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Дата изменения: Fri Oct 13 19:14:12 2006
Дата индексирования: Mon Oct 1 20:57:12 2012

Поисковые слова: m-a 17
Publications, Paul Bristow


    ``On the Baryon Density of the Universe.'' Bristow, P. D. & Phillipps, S., 1994. Mon. Not. R. astr. Soc., 267, 13.

    ``Simulating Wide Field Images.'' Bristow, P.D. & Phillipps, S., 1995. I. A. U. Wide Field Imaging Newsletter., 7, 12.

    ``Isophotal Effects in Faint Galaxy Samples.'' Bristow, P.D. & Phillipps, S., 1995. In: New Light on Galaxy Evolution, I.A.U. Symposium No. 171., eds R. Bender & R. Davies.

    ``HST Counts of Elliptical Galaxies: Constraints on cosmological Models?'' Driver, S. P., Windhosrt, R. A., Phillipps, S. & Bristow, P. D., 1996. Astrophys. J., 461, 525.

    ``WFPCII Associations Project'' Bristow, P. D., Pirenne, B. & Micol, A., 1997. ST-ECF Newsletter., 24, 21.

    ``Morphological Number Counts and Redshift Distributions to I = 25 from the Hubble Deep Fields: Constraints on Cosmological Models from Early Type Galaxies'' Phillipps, S., Driver, S. P., Couch, W.J., Fernandez-Soto, A., Bristow, P.D., Odewahn, S.C., Windhorst, R.A., and Lanzetta, K., 2000. Mon. Not. R. astr. Soc., 319(3)807

    ``Modeling Faint Morphological Number Counts'' Bristow, P. D. & Phillipps, S., 2001. ESO / ECF / STScI Workshop "Deep Fields" Proceedings, Eds S. Cristiani, A. Renzini and R. E. Williams, Springer Verlag. pp. 150

    ``Faint Galaxy Detection in Drizzled Data'', Bristow P. D. and Hook, R., 2002 ST-ECF Newsletter, 30, 11

    ``From Theoretical to Observational Via Selection Effects'', Bristow P. D., 2002. pp. 265 in ``New Trends in Theoretical and Observational Cosmology'', Eds K. Sato and T. Shiromizu, Universal Acadamy Press.

    `` Close-out and Final Improvement Of HST POA FOS/BLUE Archived Data'', Alexov A., Bristow P., Kerber F., Rosa R., 2002, ASP Conf. Ser., 281, 363

    `` Data Processing Improvements that can be Made to Final Archives'', Bristow P., Alexov A., Kerber F., Rosa R., 2002, ASP Conf. Ser., 281, 265

    `` Final Improvement of HST POA FOS/BLUE Archived Data and Pipeline Processing'', Bristow P. D., Alexov A., Kerber F., Rosa, M. R., 2002, Proceedings of AAS meeting, 200, 5905

    `` Science from the refurbished FOS/BLUE archive: Interstellar absorption lines in a sample of low red-shift quasars'', Kerber F., Wills B., Alexov A., Bristow P., Seifarth A., Rosa M. R., 2002, Proceedings of AAS meeting, 200, 4018

    `` Model Based Corrections to Data from Radiation Damaged Detectors'', Bristow P., ADASS 2003, ASP. Conf. Ser. in press

    `` CCD Charge Transfer Efficiency'', Bristow P., 2003, in ST-ECF Newsletter 34, August 2003 edition

    `` Modelling Charge Transfer on the STIS CCD'', Bristow P., Alexov A., Kerber, F. and Rosa, A, 2002, in HST Calibration Workshop, STScI, p176.

    `` FOS Post Operational Archive and STIS Calibration Enhancement'', Rosa, A, Alexov A., Bristow P. and Kerber, F., 2002, in HST Calibration Workshop, STScI, p162.

    Piatek, S; Pryor, C; Bristow, P; Olszewski, E. W.; Harris, H. C.; Mateo, M; Minniti, D; Tinney, C. G., ``Proper Motions of Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies from Hubble Space Telescope Imaging. IV. Measurement for Sculptor.'' AJ 131,1445, 2006.

    Bristow, P.; Kerber, F.; Rosa, M., ``STIS Calibration Enhancement: Wavelength Calibration and CTI''. In "The 2005 HST Calibration Workshop", Eds Koekoer, Guodfrooij & Dressel, pp299. 2006.

