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Список статей 2000 г



статей отд. ? 54 за 2000 г.


Опубликовано в российских изданиях


Афонин В.В., Акеньтиева О.С., Шмилауэр Я., Компоненты тепловой и cверхтепловой плазмы (E < 15 eV) в высокоширотных областях магнитосферы на высотах 2-3 RE по измерениям на спутнике ИНТЕРБОЛ-2, Космич. исследов., 38, No. 5, c. 515-523, 2000.


Безруких В.В., М.И. Веригин, Г.А. Котова, Л.А. Лежен, Ж. Лемер, И. Венедиктов, Динамика плазмопаузы и распределения концентрации холодной плазмы в плазмосфере Земли в процессе развития геомагнитных бурь по результатам эксперимента Авроральный зонд/Альфа-3, Космич. исследов., 38, ? 5,c. 536-548, 2000.


Бисноватый-Коган Г., Шорохов О., Эволюция функции распределения электронов и спектра их излучения в магнитном поле, Астрон. журнал, том 77, 9, с. 703-712, 2000.


Бузулукова Н., Ионные спектральные провалы как способ проверки существования стационарной крупномасштабной конвекции, ее моделей и локализации источника частиц во внутренней магнитосфере в спокойное время: наблюдения спектрометра ИОН со спутника ИНТЕРБОЛ-2, Космич. и.сслед., т. 38, N5, с.524-535, 2000


Буринская Т., Русанов А., Могилевский М., Мелкомасштабные всплески ленгмюровских колебаний в полярной шапке , Космич. исследов., 38, ? 5, 507-514, 2000 .


Вовченко В., Гальперин Ю., Чугунин Д., Дюбулоз Н., Обнаружение новой популяции сверхтепловых протонов каспа на спутнике ИНТЕРБОЛ-2, формирующейся на средних высотах, Космич. исслед., т. 38, N6, 2000.


Волосевич А., Гальперин Ю., Нелинейные электростатические волны и движущиеся локализованные структуры во внешней плазмосфере и в авроральноы магнитосфере, Космич. исслед., т. 38, N5, с. 549-560, 2000.


Galperin Y., An onset development according to the "Minimum-B" concept: further analysis. Proceed. 5th Intern. Conf. on Substorm, St. Peterb., Russia, 16-20 May, p.291-294, 2000.


Г.Л. Гдалевич, В.Ф. Губский, Н.И. Ижовкина, В.Д. Озеров. Образование неоднородных структур ионосферной плазмы в области Южно-Атлантической геомагнитной аномалии вследствие плазменной конусной неустойчивости, Геомагнетизм и Аэрономия, 40. No.2, 47-52, 2000.


Ермолаев Ю.И., Г.Н. Застенкер, Н.С. Николаева, Реакция магнитосферы Земли на события в солнечном ветре по данным проекта ИНТЕРБОЛ, Космич. исслед., 38, N 6, 2000 г.

Ермолаев Ю.И., А.А.Петрукович, Л.М.Зеленый, Е.Е.Антонова, И.Л.Овчинников, В.А.Сергеев, Исследования структуры и динамики плазменного слоя в эксперименте КОРАЛЛ проекта Интербол. Космич. исследов., том 38, ?1, с.16-22, 2000.



Застенкер Г.Н., А.О. Федоров, Ю.В. Шарко, К.А. Молдосанов, П.А. Далин, И.П. Кирпичев, Л.С. Ким, М.А. Самсонов, Особенности использования интегральных цилиндров Фарадея на спутнике ИНТЕРБОЛ-1: снижение фототока и определение углов приxода и скорости потока ионов в солнечном ветре и магнитослое, Космич. исслед., т.38, N 1, стр.23-30, 2000.


Зинин Л., Григорьев С., Чугунин Д., Гальперин Ю., Лыновский В., Василенко И., Латышев К., Дюбулоз Н., Многоионные одномерные МГД - модели динамики высокоширотной ионосферы. 2.Ионный фонтан в каспе/клефте: сравнение модели TUBE-7 с измерениями масс-спектрометром Гиперболоид на спутнике ИНТЕРБОЛ-2, Космич. исслед., т. 38, N 1, с.5-15, 2000


Климов С.И., В.Г.Родин, О.Р.Григорян. Изучение и контроль 'космической погоды'. Земля и вселенная, ?3, стр. 9-18, 2000 .


Николаева Н.С., Г.Н. Застенкер, В.И. Прохоренко, Н.Л. Бородкова, О погрешности априорных предсказаний положения магнитопаузы (по материалам проекта ИНТЕРБОЛ), Космич. исслед., т. 38, N 5, стр.488-493, 2000.

Николаева Н.С., Г.Н. Застенкер, С.И. Романов, Н.Л. Бородкова, Т.Мукаи, С. Кокубун, О двух примерах наблюдения почти одновременного движения магнитопаузы и ударной волны на спутниках ИНТЕРБОЛ-1 и GEOTAIL, Космич. исслед., т. 38, N 5, стр.475-487, 2000.


Овчинников И.Л., Антонова Е., Ермолаев Ю., Определение коэффициента турбулентной диффузии в плазменном слое по данным проекта ИНТЕРБОЛ, Космич. исслед., т. 38, N6, 2000 .


Петрукович А.А., С.И.Климов. Использование измерений солнечного ветра для анализа и прогноза геомагнитной активности. Космич. исследов., том 38, ?5, с. 463-468, 2000.


Романов С.А., С.И.Климов, С.П.Савин, Ю.И.Ермолаев, Н.Л.Бородкова, О.П.Верхоглядова, Ю. Юхневич. Наблюдение вихревой структуры в потоках плазмы вблизи магнитосферы Земли. Космич. исследов., том 38, ?5, с.494-506, 2000 .


Сурков В., Гальперин Ю., Электромагнитный импульс в магнитосфере, генерируемый электрическим разрядом у нижней границе ионосферы , Космич. исслед., т. 38, N6, 2000.


Федоров А., Будник Е., Образование высокоширотного пограничного слоя магнитосферы Земли, Космич. исслед., т. 38, N6, 2000.


Эйгес П.Е., Г.Н. Застенкер, М.Н. Ноздрачев, Я. Шафранкова, З. Немечек, Н.Е. Рыбьева, Быстрые флуктуации потока ионовсолнечного ветра и магнитного поля в форшоке: квазигармонические структуры, Космич. исслед., т. 38, N 5, стр.469-474, 2000.


Опубликовано в зарубежных изданиях


Afonin V., Akentieva O., Molchanov O., Hayakawa M.. Statistical Study of Equatorial Anomaly from High Apogee Satellite APEX and Low-latitude Satellite COSMOS-900, International Workshop on Seismo Electromagnetics, 2000 of NASDA, Sept. 19-22, Programme and Abstracts, Tokyo, Japan, p.46.


Afonin V., Alexeyev V., Ievenko I., Khalipov V., Stepanov A., Erasov A., Kondabarov A., Satellite and ground-based measurements of the SAR-arc phenomena, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part C: Solar-Terrestrial and Planetary Sciences, Volume 25, Number 1/2, p. 63-66, 2000.


Antonova E.E., E.Yu. Budnik, V.N. Lutsenko, N.F. Pisarenko. Plasma pressure in the magnetosphere and the space weather problem, p. 323-326.


Antonova A.E., V.N. Lutsenko, N.F. Pissarenko. Dynamics of the dayside cusp particle population, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Substorms St. Petersburg, Russia, 16-20 May 2000, p. 465-468.


Ardeljan N., Bisnovatyi-Kogan G., Moiseenko S., Nonstationary magnetorotational processes in a rotating magnetized cloud, Astron.Astrophys, 355, p.1181-1190, 2000.


Bankov N., Gdalevich G., Gusheva M., Stanev G., Chapkynov S., Electrostatic field measurements by means of spherical ion traps, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, pt.C: Solar, Terrestrial & Planetary Science, 25, No.1-2, p.101-102, 2000.


Baumjohann, W., T.Nagai, Petrukovich A., Mukai T., Yamamoto T., Kokubun S., Substorm signatures between 11 and 30 Earth radii, Adv. Space Res., 25, 1663-1666, 2000.


A.Belov, A. Dmitriev, R. Gorgutsa, V. Ishkov, V. Kozlov, R. Nymmik, N. Pissarenko, G. Popov, E. Romashets, S. Shevchenko, L. Tverskaya, N. Zaitzev. RSWI on-line diagnostics and forecasting of the space weather., p. 327-330.


Bezrukikh V., Kotova G., Lezhen L., Verigin M., Tatrallyay M., Venediktov Yu., Plasmapause dynamics during magnetic storms as observed by the Auroral Probe / Alpha 3 experiment, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 25, No.1-2, p.19-22, 2000.


Bisnovatyi-Kogan G., Timokhin A., Spruit H., Magnetosphere of oscillating neutron stars, Month. Not. R.A.S., v.316, p.734, 2000.


Bisnovatyi-Kogan G., Lovelace R.V.L, Magnetic field limitations on advection dominated flows, ApJ, 529,p. 978-984, 2000.


Bisnovatyi-Kogan G. Fundamental Concepts and Stellar Equilibrium. Монография , Stellar Physics Vol.1., Springer Verlag, 2000


Blecki, J., J.Slominski, R.Wronowski, Z.Nemecek, J.Safrankowa, S.Savin, J.A.Sauvaud, K.Kudela, P.Triska, J.Smilauer, J.Simunek, VLF Plasma Waves and High Energetic Particles Observed in The Outer Polar Cusp By Magion 4, of 'Cluster II Workshop. Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements., Imperial College, London, Sept. 22-24, 1999, ESA/SP-499, p:., 2000.


Dalin P.A., A.V. Dmitriev, Yu.V. Orlov, K. Paularena, J.D. , Richardson, M.O. Ryazantseva, G.N. Zastenker, Multifactor analysis of factors controlling the solar wind correlations with the use of artificial neural network technique, Proceedings of Intern. Sympium "From solar corona through interplanetary space into Earth magnetosphere and ionosphere: Interball, ISTP satellites and ground-based observations", Kyiv, Ukraine, 2000, pp. 245-248.

Dalin P.A., G.N. Zastenker, K.I. Paularena, J.D. Richardson, Estimation of solar wind plasma correlation length using multipoint measurements, Proceedings of Intern. Sympium "From solar corona through interplanetary space into Earth magnetosphere and ionosphere: Interball, ISTP satellites and ground-based observations", Kyiv, Ukraine, 2000, pp. 249-252.


Delcourt D., Zelenyi L., Sauvaud J.-A.. Magnetic moment scattering in a field reversal with nonzero By component. J.Geophys.Res., 105, no.A1, p. 349-359, 2000.


