv i Universet", 1991.


11. Dust (Wau!) StÜv, Performance Theater (technical leader), Hotel Pro Forma, 1995 10. Tripping on the Final Frontier, multimedia event, 1995 9. 8. 7 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Den aktuelle Stjernehimmel 1-15, star shows, 1991-1999 LÜvens HimmelbrÜl, star show, 1994 Beat the Visions, laser show, 1993 DrÜmmen om Mars, star show, 1993 Rundt om Solen, star show, 1992 Planeternes Udforskning, star show, 1992 Den Lunefulde MÅne, star show, 1991 Liv i Universet, star show, 1991 Store BjÜrn og Lille BjÜrn, star show, 1990

Press clipping from " Tripping on the Final Frontier", multimedia event, 1995.




13. ST-ECF Newsletter Issue No 41, December2006 12. ST-ECF Newsletter Issue No 40, July 2006 11. ST-ECF Newsletter Issue No 39, December 2005 10. ST-ECF Newsletter Issue No 38, July 2005 9. ST-ECF Newsletter Issue No 37, October 2004 8. ST-ECF Newsletter Issue No 36, May 2004 7. ST-ECF Newsletter Issue No 35, Januar y 2004 6. ST-ECF Newsletter Issue No 34, September 2003 5. ST-ECF Newsletter Issue No 33, March 2003 4. ST-ECF Newsletter Issue No 32, November 2002 3. ST-ECF Newsletter Issue No 31, June 2002 2. ST-ECF Newsletter Issue No 30, Januar y 2002 1. ST-ECF Newsletter Issue No 29, July 2001