    Kerber, F.; Bristow, P.; Rosa, M., ``STIS Calibration Enhancement: Dispersion Solutions Based on a Physical Instrument Model.'' In "The 2005 HST Calibration Workshop", Eds Koekoer, Guodfrooij & Dressel, pp309. 2006.

    Kerber, F.; Bristow, P.; Rosa, M., Nave, G., Reader, J., Sansonetti, C., Lercher, G. ``Characterisation of Pt/Cr-Ne Hollow Cathode Lamps for Wavelength Standards in Space Astronomy.'' In "The 2005 HST Calibration Workshop", Eds Koekoer, Guodfrooij & Dressel, pp318. 2006.

    Kerber, F., Lindler, D., Bristow, P., Lembke, D., Rosa, M., Nave, G., Reader, J., Sansonetti, C., Heap, S., Wood, J., ``Performance of the FOS and GHRS Pt/(Cr)-Ne Hollow Cathode Lamps after their Return from Space and Comparison with Archival Data.'' In "The 2005 HST Calibration Workshop", Eds Koekoer, Guodfrooij & Dressel, pp324. 2006.

    Bristow P., Kerber F., Rosa, M., Pirard J-F., Siebenmorgen, R., Käufl, H-U. ``Model-based wavelength calibration for CRIRES.'' In Proc. SPIE Vol. 6270, 62701T, "Observatory Operations: Strategies, Processes, and Systems"; David R. Silva, Rodger E. Doxsey; Eds. 2006

    Kerber, F., Nave, G., Sansonetti, C., Bristow, P., Rosa, A., Käufl, H-U., Rosa, M. ``The spectrum of Th-Ar hollow-cathode lamps in the 900-4500 nm region: establishing wavelength standards for the calibration of VLT spectrographs.'' In Proc. SPIE Vol. 6269, 62692O, "Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy"; Ian S. McLean, Masanori Iye; Eds. 2006

    Kerber, F., Frey, B., Leviton, D., Bristow, P., Käufl, H-U., Pirard, J-F., Rosa, M. ``Calibration of the ZnSe pre-disperser on ESO's cryogenic IR echelle spectrograph (CRIRES): comparison of the first results from CRIRES and the laboratory data from CHARMS.'' In Proc. SPIE Vol. 6269, 626942, "Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy"; Ian S. McLean, Masanori Iye; Eds. 2006

    Kerber, F., Lindler, D., Bristow, P., Nave, G., Reader, J., Sansonetti, C., Lembke, D., Heap, S., Rosa, M., Wood, J. ``Performance of the GHRS Pt-Ne hollow-cathode lamps after their return from space and comparison with archival data.'' In Proc. SPIE Vol. 6266, 62663A, "Space Telescopes and Instrumentation II: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray"; Martin J. Turner, Günther Hasinger; Eds. 2006

    Piatek, S; Pryor, C; Bristow, P; Olszewski, E. W.; Harris, H. C.; Mateo, M; Minniti, D; Tinney, C. G., ``Proper Motions of Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies from Hubble Space Telescope Imaging. V: Final Measurement for Fornax''. AJ Accepted. 2006.

    Instrument Science Reports

    (Full list of ISRs, posters and presentations and links here.)

    Bristow P. ``STIS Model Based Charge Transfer Inefficiency Correction Example Science Case 1: Proper Motions of Dwarf Galaxies'', CE-STIS-2004-003

    Bristow P. ``The Impact of the CTI Correction Pre-Processor Upon Standard STIS CCD Pipeline Dark and Bias Reference Files'', CE-STIS-2004-002

    Bristow P. ``Overview of the CE-STIS CTI Pre-Processor BETA'', CE-STIS-2004-001

    Bristow P. "Application of Model Derived Charge Transfer Inefficiency Corrections to STIS Photometric CCD Data", CE-STIS-2003-001

    Bristow P. "Application of Model Derived Charge Transfer Inefficiency Corrections to STIS Spectroscopic CCD Data", CE-STIS-2003-002

    Bristow P., Alexov A. "Modelling Charge Coupled Device Readout: Simulation Overview and Early Results" CE-STIS--2002-01