Dubinin, E., K.Sauer, M.Delva, R.Grard, R.Lundin, A.Skalsky, K.Schwingenschuh, K.Szego and J.Trotignon, Multi-instrument study of the upstream region near Mars: The Phobos-2 observtions, J.G.R., 105, A4, 2000.


Dubinin, E., Skalsky A., Song P., Savin S., Kozyra J., Moore T., Russell C., Chandler M., Fedorov A., Avanov L., Sauvaud J. A., Friedel R. H. W., Polar-Interball coordinated observations of plasma characteristics in the region of the northen and southern distant cusps, J. Geophys Res., submitted, 2001.


Eiges P., G. Zastenker, M. Nozdrachev, N. Rybyeva, J. Safrankova, Z. Nemecek, Multipoint observations of small-scale solar wind structures in the Earth's foreshock region, Proceedings of Intern. Symp. "From solar corona through interplanetary space into Earth magnetosphere and ionosphere: Interball, ISTP satellites and ground-based observations", Kyiv, Ukraine, 2000, p. 253-256.


Farrugia C.J., F.T. Gratton, J. Contin, C.C. Cocheci, R.A. Arnoldy, K.W. Ogilvie, R.P. Lepping, G.N. Zastenker, M.N. Nozdrachev, A. Fedorov, J.-A. Sauvaud, J. T. Steinberg, G. Rostoker, Coordinated Wind, Interball/tail, and ground observations of Kelvin-Helmholtz waves at the near-tail, equatorial magnetopause at dusk: January 11, 1997, Journ. Geop-

hys. Res., v.105, No. A4, p.7639-7667, 2000 .


Galperin Yu., The second pair in the interball quartet: Some main results, Adv.Space Res., V.25, N 7/8 p. 1287-1303, 2000.


Гдалевич Г., С. Чапкънов, М. Петрунова, Т. Иванова. Обзор результатов, полученных при помощи спутника "ИНТЕРКОСМОС-19" с использованием прибора П4, 30 години организирани космически изследвания в България, Юбилейна научна сесия, Октомври 1999, Сборник с доклади ИКИ БАН, София, cc. 28, 2000.


Hanasz J., Boudjada M., Schraiber R., Krawczyk Z., Malycha M., Mogilevsky M., Rucker H., Romantsova T., Dynamic spectra of the Stokes parameters of the dayside and nightside Auroral Kilometric Radiation, JRL, V.27, No11, p.1631-1634, 2000.


Hanasz J., De Feraudy H., Schreiber R., Parks K., Brittnacher M., Mogilevsky M., Romantsova T., Wide Band burst of Auroral Kilometric Radiation and their association with UV auroral bulges , JGR, V.105, No11, p.23,4372-23,448, 2000.


Hayakawa M., Molchanov O., Kodama T., Afonin V. and Akentieva O., Plasma density variations observed on a satellite possibly related to seismicity, Adv. Space Res, 26, No. 8, p.12277-1280, 2000.


Joachim Raeder, O. Vaisberg, V. Smirnov, L. Avanov, Reconnection driven lobe convection: Interball tail probe observations and global simulations, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-terrestrial Physics, 62,10, 2000, pp. 833-849.


Kalinin A., Verigin M., Gdalevich G., Safronov A., Rosenbauer H., Banaszkiewicz M., Hlond M., Zarnowiecki T., GAS 2 instrument for neutral solar wind detecting, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, pt.C: Solar, Terrestrial & Planetary Science, 25, No.1-2, p.149-152, 2000.


Kawano, H., S. Savin, A. T. Y. Lui, M. Fujimoto, S. Kokubun, T. Mukai, T. Yamamoto, Y. Saito, S. Romanov, M. Nozdrachev, and Yu. Yermolaev, Solar wind discontinuity - magnetosphere interactions observed by INTERBALL-1 and GEOTAIL: IACG Campaign #2, Adv. Space Res., v. 25, No. 7/8, p. 1405-1409, 2000.


Khalipov V.L., Yu. I. Galperin, V.N. Alexeev, V.V. Afonin, O.S. Akentieva, I.B. Ievenko, A.E. Stepanov, Stable Auroal Red Arc sand polarization Jet: Case study and Statistical Comparison, Proceedings of International Symposium 'From solar corona through interplanetary space, into Earth's magnetosphere and ionosphere: Interball, ISTP satellites, and ground-based observations', February 1-4, 2000, Kyiv, Ukraine, p. 145-148 .


Korepanov V., Negoda O., Lizunov G., Alleyne H., Balikhin M., Blecki J., Dudkin F., Fedorov A., Juchniewicz J., Klimov S., Krassnosel'skikh V., and Lefeuvre F., Project VARIANT: current and field measurements on board SICH-1M satellite. Adv. Space Res., Vol. 25, No 7/8, p. 1337-1342, 2000.


Kotova G., M. Verigin, A. Remizov, N. Shutte, H. Rosenbauer, S. Livi, W. Riedler, K. Schwingenschuh, M. Tatrallyay, K. Szegö, and I. Apathy, Heavy ions in the magnetosphere of Mars: Phobos 2/Taus observations, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 25, No.1-2, p.157-160, 2000.


Kotova G., V. Bezrukikh, M. Verigin, L. Lezhen, Yu. Venediktov, V. Ivchenko, Interball 1/Alpha 3 Observations of thermal plasma in the dusk side plasmaphere, Proceedings of International Symposium 'From solar corona through interplanetary space, into Earth's magnetosphere and ionosphere: Interball, ISTP satellites, and ground-based observations', February 1-4, 2000, Kyiv, Ukraine, p. 305 - 308.


Lutsenko V.N.,T.V. Grechko, K. Kudela, INTERBALL-2 and -1 observation of energy dispersion events in auroral zone for 30-500 Kev ion and electrons,was presented at ICS-5, St.Petersburg, 16-20 May, 2000, published in ESA SP-443, p. 519-522, July 2000.


Lutsenko V., Almost Monoenergetic Ions: New Support for Alfven Ideas on the Role of Electric Currents in Space Plasmas?,was presented at 2-nd EGS Alfven Conference, Auroral Particle Acceleration, Stockholm, Sweden, May 3-7, 1999, accepted for publications in Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, part C, V.26/1-3, p. 49-53,2000.


Malingre M., Dubouloz N., Berthelier J. Delcourt D., Stepanov V., Low-energy upflowing ion enents at the polar boundary of nightside auroral oval: High-altitude Interball-Auroral probe pbservations, JGR, V105, N A8, 2000.


Merka, J, J. Safrankova, Z. Nemecek, S. Savin, A. Skalsky, HIGH ALTITUDE CUSP: INTERBALL OBSERVATIONS, Adv. Space Res., v. 25, No. 7/8, pp. 1425-1434, 2000 .


Mikhailov Yu., Oraevsky V., Sobolev Ya. , Dokoukin V., Kapustina O., Shibaev I., Afonin V., Waves generated in the vicinity of the Xenon plasma gun in the APEX-experiment, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part C: Solar-Terrestrial and Planetary Sciences, 25, No. 1/2, pp. 67-70, 2000.


Molchanov O., M. Hayakawa, V. Afonin, O. Akentieva, E. Mareev, and V. Trakhtengerts, Possible Influence of Seismicity through Gravity Waves on Ionospheric Equatorial Anomaly from Data of IK-24 Satellite, International Workshop on Seismo Electromagnetics, 2000 of NASDA, Sept. 19-22, Programme and Abstracts, Tokyo, Japan, p.41.


Morozova E., Mogilevsky M., Hanasz J., Modeling of radiowave polarisation measurements onboard Interball-2 satellite (POLRAD experiment), Proceed. Of contributed papers, part II, Ed. Safrankova, Charles University, Prague, p. 187-191, 2000.


Nikolaeva N.S., G.N. Zastenker, N.L. Borodkova, S.I. Romanov, T. Mukai, S. Kokubun, Observations of near simultaneous crossings of magnetosphere boundaries by INTERBALL-1 and GEOTAIL satellites, Proceedings of Intern. Sympium "From solar corona through interplanetary space into Earth magnetosphere and ionosphere: Interball, ISTP satellites and ground-based observations", Kyiv, Ukraine, p. 221-224, 2000.

Nikolaeva N.S., G.N. Zastenker, V.I. Prokhorenko, N.L. Borodkova, Experimental comparison of the measured magnetopause positions with model predictions used for the scientific instrument's control on INTERBALL-1 satellite, Proceedings of Intern. Sympium "From solar corona through interplanetary space into Earth magnetosphere and ionosphere: Interball, ISTP satellites and ground-based observations", Kyiv, Ukraine, p. 385-386, 2000.


Nemecek Z., J Safrankova, G. Zastenker, P. Pisoft, K. Paularena, J. Richardson, Observations of the radial magnetosheath profile and a comparison with gasodynamic model predictions, Geophys. Res. Lett., v.27, No.17, p.2801-2804, 2000.


Nemecek Z., J. Safrankova, L. Prech, G.N. Zastenker, K.I. Paularena, S. Kokubun, Magnetosheath study: Interball observation, Adv. Space Res., v.25, No.7/8, pp.1511-1516, 2000.


Petrukovich A.A., G.N. Zastenker, S.I. Klimov, A. Lazarus, R. P. Lepping, The scheme of Space Weather forecast withthe use of real-time solar wind measurements, Proceedings of Intern. Sympium "From solar corona through interplanetary space into Earth magnetosphere and ionosphere: Interball, ISTP satellites and ground-based observations", Kyiv, Ukraine, p. 345-348, 2000.


Petrukovich A., W.Baumjohann, R.Nakamura, T.Mukai, O.Troshichev, Small substorms: solar wind input and magnetotail dynamics, J. Geophys. Res., 105, p.21109-21118, 2000.


Pissarenko N.F., I.P. Kirpichev, V.N. Lutsenko, et al. Cusp energetic particles observed by INTERBALL-Tail Probe in 1996, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 2000, 26, p.241-245.


Pissarenko N.F., E.E. Antonova, V.N. Lutsenko, E.Yu. Budnik, I.P. Kirpichev. Forms of plasma sheet-ring current particle energy spectra and the relaxation proccesses in high latitude magnetosphere on the base of INTERBALL - Tail probe measurements. p. 40.


Russell C., Wang Y., Raeder J., Tokar R., Smith C., Ogilvie K., Lazarus A., Lepping R., Szabo A., Kawano H., Mukai T, Savin S., Yermolaev Yu., Zhou X.-Y., Tsurutani B., The interplanetary shock of September 24, 1998: Arrival at Earth, JGR, v.105, N A11 , p.25,143-25,154, 2000.


Safrankova J., Z. Nemecek, O. Santolik, D.G. Sibeck, G.N. Zastenker, A. Skalsky, The flank magnetopause: Interball observations, Adv. Space Res., v.25, No.7/8, p.1503-1510, 2000.


