Документ взят из кэша поисковой машины. Адрес оригинального документа : http://www.cplire.ru/webalizer/usage_200311.html
Дата изменения: Mon Dec 1 01:59:05 2003
Дата индексирования: Mon Oct 1 20:55:33 2012

Поисковые слова: ngc 1232
Usage Statistics for www.cplire.ru - November 2003

Usage Statistics for www.cplire.ru

Summary Period: November 2003
Generated 01-Dec-2003 01:59 MSK

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for November 2003
Total Hits 253480
Total Files 203504
Total Pages 86680
Total Visits 17891
Total KBytes 4188521
Total Unique Sites 9456
Total Unique URLs 21106
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 352 3780
Hits per Day 8449 24502
Files per Day 6783 22365
Pages per Day 2889 10127
Visits per Day 596 1174
KBytes per Day 139617 754135
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 203504
Code 206 - Partial Content 2697
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 1297
Code 302 - Found 142
Code 304 - Not Modified 35902
Code 400 - Bad Request 20
Code 401 - Unauthorized 1
Code 403 - Forbidden 3
Code 404 - Not Found 9852
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 30
Code 408 - Request Timeout 28
Code 501 - Not Implemented 4

Daily usage for November 2003

Daily Statistics for November 2003
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 5549 2.19% 4730 2.32% 3058 3.53% 347 1.94% 412 4.36% 63289 1.51%
2 8393 3.31% 7544 3.71% 3665 4.23% 358 2.00% 429 4.54% 99484 2.38%
3 9590 3.78% 7049 3.46% 3559 4.11% 513 2.87% 606 6.41% 81175 1.94%
4 8350 3.29% 6576 3.23% 2226 2.57% 575 3.21% 611 6.46% 77941 1.86%
5 9463 3.73% 5608 2.76% 2729 3.15% 514 2.87% 520 5.50% 133883 3.20%
6 7148 2.82% 5829 2.86% 2296 2.65% 504 2.82% 481 5.09% 84850 2.03%
7 9736 3.84% 8696 4.27% 3851 4.44% 465 2.60% 385 4.07% 450599 10.76%
8 6611 2.61% 5491 2.70% 2900 3.35% 281 1.57% 297 3.14% 127776 3.05%
9 5861 2.31% 5111 2.51% 2997 3.46% 300 1.68% 320 3.38% 120626 2.88%
10 7309 2.88% 5595 2.75% 2297 2.65% 546 3.05% 518 5.48% 124862 2.98%
11 6645 2.62% 5108 2.51% 2228 2.57% 580 3.24% 513 5.43% 109983 2.63%
12 9085 3.58% 7085 3.48% 1908 2.20% 477 2.67% 498 5.27% 98762 2.36%
13 12083 4.77% 10258 5.04% 3536 4.08% 756 4.23% 679 7.18% 169741 4.05%
14 7354 2.90% 5998 2.95% 2056 2.37% 542 3.03% 555 5.87% 80393 1.92%
15 5547 2.19% 3909 1.92% 1336 1.54% 399 2.23% 384 4.06% 48124 1.15%
16 6077 2.40% 5064 2.49% 2016 2.33% 322 1.80% 325 3.44% 49513 1.18%
17 7892 3.11% 5808 2.85% 1772 2.04% 574 3.21% 560 5.92% 84341 2.01%
18 6576 2.59% 5091 2.50% 2066 2.38% 736 4.11% 629 6.65% 108428 2.59%
19 8648 3.41% 7462 3.67% 2272 2.62% 687 3.84% 664 7.02% 109426 2.61%
20 11669 4.60% 9251 4.55% 3525 4.07% 1022 5.71% 729 7.71% 137967 3.29%
21 17907 7.06% 13522 6.64% 6881 7.94% 1174 6.56% 685 7.24% 466175 11.13%
22 5316 2.10% 4526 2.22% 2488 2.87% 1127 6.30% 514 5.44% 78516 1.87%
23 3879 1.53% 3212 1.58% 1622 1.87% 633 3.54% 421 4.45% 43649 1.04%
24 7181 2.83% 5336 2.62% 2135 2.46% 673 3.76% 616 6.51% 86152 2.06%
25 10391 4.10% 7586 3.73% 3327 3.84% 822 4.59% 678 7.17% 136819 3.27%
26 7448 2.94% 5917 2.91% 2254 2.60% 725 4.05% 633 6.69% 75000 1.79%
27 6606 2.61% 5135 2.52% 2220 2.56% 830 4.64% 649 6.86% 71027 1.70%
28 24502 9.67% 22365 10.99% 10127 11.68% 501 2.80% 492 5.20% 754135 18.00%
29 5178 2.04% 4070 2.00% 1636 1.89% 476 2.66% 410 4.34% 56320 1.34%
30 5486 2.16% 4572 2.25% 1697 1.96% 504 2.82% 439 4.64% 59564 1.42%

