Research Interests
òÀâ Evolution of massive galaxies through a multi-wavelength perspective
òÀâ Observing and simulating galaxy mergers
òÀâ Quenching of star formation
òÀâ 2010 - 14 PhD in Astrophysics
ˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆà Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
ˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆà Thesis: The Evolution of Massive Galaxies in the Past 11 Billion Years
ˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆà Advisors: Prof. Sune Toft & Prof. Andrew Zirm
òÀâ 2012ˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆà MSc in Physics
ˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆà Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
òÀâ 2005 - 09 BSc in Physics, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Awards & Scholarships
òÀâ 2009 - 11 Stipend and Tuition Waiver for Outstanding Master Students, University of Copenhagen
òÀâ 2008 Residential Research Studentship Award, University College London
òÀâ 2008 Yasumoto International Exchange Scholarship, Chinese University of Hong Kong
òÀâ 2006 C. N. Yang Scholarship, Chinese University of Hong Kong
òÀâ 2005 - 07 Chung Chi College Grand Scholarship of Tuition Waiver for Early Admitted Students, Chinese University of Hong Kong
òÀâ 2004 Hong Kong SAR Government Scholarship for Talented Students
òÀâ 2004 St. PaulòÀÙs Convent School Alumni Scholarship for Outstanding Students
Research Visits
òÀâ 2014/06ˆàˆàˆà AIfA, Bonn, Germany (1 week, hosted by Dr. Alexander Karim)
òÀâ 2014/02ˆàˆàˆà University College London (1 week, hosted by Dr. Thomas Greve)
òÀâ 2013/01-06 Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii (6 months, hosted by Prof. David Sanders & Prof. Joshua Barnes)
òÀâ 2011/08ˆàˆàˆà MSSL, University College London (1 week, hosted by Prof. Kinwah Wu)
òÀâ 2008/09ˆàˆàˆà MSSL, University College London (1 month, hosted by Prof. Kinwah Wu)
Observational Experience
òÀâ Observing time granted
ˆàˆàˆà PI: 70h on the Very Large Telescope (VLT) : 30h X-SHOOTER, 40h NACO
ˆàˆàˆà Co-I: VLT/X-SHOOTER (115h), Gemini/GNIRS (6h), WHT/LIRIS (2n), TNG/NICS (5h)
òÀâ Service / Visitor observations* (sole observeròÀà)
ˆàˆàˆà Subaru 8.4m (SuprimeCam*, 2n)
ˆàˆàˆà VLT 8m (X-SHOOTER 30h, NACO 40h)
ˆàˆàˆà NTT 3.6m (SOFI*òÀà,3n)
ˆàˆàˆà Nordic Optical Telescope 2.6m (NOTCam* 6n, ALFOSC* 1n)
ˆàˆàˆà UH 2.2m (SNIFS*òÀà, 2n)
International Conferences & Workshops
(Invited & contributed talks, postersòÀà)
òÀâ 2014/09 Evolving Galaxies in Evolving Environment, Bologna, Italy
òÀâ 2014/08 Chemical Evolution of Galaxies, Copenhagen, Denmark
òÀâ 2014/07 òÀà IAU Symposium 311: Galaxy Masses as Constraints of Formation Models, Oxford, UK
òÀâ 2014/05 COSMOS Team Meeting, Zagreb, Croatia
òÀâ 2014/05 Multi-Wavelength Surveys: Galaxy Formation and Evolution, Dubrovnik, Croatia
òÀâ 2013/05 COSMOS Team Meeting, Kyoto, Japan
òÀâ 2012/10 The Dark Universe, Abastumani Observatory, Georgia
òÀâ 2012/05 Euclid Mission Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark
òÀâ 2011/12 Invited Talk, Watching Galaxies Grow Up, Ringberg, Germany
òÀâ 2011/11 òÀà IAC Winter School: Secular Evolution of Galaxies, Tenerife, Spain
òÀâ 2011/10 Galaxy Mergers in an Evolving Universe, Hualien, Taiwan
òÀâ 2010/12 Designing and Preparing ALMA Early Science Phase Proposals, Onsala, Sweden
òÀâ 2010/09 òÀà Formation and Evolution of Blackholes, Galaxies and their Environment, Potsdam, Germany
òÀâ 2010/08 Nordic Workshop on ALMA First Science Opportunities, Copenhagen, Denmark
Colloquia & Research Talks
òÀâ 2014/10 Seminar, Lyon Observatory, France
òÀâ 2014/10 Cafe Club Seminar, Laboratoire dòÀÙAstrophysique de Marseille, France
òÀâ 2014/06 Colloquium, Argelander-Institut f†®r Astronomie, Bonn, Germany
òÀâ 2013/02,06 Astro-coffee Talks, Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii Manoa, USA
òÀâ 2013/01 WEDGE Seminar, Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii Manoa, USA
òÀâ 2012/05 Seminar, Annual Danish Astronomy Meeting, Hven, Denmark
òÀâ 2011/08 Seminar, Theory Group, MSSL University College London, UK
òÀâ 2011/06 Seminar, Danish Physical Society Annual Meeting, Nyborg, Denmark
òÀâ 2011-2012 Seminars, DARK Cosmology Centre, Denmark
òÀâ 2011/01 Seminar, Danish Astrophysics Research School Annual Meeting, Ebeltoft, Denmark
òÀâ 2011/01 Seminar, Nordic Winter School on Cosmology and Particle Physics, Gausdal, Norway
òÀâ 2010/07 Seminar, Physics Department, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
òÀâ 2010/06 Seminar, Nordic-Baltic Graduate School: Extragalactic Astronomy in the ALMA Era, Onsala, Sweden
òÀâ 2008/08 Seminar, Theory Group, MSSL University College London, UK
Teaching Experience
òÀâ 2012 Teaching Assistant on a second-year course òÀÜGalaxiesòÀÝ
òÀâ 2012 Teaching Assistant on a first-year course òÀÜIntroduction to CosmologyòÀÝ
òÀâ 2012 Supervised 3 first-year bachelor students on their first research project
ˆàˆàˆà òÀÜThe ALMA Perspective of the Antennae GalaxiesòÀÝ, top grade achieved
òÀâ 2012 Co-supervised a third-year bachelor student on the bachelor project
ˆàˆàˆà òÀÜUsing Python For Extragalactic StudiesòÀÝ