Sandahl, I., B Popielavska, E. Yu. Budnick, A. Fedorov, S. Savin, J. Safrankova, Z. Nemecek, THE CUSP AS SEEN FROM INTERBALL, Proceedings of 'Cluster II Workshop. Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements., Imperial College, London, Sept. 22-24, 1999, ESA/ SP-499, p. 39-45, 2000.


Savin S., N.C.Maynard, I.Sandahl, H.Kawano, L.M.Zelenyi et al. IACG Boundary layer campaign: current status and Cluster-II perspectives. ESA SP-449, Proceedings of the Cluster-II Workshop. Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements, Imperial College, London, 22-24 September, 1999, p. 335-338, 2000.


Savin S., N. Maynard , I. Sandahl, H. Kawano, C.T. Russell, L. Zelenyi, V. Romanov, IACG BOUNDARY LAYER CAMPAIGN: CURRENT STATUS AND CLUSTER-II PERSPECTIVES, Proceedings of Cluster II Workshop. Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements., Imperial College, London, Sept. 22-24, 1999, ESA/ SP-499, p. 335-338, 2000.


Sergeev V., Sauvaud J., Popescu D., Kovrazhkin R., Lutsenko V., Zelenyi L., Syrjasuo M., Viljanen A., Pulkkinen T., Kudela K., Kokubun S., Mukai T., Plasma sheet ion injections into the auroral bulge: Correlative study of spacecraft and ground observations, JGR, V.105, N A8, p. 18,465-18,481, 2000.


Shevyrev N.N., Zastenker G.N., Safrankova J., Nemecek Z., Pisoft P., Statistical study of the fast ion flux variations in the magnetosheath and solar wind, in Proceedings of contributed papers of WDS'00, Part II, ed. by J. Safrankova, Matphyspress, Prague, 2000, p. 208-213.


Stanev G., N.Bankov, S.Chapkunov, G.Gdalevich, V.Voinova. Spacecraft potential measurements on the INTERCOSMOS BULGARIA-1300 satellite and preliminary results, 30 години организирани космически изследвания в България. Юбилейна научна сесия, Октомври 1999, Сборник с доклади, ИКИ БАН. София, 2000, С. 40-44.


Tatrallyay M., M.I. Verigin, K. Szego, T.I. Gombosi, K.C. Hansen, D.L. De Zeeuw, K. Schwingenschuh, M. Delva, A.P. Remizov, I. Apathy, and T. Szemerey, Interpretation of ion energy spectra observed by the VEGA spacecraft at comet Halley, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 25, No.1-2, p. 153-156, 2000.


Torkar K., Fehringer M., Escoubet C., Narheim B., Galperin Y., Pedersen A., Riedler W., Rudenauer F., Schmidt R., Svenes K., Veselov M., Recent experience with spacecraft potential control, Adv. Space Res. , v.24, N8, p.1033-1036, 1999.


Verigin M., G. Kotova, J. Slavin, A.Szabo, T. Gombosi, K. Kabin, F. Shugaev, A. Kalinchenko, WIND observations of the Terrestrial bow shock: 3-D shape and motion, EOS Transactions AGU, 81, No.19, p.404, 2000.


Verigin M.I. and W. I. Axford, Konstantin Gringauz 1918-1993: approach to scientific biography, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 25, No.1-2, p.3-8, 2000.


Verigin M., G. Kotova, A. Remizov, V. Bezrukikh, O. Plokhova, J. Slavin, A. Szabo, M. Kessel, J. Safrankova, Z. Nemecek, T. Gombosi, K. Kabin, F. Shugaev, and A. Kalinchenko, Proceedings of International Symposium 'From solar corona through interplanetary space, into Earth's magnetosphere and ionosphere: Interball, ISTP satellites, and ground-based observations', February 1-4, Kyiv, Ukraine, pp. 289 - 293, 2000.

Verkhoglyadova, O.P., K. Kudela, V.N. Lutsenko, S.A. Romanov, M. Slivka, Yu. I. Yermolaev, Study of Ion flux Tubes in the Middle Magnetotail with INTERBALL-1 Probe, Proceedings of International Symposium "From solar corona through interplanetary space, into Earth's magnetosphere and ionosphere: Interball, ISTP satellites, and ground-based observatins, Kiev, Ukraine, Feb. 1-4, p.213 , 2000.


Verkhoglyadova O., K. Kudela, V. Lutsenko, S. Romanov, M. Slivka, Using Magnetotail Variability in Plasma Regime Identification, was presented at ICS-5, St.Petersburg, 16-20 May, 2000, published in ESA p. 599-602, SP-443, July 2000.

Yermolaev Yu. , Zastenker G., Borodkova N., Kovrazhkin R., Nikolaeva N., Nozdrachev M., Savin S., Skalsky A., Zelenyi L., Nemecek Z., Safrankova J.,. Sauvaud J.-A, Magnetosphere response to magnetic clouds: INTERBALL multi-satellite observations, Phys. Chem. Earth (C), v.25, No.1-2, p. 177-180, 2000.

Yermolaev Y., Zastenker G., INTERBALL multi-satellite observations of magnetosphere response to the solar wind events, Proc. 5th Intern. Confer. on Substorms, (ESA SP-443), p.107-110, 2000.

Yermolaev Yu., L.Zelenyi et al. Multi-spacecraft observations of series of substorms on December 22-23, 1996. Adv.Space Res., 25, no.7/8, p. 1697-1701, 2000.


Yermolaev Yu., G.Zastenker, L.Zelenyi et al. Statistic study of magnetosphere response to magnetic clouds: INTERBALL multi-satellite observations. Phys.Chem. Earth, 25, no.1-2, p. 177-180, 2000.


Yermolaev Yu., Petrukovich A., Structure and Dynamics of the Earth's Plasma Sheet: The INTERBALL observations Proc.9th Annual Conference "Week of doctoral students 2000", Mathphyzpress, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, p.203-207, 2000.


Yermolaev Yu., L. Zelenyi, T. Mukai, V. Sergeev, N. Borodkova, S. Kokubun, R.Kovrazhkin, K.Liou, C.-I.Meng, G.Parks, A.Petrukovich, J.-A.Sauvaud, Multi-spacecraft observations of series of substorms on December 22-23, 1996, Adv. Space Res., 25, 1697-1701, 2000.


Zastenker G.N., P.A. Dalin, A.A. Petrukovich, M.N. Nozdrachev, S.A. Romanov, K.I. Paularena, J.D. Richardson, A.J. Lazarus, R.P. Lepping, A. Szabo, Solar wind structure dynamics by multipoint observations, Phys. Chem. Earth (C), v.25, No.1-2, pp. 137-140, 2000.


Zastenker G.N., P.A. Dalin, K.I. Paularena, J.D. Richardson, F. Dashevskiy, Solar wind correlation features obtained from multi-spacecraft study, Adv. Space Res., v.26, No.1, pp.71-76, 2000.


Zelenyi L., G. Zastenker, P. Dalin, P. Eiges, N. Nikolaeva, J. Safrankova, Z. Nemecek, P. Triska, K. Paularena, J. Richardson, Variability and structures in the solar wind-magnetosheath-magnetopause by multiscale multipoint observations, Proceedings of the ESA Workshop in London, ESA SP-449, pp.29-38, 2000.


Zelenyi L., Yu.I.Galperin, M.V.Veselov, S.P.Savin et al. Methods of small scale multi-satellite measurements for project ROY. ESA SP-449, Proceedings of the Cluster-II Workshop. Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements, Imperial College, London, 22-24 September, 1999, p. 249-256, 2000.


Zelenyi, L.M., Yu.i. Galperin, M.V. Veselov, S.P. Savin, J. Buechner, B. Nikutovski, V.E. Kunitsyn, I.V. Silin, V. Vasiliunas, J. Woch, E.N. Sosnovets, S.A. Pulinets, METHODS OS SMALL-SCALE MULTISATELLITE MEASUREMENTS FOR PROJECT ROY, Proceedings of 'Cluster II Workshop. Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements., Imperial College, London, Sept. 22-24, 1999, ESA/ SP-499, p. 249-256, 2000.


Принято к публикации в российских изданиях


Гдалевич Г., В. Губский, В. Ларкина, Ю. Минеев,. Вариации волн, частиц и плотности плазмы по спутниковым данным во время геомагнитных бурь, Геомагн. и Аэрономия, 2000 г.


Гдалевич Г., В. Губский, Н. Ижовкина, В. Озеров, Электростатическая неустойчивость и плазменные неоднородности в верхней ионосфере в районе Южно-Атлантической геомагнитной аномалии, Косм. Исследов., 2000.


Гдалевич Г., В. Губский, Н. Ижовкина, В. Озеров, Крупномасштабные атмосферные возмущения и плазменные неоднородности в верхней ионосфере, Геомагн. и Аэрономия, 2000.


Озеров В., Автогенерация неустойчивости композиционного равновесия плазмы в переходной области плазмосферы, Косм. Исследов., 2000.


Барков М., Бисноватый-Коган Г., Ламзин С. Тепловая эволюция объекта Торна-Жидков, Принято к печати в Астр. Журн.


Бисноватый-Коган Г., Шорохов О. Асимптотическая функция распределения для системы электронов во внешнем магнитном поле для больших времен, принято к печати Астрон. Ж.


Принято к публикации в зарубежных изданиях


Antonova E., E. Budnik, V. Lutsenko, N. Pissarenko, Space Weather Prediction Problem and the Distribution of the Plasma Pressure in the Magnetosphere, was presented at Space Storms and Space Weather Hazards. Creete, Greece, June 19-29, 2000, to be published in Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 2000.


E.E. Antonova, E.Yu. Budnik, V.N. Lutsenko, N.F. Pissarenko. Magnetospheric plasma pressure and space weather. Adv. Space Res. 2000, v. 26, in press.


E.E. Antonova, E.Yu. Budnik, V.N. Lutsenko, N.F. Pisarenko. INTERBALL/TAIL observations of high latitude pressure distribution. Adv. Space Res. 2000, v. 26, in press.


Artemova J., Bisnovatyi-Kogan G., Igumenschev I., Novikov I. Global structure of advective accretion disks at high Luminosities, Accepted in ApJ.


Ardeljan N., Bisnovatyi-Kogan G., Moiseenko S. Collapse of a magnetized rotating cloud. 2D numerical simulations, Accepted to Astrophys. and Space Sci.


Ardeljan N., Bisnovatyi-Kogan G., Moiseenko S., Magnetorotational ejection, accepted to Astrophys. and Space Sci.


Avanov L.A., V.N. Smirnov, J.H. Waite, S.A. Fuselier, O.L. Vaisberg,

High- latitude reconnection in sub-alfvenic flow: Interball Tail observations on May 29 1996, submitted to JGR`.


