Contract activities on ISS Russian Segment
Experiment MIA
The goal of this experiment is to determine the effect of microgravity on both the ability of adherent monocytes to migrate on a surface (Motion), as well as to interact with T-cells (Interact). Monocyte locomotion is important in immune function, since monocytes need to bind to tissue surfaces and then migrate through them. Additionally, interaction of monocytes with T-lymphocytes is important for the co-stimulatory signal (2nd signal).
The experiment consists of two components: In the 'Motion' experiment a monocyte cell line will be incubated on a colloid gold substrate. As the monocytes migrate they remove the colloid gold, leaving a track on the substrate which records the cell motion. The experiment will be terminated in-flight by addition of formaldehyde fixative. The 'Interact' experiment will mix T-cell and monocyte cells and samples will be fixed at two time intervals. Post-flight, the clustering of T-cells with monocytes as well as the distribution of adhesion receptors on each cell type will be observed by microscopy.
Investigate the interactions of monocytes and T-lymphocytes (calf serum cells) under microgravity.
- Investigate the interactions of monocytes and T-lymphocytes to test the hypothesis that reduced cell-cell interactions might be one of the reasons for observed depression in lymphocyte in-vitro activation under micro-gravity.
- Study the motility and changes in the cytoskeletal structures of monocytes.
Science Hardware Used:
- KUBIK 1 incubator with the power cable;
- MIA Biocontainers (7);
- MIA activation key;
- Cryogem-03M refrigerator/temperature controller container.
Support Equipment:
Experiment Results:
Biology containers (7) returned to the ground.
Expected Results:
The experiment will extend the data on the mechanism of immune response.