Laboratory of theoretical problems of physical electronics
Our research interests
òÀâ Electron transport in micron-size and nanometer size conductors
òÀâ Low-dimensional electron systems with different kinds of interactions
òÀâ Topological insulators
òÀâ Nonequilibrium fluctuations and electric noise
òÀâ Quantum metamaterials
Our people:
Dr.Sci., head of the laboratory,
òÀâ S. N. Artemenko,
Dr.Sci., principal research fellow
Ph.D., leading research fellow
Optical transitions between the edge
òÀâ A. F. Polupanov,
Dr.Sci., leading research fellow,
states of a 2D topological insulator
Diagrams for the S-matrix of a barrier in a quantum wire with
Dr.Sci., leading research fellow,
V Kaladzhyan, PP Aseev and
interacting electrons. AV Borin and KE Nagaev, Phys. Rev. B
òÀâ S. V. Remizov,
Ph.D., research fellow
SN Artemenko, Phys. Rev. B (2015)
òÀâ D. V. Posvyanskii,
research fellow
Ph.D., junior research fellow,
òÀâ P. P. Aseev,
Ph.D., junior research fellow
research assistant,
Electron spectra of a two-channel
quantum wire with spin-orbit coupling.
Sketch of a quantum point contact.
KE Nagaev and AS Goremykina,
TV Krishtop and KE Nagaev,
Phys. Rev. B (2014)
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter (2013)