Bisnovatyi-Kogan G., Stellar oscillations and stellar convection in presence of URCA shell, Month. Not. R.A.S., accepted.


Bisnovatyi-Kogan G.,Magnetorotational mechanisms of jet formation, Accepted to Astrophys. and Space Sci.


Bisnovatyi-Kogan G.,Magnetic fields of neutron stars: very low and very high, Proc. Vulcano-99 Workshop, in press.

Bezrukikh V., M. Verigin, G. Kotova, L. Lezhen, Yu. Venediktov, J. Lemaire, Dynamics of the plasmasphere and plasmapause under the action of intense geomagnetic storms, J. Atm. Solar-Terr. Phys., 2000.

Dalin P., G. Zastenker, K. Paularena, J. Richardson, What features become clear by simultaneous multispacecraft observations of solar wind and IMF structures, submitted to Astroph. Space Sci.

Dalin P., G. Zastenker, K. Paularena, J. Richardson, The main features of solar wind plasma correlations of importance to Space Weather strategy, submitted to Journ. of Atmospheric. and Solar-Terrestrial Physics.


Dalin, G.N. Zastenker, M.N. Nozdrachev, I.S. Veselovs, The properties and possible origins of the large and sharp impulses in the solar wind, submitted to Intern. Journ. of Geomagn. and Aeron.


Dalin P., G. Zastenker, K. Paularena, J. Richardson, Properties of the large and sharp solar wind pressure fronts, it supposed to be submitted to Annales Geophysicae .

Eiges P., G. Zastenker, M. Nozdrachev, N. Rybyeva, J. Safrankova, Z. Nemecek, Small scale solar wind ion flux and IMF quasi-harmonical structures in the Earth's foreshock: Interball-1 and Magion-4 observations, submitted to Adv. Space Res. 2000.


Kudela K., V. Lutsenko, D. Sibeck, M. Slivka
ENERGETIC IONS UPSTREAM OF THE EARTH'S BOW SHOCK: INTERBALL-1 SURVEY, presented to COSPAR 2000, Warshaw, to be published in Adv. Sp. Res., 2000.


Kudela K., V. Lutsenko, T. Gretchko, D. Sibeck, M. Slivka, HIGH ENERGY PARTICLE DISPERSION EVENTS OBSERVED BY INTERBALL-1 AND -2 presented to COSPAR 2000, Warshaw, to be published in Adv. Sp. Res. , 2000.


Kotova G., M. Verigin, A. Remizov, H. Rosenbauer, S. Livi, W. Riedler, K.Schwingenschuh, M. Tatrallyay, K. Szego, and I. Apathy, On the possibility of identifying of heavy ion acceleration processes in the magnetotail of Mars, Earth, Planets and Space, 52, 2000, susmitted.


Kotova G., V. Bezrukikh, M. Verigin, L. Lezhen, N. Barabanov, Interball 1/Alpha 3 cold plasma measurements in the evening plasmasphere: quiet and disturbed magnetic conditions, Adv. Space Res., 2000, accepted.


Kryukov I., Pogorelov N., Bisnovatyi-Kogan G., Anzer U., Boerner G.,Hydrodynamic modeling of accretion onto stellar magnetospheres, accepted to Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2000.

Lukianova R., Troshichev O., Galperin Yu., Iojio N., Determination of FAC patterns in the day-time cusp region with regard for edge effects of current sheet, submitted to International Journ. of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy 2000.

Lutsenko V., Almost monoenergetic ions: new support for Alfven ideas on the role of electric currents in space plasma, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, part C, v. 26/1-3, p. 49-53, 2000.


Nemecek Z., J. Safrankova, G. Zastenker, P. Pisoft, Statistical study of ion flux fluctuations in the magnetosheth, submitted to JRL.

Nikolaeva N., G. Zastenker, S. Romanov, N. Borodkova, T. Mukai, S. Kokubun, Observations of the almost simultaneous crossings of the two boundaries (bow shock and magnetopause) using Interball-1 and Geotail data, submitted to Intern. Journ. of Geomagn. and Aeron.2000.


Petrukovich A., W.Baumjohann, R.Nakamura, R.Schoedel, T. Mukai, Are earthward bursty bulk flows convective or field-aligned?, submitted to JGR, 2000.

Petrukovich A., A.Lazarus, R.Lepping, S.Klimov, Comparison of the solar wind energy input to the magnetosphere measured by Wind and Interball-1, submitted to JASTP, 2000.


Petrukovich A., Yu. Yermolaev, Vertical Ion flows in the plasma sheet:INTERBALL-Tail observations, submitted to Ann. Geophys., 2000.


Pissarenko N., I. Kirpichev, E. Budnik, I. Sandahl, V. Lutsenko, S. Savin, Cusp Energetic Particles Observed by Interball Tail Probe in 1996, Stockholm, Sweden, May 3-7, 1999, accepted for publications in Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 2000.


Pissarenko N., V.N. Lutsenko, I.P. Kirpichev, E. Yu. Budnik, E.E. Antonova, E.I. Morozova, Energetic particles Distribution in the Radiation Belts, was presented at Space Storms and Space Weather Hazards. Creete, Greece, June 19-29, 2000, to be published in Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 2000.


Pissarenko N.F., V.N. Lutsenko, E.Yu. Bubnick, et al. The ion differential spectra in outer boundary of the ring current: November 17, 1995, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 2000, v. 62, in press.


Savin S., N. Pissarenko, V. Lutsenko, I. Kirpichev, E. Budnik, N. Borodkova, M. Nozdrachev, L. Zelenyi, V.Romanov, I. Sandahl, J.A. Sauvaud, C. T. Russell, J. Buechner, B. Nikutowski, G. Gustafsson, K. Stasiewicz , J.Blecki, V. Korepanov, TURBULENT BOUNDARRY LAYER AS A SOURCE OF THE ACCELERATED IONOSPHERIC PARTICLES, submitted to Phys. and Chem. Earth, , 2000.


Vaisberg O.L., V.N. Smirnov, L.A. Avanov, N.L. Borodkova, J.H. Wait,

J.L. Burch, Different types of LLBL as observed by Interball Tail probe,

accepted to publication to JGR Aug. 2000.


Verigin M.I., G.A. Kotova, A.P. Remizov, K. Szegö, M. Tátrallyay, J. Slavin, H. Rosenbauer, S. Livi, W. Riedl, K. Schwingenschuh, and T.-L. Zhang, Evidence of the influence of equatorial Martian crustal magnetization on the position of the planetary magnetotail boundary by Phobos 2 data, Adv. Space Res., 2000.


Verigin M., G. Kotova, J. Slavin, A. Szabo, M. Kessel, J. Safrankova, Z. Nemecek, T. Gombosi, K. Kabin, F. Shugaev, and A. Kalinchenko, Analysis of the 3-D shape of the terrestrial bow shock by Interball/Magion 4 observations, 3 Adv. Space Res., 2000.


Yermolaev Yu., Petrukovich A., Zelenyi L. INTERBALL statistic study of ion flow fluctuations in the plasma sheet , Adv.Space Res. (as Proc.COSPAR'00), 2000.



представленные на международных конференцциях


Доклады на международной конференции:

33-rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 16-23 July 2000, Warsaw, Poland.


Antonova E., Bosqued J., Kovrazhkin R., Spatial distribution of the auroral elecrton precipitations and the sources of the field-aligned currents, Program Book, Warsaw, 2000, p.138


Antonova E., Budnik E., Lutsenko V., Pissarenko N., INTERBALL/TAIL observations of high-latitude pressure distribution , Program Book, Warsaw, 2000, p.142


Antonova E., Ovchinnikov I., Yermolaev Y., Plasma sheet coefficient of diffusion: predictions and observations, Program Book, Warsaw, 2000, p.145


Antonova E., Budnik E., Lutsenko V., Pssarenko N., Magnetospheric plasma pressure and space weather, Program Book, Warsaw, 2000, 125, 177, 193, p.231


Bosinger T., Sergienko T., Kornilov I., Borodkova N.,

Lutsenko V., Skalsky A., Thomsen M., Belian R., Sauvaud J., Multi-instrument observations of pseudobreakups, Program Book, Warsaw, 2000, p.142


Bleski J., Wronowski R., Kosacki K., Triska P., Vojta J., JiricekF., Nemecek Z., Safrankova J., Kudela K., Savin S., Romanov V., Klimov S., Lutsenko V., Pissarenko N., Romanov S., Yermolaev Y., Ciobanu M., Outer cusp study from Magion/ Interball data (Solicited Paper), Program Book, Warsaw, 2000, p.146


Eiges P., Zastenker G., Burinskaya T., Nozdrachev M., Rybyeva N., Safrankova J., Nemecek Z.,

Small scale solar wind ion flux and IMF quasi-harmonical structures in the Earth's foreshock: INTERBALL - 1 and MAGION-4 observations, Program Book, Warsaw, 2000, p.145


Dubinin E., Song P., Skalsky A., Savin S., Russel C., Peterson W., Fedorov A., Sauvaud J., Transient reconnection events in the distant cusp region, Program Book, Warsaw, 2000, p.146


Fedorov A., Budnik E., Grigoriev A., Skalsky A., Dubinin E., Sauvaud J., Exterior cusp structure by INTERBALL TAIL observations. An attempt to create regular pattern under very irregular solar wind CONDITIONS, Program Book, Warsaw, 2000, p.146


Fedorov A., Budnik E., Sauvaud J., Nemecek Z., Safrankova J., Interconnection of exterior Cusp and LLBL Interball-Tail observations, Program Book, Warsaw, 2000, p.147


Gdalevich G.L., E.A. Sharkov, Magnetospheric-tropospheric interaction processes, Program Book, Warsaw, 2000. P.59, p.102.


Gdalevich G., Mineev Y., Larkina V., Relation on the magnetospheric and ionospheric processes during geomagnetic storms, Program Book, Warsaw, 2000, p.140


Greco A., Taktakishvili A., Veltri P., Zimbardo G., Milovanov A., Zelenyi L., Effect of magnetic turbulence on ion dynamic in the geomagnetic tail, Program Book, Warsaw, 2000, p.140


Hanasz J., Schreiber R., De Feraudy H., Boudjada M., Mogilevsky M., Summary of observations of Auroral kilometric radiation from Interball-2, Program Book, Warsaw, 2000, p.139


Karpachev A., Afonin V., Two types of through in Winter day-time high-latitude ionosphere, Program Book, Warsaw, 2000, p.140.


