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Дата изменения: Mon Feb 16 19:40:13 2015
Дата индексирования: Sun Apr 10 04:14:48 2016

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Main results of the experimental and theoretical research completed in 2014 1. Discovery of Cobalt-56 gamma-ray lines from a type Ia supernova (SN2014J) in M82. Astrophysicists fro m IKI and their colleagues from INTEGRAL team discovered gamma-rays fro m radioactive cobalt-56 decay fro m the type Ia supernova in nearby galaxy M82. Thermo nuclear burning of carbon and oxygen in the ultra-dense matter of White Dwarfs (densit y on the order 109 g/cm3) produces large amount of radioactive nickel-56. Subsequently nickel decays to cobalt-56 and then to stable iron-56. INTEGRAL o bservatory for the very first time found gamma-lines characteristic for the cobalt-56 decay. These result s provide an unambiguous proof of the theoretical concept of SNIa's as giant thermonuclear explosio ns of white dwarfs. Original paper: E.Churazov, R.Sunyaev, J.Isern, J.KnЖdlseder, P.Jean, F.Lebrun, N.Chugai, S.Grebenev, E.Bravo, S.Sazonov, M.Renaud, "56CO -ray emission lines fro m the type Ia supernova SN 2014J", Nature, 512, 406, 2014, http://dx.doi.o rg/10.1038/nature13672 Fig 1. Spectrum of t ype Ia SN2014J obtained by INTEGRAL, 50 to 100 days after the explosio n. Red and blue po ints show data from the two instruments SPI and ISGRI/IBIS respectively. The black curve shows a fiducial model o f the supernova spectrum for day 75 after the explo sion. The top row shows images obtained in three high-energy spectral bands by INTEGRAL. A gamma-ray source is clearly visible in all images at the (optical) posit ion of SN2014J.

2. Comprehensive study of high-energy processes in the Earth's atmosphere 1. Microsatellite "Chibis-M" was developed on the plat form originally designed at the Specia l Engineering Depart ment of Space Research Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences in 2011. Spacecraft was placed in orbit on 25 January 2012 under the auspices of the Russian Academy of Sciences and S.P. Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation "ENERGIA". The main goal of the "ChibisM" project is to study lightning pheno mena at the upper atmosphere of the Earth. The principal idea underling the scient ific payload of the "Chibis-M" design was the jo int observat ions o f the lightning emissio n at different parts of the electromagnetic spectrum. To realize this idea the fo llowing set of instruments was installed onboard: Radio Frequency Analyzer (RFA), UV and IR detectors (DUF), Roentgen and Gamma detector (RGD), Plasma Spectrum Analyzer (PSA) and Fast Optical Camera (FOC) [1]. Principal invest igators of the microsatellite are academicians L.M. Zelenyi and A.V. Gurevich. It was realized microsatellite launching scheme by means of the infrastructure of the Russian segment of the ISS (Fig. 1), supposed to be used for those in time schedule 2017-18g.g. To manage data downlink and missio n control tracking headquarters was organized on the basis o f the Space Research Institute of RAS. Tracking headquarters fully provided the co mplet ion o f the scient ific program o f the "Chibis-M" (25.12.2012-15.10.2014), as well as the downlink, storage and processing of scient ific data.


Fig .1. Ballist ic scheme of t he "Chibis-M" microsatellite. 2. For the first time it was conducted at altitudes of 250 - 500 km comprehensive studies o f ultravio let (UV) and infrared (IR) radiat ion, gamma rays, VHF and ELF / VLF radiat ion from thunderstorms [1, 4]. At this stage, a number of characterist ic pheno mena were studied. 3. According to the radio-frequency analyzer (range 26-48 MHz) it was noted two types of scenarios for the high-alt itude discharge [4-6]. A dist inct ive feature of the first scenario of "breakdown" are paired broadband pulses of the order of several microseconds, and the delay between pulses 6-120 microseconds. This study supports the hypothesis that the second pulse is a reflection o f the init ial source emissio n fro m the Earth's surface. This fact allows us to determine the height of the source (see Fig. 2) [6]. In some cases, this type of event accompanied by the IR and UV radiat ion. The most active areas on the Earth's surface are: Central America, the west coast of Africa and the Malay Archipelago.The second scenario of Fig. 2. Example of the first type of the VHF emission lightning activit y is the generation of broadband "no ise" detected by the "Chibis-M". with t ypical duration fro m some hundreds of microseconds to several milliseconds. Registration of "no ise" in most cases is accompanied by bursts of VHF of the first type. The amplitude spectrum of the "no ise" suggests a possible "clustering" emitters [5]. 4. It was created database of ionospheric electromagnet ic radiat ion range 0.01-40 kHz characterizing t he global t hunderstorm act ivit y and electromagnet ic parameters of space weather [1, 3].

Fig. 3. Example o f detected electromagnet ic structures of t he ionospheric Alfven resonator (frequency of about 0.5 Hz to ~ 5 Hz) excited by at mospheric thunderstorm activit y [2].


List of publications 1. .., .. , .. , .. , . -. , 2014, 52, 2, . 93­105. 2. Dudkin D., V. Pilipenko, V. Korepanov, S. Klimov, R. Holzworth. Electric field signatures of the IAR and Schumann resonance in the upper ionosphere detected by Chibis-M microsatellite. JournalofAtmosphericandSo lar-TerrestrialPhysics 117 (2014) 81­87. 3. Klimo v Stanislav, Csaba Ferencz, et al. First results of MWC SAS3 electromagnet ic wave experiment on board of the Chibis-M satellit e. Advances in Space Research 54 (2014) 1717­1731. 4. Dolgonosov Maxim, Lev Zelenyi, Vladimir Gotlib, Dmitry Vavilo v, Stanislav Klimo v, VHF emissio n fro m lightning discharges recorded by "Chibis-M" microsatellite. 40th COSPAR Scient ific Assembly 2014. Advances in Remote Sensing of the Middle and Upper Atmospheres and Ionosphere fro m the Ground and fro m Space, including Sounding Rockets and Mult i-instrument Studies (C0.2). 5. Dolgonosov Maxim, Lev Zelenyi, Vladimir Gotlib, Dmitry Vavilo v, Stanislav Klimo v, A.V. Gurevich, Observation of the compact intercloud discharges onboard of microsatellite Chibis-M, Proceedings of I nternational Symposium TEPA, 2013, Armenia. 6. M.S. Dolgonosov, V.M. Gotlib, V.A. Rakov and L.M. Zelenyi, VHF emission from lightning discharges recorded by "Chibis-M" microsatellite, Proceedings of Internat ional Conference on At mospheric E lectricit y, 2014, USA. 7. Vavilo v, D.I., Shklyar D.R. Ionospherically reflected proton whist lers // J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 119, doi:10.1002/2014JA020510, 2014. 8. .., .. , .. , .. , , «-» // 18- « . . ». , ., 2014 9. Dolgonosov M.S. , V.M. Gotlib, V.A. Rakov, L.M. Zelenyi VHF emissio n fro m lightning discharges recorded by "Chibis-M" microsatellit e // Proceedings of XV International Conference on At mospheric E lectricit y, 15-20 June 2014, Norman, Oklaho ma, U.S.A. 10. , .., .. , .. , .. , .. , .. , .. , .. , .. , .. , .. , .. , .. , .. , .. , .. , .. , .. ... " : " // IV , 2014. . 24­33.