Hourly usage for November 2003

Hourly Statistics for November 2003
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 304 9142 3.61% 261 7840 3.85% 136 4084 4.71% 5850 175495 4.19%
1 234 7033 2.77% 209 6290 3.09% 123 3693 4.26% 11152 334553 7.99%
2 190 5708 2.25% 162 4884 2.40% 64 1946 2.25% 3611 108334 2.59%
3 212 6375 2.51% 172 5166 2.54% 92 2764 3.19% 3387 101597 2.43%
4 174 5246 2.07% 138 4150 2.04% 94 2839 3.28% 5790 173688 4.15%
5 235 7054 2.78% 187 5632 2.77% 96 2902 3.35% 5841 175221 4.18%
6 274 8231 3.25% 205 6177 3.04% 146 4382 5.06% 7701 231026 5.52%
7 234 7025 2.77% 185 5560 2.73% 109 3272 3.77% 9064 271927 6.49%
8 227 6832 2.70% 190 5723 2.81% 82 2477 2.86% 6719 201571 4.81%
9 358 10762 4.25% 305 9162 4.50% 113 3396 3.92% 5786 173576 4.14%
10 357 10711 4.23% 282 8462 4.16% 115 3474 4.01% 4568 137052 3.27%
11 442 13286 5.24% 350 10529 5.17% 141 4239 4.89% 4829 144855 3.46%
12 455 13654 5.39% 350 10520 5.17% 138 4150 4.79% 4759 142767 3.41%
13 467 14030 5.53% 357 10713 5.26% 144 4336 5.00% 4858 145736 3.48%
14 486 14580 5.75% 385 11558 5.68% 123 3714 4.28% 5461 163829 3.91%
15 466 14001 5.52% 354 10637 5.23% 129 3891 4.49% 5229 156870 3.75%
16 478 14343 5.66% 370 11110 5.46% 124 3749 4.33% 5332 159966 3.82%
17 434 13029 5.14% 346 10394 5.11% 124 3737 4.31% 6272 188162 4.49%
18 400 12029 4.75% 321 9650 4.74% 127 3839 4.43% 5810 174309 4.16%
19 418 12553 4.95% 325 9769 4.80% 139 4176 4.82% 5535 166046 3.96%
20 374 11244 4.44% 281 8438 4.15% 158 4765 5.50% 6030 180906 4.32%
21 403 12093 4.77% 353 10610 5.21% 132 3961 4.57% 5541 166220 3.97%
22 424 12723 5.02% 337 10134 4.98% 104 3121 3.60% 5986 179571 4.29%
23 393 11796 4.65% 346 10396 5.11% 125 3773 4.35% 4508 135242 3.23%

Top 20 of 21106 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 19625 7.74% 124302 2.97% Images
2 14697 5.80% 4951 0.12% /
3 2244 0.89% 6770 0.16% CGI Scripts
4 1830 0.72% 2552 0.06% /cgi-bin/Count.cgi
5 1419 0.56% 16327 0.39% /win/ra
6 1174 0.46% 12506 0.30% /rus/
7 878 0.35% 16102 0.38% /html/ra
8 599 0.24% 5385 0.13% /rus/ra
9 470 0.19% 1590 0.04% /Lab144/
10 460 0.18% 3926 0.09% /html/
11 405 0.16% 4719 0.11% /Lab144/9.wav
12 394 0.16% 4494 0.11% /html/cplitom.html
13 363 0.14% 2493 0.06% /koi/ra
14 328 0.13% 1586 0.04% /html/lab235/
15 288 0.11% 1222 0.03% /win/InformChaosLab/tutorial/tutorial.htm
16 249 0.10% 1801 0.04% /Lab144/1251/00000000.html
17 247 0.10% 737 0.02% /Lab144/start/
18 246 0.10% 256 0.01% /Lab144/space/prolog.html
19 222 0.09% 558 0.01% /Lab144/start/r_index.html
20 222 0.09% 406 0.01% /win/InformChaosLab/