Khalipov V., Shestakova L., Kovrazhkin R., Savin S, Sauvaud J., Stepanov A., Rybchuk S., Vladimirova G., Glazunov A., Yermolaev Y., Study of the CUSP/CLEFT structures by HF radar and INTERBALL-1,2, Program Book, Warsaw, 2000, p.147


Klimov S., Nozdrachev M., Petrukovich A., Romanov S., Romanov V., Skalsky A., Magnetic field measurements onboard the Interball-Tail spacecraft: Overview of main results, Program Book, Warsaw, 2000, p.147


Klimov S., Grushin V., Lissakov Y., Nozdrachev M., Petrukovich A., Grigoryan O., Belyaev A., Grachev E., Korepanov V., Schwingenschuh K., Auster H., Fornakon K., Lapshinova O., Ryabukha S., Pushkin N., Juchniewicz J., Parrot M., Electromagnetic low-frequency ecological monitoring of the Earth environment , Program Book, Warsaw, 2000, p.124, 176, 192, 230.


Klimov S., Nozdrachev M., Petrukovich A., Tamkovich G., Alexandrov V., Belyaev A., Grigoryan OP., Mikhlev A., Radchenko V., Sanko N., Scientific and methodological aspects of microsatellite-based educational programs, Program Book, Warsaw, 2000, p.234.


Koleva R., Smirnov V., Semkova J., Teodosiev D., Magnetosheath ions in the high-latitude boundary layer: a case study based on INTERBALL-1 data, Program Book, Warsaw, 2000, p.147.


Kotova G., Bezrukikh V., Verigin M., Lezhen L., Venediktov Y., INTERBALL 1/ ALPHA 3 cold plasmasphere: quiet and disturbed magnetic conditions, Program Book, Warsaw, 2000, p.143.


Kudela K., Lutsenko V., Sibeck D., Slivka M., Energetic ions Upstream of the Earth's Bow Shock: Interball-1 Survey, Program Book, Warsaw, 2000, p.145.


Kudela K., Sibeck D., Slivka M., Lutsenko V., Gretchko T., Sarris E., High energy particle dispersion events observed by Interball-1 and -2, Program Book, Warsaw, 2000, p.225.


Managadze G., Afonin V., Klos Z., Riedler W., Microsatellite for onboard mass-spectrometric, plasma and electromagnetic wave measurements aimed at revealed fine modifications of the ionosphere , Program Book, Warsaw, 2000, p.80,156.


Milovanov A., Zelenyi L., Zimbardo G., Veltri P., Structural properties and dynamical evolution of the near-Earth thin current sheets, Program Book, Warsaw, 2000, p.147.


Mogilevsky M., Romantsova T., Rusanov A., Kovrazhkin R., Perraut S., Malingre M., Dubouloz N., Sauvaud J., Lefeuvre F., Rauch J., Parrot M., Jiricek F., Triska P., Multi-scale electromagnetic structures near the poleward boundary of auroral region , Program Book, Warsaw, 2000, p.139.


Mogilevsky M., Savin S., Romantsova T., Skalsky A., Nozdrachev M., Romanov V., Piskett J., Anderson R., Rustenbuch J., Hanasz J., Blecki J., Russel C., Perraut S., Auster U., Fornakon K., Wave activity in the inner CUSP/CLEFT region, Program Book, Warsaw, 2000, p.146.


Molchanov O., M. Hayakawa, V. Afonin, O. Akentieva, E. Mareev, and V. Trakhtengerts, Gravity waves from the ground influence near-equatorial ionosphere as revealed from data of Activny satellite, Program Book, Warsaw, 2000, p.79, Program Book, Warsaw, 2000, p.155.


Nemecek Z., Safrankova Y., Zastenker G., Pisoft P., Paularena K., Spatial distribution of the magnetosheath ion flux, Program Book, Warsaw, 2000, p.145.


Nozdrachev M., A statistical study of the turbulence upstream of a quasiperpendicular shock, Program Book, Warsaw, 2000, p.147.


Oraevsky V., Galeev A., Kuznetsov V., Zelenyi L., Russian payload for "Interhelioprobe" ("Interhelios") mission (Solisited Paper), Program Book, Warsaw, 2000, p.173.


Romanov S., Spectral properties of the electrons near the magnetospheric boudaries-comparison of the Interball-Tail low- and high- latitude observations, Program Book, Warsaw, 2000, p.147.


Romanov S., Klimov S., Savin S., Yermolaev Yu., Romanov V., Verkhogladova O., Juchnievicz J., Vortex plasma flows around the magnetosphere, Program Book, Warsaw, 2000, p.147.


Romanov V., Savin S., Romanov S., Skalsky A., Klimov S., Blecki J., Nemecek Z., Safrankova J., Ciobanu M., Korepanov V., Ivchenko V.,

Rauch J., Two point turbulent boundary layer study from INTERBALL-1 and MAGION-4 data , Program Book, Warsaw, 2000, p.147


Rothkaehl H., Blecki J., Stasiewicz K., Eriksson A., Savin S., The response of plasma waves to the accelerations processes in the polar cusp at the ionospheric altitudes, Program Book, Warsaw, 2000, p.138


Savin S., Zelenyi L., Romanov S., Skalsky A., Nozdrachev M., Grigoryev A., Romanov V., Maynard N., Pedersen A., Russel C., Blecki J., Buechner J., Nikutowski B., Gustafsson G., Stasiewicz K., Korepanov V., Alfvenic vortices as an intermediate chain in the energy flow from solar wind to magnetosphere (Solisited Paper), Program Book, Warsaw, 2000, p.114


Savin S., Zelenyi L., Skalsky A., Romanov S., Budnik E., Klimov S., Romanov V., Lutsenko V., Yermolaev Y., Maynard N., Pickett J., Scudder J., Sandahl I., Russel C., Kawano H., Buechner J., Nikutowski B., Safrankova J., Nemecek Z., Blecki J., Amata E., Ciobanu M., Multi-spacecraft tracing of turbulent boundary layer, Program Book, Warsaw, 2000, p.146


Savin S., Song P., Skalsky A., Dubinin E., Borodkova N., Fedorov A., Kawano H., Romanov S., Russel C., Magnetosheath/magnetosphere boundary in the cusp region, Program Book, Warsaw, 2000, p.146


Savin S., Fritz T., Kirpichev I., Pissarenko N., Lutsenko V., Budnik E., Skalsky A., Romanov V., Chen J., Finkemeyer B., Russell C., Sandahl I., Blecki J., Wronowski R., Kudela K., Comparison of magnetic fluctuations and energetic particles from Interball-1/Magion-4 and Polar data, Program Book, Warsaw, 2000, p.147


Sauvaud J., Popesku D., Stenuit H., Delcourt D., Sergeev V., Brittnacher M., Parks G., Mukai T., Kokubun S., Kovrazhkin R., Auroral Signatures of Transient Processes in the Outer Magnetosphere, Program Book, Warsaw, 2000, p.146


Stepanova M., Luizar O., Bosqued J., Antonova E., Kovrazhkin R., Morphology of high latitude auroral precipitations obtained by the AUREOL-3 satellite , Program Book, Warsaw, 2000, p.146


Vaisberg O., Avanov L., Smirnov V., Borodkova N., Waite J., Burch J., Two basic types of LLBL, Program Book, Warsaw, 2000, p.145


Verigin M., Kotova G., Remizov A., Szego K., Tatrallyay M., Slavin J., Rosenbauer H., Livi S., Riedler W., Schwingenschuh K., Zhang T., Evidence of the influence of equatorial martian crustal magnetization on the position of the planetary magnetotail boundary by Phobos 2 data,

Program Book, Warsaw, 2000, p.106, 136.


Verigin M., G. Kotova, J. Slavin, A. Szabo, M. Kessel, J. Safrankova, Z. Nemecek, T. Gombosi, K. Kabin, F. Shugaev, and A. Kalinchenko, Analysis of the 3-D shape of thy terrestrial bow shock by Interball/Magion 4 observations, Program Book, Warsaw, 2000, p.106, 136.


Yermolaev Y., Zastenker G., Borodkova N., Kovrazhkin R., Nikolaeva N., Nozdrachev M., Savin S., Skalsky A., Zelenyi L., Sauvaud J., Magnetosphere response to the solar wind events: INTERBALL multi-satellite observations, Program Book, Warsaw, 2000.

Yermolaev Y., Petrukovich A., Zelenyi L., INTERBALL statistic study of ion flow fluctuations in the plasma sheet, Program Book, Warsaw, 2000, p.147.

Zelenyi L., Peroomian V., Ashour Abdalla M., Imprints of small-scale nonadiabatic particle dynamics on large-scale properties of dynamical magnetotail equilibrium, Program Book, Warsaw, 2000, p.145.

Доклады на международной конференции:

The first International Conference on Substorms-5, St.Peterburg, Russia, 16-20 May, 2000.


Antonova E., Ovchinnikov I., Yermolaev Yu., The coefficient of the diffusion in the plasma sheet during substorm: INTERBALL/Tail observations, Book of Abstracts, p.79.

Antonova E., Kropotkin A., Lutsenko V., Pissarenko N., Dynamics of the dayside cusp particle population, Book of Abstracts, p. 212.

Borodkova N. L., L.M.Zelenyi V.N. Lutsenko, A.O. Fedorov, A.G.. Yahnin V.V., Klimenko J. Manninen, R. Manninen, T. Mukai, R.H.W. Friedel, J.-A. Sauvaud, Multi-point substorm observations of the outer plasma sheet dynamics on November 13, 1996., Book of Abstracts, p. 31.

Buzulukova N., Electromagnetics of substorm onset in the near-geosynchronous plasma sheet, Book of Abstracts, p.142.

Chugunin D., Dubouloz N., Feeding of magnetosphere by ionospheric ions in above nightside polar cap observed from INTERBALL-2, Book of Abstracts, p.166.

Fedorov A., Budnik E., Lundin R., Sauvaud J., Study of the experimental evidences of LLBL-driven substorm, Book of Abstracts, p.35.

Galperin Yu., An onset development according to the "Mimimum-B" concept: further analysis, Book of Abstracts, p.121.

Grigorenko E., Fedorov A., Zelenyi L., INTERBALL-1 studies of the formation of high velocity ion beams in the plasmasheet boundary layer, Book of Abstracts, p.206.

Jacquey C., Sauvaud J., Mazelle C., Rouquette S., Popescu D., Angelopoulos V., Mozer F., Lin R., Lui A., Sibeck D., Anderson R., Nagai T., Klimov S., LeppingR., Slavin J.,MukaiT., Tsuruda K., Reeves G., Lardge scale dynamics of the magnetotail during substorm expansion, Book of Abstracts, p.32.


Lutsenko V.N.,T.V. Grechko, K. Kudela, INTERBALL-2 and -1 observation of energy dispersion events in auroral zone for 30-500 Kev ion and electrons, Book of Abstracts, p. 519-522.

