Human Life Research on ISS Russian Segment
FTS Experiment
Experiment FTS forms part of the scientific research program performed by Italian Astronaut Roberto Vittori (ESA) on the ISS in the frame of
ENEIDE ISM Project. The European Space Agency is a customer of the preparation and
implementation of the research program.
- Identify food items from the Lazio region (Italy), which could be used in the ratio of the on the ISS crew
- Demonstrate that traditional food items from the Lazio region are tasty and nutritious and they don't loose their quality in space flight
- Increase the variety of food items available for the station's crew.
- Taste new product items;
- Assess any possible organoleptical alterations when changing a food.
Science Hardware Used:
- FTS Container like a tray with food items (typical and traditional) from the Lazio region (Italy).
Support Facilities:
Experiment Results:
- Pages of the crew procedures with a filled questionnaire to assess organoleptical tests of food products in spaceflight, as well their suitability
for use.
- Digital photos on a memory card.