Top 10 of 21106 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 26 0.01% 131642 3.14% /koi/telemed/HL7/rim0114c.zip
2 19625 7.74% 124302 2.97% Images
3 18 0.01% 91137 2.18% /win/telemed/HL7/rim0114c.zip
4 30 0.01% 87866 2.10% /win/telemed/rpr/year_report_2002.doc
5 11 0.00% 73532 1.76% /win/InformChaosLab/products/feynman_fax.zip
6 21 0.01% 57995 1.38% /iso/telemed/rpr/year_report_2002.doc
7 10 0.00% 50632 1.21% /iso/telemed/HL7/rim0114c.zip
8 20 0.01% 45871 1.10% /koi/telemed/rpr/year_report_2002.doc
9 7 0.00% 43462 1.04% /mac/InformChaosLab/products/feynman_fax.zip
10 144 0.06% 39260 0.94% /win/InformChaosLab/papers/nolta00pks.pdf

Top 10 of 3935 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 14697 5.80% 2395 14.28% /
2 878 0.35% 245 1.46% /html/ra
3 1419 0.56% 241 1.44% /win/ra
4 470 0.19% 192 1.14% /Lab144/
5 246 0.10% 144 0.86% /Lab144/space/prolog.html
6 288 0.11% 137 0.82% /win/InformChaosLab/tutorial/tutorial.htm
7 328 0.13% 135 0.80% /html/lab235/
8 394 0.16% 130 0.77% /html/cplitom.html
9 216 0.09% 118 0.70% /Lab144/1251/02003000.html
10 147 0.06% 110 0.66% /joined/win/bull3.html

Top 10 of 4321 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 14697 5.80% 1673 9.52% /
2 1830 0.72% 475 2.70% /cgi-bin/Count.cgi
3 878 0.35% 259 1.47% /html/ra
4 1419 0.56% 231 1.31% /win/ra
5 1174 0.46% 227 1.29% /rus/
6 394 0.16% 116 0.66% /html/cplitom.html
7 470 0.19% 110 0.63% /Lab144/
8 147 0.06% 108 0.61% /joined/win/bull3.html
9 288 0.11% 100 0.57% /win/InformChaosLab/tutorial/tutorial.htm
10 197 0.08% 94 0.53% /rus/noc/

Top 20 of 9456 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 14050 5.54% 13073 6.42% 313171 7.48% 6 0.03%
2 11748 4.63% 11216 5.51% 1095545 26.16% 5 0.03%
3 8394 3.31% 8394 4.12% 0 0.00% 1 0.01%
4 6741 2.66% 1980 0.97% 47152 1.13% 14 0.08%
5 4559 1.80% 1881 0.92% 21270 0.51% 65 0.36%
6 3153 1.24% 3148 1.55% 36055 0.86% 2 0.01%
7 2785 1.10% 2550 1.25% 26895 0.64% 8 0.04%
8 2682 1.06% 2605 1.28% 188552 4.50% 3 0.02%
9 2486 0.98% 1076 0.53% 9146 0.22% 44 0.25%
10 1818 0.72% 1818 0.89% 27664 0.66% 6 0.03%
11 1743 0.69% 1614 0.79% 9251 0.22% 14 0.08%
12 1648 0.65% 1642 0.81% 22203 0.53% 2 0.01%
13 1611 0.64% 404 0.20% 7715 0.18% 2 0.01%
14 1558 0.61% 1544 0.76% 31671 0.76% 1 0.01%
15 1403 0.55% 504 0.25% 15544 0.37% 28 0.16%
16 1368 0.54% 847 0.42% 3013 0.07% 8 0.04%
17 1282 0.51% 1232 0.61% 3804 0.09% 33 0.18%
18 1140 0.45% 419 0.21% 3338 0.08% 22 0.12%
19 1140 0.45% 1140 0.56% 3770 0.09% 1 0.01%
20 1112 0.44% 194 0.10% 2343 0.06% 6 0.03%

Top 10 of 9456 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 11748 4.63% 11216 5.51% 1095545 26.16% 5 0.03%
2 14050 5.54% 13073 6.42% 313171 7.48% 6 0.03%
3 2682 1.06% 2605 1.28% 188552 4.50% 3 0.02%
4 6741 2.66% 1980 0.97% 47152 1.13% 14 0.08%
5 3153 1.24% 3148 1.55% 36055 0.86% 2 0.01%
6 892 0.35% 240 0.12% 35961 0.86% 2 0.01%
7 1558 0.61% 1544 0.76% 31671 0.76% 1 0.01%
8 1818 0.72% 1818 0.89% 27664 0.66% 6 0.03%
9 2785 1.10% 2550 1.25% 26895 0.64% 8 0.04%
10 1648 0.65% 1642 0.81% 22203 0.53% 2 0.01%

Usage by Country for November 2003

Top 1 of 1 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 253480 100.00% 203504 100.00% 4188521 100.00% Unresolved/Unknown

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01