Malova H., Zelenyi L., Structure of non-adiabatic current sheets: role of the trapped population and phase mixing, Book of Abstracts, p.65.


Peroomain V., Ashour-Abdalla M., Zelenyi L., Petrukovich A., Intrinsic self-adjustment and variability of the magnetotail, Book of Abstracts, p.51, Proceedings, 121-126.


Petrukovich A., Substorm growth phase: comparison of small and lardge substorms, Book of Abstracts, p.10.

Petrukovich A., Kallio E., Pulkkinen T., Koskinen H., Solar wind energy input and magnetospheric substorm activity compared, Book of Abstracts,p. 34, Proceedings , p. 67-70.


Sarafopoulos D.V., Sidiropoulos, N.F., Sarris, E.T., Lutsenko, V., Kudela, K., The Down-Dusk Plasma Sheet Asymmetry of Energetic Particles and its Dependence upon Substorm Phases, Book of Abstracts, p.214.

Sitnov M., Zelenyi L., Malova H., Sharma A., Distinctive feature of forced current sheets, Book of Abstracts, p.64.

Stepanov V., Galperin Y., Petrukovich A., Shuiskaya F., Kuzmin A., High latitude particle signatures and their relation to substorms: INTERBALL-2 observations, Book of Abstracts, p.99.

Stepanova M., Luizar O., Antonova E., Bosqued J., Kovrazhkin R., Asymmetry of the auroral inverted V structures and substorm expansion phase onset, Book of Abstracts, p.120.

Titova E., Yahnin A., Jiricek F., Smilauer J., Rauch J., Mogilevsky M., Smith R., Liou K., Meng C., Frank L., Interball-2 auroral hiss observations in the polar cap and substorm aurora dynamics, Book of Abstracts, p.188.

Vaisberg O., Smirnov V., Avanov L., Borodkova N., Fast flow and ion beams in the plasma sheet, Book of Abstracts, p. 82.


Verkhoglyadova O.P., K. Kudela, V.N. Lutsenko, S.A. Romanov, M. Slivka, Yu.I. Yermolaev, Study of Ion Flux Tubes in the Middle Magnetotail with INTERBALL-1 Probe, Book of Abstracts, p.81, 213.

Verkhoglyadova O.P., K. Kudela, V.N. Lutsenko, S.A. Romanov, M. Slivka, Using Magnetotail Variability in Plasma Regime Identification,

Book of Abstracts, published in ESA, p.599-622.

Yermolaev Yu., Zastenker G., Borodkova N., Kovrazhkin R., Nikolaeva N., Nozdrachev M., Savin S., Skalsky A., Zelenyi L., Sauvaud J., INTERBALL multi-satellite observations of magnetosphere response to the solar wind events, Book of Abstracts, p.14.

Zelenyi L., Milovanov A., Zimbardo G., Vetri P., Topological model for the magnetospheric substorm onset: structure catastrophe of the self-organized critical state, Book of Abstracts, p. 77.

Zimbardo G., Greco A., Veltri P., Taktakishvili A., Milovanov A., Zelenyi L., Ion dynamics in the pre-substorm phase: influence of magnetic turbulence and of the normal component of the magnetic field, Book of Abstracts, p.66.

Доклады на международной конференции:

International Conference on Problems of Geocosmos, 22-26 May, 2000, St.Petyerburg, Russia.


Dalin P., Zastenker G., Nozdrachev M., Veselovsky I., , The properties and possible origins of the large and abrupt impulses in the solar wind, Book of Abstracts, p.26.

Zaitzev A., Dalin P., Zastenker G., The sharp variations of solar wind parameters and their consistence with geomagnetic field changes, Book of Abstracts, p 35.

Доклады на международной конференции:

9th Annual Conference of Doctoral Students, WDS'00, Physics of plasma and ionized media, Charles University, Prague, Faculty of mathematics and physics , 13-16 June, 2000.


Morozova E., Mogilevsky M., Hanasz J., Modeling of radiowave polarization measurements onboard Interball-2 satellite (POLRAD experiment), Proceeding of contributed papers, part 2, p.187.

Shevyrev N., Zastenker G., Safrankova J., Nemecek Z., Pisoft P., Statistical study of the fast ion flux variations in the magnetosheath and solar wind, Proceeding of contributed papers, part 2, p. 208.

Yermolaev Yu., Petrukovich A., Structure and dynamics of the Earth's plasma sheet: The INTERBALL observations, Proceeding of contributed papers, part 2, p.203-207.

Доклады на международной конференции :

International Symposium "From solar corona through interplanetary space, into Earth's magnetosphere and ionosphere: Interball, ISTP satellites, and ground-based observatins, february 1-4, 2000, Kyiv, Ukraine.


Antonova E.E., E. Yu. Budnik, V.N. Lutsenko, N.F. Pissarenko, Plasma Pressure in the Magnetosphere and the Space Weather Problem,

Proceedings, p. 323.


Antonova E., Ovchinnikov I., Yermolaev Yu., The diffusion coeffisient in the plasma sheet obtained on the basis of Interball/Tail observations: a case study, Proceedings, p. 19.

Barabanov N., Bezrukih V., Ivchenko V., Venedictov Y., Yampolsky Y., Complex of instrumentation "Alfa-3" for research ionic components of cold plasma in the Earth's magnetosphere on board Interball satellites, Proceedings, p.74.

Buzulukova N., Kovrazhkin R., Sauvaud J., Galperin Y., Ion spectral gaps in different local time sectors modelled using global steady convection models, Proceedings, p.103.

Dalin P.A., A.V. Dmitriev, Yu.V. Orlov, K. Paularena, J.D. , Richardson, M.O. Ryazantseva, G.N. Zastenker, Multifactor analysis of factors controlling the solar wind correlations with the use of artificial neural network technique, Proceedings, p. 245-248.

Dalin P.A., G.N. Zastenker, K.I. Paularena, J.D. Richardson, Estimation of solar wind plasma correlation length using multipoint measurements, Proceedings, p. 249-252.


Eiges P., G. Zastenker, M. Nozdrachev, N. Rybyeva, J. Safrankova, Z. Nemecek, Multipoint observations of small-scale solar wind structures in the Earth's foreshock region, Proceedings, p. 253-256.


Galperin Y., Zelenyi L., Veselov M., Silin I., Buchner J., Kunitsin V., Nikutowski B., Wiegelmann T., Vasyliunas V.,Woch J., Current state and development of the Roy project, Proceedings, p.3.

Hanasz J., De Feraudy H., Schreiber R., Mogilevsky M., Periodic pulsations of the auroral kilometric radiation, Proceedings, p.116.

Khalipov V., Galperin Yu., Alexeev V., Afonin V., Akentieva O., Ievenko I., Stepanov A., Stable auroral red arcs and polarization jet : case study and statistical comparison, Proceedings, p.145.

Klimov S., Grushin V., Lissakov Y., Nozdrachev M., Petrukovich A., Belyaev A., Grigoryan O., Schwingenschuh K., Auster H., Fornakon K., Korepanov V., Afanasiev Y., Interball-1 and Mir Orbital Station coordinated magnetic field measurement, Proceedings, p.71-73.

Klimov,S.I., Yu.V.Lissakov, V.A.Grushin, O.V.Lapshinova, B.A.Mednikov, N.M.Pushkin, A.S.Mashkov. Spacecraft potential - integral parameter of "Space Weather". Proceedings, p.335-338 .

Korepanov V., Lizunov G., Alleyne H., Balikhin M., Blecky J., Dudkin F., Fedorov A., Ivchenko V., Juchniewicz J., Klimov S., Krasnoselskikh V., Lefeuvre F., Project "Variant" : investigation of the lithosphere-atmosphere ionosphere-magnetosphere coupling, Proceedings, p.8-10.

Korepanov V., Klimov S., Interball magnetometers - operation peculiarities and experience for new developments, Proceedings, p.75-76.

Kovrazhkin R., Sauvaud J., Vladimirova G., Glazunov A., Velocity-dispersed ion structures at the poleward edge of auroral zone, Proceedings, p.39.

Kotova G., V. Bezrukikh, M. Verigin, L. Lezhen, Yu. Venediktov, V. Ivchenko, Interball 1/Alpha 3 Observations of thermal plasma in the dusk side plasmaphere, Proceedings, p. 305 - 308.


Kudela K., M. Slivka, J. Stetiarova, M. Ciobanu, V. Lutsenko, E.T. Sarris, Angular Distributions of High Energy Electrons on Magion 5,

Proceedings, p.81.


Lutsenko V., Energetic Particles in the Magnetotail: Acceleration by the Inductive and Potential Electric Fields, Proceedings, p. 39.


Lutsenko V.N., Nikolaeva N.S., K. Kudela, Observation of Magnetospheric Protons from the Magnetosheath: New Method of the Magnetopause Distant Sounding, Proceedings, p. 210.


Morozova E., Mogilevsky M., Hanasz J., Modeling of radiowave polarisation measurements onboard Interball-2 satellite (Polrad experiment), Proceedings, p.165.

Nikolaeva N.S., G.N. Zastenker, N.L. Borodkova, S.I. Romanov, T. Mukai, S. Kokubun, Observations of near simultaneous crossings of magnetosphere boundaries by INTERBALL-1 and GEOTAIL satellites, Proceedings, p. 221-224.

Nikolaeva N.S., G.N. Zastenker, V.I. Prokhorenko, N.L. Borodkova, Experimental comparison of the measured magnetopause positions with model predictions used for the scientific instrument's control on INTERBALL-1 satellite, Proc., p. 385-386.


Petrukovich A.A., G.N. Zastenker, S.I. Klimov, A. Lazarus, R.P.Lepping, The scheme of space weather forecast with the use of real-time solar wind measurments, Proceedings , p. 345-348.


Pissarenko N.F., E.E. Antonova, V.N. Lutsenko, E. Yu. Budnik, I.P. Kirpichev, Forms of Plasma Sheet-Ring Current Particle Energy Spectra and the Relaxation Processes in High Latitude Magnetosphere on the Base of Interball Tail Probe Measurements, Proceedings, p. 40.

Romanov V., S.Savin, S.Romanov, S.Klimov, J.Blecki, V.E.Korepanov, V.N.Ivchenko, M.Parrot, J.-L.Rauch. Turbulent boundary layer statistics from Interball-1 data, Proceedings , p.225-227 .

Romanov S., S.Klimov, S.Savin, Y.Yermolaev, V.Romanov, N.Borodkova, O.Verkhogladova, J.Juchniewicz. Vortex plasma flows around the magnetosphere. Proceedings of International Symposium For solar corona through interplanetary space, into Earth's magnetosphere and ionosphere: Interball, ISTP satellites, and ground-based observations, Proceedings , p.280.


