IRE RAS Laboratory of Electromagnetism
Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics of Russian Academy of Science
Laboratory of
Head: prof. Vadim A. Kaloshin, e-mail:
Staff: 12 persons
Research and development activity:
EM waves propagation in complicated medias and structures:
propagation in chiral medias;
propagation in high dispersive medias;
propagation and diffraction by periodical structures (printed two-dimensional arrays);
E.M. scattering by complecated objects;
New types of waveguides and waveguide elemants:
multi-mode waveguides;
dielectric waveguides;
multi-port junctions, mode filters, couplers etc.;
Antennas for DBS, communications and radars (range from 0.5 to 150 GHz):
high gain omni-directional in horizontal plane antennas;
strip line array antennas;
hybrid (reflector plus array) antennas for base stations;
double reflector multi-beam antennas;
dielectric and gradient dielectric (Luneburg) lens multi-beam antennas;
transmitting and receiving antenna systems with high isolation;
underground antennas;
wide band antennas.
Phone: (095)2034836, Fax: (095)2038414, E-mail: