Äîêóìåíò âçÿò èç êýøà ïîèñêîâîé ìàøèíû. Àäðåñ îðèãèíàëüíîãî äîêóìåíòà : http://www.atnf.csiro.au/whats_on/workshops/comp2005/feedback.html
Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Fri Apr 8 09:39:55 2016
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Sun Apr 10 07:46:09 2016

Ïîèñêîâûå ñëîâà: annular solar eclipse
Simulations Workshop Feedback Form

Feedback on Simulations Workshop

1. Please indicate your current status: á  student á  á  post-doc á  á  staff

2. How helpful was the workshop to your current research?

Very helpful á  5 á  á  4 á  á  3 á  á  2 á  á  1 á  Not helpful

3. How helpful was the workshop to your overall knowledge?

Very helpful á  5 á  á  4 á  á  3 á  á  2 á  á  1 á  Not helpful

4. Please rate the overall quality of the lectures:

Excellent á  5 á  á  4 á  á  3 á  á  2 á  á  1 á  Poor

5. Please rate the overall quality of the tutorials:

Excellent á  5 á  á  4 á  á  3 á  á  2 á  á  1 á  Poor

6. If there are particular lecturers you were impressed by and would like to see more talks from, please indicate here:

7. Please rank the following priorities for future workshop organisers (1=highest priority):

Get top quality presenters from around the world
Strike a balance between observation and theory
Choose topics that reflect Australian areas of expertise
Provide financial support for student attendance
Emphasise interactive activities rather than lectures

8. Any additional comments:

á á á á 
Return to workshop home page.