Savin S., A.Skalsky, S.Romanov, E.Budnik, N.Borodkova, L.Zelenyi, S.Klimov, Y.Yermolaev, V.Romanov, J.Blecki, J.A.Sauvaud, V.E.Korepanov, V.N.Ivchenko, J.-L.Rauch. Proceedings of International Symposium For solar corona through interplanetary space, into Earth's magnetosphere and ionosphere: Interball, ISTP satellites, and ground-based observations, Proceedings , p.229-232 .

Taktakishvili A., Veltri P., Greco A., Zimbardo G., Zelenyi L., Effect of magnetic turbulence on the ion dynamics in the magnetotail, Proceedings, p.45.

Verigin M., G. Kotova, A. Remizov, V. Bezrukikh, O. Plokhova, J. Slavin, A. Szabo, M. Kessel, J. Safrankova, Z. Nemecek, T. Gombosi, K. Kabin, F. Shugaev, and A. Kalinchenko, Proceedings , p. 289 - 293.


Verkhoglyadova O.P., Kudela K., Lutsenko V.N., Romanov S., Yermolaev Y., Slivka M., Study of Ion Flux Anisotropy in the Middle Tail, Proceedings, p. 49.


Vojta J., Zhuk S., Baturkin V., Agafonov Y., Magion 4, 5 - satellite' thermal control design and flight thermal behaviour in space operation, Proceedings, p.83.

Yahnin A.G., V.A. Sergeev, T. Bosinger, I.A. Kornilov, T.I. Sergienko, N.L. Borodkova, M.M. Tomsen,V.N.Lutsenko, A.A. Skalsky, J.-A. Sauvaud, Multi-Satellite and Ground Observations of Pseudobreakups, Proceedings, p.53.


Yermolaev Y., Petrukovich A., Zelenyi L., Ion flow fluctuations in the plasma sheet, Proceedings, p.55-57.

Yermolaev Y., Ion gap locations: Interball/Tail observations, Proceedings, p.58.

Zelenyi L., Trakhtengertz V., Mogilevsky M., Demekhov A., Arykov A., Titova E., Yahnin A., Study of wave-particle interactions and plasma dynamics in the inner magnetosphere: "Resonance" project, Proceedings, p.11.

Zelenyi L., Petrukovich A., Pulkkinen T., Sharma A., Malova H., Thin current sheets in the quasi-adiabatic model and observations, Proceedings, p.61-64.


Доклады на международной конференции:

Space Storm and Space Weather Hazards, Crete, Greece, 19-29 June 2000.


Antonova E., Budnik E., Lutsenko V., Pissarenko N., Space weather prediction problem and the distribution of the plasma pressure in the magnetosphere , Programme and Abstracts Book, p.76.

Dalin P., Zastenker G., Paularena K., Richardson J., The main feature of solar wind plasma correlations of importance to space weather strategy, Programme and Abstracts Book, p. 52.

Galperin Y., Magnetospheric plasma dynamics during magnetic storms , Programme and Abstracts Book, p.14.

Khalipov V., Galperin Y., Afonin V., Ievenko I., Alexeev V., Stepanov A., Polarisation jet (SAID) and weak SAR arc as storm/substorm expansion phase phenomena at subauroral latitudes, Programme and Abstracts Book, p.59.

Pissarenko N., Lutsenko V., Kirpichev I., Antonova E., Energetic particles disrtibutions in the radiation belts (INTERBALL - TAIL Probe Data) and space weather problem, Programme and Abstracts Book, p.90.

Riazantseva M., Dalin P., Dmitriev A., Orlov Y., Paularena K., Richardson D., Zastenker G., A multifactor analysis of the parameters controlling the solar wind correlations, based on an artificial neural network technique, Programme and Abstracts Book, p.66.

Stepanov V., Petrukovich A., The IKI WWW site for space weather monitoring, Programme and Abstracts Book, p.92.

Taktakishvili A., Zelenyi L., Lutsenko V., Energetic particle spectra in the plasma sheet as evidence of multiple exposive-line reconnection: INTERBALL observations and theory, Programme and Abstracts Book, p.71.

Zelenyi L., Milovanov A., Zimbardo G., Veltri P., Tractal and nonadiabatic models of the current sheet in collisionless plasma , Programme and Abstracts Book, p. 36.


Доклады на международной конференции:

Intercomparative magnetosheath studies, September 4-8 2000, Antalya, Turkiye.



Blesky J., Wronowski R., Kossacki K., Triska P., Smilauer J., Nemecek Z., Safrankova J., Kudela K., Savin S., Romanov V., Sauvaud J., Plasma waves observed at the boundary between cusp and magnetosheath, Scientific Programme and Abstract Book, p. 13.

Kudela K., Slivka M., Lutsenko V., Energetic ions and electrons in magnetosheath: Interball-1 overview, Scientific Programme and Abstract Book, p.25.

Nemecek Z., Safrankova J., Zastenker G., Pisoft P., Dusik S., Paularena K., Richardson, The magnetosphere asymmetry from Interball-1 magnetosheath observatioтs, Scientific Programme and Abstract Book, p.29.

Verigin M., G. Kotova, J. Slavin, A.Szabo, T. Gombosi, K. Kabin, Magnetosheath-interplanetary medium reference frame for magnetosheath plasma studies, Intercomparative magnetosheath studies, Scientific Programme and Abstract Book, p.23.


Zastenker G., Nozdrachev M., Safrankova J., Nemecek K., Paularena K., Richardson J., Lepping R., Mukai T., Kokubun S., Multi-spacecraft measurements of the motion of plasma and magnetic field structures in the magnetosheath, Scientific Programme and Abstract Book, p.44.

Доклады на международной конференции:

Physics of space: growth points and problems, 10-14 January 2000, oservatory Paris-Meudon.


Batanov O., Mogilevsky M., Nazarov V., Parrot M., Penson J., Determination of earthquake signature on the base of satellite Demeter data by artificial intelligence system, Program and Abstracts for conference, p.95.

Dalin P., Zastenker G., Paularena K., Richardson D., What feature become clear by simultaneous multi-spacecraft observations of solar wind and IMF structures, Program and Abstracts for conference, p.90.

Доклады на международной конференции

Солнце в максимуме активности и солнечно-звездные аналогии , 17-22 сентября 2000 г., Санкт- Петербург , Россия.


Dalin P., ZastenkerG., Veselovsky I., Nozdrachev M., Structure and dynamics of the large impulses in the solar wind, Сборник тезисов докладов, p.251.


Доклады на международной конференции:

European Geophysical Society XXV General Assenbly, Millenium Conference on Earth, Planetary and Solar System Sciences, Nice, France, 25-29 April 2000.


Alexeev V.N. Afonin V., Akentieva O., Galperin Y., Khфlipov V., Ievenko I., Smilauer J., Stepanov A., Simultaneous ground-based observations of bright SAS-ARC events and plasma measurements from INTERBALL 2 , AKTIVNY and APEX satellites above the eastern Siberia, Programme, p.210.

Antonova E., Oмchinnikov I., Yermolaev Y., Predictions and Interball observations of magnetotail turbulence, Programme, p.233.

Bezrukikh V., Verigin M., Kotova G., Lezhen L., Venediktov Y., Ivchenko V., Dynamics of proton distribution inside the plasmasphere during geomagnetic storms, Programme, p.211

Borodkova N., Sibeck D., Romanov S., Sauvaud J., Statistical study of magnetopause and it's boundary layers with INTERBALL-1 observations, Programme, p.238, 238


Buechner J., Galperin Y., Kunitsyn V., Nikutowski B., Silin I., Veselov M., Zelenyi L., Development of tomographic experiment for ROY space project, Programme, p.

Burinskaya T., Mogilevsky M., Rusanov A., Small scale electrostatic wave activity in the polar cap, Programme, p.232.

Fedorov A., Budnik E., Grigoriev A., Skalsky A., Dubinin E., Sauvaud J., Exterior cusp structure by INTERBALL-Tail observations. An attempt to create regular pattern under very irregular solar wind conditions, Programme, p.236.

Fedorov A., Budnik E., Delcourt D., Kirpichev I., Lutsenko V., Sauvaud J., Skalsky A., Quasi-trapped and precipitated ions in the 10-50 keV energy range inside and in the vicinity of polar cusp region. Feature and sources, Programme, p.237, 238.

Fedorov A., Budnik E., Sauvaud J., Nemecek Z., Safrankova J., Interconnection of exterior cusp and LLBL INTERBALL -Tail observations, Programme, p.237.

Galeev A., Sadovsky A., Nonresonant wave-particle interaction due to the ion weibel instability in the Earth neutral sheet and current disruption problem, Programme, p.239.

Golbraikh E., Galperin Y., On atmospheric "Frank holes" generation in dayglow, Programme, p. 209.

Greco A., Veltri P., Zinbardo G., Taktakishvili A., Milovanov A., Zelenyi L., Ion dynamics in the Earth's magnetotail: effects of the magnetic turbulence and of the normal component of the magnetic field, Programme, p.239.

Grigoriev A., Fedorov A., Budnik E., Nikolayeva N., Diamagnetic cavity in the exterior cusp region according to INTERBALL-TAIL satellite data, Programme, p.237, 238.

Koperski P., Sauvaud J., Romanov S., The Interball - Tail observations of the electrons and magnetic field near the onset/ intensification of selected substorms, Programme, p.210.

Koperski P., Sauvaud J., Romanov S., Changes of the electron spectral properties between the magnetosheath, the LLBL and the plasma sheet, Programme, p.237.


Lutsenko V., Grechko T., Kudela K., Interball-2 observations of velocity dispersion events in auroral zone for 30-500 keV ions and electrons, Programme, p.211.

Lutsenko V., Nikolaeva N., Kudela K., observation of magnetospheric protons from the magnetosheath: new method of distant magnetopause sounding, Programme, p.237.

Malova H., Zelenyi L., Sitnov M., Sharma A., The role of trapped population in the structure of the thin quasiadiabatic current sheets, Programme, p.240.

Mogilevsky M., Romantsova T., Rusanov A., Kovrazhkin R., Perraut S., Malingre M., Dubouloz N., Sauvaud J., Lefuevre F., Rauch J., Jiricek F., Triska P., Small scale electromagnetic structures near the poleward boundary of the auroral region, Programme, p.211.

Nemesek Z., Safrankova J., Zastenker G., Pisoft P., Statistics of the ion flux in the flank magnetosheath (Solicited Paper) , Programme, p.237.

Pissarenko N., Fritz T., Savin S., Kirpichev I., Lutsenko V., Budnik E., Skalsky A., Romanov V., Chen J., Finkemeyer B., Sandahl I., Energetic particle and northen cusp structure from " Interball-Tail Probe" and " Polar" data on March 14, 1996 and April 21, 1996, Programme, p.211.

