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Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Sun Apr 10 06:45:56 2016

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RSC Energia – Commemorating the 100th anniversary of the academician S.P. Korolev


Commemorating the 100th anniversary
of the practical cosmonautics founder,
academician Sergei Pavlovich Korolev


Chief Designer academician S.P. Korolev

Sergei Pavlovich

(1907 - 1966)

Chief Designer
of rocket and space technology,
initiator of practical cosmonautics

Founder and Head of Special Design Bureau-1
(RSC Energia after S.P. Korolev)


1924 - 1926
the student of Kiev Polytechnic Institute, the city of Kiev.
1926 - 1930
the student of Moscow Higher Technical School after N.E. Bauman.
1927 - 1931
Employed at aircraft plants ¹ 22, 39 (in the capacity of engineer, senior engineer, team lead, Head of design team), the city of Moscow.
1931 - 1932
Senior engineer, team leader at Central Aero-Hydrodynamic Institute, the city of Moscow.
1932 - 1933
Head of Moscow GIRD (Team of Jet Propulsion Investigation).
1933 - 1938
Deputy Head of RNII, senior engineer, Head of Department at RNII – NII
¹ 3, the city of Moscow.
1938 - 1940
Was Subject to repression and was exiled to Kolyma.
1940 - 1944
Chief Designer, Head of Department at Experimental Design Bureau in charge of the USSR NKVD special-purpose technology, the cities of Moscow, Omsk, Kazan.
1944 - 1945
Chief Designer, Head of Department at Special Design Bureau within plant ¹ 16 MAP USSR, the city of Kazan.
1945 - 1946
Member of Special Technical Commission on the captured rocket technology, the first Deputy Head, Chief Engineer of the Nordhauzen Institute, Germany.
1946- 1951
Chief Designer, Head of Department at Special Design Bureau, NII ¹ 88, the USSR Ministry of Weapons, the city of Kaliningrad, Moscow area.
1951 - 1956
Deputy Director of NII ¹ 88 and Chief Designer of Special Design Bureau-1, Ministry of General Machine-building, USSR, city Kaliningrad, Moscow area.
1956 - 1966
Head of the enterprise and Chief Designer of Special Design Bureau-1, Ministry of General Machine-building, USSR, the city of Kaliningrad, Moscow area.

Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Artillery Science (1947),
the USSR Academy of Sciences (1953), Doctor of Sciences (1957),
member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1958),
Member of the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1960 through 1966).

Initiator of scientific-technical school in the field of designing, manufacturing, testing and application of sophisticated rocket, rocket-space and space complexes and systems.

Author and co-author of more than 250 scientific works, papers and inventions.

Twice Hero of Socialist Labour (1956, 1961).
Lenin Prize winner (1957).

Decorated with the Order of the Badge of Honour (1945), Order of Lenin (1956, 1961);
The following medals: "For the Valiant Labour during the Second World War 1941–1945" (1945), "In Commemoration of the 800th anniversary of Moscow" (1948),
gold medal after K.E. Tsiolkovsky from the USSR Academv of Sciences (1958).

The world-famous, distinguished scientist, designer of rocket-space technology, the founder of practical cosmonautics, Chairman of General Designer’s Review. Also he is the founder and head of the enterprise, the team of which ensured development of the Soviet Union anti-missile shield, "breakthrough" of mankind into space and embarked on its exploration. The following projects have been implemented under the lead of S.P. Korolev:

  • The first national long-range ballistic missiles running on high-temperature boiling and low-temperature boiling and solid propellant components, as well as their rocket complexes, including submarine complexes;
  • Pioneer national high-altitude geophysical rockets;
  • The world’s first artificial earth satellite, first scientific satellites "Elektron", automatic stations towards the Moon, Mars, Venus; the pioneer national communication satellite "Molnia-1", photographic reconnaissance satellite "Zenit";
  • Vostok and Voskhod manned space vehicles with the world’s first space flight with Yu.A. Gagarin onboard and the pioneer human space walk (A.A. Leonov).

S.P. Korolev and Yu.A. Gagarin on the launch pad of Baikonur Coscomdrome on April 12, 1961Vostok launch vehicle

At OKB-1 meetingThe works got under way under manned Lunar programs ê1, ì1-ê3, the program of the Soyuz manned space vehicles; cargo space vehicles – fillers; space upper stages – tugs. Design – exploration studies were carried out for manned complexes for human flights in near-earth orbit and towards the Solar system planets, unified series of launch vehicles ì1 - ì11 - ì111 and other projects.
Academician Korolev is the initiator of creating the General Designer’s Review on rocketry and rocket and space technology, as well as its chairman. He provided technical management and coordination of the national enterprises and organizations activities under rocket, rocket-space and space projects with Special Design Bureau-1 led by him and acting as the prime organization. S.P. Korolev had been the head of the enterprise during 20 years. Today the Corporation is named after S.P. Korolev.

Summarizing the results of the flight performed by P.I. Belyaev and A.A. Leonov onboard Voskhod-2 space vehicleS.P. Korolev with the first cosmonauts corps

Successors and followers of Sergei Pavlovich involve hundreds of distinguished, internationally-famed scientists, engineers and experts in the country. They have always been in the forefront of world cosmonautics development.
Among their achievements are the following: development and flights of national automatic vehicles to the Moon and solar system planets; development and operational use of modern rocket systems of strategic purpose; manned orbital stations Salyut; Mir Orbital Complex; development and flight tests of Energia-Buran reusable space system; assembly and operational use of the International Space Station, implementation of the international project of sea-based Rocket-Space Complex "Sea Launch"; development and operational use of up-to-date communication and telecommunication spacecraft "Yamal" and many other projects.
Monuments to Sergei Pavlovich Korolev were set up in the following cities: Zhitomir, Moscow, Baikonur, Korolev, on the premises of RSC Energia. Memorial museums were opened in Zhitomir, Moscow and at Baikonur Cosmodrome, while in RSC Energia’s museum was created S.P. Korolev’s memorial flat-study.
The city of Korolev, Moscow area, bears his name (Kaliningrad, in the past), as well as Rocket-Space Corporation Energia, Samarskiy (Kuibyshevskiy) Aviation Institute.
The Administration of the city Korolev instituted the award after S.P. Korolev to be given to the best young scientists and specialists industry-wide in the city. Scholarships after S.P. Korolev are instituted for students of institutions of higher education.

Monument to S.P. Korolev in the city of Korolev S.P. Korolev’s bust on the premises of RSC Energia Memorial plaque on the building, where S.P. Korolev used to work S.P. Korolev’s memorial flat-study



Official WEB-site of S.P.Korolev RSC Energia