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Дата изменения: Mon Feb 19 19:12:35 2007
Дата индексирования: Tue Oct 2 09:28:32 2012
Distributed system for water quality monitoring using remote-sensing data

Shel estov A., Kravc henko A., Kussul N. Space Res earc h Institute of Ukraine, Kiev

Mos c ow 2006

W ater Quality Service

Goal: continuous monit oring of bio-optic al properties of water mass in Dnieper estuar y Tool: ocean c olor analysis
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The "health" of wat er Level of biologic al activit y Monitoring harmful algae Monitoring phytoplankton levels Developing total maximum daily loads

Applic ations

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W ater qualit y ass essment problem is consider ed as one of the highest priority application within European global monit oring GMES initiative W ater monitoring is included in the work plan of internation al grou p on Earth Obser vation (GEO) f or 2007-2009 period
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WA-07-P2 (Global W ater Quality Monitoring) WA-07-P3 (Satellite W ater Measurements)

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Case Study Area

Test area: view f rom MODIS, 250m red ban d Kherson St at e Hydr obiology St ation

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Rem ote Sensing Data

Provide "s ynoptic view" of proc ess es instead of point data s ources Usually the only source of dat a Depen dence on weather c onditions (optic al) Multispectral c apabilities in optical r ange are required due t o com plex pr ocess of atmos pheric c orrection (only 10% of light at sensor c omes f rom ocean) Use optic al data f rom MODIS sensor
36 spectral bands in 0.4µ-14µ 250m-1km spatial res olution, 1-2 images/day at 20 m0i6ddle altitudes

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Service's Dataflow

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SeaDAS Package

Seadas (SeaW iFS Data Analysis System)

Developed in NASA GSFC http://oceancolor.gs fc.nasa.gov/s eadas/ L1A to L1B processing, L2 product generation, L3 binning Thematic process ing (msl12)

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Chlorophyll concentration, SST, SST4, ... Originally developed for SeaWiFS data 8 bands 1.1 km spatial resolution at nadir

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m sl12 ­ Ancillar y Data

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Climatolog y (default) Near real time data

Wind (10m), pressure at MSL, Precipitable water Every 6 hours, between ­ simple interpolation global NCEP 1deg grid (not enough in coastal regions)


EP TOMS, TOAST from satellite data, climat ology, NOAA OISST

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SeaDAS Product: Chlorophyll Concentr ation

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SeaDAS Product: Sea Surface Tem perature

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Num erical W eather Prediction

Provides prediction of 4-d space-time distribution of main atmos pheric par amet ers W eather Research&Forec astin g model
mesoscale/limited area NW P model Finer resolution (compared to global circulation models) Require forecast frames from global models for boundary c onditions Parametrization support Variational Dat a Assimilation support Support for distributed memory cluster arch.
Mos c ow 2006

Current W RF Configuration

Conf igured f or territor y of Ukraine Input & boundary c ondition f rom GFS 3 day f orec asts ever y 6 hours 10 km horizontal grid, 200x200 gridpoints 31 vertic al levels One run takes 3.5 hours on 2 x2 Opt eron s yst em

Mos c ow 2006

W RF Configuration for Dnieper Estuary

Mesosc ale NW P models c apable t o run with 1km horizont al res olution Using nest ed grids Domains: 10 x10km, 3.3km, 1.1km All domains 200x200 grid points approx. 3 x com p. time increas e
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In-situ Data

Tem per ature pr of iles, chloroph yll concentration, species biodiversit y

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Technolog y: Grid

To tak e user away from details of distributed High Performanc e Computing resources Grid system designed to integrate res ources of different administration domains How: introducing of wid e set of standard interop erabilit y protoc ols

Globus Toolkit v4 - Grid middleware, Karajan workf low description langu age, Torqu e - loc al cluster scheduler OpenMPI & Scaly - MPI stan dar d implem entations, Gan glia - monitoring t ool
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Current Infrastructure

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Development cluster

W RF on Grid (1)

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W RF on Grid (2)

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Data Presentation

Open G eos patial Consortium (OGC) standards f or data pres entation (www.opengeos patial. org)
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vector and raster geospatial dat a HTTP bas ed transfer, HTTP/GET paramet er passing Visualization

Main standards
WMS (Web Map Servic e), SLD (Style Layer Descriptors), WMC (Web Map Context) WFS (Web Feature Service), WCS (Web Coverage Ser vic e)


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OGC Im plem entations

Commercial (ArcIMS, IONIC RedSpider) Open Source (UMN MapServer, GeoSer ver) Using open source UMN MapSer ver sof tware
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CGI application (simple user interfac e, OGC interfac es) as library

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Visualization: W RF Forecasts

http://dos.ik d.kiev.ua/? option=com_wrf

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Future Plans

Complet e validation Tune s ystem par amet ers Add dat a assimilation of sat ellit e dat a in meteorologic al model Include ecologic al water model support

Casc ade of models: weather, hydrolog y, hydrod ynamic

Mos c ow 2006

Thank You!

Mos c ow 2006