Pissarenko N., Antonova E., Budnik E., Lutsenko V., Morozova E., Moszhukhina A., Interball tail probe energetic particles distribution and space weather problem, Programme, p.241.

Pulkkinen T., Petrukovich A., Zelenyi L., Malova H., Milovanov A., Sitnov M., Thin current sheets. Why do they exist and how to measure their fine structure? , Programme, p.210.

Roth M., De Keyser J., Darrouzet F., Vaisberg O., Rybjeva N., Smirnov V., Avanov L., Safrankova J., Nemecek Z., Transients at the flank magnetospheric boundary: Surface waves or isolated plasma blobs? , Programme, p.237.

Safrankova J., Nemecek Z., Borodkova N., Dusik S., Borak M., Karac M., Magnetopause and bow shock locations and their comparison with models, Programme, p.237, 238.

Salerno E., Buehler F., Bochsler P., Busemann H., Eugster O., Zastenker G., Eismont N., Measurement of noble-gas isotoric ration in the LISM by means of the foil collection technique, Programme, p.213.

Savin S., Buechner J., Nikutowski B., Maynard N., Wilson G., White W., Siscoe G., Kawano H., Sandahl I., Russel C., Safrankova J., Nemecek Z., Zelenyi L., Yermolaev Y., Romanov V., Multi point IACG Campaign 2 observations versus simulations of the plasma processes at magnetospheric boundaries, Programme, p.211.

Savin S., Romantsova T., Mogilevsky M., Klimov S., Romanov V., Skalsky A., Nozdrachev M., Romanov S., Lefeuvre F., Rauch J., Parrot M., Pickett J., Anderson R., Hanasz J., Blecki J., Gufstafsson G., Stasiewicz J., Russell C., Pedersen A., Triska P., Vojta J., Jiricek F., Perraut S., Magnetospheric boundary layers as the source of wave activity in the inner cusp/cleft, Programme, p.234.

Savin S., Zelenyi L., Romanov S., Skalsky A., Klimov S., Budnik E., Dubinin E., Yermolaev Y., Buchner J., Romanov S., Nikutowski B., Sandahl I., Pedersen A., Russell C., Maynard N., Pickett J., Scudder J., Safrankova J., Nemecek Z., Sauvaud J., Blecki J., Rauch J., Intermittent reconnection as a primary mechanism for the entry of the plasma into magnetosphere, Programme, p.236.

Sauvaud J., Stenuit H., Delcourt D., Fedorov A., Budnik E., Lepping R., Mukai T., Kokubun S., Brittnacher M., Borodkova N., Lin R., A statistical study of the outer boundary layers of the magnetosphere - Interball-Tail results, Programme, p.237, 238.

Skalsky A., Savin S., Song P., Kozyra J/. Dubinin E., Budnik E., Fedorov A., Romanov S., Romanov V., Borodkova N., Maynard N., Scudder J., Picket J., Russel C., Sauwaud J., Kawano H., Peterson W., Moore I., Solar wind /magnetosheath interaction in the cusp region: INTERBALL-POLAR joint study, Programme, p.237, 238.

Stenuit H., Sauvaud J., Delcourt D., Mukai T., Kokubun S., Frank L., Paterson W., Lepping R., Kovrazhkin R., Lin R., Impulsive magnetosheath ion injections at the polar edge of the auroral oval, Programme, p.237, 238


Vaisberg O., What LLBL structure tells on plasma entry into the magnetosphere? (Solicited Paper), Programme, p.237.

Verigin M., Kotova G., Slavin J., Szabo A., Kessel M., Safrankova J., Nemecek Z., Gombosi T., Kabin K., Shugaev F., Kalinichenko A., Interball/Magion 4 observations of the terrestrial bow shock: location and asymmetry, Programme, p.211.

Vovchenko V., Galperin Y., Chugunin D., Dubouloz N., A new low-energy velocity and pitch-angle dispersed cusp ion population: Measurements from INTERBALL-2 and modeling, Programme, p.238.

Yermolaev Y., Petrukovich A., Fluctuations of ion bulk velocity in the plasma sheet: Interball observations, Programme, p.210.

Yermolaev Y., Multicomponent ion distributions in the inner magnetosphere: INTERBALL/Tail Probe observations, Programme, p.212.

Yermolaev Y., Kovrazhkin R., Sauvaud J., Galperin Y., Buzulukova N., Vladimirova G., Two-point ion gap observations in the inner magnetosphere with INTERBALL Tail and Auroral Probe, Programme, p.211.

Yermolaev Y., Savin S., Nikolaeva N., Skalsky A., Yermolaeva I., Zelenyi L., Nemecek Z., Safrankova J., Sauvaud J., Two regimes of LLBL flows: the INTERBALL observations, Programme, p.238.

Zelenyi L., Milovanov A., Zimbardo G., Velrti P., Taktakishvili A., Self-organized marginal states in the magnetotail current sheet, Programme, p.239.

Доклады на международной конференции:

International conference devoted to the 60-th birthday of Academician Albert Galeev, Plasma processes in laboratory and space, Moscow October 19-20, 2000.


Antonova E., Ovchinnikov I., Yermolaev Y., Magnetospheric plasma sheet turbulence: The comparison of Interball/Tail probe observations with theoretical predictions, Scientific programme, p.5.


Ardelyan N., Bisnovatyi-Kogan G., Moiseenko S., Magnetorotation mechanism of explosion and jet formation, p. 2


Blecki J., Wronowski R., Triska P., Smilauer J., Nemecek Z., Safrankova J., Kudela K., Savin S., Romanov V., Romanov S., Sauvaud J., Waves observed in the polar cusp by satellites Interball 1 and Magion 4, p. 3 .


Chugunin D., Galperin Y., Dubouloz N., The polar wind flows measured on INTERBALL-2, p. 5.


Dalin P., Lazarus A., Zastenker G., Paularena K., Richardson J., The reliability of predictions of large solar wind disturbances by an upstream monitor, p. 5.


Eiges P., Zastenker G., Safrankova J., Nemecek Z., Statistical approach to foreshock middle scale structure "effective" velocity determination, p.6.


Galeev A., SadovskiA., Solar wind acceleration by the dissipation of Alfven waves , p. 1 .


Galperin Yu., Two types of subauroral red arcs, p 4.

Grigorenko E., Zelenyi L., Fedorov A., Manifestation of nonlinear resonant interactions in the current sheet INTERBALL-1 beamlet observations, p. 6.


Lutsenko V., Nikolaeva N., Kudela K., Observation of magnetospheric energetic ions from the mafnetosheath: new method of distant magnetopause sounding, p.5.


Mogilevsky M., Project RESONANCE: Study of wave-particle dynamics in the inner magnetosphere, p.5.


Sadovski A., Galeev A., Ion weibel instability in the Earth neutral sheet and current disruption problem, p.5.


Savin S., Skalsky A., Budnik E., Zelenyi L., Yermolaev Y., Romanov S., Song P., Maynard N., Russel C., Santolik O., Safrankova J., Nemecek Z., Pickett J., Kawano H., Amata E., Consolini G., Marcucci F., Buchner J., Nikutowski B., Sauvaud J., Blecki J., Rauch J., Disturbed magnetosheath over high latitude magnetopause, p.6.


Szego K, M.I. Verigin, Possible effects of the crustal magnetization of Mars on its magnetosphere, Plasma processes in laboratory and space p. 4.


Vaisberg O., Two types of LLBL, p. 4.


Verigin M. I., Effects of mass-loading and forced reconnection observed by Vega 1,2 spacecraft at Halley's comet, Plasma processes in laboratory and space , p. 5.


Verkhogladova O., Agapitov A., IvchenkoV., Kudela K., Romanov S., Slivka M., Properties of vortex tubes revealed in Interball-1 measurements. p.5.


Zastenker G., Eiges P., Plasma variations in the foreshock by INTERBALL data, p.3 .

Zelenyi L., Peroomain V., Ashour-Abdalla M., Self-organization of magnetotail configuration, p. 3 .

Zelenyi L., Malova H., Sharma A., Popov V., Bikov A., Coupling of the large-scale current sheet spatial structure to the fine structure of the phase space, p.5.



Доклады на международной конференции:

Progress in electromagmnetics research symposium, PIERS-2000, July 5-14, Cambridge, Ma, USA.


Klimov S.I., A.A.Petrukovich, O.A.Pokhotelov, Electromagnetic observations before upcoming disasters. Observational facts and analytical models for fact extractions, Proceedings, p.900, 2000.


Доклады на международной конференции:

Четвертая международная научно-практическая конференция 'Пилотируемые полеты в космос' 21-22 марта 2000 г. Звездный городок, Московская область, Российская Федерация.


Беляев А.А., Е.А.Грачев, О.Р.Григорян, С.И.Климов, С.В.Авдеев, С.Б.Рябуха, Г.И.Падалка. Аппаратура 'СПРУТ-VI' на борту ОК 'МИР', с.122-124, 2000.



Доклады на международной конференции:

The first S-RAMP conference, Sapporo, Japan, October 2-6, 2000.


Klimov, S.I., Grushin V.A., Dobrovolskiy I.A., Lissakov YU.V., Nozdrachev M.N., Petrukovich A.A., Romanov S.A., Savin, S.P., Skalsky A.A., Grigoryan O.R., Grachev E.A., Lapshinova O.V., Markov A.V., Mednikov B.A., Ryabuhina, S.B., Tchurilo I.V., Dudkin F.L., Korepanov V.E., Berghofer G., Magnes W., Riedler W., Schwingenschuh K., Auster H.U., Fornakon K.-H., Taylor W.W.L., Pine W.E., Antropov N.N., Mashkov A.S., Pushkin N.M. Investigation of the electron and plasma beams interaction with the ionosphere: the experiment onboard the MIR station. Abstracts p.405, 2000.



Доклады на международной конференции:

Seismo-Electromagnetics, Chofu, Japan, September 2000.


Galperin Yu.I., Alfven wave launched to the magnetosphere by an electric discharge in mesosphere.



Доклады на международной конференции:

International Workshop on Seismo Electromagnetics, 2000 of NASDA, Sept. 19-22 ,Tokyo, Japan,


Afonin V., Akentieva O., Molchanov O., Hayakawa M.. Statistical Study of Equatorial Anomaly from High Apogee Satellite APEX and Low-latitude Satellite COSMOS-900, , Programme and Abstracts, p.46.

Molchanov O., M. Hayakawa. V. Afonin, O. Akentieva, E. Mareev, and V. Trakhtengerts, Possible Influence of Seismicity through Gravity Waves on Ionospheric Equatorial Anomaly from Data of IK-24 Satellite, International Workshop on Seismo Electromagnetics, 2000 of NASDA, Sept. 19-22, Programme and Abstracts, Tokyo, Japan, p.41.