Two kinds of the INTERBALL Tail probe
orbital elements' collections are presented here.
The first one contains the orbital elements, determined by KIAM
(Ballistic center at the Keldysh Institute
of Applied Mathematics of Russian Academy of Sciences)
during the treatment of the in-flight SC trajectory measurements.
This data are connected with the last point of the used
measuring time
intervals. The orbit determination mean square error of 30-40 km inside the measuring
intervals was estimated by KIAM.
To provide the spacecraft motion calculation on the base of
this data with the accuracy
not less the one estimated during the orbit determination
it is necessary to use backward in time integration.
Otherwise the additional error appears caused by the
SC motion extrapolation outside the measuring
The backward in time integration was fulfilled at IKI for Tail probe orbit
from now up to the launch.
The resulting orbital elements replaced the original ones.
These modified orbital elements are connected now with the initial
points of the measuring time interval and are valid to use for
the standard scheme of the forward
integration (with accuracy not worth then one obtained during
orbit determination).
The orbital elements are presented in the
same format F1, as a
state vectors (the satellite position and velocity) in the
inertial frame (Standard reference of the Earth's equator and
Equinox J2000) in both collections.
The ballistic center at KIAM continue its efforts to improve
the orbit determinations accuracy by the after-flight reconstruction
The new orbital elements collection will be available here.